Register of organizations in the management sector. Regional number of the State Medical University organization - why wonder? Egrul is a basic classifier for forming a register of organizations

The powers and municipal authorities in Russia have the right by law to create enterprises and establish for the improvement of their own supplies, after holding tenders for the purchase of necessary goods and other consumption items. Each state municipal institution is entered before a specialized transfer by the organization, which is assigned the regional number of the DMU organization. This is analogous to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), or just for state institutions. Look at this organization number in DMU

Would you be surprised at the regional number of the DMU organization?

You can find this number both on the website of the Government (for example, the regional number of the organization) and on the website of Bus Gov. Another option will be simpler, and the site itself for posting information about the state (municipal) install works more stably in connection with the lesser demands of the koristuvachs, behind our official guards.

1. Go to the website,
2. Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
3. Select the item " Register of organizations"

4. In the “Organization Details” field, enter the company’s IPN, which requires you to see the DMU organization’s branch number. press Enter.

Scroll down the page. In the case of search, due to the fact that the IPN is a real organization, you will see variants of the search with the name of the organization. Point the bear at this company - the item "Registration data" will appear. Follow these instructions. In the complete list of registration data, 8 behind the rack there is a column for the animal (possibly another) under the name " Registration number at the Perelik DMU You will find the regional number to contact you at the State Medical University.

<< Providing and posting information about installations Integration with external systems >>

Register of organizations in the management sector (OSGU). 10. 10. 9. Unified state register of legal entities. Data collection to the register of OSGU with EDRYUL. Elimination of discrepancies among the agents of the Federal Treasury and EDRYUL. Obtaining the protocol of separations. Elimination of discrepancies among the agents of the Federal Treasury and EDRYUL. Until 31st birthday 2011. From 1st September 2012 until 1st February 2012. Territorial authorities. Registration of the organization. Information system. Register of OSDU. This is a list of deputies. Update of the OSSU register. Non-participants in the budget process. Change of participants in the budget process. Official website. Zvirka data from EDRYUL. Maintain a register of participants in the budget process. 7. 3. 1. Dissolution protocol. 4. 2. Protocol of separations. 5. 6.

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Online store

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About posting information about installation on the official website and updating information about installation in EDRYUL. Natalia Vasilievna GVOZDYOVA, intercessor of the general director of the Consulting company.

From the first day of the in-line fate, having gained the decency of the sub. "a" clause 19 art. 6 of Law No. 83-FZ, which introduced changes to Art. 32 Law No. 7-FZ “On Non-Commercial Organizations”, which required state and municipal authorities to ensure the openness and accessibility of their establishment documents, certificates of state registration, decision on creation, This is about the recognition of the ceremonial worker, the provisions about the branches and representations, the powers ( municipal orders, plans for financial and government activity, river accounting information, reports on the results of activities and mining operations, reports on the control entry.

To implement this provision of Law No. 7-FZ, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation adopted an order on June 21, 2011. No. 86n “On the approval of the procedure for the provision of information by the state (municipal) institution, its placement on the official website on the Internet and the provision of the designated site”, It was clarified that the information included is subject to Search the official website for installation information .ru (further - official website). The Federal Treasury was assigned responsibility for ensuring the operation of the official website.

In accordance with this order, you can submit information to the official website independently or through your authorized representative in two forms: in the form of electronic copies of documents, reinsurance documents, and in the form of structured information ations about their activities. The rest is grouped into sections: background information about the installation, information about the state (municipal) affairs, about the financial-state activity plan, about operations with whole funds, about budgetary obligations that is their vikonannya (koshtoris), about the results of activity and vikoristannya lane, control entries and accounting information. State authorities are obliged to post information on their website once it is confirmed by the state (municipal) authority.

In this case, it is important that the famous displays and displays of the Vikonanny are based on the order of the Federal Treasury dated January 29, 2011. No. 645 “About confirmation, the formation of structured information about filing and electronic copies of documents that are posted on the official website on the Internet” will be posted on the official website. The site started on the 1st of June 2012. It is only possible to post on the official website information about the installation, about state (municipal) affairs, plans for financial and government activities and budgetary requirements for government institutions, which Geno state (municipal) department.

It is important to know the rules for posting information

The structure of the information provided on the site, transferred by order No. 86n, corresponds to federal regulations, following the resolution of the Order of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2010. No. 671 “About the procedure for the formation of the sovereign command of the federal sovereign authorities and the financial security of the sovereign command” and by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2010. No. 81n "About the benefits of the state (municipal) establishment of the financial-state activity plan", and can be divided into the structure of documents established by the regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation or municipality. This type of installation will arrange the displays of official documents from the displays necessary for posting on the site.

Information about the activities of the installation can be posted on the official website either by the installation itself or by its authorized representative (subject to authorization). The representative of the institution can be either a financial authority or a body of the royal government (local self-government), which performs the functions and re-importance of the founder of the institution.

Entering information on the official website can be done either manually through a special account or in an automated mode. Since the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal education) has an automated system that contains up-to-date information about government (municipal) regulations, financial and government activity plans and then this information can be uploaded to the official website in a structured look consistent with the formats, approved by the Federal Treasury and posted on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The information posted may be digitally signed by either an authorized representative. In another case, it is clear that the representative takes responsibility for the reliability of all submitted documents, including their electronic copies, which, in our opinion, is not always possible. It is important that the best option would be for an authorized representative to submit the information in a structured form to the official website and avoid signing the installation information of your EDS, However, the law itself is responsible for the provision and placement of such information.

Since there are electronic copies of documents that may be installed on the official website, Federal Treasury Order No. 645 requires a wide variety of formats that can be used to accommodate information. In this case, before posting scanned copies of documents, it is sufficient for the establishment (authorized representative) to submit the electronic copy of the document and sign it with its own digital signature, which will ensure its authenticity.

What kind of digital signature does the document need to be signed? It’s no secret that a number of EDSs are currently being installed for various purposes. To update the information posted on the official website, you can use the EDS, see the authorized persons settings to update information about the placement of orders for the supply of goods, registration of This is the service provided (on the official website of the Russian Federation for posting information about the placement of contracts - OOS). The update of the EDS will be carried out by representatives of those installations whose official names and other basic parameters have changed.

Subject to order No. 86n, the formation of structured information about the installation may comply with the requirements of classifiers, registries and advisers provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. And here, with special respect, I would like to point out the list of organizations. By order of the Federal Treasury No. 645, the register of organizations was transferred to the sector of government administration (hereinafter referred to as ROSGU), which contains all relevant information about the installation. Responsibility for providing (updating) information about the installation according to Order No. 645 currently lies with the installation or its representative. The order specifies in detail the procedure for providing information about the installation to the Federal Treasury authority at the location of the organization in the application form for making changes to ROSU. Updating information about installation in ROSU is extremely important, because even if there is information about registration in the registry, information about its activity cannot be posted on the official website.

For those who work on the site, the order of the Federal Treasury No. 645 determined the minimum requirements for the software installed on the customer's computer and the necessary placement of information. They could pay attention to the need for a specialist who is currently signing the EDS information, the features of the cryptographic protection Crypto Pro.

In times of guilt, when working with the official website, you can cancel either in the instructions of the customer, immediately posted on the site, or by contacting the operator of the site.

Integration with the official website of the Administration of Subjects of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense

To facilitate the placement on the official website of information about the installation of the Department of Information Technologies in the field of management of state and municipal finances and information security for the budgetary process of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation In 2011, a pilot group was created for testing the official website, which reached the warehouse of the Amur region, Perm region, Tatarstan, Omsk region, Chuvaska Republic. Prior to the approval, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation also requested IT companies that operate in pilot regions.

The first tasks assigned to the specialists by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation as part of the pilot testing were the analysis of the clients’ software for the completeness of information, which can be placed in the new one, and the need for further investigation. Yuvannya. The result of this stage was the expansion of the capabilities of automated systems of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities to ensure that necessary information is stored in them (most importantly, confidential information about the installation) and that the details of the installation are not entered by the clerks and displays of activity that were previously in them daily. Organizing work with additional systems with the necessary information in the context of the term has become the biggest problem that business entities have had to face at the moment.

The official website was requested on January 27, 2011. At the first stage, it became possible to manually post installation information through a special account. The latest news has become the possibility of transmitting secret information about sleeping in a structured manner to the official website. There is competition between regions and distributors of automated systems - who will be the first to add information to the site. Our company in the Amur region became the winner of this small business. We still have a more serious task ahead of us - to organize a mass automated submission to the website of information about state (municipal) affairs and plans for financial and state activity in the entire subjects, and from 1 - for all regions of the Russian Federation.

YDRUL - a basic classifier for forming a register of organizations

The creation of the official website became the foundation of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation before the establishment of a national integrated information system for managing public finances “Electronic Budget”, one of the main principles of We also disable duplication of procedures for collecting and processing information by following the rules for one-time entry .

With the creation of the official website, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation immediately ordered the establishment of unified classifiers and registers, along with the register of organizations of the government sector, used by participants in the budget process. Based on the fact that the body that registers all changes in legal entities, the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation announced a decision about those that the EDRL classifier (Unified State Register of Legal Entities ib) according to the provisions of public law, the creation will become the basis for the formation of legal documents information about installations on the official website. In order to precisely replace the substitution of the ROSGU classifier of the Federal Treasury with the substitution of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it is necessary to ensure the relevance of the data in the Federal Tax Service databases.

To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has instructed the Federal Tax Service and the financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to organize a centralized verification of data for each region based on clarifications, directly from the Ministry of Finance. F 25 leaf fall 2011 No. 18-05-05/1048.

Coming from the Amur region, where our company took part in this project, we can say that the biggest problem for the current task was the need for gas contamination verification of installation data during Their massive re-registration associated with a change in their legal status ( state-owned, new) budgetary, autonomous), and with the transfer to the regional level of municipal health care deposits.

The robot's instructions for updating the IDRUL are troubling. Based on the fact that the price has been completed, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation may make decisions about the use of EDRUL as the basic classifier of the official website. In this case, the “one-window” principle is still in effect for installations - information about the installation can immediately appear at the FNP and then on the official website and in other information systems for managing large businesses nansami.