Preparing automatic updates for Windows 10

Automatic update when Windows 8/10 is installed - report description.

Startup Repair or else Automatic Repair- it’s the same update utility Windows, Ale is differently named depending on the version of Windows. Thus, in Windows Vista and Windows 7 it is called “ Startup Repair", And in Windows 8 vin is called " Automatic Repair"And in Windows 10 it is called again" Startup Repair».

This article is intended for Windows 10 and Windows 8, if you need to update to run Windows 7 or Vista,

Well, now the food, as we call it:

  • What is this: an update to the launch of Windows 10?

All functions are new, and it is a simple and effective tool for updating Windows. The main operation of this function is to update Windows whenever it needs to start operating system.

  • Do “Startup Update” or “Automatic Repair” really work in Windows?

Startup or else Automatic Repair- This is the only update tool you have, since Windows, which requires urgent updates, launch it itself. This tool is intended for updating only minor glitches, such as daily or corrupted system files, which were mainly used to fix the Windows operating system.

  • Why do we write “Renewal with Vantage” or “Automatic Repair”? do not go into correction«?

Of course, this function cannot show you what is causing the problem for Windows to start. It will not help you update specific files and documents. It also cannot detect or detect hardware failures and does not help in the fight against virus attacks and their attacks.

How to choose “Renewal with Vantage” and “Automatic Repair”?

When you turn on your computer, the screen will display your logo BIOS, Shvidko press the key " Shift»Press the key several times F8.

You don’t have to ask this the first time. Just reboot your computer and try again. In the pouch, go to update mode and you will get the next step, described below.

If you can’t open it with the Shift and F8 keys, please do not hesitate to Windows Disc or else Windows USB Pendrive. This will also help if Windows 7 update does not start.

To open auto repair or automatic repair from the Windows disk:

Vikorist only a good disk that matches your current operating system. For example, use the Windows 8 installation disk once you have installed Windows 8 on your computer. You are vikoristing the Windows 10 installation disk because you are vikoristing Windows 10.

First, you will need to backup your Windows disk or flash drive, in order of priority. If you don’t know how to earn money, follow the instructions below. Update to launching Windows 7 through the command line (Win 8/10):

  • Immediately after the setup is completed, you can access the first item in the setup menu, in which you need to press “ far"After what to press" update your computer", To start the update function at startup.
  • After this you will see three options. It will be necessary to choose another title " Troubleshooting"And then right under the troubleshooting menu, select the third option" additional parameters».

The article is dedicated to notifications that appear on the “Automatic Update” screen and inform the user that the operating system did not start correctly or the computer did not start Windows 10 correctly. We will look at the reasons for their appearance. How to get rid of such warnings and avoid them viniknennu.

What to do in the first place

When a notification appears that your PC has been locked incorrectly, you must re-lock your computer. In cases where the notification appears when the system is re-installed after an interruption of Windows update, this helps.

Another thing that can cause a problem is an abnormal mode of operation of the life block, as a result of which the hardware components operate in a mode that appears to be different from their typical one. Following two recent attempts to install Windows 10, the system update function continues to click, allowing users to solve the problem themselves.

It is possible that the problem is caused by the drivers. Guess or wonder which drivers for some components will remain installed and uninstall them.

A notification appears after downloading or updating Windows

The most advanced algorithm that can be implemented before the error appears is the following: turning on the PC after updating / resetting Windows is accompanied by a blue screen, and after collecting information, a window with options for updating the operating system is launched .

  1. In this situation, we go to “Additional parameters”.
  2. Viklimo "Search and troubleshooting."
  3. Let’s go again to “Additional parameters”.
  4. Click on “Launch options”.
  5. Embossed "Perezavantazhiti".

After restarting the computer, “Location Options” opens, where the additional F6 key launches safe mode with the support of the command row.

The sequence of commands is determined:

  • sfc / scannow - scans system files for updated corruption;
  • dism / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth;

The message “Computer launches incorrectly” appears

It is likely that after the computer is turned on, a message will appear to inform you that the computer/laptop has been diagnosed. The rest will end with a blue screen with the text “The computer starts incorrectly” and a recommendation to open “Advanced settings” after restarting.

This situation often indicates corruption of system files in the registry.

Blame the situation:

  • power outages;
  • virus detection or anti-virus software;
  • Windows 10 update;
  • missing or incorrect values ​​of keys critical for operating the OS.

For the most important problem, we will step forward timidly.

1. Go to “Additional parameters”.

2. Click on the item “Search and troubleshoot problems.”

3. Embossed on the button with the inscription “System Update”.

4. When the function is active, select one of the remaining system snapshots and click “Next”, then “Done”.

Most Windows 10 updates suffer from this problem.

5. If the option is turned on (and then turn it on after turning the system back to work), a window will appear where you need to select “Search and troubleshoot.”

6. Press “Turn the PC into a cob mill” to throw off Windows 10.

7. It’s easy to select the option to save personal files (everything is located on the C\ drive: the files will be lost in their places after resetting Windows, unless the installed security program does not matter).

Further actions can either correct the situation or worsen it. Their witchcraft can lead to unsuspecting heirs. Dotrimannya aiming lower than the edges will give the system a rizik, remember about this.

Using the command line, as in the previous method, we can check the integrity of system files, fix any errors, and also update the registry files from a backup copy.

8. Exit the “diskpart” command to select the partition tool.

9. Enter “list volume” - the last command will display a list of volumes of all connected drives to the PC.

10. The list contains the system disk and system reservations and their memory icons.

11. Close the program by selecting “exit”.

12. Type “sfc / scannow / offbootdir = F: \ / offwindir = C: \ Windows” and press “Enter”.

Here: F - reservations by the system or accumulated (z zavantazhuvachem), C - system division.

13. “C:” - go to the system drive, uninstall Windows

14. “md configbackup” - creates the “configbackup” directory.

15. “cd Windows\System32\config\” - go to the external folder.

16. “copy * c:\configbackup\” - the directory is copied to it before the creation.

17. “cd Windows\System32\config\regback\” - go to the “regback” system folder.

18. “copy * c:\windows\system32\config\” - copy instead of the assigned directory to the active one.

19. Print “A” for the Latin layout of the keyboard and “Enter” to confirm the overwriting of files.

This is to update the registry files from an automatically created backup copy.

20. Close the command row window and click on the button with the text “Continue.” Sign in and use Windows 10."

With great popularity, Windows 10 will start after this awkward algorithm has been installed.

The problems are constantly “killed” in Windows 10 by manipulating the registry files to the extreme, but they are still being caught. If this was the case, or the penetration of the action did not bring the desired result, one of two decisions is lost:

  • Discard Windows 10;
  • Reinstall the operating system.

First, be timid through the item “Search for / fix malfunctions” in the additional parameters. You can get help in critical situations by quickly using the Windows 10 distribution kit.

In another case, you will need a valuable flash drive and about 30 hours of free time.

In automatic mode, the alarm starts after the incorrect completion of work or viruses, when critical fixes fail. However, you can often prevent the situation if the message “Preparing automatic update” of Windows 10 appears on the screen, and after restarting the system, only a black screen is visible, or the update simply loops (with a skin restart of the There is one and the same forever).

The sad thing is that, if you don’t try, it will be impossible to complete this process. However, since the system itself, even if it is not backed up, is likely to deteriorate to the very end, if apart from re-installation it does not help anything, it is still possible to establish a number of methods for eliminating such a situation.

Preparing automatic updates for Windows 10: black screen and reasons for the process getting stuck in a loop.

As if it weren’t there, regardless of all the statements of the retailers about the fact that the new system is not the most stable, unfortunately, and there will be no mercy, as it is gradually getting better. And systemic failures are not always overcome by extreme consequences.

When talking about the possible reasons for this behavior in Windows 10, it is important to say why such a problem occurs. Prote, with the song's frequent popularity can be seen on the offensive:

  • corruption of backup copies;
  • number of system files;
  • there is no place to save control points with images;
  • incorrect setup of the original BIOS / UEFI system;
  • Problems with the hard drive and RAM.

Preparing automatic updates for Windows 10: what to do first?

For starters, let’s take a look at the standard action plan. If you receive a message that Windows 10 is preparing to automatically update and nothing appears after restarting, you can try using Safe Mode to start.

If the user has activated the function for clicking the start menu of the F8 key, in the standard version, select the safe mode from the required driver settings. If the selected key is not transferred, which is most often the case, it is entirely possible that at the selection stage a window will appear with a choice of either the selection of the system or the diagnostic methods (if and Anniversary and Creators upgrades.

If the system wants to get involved, you can try to generate the output manually:

  1. For this reason, you should not use the standard “Update Center”, rather just open the command console in which you enter the rstrui.exe row.
  2. In the window you need to select the point where this situation occurred. Please note that it will be impossible to skip this process, so also mention the changes made in the process.

Sometimes, if your drivers are installed and your Internet connection is active, you can try online updates using the DISM tool. We may even decide to show up somewhere more vibrant.

Vikoristana installation nose

Safe mode does not work, and the screen again displays a message that automatic updates are being prepared (Windows 10 will not be activated), and this process will go into a loop; you must first install the installation to start. ny disk or USB stick, which previously put it first in the list of devices settings in the BIOS.

  • In the first window with the installation option, you need to select hyperpower for system updates in the lower left box.
  • Go to the diagnostics section, then close the window.

And the axis of renewal in the case of the fascinated vikorystovat is not very good, and in most cases you will see information about those who did not turn the computer into the cob mill.

After selecting the initial update, the standard withdrawal procedure starts. It is entirely possible that such a method will produce results.

Expansion of reserved space

One more thing, if you see the “Preparing automatic update” screen of Windows 10, but then the system does not show any signs of life, there is a need to increase disk space in order to save backup copies. Again, this is only true if Windows can be started in Safe Mode.

In this case, the best option is to have a small installation and use a simple Partition Wizard program in MiniTool or a similar software with a downloadable installer, which is much easier for problems if the system does not start immediately. You just need to increase the required space to a minimum of 250 MB (or install a higher value), and then try to start the system in normal mode.

Setting up BIOS / UEFI

If there is a loop in the process of “Preparing automatic updates” in Windows 10, it may be related to the settings of the original system, which involve deactivating the system to protect against hacker attacks on the hardware level (protection of downloaded codes). The loop appears for this reason.

In this manner, in order to correct the situation, it is necessary:

  1. When you turn on your computer or laptop, go to Select Settings.
  2. Select the row on the No-Execute Memory Protect or XD-bit icon and set the value to Enabled for it.
  3. After this, you need to save changes (F10) and restart the computer device.

Hard drives and RAM

Since the problem lies in the computer “hole”, it is entirely possible to first check the disk, making a significant contribution to the command row, in which the command chkdsk / x / f / r is written, and at the same time vikorista and re-verification basic system components (sfc / scannow).

If you can get a safe start, you can use the Victoria (for hard drive) and Memtest + (for RAM) utilities to check the miracle. In such cases, when the hard disk begins to harden, what is called “spitting”, the HDD Regenerator hard drive magnetization reversal program can provide invaluable assistance. As far as this addition is concerned, it is important to confirm, but, judging from the results, the hard drives can be renewed in this way.


As you can already note, you can receive constant cyclical notifications about the fact that preparations for automatic updates of Windows 10 are being carried out. True, it is especially difficult to obtain insurance coverage for system tools in such situations. If you have already burned out nothing from the over-reinsurance of the property, you will not have to help, the system will have to be installed again (and in some cases, you will have to change the “zalizo”).

And then, as soon as we get out of a purely practical world, we should first of all try to gain the advantage of a safe start and continue further actions in whatever way the system works. Ale fascination with hemstone drivers is ob'yazkova.

If such an option turns out to be absolutely unpredictable, you will have to resort to important features and try to carry out the renovation yourself in this way.

The skin condition of the Windows 10 operating system may have a variety of problems. The availability of amends cannot be guaranteed by the retailer. In earlier versions of the system, in case of any problems, the only way to fix them was to reinstall Windows. There are currently no ways to restore the functionality of the system without a complete reinstallation.

Incorrect system startup

If after turning on the computer you received a notification about automatic updating with the words “The computer does not start correctly,” then it means that there is a problem with the system. The stench could come here through the fall of the storm:

  • corruption of files in the system itself - system files could have been corrupted as a result of incorrect installation of robots, malicious programs (viruses), or simply due to careless handling of them;
  • Damage to the system registry - registry entries can also be infected with viruses or programs to clean up your system. Therefore, you should always make copies of the registry before making any changes;
  • incorrect installation of the update - if the update files were downloaded in full or installed with a fix, then you can eliminate this problem when you start the operating system;
  • One-time problems with system locking - due to problems with the hard drive, the operating system can be booted up in the wrong way.

In this case, restarting the computer immediately does not help. Once the corruption of the system files has become effective, then after re-installing you will open the window again.

If after restarting the computer you turned off the black screen, it means that the system could not re-enter the Windows shell.

Methods for correcting problems when starting the system

The simplest method is to restart the computer. If this doesn’t help, because the grinder rotates hour after hour, then try turning off your operating system. When running properly, Windows skips a number of steps that may cause this problem. To turn it on, click next:

  1. Press Win + X and open the “Control Panel” through the Quick Access menu. Open the “Control Panel” through the Wi-Fi access menu
  2. Select the “Electrical Life” section. If you do not download it, then change the “Control Panel” display mode to “Large icons”.
    Select the “Electrical Life” section in the “Control Panel”
  3. Select “Diy food buttons” for more fine-tuning of this section.
    Select the item “Diy food buttons” on the left side of the window
  4. Open the item “Change settings that are not currently available.”
    Select the section “Change parameters that are not currently available”
  5. Uncheck the box opposite the “Enable smooth startup” row. Done, smooth launch of the operating system.
    Uncheck the box “Disable quick start” and confirm the changes
  6. Click “Save Changes.”

This method will not help, since you will not spend money in the system. If the washing is irregular, then it is necessary to correct it. In addition, you can start the system in safe mode, and then quit all necessary activities. Try this way:

  1. Click on the “Additional parameters” button in the window with automatic updates.
    Click the “Additional parameters” button next to the automatic update window
  2. Select the “Search and troubleshoot” menu, and then go to “Additional parameters”.
    Select the “Search and troubleshoot” menu
  3. Click on “Location Options”.
    Click on “Location Options”
  4. Review the list of possible options.
    Select the action you need in the “Attraction Options” using the additional keys F1-F9
  5. Press F4 to restart the computer in safe mode.

Video: how to unlock Windows 10 in safe mode

Enabling automatic updates

The problem could also be caused by turning on the automatic update procedure itself. Alas, you won’t be able to correct the situation, because the information is to blame, but you can also complicate your victory in the future, since Without access to the window, it will be more important to use the system update option. Therefore, it’s only worth it if you remember that the notification about automatic renewal appears - that’s your only problem. To enable this window, select the following:

  1. Click on the “Additional parameters” button.
    Open the “Advanced parameters” window in the “Automatic update” menu
  2. Open the “Troubleshooting” section and select “Additional parameters”.
  3. Select the “Team Row” option.
    Open “Command Row” in “Advanced Options” update
  4. Enter the bcdedit command. This will show you important information about the use of your operating system.
  5. Find the resumeobject item in the middle of this information and save the data opposite the item.
    Copy information from the “Team Row”
  6. Enter the command bcdedit / set (object), where instead of the word object you will need to insert your saved data. Confirm this command.
    Enter a new command with the information you copied before
  7. The automatic update window will no longer disturb you, since the problem with the operating system is not yet resolved.

Vikonannya vidkatu operating system

Since nothing helps, it means that you need to start immediately before updating the operating system files. This can also be written in different ways.

Turn to the point of departure

The point of entry (update) is the location of the computer’s system files at the current moment. To do this, you need to step up:

Now, whenever problems arise, you can turn to the exit point. You can earn money in one of two ways:

Regardless of the method of election, you will lose a few kroks:

Video: how to update Windows 10 using an additional update point

Throwing the system into the cob mill

Since it is not possible to turn to the renewal point, you can help by throwing the operating system into the cob mill. This action will replace the reinstallation of the operating system. Windows 10 will be discounted at an upcoming date:

  1. Click on the end of Windows in the left corner of the desktop.
  2. Select the “Options” section from the gear icon.
    Select the “Settings” section in the “Start” menu
  3. Open the “Updates and Security” item.
    Open the “Updates and Security” section to access “Windows Update Center”
  4. In the “Update” tab, read the item about turning the computer into a cob mill. Afterwards, click on the “Start” button.
    Click the “Start” button under the option to turn the computer into the cob mill
  5. Select the required action in the upcoming window. Please note, when you click on “Delete all”, all data from the hard drive will be deleted, except the operating system.
    Indicate how the system is responsible for finding files on your device
  6. If you wanted to get started with the data, you will need some time to analyze it. Wait for the process to be completed.
    Wait while the system checks the files on your computer
  7. Read information about the programs and applications that will be removed from the computer. Please familiarize yourself with this list before continuing.
  8. Review the information about the selection you have made and confirm it by pressing the button.