Addendum for android jammer zv'yazku. How to make a jammer or make a stylnikov's hook with your own hands. How to mask jammers

In the rest of the hour, the Internet sleep began to give more and more respect to the jammers of the style call, especially to the one, as if one of them was itself. Company Jammer and the team of our fahіvtsіv could not be spared and did not lay down their own instructions for you. But don’t forget that the creation of such a folding outbuilding is not easy to do on the right and you need to learn the songs and know how to do it in the field of electronics.

3 Choking Method

First of all, you are guilty of knowing that there are three ways to stifle mobile signals:

  • spoofing(A pardon signal is sent to the mobile attachment and the robot is broken)
  • dos attack(Vidmova is in service, if the signal is interfering with radio codes and it is not possible to normally receive either of the directions)
  • electromagnetic screening(The object enters the screen, which does not let you enter, nor exit signals)

Our fahivtsі vikoristovuyut another way, and the axis of what: spoofing is a good method, but still requires precise regulation and control, and an unacknowledged coristuvach will be able to smoothly manage such an extension. The electromagnetic screen works great, but it is tied up to one month of rotting, so you can forget about portable outbuildings.

That is why dos is filled with the best choice due to the ability to jam all mobile extensions of the same frequencies within the radius of suppression of the vicorous jammer.

selectable Parts

In order to build a jammer for a stylnikovy zv'yazka, you need to combine all the details in one single unit. Axis x list:

  • Generator
  • Tuning Scheme (for selecting the desired frequency for choking)
  • Dzherelo Pereshkod (as a rule, in the setting up of the Scheme)
  • RF Power Block
  • transmit Antenna

VCO is the most important part. Vіn mute heart of your jammer. The VCO vibrates an RF signal that will interact with the attachment. First for everything, You are guilty of choosing the frequency, which will be your favorite. Axis list of main standards for communication:

  • AMPS (800MHz)
  • PCS (800MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz)
  • GSM (850MHz and 1900MHz in America, 900MHz and 1800MHz in Europe)
  • GPS (main civil frequencies 1227MHz and 1575MHz)
  • Wi-Fi / Bluetooth (2400MHz - 2500MHz)
  • RFID (also available as UHF / VHF, 14MHz - 400MHz, 800MHz and 2450MHz)

Also, you need to think about the possibility of a possible igniter, so you can create a portable jammer of a style call or a floor-mounted blocker of mobile phones.

Configuration Scheme You can have two types: open circuit and reverse connection. An open circuit is simple and takes into account only a few storage and additional passive components. The generator of saw-like kolivan zmushu VCO walks from the lower to the upper frequency. Scheme with a reverse link with a vicorist PLL to adjust and decrease the frequency of the VCO on one level. For this purpose, you need to win a microcontroller. The vin is programmed once and connected to the VCO, then the vin is not tuned.

RF Strengthening Unit- all those that you need, if you want to expand the coverage area of ​​your jammer at the same time as the signal is tighter. The greater the tightness of your oppressive signals, the wider the radius of your strangulation. At the cost of this, like Vee, singsongly, they guessed, I’ll build an hour of work. More straining is more expensive for a lesser hour, on a yak to pull out batteries.

On the market of electronic components, it is possible to achieve a wide selection of cascades (7dBm, 17dBm, and 20 + dBm). However, next vrakhovuvati, scho more tightness, less than an hour of work I will add.

transmit Antenna- tse attachments that transmit signals that generate your charm. The main characteristic of the antenna is KSHN (Coefficient of Standing Fluctuation Voltage). If the KSHN of your antenna is more expensive, or lower, the same as those that are required, then the cost of spending the antenna is minimal.

Fahivtsі company Jammer vikoristovuyu SMA antennas, as it is easy to clean or replace them. Also, you should guess that the all-straight antennas are shorter, as you do not want to constantly direct your jammer to the object of strangulation, like a TV remote control.

Dzherelo livelihood support the life force of your creation. Ring for robotic mobile phone suppressors vico 5V direct current. To that you can vikoristovuvat ion-lithium battery in the capacity of life. If you have a different kind of living cord, you will need a lace adapter. Merezhevy adapter can be of two types: voltage booster of a ceramic capacitor or inductor pulsed stabilizer.

The first is simple and effective, but it cannot be adjusted, so you need an MPN regulator to adjust the voltage. The other is adjustable, more expensive, more foldable and requires precise selection of all components for stable operation.

Our team of making victorious impulse stabilizers for their creations. Tse take more than an hour and work, but the result of that. Replacement / permanent strum adapters are available for all types of mufflers and mobile phone calls.

dodatkovі Notes

  • The signals of older models of mobile attachments are easier to stifle through the greater low operating pressure. Vіdpovіdno stinks will be muffled on a larger vіdstanі, nіzh bіlsh novі mobile phones.
  • As a rule, cooling systems are installed on larger exhaust signal jammers to prevent malfunctions.
  • If you want to get a good start, right and right (as well as the necessary possession), you can win the programmed PLL system with a micro controller, so that you can make your style adjustment sound.

І to stop

Well, did you like it? Now you know about those yaki we work with our shanovnymi doslidnitskiye and virobnicheskimi fahivtsy, schob to find, rozrobiti, create and carry out all the ceremoniality of the above jammers of the stylnikovy zv'yazku for your koristuvannya.

World of electronic gadgets - so majestic and cicave place! Yomu є scho show and chim zdivuvati. Vіn can help us for the sake of modernity, cursing, that and just cool things.

I will be radium to you like a yoga new part!

More recently, we vikoristovuvali how zasіb zv'yazku only home or work phone and absolutely not zamyslyuvalis about those who could possibly joke us. But the hours are changing, and at the same time a person cannot reveal himself, as if he would do without a good call for an additional style telephone with a necessary light.

Insanely, zastosuvannya tsgogo apparatus to bring us a bunch of advances, but more forget about those who still do not follow the rules of yogo vikoristannya, then the stylist's phone will become a mimic. For example, sing-songly, the skin was beaten with a pantel through the unresponsive telephone ring at the order to sit in the theater - at that moment the melody from "Boomer" did not fit well with the tragic scene, as if it was heard during the vistavi. Perhaps, if you yourself, if you ever trotted in an unruly camp, if your phone raptly roared with the voice of the soloist of the group "Rammstein" on the occasion? As you know, close to 90% of people communicate through non-local calls of mobile phones. The whole rozdratuvannya was raised to such neimovernyh between, that we had a chance to find mufflers of a style call, or else they call them jammers - attach, yak help to get rid of intrusive telephone rings.

Blocking schemes of this type are still simple. The attachment acts as a noise generator with high intensity. Yogo the principle of robotic work is to stifle the connection of a mobile phone from the base station, i.e. blocking the gate signal. The very same entrance calls from mobile phones, which are located in the borders of a jammer, cannot pass through such a title of zahisny bar'єr. Now you can be absolutely convinced that at this hour you will not be disturbed by unsound calls.

Just like analogous GSM jammers got into wide sale, they immediately began to tickle, and they were people of science, not security structures! On this day, the blockers of the stylists are more and more often victorious during the cultural and mass visits, and all the artists have calmed down freely - even now you can calmly take up the work. Before they let the jammers go, the situation was depleted of the best. Like once in Copenhagen at the hour of the presentation in the hall of the symphony orchestra, the mobile phone rang. At that moment, the conductor sounded the announcement, and the musicians began to play the melody from the very cob. Pianist Andreas Schiff at one of his concerts did not have a tolerant floor. Vіn stіyko i muzhno vytrimav dzvіnki dzvіnki dvіh mobilіh telefonі, аlе аlѕо іn thіѕ third time hаvіng the ring іn thе room, pinning а group і pіshov zі scenes. The pianist urged the public to hurry up for a break so that the stench could cough, telephone friends, or just make some noise.
So jammers are widely zastosovuyutsya ... in churches! The scheme of the mobile phone blocker transmits that such an attractive person in the fallow time is his type, the building slanders the powers that be for the expansion of the place. In the church, often put a sprig of these jammers of style telephones, and once a divine service is held, it’s not possible to destroy such a ring of a style telephone. The holy fathers until this hour often complained one to one that their patience would soon run out, so it was already simply unbearable to hear telephone rings in the temple all the time.
The back of strangling gsm was only an experiment, if the fittings were installed only in a few churches. And yet, after all, I managed to be successful, and at the same time, most of the churches already called themselves in the presence of intrusive telephone calls for the help of jammers!

Jammers of style telephones, as in the past they call suppressors of the signal of a style call, are an accessible and superior tool, for the help of which you can save a round of information of a different level of importance. In today's world, the richness of the apparel has become too wide, as if in a significant world they have made it easier to save the secrets of commercial and other information that is not recognized for the infamous review. Jammers of mobile phones were created specifically for the security of confidentiality and the prevention of important data.

Also, the jammers of style telephones are recognized for keeping up with the established order of calling in some public places: libraries, theaters, cinemas and rich others, where the rules for the enforcement of unauthorized sound signals have been established. "SpetsTekhKonsalting" propagates all the noises in strangled signals and style calls of the jammers of mobile phones in various modifications. The versatility of the possession we have propagated to stifle the signal of the operators of the hundredth call varies in the fallow in terms of their technical level and capabilities.

Jammers of style telephones are operated at different frequencies. The stench of the building is making noise that overrides the ability of robots and mobile phones to make a call. The fallow, in the presence of the pressure of the noise generator, changes the radius of the air to block the signal of the operator in the tie-bridge. Whatever the generator can do, the more space will be blocked. Dispense jammers for mobile phones for use in cars and for the use of different areas. Actual modifications of proponated "SpetsTekhKonsalting" possessing for suppressing the signal of the operators in the style connection can also block the transmission of data via Wi-Fi.

In the online catalog "SpetsTechConsulting" you can find the ability to block the GPS signal. For example, the GT-13C model, which can be used for compact attachments from a series of portable jammers. All attachments, zavdyaks of similarity with a mobile phone, small sizes and modern design, without tying up respect, building to secure freedom of movement for your spy, blocking the GPS signal.

Modern jammers of style phones may be impersonal modifikatsiy inflict different abilities on their lords. Якщо Ви розглядаєте можливість придбання глушилки мобільних телефонів, але ще не визначилися, яку саме буде оптимально придбати, звертайтеся до фахівців «СпецТехКонсалтінг», які здатні проконсультувати на професійному рівні і надати всебічне сприяння у виборі оптимального устаткування для реалізації системи безпеки корпоративної та особистої. Vicoristannya of the current possibilities are given impersonal advantages in order to zapobіgannya round of information of a different level of significance.

On a daily basis, we are learning more and more technology, as we work with different drone-free systems: mobile phones, gadgets for a “smart” booth, car alarms, pilotless aircraft.

It's a pity, such an extension is easy to get out of tune. A simple accessory for a kіlka thousand rubles can neutralize the security signaling or virubaty stіlnikovy zv'yazok in the whole office.

If you live in Moscow, then you speak regularly in the center of the city.

In this article, you know that there are used radio frequency suppressors and for such purposes, the stench vikoristovuyutsya.


"Jammers" can be easily bought on the Internet, but you can only try them with the permission of Roskomnadzor. Detailed procedures for registering jammers of radio frequencies can be found in the document Registration of RES and RF.

Vidpovidalnist for violating the rules of registration REZ i vchu registered in article 13.4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules of design, operation, installation, registration or operation of radioelectronic devices and (or) high-frequency devices. I threaten physical persons fine up to 500 rubles and confiscation of the annex.

How do radio frequency suppressors work?

The overriding principle of operation of all jammers is even simpler: stench vibrate the signal in the same frequency range, which is attached, which is necessary to strangle. Near the jammer, a field of "white noise" is created, in which the signals from other gerels are ruined.

Tipi jammers by form factor

Stationary jammers. Such an annex is designated for a permanent wagon station in one space and for work it is necessary to connect to the yard. The stench is important kіlka kіlogramm and can instantly generate "white noise" on ten and more radio frequency bands.

Portable jammers. Such attachments can be carried in the gut and indefinitely included in the world of necessities, without paying attention to the respect of the sick. An hour of autonomous work and I will build such an attachment for 1-3 years.

Use portable jammers, on average, 300-700 grams and combine 3-6 antennas in your home to suppress different radio frequency bands.

Chokhli-blockers. Since the 1990s, there have been anonymous legends about the introduction into the skin of the GSM-phone “police regime”, which allows the operator of the telephone call to follow the movements and listen to the call of any subscriber.

Sound in such holsters є two vіdsіki. The first one is assigned for the total blocking of signals, and the other one is for the protection of the high-profile signaling.

In the rich countries of the world, high-ranking officials and practitioners of the special services use mobile phones and a special selection. In Russia, for spіvrobіtnikіv secret agencies issued crypto telephony SMP-ATLAS / 2 and M-549M.

And now let's talk about the reason for which zastosovuetsya in practice smothering signals on different frequency ranges.

style call

At most vipadkiv, the jammers of the stylistic zv'yazku are bought for the protection of the premises for wiretapping for the help of GSM bugs. By ignoring a mobile call, you can create silence in the hall at the mass entrance, blocking the input calls.

It is possible, soon in our country to adopt a law, with such a style jammers, a bell will be installed in prisons, in schools for an hour of the EDI, in the auditorium of universities, theaters and other public places.

Frequency ranges:
GSM900: 925-960MHz
GSM1800: 1805-1880MHz
3G: 2110-2170MHz
4G WIMAX: 2570-2690 MHz
4G LTE: 791-820 MHz
CDMA800: 850-894 MHz ( not won by Russian style operators since 2010)
PHS: 1900-1930 MHz (old standard, used to be victorious in China and Japan)

WiFi / Bluetooth

Such jammers are often combined in one extension with suppressors of the tie-rod. The stench is designated for blocking the transmission channels of these dartless cameras. Tse give additional defense in the form of information.

If such a jammer is active in the premises, then routers, wireless keyboards and mice do not work with cameras of the attached guard.

Frequency range:
Wi-Fi / Bluetooth: 2400 - 2500 MHz


Service cars of far-reaching people and tourists are equipped with GPS-beacons, which allow the robot to control the space of roaming the speaker. But with such a degree, you can ask for help anti-tracker.

GPS anti-tracker is a small attachment that can be installed in a car's cigarette lighter and blocks GPS and GLONASS satellite signals. Active anti-trackers also include a GSM jammer.

Suppressing GPS and GLONASS is also a victorious signal for defending against a stolen car.

Frequency ranges:
GPS L1: 1570-1620 MHz
GPS i GLONASS L2: 1200-1310MHz
GPS i GLONASS L3: 1380-1410MHz


In online stores they sell under the name "Antishanson". Such jammers are needed in minibuses, taxis, shops and other places of residence of the listeners "Radio Dacha" and "Retro FM".

Frequency range:

FM: 88-108MHz

Also, for countering chanson and water trolling, MP3 players with FM transmitters are used. With their help, you can not just turn off the radio, but listen to the whole minibus and listen to your favorite tracks.

audio recording

Transmission generators for microphones are included in the set of complex wiretapping sound suppressors and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. There are two ways to spoil an audio recording:

Ultrasonic asphyxiation. The device generates ultrasound, which is not accepted by human hearing, but it creates crossovers, like blocking the recording of smartphones and intestinal voice recorders.

Acoustically suffocated. Attached to the generator was a bit of a people’s shift “chorus of voices”.

"Jammer of microphones" sound important kіlka kіlogramіv, looking like a great speaker and looking organically in the interior. The manager is responsible for the help of the remote control panel, which can be buried in the gut.

How to mask jammers?

Jammers, camouflage of various objects are sold in online stores for the unfamiliar suffocating suffocation of radio signals. Portable jammers with a radius of up to 15 meters can mask a purse or a pack of cigarettes, and more powerful universal suppressors for briefcases, diplomats or interior details.

Tse radio transmitter, which works on the same frequencies as the base stations. The signal of the jammer does not carry information, but the noise itself, which imitates the root signal. Stilnikovy phone (or Wi-fi, glonass / gps and in.) Can not connect to the operator's channel, the signal is weaker, lower radio noise is scattered nearby, out of the wilderness. The jammer is selected according to the necessary assistance according to various parameters:

  1. select channels to be suppressed: only a low-tech GSM signal, additional Wi-fi, all channels, including 4G;
  2. tightness and straightening of the signal, presence of additional antennas;
  3. vikonannya prilad: portable (portable), stationary, street.

Deyakі models allow you to adjust the radius of di, tightness, straightening of the signal or zastosovuvat different types of antennas. Special signal suppressors work with intelligent algorithms and depend on the specific location of the installation.

How to bypass the jammer of the stylist's connection and the Internet?

Varto try roztashuvatisya with the phone at the maximum distance, I will attach it, or in the "zone of the presence of the signal" for a great metal object. Might as well use a low-power, portable jammer.

Inexpensive jammers operate in the GSM band and jam only voice calls. The possibility of 3G / 4G Internet connection is no longer available, in today's smartphones in this range, the connection is supported. The programs installed in the system - messengers allow you to transmit both text and voice messages.

How to get around the jammer, which works in all ranges of the dartless connection - a real (civil) technical solution has not yet been found.

Variants of yak_snih jammers

Among the most popular models, for which only positive feedback can be followed:

Signal Jammer EaglePro Pelena 2 is a small portable jammer for jamming GPS and GLONASS signals. You can also muffle the fire sensors. Die bezvіdmovno z be-yakimi tracker. For 1000 sales in total 2 tickets. Іsnuє tsey prinіchuvach vzhe protyazh rich rokіv, constantly modifying and improving the characteristics at once with the development of monitoring systems.

Jammer EaglePro Zametil-Z Works stably and supplely, may have a wider spectrum and less tension. That yogo can not be killed by any pidsiluvachs of signals.

Jammer EaglePro Tsunami. Option for guaranteed suppression of signals in the premises. Even a great radius at once with a wide range of frequencies - does not deprive the chance of wiretapping and understanding information during important business meetings. Take yoga in the main large serious firms for meeting rooms. Є jammers and with a larger wide radius of diї, and more often for all zayve. And the axis to the top of the same model can be reduced noise.