Which connection type should I choose? How do I determine my type of Internet connection? Virtual network VPN

Koristuvachev, as a rule, is all the same, as there are ways to connect your devices to the Internet, since it is important for everyone to always be careful, as well as their ability to communicate.

This may be the case if you need to note the power supply date, for example, if you need to independently configure the operation of your home router.


At this time, there are different types of Internet connection, in order to accurately determine the type of connection that is provided by your provider, you need to familiarize yourself with the contract or follow the instructions below Yu.

Integrated connections can be classified into three main types:

  1. Connection of local boundaries;
  2. Connection via an additional virtual private network;
  3. From different variations of the 1st and 2nd type, then. combined connections.

Local measure

The subscriber connects to a different LAN Ethernet network and daily additional connections.

The computer simply needs one of two types of cable:

  • Optical;
  • type "Vita para".

It is necessary to note that this type of connection has two types:

  1. Dynamic – DHCP, which can be reduced to simple types, so that the user does not need to enter configuration parameters. Just insert the wire into the PC and all the necessary parameters will be found automatically.
  2. Static – IP. Which type of IP address is fixed, you will need to manually enter the monitoring parameters. The settings are recorded in the contract documents of the provider of services in contact with the client. It is necessary to specify the following basic configuration parameters: IP, submersion mask, DNS and gateway.

On a computer running Windows operating system, these parameters are entered in “Power to the Internet Protocol” version 4.

In this menu you can easily change the characteristics according to those specified in the agreement with the data provider.

Note: Often in these two subtypes the binding to the “MAC” address is stuck.

Today's cable type of connection to the Internet via a WAN connector still occupies a leading position in the popularity rating among cable users.

The main advantage is high efficiency for equally low prices for service company tariffs.

Providers connect clients to this type in the following ways:

a) via fiber optic cable;

b) through a twisted pair.

Optical cable

When making connections to a fiber optic line, there is an advantage in the speed of data transmission along the line (it can reach variable values ​​that can reach a value of 1 gigabit per second).

In addition to accessing the Internet, the subscriber also receives additional services from the provider. Who would be surprised at the interactive television, vikorist telephony too.

There is a problem with laying additional darts. Services are provided via a single optical cable.

Twisted pair

This is an outdated option, but an extension. For its implementation, you will need to use a few darts. The rings are cut through the optical fiber, so there is a smaller cut, using this criterion it is easy to determine the type of cable brought into the core of the cable.

Don't hesitate to admire and appreciate its modern comity (“optics” are richly similar, the bottom pair is twisted). It should be noted that in speed this type of connection is largely compromised by the optical one. Vaughn, as a rule, does not exceed one hundred megabits per second.

Virtual boundary

In this type, the subscriber connects to an additional VPN with the obligatory entry of a name and access code.

This type is divided into the following connection types (encrypted communication protocols):

  1. PPPoE. This is one of the broadest types. To ensure access to the entire world wide web, the master must click “Connect to the Internet.” Then click “Set up connections manually” and indicate the same connection type.
  2. PPTP. To connect to the global network, you just need to press the “Connect to your workspace” button in the settings master. Then select the column “Connection to a private virtual network”. Then enter the VPN server address.
  3. L2TP. Many current providers are now offering this type of connection, which means it will become more widespread. To connect for the first time, you need to sign out the steps described for the other type and then open the power and go to the “Merezha” tab, and indicate in the VPN column: “L2TP with IPSec”.

To find out what type of VPN is used on your PC, click on the connection icon in the right corner of the task panel and go to the “Data” section.

The method is no longer popular anywhere in the world except the Russian Federation. This type is extended to folding ones and is subject to “Dual access” access with combinations connected through local and private networks.

This will ensure instant access to current global and internal Internet channels (interactive TV, peering, etc.).

There are also different options for local and VPN connections, for example:

  1. Access to the global network is based on the established PPPoE protocol and the addresses for work in the LAN network are assigned automatically, and access to the current view is carried out using dynamic distribution of routes.
  2. Routes and addresses for connecting to additional PPPoE are organized using additional static parameters.
  3. Access to the Internet works through PPTP, whereby the internal IP is assigned automatically, and with the help of the DHCP option routes are created that can be specified independently or seen automatically.
  4. This option is similar to the previous 3 type, except the addresses are static and must be set manually.

The given combinations may differ from options for Internet access via L2TP.

Telephone line

If it is impossible to connect a subscriber to a network via “optics” across a distance, then a wider telephone network is required. Connections are made using ADSL or Dial-up technology.


This connection has a small amount of speed, which amounts to tens of megabits per second.

However, there is an economical solution if it becomes ineffective to pull the optical cable over a long distance.

To implement this option you need:

  • Telephone cable;
  • Modem;

The splitter ensures instant functioning of the Internet on your PC and phone.

Through this, the router and telephone are connected, and the computer receives a signal through the “LAN” port to the modem.


This technology has long been outdated, which is characterized by the inaccessibility that lies in the impossibility of instant access to the telephone and the Internet from the computer.

The transmission speed does not exceed 60 kilobits per second, so you can forget about watching online videos. For such bonuses, a koristuvach can no longer spend surfing on the Internet and looking at pictures.


Although the Internet speed with such a cable is low (no more than 300 megabits), it is easier for consumers to pay for the services of one provider for both the Internet and the TV station. The signal is transmitted through a coaxial cable using DOCSIS technology.

A modem is installed with a built-in mid-bridge, which transmits the signal to the TV cable.

The main drawback of the technology is the connection between the hidden channel and the connected clients, so the fluidity may fluctuate depending on the intensity of the line.

Satellite Internet

Be sure to connect to an expensive type of connection in order to ensure an exit from any remote settlement where there is electricity.

The equipment for connection also has a high price, and in addition to the availability of alternative means of accessing the Internet, customers rely on installing a special satellite dish with blocks for receiving information transmission.

WiMax and Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi routers are widely used in homes. The boundaries are also wider in large cities: train stations, cafes, parks, shopping centers, etc.

Operators connect this technology rarely through a small coverage area.

Providers organize Wi-Fi coverage using WiMax technology in large villages, for example, in cottage villages.

This technology cultivates large areas, the radius of which is measured in kilometers, for which the operator installs base stations.

The average speed for WiMax technology does not exceed 70 megabits.

Koristuvachev, in order to connect with such a drone-free range, you will need a receiver, otherwise you will need to be located at a significant distance from the nearest base station, which will require additional addition of a special antenna for Increased intensity of the received signal.

Both Wi-Fi and WiMax technologies are drone-free and this is their main advantage, which allows you to handle a wide range of tasks.

How can I find out about the connection type?

Use these actions for additional Windows tools:

If you need to know which provider provides the service, you can select one of the Internet resources for ping analysis.

Having reached its completion, information about the postmaster of the world's border will be available.

Have a nice day.

In order to organize a drone-free Wi-Fi connection at home and provide Internet access to all mobile devices (laptops, tablets, phones, etc.), you will need a router (about this, there are a lot of homeowners in the course). It’s true, not everyone dares to connect and configure it on their own...

In truth, this is true for the most part (I do not accept the blame, if the Internet provider creates such “networks” with its own parameters for accessing the Internet...). In this article, I will try the most common food signals that I feel when I have a connected and configured Wi-Fi router. Come on, let’s see...

1) What router do I need, how should I choose?

Perhaps, first of all, you need to set up your own equipment if you want to organize a drone-free Wi-Fi network at home. I would start with a simple and important point: what services does your Internet provider provide (IP-telephony or Internet TV), what Internet speed do you provide (5-10-50 Mbit/s?), and why protocol for connecting to the Internet (for example, currently popular: PPTP, PPPoE, L2PT).

Tobto. The functions of the router are starting to show off by themselves... And since this is a great topic, I recommend that you read one of my articles:

search and choose a router for your home -

2) How to connect the router to the computer?

As a rule, the package includes, right up to the router itself, a life block and a hemline cable for connecting to a PC (div. Fig. 1).

Before speaking, please note that on the back of the router there is a number of sockets for connecting a bridging cable: one WAN port and 4 LAN ( There are a number of ports depending on the router model. The most advanced home routers have a configuration similar to Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Typical rear view of the router (TP Link).

The Internet cable from the provider (which used to be used for all connections to the PC) must be connected to the blue port of the router (WAN).

And with the cable that comes with the router, you need to connect the computer’s edge card (where the provider’s Internet cable was previously connected) to one of the router’s LAN ports (div. Fig. 2 - the same ports). Before speaking, you can connect several more computers using this method.

Important moment! If you don’t have a computer, you can connect the LAN port of the router to a laptop (netbook) using a wired cable. On the right, it’s easier to configure the router initially (and in some cases, it’s impossible otherwise) to do it over a wired connection. After you specify all the basic parameters (set up a wireless Wi-Fi connection), the cable can be connected to the laptop and then processed via Wi-Fi.

As a rule, there is no power supply to the connections of cables and power supply units. It is important that your device is connected, and the LEDs on your device have started blinking :).

3) How can I configure my router?

Chantly, this is the key nutritional statistics. Most often, it’s easy to hesitate, but sometimes... Let’s look at the whole process in order.

As a matter of fact, each router model has its own address for logging in to setup (as well as login and password). Most types of veins, however, have: True, but blame. I'll list a few models:

  • Asus - (Login: admin, Password: admin (or empty field));
  • ZyXEL Keenetic - (Login: admin, Password: 1234);
  • D-LINK - (Login: admin, Password: admin);
  • TRENDnet - (Login: admin, Password: admin).

Important moment! It is impossible to say with 100% accuracy what kind of addresses, passwords and logins your device will have (no matter how I placed the mark). Also, in the documentation for your router, this information is clearly indicated (for everything, on the first or second page of the customer’s instructions).

Rice. 3. Enter your login and password to access the router settings.

For those who were unable to get into the settings of the router, this is a bad situation for a variety of reasons (why this could happen). I recommend speeding up little by little, making it a little lower.

How to enter Why not come, the main reasons -

How to go into setting up a Wi-Fi router (step by step)

4) How to set up an Internet connection in a Wi-Fi router

First, write down these and other adjustments, then make a small wine:

  1. First of all, routers from the same model range may have different firmware (different versions). The type of firmware contains the settings menu, then. those that you will get if you go to the address to set up ( Also, the firmware should be stored and the language adjusted. In my case, I’ll show you the setup of a popular router model - TP-Link TL-WR740N (setup in English, but it’s not so difficult to navigate them. Apparently, it’s even easier to set up in Russian).
  2. The router settings will be subject to the network arrangement with your Internet provider. To configure the router, you will need information from the connection (login, password, IP addresses, connection type, etc.), as a rule, everything that is required is included in the Internet connection agreement.
  3. For the most important reasons, it is impossible to give universal instructions that will suit all situations in life.

Different Internet providers have different types of connections, for example, Megaline, ID-Net, TTK, MTS also use PPPoE connections (I would call it the most popular). Until then, I'll be sure that I'll be smooth.

When you connect PPPoE, you need to know your password and login to access the Internet. In some cases (like, for example, MTS) PPPoE+Static Local is selected: access to the Internet will be granted after entering a password for the login for access; local boundaries will be adjusted in addition to the following requirements: IP addresses, mask, gateway.

Necessary settings (for example, PPPoE, div. small 4):

  1. It is necessary to open the "Network/WAN" section;
  2. WAN Connection Type - indicate the connection type, in case of PPPoE;
  3. PPPoE Connection: Username - enter the login for Internet access (specified in your agreement with the Internet provider);
  4. PPPoE Connection: Password – password (similar);
  5. Secondary Connection - here either nothing is specified (Disabled), or, for example, like MTS - Static IP is specified (subject to the organization of your network). Selecting this setting will affect access to the local network of your Internet provider. If you don’t need it, you don’t have to worry too much;
  6. Connect on Demand – install an Internet connection as needed, for example, when a user opens an Internet browser and searches for a site on the Internet. Before speaking, remember that the column below Max idle Time is the hour after the router (if it is idle) will be connected to the Internet.
  7. Connect Automatically - connect to the Internet automatically. In my opinion, the optimal parameter needs to be selected.
  8. Connect Manually - connect to the Internet manually (not manually...). If some business owners, for example, want traffic that is limited, it is entirely possible that this type will be the most optimal, allowing them to control the traffic limit and not go into minus.

Rice. 4. Setting up PPPoE connection (MTS, TTK etc.)

You can also go to the Advanced tab – you can set DNS there (sometimes this is not necessary).

Rice. 5. Advanced tab on the TP Link router

Another important moment - Many Internet providers bind your MAC address to the edge card and do not allow you to deny access to the Internet if the MAC address has changed ( approx. Each edge card has its own unique MAC address).

Today's routers can easily remove the required MAC address. For whom you need to open the tab Network/MAC Clone press the button Clone MAC Address.

So, as an option, you can tell your new MAC address to your Internet provider and have it unblocked.

Note. MAC addresses are roughly in the following order: 94-0C-6D-4B-99-2F (div. in Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. MAC addresses

Before speech, for example, “ Belline» connection type not PPPoE, A L2TP. The adjustment itself is carried out in a similar manner, except with the following precautions:

  1. Wan Connection Type – connection type needs to be selected L2TP;
  2. Username, Password – enter the data given to you by your Internet provider;
  3. Server IP-address – tp.internet.beeline.ru;
  4. Save settings (the router has to reset).

Rice. 7. Setting up L2TP for Billine.

Note. Well, after you have set up and reinstalled the router (as long as you have done everything correctly and entered the same data as required), you have a laptop (computer) that you have connected via a mesh cable – the Internet may appear! It’s like that - I lost it on the right for malim, fix the drone-free Wi-Fi network. In the future, it will be possible to get rid of it.

5) How to set up a drone-free Wi-Fi network in a router

Setting up a droneless Wi-Fi network usually involves entering the network name and password to access it. As an example, I’ll show you the same router (though I’ll take the Russian firmware to show both the Russian and English versions).

You will first need to open the Wireless section, div. small 8. Next, set the following settings:

  1. The name of the network is the name you will see when searching and connected to the Wi-Fi network (specify whatever);
  2. Region – you can enter “Russia”. Before speaking, many routers do not have such a parameter;
  3. Channel Width, Channel- you can disable Auto and not change anything;
  4. Save installations.

Rice. 8. Setting up Wi-Fi drone-free networking on the TP Link router.

Next you need to open the tab “ Defense of the dartless line“. Most people underestimate this point, and if you don’t protect the measure with a password, then all your neighbors can use it, thereby reducing your measure’s security.

  • Version: can not be changed or disabled automatically;
  • Encryption: just like that, more automatically;
  • PSK password is the password for accessing the Wi-Fi network. I recommend that you say this, that it is important to select the original brute force, or to guess correctly (no 12345678!).

Rice. 9. Encryption-type security (security).

After saving and re-installing the router, the drone-free Wi-Fi network should begin to work. Now you can set up connections on your laptop, phone, and other devices.

6) How to connect a laptop to a drone-free Wi-Fi network

As a rule, if the router is configured correctly, problems with configuration and access to the network in Windows are not to blame. I should be afraid to connect for a couple of minutes, no more.

Start by clicking your mouse on the Wi-Fi icon next to the third party. In the window with a list of known Wi-Fi connections, select yours and enter the password to connect (division small 10).

Rice. 10. Select Wi-Fi to connect a laptop.

If you entered the password correctly before the meeting, connect the laptop and you can start accessing the Internet. Vlasna, the finalization is complete. For those who didn’t succeed, I’ll give a brief overview of typical problems below.

The laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi (does not know drone-free networks, there are no available connections) -

Problems with Wi-Fi in Windows 10: problems without Internet access

This technical guide will help you connect your router to the Internet with an L2TP wan connection type (for example, Beeline). The router model does not matter. The functionality is limited for some routers, but the configuration function and naming of menu items in the administrative mode of the device are limited. The service is suitable for all providers who use L2TP connections!

Setting up the router

1. There is a WAN port on the router (change the blue color to the port). You insert a twisted pair of connections from the Internet provider that you have previously connected directly to the computer, since you have not previously installed a router. Afterwards, you can find a number of LAN ports there. Either way, we insert a fringe cable, which comes with the router, and the other end into the fringe board on the computer.

2. On the PC sub -laptop, yaki prazuu on OS Windows 7, vidkriva, Rozdil Merezhevi Nalastuvannya: Start - Panel of the Directorate - Lieus Tom - the Center for Mumy -Meres by the Podli Access - Mumynnnya Mumming Piddogenni - Zmina Parameter.

Right-click on the item “Connections via local network” to go to “Authorities” further in the section Internet Protocol “TCP/IPv4” and select the next items “IP automatically” and “DNS servers automatically”

Embossed "OK".

3. On the router, we search for an IP address, which is used to log in to the router’s configuration (for reference -, and login with a password (often login: admin, password: admin)

4. Then in the browser we write in the address row (as it is the same on the router), and forget the login and password that we saved on the router.

6. In the “WAN Connection Type” column (Internet connection type), select “L2TP/Russia L2TP”/ Login and password are specified in the contract by the provider. The server name is specified as follows: tp.internet.beeline.ru (or otherwise, as is evident in the agreement). Let's save adjustments.

7. Open the “Bezrotova Merezha” section in the menu and write their meanings for the items:

  • SSID – wifi network name.
  • Security protection - WPA2-Personal
  • Encryption - AES or TKIP
  • Secret key – Wi-Fi password, at least 8 characters.

8. The adjustment is stagnant. We go to a device that can receive the Internet (it has a Wi-Fi module). Click on the drone-free connection icon (at the bottom right corner of the Windows icons, next to the date). We find our connection in the list and connect, enter the password (one that contains at least 8 characters).

This guide will look at the process of setting up the Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-300 NRU for the Internet provider Rostelecom. This guide will definitely help you if you need to configure the DIR-300 router with the latest modifications and with the latest firmware:

  • DIR-300 A/C1 (you may need updated firmware)
  • DIR-300 NRU B7 with firmware 1.3.x and 1.4.x
  • DIR-300 NRU B5/B6 with firmware 1.3.x and 1.4.x

Update: If you have a router with firmware 2.5.11, 2.5.19 or 2.15.12, and the web interface looks like the one on the screenshot, follow the instructions:

  • Preparation before adjustment
  • Connecting a router for setup
  • How to go to configure the router and find out what the firmware is
  • Setting up Rostelecom connection on firmware DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4
  • Setting up Rostelecom connection on firmware DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.5, 1.4.8, 1.4.9 and DIR-300 A/C1 1.0.0 and older
  • Setting up IPTV Rostelecom on DIR-300

Video instructions for setting up Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-300 for Rostelecom

If you are too lazy to read too much text, you can quickly adjust the router by speeding up the video below. This shows the process of setting up the two remaining firmwares, including setting up the security of a drone-free Wi-Fi network.

Preparation before adjustment

First of all, if you have already tried to configure your wireless router (the same as your Wi-Fi router), I recommend resetting the device to factory settings. To remove the D-Link DIR-300 from the power outlet, press and hold the RESET button on the gate for 10-15 seconds. Let him go after that. It will take another 20-30 seconds to restart the router.

  • In Windows 8 and Windows 7, go to the Service Center with limited access and access (you can do this through the Service panel, or by right-clicking on the connection icon in the Service panel). From the menu, select the item “Change adapter parameters”, then from the list of connections, click the right mouse button and select “Power”. Go to the third point.
  • For Windows XP, go to “Control Panel” - “Metering Connections”. Select connections via local network, right-click on it and select “Power”. Div. given.
  • The connection authorities window will appear. From the list of components that are supported by connections, select the item “Internet Protocol version 4 TCP/IPv4” and click the “Power” button.
  • Make sure that in the connection settings you have set “Override IP address automatically” and “Override DNS server address automatically”, then. So, as it is depicted, the little one is lower. If this is not the case, make the necessary changes to save the adjustment.

The last point is to disconnect the Rostelecom connection on your computer. Moreover, neither before nor after the DIR-300 is set up, do not connect again, because You can install the router itself. Otherwise, the Internet will only be available on your computer, and not Wi-Fi.

Connection DIR-300 for setup with Rostelecom

There are five ports on the back of your Wi-Fi router, one of which is Internet subscription, the other is LAN numbered 1 to 4. The Rostelecom cable must be connected to the Internet port and nowhere else. Well, they connected the Rostelecom TV station, the company’s satellite operators came to you and connected the Internet cable to the LAN port, don’t forget that - they didn’t do the right thing at all. Connect one of the LAN ports on the router to the edge card connector of the computer or laptop from which you will be connecting. Unplug the router from the outlet.

How to go into the settings of the router and find out what the firmware is

At the moment, there are two types of current firmware on Wi-Fi routers D-Link DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 and A/C1. We will take a look at the setup of Rostelecom connections and Wi-Fi connections on both. If you want to change the firmware to a new one, then there are instructions on how to do it at the end of this article.

To go into the settings of the DIR-300 router (NRU), launch any Internet browser and enter in the address bar:, then press Enter.

When prompted for a login and password, enter the values ​​that you can use for setup on D-Link DIR-300 routers – admin and admin in both fields. As soon as the router has been reset to factory settings or you have safely removed it from the box, we ask you to change the password to your own. Click here and press “Ok”. After that, you will see the following on the main page of setting up the router, depending on the version:

Now let's take a look at the setup of DIR-300 for Rostelecom on the new firmware - 1.4.x, as we are talking about the router hardware revision B5, B6 and B7 and 1.0.x, as we have DIR-300 A/C1 (incidentally, for the rest No other firmware) . Then, if you have installed an older firmware version 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, if you have the same version - you can immediately go to the appropriate section of the instructions. Or, of course, update the firmware to the latest official version from the D-Link website.

Setting up Rostelecom PPPoE connection on firmware DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.5, 1.4.8, 1.4.9 and DIR-300 A/C1 1.0.x

At the bottom of the main page for setting up the Wi-Fi router DIR-300, click “Advanced settings”. If you have an English interface, you can change your language in a special point at the top of the page.

On the router's advanced settings page, on the Merezha tab, click WAN.

On the page with the list of connections, where at the moment there are only “Dynamic IP” connections, click on the connection, and on the page that appears below, select the “Delete” item. You will return again to the connect list, which will be empty. Click "Add".

Now the most important task is to correctly fill in the parameters of the PPPoE connection to Rostelecom. Check out the following parameters (no values ​​specified, no need to change):

  • Connection type- PPPoE
  • I'm a koristuvach- Your login for the Rostelecom Internet
  • Password and password confirmation- Your cloud data Rostelecom
  • Click "Save"

On the settings page of the D-Link DIR-300 router, a warning light about those who need to save settings has been shining for many hours now. It’s time to earn money. Press the indicator and select the “Save” item.

Refresh your browser page. If the Wi-Fi connection is configured correctly (and the Internet connection on the computer itself is disconnected), then the Rostelecom connection created may appear in the “Connected” status. You can go to the section “Adjusting the dartless line”.

Setting up Rostelecom PPPoE connection on firmware DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4

In order to set up Rostelecom on the DIR-300 with the assigned firmware, on the main page of setting up the router, click “Set up manually”, then on the “Merezha” tab, select the “WAN” item and click on the already visible enabled to open your settings. Click "Visibility".

Delete WAN connection Dynamic IP

As a result, you will return to the connect list again, but now you will be empty. We press “Add”.

All that is now required is to configure the Rostelecom connection parameters for our DIR-300. You can see them in the picture. Let us remember with the coming rite:

  • Connection type- PPPoE
  • I'm a koristuvach- Login Rostelecom (for the Internet)
  • Password and password confirmation- Your password for the Rostelecom Internet
  • Check the box Keep Alive yakscho na danii moment von vimknena

Click "Save". You will turn again to the connect list, among which will be created again. There are also warnings to animals about those that need to be kept in check. Save them. Now, if you have not made any payments, and the Rostelecom connection on the computer itself is disconnected, you can update the page and make sure that the connection status is changed to Connected. Now you can proceed to setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network.

Adjusting the parameters of drone-free monitoring, how to set a password for Wi-Fi

Again, let’s separate the instructions for setting up Wi-Fi into two parts. The first one will be given support for the new firmware, then - for the DIR-300 router with firmware 1.3.x.

Setting up Wi-Fi on DIR-300 with firmware 1.4.1 – 1.4.9

In order to configure the parameters of drone-free monitoring on the D-Link DIR-300 router with the remaining firmware, go to the main page of the router’s admin panel (click “Settings” at the bottom of the page or simply enter 19 in the browser address bar).

Click here for the Wi-Fi item. Click on the message “Meister of adjustment of the dartless line.” On the next pages you will be prompted to step by step enter all the parameters of the wireless Wi-Fi network that is being created, as well as set a password for Wi-Fi. The key points during the adjustment will be (others may not be changed):

  • SSID- This is a droneless router, behind the scenes it is visible to everyone within the radius of the droneless router and serves so that you can identify it among other droneless routers.
  • Kraina- here I recommend changing “Russian Federation” to “United States of America”.
  • Merezheva authentication- Install WPA2-PSK as the most secure method.
  • PSK encryption key– this is your Wi-Fi password. When the type of boundary authentication is specified, the vin must consist of at least 8 characters - Latin alphabet and numbers.
  • After that, press “Save.”
  • Also, don’t forget to click “Save” next to the light bulb - this will allow you to delete all settings after turning off the router.

At this point, the adjustment of the dartless line is completed. Now you can connect via Wi-Fi to your phone, tablet or laptop and surf the Internet wirelessly. If you also need to set up an IPTV TV station for Rostelecom, go to the next section.

Setting up Wi-Fi on DIR-300 with firmware 1.3.0 – 1.3.3

To set the drone-less tracking parameters on the D-Link DIR-300 router with firmware 1.3.x, go to the manual settings page and select the Wi-Fi tab. Then I’ll go to the “Basic settings” tab. On the page that appeared, you can set the following parameters:

  • SSID- this is the name of your dartless line, for which you will distinguish your line from others at the booth. I recommend Vikoristovati Latin.
  • Kraina– I recommend that the US replace it with “Russia”.
  • Save installations.

Then go to the “Security Settings” tab, here we will set the password for the drone-free network:

  • Please check for moderate authentication WPA2-PSK- the most valuable method for home vikoristanya.
  • In the field PSK encryption key Enter a password that consists of at least 8 characters.
  • Click the “Change” button.
  • Be informed about those who need to save all adjustments. Earn money

Now the setup of Wi-Fi on the droneless router is complete. You can try to connect without any devices that support it. If you need to set up IPTV TV with Rostelecom, read on.

Setting up Rostelecom IPTV TV station on D-Link DIR-300

To set up IPTV on both versions of the firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 droneless router (NRU), there is no change in principle. On the main side of the router with firmware 1.3.x, click “Set up IPTV”. If you have firmware 1.4.x, then click “IPTV Setup Master”.

After this, you will need to select the port that is available for connecting to the Rostelecom TV set-top box (the Internet will not be used through this port). Select and save. Finally, the adjustment is complete.

I hope that this instruction has helped you.