Work with the “design management” section and system codes. Design management as a new reality for business Management and marketing in design activities

Design management is a tool for business, market orientation and end-to-end support that helps organizations make decisions about design, which is at the center of the business process.

This is aware of the activity on all levels of the creation of competitive advantage from the moment of complete uncertainty before the start of the project right up to the finalization of specific design solutions.

Design management acts as an interface between management and design, and plays the role of a successful link between design concepts, design, technology, corporate management, brand management and marketing management on the internal and external equals activities of the company.

Hierarchy of design management

Those, in any way, and in what way design management integrates into the company, depend on the level of importance of the role that design plays in the company, as well as the specifics of the field, the size of the company and the competitive position tsії.

A study by the Danish Design Center (DDC), which allowed Danish Design to be recognized, shows how companies integrate design into business:

1. Without design: companies that do not rely on design (15% in 2007)

2. Design as styling: companies that use design to create stylistic solutions (17% in 2007 growth)

3. Design as a process: companies that promote design and process development (45% in 2007)

4. Design as innovation: companies that view design as a key element of strategy (21% in 2007 growth)

Research has shown that companies that looked at design at the most common gatherings grew continuously. Also, the Danish Design Center published in 2006 its “Assessing the Value of Design” with results that show that many companies view design as an asset for innovation (71%), as a necessity for the growth of companies ії (79%), і like those who helps make the product more affordable for the buyer (71%).

Rivni design management

Design management operates on three levels:

1.Operational design management

2. Tactful design management

3.Strategic design management

Operations design management

What's this? Operational design management related to the management of related projects and design teams.

By what method? The goal of operational design management is to achieve tasks that are placed on the level of strategic management. Effective management is achieved by adjusting the operational results of design management.

What does it include? This includes selection and management of design by contractors, control over documentation, evaluation of design processes and results.

What are the results? Operational management is used to achieve specific design goals. It can help ensure that the brand follows a path of consistent creation and implementation of high-quality design solutions that best suit the brand.

What kind of plant? Depending on the type of company, the job may be: operations design manager, art director.

More tactful keruvannya

What's this? Tactical management is addressed to the organization of design resources and design development processes.

By what method? Meta lies in the created structure of the company's design. There is a short difference between the goals set at the level of strategic management and those at the operational level.

What does it include? Includes coordination of various design projects and activity in the middle of the central business process. This means that the design of organizations is at the center of the company. Creation of approaches, design skills and competence, distribution of roles and equipment, development of innovative products and service concepts, as well as the development of new opportunities.

What are the results? Implementation of tactical management considerations related to the formation of the structure and design in the company, the generation of internal resources and competencies for the implementation of the project.

What kind of plant? Depending on the type of company and the focus in which it operates, there may be: a tactful design manager, a design director, a design and innovation manager, a brand manager, a new product development manager.

Strategic management

What's this? Strategic management includes the creation of a strategic, long-term plan for the design and designated role in the company.

By what method? The meta is at the forefront of important corporate developments, creating a link between design and business strategy. What does it include? Includes creation of design, brand and product strategy, if design management becomes a central element in the process of creating the company's business strategy. Strategic design management is responsible for the development and implementation of corporate design strategy, which flows into the company's mission and positioning of design in the company. This helps design interact with the needs of corporate governance and speaks to the sustainability of design.

What are the results? In areas of strategic management, competitive advantages and significant risks for the product/company will increase.

What kind of plant? Depending on the type of company and the role in which you work, there may be: a strategic design manager, a design director, a vice president of design and innovation, a creative director.

[ed.] Functions of design management

Design management is not a standard model that can be applied to any enterprise. Design management does not have clear instructions or special methods that would a priori guarantee success. Design managers are people with different responsibilities and knowledge of work that work in various industries, enterprises of various sizes, that serve various audiences and markets. Design management has a lot of facets, so many different aspects of its stagnation, and I guess that’s what design management is.

The function of design management in an organization lies under its typical commands, authority and obvious authority.

Design management jobs can be organized into a group that will describe the job profile of a design manager. Cooper and Press (2005) in their model of management saw five different categories that favor design. Design managers are tasked with strategic, tactical and operational levels that integrate them with:


2.strategy / important policies of the company


4. planning/distribution of resources


The authority of the design manager in the company directly influences those who the design manager works with his own work. Kootstra (2006) differentiates the types of design management based on their organizational functions:

Design management as a linear function

The linear function of design management is closely connected with the vykonanny of the “primary” tasks in the organizational process, and can be found at all levels of the design management hierarchy. The main feature of the linear function of a design manager is a broad direct responsibility for the result.

The function is divided into design management

In this case, the functionality of the design manager can be borne by one of the company’s specialists and also the role of a consultant for other departments or practitioners in support of design management.

Additional function for design management

If the design process is designated as a “secondary” organizational process, design management assumes an additional function. A design manager is defined as a creative specialist in production management, brand management, marketing, PR and communications.

“Damn,” my colleague, the leader of a small design studio, said to a client, “they couldn’t start the project again today, their director doesn’t sign the budget - it seems “expensive,” saying, there’s no point in paying designers such pennies for pictures. And the ruler says that I am guilty of paying so much for my financial support. Will I get any financial support from you? I'm a designer!

And to be honest, it’s foolish to pay for measles, because they can’t die out. So this is not mereness at all, but rather charlatanism, a “scam”, as I characterize design, marketing, branding, And that with them the entire creative industry is led by the Russian businessman. “No, you know, if I hire a marketing director - I buy him at a high price, then the first time it seems that it gets into me, and the other time - it seems that the effect has not yet come. And then - write an application and go to your competitors. And I don’t understand that we really need this kind of marketing...” says Vyn.

The stone of confusion in these primary insiders' stories is a system of evaluation, measurement of financial and other results, which helps to ensure that the work of creative accountants is necessary and important for business. No one can help the designer to highlight the quality of his work, and the marketer - the value of his budget for the company, as the stink will not begin to speak of a new mine. Mine, which brings together interprofessional competencies. Mine, as it relates “business-branding-production-sales-finance-design” into one small, steely lance of salient arguments. If this is true, then, in this case, the creative industry will still stand, and, perhaps, stand.

1951 r_k. Wartime Chicago. In America there is an economic boom, production is growing at a rapid pace. Walter Papke, an ordinary American textile manufacturer, organizes a conference in the small suburb of Chicago - the town of Aspen. The topic of the conference is quite surprising - it seems to be ill-conceived, non-academic, etc. They finally mixed two completely different objects, which have nothing to do with each other. On one side - pennies, hours, sales, production, sales. And other things – mysticism, aesthetics, style, trend…. The Aspen conference ruined the topic "Design as function for business", where first the representatives of “business” and “design” discussed the prospects for fruitful production. Singingly, this is one of the first public visits "design management".

The term “design management” was first introduced at a meeting of the Royal Fellowship of Art in London in 1965. From this moment the official history of the development of a new discipline begins.

What is current design management? We will immediately switch from “designer” to “business” - and for good measure. Design management sorts creativity by brush and gives evidence of nutrition, how much you need to invest in design in order to produce an effective product. Design management It breaks down the index of return on investment in design, the same ROI (Return-On-Investment), which in one formula provides evidence for the question “If I invest 1 ruble in a design, how much do I take out? creative cuisine”, packaging them in an ultra-sharp view of the shell of a design strategy that can be appreciated, observed and appreciated. And it also helps to manage the design team at the enterprise and improve the work of the design studio.

Basic functions design management- Organization of the design process, development of design strategy and implementation of design in life, and more precisely, in business and the market. Design management has seriously made life easier.

I wonder if everything is wrong in Russia? I don’t require any overseas design management? We ourselves, as in the old way, focus on design... The remaining Russian investigations, however, raise doubts. 2006 rock with initiative ORGANICA design consultancy and for the support of the Department of Communication Design of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical Academy, expert training was conducted for top managers of 150 enterprises on the topic “The role of design in business. Effective design". It was found that 61.1% prioritized the creation of a system for assessing the quality of design projects, and 20.8% prioritized the standardization of the agency-client relationship. And they “would pay dearly for a professional to explain to them what kind of design is needed so as not to waste investments, for example, in the production line, worth 5 million euros” (quote from an expert interview, “The role of design in Effective design”, St. Petersburg, 2006).

Nutritional assessment of the effectiveness of design, as well as the organization of a design management system in an enterprise, is the responsibility of design management. Based on the research data, it appears that most enterprises will require design management services, but have not yet met this need, or are not able to speed up the process - services in this field have not yet been presented and in Russia.

Saying with the words of Pershoy Rosіysky Pіdprimzya, a real realization of the design of the design audite on his derivatives of the pidpromstvi, “wounded not Mig, ShO є qike systems, so, yak at the fіnansist Chi Komerziya. Consulting companies, before which I worked to develop a company's strategy, could only evaluate finance, personnel work, and marketing as well. What did I have to do with design? I work in furniture, with us design is everything,” says Vadim Trubin, general director of the Sid-Divan company, vice-president of the Association of Furniture Enterprises and Trade of the Chelyabinsk Region, about the project. The project for this company was implemented in 2008 together with students from the British High School of Design. There are different methods for auditing a business through the analysis of design strategy - this includes the DTI Innovation Audit, developed by the London Business School, and the DTI Successful Product Development Audit - a larger assessment model, proposed by the British Design Council. We took foreign methodology and modified it to meet the needs of real Russian businesses, created such a working tool for a furniture company, with the specifics of organizing an experimental workshop, understanding trends, setting the task for design and, primarily, layout and modeling technologies, which are recommended.”

A new profession is now in great demand in the world of business, where a careless time will leave the legacy of a crisis even more painful, and you will spend a ruble in as little as two. And businesses are rushing to embrace the ballast of the old guard - the needs are not those who can spend their budgets, but those who can protect them and invest wisely. The strategy of the strong is not to grasp for straws, but to reach new shores, read - to acquire new competencies before anyone has them yet, and by 2010 they will emerge as leaders of advanced expert competence. Why until the 10th? Well, it’s simple, then the crisis will end, and those who survive will be in gold. Companies need people with smart design strategy, which is why the 21st century is called “Design,” as Bruce Nussbaum said at the presentation of the Day of Design (Innovation, Creativity and Design Strategy) at the World Economic Forum 200 6 at Davos.

Let's try to say “innovation”, quietly, to ourselves, out loud in a non-pronounced manner. And then you realize that something innovative is like, “wow.” Revealed? What happened? Apple iPod or Apple iPhone? Not important, smut - Apple. 90% of representatives of the world's business elite, interviewed by the Boston Consulting Group in 2006, also named Apple when they were asked “Which company do you respect as innovative?” The only thing that matters is that Apple invests in innovation and development (R&D) less than the average for Galusia - only 5.9% is equal to Galuzev’s 7.9%! Apple does not engage in technological innovation - “we package technology in a very simple and attractive form,” says Steve Jobs, the head of Apple. And my colleagues add: “We are engaged in design innovations.”

Buwai design management In Russia, the first steps are being taken, but the remaining trend behind the border is to include a “design management” course before the MBA program. And then open up other programs – as, for example, at the University of Science in London. I’ll tell you a secret that you can learn a little design management in Russia, but only in Moscow, at the British High School of Design. The first lighting program for design management will open in 2009.

Retailers who are just starting to operate in this area can benefit from a wide client base and increased competition, and there is no need to worry about the optimal form of work. And in truth, since there is no market, the only requirement is to take a relevant innovative topic into your own hands and develop a powerful consulting business on its basis. You can work in design management either independently or within a studio or mini-consulting bureau. An important mind, however, is deprived of professionalism - without specialized knowledge, this galusa can hardly learn the specifics of clear design management for enterprises.

Behind the cordon of professional services in Galusia, design management is represented by both specialized consulting companies and design studios with a wide profile. However, in the minds of fierce competition, the effective model at Zahod is also a private practice, freelancing for design management. Experts, authors of books and articles on this topic, develop their niches - specialize in any kind of industry (electronics, household appliances, furniture or industrial design), and also work for organizational consulting . To be clear, Park Advanced Design Management is a company with offices in Germany and the Netherlands that helps create a design department for a company, develop a design strategy for a company, and also manage design personnel.

As Claudia Kotchka, vice president of design innovation and strategy at Procter & Gamble, wrote in an article for Design Management Review, “to build a brand, you need to develop a design first.” And to do good design, you need to include this change in your business strategy and, most importantly, understand the importance of design for business. “Design is less than 2% creativity and 98% creativity and creativity” (Terennes Conran, renowned British designer and entrepreneur).

Well, finally – a banal rule: don’t be bothered by criticism, but joke about it. Everything that doesn’t beat us down, beat the stronger.

Tags: management

Tags: people behavior, management

Tags: management

Starvation strategy

12.10.2009 18:17

From Alan Cooper's book "The Psychiatric Hospital in the Hands of Patients" - for Windows 3.0
Apparently, from that time until Windows Vista, the principle did not change

Microsoft's strategy is based on food. [...] With a great numerical advantage, you can simply exchange victims [...] throw an obscure product onto the market, let’s say the dancing witch, and then listen to the swindles and woes of your clients. Correct those that are not appropriate and release an updated version. After three or four versions, the heart of the disease will die out, and you will reach a pleasant minimum that is supported by broad functionality, after which there will be no growth.

The strategy of extermination is not only expensive and wastes a lot of time, but it is also inhumane in relation to the use of computer technologies. Unfortunately, this strategy does not serve Microsoft well. The company does not intend to release wasteful, ill-conceived, poorly designed and engineered products to the detriment of the industry and ridicule of safety precautions, both proactive and non-preemptive. However, while the fakers are paying their respects, Microsoft will continue to support its first attempts with other, third, fourth, fifth, or even eleventh versions. Products such as Windows, ActiveX, Word, Access, Windows NT and many others have become giants in various market niches.

The strategy of starvation is effective only if there are stagnant companies that have lost their names, at the same time, playing poker and losing their finances. Dosi zhoden participant computer industry without revealing all the jaundice on the level, which is representative of the Microsoft level.

Tags: management

Plan not for functionality, but for the most important problems

01.07.2009 18:24

Alan Cooper writes that it is wrong to plan a product as an overflow of functions. Properly plan for the flood, as for your user.

Indeed, it is important for managers and professionals to understand this approach. We need to ensure that the product (or website) has this, this and that. We don’t need anyone to think about those “axis that” will appear.

How can I reverse the course of my thoughts? Cooper points like this:

To prove this thesis, mutual designer Scott McGregor performs such a miraculous test in his work. It identifies the product for its additional function and ask the listeners to write down what the product is, so they can guess. It overreacts: 1) the engine of internal combustion; 2) chotiri wheels with gum tires; 3) transmission, which connects the engine with the drive wheels; 4) transmission and engine mounted on the chassis; 5) kermo. At this point, the listener has already noted what the car is, but then Scott stops describing the features of the product and instead names a couple of requirements for a potential gardener: 6) it cuts grass quickly and easily; 7) Whom should you sit on? On the basis of five functions-hints, the average listener cannot guess what is a tractor-lawn mower. Obviously, the goals of the designer are very basic, not the set of functions for the product.

Tags: management

How to overcome the endless demands of the client’s design

23.06.2009 17:59

David Cronin of the Cooper design bureau recognizes how his projects come from a unique situation of endless insistence on design and dance around color schemes and two icons.

The main idea is to work closely with the client and recruit their representatives before the design process. Spirals of processing, respect out of control, restraint, savory similarities and unseemly compromises are unique in such a stench.

Proposed practices:

- The role of the design communicator is seen as a person who, in other words, has a sense of the proposed solution.
- Working with the right people - at the stages of the process, those client workers appear who are really needed. The general manager is not responsible for discussing the icons, and the manager is not responsible for discussing key business moments.
- Planning and layout - as the client learns how to act in terms of his actions, he will think about his behavior.
- Practice often and early - the client may be prepared before the design process begins.
- To choose the right solutions - it is necessary not only to let the client marvel at the design, but to present him with a problem and solve it.
- The deputy's key people may have been interviewed earlier.
- It is necessary to vikorist people and scenarios - to pose problems and tasks at gatherings, it is necessary to vikorist people - to collect images of koristuvach site, which may be with different parameters. Apparently, people are willing to complete different scenarios. The stinks are also likely to be separated on the basis of guarding against real profiteers, and not purely vigadani.
- I first need to identify the problem, and then discuss solutions. Often everything comes to fruition, leading to a “death spiral” of endless discussions.
- Expand the visual step by step. Cooper has a special style that is unique to the folding chair. This style is consistent with the style, so that the client is not stuck on the design.
- But we are preparing to quit our robot. There is no need to stand by your decision simply to what you came up with. Since this is not a problem, it needs to be thrown out.

Axis Full version stats Early and Often: How to Avoid the Design Revision Death Spiral

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Tags: management

Analysis of overnight activities

21.06.2009 18:17

The same commission with the automation of the combat system analyzed 280 seconds of the wind-ground combat mission. The highest axis is such a timeline that can be understood in which places the pilots of the greatest attractions (and from this price it is necessary to understand).

Tags: management

When automation is required

20.06.2009 18:16

The Commission on Power Automation of the American Military Single-Axis Vinishuvach recommends automation in the following situations:

Automation is not an end in itself. This may be carried out for the following purposes:

1. Change the attraction of the pilot
2. Zmenshiti pardons
3. Increase pilot productivity
4. Add new possibilities

Tags: management

Selecting systems for automating American vehicles

19.06.2009 17:46

This is the method used by the American Air Force Studies Board in 1981 to select single-axle combat aircraft systems that were subject to automation.

The stench was initially seen by 16 airborne systems.

Then the investigators asked the pilots for the cutaneous stages of the final combat mission to indicate their skin systems, which would show their importance at this stage, as well as the difficulty for the pilot himself in interacting with it.

Having compiled the results of such tables for missions of the type “over-and-over” and “over-earth”, the last committee removed the sub-ranks of the importance and complexity of the skin and systems. Next was a table of this data plus scales with ranks of the amount of interaction between the pilot and the system.

Viishlo chotiri square:

Find out the estimated result of the expansion and automation (at this point for the group of systems that certify for protection, defense awareness).

Tags: management

Designing indicators for a website dashboard

31.05.2009 18:31

In the same book Enterprise Dashboards Malik writes how to correctly calculate KPIs for a dashboard in a dashboard.

The programming indicator consists of a data core, a data collector, a variation (change to the base value) and a grain.

Grain is a warehouse that itself develops over time, a geographical place and a product that is considered an indicator. Axle butt:

Since a dashboard is a software product that functions smoothly, it is responsible for triggering alerts when indicators reach critical values. For example, if the pressure has become critical, the manager may receive auto-alert emails. Since there haven’t been any new news for a long time, the PR manager can avoid the bad news from the postal robot (this is a way for the site manager to save his time).

The Dovkill vector is laid out along the Y axis. The closer it is to zero, the more uneasy the internal environment of the enterprise is. For example, "Contact View" transfers information processing to CRM - the heart of the company's information architecture. Apparently, SEO is here in the middle of nowhere.

Pratsuє tse chi no, I don’t know yet. (I have no idea if I'm original:) The positions on the Y scale can also be ambiguous. In short, everything is purely experimental.

I called the building a Map of the project. At a minimum, it allows you to navigate the production line of the project and all its main parts.

Suitable for demonstration to superiors and for high-powered vikoristan.

Tags: management

Book How Do You Design. Adviser on 130 schemes of the design process

30.03.2009 18:04

H'yu Dubberly and the people from the Dubberly Design Office studio have done a great job of research and theoretical descriptions of the design process. Nearly 130 models contributed to the book How Do You Design. The book was written for general purposes and is freely available on the authors’ website.

Vzagali, dear witness. In my opinion, all the descriptions of the model are, in one way or another, the diagram of Koberg and Begnell, 1972, placed on the very beginning of the book.

We first break down the situation and the problem into parts for investigation (Analysis). Then we select them on the basis of the reasonable addition that was produced during this process (Synthesis).

Of course, there are a lot of different models that don’t necessarily bother you. I wrote about two of them earlier. I also liked the simplest mnemonic rule 4D (define, design, develop, deploy). Zharty v Apple

Find cyclical models, as is the natural continuation of all singing before.

  • Brainstorm. An intensive session is conducted to analyze data, monitor people and generate ideas. The skin assault lasts for more than a year and has clear rules, according to the rules.
  • Schwidke prototype bath. The collection of working models will help everyone understand possible solutions and increase the speed of decision-making and innovation.
  • Purification. At this stage of IDEO, there are as many possible solutions as possible.
  • Rozrobka. Engineers, designers and social workers of the company are brought into action at this stage to achieve product and service.
  • The axis is the same version of the English method:

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    What is “Design Management”?

    The “Current Design” section is located in the design panel of your site (go from the head side of the panel). This section opens the door to the wonderful land of template output. Everything you put on your website in beautiful pictures, colors and animations - everything is saved in the “Design Management” section, with, at first glance, terrible system codes, HTML and CSS. I hope that after reading today’s post, you will be able to easily navigate this section.

    What does the skin from the templates represent?

    • Global blocks

    The first thing we need to know on this page is these global blocks. Standard templates have standard global blocks, such as “Top of the site ($GLOBAL_AHEADER$)”, “Bottom of the site ($GLOBAL_BFOOTER$)”, “First container ($GLOBAL_CLEFTER$)” and “Another container ($GLOBAL_DRIGHTER$)” " ".

    Note: at the indication arms there is a code for the standard block that is inserted into HTML templates It will be used instead of what you have saved from the global community.

    This screenshot shows which part of the standard template is represented by standard global blocks:

    • Side editor

    The first module is the most important module, which allows you to create template pages with a standard design and 20 pages with a personal design.

    Indicated in blue, the "Site Sides" template is a universal template that can be used for the pages created in the "Site Editor" module.

    Redesigning templates - this is a page created in the page editor by checking the "Vikorize personal template" checkbox. Such pages may have standard global blocks: site header, footer and containers.

    • Zagalny templates

    This category includes only a table template CSS styles. Here you can change the design of your site: class tables, blocks, div elements, form elements and much more.

    A self-help teacher will help you find out what CSS is and how to work with it.

    • Module "Koristuvachi"

    For which section do the templates represent the following pages:

    1. Side of the entrance to the korstuvachs: /index/1
    2. Member registration page: /index/3
    3. Koristuvach’s personal page: /index/8-1
    4. Special information: /index/14
    5. Side of editing the data of the koristuvach: /index/11
    6. Side with the list of clients: /index/15-1
    7. Side with a list of comments from the correspondent: /index/34-1
    8. Side access blocked: be it a side that is not accessible to guests of any other group.

    In this color, this section is used to indicate the login form, registration and editing of personal information.

    • Other modules

    Next to the list is a warehouse of templates that shows which modules are activated on your site. Let's take a look at what the leather template from the butt of one of the modules resembles. For example, we take the “Photo Albums” module, which has a lot of templates, and templates for different categories. Categories of templates separated by colors:

    1. These are the original templates for all sides of the module. These are the pages of sections (they work like you have sections), the pages of categories, the page of material with comments, etc.

    2. Type of photographs/materials. This is the block you find in the skin material, going to the category or on the main page of the site near the list of materials. For example, the type of material.

    3. Photo side of the spill window/materials supplement form. The gray color indicates templates that are formed from any service forms, fields for adding and editing materials.

    4. Style table. Regardless of the fact that there is a separate style sheet for the entire site, the uCoz system has modules that create a separate style sheet. Photo album and online store are one of such modules.

    Side edit template: what, where and how?

    Once you've switched to any template with design management, you'll find a page with the output code for the template itself, a list of codes for the template itself, what it's running, and a lot of other interesting and perhaps not so smart stuff! :) Let's look at this side in detail:

    1. Interchange between website templates. Makes it easy to switch between templates without turning to the front side.

    2. Key to update the standard template. Once you have already put it in the template, you can later update the standard template, but you will need to be more respectful. If you have customized a unique template for your site and made a lot of changes to the template, save the code before updating it so as not to waste scripts.

    3. Switching to the template editing mode. Alternatively, you can change the editing mode from Simple to Syntax-Advanced. The syntax support mode has more comprehensive and intelligent code, but it does not work correctly in all browsers.

    4. Exit code for the template. Here you can place the pages of your site in the form of code. The output code itself contains HTML and system codes, which we’ll talk about a little later. If you are not familiar with HTML, the HTML tutorial can help you.

    5. Visual editing mode. We really do not want to rely on the use of a visual editor for editing, because it is only suitable for minor changes and especially for beginners who want to earn their first steps in the world of website development. The visual editing interface resembles the same basic interface Microsoft Office Word, and visual editing is not to blame! :)

    6. File manager. This button Swedish access to the file shed of your site. If you need to insert an image into the site code, you can quickly download it from the site’s file manager by clicking on the button. A report about the file manager can be read in the instructions “Possibilities of the file manager”.

    7. List of uCoz system codes. This is a preparation of uCoz codes to change the settings and data. For the skin template, the page has its own list of active system codes. I would like to know more about system codes and smart operators.

    System code uCoz smart operators

    This part of our post today is, melodiously, most useful and informative. As described above, system codes are located in the design panel in the “Current Design” section, and the template contains its own list of applicable system codes.

    To clarify in simple words, system codes are short changes that display any dynamic information in templates. All uCoz system codes are placed on the $ sign.

    There are different types of codes. Let's take a look at the types of codes and, one by one, the skin type:

    Butt code Code type Zastosuvannya
    $COUNTER$, $POLL$ etc. Module code The code is mixed HTML or JS code. The code for the modules is displayed.
    $GROUP_ID$, $USER_GENDER_ID$ etc. Mental code (numerical) The code to display is either a number or an ID that is assigned to the buyer/material.
    $USER_AGENT$, $USER_AGENT_VER$ etc. Mental code (text code) The code should be displayed depending on external factors. For example, the browser is used for the region.
    $USER_LOGGED_IN$, $IS_NEW_PM$ Prapor The code is rotated 1 if it can be adjusted and 0 if it can’t be adjusted.
    $REGISTER_LINK$, $LOGIN_LINK$ Posilannya Posted to the side, available for the singing rights of the group, or authorized/not authorized.
    Code with parameters For some system codes, you can adjust parameters directly in the code itself. In the description of the code below the template there is a description of all parameters.

    Module code

    Module codes are system codes that display a large array of data on the website’s website. You cannot edit them, but you can change them instead of adjusting the module on the control panel.

    Before such codes, there are codes for displaying the informer, testing, and statistics manager on the site.

    For example, if you have the “Operation” module activated and a number of inputs have been created, you can insert them into any template using the additional $POLL$ code. Instead of this code on the site, there is a summary of the previous creations you have created:

    If you change, add or delete the smell, it will be automatically changed and deleted on the site itself using the following code.

    Mental code (numerical)

    Numerical smart codes display data as numbers, allowing you to view data from materials and accounts by ID.

    With this code you can use your mind and display any data on the site only to the users from the “Administrator” group, for example:

    Hello, Administrator! :)Vibachte, you are not an administrator! :(

    This code is displayed as “Hello, you are an administrator! :)”, which allows users to log in to the “Administrator” group on the site. Otherwise, you will see the text “Vibachte, you are not an administrator! :(”).

    Mental code (text code)

    This code is practically in no way different from the one described above. Only instead of numbers, the code will display the same parameter in the view latin letters. For example, if we want to show users of the Internet Explorer browser the message “Your browser is out of date:(”, then we think like this:

    Your browser is out of date :(


    System codes of the "Prapor" type are one of the most important roles among all system codes. They allow you to check any parameter for truth/falsehood. For example, the most popular system code that indicates those who have no authorizations.

    You came in as "$USERNAME$". We kindly ask!You haven't logged in

    Type "Sending" of assignments for placement on the site by setting the parameters of the group rights. These codes not only display the message, but also serve as an ensign for recognizing access before following your message. For example, in order to create a message “Add material” to the “News to the site” module, as if only those who are allowed to add new things to the site need to write such a small mind:

    Add something new

    Code with parameters

    Codes with parameters allow you to make changes to the data display right up to the code itself. For example, in the “Forum” module, in the “Material Type” template, there is a code to display the remaining number of cities for the account manager. You can enter 1 to 10 cities. The name is changed at the code:

    Note: in our store you can get a basic guide to mental operators and system codes, where all the codes are described in detail with examples of their origins. The same aid can be purchased cheaper from a set of accessories for the uCoz system.

    How can I change the template on a specific page of the module?

    The title of this part of the post is the most common food for our clients. Although there are only 4-5 module templates in design management, this does not mean that you cannot change any side of the site :)

    The skin of the site in the uCoz system has its own unique URI ID. For this additional parameter, the intelligent operators of the system can display a song code or text on a unique page of the site.

    Let's look at the example of our corporate blog: we want to post some information (for example, a banner) on the page.

    3. Prepare the mind for inserting the template:

    4. Go to “Keruvannaya by design” → “Blog” → “Archive materials page” and insert the entire code into the required part of the template. We save making changes.

    On this, all the now necessary text will be displayed only on the page of the "uCoz" category.

    Note: you can also vikorize the $PAGE_ID$ and $MODULE_ID$ codes. All smart uCoz operators work behind this principle.

    Design management

    Design management- This is a business, market orientation and end-product tool that helps organizations make design decisions both at the end and in the middle of the business process.

    This is aware of the activity on all levels of the creation of competitive advantage from the moment of complete uncertainty before the start of the project right up to the finalization of specific design solutions.

    Design management acts as an interface between management and design, and plays an important role as a successful link between design concepts, design, technology, corporate management, brand management and marketing management in domestic and international markets. outside the activities of the company.

    Widely chosen

    Design management is not limited to just a design discipline.

    In his book “Classification of Design” (), Peter Gorb divided design into three disciplinary areas. Each of them has their own place for design management:

    1. Product design (for example, terms or packaging design)
    2. Information design (for example, graphic design, branding, media design, web design)
    3. Dovkill design (for example, interior design, exhibition design)

    Design management lies in the organizational processes and features of the product, which is related to three key functions as an interface between design, organization and market:

    1. Suitable for design strategy, business strategy and brand strategy
    2. It ensures the consistency and consistency of results in the design of all disciplinary areas
    3. Promotes user experience and enhances competitiveness

    Design management will provide support for design management from the point of view of its structure and design process (“working the right words”), as well as from the point of view of the effectiveness of the design result (“working the right words”).

    Depending on a variety of factors (such as design, company size, market conditions and the role of design in the company), a design manager has a wide range of duties and corporate titles, as well as roles, duties and responsibilities.

    The term “design management” is semantically precise and can be interpreted in two different ways:

    1. outstanding design
    2. design management.

    It is important to move away from the positioning of design management on the operational level, as well as through a new approach to promoting design thinking in the business environment (for example, promoting design thinking on the level for directors or managing innovation iyami).

    History of design management in the world and in Russia

    1951 r_k- Chicago vibrator Walter Paepcke organized the first food design conference in Aspen, Colorado. The Aspen conference disrupted the interaction between business and design, the topic “Design as a function of management” was discussed.

    1965 r_k- The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) introduced the term “design management” at the meeting.

    1966 r_k- RSA organizes the first ceremony of awarding the City of Galusa to design management DesignManagement Awards.

    1966 r_k- a book by Michael Farr about design management is coming out.

    1966 r_k- IBM President Thomas Watson Jr., at a lecture at Whatron Business School, affirms that “good design means good business.”

    1970 r_k- Mark Oakley organizes the innovative project “Managing Design Initiative by Mark Oakley”.

    1972 r_k- The Royal Fellowship of Mystery creates a scientific department for research into design.

    1972 r_k- the publication of Victor Papanek’s book “Design for the Real World” inverts the statement about design as a commercial tool: “The designer is superior to the success of the larger world, not to the Client’s brief.”

    1973 r_k- Knit Yran presents the first branded style book for Philips.

    1975 r_k- a non-profit partnership was founded with the power of design management Institute - Design Management Institute (DMI). The organization was created within the framework of the Massachusetts College of Science near Boston.

    1976 r_k- vidbulas persha shorichna Design Conference DMI.

    1979 r_k- Peter Gorb, ex-director of the design management center of the London Business School, publishes the book "Design and its stagnation in management."

    1980-1991 r_k- Philips is dividing the design management system at the enterprise, combining design, development and marketing into one structure.

    1984 r_k- The British Council for Design, together with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is sponsoring a publication with recommendations for business and effective development of design.

    1984 r_k- Having a personal computer Apple Mac, having created the first interface, focusing on the understanding and intuition of the teacher.

    1986 r_k- in Great Britain the Design and Business Association was founded.

    1990 r_k- published by Design Management: a Handbook of Issues and Methods (ed. by Mark Oakley) and Design Management: Papers From the London Business School (ed. by Peter Gorb).

    1994 r_k- publication of the British Standards system for design management in the service sector British Standard BS 7000 Part 3: Guide to Managing Service Design.

    1997 r_k- DMI opens the first European conference on design management.

    1997 r_k- BS 7000-Part 4: Guide to managing the design of manufactured products has emerged as a standard for managing the design of manufactured products.

    2001-2005 r_k- The British Council for Design is running a program to support the development of design in small and medium-sized businesses “Design for Business”.

    2004 r_k- with the initiative of the New Zealand National Agency for Economic Development, the Better by Design project was launched, aimed at developing the competitiveness of New Zealand enterprises for similar design.

    2005 r_k- Sir George Cox, head of the British Foundation for Design, is organizing an international British follow-up project to explore the role of creativity in business - Cox Review of Creativity in Business.

    2006 r_k- President of the Design Management Institute Earl Powell, giving a speech about design management to the St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry named after A.L. Stieglitz.

    2006 r_k- The first Russian study “The role of design in business: effective design” was conducted

    2009 r_k- Starting work with the Russian web resource for design management

    2009 r_k- the first educational program in design management is opening in Russia at the British Higher School of Design (Moscow), for which the Design Manager Day was founded on the 19th of April with the initiative of students

    Design management in companies

    Hierarchy of design management

    Those, in any way, and in what way design management integrates into the company, depend on the level of importance of the role that design plays in the company, as well as the specifics of the field, the size of the company and the competitive position tsії.

    A study by the Danish Design Center (DDC), which allowed Danish Design to be recognized, shows how companies integrate design into business:

    1. Without design: companies that do not rely on design (15% in 2007)
    2. Design as styling: companies that use design to create stylistic solutions (17% in 2007 growth)
    3. Design as a process: companies that promote design and process development (45% in 2007)
    4. Design as innovation: companies that view design as a key element of strategy (21% in 2007 growth)

    Research has shown that companies that looked at design at the most common gatherings grew continuously. Also, the Danish Design Center published in 2006 its “Assessing the Value of Design” with results that show that many companies view design as an asset for innovation (71%), as a necessity for the growth of companies ії (79%), і like those who helps make the product more affordable for the buyer (71%).

    Rivni design management

    Design management operates on three levels:

    1. Operations design management
    2. Tactful Design Management
    3. Strategic design management

    Operations design management

    What's this? Operational design management related to the management of related projects and design teams.

    By what method? The goal of operational design management is to achieve tasks that are placed on the level of strategic management. Effective management is achieved by adjusting the operational results of design management.

    What does it include? This includes selection and management of design by contractors, control over documentation, evaluation of design processes and results.

    What are the results? Operational management is used to achieve specific design goals. It can help ensure that the brand follows a path of consistent creation and implementation of high-quality design solutions that best suit the brand.

    What kind of plant? Depending on the type of company, the job may be: operations design manager, art director.

    More tactful keruvannya

    What's this? Tactical management is addressed to the organization of design resources and design development processes.

    By what method? Meta lies in the created structure of the company's design. There is a short difference between the goals set at the level of strategic management and those at the operational level.

    What does it include? Includes coordination of various design projects and activity in the middle of the central business process. This means that the design of organizations is at the center of the company. Creation of approaches, design skills and competence, distribution of roles and equipment, development of innovative products and service concepts, as well as the development of new opportunities.

    What are the results? Implementation of tactical management considerations related to the formation of the structure and design in the company, the generation of internal resources and competencies for the implementation of the project.

    What kind of plant? Depending on the type of company and the focus in which it operates, there may be: a tactful design manager, a design director, a design and innovation manager, a brand manager, a new product development manager.

    Strategic management

    What's this? Strategic management includes the creation of a strategic, long-term plan for the design and designated role in the company.

    By what method? The meta is at the forefront of important corporate developments, creating a link between design and business strategy. What does it include? Includes creation of design, brand and product strategy, if design management becomes a central element in the process of creating the company's business strategy. Strategic design management is responsible for the development and implementation of corporate design strategy, which flows into the company's mission and positioning of design in the company. This helps design interact with the needs of corporate governance and speaks to the sustainability of design.

    What are the results? In areas of strategic management, competitive advantages and significant risks for the product/company will increase.

    What kind of plant? Depending on the type of company and the role in which you work, there may be: a strategic design manager, a design director, a vice president of design and innovation, a creative director.

    Functions of design management

    Design management is not a standard model that can be applied to any enterprise. Design management does not have clear instructions or special methods that would a priori guarantee success. Design managers are people with different responsibilities and knowledge of work that work in various industries, enterprises of various sizes, that serve various audiences and markets. Design management has a lot of facets, so many different aspects of its stagnation, and I guess that’s what design management is.

    The function of design management in an organization lies under its typical commands, authority and obvious authority.

    Design management jobs can be organized into a group that will describe the job profile of a design manager. Cooper and Press (2005) in their model of management saw five different categories that favor design. Design managers are tasked with strategic, tactical and operational levels that integrate them with:

    1. bachennyam/mіsієyu
    2. strategy/important policy of the company
    3. goals/goals/results
    4. planning/distribution of resources
    5. activity / control / evaluation

    The authority of the design manager in the company directly influences those who the design manager works with his own work. Kootstra (2006) differentiates the types of design management based on their organizational functions:

    Design management as a linear function

    The linear function of design management is closely connected with the vykonanny of the “primary” tasks in the organizational process, and can be found at all levels of the design management hierarchy. The main feature of the linear function of a design manager is a broad direct responsibility for the result.

    The function is divided into design management

    In this case, the functionality of the design manager can be borne by one of the company’s specialists and also the role of a consultant for other departments or practitioners in support of design management.

    Additional function for design management

    If the design process is designated as a “secondary” organizational process, design management assumes an additional function. A design manager is defined as a creative specialist in production management, brand management, marketing, PR and communications.

    Illumination in the field of design management

    Design management first began to be introduced in business schools, starting with the introduction of design management at the London Business School in 1976. The first Design Management program at a design school began in the 1980s at the Royal College of Arts and the universities of DeMontfort, Middlesex, and Staffordshire. While many UK courses were out of business, for example the RSA Westminster MBA course was closed, other courses were opened and continued to operate, such as Brunel, Salford, and Lancaster. Today, design management is less widespread in business universities, and is concentrated more in design schools. BusinessWeek has a short list of top programs that integrate design thinking and business thinking, D-schools 2009 and D-school programs to watch 2009.

    Design management vs Design leadership

    In current practice, design managers often work in the role of design leadership. However, design management and design leadership are not interchangeable, but rather mutually dependent. Like management and leadership, they focus on their goals, ways to achieve goals and results. Design leadership is more proactive: it leads us from the creation of the first priority to change, innovation and implementation of creative solutions.

    Design leadership stimulates communication and innovation through motivation and enthusiasm, sets a level of ambition and provides future direction to achieve long-term goals. However, design management is reactive in its approach and responds to a specific business situation, selected tips, tools and methods. Design management and design leadership are mutually dependent: Design management will require leadership to know where to go, and design leadership will require design management to know how to get there.


    • LJ course Design Management at the British School of Design

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Wonder what “Design Management” is in other dictionaries:

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