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Collection of brown materials

There is also a collection of works from Tsibulka on the website of Po Wuha in ODE, which will certainly help you prepare for the tests.

Create Tsibulka

Fahivtsi are pleased to show respect for the new start of the “OBZ FIPD” plant. You can do this several times to increase your chances of success.

9.1 Write the truth, revealing the sense of the famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaeva: “Things in speech acquire their meaning around the word, its ending and prefix.”

When arguing your argument, make 2 examples from the text you read.

You can write to the robot in a scientific or journalistic style, exploring the topic using linguistic material. You can print your tweet in the words of F.I. Buslaeva.

Robot, written without relying on reading the text (not based on this text), not evaluated.

9.2 Write tvir-merkuvannya. Explain how you understand the sense of the final text: “Talent! - Lyonya repeated louder. - You need to understand! You need to take care of this and protect it! Aje really?

Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of word-formation SPRAZHNE MYSTESTVO?

Formulate and comment on the designation you have given. Write an essay on the topic “What is true mysticism”, taking as the thesis you have chosen. When arguing your thesis, bring up 2 arguments that confirm your argument: one example from the text you read, and the other from your everyday experience.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

(1) At Svitanka, Lyonka and I drank tea and went to the moss to hunt wood grouse. (2) It was boring.

- (3) You, Lioness, find out what’s more fun.

- (4) What should I tell you? - Vidpov Lyonka. - (5) Khiba about the old people in our village. (6) The old ladies are the daughters of the famous artist Pozhalostin. (7) The academician is from our shepherds, from the snotty ones. (8) These engravings hang in museums in Paris, London and in Ryazan. (9) Perhaps bachili?

(10) I remembered the beautiful, time-honored engravings on the walls of my room in the house of two buggy grandmothers. (11) It dawned on me first and foremost, even more strangely from the engravings. (12) There were portraits of old-fashioned people, and I could never get over their looks. (13) The ladies and the men in tightly buttoned frock coats came together, from the seventies of the nineteenth century, marveling at my walls with deep respect.

- (14) To come as soon as possible to the village of Koval Yegor, - after continuing Lyonya. - (15) There seems to be no need to thank those who need it, so let’s answer the bell.

(16) Fedosya, the woman from Pustina, is standing here: (17) “It’s a pity to walk on copper boards at the woman’s house. (18) What is written on these boards is not understandable. (19) What do you need and what are you going to need?

(20) I came before the Pity, saying what I have, and asking to show my daughters. (21) She’s old to bring in the wood, wrapped in a clean towel. (22) I looked and froze. (23) Mother is honest, how thin is the robot, how firm is the visor! (24) Especially the portrait of Pugachov - it’s impossible to marvel for long: it seems that you are interpreting it yourself. (25) “Let’s save my donations, otherwise we’ll melt them down,” I tell her.

(26) She cried and said: (27) “What are you! (28) This is the people’s value, I will never give it up.”

(29) We were stolen and sent to Ryazan, to the museum.

(30) Then they called assemblies to judge me for those who stole the donkeys. (31) I say: (32) “Not you, but your children will understand the value of these engravings, and it is necessary to honor others. (33) The people came from shepherds, tens of deaths began on black bread and water, so much money was put into the skin, sleepless nights, human torment, talent...”

- (34) Talent! - Lyonya repeated louder. - (35) This is required! (36) This must be taken care of and preserved! (37) Adje really?

(Behind K. G. Paustovsky) *

* Paustovsky Kostyantin Georgiyovich (1892-1968) - Russian writer and publicist, master of lyric-romantic prose, author of works about nature, historical stories, artistic memoirs.

Tell Milkova the sudzhennya.

1) The word TEA has two parts.
2) The word PASTUSHAT has all its sounds unvoiced.
3) In the word RUSHNIK, all the additional sounds are associated with hardness and softness.
4) In the word Lyon, the letter E means one sound.


The firm voice of Sh doesn’t make any kind of bet.

The correct answer is indicated at number 3.

Type: 3

Dzherelo: DPA - 2013, version 1319, DPA from the Russian language 06/04/2013. Main hvilya. Option 1319.

Replace the colloquial word “maybe” in the spoken word 9 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this as a synonym.


In context “These engravings hang in museums in Paris, London and here in Ryazan. Maybe they were talking? The colloquial word SKY means SURELY or its synonyms.

Version: melodiously, melodiously, possibly, incredibly

Vіdpovid: singly | melodiously | perhaps | emovirno | maybe

Write the truth, revealing the words of the famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaeva: “Things in speech acquire their meaning around the word, its ending and prefix.” When arguing your argument, make 2 examples from the text you read.

Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.


Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, both in terms of language storage and methods of language organization. One cannot help but appreciate the words of the famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaeva: “Speech words acquire their meanings around the words, their endings and prefixes.” Proposition is a unit of syntax, in which the structure of words and predicative parts create mutual relations and create different components.

To confirm the fairness of F.I. Buslaeva goes wild with the text of Kostyantin Paustovsky. The text had a variety of interconnections. So, for example, in the river No. 13 (Natovp I will give and men in tightly buttoned frock coats, on the seventies of the nineteenth century, marveling at my walls with deep respect) the grammatical basis is the same “natov” marveling" as he himself I see the consistency of lexical and grammatical meaning. In the warehouse, the word “natovp”, behind its lexical meanings, has the respect of many people, literally a group of people. However, the grammatical meaning of the word “natovp” is the name of one. In such a manner, the one who was born is impressed, on the one hand, by the facelessness of the people from the engravings, and on the other hand, by their wholeness, strength, and the ability to live beyond grammatical norms in one: now one was amazed.

Duplicate No. 3259.

Dzherelo: Bank Zavdan FIPD


15.1 Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, both in terms of language storage and methods of language organization. One cannot help but appreciate the words of the famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaeva: “Speech words acquire their meanings around the words, their endings and prefixes.” A proposition is a unit of syntax, in which the structure of a word and predicative parts acquire specificity of interaction and create their own components.

To confirm the fairness of F.I. Buslaeva goes wild with the text of Kostyantin Paustovsky. The text had a variety of interconnections. So, for example, in the river No. 13 (Natovp I will give and men in tightly buttoned frock coats, on the seventies of the nineteenth century, marveling at my walls with deep respect) the grammatical basis is the adherence to “Wondered”, as in his own right I see the consistency of lexical and grammatical meaning. In the warehouse, the word “natovp”, behind its lexical meanings, has the respect of many people, literally a group of people. However, the grammatical meaning of the word “natovp” is the name of one. In such a manner, the one who was born is impressed, on the one hand, by the facelessness of the people from the engravings, and on the other hand, by their wholeness, strength, and the ability to live beyond grammatical norms in one: now one was amazed.

In the river 18 (What is written on these boards is not clear) the additional connotation evokes the words “written”, which was used as a method to diminish the significance of painting in engravings.

Thus, having analyzed the text, we can confidently confirm that the spoken word, its grammatical and lexical meanings, are revealed in a new world.

15.2 Very often those who do not understand, through their ignorance, unforgiveness, lack of knowledge, to appreciate the vanity of life and the circumstances that have developed, are considered unimportant, worthless. To appreciate and understand the mysticism is not created by every human being. About these final words of Liona from the text by Kostyantin Paustovsky.

The text reveals how it happened to paint. Baba Fedosya, who is not known for mysticism, advocates taking away the daughters of the old Compassionate ones: “If these boards are shabby, I don’t understand.” For Fedosya, these boards are of unknown importance; she cannot value the beauty that lives on “their daily bread,” so she wants to melt down these “boards” for flowers. How many such masterpieces were destroyed by the rocks of revolution and enormous war.

The author shows another hero - Lyonya, who is ready to sacrifice his reputation, career, life, in order to steal masterpieces. In the river 30 there is a well-known confirmation of this: the hero was chosen to be judged at the ceremonial assemblies through his appointment to the work of the artist.

Preserving the mystery for the land is our responsibility before future generations. We must not only write in marvelous proportions to the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and St. Basil's Cathedral, but also to create everything so that our children can eat with them.

15.3 Mystery is everything most beautiful that is created by the hands and mind of a person. The beauty of the natural world with its miraculous beauty encourages people to have an additional talent for imagining the uniqueness of the moments of life. The spirit bursts into ruin when one tries to search with one's mind everything created by geniuses, preserved and continued by successors and successors. It is immediately impossible to realize that our life would not support mysticism and creativity.

The text by Kostyantin Paustovsky reveals how it happened to create painting. Baba Fedosya, who is not known for mysticism, advocates taking away the daughters of the old Compassionate ones: “If these boards are shabby, I don’t understand.” For Fedosya, these boards are of unknown importance; she cannot value the beauty that lives on “their daily bread,” so she wants to melt down these “boards” for flowers. How many such masterpieces were destroyed by the rocks of revolution and enormous war.

When you come to Chervona Square, the main square of the region, your gaze will be drawn to St. Basil's Cathedral. This view of true mysticism will beckon and enchant. No matter how the history of our state changed, the temple stood, standing as a symbol of our strength and greatness.

Preserving the mystery for the land is our responsibility before future generations. We can’t help but write about the amazing proportions of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and St. Basil’s Cathedral, and also create everything so that our children can eat with them.

Dzherelo: Open Bank FID, option 70F6FF

After reading the text, vikonite just one of the instructions: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before writing the work, write down the number of the chosen task: 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.

9.1 Write the truth, revealing the words of the writer V. A. Soloukhin: “Epitetes are a dress of words.” When arguing your argument, make 2 examples from the text you read. Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

You can write to the robot in a scientific or journalistic style, exploring the topic using linguistic material. You can use the words of V. A. Soloukhin.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

9.2 Write tvir-merkuvannya. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment to the text: “Gosha a little bit angry: you don’t want to take this bottle, take it out slowly, otherwise Virochka has become musky. Hey, look, you treasure your own little thing.”

Create 2 arguments from the text you read that will confirm your understanding.

Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word MORAL VIBER?

Formulate and comment on the designation you have given. Write an essay on the topic “What is a moral choice”, taking as the thesis you have chosen. When arguing your thesis, bring up 2 arguments that confirm your argument: one example from the text you read, and the other from your everyday experience.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

(1) The boys left the yard to clear up the mess. (2) Having lost one Gosha. (3) He draws attention and checks on someone...

(4) The axis has appeared. (5) The mysterious essence of thirteen rocks, incredible beauty with a grin from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist. (6) Virochka.

- (7) Hello, - every Verochka sits down. - (8) It’s still cold... (9) Give me your jacket.

(10) Gosha throws a jacket over her shoulder, wears one shirt, and the skin on her arms becomes covered with powder.

- (11) What did your father bring from England?

- (12) Yeah. (13) Axis, marvel, transistor.

- (14) Did you bring anything to your mother? (15) Perfume, for example? (16) Bring to marvel.

- (17) Ale, how am I... (18) Vira, meni f... (19) Well, it’s not easy...

- (20) Todi stand on your head. (21) Well?!

- (22) Kin, Verk... (23) No need...

- (24) Now stand on your head!

- (25) Well, be kind... (26) Gosha walks up to the wall, drops down on his hands and knees and, after several short-term attempts, gets into a standing position. (27) Virochka watches over him like a coach.

- (28) Who is the smut? - Ask out.

- (29) Well, you...

- (30) Turn over. (31) I draw on the spirits. (32) Otherwise I’ll have to stand on my head all day!

(33) Rubbing her lapels on her T-shirt, Gosha is hopelessly stupid, blinking, but Virochka is unhappy. (34) And then, having given her the transistor, Gosha weaves back to his apartment.

- (36) This is a rocket, - Serhiyko informs me over the edge. - (37) The fox is starting.

(38) Verochka blissfully watches how the boys struggle with the rocket, how to carefully put it on the exit, and they themselves hover behind their backpacks.

(39) Having finished worrying, if the lads have gathered at the gatherings, go out above Gosh. (40) He looks around and holds out the bright, sparkling bottle to Virochtsi.

(41) Gosh is a little angry: you don’t want to take this bottle, take it out slowly, lest Virochka get dirty. (42) Hey, look, you treasure your own little stuff. (43) And Gosha is now angry and may even savagely talk to Virochka: (44) “Wonder what you want...”

(45) Verochka understands his position. (46) And it is not fitting for her that Gosha speaks brutally. (47) Vera becomes thoughtful when confronted. (48) Vaughn tilts her head to the side and comes closer. (49) Previously, fatefully, Virochka rushed to fight with such a expression (and fought cleaner than the cotton men). (50) Now there’s no fighting. (51) Other methods.

(52) You are reluctant to take the black bottle.

- (53) So, I understand... (54) Do you have any syrniks in you?

- (55) Sirniki?.. (56) Well, in the kurts... marvel in the cauldron.

- (57) Yeah. (58) Now burn that tail! - (59) Verochka points to the rocket that the lads have stolen.

- (60) What's the matter?.. - Gosh muttered without understanding anything. - (61) What is it?

- (62) Bomb. (63) Let the woman go.

- (64) Well!.. - Gosha mumbled. - (65) This...

- (66) Who is the smut?

- (67) Virka, stop it!

- (68) Oh, right? - (69) Vira strokes the siren and brings the tip to the rocket tail. (70) The mixture began to sizzle and sparkle, like oil in a frying pan.

- (71) Virka! (72) Come out!

(73) Virochka stands defiantly over a cardboard pipe to smoke. (74) And here I begin the beginning of the feat, the beginning and the end. (75) Gosha, caught in the face Gosha, pressed against the wall with distorted faces, quiet, snotty and fearful Gosha raptly leaves Virochka and - with his eyes, with his stomach - falls on the rocket.

(Behind E. Shim) *

* Shim Eduard Yuriyovich (Eduard Yuriyovich Shmidt) (1930-2006) – Russian writer, playwright, author of numerous collections of stories for children and adults.


Tell Milkova the sudzhennya.

1) The word TINY contains a large number of letters and sounds.
2) The word GO has three parts.
3) In the word DEAR, all the consonant sounds are solid.
4) The word has similar sounds.


The word TONYUSENKO has 11 letters and 10 sounds [TAN"US"IN"KAI"].

Type: 1

Dzherelo: DIA - 2013, version 1301

Between propositions 39-44 you will find a compound proposition with a compound-free and conjunctive link between the parts. Write the number of this proposition.


Proposition 41 “Gosh a little bit to make you angry: you don’t want to take this bottle, take it out slowly, lest Virochka get dirty” consists of three parts:

1. Make Gosha a little angry.

2. If you don’t want to take this bottle, take it out slowly.

3. Virochka got dirty.

Parts 1 and 2 are connected by a non-conjunct, parts 2 and 3 - by a coordinating connective.

Version: 41.

Type: 41

Dzherelo: Open Bank FID, block DBFBDD; option RISHU No. 1, DPA from the Russian language 06/04/2013. Main hvilya. Option 1301.

Avdey Shariga 22.02.2017 12:00

Isn't there a lot of splinterless connections here?

Tetyana Statsenko

Read the explanation before you start.

Mikola Mironov 20.03.2018 21:02

The proposition has no conjunction. Haven't you got it wrong? Maybe there was a need to know a coherent proposition with a non-union and allied subordination? And not allied creativity.

Vibachte, because I myself am not right.

Tetyana Statsenko

Everything in the video and explanation is correct. The creative union of ALE is in the river, and it connects two foundations.


Let's bring creativity to the journalistic style.

15.1 Russian language is one of the richest and most beautiful languages ​​in the world. No one has enough words to name all the objects and objects, to convey the most powerful feelings, moods, and experiences. In addition, our language, perhaps, in every other way, has a great arsenal of special expressions, one of which is speech. V. A. Soloukhin called the epithet “a dress of words.” Let’s try to clarify the validity of this statement based on the text of Eduard Shim.

Let us show, in order to keep an eye on why the author uses his verses, Proposition 5 (The mysterious truth of the thirteen fates, an incredible beauty with a grin that goes up from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist). The proposition has an enigmatic quality, golden eyes and others - help us to identify the image of the girl. The association with the bright and kind is to blame. Thus, the author indirectly determines his positioning of the heroine, emphasizing her attractiveness. Proposition 75 (Gosh, caught in the face of Gosha, who is pressed up against the wall with his distorted faces, quiet, rash and fearful Gosha raptoms out his hand and - flat, with his stomach - falls on the rocket) is used by the author to describe another hero - Gosha.

In this manner, the application can rightfully be used with arguments to support Soloukhin’s thought: “Epiteties are the aroma of words.”

15.2 E. Yu. Shim destroys the important problem of responsibility for moral choice. In the following fragment, the author reveals about Gosha’s production before his work. Gosha, having succumbed to Verochka’s “perfumes” and a wine bottle of perfume, is now angry both at Verochka and at herself, having succumbed to weakness without defending her position.

Virochka has managed to subdue Gosha, and now she will give him everything he needs. About those in this pair where the girl is in charge, like proposition number 27: “The girl watches over him carefully, like a coach.” The coach's word is law. The problem is that this word is never more correct and can lead to disaster.

It’s sad that in an unsafe moment, Gosha is still praised with the power of decision: “Gosha, caught up in the face of Gosh, who is leaning towards the wall with his distorted faces, quiet, quarrelsome and fearful Gosha raptom to Vir point i - flat, belly - falls on rocket." The axis is of the right character, the basis of which lies in the division of the boy's powerful choice.

Our choice, no matter how important it is, is our duty to act according to our conscience. With this in mind, what kind of changes you will have to bear witness to yourself and others, and therefore, what kind of choice will lie not only in our lives, but in the lives of those who are entrusted with us.

15.3 The skin of a person in another world can understand such feelings as rubbish, pity, and emotional distress. These are human feelings, moral understandings, the manifestation of which power and distinguish a person from a creature, may sense and exist only in the marriage of their own kind, in the marriage. This moral understanding has power over the human soul.

E. Yu. Shim destroys the important problem of responsibility for moral choice. Virochka has managed to subdue Gosha, and now she will give him everything he needs. It’s sad that in an unsafe moment, Gosha is still praised with the power of decision: “Gosha, caught up in the face of Gosh, who is leaning towards the wall with his distorted faces, quiet, quarrelsome and fearful Gosha raptom to Vir point i - flat, belly - falls on rocket." The axis is of the right character, the basis of which lies in the division of the boy's powerful choice.

The living position of rich people today is a butt for inheritance. The name of the children's doctor in the world, Leonid Roshal, can often be obtained from relevant news agencies. Terrorist attacks, earthquakes, disasters - Roshal is planning to go somewhere where the children need help.

As long as people are alive, they will be able to fight permanently. How to do it: sing for the sake of conscience and make something good for the good people? Our choice, no matter how important it is, is our duty to act according to our conscience. With this in mind, what kind of changes you will have to bear witness to yourself and others, and therefore, what kind of choice will lie not only in our lives, but in the lives of those who are entrusted with us.

Dzherelo: Open Bank FID, block DBFBDD; Virishenny option No. 1

Relevance: Vikorist in ODE of streaming rock

After reading the text, vikonite just one of the instructions: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before writing the work, write down the number of the chosen task: 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.

9.1 Write a solid statement, revealing the explanation of the famous philologist M. M. Shansky: “Using a folding row proposition, you can see how people determine the lines between light and moisture point of view." When arguing your argument, make 2 examples from the text you read. Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

A work written without relying on reading the text (after the text) is not evaluated. If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

9.2 Write tvir-merkuvannya. Explain how you understand the sense of the ending to the text: “Of course, I wanted to lean out into the street, wave to my mother and loudly, so as not to drown out the voices, shout: “Don’t boast! Don’t boast, matusu... All is well!”

Create 2 arguments from the text you read that will confirm your understanding.

Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S KOHANNYA?

Formulate and comment on the designation you have given. Write a novel on the topic “What is a mother’s care”, taking as the thesis you have chosen. When arguing your thesis, bring up 2 arguments that confirm your argument: one example from the text you read, and the other from your everyday experience.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

(1) Tolya doesn’t like autumn. (2) Not loving for those that the leaves were falling and “the sun was shining,” but most of all for those that the springs often passed before and his mother did not let him go outside.

(3) It was so early in the morning that all the windows were in the winding water paths, and the boards were clogging and clogging in the rivers... (4) Alas, mother did not let Tolya go home, but she hurried to the house. (5) I Tolya realized that now he is even greater: he also went to work

whatever the weather!

(6) Mom wore a parasol from her shawl and a white cloak, which Tolya wore instead of a robe when they played doctors with the boys.

- (7) Ti kudi? - Tolya was amazed.

- (8) I’ll show you off.

- (9) Should I... see you off? (10) What?

(11) Mom died and put the prepared speech back at the chef.

(12) Tolya really had to run to school under the plank. (13) Once he turned around and shouted from the other side of the street to his mother. (14) There were a lot of raincoats and parasols on the street, but I immediately recognized my mother. (15) And there, noticing that Tolya had turned around, grabbed the horn of the old double-top booth.

(16) “Hovat!” - Tolya thought angrily. (17) I ran away sooner rather than later, so that my mother wouldn’t think of harassing him.

(18) When I turned around the school itself again, my mother was no longer there.

(19) “I turned around,” Vin thought with relief.

(20) At the locality, the Leninists were in classrooms. (21) The young reader quickly threw off her hair from her wet veil and shouted:

- (22) First “B”! (23) First “B”!

(24) Tolya knows that the first “B” is the first one. (25) The teacher led the lads on the fourth floor.

(26) Even at home, Tolya realized that he would never sit at a desk with a girl. (27) Ale the reader, or Zhartom, slept with him: - (28) You, singly, want to sit with Chernovaya, right?

(29) And it turned out that neither wine nor justice will ever sit in charge of Chernova.

(30) The reader opened the magazine and began the roll call. (31) After the roll call she said:

- (32) Orlov, cover up, be kind, vikno.

(33) I immediately huddled and walked to the window, but it was not easy for me to reach the handle. (34) He sat up and started rapt on his back: outside the window, he reluctantly asked his mother. (35) She stood there, holding the folded parasol in her hands, without dying respect for the boards that had flowed from her cloak, and kept her eyes wandering around the school windows: mother, perhaps, wanted to guess in which class Tolya should sit.

(36) And here he did not dare to get angry. (37) Suddenly, I wanted to lean over, wave to my mother and shout loudly, so as not to drown out the planks: (38) “Don’t boast! (39) Don’t boast, matusya... (40) All is well! (41) If you couldn’t shout, there’s no need to shout in class.

(Behind A. Aleksin) *

* Oleksin Anatoly Georgiyovich (b. 1924) - writer, playwright. His works, such as “My brother plays the clarinet”, “Dying persons and viconavs”, “Third in the fifth row” and others, convey the main message about the world of youth.

Indicate in what meaning the word “shvidko” is used in the text (proposition 21).

1) quietly
2) shvidko
3) neatly
4) don't worry


The word Nimble was adopted from the famous SHVIDKO.

The correct answer is indicated at number 2.

Type: 2

Dzherelo: DIA - 2013, version 1307

Replace the common word “(not) thought up” in the spoken word 17 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this as a synonym.


In the saying “I ran away as soon as possible, so that my mother would not think of harassing him”, the common word DDUMALA means VIRISHILA.

Verdict: I guess.

Vіdpovid: virichila | didn't hang out | wanted | didn't think | thought |

Write a solid statement that reveals the sense of the famous philologist M. M. Shansky: “Using a folding row proposition, you can see how people identify the lines between the light and the power point of the gaze.” When arguing your argument, make 2 examples from the text you read.

Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

You can write to the robot in a scientific or journalistic style, exploring the topic using linguistic material. Start TV You can follow the instructions.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters. Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.


Let's bring the creativity to life in a scientific style.

The famous philologist M. M. Shansky said: “In the application of a folded-row proposition, one can see how people determine the lines between the light and the power point of the eye.” There is no doubt that thoughts and words are closely related, and they are an indicator of the level of intellectual and spiritual development people: the lower the development of people, the poorer their language, the more monotonous propositions they create. It’s crazy, the uniqueness of our collocated propositions to ensure that people can competently, strictly formulate their understanding, and then think consistently, logically.

We analyze the grammatical mode of the language from the text by Anatoly Aleksin. The text is not simple in terms of syntax: a lot of complex sentences, complex syntactic constructions, complex sentences. Thus, proposition No. 2 (Not loving for those that the leaves fell and “the sun was shining”, and most of all for those that spring often passed before and my mother did not let him into the street) - a complex syntactic construction, in the warehouse of any part of the The language is a coordinating and subordinate connection, and the ordering of the clauses in the verb is both uniform and non-uniform, which allows you to formulate a thought clearly, consistently, logically. Proposition 6 (Mom wore a parasol and a white cloak from her shawl, which Tolya wore instead of a robe when they played doctors with the boys) is also foldable from the last suborder of the clauses. Volodinya's grammatical norms and propositions allow their author to instill respect and cope with hostility in a special form of speech.

Dzherelo: Bank Zavdan FIPD

What words indicate the replacement of the text? Indicate your line number.

1) There were autumn planks outside, and Tolya was afraid that her mother would catch a cold and get sick.

2) I realized that my mother was already worried about him, so she stood under the plank, marveling at the school window.

3) Tolya didn’t want her mother to find out that she had to sit at the same desk as a girl.

4) Tolya doesn’t want his mother to cover him like a little one.

5) When Tolya felt he was grown up, before school he needed to go to see the planner.


1) There were autumn planks outside, and Tolya was afraid that her mother would catch a cold and get sick. - Not confirmed by text.

2) I realized that my mother was already worried about him, so she stood under the plank, marveling at the school window. - is confirmed by propositions 36-39.

3) Tolya didn’t want her mother to find out that she had to sit at the same desk as a girl. - Not confirmed by text.

4) Tolya doesn’t want his mother to cover him like a little one. - Confirmed by propositions 9-10.

5) When Tolya felt he was grown up, before school he needed to go to see the planner. - is confirmed by proposition 5.

Submission: 245.

Submission: 245

Analysis of the characteristics of virulence.

Indicate the variants of the metaphor, which have a special meaning.

1) Tolya doesn’t like autumn. Not loving him for the fact that the leaves were falling and “the sun was shining,” but most of all for the fact that the spring often ended before his mother would let him go outside.

2) And there, noticing that Tolya turned around, grabbed the horn of the old double-top booth.

3) If such a morning had come, if all the windows were in the winding water paths, and still clogging and clogging in the rivers...

4) Vaughn stood, holding the folded parasol in her hands, not dying of respect for the boards that were dripping from her cloak, and kept her eyes on the windows of the school: mother, sing-song, wanted to guess in which class Tolya should sit.



3) It was so early in the morning, if all the windows were on the winding water paths, and dosh having scored and scored...

We analyze the grammatical mode of the language from the text by Anatoly Aleksin. The text is not simple in terms of syntax: a lot of complex sentences, complex syntactic constructions, complex sentences. Thus, proposition No. 2 (Not loving for those that the leaves fell and “the sun was shining”, and most of all for those that spring often passed before and my mother did not let him into the street) - a foldable syntactic construction, in the warehouse of any part of the The language is a coordinating and subordinate connection, and the ordering of the clauses in the verb is both uniform and non-uniform, which allows you to formulate a thought clearly, consistently, logically. Proposition 6 (Mom wore a parasol and a white cloak from her shawl, which Tolya wore instead of a robe when they played doctors with the boys) is also foldable from the last suborder of the clauses. Volodinya's grammatical norms and propositions allow their author to instill respect and cope with hostility in a special form of speech.

In this way, Shansky’s story is about those that a foldable proposition helps to show the interconnections between the world and our friends, and justifications.

15.2 It often happens that we cannot immediately appreciate how much our dearest person loves us - our mother. This will never again be a sign of our callousness, our mischief, etc. From time to time we hear the sound of our mother saying that we think that she will be here again, which means we will be able to say kind words to her and show her our love.

The hero of the text, Anatoly Aleksin, loves his mother, but does not want his mother to accompany him to school, for she was afraid of the same yearlings. And if, having seen it through the window, he realized how much he was doing, then he wanted to reciprocate. The text itself is about the final rows.

If mom was going to accompany Tolya to school, she was convinced, and mom humbly put her speeches in the closet, because she understood her child, because she seems to value her (propositions number 7 - 11).

Tolya ran to school, often looking around so that his mother would not follow him. Aside from this, proposition number 14 (There were a lot of raincoats and parasols on the street, but he recognized his mother immediately): the hero recognizes his mother immediately - not to talk about those that the boy loves her, so he can recognize the rich people This street is surrounded by the facelessness of raincoats and parasols . Or maybe Tolya felt calm and alone because he clearly understood that his mother was in order, she was protecting her and would come to the rescue in any case?!

Maternal care is safety, calm, trust, turbo, and we cannot forget what turbo and trust our mothers require. Let's think about it more often.

15.3 Mother’s love is a great power, it’s breathtaking to create, to create. She is made to work miracles, to revive life, to cure troublesome illnesses.

The hero of the text, Anatoly Aleksin, loves his mother, but does not want his mother to accompany him to school, for she was afraid of the same yearlings. And if, having seen it through the window, he realized how much he was doing, then he wanted to reciprocate. The boy loves his mother, so he could be recognized on a crowded street among the facelessness of raincoats and parasols. Or maybe Tolya felt calm and alone because he clearly understood that his mother was in order, she was protecting her and would come to the rescue in any case?!

Examples of maternal love are common in everyday life, and Russian literature is rich in them. In A. N. Tolstoy’s work “Russian Character,” the main character is Dremov, who received permission to leave, went home, and introduced himself as a different person. After not having lived there even a day, he turned back to the part. Dremov imagined that he had become someone else’s father. The mother’s heart told her that the son had arrived. It doesn’t matter to mom, it’s so hot that they lose their lives.

A mother’s love for her child is painless, which she cherishes and protects, because a mother loves for no reason, but just like that, because there is a mother. There is little that we can give to you, but pay it back with your love.

Dzherelo: Open bank FID, block C0D5F2, option RISHU No. 7

Relevance: Vikorist in ODE of streaming rock

9.1 Write a complete statement, revealing the explanations of the famous philologist M. M. Shansky: “A monological promo has a complete thought, sometimes it cannot fit between one proposition, and For this to be understood, a whole group of people tied together behind each other and grammatically spoken is required.” When arguing your argument, make 2 examples from the text you read. Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

You can write to the robot in a scientific or journalistic style, exploring the topic using linguistic material. You can publish your tweet in the words of M. M. Shansky.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

A work written without relying on reading the text (after the text) is not evaluated. If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

9.2 Write tvir-merkuvannya. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment to the text: “I wanted a friend to show up. Not for a moment, not for a moment, when he runs to play checks or listen to Paul McCartney, but for the right one...”

Create 2 arguments from the text you read that will confirm your understanding.

Directly, indicate the numbers of the required propositions or quote.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP?

Formulate and comment on the designation you have given. Write a tweet on the topic “What is friendship”, taking the praise you give as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, bring up 2 arguments that confirm your argument: one example from the text you read, and the other from your everyday experience.

The consumption of the creation may become less than 70 liters.

If the text is repeated or completely rewritten in the output text without any comments, then such work is assessed with zero points.

Write your words carefully, in clear handwriting.

(1) My mother and I recently moved to this apartment. (2) The best thing here is the door. (3) It’s great, green, where you play the ball, and the hovalki, and various other games. (4) The boys played mayzha every day, especially the flight. (5) I gradually got to know them, and we were all treated one by one kindly.

(6) Then they began to appoint me as a referee for volleyball teams. (7) Not loving anyone to judge, everyone wanted to gratify, and I would always be kind: how could I not help my friends?

(9) Occasionally the boys came home to me. (10) The dresses heard, played with my slick, talked about those, and not about anything more serious.

(11) The boys also loved it when I released paper pigeons from the balcony. (12) More precisely, they were all pigeons. (13) I learned to work with paper birds that look like flying saucers.

(14) Completely round, only with a fold in the middle and a knitted joint. (15) The stinks flew great, in smooth, wide stakes. (16) Sometimes the wind lifted them to a decent height and took them out of the yard.

(17) The boys rushed after the skin dove - who was the first to go! (18) Even if there was no name, people would say from afar what kind of dove I will send to whom.

(19) On the right is the skin dove I touched with a felt-tip pen. (20) On one there are all sorts of small pictures, on the other - boats in the middle of the sea, on the third - Kazkov's places, on the fourth - quarters and snowstorms. (21) And all sorts of cosmic pictures. (22) And there was a lot of everything - it turned out beautifully and beautifully.

(23) This, of course, was what it should have been for the boys, otherwise I would still be a stranger among them. (24) And then I started to want to release the doves from the balcony.

(25) Having created the rest and - I don’t know why - I painted the evening sky, the orange sun on the horizon and the road that the two cotton men were instructed to walk.

(26) Although I didn’t want to, I knew why I painted it like that. (27) I wanted a friend to show up. (28) Not lazy, not for a moment, when he runs to play chess or listen to Paul McCartney, but right...

(29) I released the dove from the balcony, and the wind scooped up and took him behind the poplars. (30) And I thought: whoever you know, guess, come to me.

(Behind V. Krapivin) *

* Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich (b. 1938) - current writer, journalist, author of books about children and for children, including fantastic ones.

Tell Milkova the sudzhennya.

1) The word ALIEN has all the familiar sounds of the solid.
2) In the word SHOB, the letter CH indicates the sound [w].
3) In the word LET UP, all the consonant sounds are unvoiced.
4) The word SERIOUS has fewer letters and sounds.


Zgіdny H is always soft.

The correct answer is listed as number 1.

Schemes for analysis of creations

Algorithm for advanced analysis

1. Find out the similarities between the two texts at the level:

· plot or motive;

· figurative system;

· vocabulary;

· image-creating activities;

· syntactic constructions;

· Other parameters indicated by the texts themselves.

2. Find out the differences on the same levels.

3. Explain the findings

A) in the works of the same author:

· the writing was written at a different time, which meant a change in views;

· the work of artists;

· wipe the light and the light;

· other reasons;

· the importance of artistic worlds;

· who lived in different hour, - The importance of historical minds and the peculiarities of literary development;

· As it relates to different national cultures, it is subordinated to both individual and national artistic worlds.

4. Clarify the interpretation of the skin from the analyzed texts before the final analysis.

Analysis of prose literary work

Getting Started with Analysis artistic creation We first need to pay attention to the specific historical context of the work during the creation of this artistic work. It is necessary to understand the concepts of the historical and historical-literary situation, which may be respected

Literary Directions Dobi;
The place of this work among the works of other authors written during this period;
creative history creative;
assessment of the work by critics;
the originality of the creativity of the writer;
assessment of the work in the context of daily reading;
Next, we will turn to a discussion about the ideological and artistic unity of the creation, its replacement and form (in which the replacement plan is seen - what the author wants to say and the plan delineated - how it was possible to create it).

Versh analysis plan
1. Elements of the commentary up to the top:
- hour (place) of writing, history of creation;
- Genre originality;
- the place of this poem in the creativity of the poet or in a number of poems on a similar topic (with a similar motive, plot, structure, etc.);
- Explanation of unclear meanings, complex metaphors and other decodings.
2. It seems that the lyrical hero of the story is expressed; I feel like the top is screaming from the reader.
3. The flow of the author’s thoughts seems to be from the beginning to the end of the top.
4. Interconnectivity between the top and the artistic form:

Compositional solutions;
- the particularity of self-expression of the lyrical hero and the nature of the story;
- sound series of versha, vikoristana to sound recording, asonance, aliteration;

Rhythm, stanza, graphics, their semantic role;
- Motivation and accuracy of the development of various features.
4. Associations, protests in the world (literature, life, music, festivals - whatever).
5. The typicality and originality of this verse in the poet’s creativity, a deep moral and philosophical place is created as a result of the analysis; the stage of “eternity” of the destruction of problems and their interpretation. Riddles and secret places are top.
6. Additional (vilni) merkuvannya.

Read it – it’s great!

Lydia Charska.

“Notes of an Orphan”, “Prytulki”, “General’s Donka”, “Zaivy Mouth”

(The heroes of the book do not care about a lot of suffering, they are exposed to problems on their skin, the stench of the atmosphere. They begin to be responsive, merciful, to support a person in a difficult situation and will always be deprived chesny)

A. Oleksin is a famous daily writer.

“Homemade smell”, “Rozdil lane”, “Shalena Evdokia”, “Phone and come”

The heroes of A. Aleksin appear in people's minds and awaken them in people. The stories talk about the feeling of conformity, the experience, the feeling of dowry.

V. Kaverin.

"Two captains"

A book about honor and dignity, about peace and friendship. One of the greatest creations of the 20th century.

V. Tendryakov.

"Nothing after release"

The story is about the development of sensitive children and the roles that the school plays in this complex process. The writer loves to give his heroes a check on human justice.

Zrazky creativity


For the active, happiness is worth pennies, wealth and peace to the whole world. What does happiness mean for the main character and her father?
According to the first Father Nadiya respects that happiness lies not only in a healthy family, but also in the fact that “everyone is alive, there is no war, everything is together ... at home” - the axis of happiness and happiness.
In another way, Nadiya, not understanding the confusion of her father, respected the fact that her loved ones were in good health (proposition 10-12). And maybe it doesn’t need that much, but the turbo plays a small role.
In such a manner, we believe it is the affirmation: “How rich and little a person needs for happiness!” (99 words)

(Creation by 9b grade student Mukhanbetova Sabina).
For example, in the river 1 author vikorista word with the changeable pestilny suffix “grandmother” (the lexical phenomenon is named). It determines the logical position of Tanya’s onuka before her grandmother (the role of the word in the text is explained). However, the river’s name “grandmother” is also used for animals (named more grammatically). The writer lived in the form of the nominative form and saw it in a coma (the grammatical manifestation is commented on and the main grammatical signs of the beast are named). Thus, knowledge of grammar helped to understand to whom the girl is fighting with the promo (the role of the movable unit in the text is named).
Well, G. Stepanov’s assertion is fair: “A language dictionary tells you what people think about, but grammar doesn’t matter what they think about.”

2 excerpt: The leading linguist G. Stepanov asserted: “A language dictionary shows what people think, and grammar shows how people think.” Let's try to understand this sentimental aphorism.

This wire consists of two parts. Let's take a look at some of it. In my opinion, under the word “dictionary” G. Stepanov pays attention to the vocabulary, but the vocabulary stock of the language is what people use in language. People needed words in order to give meaning to everything that the world has. Oh my, the stench disturbs people’s thoughts. Figuratively speaking, language is the evil of our thought. This is a “movie dictionary to tell you what people are thinking about.” For example, in the remarks of one of the girls (propositions 34, 35, 38) the author emphasizes rudeness in the text and cruelty in the thoughts of children, approach to us.

Now let's move on to the other part of the discussion. To understand this concept, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the word “grammar”. Grammar is a branch of linguistics that determines the rules of everyday speech and speech. Knowing grammatical rules helps a person express his thoughts correctly and clearly, and reveals his inner light, attitude, and attitude. Let's take, for example, propositions 19 and 20. Everyone knows that the word “be kind” is used in this situation, when people want to turn their hearts on to themselves, to show a new level of respect and respect. If we look at this speech from the perspective of grammarians, we need to know that this word does not belong to the structure of the previous speech, but has an independent syntactic construction. In this case, the author uses a syntactic device such as parcellation in order to reinforce the students’ aggressive aggression, their powerful tone. The words “toil” (proposition No. 19) help in this understanding.

In this way, the way a person thinks and even has his essence lies.