Battle of the Titans: Joomla or WordPress. Who will win? WordPress or Joomla, which is better Por_vnyannya joomla and wordpress

If you have destroyed your site, then having downloaded a little bit of information on the Internet, you know that the best option for this is to install a CMS.

CMS is a ready engine for a site, so you can stir up and run a site without any knowledge of programming.

In this hour, there is an anonymous CMS under the head of the nayrіznomanіtnіshі zavdannya, and the leaders among them are Wordpress and Joomla. And what's better than them?

Which is better than Wordpress or Joomla

If you look at the similarity, you can see that the insults of the engine are written in mov php and the insults of the stench are free of cost.

On the Internet, there are anonymous lessons and solutions for both engines.

A priori, it is much more beautiful than CMS (engine), in which case you can expand. Ale ce already lie down especially for you. As soon as you start - in any case, you will have a chance to sort it out for a long time.

The legend about those that WordPress is better

If you want to feed the Internet, which is better for the site, then you should definitely use Wordpress for support.

Ale, damn it! YAK? WHY??? - Why is the Internet littered with a string of assertions that WordPress is a short engine?

I understand that NATO is constantly running in the right direction, but it’s not so stupid ...

I like how to rozpovidat in YouTube and do not blink, which is the power of wordpress. And ask about joomla, but don’t try wine. Ale rub everything.

I can even start it myself with Wordpress. More precisely, having started on Yandex.People, but if Yogo was angry at the decree, then I switched to WordPress. Ale, on my own, approximately in the first half of my life, I started to test joomla for the sake of interest. At the bag, I got it and started switching sites to Joomla. True, I have had one site for a long time on Wordpress, but I know in my own strength and step by step transferring it to Joomla. Soon there will be a rіk yak I'm inspired by wordpress. Leaving the test site on a free WordPress domain.

Possibilities and can be virishenі zavdannya

What kind of site can I use on WordPress? - Blog. Company website. Business card site. Well, I’m more like an online store. І fse ... Zagalom - generated with a simple structure.

What can I do on Joomla?- That's a lot. All the same things on WordPress - no problem. And if I just want to, I can expand the site in a direct way, even in the direction of an online store, or I can also in the direction of a local or profile portal.

I want - at any hour I can add a store, forum, catalog to the site. To shorten - doshka goloshen, website of reviews, catalog of organizations, novelties ... Everything is welcome.

What engine to choose for the site

I can say one

Joomla is better than Wordpress,

ale for myself I choose - October CMS, The truth is not for beginners, so you need knowledge in programming.

And you already believe yourself what you pidide.

Today, we don’t invite anyone else, because no other active correspondent to the Internet is the master of the power site. Such a camp is right for a lot of things, which made it hard for those who don’t know how to use the HTML markup, which is not familiar to the programmer.

How could it be? It's simple - none of them are responsible for site management systems, more like CMS. The most popular are Joomla and WordPress. The popularity of the stink was due to its simplicity and focus on the underestimated coristuvachis themselves. To help them, you can build even folding sites, and not just the simplest author's pages.

What is a CMS?

If you decipher the term, then in the English version you will see System. Translated into Russian, tse means a special system for managing content on the site. Where often CMS is denoted by the term "Website Engine".

If you say it is simple, then under this term you understand a special program, as the webmaster installs on the hosting. Tse such a “prosharok” between the site manager (administrator), hosting system and koristuvachs.

The most important warehouse, whether such a system is a data base. What is it? If you don’t get lost in understanding, then it’s possible to name it like that, don’t be-like the table is expanded.

In the middle of such a "table" the name of the skin publication is written down, in the middle of the field one should enter її zmіst, comments and other important information. Using the web interface, the site manager can make changes to the browser if it opens a specific page, the content management program simply retrieves all the necessary information from the data base, after which you can enter it into the already prepared template.

This is how all sides of the site are praised. The majestic advantage of this kind of system is that environment, which can, at any moment, remember the design of the portal, moreover, it does not interfere with the same rank. Contribute new information to the nitrohi not folded, lower pracciuvate on your own side in the social dimension.

flour viboru

Too many people ask important and sick food: “Joomla or WordPress? Which engine is better and better? » We will try to give an open statement in this article.

Let’s go ahead, you don’t take anything unambiguous into account. Offended by the system of garni in its own way, and to that we would like to report more about the advantages and shortcomings of the skin engine.

In order to be appointed, it is necessary to know if you want to know about the specialties of the skin of these movements. To put it simply, you are guilty yourself to clearly state what is better for the home side, and what is better to stop for the creation of a small social network.

So Joomla or WordPress? Let's get more detailed information!

Trochs about Joomla

Why can you use this engine for? Joomla itself is a wonderful idea for a powerful social project, as well as for the development of a “middle hand” enterprise. Do you need a kind of informational and promotional portal? Not a problem, the whole engine fits in well and works well. By the way, on Joomla itself, such popular online cinemas are created during the last hour.

However, if you need a really great site, with no photos and videos, then Joomla will often be the only optimal choice. In addition, Joomla templates for designers are not as expensive as their counterparts for WordPress.

What matters is the expansion of functionality, then in the same power the engine is better than its competitor. There are thousands of widgets, and Joomla modules do not require any programming knowledge for their installation. If we are talking about WordPress, then in order to expand the functionality of the site, you will have to practice in mastering PHP.

Curling with different elements of the side is the strong side of Jumli. In this case, the administrator can edit practically all the content, while in WordPress for the same purpose you happen to buy a paid template, then choose the Russian version, otherwise it will be more difficult to get it going in a new way.

A lot of site creators talk warmly about the Joomla menu. Axis in this way CMS is far ahead of its competitor. A bunch of different categories, moreover, you can create new ones and edit them already. Things are not so simple with WordPress vipadu. Only “Categories” and “Storinki”, the lower functionality is actually separated.


If you want to take advantage of your site income (and whoever you don’t want to!), then at that moment you will have to pay special respect. "Jumla" is an excellent engine, but it is also possible in terms of per-shock optimization of a sprat of urization.

WordPress is literally ideal for creating websites, as in the future it will be able to take better results from Google and Yandex. Obviously, the cost is not limited to the need for long and stressful work with content and inclusion in the new necessary keywords.

The main shortcomings of Jumli

Zrozumilo, and in this container with honey, there are not enough songs. Let's talk about them a little more report.

Nasampered, far from all coristuvachas are fit to attach without a middle template. Zocrema, in the new there is a great number of elements, as it is necessary to clean up for a comfortable work with the site.

Zrozumilo, work everything by hand. Important! In order to do it normally, you need to know badly about HTML, because otherwise it’s simply unrealistic to get into such a heap. That th in any occasion you will need an hour for editing. Look, Joomla-templates are far away from intuitive intelligence, so you might get better.

Shvidkist is our problem!

In another way, the speed of interest of sites on Joomla is far from cosmic. Buvaє, scho navit not even revantaging the portal, robbing on the hard server, vantage in a matter of seconds! Just a nightmare. To be brought to shovel half of the template, after which the hour rushes to a second or two seconds. I navit tse - far from ideal, so as a normal site is guilty of being loaded in less than a second.

Why is it negatively zoomed \u200b\u200btim, because Joomla creates a great number of folders on the FTP server, which is very negatively signified on the speed of indexing the resource, and for the mind, the stunted GPRS and the EDGE-channel are stunted unrealistic entry.

Trochs about vision ...

Soogo nedolіku yakraz still completely free WordPress. Hosting for a new one can be bought much cheaper. It is due to the fact that the wines may or may not have high characteristics: the engine will still be safe to take advantage of the swidth of the sides in the browser.

Nareshti, if the site has a high visibility, the engine may not be visible. Obviously, when organizing the work of a banal home party, you are unlikely to blame the problems, but “for the future” tse varto vrakhovuvati.

If you think that in the "Joomla or WordPress" supertech we took the side of an entirely different engine, then it's not so. "Jumla" is an excellent option for rich people, but you need to remember about the deeds and weak sides.

Trochs about WordPress...

Everyone knows about this engine, whoever wants to be sideways to the creation of websites. It is significant that WordPress is still experiencing a relative “boom” in breadth, so it is ideal for creating blogs and special sites.

Vtіm, on whom apply the yogo vikoristannya zovsіm navіt not vycherpuyutsya. There are millions of sites on the Internet on the "Press", and not all of them are blogs. You can try to find online cinemas, if you want stench and not a good role for this engine. In the rest of the hour, visit a bunch of commercial sites, a lot of them are listed in the TOP of types of search systems.

Zagalo, masa options, but WordPress templates are often chosen for creating special blogs. Before speech, the very variant of the choice of this engine is considered the most optimal. We will try to explain in more detail the reason for such a recommendation.

deakі minusi

Zdivovani, scho "review of benefits" we fix itself with the minuses of WordPress? It’s just that they’re not so rich and rich, but for that I’ll first discuss them myself.

The majestic minus of the engine is its weak protection. And not empty words: it was repeatedly marked that a high number of evil sites, in the role of CMS on which WordPress is victorious. Vzagali, zahistym his portal in tsomu vapadka happened to be transferred independently, moreover, saving on tsomu nutrition would not be recommended.

Other negative pictures

What are the negative aspects of WordPress? Installation and configuration of the system is simple, which cannot be said about the possibility of making cardinal changes to the structure of the site.

If you respectfully read that part of the article, in which it was said about the pluses of Jumli, then you can sing-alongly guess about the minuses of the competitor. In the first place, WordPress is much more foldable from the point of view of deepening the site. In order to work more smoothly than standard operations, you will need to know and understand in the PHP. In folded moods, you can reach fakhіvtsіv, so as if you are independent, you are unlikely to reach anything.

Vtim, there were no more minuses as such. At the same time, we would like to destroy the nutrition about the positive results of this engine. Їx far more, lower than the negative ones.

Strengths of WordPress

For good reason, WordPress templates can be edited by a little more than a schoolboy. All my attachments are intuitively understood, nothing can be sorted out for a long time. In every case, the average koristuvach copes with qim khvilin for ten maximum.

WordPress itself, the themes for which in the most famous quantities are already on the site of the retailer, is more concise and beautiful. So, the work of the new one is especially coherent, but the “out of the box” is a practically practical and functional system.

In addition, the hour of zavantazhennia of the average blog rarely exceeds a second. Although the speed of the Internet connection is normal, it can become in the range of 0.7 seconds. On the thematic forums, there were a lot of pleasures for an even bigger site, so if you are lucky, you can work її chi not bliskavichnoy.

Basic visnovki

So Joomla or WordPress? Which engine is better for creating a website? Once again, let's turn to the cob of the article. We have just said that it is not possible to give unambiguous recommendations. If you respectfully read the article, then you yourself will be able to understand.

"Jumla" is good for general and change sites. There are some problems with the number of folders and the speed of content entanglement, but it is also compensated by the great functionality of the engine and the possibility of creating really great portals.

Vzagali, for the functionality of such a Joomla, I will definitely outperform a competitor. A lot of web maistry is important that it is ideal for co-workers, as it allows you to “get under the hood”, to regulate literally all the parameters of your side on your court.

On the other hand, WordPress itself is rich. Comments koristuvachіv to talk about those who as a whole serious blog can arbitrarily navit people, yak vzagali not maw to tsoy nіyakogo svіdu in svorennі web pages.

WordPress is ideal for blogs and small home sites. It is inspired by high speed of interest and simplicity, but for serious projects you will either have to buy a paid template, or independently gain knowledge of PHP.

On completion

In such a rank, in response to food: “Which is better, Joomla or WordPress?” - it doesn’t seem possible, so like a skin for yourself, you do it yourself, go out of power needs.

In the present hour, there is a trend to the fact that a large part of the mastrіv vikorivuyut "Wordpress". It is connected with the ease of installation. There is practically no need for any kind of folding cob settings, a lot of bezkoshtovnyh themes, that and spivtovaristvo dosit actively.

As for the rest of the point, we did not vipadkovo guess about spivtovaristvo. If you blame any problems, then you can always learn the solution on the forums of retailers. Obviously, for whom it is better to know the English language, I want to be on the middle level.

In addition, patches and updates are constantly coming out for this platform, so that you can successfully correct earlier known pardons. After all, CMS is given to be stable and reliable. Vtіm, Joomla in tsomu plan is less than trohi higher, and from її the protection is an order of magnitude greater.

In a word, it is only necessary for you to choose! Fortunately, the offending systems we have looked at can be practically usable.

Most of today's websites are based on various content management systems (CMS). The most popular of them are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. These engines promote impersonal improvements and add-on functions that allow you to change the structure of the site without writing a special code. How is the system to check the priority for the creation of a new site?

All content management systems are included in the top 5 for popularity in the Russian segment of the Internet:

What's wrong with WordPress, Joomla and Drupal

All CMSs are expanded freely and can be edited with a clear code, which, if necessary, can be edited. Evaluate the site's feasibility, the tools needed to develop its functionality, and your skills, so that you can select the most appropriate CMS.

What global parameters are present in WordPress, Joomla and Drupal?

  • The movement of creation in PHP.
  • All stinks allow you to stop MySQL as if you were waking up the system of keruvannya databases. Cream MySQL, Joomla and Drupal can work with other databases.
  • For skin engines, a technical support is available - official reports, blogs and forums for retailers on this engine.
  • CMS installs templates for customizing websites, as well as modules or plugins for increasing functionality.
  • The skin engine has no additional tools to add unique features to the site.

If there are many similarities between CMS and CMS, in some aspects they stink. The value of the information can give a high value to the choice of the correspondent for the placement of WordPress, Joomla or Drupal on the host site.

WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal

WordPress is the most popular content management system, which is being developed with some force to inspire newcomers. Today, on this engine, maybe half of all sites created on CMS. A friend for the popularity of Joomla is trying hard to launch more Internet resources without any special problems, and does not depend on the webmaster of a high level of special skills for robots, as an attack on the popularity of the engine - Drupal. It is one of the most difficult CMS available with open code, for the management of which you need the same technical details.

Starry look and design for the site - from business cards to the online store

All three engines allow you to change the visual rendering of the site from the blocking of templates. The design of a new site can be transformed in a couple of clicks, and for an already important project, you can change the skin side and, perhaps, edit the content for a new template, to cut the image and format the text.

Free and paid WP templates

WordPress revenge is installed by those types of retailers in the system. In the admin panel, you can select the "Add new" item in the "Old look -\u003e Themes" menu and activate the matching template from the official repository.

Crimson-free, coristuvaches hope for a wide choice of premium-team from third-party retailers. For example, on the online Maidan there are twice as many as in the official WordPress directory.

Free and paid Joomla templates

Joomla also has a wide range of available templates, so setting up a proper design for an Internet resource is not a problem. The retailers promote nearly thousands of templates on various thematic sites that are created for the help of CMS.

Free and paid Drupal templates

The official Drupal repository contains over 2.5 thousand ready-made templates, which can be sorted according to the status of distribution and change their versions. If you ask for the necessary topics, you can contact the text description of the functional possibilities of the template and change the design without intermediary when installing themes.

In connection with the lesser popularity and greater folding of Drupal, the number of paid teams for this engine is small, on the number is close to 500 templates.

Website design on WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal

Among the most popular CMS WordPress offers the most cost-free methods and a large number of paid templates, so you can adapt any theme to the site. Superficially and initially visualized design plus demo options for a better look at them to make CMS the leader in visual design of websites.

Additional functionality - seo, forms, site functionality

WordPress features a significantly larger number of polygons and templates, but no other engine. Only about 50,000 polygons are shown in the official catalogue, which allows you to create a resource from a simple blog to a great portal.
The leaders of the wide popularity of WordPress, retailers create cost-free or inexpensive new extensions, which will help equip a thematic site, SEO-optimization for browsing the Internet. Premium versions of plug-ins are available, which allow you to download them for support to retailers and reduce add-ons for setting up the functionality of the site (so the basic functionality of the plug-in is available free of charge, and even add-on functions - in the paid version).

For sites created on Joomla, there are also separate add-on extensions that allow you to operate e-shops, large portals and manage extensions by e-mail. Joomla is miraculously in its own mіtsі functionalnіst, like Drupal secures, while maintaining visually understandable management, like WordPress.

The number of extensions in Joomla is not so significant, like in WordPress, the cost of adding another module is different. In addition, the standard installation of Joomla does not allow browser extensions and extensions and templates to be installed directly from the admin panel. For this reason, it is necessary to install a special extension, but you can also check the settings manually.

Drupal has a similar approach to installing templates and modules. The webmaster is responsible for knowing the needs of the add-ons on a third-party site, and then put their address in the "Modules" or "Themes" section to activate. Drupal is easy to use for the help of the anonymous modules available - there are about 37,000 of them on the official website. It is permissible to edit the files in the root of the site without intermediary, which is handy for those who are rooting, so as to make significant changes to the structure of the site in the world of yogo development.

Sites on Drupal, as a rule, are characterized by increased productivity - the sides are more efficient and show less time of work, less resources, expanded on WordPress and Joomla. It is often explained that CMS does not require significant resources, expensive server or hosting. Please, like all engines, installing a large number of third-party modules can reduce the speed of the site.

The choice of add-on plugins and modules allows for any CMS to work sites and practically any subject from Landing pages and business cards to great portals and online stores. At the time of WordPress and Joomla, you can know the design option for whatever you want. For an Internet resource on Drupal, you will have to mess around with the settings - this engine is more suitable for stuck-out quirks, and not for beginners.

Remember that online stores still work better on specialized engines with special transfer capabilities like OpenCart or PrestaShop, and not on universal solutions.

An example of a site created from WordPress posts:

An example of a promo site created on Joomla:

An example of a Drupal journal site:

Spіlnoti i korisna іnformatsija

Available technical support is necessary for newcomers to the site, the shards when creating a new site sound like a difference in nutrition. All three engines provide basic information on the installation and management of sites.

If there are problems with the site on WordPress, it is easy to connect to a rich multi-million merchandise of retailers and informing coristuvachs, as well as to stop and develop the system. Help can be found in the official WordPress documents, codes, guidelines, blogs and on any forums on website development and web design.

Joomla is a great developmental portal for technical updates. For more interactive help, you can join up to a great level of posts on the forums, subscribe to rossilki and thematic chats. In the case of WordPress, paid expert support on Joomla is more expensive, but it is also much less expensive, and less paid for Drupal development.

Drupal is characterized by active writing and providing great documentation, news and updates, support forums and chats, in which you can find tips on getting good food.

The main problem may be those that a large part of the current information on Drupal is represented by \u200b\u200benglish language.

Better localization and translation

Significant part of the website, like the creation of the skin of the day, є batomovnym or written in mov, scho in English. All reviewed engines support the expansion of bugatonic sites and allow you to work on different languages, including Russian.

WordPress allows over 50 mov in admin. New movies are installed with one click. This platform itself does not support buggy sites, but you can connect special plugins that allow them to be created. The most popular templates and plugins are also available on decal movs. These retailers are actively trying to help you translate into other languages: if you have done such a translation, you can ask for this retailer and take a discount on the entire product.

Joomla Volodya is preparing a functional for processing a multi-move site without an additional connection extension. In the admin, you need to go to the mov dispatcher and enter the mov in place. Translate templates are easily installed from the admin panel.

Drupal equips with the ability to process non-English or rich Internet resources. You will need to add modules to select local movie content. Move the admin interface to be adjusted in the config.

Why do you care about the safety of sites on these engines?

Give respect to such an important clerk, like bezpeka, when choosing an engine for expanding the site. Practically be-like an Internet resource of conflicts for hacker attacks. Portals on WordPress often fall for the evil one, the reason for the great breadth of the engine in the world. However, the wordpress variant is easy to know in the system can be quirky. Sites are upgraded when a new patch appears and additionally protected by two-factor authentication and other advanced methods. The update mechanism in the admin-panel allows koristuvachs to take care of their safety and respond to any problems in their own time.

Joomla guesses WordPress in terms of security. Rozrobniki actively chase for the manifestations of the weak mist and neutralize them quickly. However, the support of the web resource in the current state and the installation of updates are shifted to the shoulders of the koristuvachivs. You can improve the security of your site using the same methods as WordPress.

Drupal practices serious pidhid to ensure site security. The team of rozrobіkuє publishing frivolity on the official site in the world of their manifestations and correction. I note that Drupal is the most secure in terms of other engines, however, it can be explained that the engine is not widely used, like Joomla or WordPress.

Installing the CMS on the server

All engines are clumsy installation and summation with most hosts. A lot of hosting service providers will provide fully automated installation of any three engines with one click. Archives can be installed with WordPress, Joomla or Drupal distribution kit for manual installation.

WordPress installation

The WordPress distribution needs to be unpacked and connected to the data base. Let's move all the files from the file manager's stoppages to the root folder of the site. Starting the installation is controlled by a command from the address bar of the browser. The whole process takes about 5 minutes.

Joomla installation

A web installer is also required to install Joomla. The files must be unpacked to the root of the site. Then we need to connect the database and check the configuration settings. The installation process for a CMS takes approximately 10 minutes.

We suggest automatic installation of CMS in 1 click.

Drupal installation

Drupal allows you to set custom database settings. Installation files are also downloaded from the official site and unpacked to the server in the site directory. After connecting the data base, the installation is dependent on the browser window for the site address and borrows about 10 credits.

We suggest automatic installation of CMS in 1 click.

Which engine to choose?

WordPress is the best choice for beginners and the simplicity of the engine. It is good for small and medium sites, blogs and awkward business cards. Joomla will be useful for creating commercial sites, but for CMS you need basic site management skills. Drupal is the best, most powerful CMS. Because of the good understanding of HTML, CSS and PHP, this system can be recommended to professionals.

If you want to get started quickly on a clumsy website or blog, choose WordPress. As you know, the resource will be developed and will require significant additions, or writing additional “from scratch”, look towards Drupal. Joomla will be the middle option in pairs with two engines.

The ranking of the main parameters for the three most popular content management systems is shown in the tables - WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal.

Currently, 23% of all sites in the Internet share fall on the CMS WordPress part, and for the most part, there is not a single source of automated content systems (CMS) on the market. I use a number of other, but not less, systems, such as Joomla or Drupal. All three are rich in what they are similar to each other, but at the same time, their skin may be like a win, so it is not enough. In this article, I will give a small amount of information about the current nutrition - as well as look at the Drupal system to try and learn how to improve them.

WordPress or Joomla which is better and which is better between them

All three CMSs are most popular due to the number of created sites, and also rich in what they are similar in terms of technology, management and productivity.

  • WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are costless engines;
  • All three of them are written in modern PHP programming;
  • The stench is trying to support the MySQL data base;
  • All vikoristovuyut themes and templates for visual display of the site, as well as plugins, modules and extensions for connecting additional capabilities;
  • So as tse vіdkritі dzherela software zabezpechennya, all the stench є projects rozrobki united among themselves programmers.

Crim of similarities, the systems may be impersonal in different aspects. They have one type of policy, one type of policy, one type of control in the core of the program, a way to manage modules and templates, different security systems, and so on. These features are indicated on the choice of coristuvachi, for the help of such engines to create your site.

Let's take a look at all the different sides in order to recognize how the system is better - WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, por_vnyuyuchi skin among themselves.

Efficiency at vikoristanny for pochatkivtsiv

Most people create their own websites or blogs are not driven by the knowledge of a professional retailer, designer or programmer. These are the same people who created their own website / blog. Simplicity in the most common will be the most important factor in choosing a CMS medium.


The WordPress engine is driven by its simplicity and installation in 5 minutes. Most hosting providers suggest installing WordPress in one click. Tsya furnishing to rob the installation of WordPress is simple, navit for a beginner, who wants to start blogging.

Written articles for the first time a webmaster, who, having created a site on WordPress, is also more efficient in pairing with other engines. Koristuvach in the admin panel of the blog, you can easily find the menu for the creation of articles, sides, or else you can change the Look and feel, or the theme has been inserted.


Installing Joomla may not be as easy as WordPress, but if you install it in a similar way. In addition, hosting providers are also proposing the installation of the Joomla engine in one click.

After the installation, you should go to the control panel, as if not on the floor, intuitively figured out how to enter WordPress. Here, there is a richly expanded menu and customization for the site. The followers of this CMS will say that through more difficult parameters lower in WordPress, but I suspect that such a menu is only a little bit ugly.


Installing Drupal is somewhat similar. Just zip the archive file and unpack it for the help of the installation script.

Drupal also promotes distributions. Unpack files with modules and configuration to create a specific type of site.

Writing a post for more newbies seems to be easy to fold. Koristuvach z pratseyu razumіє how to change the site. The Drupal engine allows you to easily add content, but changing the original look and adding elements to the site does not seem obvious.

Helper: WordPress

Themes and templates

For the skin of three CMS, there is a large number of installed teams and plug-ins / modules to increase functionality and change the design.


WordPress allows users to change the look of the site by installing different themes. In the installation file already there are a lot of topics. Whenever it's time, you can add a new topic with one click by going to Zovnishniy Viglyad\u003e Topics in your blog.

Here's a list of premium WordPress templates available on sites like StudioPress, Themify, and ThemeLab. Tse those paid with the service of support.

Improving the functionality of the site on WordPress Over 38 thousand polygons have been distributed for the engine, which can be taken from free access on the official website. There are also paid plugins, created for more functionality.


Yak i for WordPress, for CMS Joomla є masa templates and extensions. There is a great quantity here and the stench is recognized for vikonannya, whether it be some functions, starting with the creation of a commercial online store and closing the management of the postal distribution.

However, the number of templates and extensions is not as great as in WordPress. Know the exact template and expand it looking cheaply foldable.

Behind Joomla locks, there are no powers that allow you to search and install extensions in the admin panel of your blog. This is a special function that allows you to add a variety of extensions directly to your blog. Ale for looking for templates, you can manually find the templates and then install them by adding a valid URL.


Drupal may have problems with the availability of team and modules. Webmasters can find modules and topics on the Internet, then save copying the archive file on your computer.

Modules are also created not like flooring in parallel with WordPress plugins.

Helper: WordPress.

Support service

The ability to take help and encouragement is even more important for the co-workers of the koristuvachs. Undoubtedly, a newcomer can be blamed for some difficulties in installing a new system. And it will be a great plus, as CMS is a detailed support service, where you can always go.


WordPress has a forum for quizzes, where you can find out about any problems. You can go to the Support tab on the website and check the official support for looking at documentation, maintenance, nutrition and feedback, as well as reading the forum and other important information about web design and development.

Why do you have freelance websites, you can hire a designer and layout designer for a small penny, who will create your blog for your business, including all the necessary elements, visually merging windows, ad blocks, placement of sides and headings, etc. . I wrote more about it.


Joomla, yak and WordPress Volodya with a detailed support service. On the Joomla website, you will find documentation that is a brown dzherel for chats. For a better understanding of some of the functions, koristuvachs can use the forum, chat, rozsilka and so on.

It is not so easy to know about available expert help for CMS Joomla. Hiring a retailer or an expert to set up a site on Joomla will be more expensive than a retailer on WordPress.


Drupal also provides a detailed podtrimka for koristuvachiv. This is a great documentation, a forum, a subscription to updates, a sign for a koristuvach group, a chat, etc. Here you take away whether you please and I will help you without cost.

Drupal encourages you to connect more closely to the development and promotion of the company from professional services.

Helper: WordPress

Localization and bagatomovn pіdtrimka

The possibility of obtaining information in other languages, in English, is especially relevant for the Russian Internet. For the first time, it’s better to start winning that CMS, where the possibility of Russification and the basis of the support of the Russian language will be possible.


WordPress promotes the second option to encourage a rich site. For some, though, it’s not possible to start, but for the help of installing plugins, you can easily create a rich website.

Here you can podtrimka big nizh 53 mov. New movies can be installed directly from the admin panel of your WordPress site.

For Russian koristuvachs, the impersonal ones of the Russian language have long been broken up, so it’s not their fault to blame the problems.


CMS Joomla already has the ability to manually change the language, without installing additional extensions for it. You just need to go to the language management, add the content in a row, you need the language and start maintaining the site in Russian language.

Translation of the admin panel is also available and can be easily installed in the admin panel of the site itself.

Peremozhets: Nichiya - all engines can support a multi-move site and the ability to blog in any language.


Security is an important factor when choosing an engine for your website. Mayzhe be a site, placements on the Internet can be recognizable from evildoers.


Since WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, sites on the new site are subject to frequent attacks from the side of hackers. At the same time, the rozrobniks created a code to steal theft, and tse give it to me to be implicated in the adoption of the weak mіsts even shvidko. Also, the engine is automatically updated and at the same time, the rіven zahistu becomes more.

Sites on WordPress can be protected by an automatic backup of the data base, which is subject to verification of the reliability and other protections.

There is also a mechanism for showing updates for teams and plugins. In this way, if a new version is released, the manager of the site should check it out, and you can update the plugin for the admin panel of your blog.


Joomla is similar to WordPress in the security software. Vin actively checks all possible quirks on the site, and promptly adds the necessary updates.

Іsnuyut spetsіalnі razshirennya viroblyat backup base data on Joomla sites. Possibility to increase the security of a site on Joomla is not less than on WordPress.


Drupal is more serious than security issues. They publish various quirks on their website, if they show. It seems to be blamed that Drupal retailers are more serious about the security problem, since the sites on these CMS have not yet been attacked by massive attacks from the side of hackers. But, perhaps, the reason is that the windows are not popular like Joomla and WordPress.

Peremozhets: nothing - all three engines actively support security standards.


Drupal, Joomla and WordPress are amazing content management systems. Drupal and Joomla may have more features than WordPress. Ale, wordpress overturns its team, which is easy for vikoristan, has a wide base, add-on plugins and themes. I respect that a webmaster, who does not have a wide knowledge of website development, would rather start running a WordPress site on Joomla or Drupal.

sub-bag supporter: WordPress

I agree with this article that I have given advice on painful nutrition - wordpress or joomla is better and you can choose a better CMS for yourself.

23% of all sites on the Internet are powered by WordPress, but there is not a single cost-free content management system. Use other platforms, such as Joomla and Drupal. Ale skin from them may have its pluses and minuses. In these articles, we have Drupal, WordPress, or Joomla, so to speak, as in these systems, the best:

What's wrong with WordPress, Joomla and Drupal

All three popular CMSs may have a rich understanding of technology, philosophy and consciousness:

Joomla, Drupal, WordPress and code-free software security. All three are written in PHP.

All three win MySQL as a DBMS. WordPress supports only MySQL, while Joomla and Drupal support other database management systems.

All three matched with themes and templates for the visual design of sites and plug-ins, modules for expanding the functionality.

Like software security with a viable free code, all stinks are projects that are developed and supported by the spirit.

Ale, in a number of aspects of the system, there are one kind of one. They have a different concept of how to include platforms in the kernel, how to process modules and templates, how to secure security, and so on.

Let's take a look at what WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are doing.

Simplicity in common and friendliness to beginners

Most of the people who create their own sites are the greatest koristuvachs. The victoriousness is the most important factor for most of them.


WordPress with its installation for five minutes. Most hosts also offer one-click WordPress installation. Tse allow new koristuvacham just create your site:

Dosvіd koristuvachіv after installing WordPress is also richer than Joomla or Drupal. Koristuvach takes into account in its own order a clear interface from the menu, in a certain way it is divided for the creation of notes, sides, or settings for the external view and tim. Now let's try to understand which is better than Joomla or WordPress.


Installing Joomla is not as easy as WordPress, but it includes similar steps. Many hosting providers also offer a one-click Joomla installation package:

After installing the coristuvach, you drag it into the control panel, it’s not as simple as the flooring, like WordPress. They have too many different menus, so you need to go to them to fix your site. Joomla can be richer, less WordPress, but maybe a little more newbie.


Installing Drupal is similar to Joomla and WordPress. Just grab the package and run the installation script:

Drupal also promotes distributions. The stench is broken down into packets with modules and configuration for creating single-type sites.

For beginners, CMS is a little more foldable. It will be important for the coristuvachas to understand how to practice for the administrative part. In Drupal, it's easy to add content, but the process of changing the old look and adding elements is not so clear.

Helper: WordPress

Themes and plugins

All three popular CMS support the ability to install team and plugins / modules, as a way to expand the functionality and change the original look.


WordPress allows you to change the look and feel of your site with themes. The platform is supplied with decalcom themes, installed behind the locks. Any time you can click on the “Add New” button on the “Design” side and install the free themes from the official directory on

Also, you will know the anonymous premium themes created by third-party theme retailers. These paid ones are supplied with premium trim options.

The real power of WordPress lies in plugins. There are over 38,000 free plugins in the official WordPress plugin catalog. You can also buy premium plugins, which come with support, which retailers rely on.

WordPress vs Joomla

Joomla comes with templates and extensions. Іsnuyut vodminnі razshirennya, yakі allow robit scho zavgodno: vіd vorennja іnternet-shop to adminіnnja e-mail:

Prote, the number of templates and the extension is not as significant as in WordPress. Therefore, to know the ideal template and expansion you will be threefold more foldable. We sell Joomla and WordPress.

Joomla does not avenge the function behind the locks, as it allows koristuvachs to search and install extensions and templates from the admin panel. Ісnuє addendum, as it allows you to add functions to install extensions from the web interface. As soon as there are templates, then the coristuvachi all the same happen to shukati them manually, and then install them.


Drupal has the same issue with team and module availability. Koristuvachs need to leave their site, to know the module or the theme, if they want to add it, and then assign the URL to the zip file of the project. Then you need to enter the URL on the side of the modules or else to complete the installation:

Establish Drupal modules for what it's worth, and new ones are regularly introduced. Prote, the total number of modules is smaller, lower in WordPress.

Helper: WordPress

trim options

Availability Dovіdka and tekhnіchna pіdtrimka - an important criterion for buds of coristuvachіv. You happen to get stuck with some kind of difficulties if you start practicing with new software security. Tse is normal in that fall, so you can help out.


WordPress can be a stronger variant of koristuvachiv. You can find WordPress tips on the official support forums, documentation, tips, codex, via Slack, Stack Exchange and maybe on any forum dedicated to web design and development:

In a lot of ways, for help, you can ask for a free WordPress support and take it away.

You can also take advantage of the paid support of such platforms as Upwork, Fiverr and Elance, you can hire professionals from the WordPress field in the world to quickly fix the problem at a reasonable price.


Joomla, like and WordPress can have a lot of active partnerships. There is a great deal of documentation available on the Joomla site, which is a valuable resource for getting started. To create an additional interactive support for koristing, you can tweet forums, lists of mailing lists, IRC chats, etc.:

Krym pіdtrimki splnoti, іsnuyut third-party resources, as well as projects from nutrition development, yakі can give you help.

On the vіdmіnu vіd WordPress to know the qualifications for help at affordable prices for Joomla is much more important. It could cost you a lot more than that, lower the cost of WordPress.


Drupal may have an active constellation of fans and koristuvachivs. So, just like for WordPress and Joomla, here you will find all the options for support. Great documentation is available, support forum, lists of mailing lists, groups of koristuvachs, IRC chats. Quickly you can get a consultation and help free of charge:

Drupal is trying to get in touch with retailers and companies that promote professional services. You can find them on the Drupal Marketplace.

Helper: WordPress

Support of localization and richness

Great variety of sites are created not only in English language. There will be a lot of newcomers to CMS, so you can get a copy of a language or a support for different regions and on different languages.


WordPress has become a leading platform for creating rich websites. We do not support a lot of mov for locks, but we use a number of plug-ins that allow you to create rich sites.

WordPress is available more below at 53 mov. New movies can be installed in the admin panel with just one click:

The most popular themes and plugins are also available on decal movs. The retailers are actively joking around for help in translating their packages into other languages. All cities of the country have built a WordPress hosting platform for creating websites in multiple languages.


Now let's figure out whether to choose Joomla or WordPress. Persha CMS allows you to create a rich website for locking without installing any extension. Just go to the mov manager and add the required mov content:

For the administrator's interface, there are also available transfers to the bugatoms, which can be installed directly from the administration panel.


Drupal comes with custom support for non-English or non-English sites. You will need to enable local settings and translation instead of modules. If so, you can add the site and the administrator's movable interface to share the Drupal configuration:

Peremozhets: Nichiya - all three platforms promote rich websites and are available on decal movs


Security is an important factor when choosing a CMS for a website.


Since WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, sites that run on this platform often become a target for hackers. Prote, WordPress prompts on a secure code, and it quickly reacts to quirks in the system. WordPress also has an auto-update mechanism that allows the platform to be upgraded if the security system is fixed.