Open the monitor screen to work. The program window is not clear (displayable, clear) - how to fix it The monitor does not show a clear image

Computers and peripherals

The image on your computer monitor may be unclear for a variety of reasons.

Most often, the average business owner has the following reasons and problems:

Hardware failure between the monitor and video card of the computer;

Damaged cable;

Unusual driver, and not for the display - most often the video card.

The main reasons why the image on the computer monitor is unclear

In order to diagnose and fix such problems, it is necessary to detect them immediately.

1. Vikoristovat current digital monitor connections

In fact, any current monitor, being connected in this way, can itself set up auto-tuning for more parameters. Make sure you go through the simple and intuitive menu of the monitor - by selecting the item called “Auto Setup”.

2. Adjusting the image display parameters.

Identify specific hardware capabilities. For the beginning, set everything to settings (brightness, color, temperature), and set the frequency to 60 Hz.

Increase your respect! This work is required both on the device itself and in the video card software. It is necessary to remember that the monitor driver is not so important - it is only responsible for the accurate transmission of color, but not for various fine adjustments, such as smoothing or frequency.

3. Updating and updating the video card driver

The problem often arises when the standard settings of the video card do not allow the resolution supported by the display. It may be necessary to reinstall or update the video card drivers, or change the resolution on the monitor, which is possible from the menu.

Important: modern video cards are even foldable and functional devices. The number of settings items for them is in the hundreds. Finally, it can be seen that all the problems with the images stemmed from one deeply-closed point, for example, “stretch the scale” in “Adjusted scaling”.

To avoid such problems, rather use the standard values ​​for calculations and do not try to achieve the perfect picture through advanced options. You only need to work with a clear understanding of what a particular menu item stands for.

How can I correct a blurry, blurry, or unclear image on the monitor?

Monitor ViewSonic VX2370Smh-LED. Video card SAPPHIRE HD 5870 1GB GDDR5 PCIE (Game Edition) Today I reinstalled Windows (win7 x64 professional, license), after reinstallation it didn’t work for me, and if it did, the picture was smaller than the size of the monitor. Going into the monitor settings and turning on the “Screen Restoration” function, the picture became clear, but lost its clarity. If you reset the monitor settings to default, the “Screen Reset” will simply be displayed and the display will be disabled. - Video card drivers remain unchanged. - Installation monitor driver (Standard Monitor Driver Signed Windows 7 x64 from the website). - Added varto r_dne - 1920x1080. - 60Hz, having tried other values, it did not help. - Number of connections via HDMI.

Having tried the smoothing of TrueType fonts, it doesn’t help, and it doesn’t just spread on the fonts.

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The image on the monitor is blurry

How many times have I been using a personal computer, it’s hard to say for sure. If you've ever tried to use LCD monitors yourself. They have a nicer picture and take up less space. However, what is especially characteristic is that all the different models had the same problem, as a matter of fact. The complexity is also in the fact that it is important to describe in words a whole lot, prote, try it out. What should I say?..? Often the images on the monitor seem to be “blurred” to the right or to the left. This problem is most noticeable in contrasting areas. For example, if the black text of the arms is on a white background, then there will be a gray “tail” or “trail” to the side of the text. (Click for more) In order to better understand what we're talking about, let's look at the image of Evil, which I specially painted in Photoshop. So, it won’t be noticeable on the original screenshot, but a similar effect can only be seen on the screen or in the photo. Well, it’s obvious that the picture is “smeared” or simply repeated horizontally, like in Russia. Before speaking, in English language there is a more common concept here - monitor blur. On the Internet, similar information has been found several times (it’s easy to check on Google), and despite a good decision, no one has ever been identified. Obviously, the best thing to do is to enable automatic correction of the image on the screen itself, and then update the drivers for the video card. If you can find a better way, without twisting it more than once (don’t let me be a captain of obviousness for a little while), simply check the cable that goes from the system unit to the monitor. Often these problems and interruptions can appear not due to problems, but also the signal is often interrupted - just try to re-plug the VGA cable.

I'm flying!

When working with these and other programs, you may have discovered that some programs have a clear interface, while others have confusing parts (fuzzy, mistakes, interpolations). Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the same program with “problematic display interface” can look absolutely normal on another computer. What are the reasons for this? We will try to provide information about this nutrition.

Why the unclearness of elements in real programs is to blame

The reasons for this phenomenon are related to the high level of separation between the display of your computer or laptop.

One on the right, for example, the display has a separate size of 1920 by 1080 pixels and a diagonal of 27 inches, and is completely different from the same resolution as a 15-inch display. In the future, all elements of the Windows interface and windows of programs and add-ons will be even miniature, the information in them will be easier to grasp, making the eyes more strained.

Developers at Microsoft, who are working on the popular Windows operating system, are unable to resolve the problem until the end. Opportunity was crushed on this side. It is on in all current versions of the operating system, and in Windows 10 it is turned on automatically when at the system installation stage a display with small dimensions appears, but at the same time there is a high level of separation.

It is very easy to verify whether a change in scale is involved in the system. To do this, press the right mouse button on the left side of the shortcut area of ​​the desktop. In the menu, select the item screen settings.

The display parameters window opens in the block Scale and layout Turn on the option that displays the exact size of the text, additions and other elements in views. If it increases to 100%, it means only one thing - the scale of the changes, and you will find yourself stuck with incorrectly displayed interfaces of some programs you have used.

The main reason for the incorrect display of certain programs is that many third-party vendors need to optimize their products and implement Microsoft recommendations to avoid problems with incorrect display at a larger system scale.

Porada: Always use the remaining versions of the program and add-ons, and it is also possible that in the new version of the software the developer has made various improvements that solve the problem with the interface.

How to fix the problem of cloudy interface display in a specific program

Of course, you can switch the system scale back to 100%, otherwise absolutely all elements of the interface will be “fragmented”.

You can do it the other way and just enable zoom changes for a specific victor. After mixing elements of the interface of a particular program, the interface will become less blurred and blurred.

Try it like this:

Most often, the average business owner has the following reasons and problems:

Hardware failure between the monitor and video card of the computer;

Damaged cable;

Unusual driver, and not for the display - most often the video card.

The main reasons why the image on the computer monitor is unclear

In order to diagnose and fix such problems, it is necessary to detect them immediately.

1. Vikoristovat current digital monitor connections

In fact, any current monitor, being connected in this way, can itself set up auto-tuning for more parameters. Make sure you go through the simple and intuitive menu of the monitor - by selecting the item called “Auto Setup”.

2. Adjusting the image display parameters.

Identify specific hardware capabilities. For the beginning, set everything to settings (brightness, color, temperature), and set the frequency to 60 Hz.

Regain respect! This work is required both on the device itself and in the video card software. It is necessary to remember that the monitor driver is not so important - it is only responsible for the accurate transmission of color, but not for various fine adjustments, such as smoothing or frequency.

3. Updating and updating the video card driver

The problem often arises when the standard settings of the video card do not allow the resolution supported by the display. It may be necessary to reinstall or update the video card drivers, or change the resolution on the monitor, which is possible from the menu.

respectfully: Today's video cards are even more foldable and functional devices. The number of settings items for them is in the hundreds. Finally, it can be seen that all the problems with the images stemmed from one deeply-closed point, for example, “stretch the scale” in “Adjusted scaling”.

To avoid such problems, rather use the standard values ​​for calculations and do not try to achieve the perfect picture through advanced options. You only need to work with a clear understanding of what a particular menu item stands for.

If you frequently install RK monitors on desktop computers, you may experience a problem due to the fact that the images on the monitor have become blurred. Why did this happen, even until the singing moment everything was normal? In order to be aware of the problem, it is necessary to understand the reason for this phenomenon, and then proceed with the same steps to resolve the problem. Let's try to identify the most common causes.

What do you mean by spreading the image?

Speaking about the reasons for such a phenomenon, almost all fakhivtsi see a number of the greatest expansions, among which the main ones can be called the following:

  • Care for the VGA cable or loose contact contacts on the connectors;
  • incorrect adjustment of the monitor itself;
  • mismatch between monitor parameters and operating system settings;
  • driver problems.

Note: This list also includes incorrect installation of Windows updates, which can often lead to problems with the same modification. This is due to the fact that the updates (and this is confirmed by the fakes from the Microsoft corporation) are simply incomplete, and they contain updates of all VGA drivers, which lead to the appearance of an undesirable effect iv.

In this case, as you have noticed the appearance of a blurred image on the monitor, the remaining installed updates must be removed manually, in order to view the installed updates in the sections of programs and components, which Click from the standard “Control Panel”.

A more effective way is to install a specialized uninstaller program using iObit Uninstaller. True, in this and in other cases it will be necessary to re-search for the words update in manual mode and turn off those found that do not need to be installed again (as is already understood, updates are visible after re-installation and checking the robotic system). As a simpler solution, you can use the Show or Hide Updates utility, developed directly by the Microsoft corporation.

The simplest method for reducing unwanted visual effects

Well, let’s assume that everything is in order with the updates, or their installation was probably turned on by the owner himself. In most cases, the appearance of a blurred image on the monitor can be caused by physical problems with the cable that connects the monitor to the stationary system unit. Try simply unplugging the plugs from the sockets, and then reconnecting. If this doesn’t help, ring up the cable or replace it with a new one. If possible, use the HDMI adapter (the image is stabilized immediately).

If everything is in order with the cable, try clicking on the monitor menu and try to improve the clarity of the picture by changing your device, having first read the technical documentation.

How can I see a blurred image on my monitor in Windows 7 or another OS?

While there is no need to adjust system systems, you can verify them absolutely simply. On the empty space of the “Desktop”, open the RMB and select the screen parameters item. In our preparations, we were allowed to show respect in advance.

Almost all monitors are equipped with recommendations using a value system. If for some reason it has been changed, it is necessary to install it. Older monitors can only work correctly in one mode, but they can support only a few others. Also change the refresh frequency settings on the screen. For the beginning, set the display to 60 Hz. However, since the device supports higher frequencies, it tends to oscillate more quickly (it is important to note that the higher the value, the clearer the picture).

How to remove blurred images on the monitor in Windows 10?

When you click on the above-described setting item from the “Desktop” in the tenth version of the system, you will be redirected to the appropriate section, which is located in the settings menu.

If the option to increase the scale to 125% is enabled, as well as change the option for the size of panels and windows, set the recommended parameters.

Note: if your computer or laptop does not have a discrete, but an integrated video card, to remove the blurred image on the monitor, you can configure the necessary parameters, for which, for example, “ Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel.” If there are special core programs for discrete graphics adapters, it is recommended to change settings not only in the operating system, but also in such add-ons (at the same time, before speaking, you can download and test the chip at the same time with the monitor ).

Problems updating drivers

You will find that the old drivers of the video card itself can cause a blurred image to appear on the monitor. Updating them using Windows methods is absolutely pointless. To achieve the optimal effect, quickly search for the latest updates to the Driver Booster core software. In cases with discrete graphics adapters, it is more likely to require specialized add-ons from the chip's driver.

As a last resort, you can find the necessary drivers either on the manufacturer’s website, or search for special ownership identifiers VEN and DEV, which is possible in the “Device Manager” (through the authorities on the views tab), as shown in the images depicted.