Presentation on the topic “Local computer networks”. Local and global computer networks Local network presentation from computer science

Local computer networks

Vikonala: Khrushchova T.O. student of 10th "A" class

Verified by: Pospelova G.V.

MBOU "ZOSH No. 20"

m. Novomoskovsk, Tulsk region.

  • Local measure
  • Merger adapter
  • Operating systems
  • Functions of local network

Local boundary diagram of local boundary structures

Local measure

Peer-to-peer local network with line bus topology

For home local networks that included 2-3 computers, a topology is used to connect computers linear bus.

In this case, all computers are connected to one cable, and the printer is connected to one computer.

Peer-to-peer local network with star topology

U peer-to-peer local networks with a star topology All computers and printers are connected to a hub or switch to ensure data transfer between network devices

Local network based on server

To increase productivity, as well as to ensure greater reliability of saving information at any time, a powerful computer is available for saving files and add-on programs.

Such a computer is called server, A local measure– according to the server arrangements.

Merger adapter

Fringe adapter – special board (connection of computers at wired local fringes)

The main function of the tether adapter is the transmission and reception of information from the tether

Operating systems

Operating systems may introduce limits that make it easy and quick to prevent your computer from connecting to a local boundary.

Current versions of operating systems

Functions of local network

A local network connects computers installed in one location or one location. For example, school computer classes


Office 22

Office 16

Office 12

  • Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science and ICT. Basic rhubarb: handy for 10th grade/N.D. Ugrinovich.-9th view.-M. : Binom Laboratory of knowledge, 2012.-213s-: ill.

The presentation on the topic “Local computer network” is intended for study in computer science disciplines by students of 1st and 2nd courses. The presentation includes the concept of local computer network, classification, description of hardware and software of local computer network, access modes to the network.


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Local computer network

Computer networking for connecting computers for exchanging information and sharing resources (printer, modem, disk memory, etc.).

A local network of shared computers is installed in one location (elementary classroom, office, etc.), in one cubicle or in several cubicles that are nearby. Make sure that your computer's local boundaries are no more than one kilometer wide. In this case, a larger number of vikorysts have special equipment.

Local networks based on the way computers interact are divided into: peer-to-peer; from the visible server. Local measure

Peer-to-peer local network In a peer-to-peer local network, all computers are equal. Outside devices can be connected to any computer at the edge.

The network with the visible server The structure of the network with the visible server

Server (from the English server - service device) is a computer that distributes resources between servers. The installation server has a powerful processor, large RAM and disk memory, and saves the main part of the software and data protection that can be used to speed up all of your applications.

As work stations require less productive computers with less disk and RAM.

At the same time, the server implements client-server technology. Server software is installed on the server: server operating system; WEB server (Intranet organization); proxy server (security of work stations with the Internet); file server (secured access to files) etc. According to the visible server

The client software is installed on the workstation: operating system for workstations; the client part of the applied software. According to the visible server

The most widely used methods for connecting computers are: bus (usually used for peer-to-peer connections); zirka (Vikorist for any local measures). Hardware security measures

Components of a local network To organize a local network, it is necessary to install a network board into the PC and connect all computers using a special cable.

Some components necessary for interconnecting computers are already installed on the system board and an edge board is not required. In this version, the socket for the cable tie is located on the rear panel of the system unit.

Local network components Coaxial cable – transmission speed 10 Mbit/s. Vita pair - transmission speed up to 100 Mbit/s.

Components of a local network Concentrators (HUB or Switch) - serve to connect computers to the network. The hub can vary the number of connection ports (range from 8 to 32).

Components of a local fringe The maximum connection speed to the fuse with the HUB is determined by the speed of the maximum fringe board. For Switch, the connection speed of any pair of computers is determined by the speed of the maximum margin fee in the pair (group).

Network security software To organize a local network it is necessary to: specify the names of the Work Group; Assign each computer a unique IP address in this workgroup, and also set the submersion mask address (in some cases, the explicit IP address and submersion mask address may not be set).

Security software is always used to determine the computer name and workgroup

The network software data window is used to set the explicit IP address and the network mask parameters

It is always necessary to check the level of access to local computer resources. Modes of access to network resources.

Local resource. Access to computer resources for border users is blocked. To ensure the availability of local resources, it is necessary to install a remixer at the location of the Zagalny resource. Zagalny resource. Allows users to use computer resources (disk memory and peripheral devices - printer, modem). For whom you need to allow Unlock private access to the folder. In this case, it is necessary to consider the level of access. Modes of access to network resources

Modes for accessing network resources Read only Allows network users to open or copy files and folders. Allows users to delete all operations on files and folders (move, delete, edit, rename, etc.). Access, which is indicated by a password This mode gives different categories of different access rights, for example, no reading or no access.

Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and notes

Summary before the lesson “Local network” Computer network is the connection of computers for the exchange of information and storage of resources (printer, modem, disk memory, etc.) slide 2.

Presentations from the discipline "Computer Measurements"

Presentations help students to have fun and help students learn the material more easily.

CONTROL AND EVALUATION ASSOCIATIONS for the fencing 230103.03 Computer welding adjuster MDK.01.01. Installation and maintenance of local computer networks

CONTROL AND EVALUATION ASSOCIATIONS for the fencing 230103.03 Computer welding adjuster MDK.01.01. Management and maintenance of local computer networks...

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
CROWBAR: appearance, appearance, understanding
Administration LOM
Hardware warehouse scrap
Topology LOM
Peer and dvorang scrap
Automated work stations in LOM
Corporate scrap
Divisional Measures, Campus Measures and Corporate Measures
Telecommunication devices for linking remote scrap materials
Apply a global tie to the distant CROWBAR

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
About 20 years ago, the installations began to integrate computers at the edge
for comprehensive information processing.
The appearance of computers
allowed us to speed up the exchange
Information between
Local measure
koristuvachami and more
effectively vikorystuvati
computer technology
File server

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Local calculation network (LAN) – network,
combines computers into a small
territories – in the middle of one space, on top,
were or groups of compact ones.
Territorially it can expand up to 1-2 km.
For the name "local measure" use vikory
and the English term LAN - Local Area Network
The local network allows for extensive use of computer resources,
which are currently connected to the limit.

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
The Great Scrap is managed by a system administrator. You set the availability level
resources, which determines passwords for access to resources, rights of users.
Groups of volunteers who work on one
Koristuvachi SCRAP
Setting up
project within the framework of LOM, called
work groups.
Several groups can be processed in one scrap.
Their participants may have different rights
access to underground resources in the border.
The totality of methods and exchange of rights of participants in the measure is called the policy of the measure.
Management of boundary policies (there may be some within the boundary) – administration of the boundary.
The person responsible for organizing the work of LOM participants is the system administrator

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
In order to stay in the local area, the computer that enters before it is responsible for:
mesh card (meshing adapter);
mesh cable;
operating system, which supports
robot in the middle (for example, Windows, Linux, etc.).
Merezhevy cards and merzhevy cables - the main part
hemstone ownership.
The setting of the hemlock adapter - transmission and reception of hemlocks
signals from the cable. The adapter accepts the command
data from the boundary operating system that transforms this
It transmits information to one of the standard formats
її through the connections to the adapter cable.

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Local routes through short distances have the ability to navigate along the road
high-acidity bonding lines. To give high speed to the exchange of data - order
100 Mbit/s. When the line is scrapped, the connection is laid anew and will be subject to
cables (on large distances near global lines they are often not economically available):
coaxial cable,
line connection
twisted pair,
fiber optic cable.
Twisted pair
Fiber optic
Copper electrical cables
(greatest width)
The cable is folded from conductors, balls around the screen and
isolation. The cable also comes with plugs for
Cable warehouse: conductor,
ball screen, insulation
connection until moderate control.
Socket for connecting to a power supply
ownership. Numbering of the rose

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Table "Characteristics of cable lines"
Link type
Vita pair of wires
Coaxial cable
to 10
Telephone line
Zagalny Koristuvannya - PSTN
Fiber optic cable
(fiber optic lines)
zv'yazku - VOLZ)
electric strum
different frequencies and
signal shapes
Svetlovy Promin
let out
What is a wire?
A pair of insulated twisted darts
(shielded or unshielded)
Insulated copper core, screened
metal braids
Double-insulated subscriber parts
line and high-conductor telephone communication cables
Empty filament conductors (light guides), coated
in the middle with a rousing speech

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
The computers that go into the scrap can be connected to each other in a variety of ways -
Merezhev topology is a graph of connections of a computer network, then. connection type
line connection. There are 4 main topologies:
Topology "Point - Point" is the simplest.
This organization of work requires 2 computers,
without middle connections one to one.
The beauty of such an organization is its simplicity and
conspicuously cheap.
There are not a lot of such organizations - to eat like this
In this manner, only 2 computers can be used.

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Behind such organization there is a measure
from many computers,
skin connections to sleeping area
transmission buses.
The role of the bus is a coaxial cable.
Head short: I’ll shave it off in an hour
Tires, all units, and boundaries wear out ties.
If you need to connect another VUZOL
at the limit, then for an hour of assembly work
zv'yazok will also be spent

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Such a measure consists of many computers,
from any connections to the cable closed in the ring. The signal is transmitted through the ring
one directly and go through the computer to
computer. A computer that has rejected the signal from
land car, it transmits
They walked around the ring. This is active until the signal
Do not go near the computer to whom it is addressed.
Nedolyk - I would like to stop using 1 computer
pratsyuvati, pritsyuvati pratsyuvati the whole measure, that hour
transmission of the signal to the required machine
increases in leveling with a sieve
ways to connect computers to the edge

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
The network consists of many computers and connections
to that very central annex. Such a device
rejected the name HUB. The main part of this topology -
when leaving HUBa, other universities spend connections.
The main advantage is the ability to connect
no new universities until the limit
interrupting the work of others
Vuzliv. Through this is more important
advantages of this type of measure
before others, and also through
shodo low
sobivartosti, yes
organization of the meeting
the widest.

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
If the local network has more than 10 computers connected, the network can
appear insufficiently productive.
For increased productivity
What computers can see
to save files
software programs
Such computers are called servers, and
local network – based on the server.

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
The nature of the subdivision functions is divided into 2 types of boundaries:
Peer networks are small
Merezhi with visible servers (dvorangov)
local measures, in which
middle and great boundaries, in which part
related functions with the service station
functionally equal.
placed on the server (LAN with file server).
Please turn it on until
15 stations
Measurements from servers are characterized by types
vikorystovuvanykh from some border services (servers).

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
This topology is a file server for different work groups.
For the entire network there is also one central server.

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Peripheral devices of external communication are also connected to the server:
printers and copiers, modems, scanners, fax machines, plotters, etc.
In companies and enterprises of various types
specialization based on personal
computers (workstations)
have a specialized workstation
- Automated work stations.
Subject to category
a specialist who works on a PC,
install a special one on the new one.
security software.
For example, this is how to organize work more
place of manager, accountant,
Merger printer

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Corporate insurance scheme
Corporate network is a telecommunication network that will join
a single information space has all structural
The company's offices were expanded. The term "corporate" means
"The limit of great enterprise." Most often, the corporate network is geographically distributed (united remote offices, branches).
Corporate monitoring tasks: interoperability of system programs,
access to them by remote members.
The corporate framework allows you to organize:
Unified electronic document management
hidden archives of documents
remote mode for access to files, devices
hand in hand with database servers
voice transmission, videoconferencing
Corporate measure
(telecommunication medium)
automatic collection of data from video surveillance systems
centralization of Internet access
providing access to global data networks,
to financial trading and information systems

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
List of possibilities to forgive internal
company processes that give businesses advantages
over competitors, and yourself:
simplicity of company management;
vision of the company's work;
operational control of the activities of all services and
structural parts;
Swede's own reaction to foreign
internal changes;
access to all information resources
business in real time;
operational call;
saving money on interconnected bills

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Depending on the scale of the enterprise, the variety of connections
The tasks are divided into departmental, campus and corporate boundaries.
Measures of divisions - measures that are vikorist evenly in a small group
spivorbitniks, which work in one branch
enterprises. These righteous people prevail
deeds of underground places, for example, lead
accounting or engage in
marketing. Viddill can be adjusted to
Butt of measurements on a scale
(or a working group measure)
100-150 workers.
Head meta measures of the section - subfield of local resources (additions, data, laser
printers and modems). Depending on the divisions there are 1-2 file servers, no more than 30 clients
and are not divided into subdivisions. These routes localize the majority of business traffic.
A small number of servers allow you to stand in a peer-to-peer OS network,
for example, Windows.

Campus boundary - combining several fractions
between different branches of business between
were (or some territories with an area of
kіlka km2).
Name in English campus - student town.
Previously, often on the territory of the student. they had a small town
necessity. I’ll call it right away and don’t tie it up, but
indicate the boundaries of any enterprise or organization).
Merger services enable communication between
by means of branches, access to hidden databases
businesses, access to underground fax servers,
high speed modems and printers.
As a result, skin inflammatory agents are removed
access to various files and resources
measure in. Vіddiliv. Campus measures
secure access to corporate databases
independently, on some types of computers there is a stench
get upset.
The butt of the campus
Philia 2

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
Corporate measures are also called
by scale of enterprise
(this is a literal translation of the English term
"Enterprise-wide networks).
Such networks connect many computers in all territories
enterprises. It may be foldable
knitted and covered the place,
Number of business owners and computers
can die in thousands,
servers – hundreds.
Butt of corporate security
(Measures of the scale of enterprise)
Through the barriers between the boundaries
across several territories
Vikoristovat global connections.

Technology. 10th grade Section "Information technologies"
To connect remote local boundaries
and other computers from the corporate
between various telecommunications functions: telephone channels,
radio channels, satellite communications.
Organization of local satellite coverage
optimal for connections 2-30 distant
station, if a solution is absolutely necessary
corporate telephone department,
conference call, transit traffic
real time or high
The butt of corporate monitoring, like vikorist
satellite signal
(Alternatively called “local supputnik boundary”)
Merezha may be prompted by topologies
"zirka", mixed.
Such barriers seem to have a huge bandwidth resource
availability, as quickly as possible
distribute between remote stations.

Technology. 10
10th grade
class Rozdil
Section "Information"
"Information technologies"
SCRAP enterprises, seen great cities,
unite into a single corporate measure based on
global line link:
1. Communication of office connections from wikis
dartless possession
2. Communication of local
business activity in
corporate measure on
basis of lease
data transmission channels
3. Vikoristannya for daily corporate purposes
Internet enterprise measures
transport medium for data transmission


What is an operating system?

Operating system (OS)- A set of programs that allows the user to interact with the computer, handle the computer’s devices, programs and information that is stored in the computer’s memory.


What are the main functions of the new OS?

  • Safeguarding the dialogue between the computer and the computer.
  • Carrying out programs installed on the computer.
  • Carrying out robotic computer devices.


What is a file system?

File system intended for organizing visual operations on files and folders (directories).


What operations does the file system allow for unconverting?

  • create, rename and view files;
  • transfer and copy files from one storage device to another;
  • search for files that are stored on different devices;
  • launch the wiki program.


What programs are called file managers?

File manager- a computer program that provides a client interface for working with the file system and files

Today in class...

  • We know what is called a computer network;
  • Let's take a look at the computer measures and its particularity.
  • knowledge of different types of edge resources;

The need to transfer information from one computer to another, to provide employees with easy access to technical devices, software and information resources of computers, necessitated the need to connect a computer in a single measure.

Computer network

Based on the territorial meaning, boundaries can be divided into four types:

  • local;
  • regional;
  • corporate;
  • Svitov.

local measure .

This is, as a rule, a measure of one organization, initially the same.

Based on the method of organization, local computer networks are divided into:

from the visible server.

peer-to-peer networks

In peer-to-peer networks, all computers have equal rights.

Adjacent to the visible server is one highly productive computer that runs all the work. This computer is called server .

VIN provides its resources for sleep research to other network computers, which are called clients, and you can treat them with their robot.

Depending on the connection method, computer connections can be:



To organize the work of computers connected to a local network, you need the following hardware and software:

Equipment safety

Merezheva map

Merzhevy cable

Merezhevy port

Merezhe cards are to blame for all computers. They are intended for receiving and transmitting information at intervals.

Merezheva map

The computers are connected via a special connection cable.

Merzhevy cable

The socket for connecting the cable is located on the rear panel of the system unit.

Merezhevy port


Methods for connecting computers to a local network:


Methods for connecting computers to a local network:

In local dartless networks, an access point is installed, and on the computer there is installed a special dartless circuit board of the type WiFi .

Software support for computers at the local network is updated with the operating system

Computers are united at the edge for the joint use of edge resources.

By merezhevy resources (merezhi resources) Computers can be:

  • technical devices (printers, modems, disk drives, etc.);
  • software (systemic, applied and instrumental);
  • Information resources (files with information).

The user who has a resource on his/her computer (file, disk, folder or device) has access to that resource.

Vlasnik resource can allow other users to access your disk, folder, file.

Dad's review of available resources is available Merezha .

In the window of this folder, the external resources of the network to which the computer is connected are displayed (computers, folders, files, printers).

The most important characteristic of local boundary work is Speed ​​of information transfer It has a lot of information that can be transmitted in one hour.

The speed of information transfer varies depending on the bit/s .

There are no uniform rules for the behavior of traders at the local border. Significantly less deeds of hidden benefits:

  • do not share your name and login password with other clients;
  • If possible, save information on the computer disk, and not on the disks of your personal computer.


Why do you need to share computers at the edge?

Computer network- Connection of computers, which will ensure greater availability of edge resources.


How can a border be called local?

Computers distributed in small areas, one after another, can be combined in local measure .


Why should computers connect to a local network for help?

For the operation of computers connected to a local boundary, the following hardware and software are required: a boundary card, a boundary cable.


What local restrictions are there based on the connection method?

Peer-to-peer networks with a visible server.

Home improvement




Local measures (from the English local - mіscevy) - systems that are formed from closely spaced computers, which are most often found in the same room, in one cabin or in closely spaced cabins.

The most important characteristic local measures:

  • speed of data transmission, that
  • speed of data transmission, that PC connects for additional high speed adapters

(transmission speed = 10 Mbit/s)

  • high-speed digital line connection will be fixed
  • local measures are easy to adapt, flexible

When directly connected to a PC

There are 2 types of interaction:



Direct access:

All actions follow the command Direct connection Maystrom Direct connection from the last windows of the dialogue Direct connection.

Preparatory operations:

installation of software components Client, Protocol, Services;

installing a service for accessing files and printers in the Microsoft network;

ensuring access to more resources;

Please indicate in the windows some from computers, and some leading; port, which is used for communication; login password.

value as resources of the PC server that take part in the exchange;

connections from the client computer to information resources.

Remote control:

Main synchronization system on. at your place:

1) connection of stationary and portable computers. The stationary computer is responsible for being the master, and the folders that contain unnecessary files are separated;

2) copying files from a stationary computer to a portable computer to the Briefcase folder;

3) transferring a portable computer from a stationary one and away from editing files in the folder;

4) reconnecting the portable computer with this stationary computer, from which the output files were initially copied into the portfolio;

5) open the Portfolio folder and select the Portfolio/News command.

For files changed on a desktop PC, the progress will be shown, after which you need to select any of the next steps:

update on a laptop PC;

updating on a desktop PC;

Skasuvannya be-any update.






Soi d Yes type " zirka ".


When connected to the “mirror” type, it is easy to detect a problem with the boundary.


The connection is not always reliable, the fragments coming out of the way of the central node can lead to the edge of the border.

Soi d Yes " hot tire ".


With the "fire bus" topology, the result is that the surrounding computers do not reduce the entire gap to a single point.


It is even more important to find out if there is a problem with the cable; if the cable (one for the entire network) is broken, the operation of the entire network will be destroyed.

Soi d Yes type " ring ".


balance of importance, flexibility and ease of cable laying.


physical boundaries and the length of the boundary.

Soi d Yes " snowflake ".

Since the business takes up a lot of overhead, then a scheme may be stuck in it " snowflake " , In which there are file servers for different work groups, there is one central server for the enterprise.