Samsung yak modem. Instructions for using Samsung Galaxy as a USB modem or Wi-Fi router. Yak vikoristuvati samsung phone yak modem

Today there are no smartphones that differ from each other by a set of functions and capabilities, such as photo and video, and general memory. However, any current smartphone can be used as a conductor for the Internet. With this, you can access the global network either from the device itself or use it as a modem for access through a computer or laptop.

Vikoristanya smartphone as a modem via USB

One of the ways to use a smartphone as a modem is to connect it via a cable. It is best to use the original cable, which is sold together with the device. This will ensure a more stable connection to the robot. Since connecting in this way works first, then after connecting to a computer or laptop, the system will install drivers. This process occurs automatically and does not require operation in most cases. A notification will appear on the computer desktop indicating that the connection is ready for further work. Since the drivers are not installed automatically, you will need to install the software yourself. This does not call for folding shoes. You can download the necessary program from the “Support” section from the website of the manufacturer of your device.

After activating this function, a USB connection icon will appear on the phone screen. On some phones you need to press this icon and select the required items. On the panel of your computer or laptop, an active connection will also be displayed, the name of which presumably indicates the model of your phone. You need to select it and connect before the connection. After all the manipulations, you can use the mobile Internet on another device.

The main advantages of this connection method are parallel charging of the mobile device, as well as a higher connection speed to the Internet, compared to other connection methods. However, the popularity of sites on the Internet will still be very low. Also, you need to be aware that in this way you can connect your Android to the Windows operating system. If you are using an iPhone, then this modem can only work correctly when connected to a MacBook.

Vikoristannya smartphone as a modem with Wi-Fi

The easiest and most manual way to distribute the Internet from a mobile device is to use a Wi-Fi access point.

To activate this mode, you need to know and enable the “mobile hotspot” function in your smartphone settings:

Which section displays the point name and password required for connection. The password can be changed for the most part. On the device you are connecting to, you need to know the required number of logins and enter the password.

The advantages include the simplicity of the network and the ability to distribute the Internet to several devices. However, the speed of the Internet will be lower, and when connected via USB, devices will be discharged more quickly.

Vikoristannya Samsung phone as a modem

When using a Samsung phone as a modem, you need to follow the following schemes:

  • set up and activate the mobile Internet on smartphones;
  • Using an additional cable, connect the device to the computer. As a result, if the connection is made first, you need to ensure that the drivers are installed. The situation may arise if the driver does not reboot automatically. You will then need to install a special Smart Switch program. There is no need to launch it. You can help your computer identify device connections;
  • Vikonati setup on your smartphone: in the “connections” section, find the item “modem and mobile access point” and activate the “usb modem” tab;
  • After the connection icon appears on the screen, you can speed up the Internet.

If your connection fails, you must check the correctness of your settings or reset the device and repeat all steps again.


Using a telephone as a modem can help in various life situations, as long as you need the Internet. This is due to the expansion and requirements of the method.

A mobile phone is not just a special connection and a set of different functions, but also a special access to the Internet from a personal computer. To use USB, the advantages and disadvantages of this method are in this article.

When purchasing a mobile gadget, the set includes a USB or micro USB cable, with which you can flash the working structure, copy files, move from the phone to the PC, edit, delete, etc. This cable can also be used as a modem (a device for pairing a signal between two points).

The phone can be used as a modem to access the Internet in a number of ways: using an additional USB cable, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Then you can connect with a cable, but there is no socket for the cord.

Using a smartphone as a modem is not a difficult procedure and requires connection via an access point. Almost all current mobile phones of the brands Xiaomi, Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericson and others equipped with 3G, EDGE, GPRS modem are suitable for this purpose.

Important! The connection speed via a smartphone is much lower than that of a basic cable or satellite connection. If you have Internet access, technical problems or other problems with a standard connection, there is no way out of the situation.

Also, how to connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable as a modem. Let's take a look for fun.

1 krok. Connect your phone via a USB cable to your PC or laptop. An icon for connecting a new device will appear on the screen of both devices.

On some Windows computers, you may be asked “Trust which computer?”, then press “Trust”.

2 krok. Enable mobile data transfer for direct connection up to the point where you have indicated the card from which mobile traffic will be charged (MTS, Beeline or others). To do this, lower the additional curtain with settings and select the required icon.

3 krok. Go to your telephone number at the section “Bezrotova Merezha” or “Other Measures”.

Click on the “More” item (in older versions), select from the list that appears - “Modem mode” or “Modem and access point”. Here we select “USB modem” and click on your connection.

Please note that this connection is suitable for devices such as wireless networks, as well as laptops without a Wi-Fi adapter. In addition, the phone, when connected via a cable, is charged and can serve for a long time, depending on the visibility of traffic. Also, don’t forget about wearing out the battery when you constantly connect the charger; after a month or two, the battery’s usefulness will noticeably decrease.

How to connect your phone to your computer instead of a modem

Using a telephone as a modem allows you to send and distribute mobile data through the phone if you don’t have access to the limit (daily Wi-Fi, technical problems, or you’ve simply run out of money to spend).

What to do if the cable is connected, but there is no access to the limit? In this case, there is only one possible option: the phone or tariff plan does not support this function or does not have the right to distribute mobile traffic.

Increase your respect! To find out about this, you need to call your mobile operator and clarify “Whether the modem is available in this tariff plan.”

How to turn on the modem mode

How to turn on a USB modem on your phone is clear, but how to properly terminate it without damaging your technology or mobile traffic?

Increase your respect! To turn on modem mode, it is recommended to unplug the USB cable from your mobile or PC. Data transfer will be expanded to devices without cable.

Connecting your phone as a modem to your computer using special software

The advantage of connecting your phone to a laptop or computer via a USB cable:

  • Shvidka transfer of information;
  • Access to internal data and directories of the mobile device;
  • Access to the Internet for the mobile operator's fee;
  • Number of special programs.


  • Availability of USB cord;
  • Ability to use a computer or laptop;
  • Reference for USB ports on both devices.

Increase your respect! When you connect your phone to a personal computer as a router, you must set up unlimited Internet on your mobile gadget. Otherwise, money will be drawn from the bank, which can lead to a negative balance.

The computer does not load the USB modem on the phone

What does it do if the USB modem on your phone doesn’t work? The following problems may be caused by:

  • Hardware malfunction;
  • Necessary drivers not installed;
  • Incorrect adjustment of devices;
  • Kill software security.

Increase your respect! After checking a skin problem, check what the problem is, so as not to miss the adjustment needs.

Hardware malfunction

First, we check the hardware: the correct USB cable, the input to the cable on the PC and the input on the device that is connected. To create a pair between working devices, find “Parameters” after “Modem Mode” and turn over which is active.

To check the serviceability of the cable, insert it into another computer.

Increase your respect! If the problem is due to a connection failure or defective parts, replacement is required.

Pomilka 19

Pardon 19: What to be afraid of? If the modem device does not start when Windows is connected, this means that the registry has daily, incorrect or incorrect information about its configuration. For this problem, you need to remove or reinstall the drivers:

  • Select Device Manager and press “Search”.
  • Select the required device from the list.
  • Visibility is selected with the right mouse button.
  • Press "Diya".
  • To install or reinstall the driver, select Update Hardware Configuration.

Increase your respect! You can also return to the previous version of the registry configuration. To restart your PC in safe mode, click on the “Restore the remaining configuration” button. Another method: updating the system at the end of the day.

Uninstalled or incorrectly installed driver

If the drivers have crashed or are not yet installed, you will need to install them again either first from the installation disk or other device, downloading new drivers from the official website of the laptop or computer manufacturer.

In such situations, the problem can be solved in the port. To do this, go to the “Control Panel”, then “Electrical Life”. With this section you can connect your smartphone to a PC via a USB modem without charging the device.

Another way to eliminate this problem is the presence of the signs “?” or "!" at the “Portable Devices” menu (“Device Manager”). If such signs are present, by pressing “Powerfulness” with the right mouse button, you will see the device and turn on the device from the computer. After you connect the device again, the drivers are installed automatically.

Incorrect setup of the smartphone

There are a number of options for troubleshooting:

  • Scan your personal computer and smartphone for viruses. Afterwards, re-download, synchronize or, in short, format the memory card.
  • Before charging the PC, reset all settings to factory settings. Just before downloading, do not forget to move all important files, documents, photos to another device. After such a procedure, renewal is not possible.

Increase your respect! To reset the settings, find a button on the panel of your phone or tablet near the shape of a small opening. You can also find the “Recovery” mode and vibrate mode in the “Settings” menu.

The computer does not connect the phone via cable

Before a PC or a laptop, you knew a mobile gadget, but now you don’t need to know what’s on the right. To resolve the problem, you need to update the operating system and install the MTP protocol. You can register the Media Transfer Protocol on the official website. After installation, restart your computer and your smartphone may be logged out.

Important! If your PC starts unscheduled driver installation when your phone is connected, please wait until the process finishes.

Since the named methods for resetting the settings do not help, you can solve the problem by going directly to the service center and using the gadget via a computer. To avoid spending on mobile traffic while connecting the charger to your computer, turn on this function in modem mode.

Either a computer or another PC device still does not know the device connections and cannot connect to mobile traffic or access the support service.

Those who have tried the method of connecting to a cord have recognized its positive benefits and practicality. Head - the availability of Internet traffic and allowed the mobile operator to distribute data on other devices.

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Nowadays, constant access to the global network is necessary for rich people. And this is one of the important minds of a fulfilling and comfortable life in the everyday world, successful professional activity, quick collection of necessary information, and so on. What should people do if they are stuck at a point where they don’t have a wired broadband Internet and a USB modem, and from a computer they need to use the term “the world wide web”?

Let's look at one of the options for this problem. Smartphones are killing everything at once. This device can help us as a modem for a personal computer, providing sufficient coverage of the local signal between 3G and 4G from landline operators. Let's try connecting the smartphone to the PC via a USB port and setting up an Internet connection.

Connecting your phone as a modem via USB

Well, we have a personal computer with Windows 8 on board and a smartphone based on Android. It is necessary to connect the phone to the PC via a USB port and then deny access to the Internet. In other versions of the OS from Microsoft and on devices with iOS, the actions will be similar to the savings in a logical sequence. The only additional device we will need is a standard USB cable for phone charging or a similar one with identical connectors. Let's get started.

  1. We connect the computer. We note the external importance of the operating system.
  2. Open on smartphone "Nalastuvannya" where we need to make a few important changes.
  3. On the contribution of system settings we know the section "Bezrotovy merezhi" And go to additional parameters by pressing the button "More".
  4. Click on us on the next page "Hot spot", this is the access point. Tap on the whole row.
  5. Devices on Android have three options for creating an access point: via Wi-Fi, via Bluetooth, and the Internet we need immediately via USB. Move to the required tab with the familiar icon.
  6. Now is the time to physically connect your smartphone to your computer via USB or cable.
  7. On the mobile device, the right-handed button is changed, enabling the function "Internet via USB". We are very grateful that for activated legal access to the mobile network, it will not be possible to store it in the phone’s memory on the computer.
  8. Windows starts automatically installing drivers for your smartphone. This process is carried out by a small number of people. We check for your completion.
  9. A message appears on the smartphone screen indicating that the personal hotspot has been turned on. This means that we earned money correctly.
  10. Now you can no longer adjust the new network according to your criteria, for example, deny access to peripheral printers and other devices.
  11. The task was successfully installed. You can get full access to the global network. Ready!

Viknenny modem modem

Once the phone's connection to the modem for the computer is no longer required, you need to connect the USB cable and turn on the function on the smartphone. In what order is it better to earn money?

As you know, it’s easy to set up Internet access for your computer via a mobile phone, a Wi-Fi cable, and a USB cable. Golovny, do not forget to control your traffic consumption, and even the tariffs of fixed-line operators may differ radically from the proposals of wireline Internet providers.

Access to the Internet is a necessity for rich people. People flock to social networks, watch videos, and practice. What should you do if you need to access the Internet from your computer, but your modem is disabled?

How can Vikorist use a smartphone as a modem? So, this option is possible, and some of the wines serve to access the Global Interface. The connection procedure is complicated, just follow the simple rules.

Vikoristanya smartphone as a modem via USB

How to Vikoristovvat a smartphone as a USB modem? There is a cable in the phone that is connected to the computer and used as an external modem. For the procedure to succeed, it is necessary to cancel the following actions:

  • You need to open the device settings, and then find the “Other Measures” section.
  • Slide to select “Modem and access point”. You will be notified of the need to connect to your computer.
  • Connect the USB cable to the PC.
  • Then you will see the USB modem tab, which you need to click to activate.
  • Then you need to open the browser and check the Internet.

This completes the procedure. If everything is configured correctly, the device can be used over the Internet. If there are any malfunctions, you will need to go through the procedure again.

Vikoristannya smartphone as a modem with Wi-Fi

One of the necessary functions of the Android OS is the distribution of the Internet from an additional Wi-Fi access point. Is it like a Vikorist and a smartphone like a modem for a computer? The phone serves as an access point, and other devices can connect to the same extent. Which version works with 3G and 4G.

To set up the distribution of traffic via additional Wi-Fi on your device, you need to go to the “Settings” section, select “Other connections”, then click “Modem and access point”. Then you need to create an access point by specifying the required parameters: name, security level, password. After filling, you need to save your data and turn off Wi-Fi.

To connect to a point from a computer or other device, you need to connect Wi-Fi, select an access point, and enter a password. The track must be protected so that the control information can be obtained independently. Then you can tell people who use the Internet.

Working with the Easy Tether Lite program

How to use a smartphone as a modem, and how to avoid problems in other ways? In this case, you can use the Easy Tether Lite program, which is needed to convert your smartphone to a modem. You need to attract attention to the device. After this, you need to connect your smartphone to your PC via a USB cable. The system requires additional drivers to be installed. This is necessary for proper operation of the program.

Then on the device you need to enable the Slide function, go to the “Setup” section, click “Programs”, “Disable” and “USB Setup”. You need to know the program on your computer and install it on it. When the menu appears, you need to select "Connect Via Android". In a few seconds the device will become working, after which you can access the Internet at high speed.

Vikoristannya Samsung phone as a modem

How to choose a smartphone like a modem, how does the technology relate to the Samsung brand? This company will provide you with a CD that includes the Samsung Kies program. As there is no such additional information, please visit the official website of the company. After installation, you need to complete the settings and turn on the USB storage function.

Then you need to connect the device, a USB cable, and also install the driver. For Windows 7 and other versions, the installation is completed automatically. Then you need to go to “Customization”, select “Bezdrotovy merezhi”. In the “Modem and access point” menu, you need to check the boxes “USB modem” and “Mobile AP”.

Then on your PC you need to go to the control panel and click Connections. Which section will show the wired connections, so you need to select your device. If it is present in the list, this means that the technique works correctly. Then you can quickly access the Internet. How do you vikoristovvat a Windows smartphone as a modem? It is necessary to quickly implement such a scheme.

Possible connection options

In practice, koristuvachs have a lot of problems, they know how to use a smartphone as a modem. The biggest problem is the lack of access to 3G and 4G networks. This type of person does not have access to the Internet and does not have access to drone-free technologies. The way out of the situation would be to move to another place, as well as check the correctness of the robot device. You can call the operator. It is possible that there is a difference between transmitting and receiving data over the Internet.

Another obvious problem is that the equipment does not connect to USB. The phone does not appear on the computer, so it cannot be used as a modem. It is necessary to check your PC if it has viruses, and if you have installed Windows updates. You can try using another USB port to connect to the cable. It often helps to manually install the driver that needs to be installed. If such problems occur, a smartphone can miraculously replace a modem.

Samsung Galaxy S, Ace smartphones and Galaxy Tab tablets are even more popular in Russia and are the main competitors of Apple devices. However, not all users of these Samsung devices know that their smartphone or tablet can be connected to a computer via a USB modem and accessed via the Internet if necessary. Unfortunately, there are some models of the Galaxy series that do not support this function. Mostly tablets without a 3G/4G module. There aren't many of those. Other Samsung Galaxy models do not have such problems.

How to turn off modem mode on Samsung Galaxy?

1. Connect and set up mobile Internet on your phone or tablet.

2. Using the supplied USB cable, connect the device to a computer or laptop running Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. In this case, the operating system will now look for the driver to be installed.
If the raptom driver is not found and installed, then install the Kies program, otherwise do not run it.

3. On Galaxy phones or tablets, go to the section Setting up >>> Modem and mobile access point:

On some versions of Android, this item may require you to go to “Additional Settings” or “More”.

4. Check the box USB modem.

If the function is highlighted, a confirmation icon will appear in the notification area at the top of the screen.

5. Once on your computer in the network connections, an additional connection via a local network with access to the Internet will appear.

The downside of this solution is that you can only have one computer or laptop on the Internet. And the plus axis is so that your Samsung Galaxy will still be charged.

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