I'm a school student. What is a schoolboy's electronic device? How to get to the school electronic card for the schoolchildren? Student's e-book - my page: login. Finding your login and password to enter the Electronic Schodenik

Recently, the educational sector in Russia introduced a system of electronic verification of student success, which created a wide range of students and students. The electronic magazine PDU and school student, available on the State Services portal, allow you to quickly find out online about students’ grades and check the eligibility for students. Varto report on the peculiarities of the vikoristan of electronic schodennik on the website of the State Service.

What is an electronic item on the State Service portal?

The student's electronic schoolbook is an online service on the State Service website, which displays data on the success of skin-related education. Here you can look at not only the grades, but also the lesson restarts, as well as the comments of the teachers before the grades. To more accurately formulate statements about the situation, data is obtained about the child’s behavior over the past week. Fathers can access the account for their children, and can also sign them for an additional electronic signature.

What is the electronic magazine on the Derzhposlug portal?

An electronic journal is being created for every class, which can be accessed not only by fathers and scientists, but also by all readers, everyday objects, the best ceramicist and the director of lighting installations. In the electronic journal, depositors can post the following items:

  • give grades for lessons and comment on them;
  • This means children skipping classes;
  • do household chores;
  • work for the fathers and students;
  • to conduct lists with these and other fathers.

For a leather item, the average score and the number of overflows are maintained, which allows you to quickly look at the data before clicking.

Documents required for the provision of service Electronic document

To deny access to the electronic account, the secretary of the lighting installation must enter a set of the following documents:

  • , that the person of the father and guardian will be recognized;
  • certificate about the children's people;
  • application for assignment of service;
  • for the purpose of processing personal data.

The application must be filled out carefully and spelled out, so it will be rejected for the slightest inaccuracies:

Variety of service

You can submit an application to gain access to the electronic account upon deposit, either individually or through an official representative. The term for the given service adds up to 15 units.

Important! The electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's teacher It’s not worth going to other sites and paying for nothing. Service on the school portal is provided without asking for pennies, since an agreement is reached with each and every father in advance, which means the order and the mind of the costless assignment of service.

How can I access the electronic account through State Services?

To log in to your electronic login, you need to go to the local services portal at pgu.mos.ru and log in with your login and password for the additional site gosuslugi.ru.

Next, a form for creating a cloud account will open in front of you. You can request your login and password from your school’s classroom manager. This data only needs to be entered once, after which the portal automatically saves it and saves it in one special account. After this, click on the green button “Go to Schedennik”.

This video shows how to log into a student’s electronic schoolbook:

What kind of services can be viewed on the school portal?

In addition to the descriptions of most services, on the Government Services portal you can select the following options:

  • success table. For the skin assessment, a table is created that is formed from the scores, which are calculated per quarter. Here also the overrides and sub-scores for the skin's initial period are indicated. Recently, an additional function has been added to support the mid-grade test, which allows high school students to focus on passing grades up to the final grade. Here you can marvel at who has given each rating and comment before the ball. The function is available to teachers, fathers, and students. It became possible to achieve success as soon as possible;
  • success chart. Success can be determined both by grades and by graphical appearance. The graph allows for variations based on different criteria and categories;
  • layout of lessons as teachers and readers;
  • layout of coins;
  • personal data of the registered student on the school portal;
  • chat in the middle of the school.

Why did I take away my wife from my given servant?

The reason for the removal of the electronic loan from the employee may be that the application form was filled out incorrectly. If you inaccurately indicated your name, nickname or father's nickname, then you must fill out a new form again, otherwise you will not be able to open the electronic document on the Government Services portal.

If a teacher comes to the department, you must give the journal to the class you want to deny access to the electronic view. For additional prices, the reader will be able to access the electronic journal through State Services.

Advantages of the school portal

The main advantages of the school portal on the State Services website can be seen as follows:

  • functionality. The portal system can be completely customized for you. The tens of tabs are easy to remove, as you don’t need the stink immediately;
  • full control over the child. Children should not always tell the truth about grades and behavior at school, which can then result in unforeseen circumstances;
  • The current appearance of the program resembles the original paper version of a school paper and magazine;
  • high liquidity of the drink when drinking under the hour of the portal;
  • Continuous updating of the data base. Kozhen teacher immediately after work may enter changes into the electronic journal;
  • The notification system for changes on the school portal is designed so that there is no need to constantly check for updates. The electronic journal on the portal of State Services allows you to learn about the success of your studies.

The State Service Portal was created in such a way that you can register for it only after you have issued your passport. However, fathers can use the portal to register their children with a doctor, submit an application for a passport or registration. The range of services available to fathers is large, but the middle ones are more specific. For example, a look at the electronic scammer's success.

The electronic success code is an analogue of the regular school code. Only this will be due to special concern. Here you can marvel:

  • Borrow the storage room for the week;
  • Ratings of subjects based on reader comments;
  • The respect of readers for the behavior and success of the student;
  • Sign the document using an additional electronic signature as confirmation of your knowledge of the information.

With the help of this tool, it becomes much easier to monitor the success of a student. And dads can find out about all the important things directly, and not through children.

Please note that the system is currently only valid for Moscow, as well as for a number of other regions, since in most regions there is no technical ability to transfer everything to online mode.

It is also important to understand that electronic shopping means access to ratings for your child. There is such a system as the “Electronic Journal”, where you can view information about grades and passes for all classes. In both cases, the tribute to the schodennik will be remembered by his readers.

Where do I get my login and password to log in?

The login and password until the electronic login is successful must be given by the class manager or another teacher who is involved in organizing meals. The information is only given to the student's legal representative for his particular request.

It is previously possible to revoke your login and password for logging in to the State Services portal. Today you can find out the ways in which the service was given, but the final result will not be the login and password for the student student, but the registration of the student himself, which is impossible without authorization data.

How to register?

You can register to gain access to the student’s success on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow www.mos.ru. We first need to log in to a special account. If your dad doesn’t have a cloud record on this resource yet, you need to create one.

After the user presses the “Register” button, a form for filling out appears in front of him:

  • Electronic mail;
  • Login (whether it is a combination for selecting a correspondent, or not in the obligatory field);
  • Password;
  • Phone number;

Control nutrition and confirmation to ensure safety under the hour of access renewal.

Registration confirmation will be completed by entering the code found in the SMS to the phone number. Next, you will need to fill in other data in the settings in order to ensure more manual operation of the site.

  • Osvita / Popular among the group;

  • Then press the button “Cancel service”

Here you will need to fill in your registration data. Login and password allow you to create one account. This means that if the father has 2 and more children who go to school, it will be necessary to register for the review of the number of children and registration data.

We first select “New Account Record”, after which Father needs to give its name. It is completely beyond the judgment of its guardians. Below are expanded fields for entering your login and password.

Many schools duplicate the login name and password. This digital designation, where the combination of numbers is formed by the song of the skin child. Then for students in the same class, the first digits of the login will be the same.

After entering the registration data, click “Continue” and then click “Done”. At this point the access procedure is completed and your father has access to the electronic account.

Please note that changing your login and password for your electronic account will make it necessary to create another student account. Once the data is changed, the old entry becomes inaccessible.

How can I access the electronic account through State Services?

On the government service portal there is no way to review the success of schoolchildren. However, you can use your fingertips:

  • Catalog of services;

Here schools in the region will be rebuilt, as they will be connected to the electronic student system. However, there will be no information about ratings here; instead, there will be information about those who are looking for the form of an electronic loan. Most often this is the official website of the Mayor of Moscow. However, there may be other resources.

Please note that for clients who have registered on the portal, they can go to the Mayor of Moscow website without registering on the resource, and using a login and password from the State Service portal.

You can see the information behind the ratings in real time. Also, the student creates a two-way connection between the teacher and father in the form of online browsing.


The student connects the care of the school with the fathers of the student - he has to put badges behind the bags of knowledge, control work, students write respect about the behavior or bad preparation and this method of trival always until The entire analogue of the paper version is the electronic paper. So, how can daddy go into the electronic store and check how the child got it?

With the development of new Internet services and registrations on the State Services portal, you can quickly access all information about new appointments, missed work, and instantly, both in paper and electronically. and a groom. Then the students will no longer be able to receive from the father’s daily reports, which the school wanted to bring to the father’s attention. And if previously a difficult student could see the side or correct 2 by 3, then the new service for the fathers already turns off this possibility.

If you are a father who cares about your child’s success at school, you can get rid of all the records you need to collect through the Internet portal of the Government Services with the option “electronic school student’s document.” For this you need to register in order to go to the portal with special creations for this section. You can gain access without costs.

First, so that every parent can only enter the page of his child, a colossal work has been carried out - a list of students has been compiled, the type of school deposits and classes has been divided, and the specifics of the entrance data for the father have been divided iv.

At the moment, not all regions have prepared the system in order, so this service is not yet available directly.

Collecting tributes for entry

At least one of the fathers is obliged to submit a statement to the secretariat of the initial deposit, stating:

  • Videos from evidence about the birth of children.
  • Particular details of the applicant.
  • Screwball, to take revenge on the fuss about giving access to your child’s electronic device.
  • Dates for processing data on the Internet.

The secretary will check the assigned data with visible data and provide information and instructions on how to deny access to the required service on State Services.

We appreciate that you can revoke access not on the foreign-power website gosuslugi.ru, but only on the regional one. For example, for Moscow, this page is located in the section “Naturation and enlightenment”, for the Moscow Region.

Varto also notes that not all regional schools have switched to the new format for maintaining school records. Moscow is in the forefront here, and this evidence will be conveyed to other regions.

  1. To log in, authorization is required, and since there is no cloud record, you need to create it.
  2. Go back to the classroom and ask for input data - the skin department has its own special page, and you can only go in for these data.

Registration procedure on the portal

Like a butt, let's look at Moscow. Open the main page of State Services in Moscow, click on the banner - register:

  1. Enter your personal data, email address and mobile device number in the following fields - you will find a confirmation code on them.
  2. Click on the button - registration, and after checking the entered data to your email address and phone number, you will find confirmation codes - enter them in the appropriate fields;
  3. Create a login password and complete the process by clicking on the “Done” banner.

Now you can enter various electronic services, including the “Osvita” section, without adding the required functionality.

Login procedure before electronic login

Now a report about how to access the schoolchildren’s electronic account for dads:

  1. Open the portal page and press the button to leave (at the bottom of the page).
  2. Enter your login details and log in.
  3. From the mailing list, go to the “Osvit” message from the section "Electronic schoolchildren's book".
  4. Now you need to enter the data taken from the classroom - login and password, then a new page will open with records about the success of your child. Here the data for the remaining initial month will be displayed, otherwise the fathers do not need a larger term.

You can also log in to this service from the State Services mobile app, the authorization process is similar to the traditional login from your desktop computer.

What information will be available to the fathers?

Important! If you have an electronic signature, you can add it through the service, thereby notifying readers that you are aware of your respects and considerations.

By going to this special page, dads can find out about all the important aspects of the initial deposit and other important information:

  • Purposes of class and school assemblies, order of the day;
  • Missing classes for unimportant reasons (truancy);
  • Homemade leather goods;
  • Select special information from a class book or any subject book, for the presence of an electronic signature and submit it via the Internet.

All information is provided by the Department of Illumination of the Moscow Region.

This portal is unique in terms of its content and functionality as a program for current students. You can order the entry to the electronic login pgu mos ru to leave your special account after completing the registration on the official website. After activating the system, you can control the grades of children that they earn in classes, so that you can always be aware of the student’s success.

Fathers and scholars will be able to compile and provide information to depositors and readers. In essence, this is a special screen through which fathers are able to control all aspects related to the lives of schoolchildren.

To gain access to the student portal and complete your service, you need to go to the personal section. To log in, you will need to enter a password, as well as a login mobile number or SSNILZ number.

If the entry is not entered, the reason may be that the school does not have the necessary information about the student, or it simply does not bother with the data that is entered into a special row. In such a situation, it is necessary to call the lighting installation specialist or contact the school in particular.

If such a problem arises, you will be able to connect the service associated with the wiki resource of such a resource as the electronic software pgu mos ru, but it will be difficult to get away. To avoid any problems with logging into your personal page, the data that was entered, and those that were not included in the lighting installation, were saved.

Portal of the State Service of Moscow: electronic schoolchildren's book

All current academically guilty mothers have the right to revoke personal registration on the service portal. Portal pages can provide clients with the following important functions:

  • It is possible to calculate the grades of a student from a given subject and for a given hour period;
  • You can review the sub-sum ratings;
  • Development of information based on success over the past period;
  • Investors may have the right to withhold comments regarding the success of the student, as well as about his behavior.

Functional electronic school resource PSU MOS ru personal electronic schodennik mobile version is absolutely cost-free, no monthly payments are required, as well as fees for expenses. The access portal is available at any time, the main thing is to access the Internet.


To register on the school portal, you need to sign in the following awkward steps:

  1. Log in to the service resource.
  2. Activate the Leave button.
  3. Enter contact information and personal information.
  4. Click the Register button.

After registration has been carried out correctly, the child can independently access their website by entering their password and login. It is up to your father and other legal representatives to carry out the registration process. The operation is carried out cost-free and with sufficient one-time registration on the portal of the State Service, so that it lasts forever.

How do I get to the special office?

You can access the online portal immediately after the registration process. Enough

Just enter your special login and access code into a special form at the time of registration. This form is located in the Lighting section and you will need to find the Electronic Code in it.

Before you enter the field, you can add the Name of the property record row. This is where my studies will take place. This function is even useful in cases where there are a number of children in one family at a time. Cloud records need to be divided and logged into accounts under different names – logins.

Login to the system through Government Services for Schoolchildren

For the students themselves at the PSU MOS, the electronic account of the student is transferred to the same rules for entry as for fathers and depositors. The essence of authorization is simple. After entering the corresponding section, enter your login and password into a special form, and you will automatically appear on the page to select everything necessary for starting and organizing operations in Moscow i.

Mobile version

An analogue of the official lighting portal is the MRKO website, which is the most user-friendly mobile version of the resource. In terms of its functionality, the program differs in no way from the standard version. Among the main submissions to respect the sections and information in them, you can note the following important points after such a login, such as logging into the system:

  • take days;
  • Storeroom;
  • Home gardens that you see every day;
  • Ratings provided.

The resource has a clear and logical structure that is similar to a standard paper analogue. For these reasons, dads, regardless of age, will simply get used to its functionality.

Whether you are a father or a student of various categories, it will be difficult to understand the functionality of the electronic journal.

The system automatically duplicates all the badges that were placed in the journal during classes. For these reasons alone, there can be no doubt about the optimal relevance of the information presented.

Login for readers

It is not less easy for readers to go to the main page of the official website. You will first need to go through a complicated registration process, filling in all the necessary personal data. After this, you just need to press the green color button located at the bottom of the page.

When you log in to your section, you will be prompted for a password. Those that were seen during the registration process on the EJD school portal should be replaced with a more reliable one. Such a code must consist of numbers and letters, and in such a combination as to make it malicious and harmless.


In order to use this portal as much as possible, you need to ensure that the school where people begin is seamlessly connected to the portal of PGU MOS ru, then you need to create an entrance to a special office. Vickory the electronic magazine pgu mos ru login for readers accept decisions from many clients. It is advisable to allow them to collect information about the success of children, planned visits and future plans, as taught by the teachers.

What is a schoolboy's electronic device? Who and how can quickly become an electronic student?

Technological progress and modern IT technologies are increasingly penetrating our lives. Fortunately, most of them are asked to forgive and significantly ease our sleep. Such an outlet for the sphere of illumination is an electronic device.

An electronic school book is a digital analogue of a regular school book. Such a service allows parents to know about the success of their child. In addition to grades, the electronic login contains all the necessary information, both from school and from your loved ones. The following information is required:

  • change of lesson schedules
  • date of father's gatherings
  • Readers' voices about Wikonan robot
  • school rating
  • success of skin studies, class and school as a whole
  • home decoration
  • internal school social network
  • reader blogs
  • school news

The positive aspects of electronic shopping include:

  1. The impossibility of spending money.
  2. Constant control by parents of the grades and performance of their children.
  3. Inability to correct assessments.
  4. There is a stronger sense of diversity among schoolchildren.
  5. Simplicity of interactive communication between the teacher and fathers.
  6. Handling for readers is enhanced by paper pulling.
  7. Savings on stationery for school - paper, pens, folders, etc.
  8. Simplified analysis of success for readers.
  9. Simplicity of Wikoristanny.
  10. Confidentiality of individual information.

Albeit, despite the very low merit, this service has a few shortcomings:

  1. Weak awareness of computer technologies among readers (especially the older generation).
  2. Not all readers and fathers have access to the Internet.
  3. Possibility of the evil system (through the teachings).
  4. The risk of losing information to an evil virus.

Who can quickly become a servant of an electronic shop?

The services of the electronic scammer can be used by anyone who has access to it. Access is granted by the school administration by providing a login and password to each student. In this manner, koristuvachami electronic shodennik є:

  • students
  • fathers of school
  • readers
  • school administration
  • all organs and lighting systems
  • school medical practitioner

How to get to the school electronic card for the schoolchildren?

How can dads get away from a schoolboy’s electronic scam?

In order to log into the student’s electronic school login, their parents need to register on the site, as well as obtain their child’s individual login and password from the classroom administrator. The login and password will be given by the school IT specialists. They themselves indicate that the school is connected to the electronic student system. You should carry out clarification work for the administration of the initial investment in how to use such a system. Workers also have to work with their fathers, and not all fathers can independently cope with such difficult tasks.

Electronic school student's book - school lighting measure: login to the system, to your page

  • Login to the website http://dnevnik.ru.
  • Find out about the structure and rules of the site in the “About the project” tab.
  • Let's go to the authorization page.
  • We enter the code using the best kernel code.
  • Press the “Next” button.
  • We fill out fields in 3 windows - PIB, login and password.
  • PIB - enter your own.
  • Login is the name of a special electronic screen.
  • The password is guessable by yourself.
  • We confirm the information.
  • To confirm the confirmation, go to your electronic screen.
  • In the electronic sheet on the site we confirm the registration of the press on the receipt of the message.
  • When I’m done, I turn back to the electronic wallet.
  • Enter your login and password.
  • We press the “Leave” button.
  • Successfully exploiting the resource.

Please note that for Moscow residents, the registration procedure and the issuance of electronic money are slightly different from the registration procedure in other regions:

  • Login to the PGU website (portal of local services).
  • Registering on the site (login/password on the PGU and login/password on the electronic account - but completely different words).
  • We know the service “Electronic schoolchildren’s book” (MRKO).
  • A new record is created in the “Observation record” field - you can simply name it “Schodennik”.
  • Enter your login and password.
  • Login MRKO – tse login, vision of the best ceramics.
  • Password MRKO – password, seen in the best way.
  • Press the “Done” button.

Respect! Fathers, when the school administration provides a special password and login, should ask for an individual father’s login/password. On the right is that student access to the site is significantly limited to Father’s access.

How dads can get away with electronic money: Video

How to login to the electronic account: Video