How to change the scale on MacBooks. How to increase the scale of pages and fonts on MacBooks. Changing the font in Finder

There are plenty of options if you need the scaling feature in the macOS environment. They can be used by both people with a dirty eye and designers who need to quickly enlarge some pictures using hotkeys. Here's how to turn on and use the zoom feature on your Mac.

There are many obvious advantages of the scaling function that are systemic and activated with the help of an additional shortcut.

How to enable scaling on Mac?

1. In the menu row, close the tab  → System settings...

2. Go to the section " universal access».

3. On the left side menu, open the tab “ scaling».
4. Check the box next to “ Use the same keys for scaling».

Yak style of scaling is more beautiful than usual " Picture in picture" In this situation, you will see not much of the entire image on the display, but only a small area that can easily be moved with the mouse cursor.

How to activate zoom mode on Mac?

Now just press the same key Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) + 8, After which the scaling mode is activated.

If the zoom appears too weak, you can adjust it using additional shortcuts:

  • Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) + \u003d (previous)- to enhance the picture;
  • Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) + - (minus)- Subject to change.

To exit the zoom mode, use the same key you used to activate ( Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) + 8).

For materials yablyk

Not all people can boast of perfect eyesight. If you stay before them, then you can no longer be greeted! Otherwise, from this article you will learn how to make your job more enjoyable and comfortable.

Text. Text everywhere. Materials on the Internet, names of programs and files, interface elements - all contain text information. That is why it is important for people, with their eyes wide open, to separate all the different writings without straining their eyes.

Fortunately, in Mac OS and its add-ons, there are tools created with the naked eye in mind.

Increased font size in text editors

The font size in text editors is set to 12 point, which is an even smaller size for rich people. Increasing the font size is possible in the top panel of any such add-on (MS Word, TextEdit, Pages).

However, when a new document is created, the size of the font in the new one remains the same 12 point, so you can increase its size after cleaning. Open TextEdit fine-tuning and set the required size in the section font. Unfortunately, this is only possible in Pages and in some versions of MS Word. In these situations, you can help with the page scaling bar, which is located in the lower part of the program window.

Font in Internet browsers

Most Internet browsers (Safari, Chrome, Mozilla) have the ability to zoom in on the page using an additional key combination Command+, After which the browser remembers the task of scaling for the skin page.

In addition, it is possible to set a specific font size for all pages.

For Chrome you need to open it Customization -\u003e Show advanced customization, scroll to item Web content And set the font size and / or page scale in this section.

In Safari we go to Customization -\u003e Add-ons and place the pin in front of the point The font size is no less...

If you use a trackpad, you will have access to additional page scaling capabilities in Safari, which works much the same way as on iOS. By tapping with two fingers on the screen, you will be able to locate the area in the center, and by moving your fingers apart, you can smoothly change the scale within a wide range.

Changing the font in Finder

To increase the font size in Finder, you need to follow the path View -\u003e Show parameters in view and select a larger size from the drop-down menu. To save new values, you need to click on Vikoristovat as standard in the lower part of the adjustment panel.

On MacBooks it’s even easier to increase the scale, taking into account the built-in capabilities of the system. Retailers worked for people with limited capabilities, providing various system options. Difficulties notice the great number of people around the world. And most of the information that reaches us through computers comes from text.

Increased system resources allow you to change the size of the screen or any part up to 20 times. Most of the screen, you will see the area in which the image is larger, but everything else remains unchanged. So you can change the size of characters (font), color contrast (you can make the screen black and white), and also change the cursor.

Hot keys

Quick access is a combination of keys that helps you speed up your Mac. Changing the scale can be done almost instantly. Also, to configure the screen, you need to remember the following:

  • Command + Option + 8 - (⌘ + ⌥ + 8) - enable / disable the zoom mode;
  • Command + Option + “+” (plus) - increase the scale;
  • Command + Option + "-" (minus) - change the scale;

Design Mac OS X

This method allows you to set everything up for you. All these options create the most pleasant minds to save your eyesight and spend a comfortable time. We first need to go to “System Settings”. There, select “Universal Access” and in the main panel “Change to scale”. Here you can change the hotkeys yourself, customizing them for yourself.

binary lists

Every day we often miss the need and provide necessary information. However, if you use the other method, the font parameters will not change in any way. In iTunes, changes are made through “Adjustment”\u003d\u003e “Basic Settings”. Check the box next to “Vikoristovat great font for lists.” This method can be used to increase not only binary lists, but also lists of audio recordings, for example. Here are all the lists that you will read.

In iPhoto you need to go to Options, then go to “Design”. In the “Dzherel Text” section, you can select one of the sizes (either large or small). Regardless of your choice, this option can help people with weak eyesight. To change the font in the Finder, you need to follow the path: “System settings \u003d\u003e Basic \u003d\u003e Size of icons in the home menu.”

Text editors

Both Mac users and PC users, for example, may experience the need to change the settings for the side of the text. This makes it easier to check the text for the presence of amends. However, the options allow you to set the size of the characters. Make it a point to stand at 12 kegels. In order to change this standard setting in TextEdit, you need to go to Options, then to “Font”. It’s easy to set the required size of the velma. A similar method works with other versions of MS Word. All versions of i Pages have “intact” standard options. However, when creating a new document, you can select parameters personally for each file.

Different browsers

Surfing the Internet is a complete and enjoyable process, and more than one page you want to look at in the report will not take too many hours. Quick access “Command +“ + ”(plus)” (Command \u003d ⌘) allows you to open more and browse the side.

Chrome allows you to set parameters for all pages, both those that will be opened and those that will be opened in the future. To do this, in the options, select “Show search extensions” and scroll the menu to the “Web content” item. Here the user can not only set the size of the page, but also select the size of the characters.

In Safari settings, you need to know the “Add-ons” item, and select the parameters under “Font size...”. All options are very basic and don’t make it difficult to tell from the most unprepared person. Changing the size of Safari pages using a trackpad is no problem. Double-click on the screen to press a larger area, and you can change the proximity of your fingers and thumbs.


You can use Mail on MacBooks by simply adjusting the font size. From now on, let’s go to the beginning of “Nalashtuvannya”. Here we go to the “Fonts and Colors” item. Here the possibilities are simply great: you can change the font style, its parameters, and the font layout.

A better method is to change the default icons parameter. How can I change the scale in Finder? “View \u003d\u003e Show parameters in view” and select a large font in the drop-down item. You can also select the main background color of the program and the color of the video.

By following all the above instructions, you will protect your vision and prevent your eyes from becoming overstrained. When adjusting with any commercial program, adjust the present settings to the size.

For reading 6th century. revisions 162 Published 01/24/2018

The koristuvachs don’t know about riches,Such information can be quite useful, not only in situations where the interface of the site or program is difficult to read or you need to zoom in on the object to look at it. It often happens that the user himself suddenly enlarges or changes the scale of the screen, but does not know how to rotate it in its cob position. Therefore, we will take a closer look at power scaling within the browser and the PC screen as a whole.

Changes in scale in popular browsers

If the user knows exactly how to change the screen scale, the process takes at least an hour and is completed in literally two clicks. Let's take a closer look at how to scale the screen in the browser.

Google Chrome

If the large icons on the screen have become too much to change, then you need to turn the settings back to the recommended settings. To do this, click on an empty space with the right mouse button and select the “Allow screen” menu item. In the corresponding menu item, the available parameters appear and you can see the recommended values ​​corresponding to the diagonal of the stream monitor. Select the value.

If you need to change the size of not only icons, but also texts, then in the current settings window you can select the section “Get text and other elements larger or smaller.” A window will appear after your request, which makes it easy to read the screen, and there are three zoom options.

You can also change the size of icons on the screen by right-clicking on empty space. Select “View” and set the desired label size, there are three options: small, normal and large. In addition, you can change the scale of the icons by pressing the Ctrl button and rotating the mouse wheel.

Apple operating system

Computers are still gaining more and more popularity. Everyone knows that these devices interfere with the operating system, so please checkMac OS X

  1. Click on the apple icon at the top left corner of the screen and select the system settings section. Then go to the “Universal Access” section, find the “View” panel and open it. In the window, find the “Zoom” or Zoom option and click it. Then, to change the screen, press the Command button and press “-” several times until you reach the desired result.
  2. You can also use Vikorist to adjust the zoom of a Misha with a wheel. To do this, just press the command button and turn the wheel until the scale reaches the desired value.

The trackpad is engaged in a similar manner. Press the hot button and swipe down on the touchpad with two fingers to change it.

Another OS that I want to add respect to. Although the majority of people rely on servers to maintain servers, the shell is often compromised by high-end server providers.

Controlling the screen scale in this environment is no less simple than in the previous versions. Taking into account the situation, we will consider the process of changing or increasing the zoom, which is necessary for more manual operation of the device. One clarification, the approach works only within the framework of viewing files and does not affect the scale of the desktop.

Press and release the Ctrl key and simultaneously stamp “-” or scroll back. This allows you to change the exact scale. In addition, you can press the right mouse button on an empty screen and select the Zoom Out or “Change” command. To increase, obviously, turnaround actions.

After reading the article, one of the koristuvachs will innocently lose food,, So the food was reviewed as clearly as possible.

On any Apple device you can easily change the size of your Internet site. This allows you to create new capabilities in programs such as video in Safari.

Difficulties in reading song resources are often encountered by people all over the world. If we end the category of people who hate it, we simply need to ensure that the font size on the website is optimal for reading.

In Safari, you can change the resource 20 times to make the text more readable and the pictures larger. In addition, the user can make additional settings to improve the readability and browsing of the page:

  • More pictures of the site as a whole;
  • Change the font;
  • Increased contrast level;
  • Adjusting the color scheme, showing black in more detail (it is possible to create a black and white color);
  • Change the size of the cursor to make it easier to navigate.

Full screen mode

One way to increase the readability of the screen, without changing its actual scale, is to switch the browser to full-screen mode. In this case, the text will not change, but the site will be restored to its original appearance.

In order to launch it, you need to open Safari and click the green full-screen button in the upper left corner of the working browser, or use the keyboard shortcut: “Control-Command-F”.

To close this mode, simply press the green button again or repeat the hotkey combination.

Variable hotkeys for zoom adjustment

Easy access in general - this is a combination of keys, when you press some vikors, you will be able to select different songs. This is present in any good operations, supplements and games.

To configure everything in a couple of clicks, you need to press the following keys:

By gently pressing these keys, you can then adjust the page as you wish and also quickly turn it into the output data.

Adjusting the scale in IOS and iPad smartphones

The mobile version of Safari shares its functionality with the computer version, and here are ways to adjust the size of text on the web page.

The interface on the screens of mobile devices is not always easy to read, so the browser has been equipped with the ability to provide additional customization. Find out how to set the screen size level on smartphones:

In some versions it was possible to add a line to the side of the font. Check it out, maybe this function is reserved for you, or present.