Free and paid SEO programs. SEO-Programs Private SEO software

For large projects, it is quicker to use paid tools, which give a real advantage in productivity, but for a clear understanding of how SEO works, you can start with cost-free software.

Working with this SEO software does not require any other investment except time spent on getting started and sitting still, which is a great plus for novice optimizers.

Software for creating a semantic core

Proper installation of the site should begin at the stage of its creation.

To achieve the greatest effectiveness, the skin side of the site is subject to the same method and must be tailored to the specific sound inputs.

For certain niches, you can use vikory, which will help you achieve first results very quickly.

You can read about ways to select keywords.

You can manually select and copy Yandex Wordstat phrases in Excel, sorting and processing them manually, but this can be extremely ineffective for projects with a large number of keywords, so you can learn automation methods.

Magadan – dosit is a popular program on Runet for robots with keywords. There are two versions – a paid Pro and a free Lite version. Let's take a look at the rest of the work, so that its functionality may not be changed in the new version.

Main program capabilities:

  • collecting query statistics from Yandex.Direct;
  • saving results from power bases for further work;
  • Wide range of options for keyword filters.

Magadan automates the laborious task of parsing keywords, downloading the search engine pages of Wordstat. And then there can be interactions between groups of queries. There are no analogues yet with such a set of options as this program has.

A few reports about feasibility:

  • automation of key data collection
  • practicing precise spellings at the feet and with hail signs before words
  • collection of regional statistics of geological queries (only for the Pro version)
  • automation of a large number of routine tasks from the processing of requests: feeding, cleaning, etc.
  • automatically complete the parsing of queries following a given pattern, so that Magadan can continuously replace you
  • re-verification of queries without cluttering the keyword database
  • Import/export of collected queries from files. Supported formats are txt, CSV/MS Excel, SQL dump MySQL and coding Win-1251, UTF-8

The order of work with the program is as follows:

  • Connect or create a new keyword database, you can specify how to save the query database. The database is saved in binary files of its own format.

  • Fill in the list of queries for parsing, you can add words manually or import from an external file.

  • Requests for parsing are automatically saved in the previously connected database.
  • Set the optimal shutdown time for parsing in order to avoid being banned from Wordstat.
  • Upon completion of parsing, you can see all the words or their song groups in the file of the required format.

Description of the Magadan Lite version:

  • It is not possible to set the input regions.
  • There is no sound notification about the completion of parsing.
  • There is no automatic addition of proxy servers.
  • There is no Antigate API support.

This program, regardless of its dissonant name, is respected by the most beautiful for the catless ones.

Regardless of the severely reduced functionality of the same version of KeyCollector, the software still lacks a lot of useful capabilities for collecting and analyzing key words.


  • In order to collect all Yandex Wordstat statistics records, it collects both from the left and right columns of the service. Without limitation, it is no worse than to manually analyze Yandex search statistics.
  • Collecting Liveinternet statistics to determine the popularity of search phrases to collect the semantic core.
  • Based on the competitiveness of search queries based on the number of sites in the index behind this query, competition can be estimated approximately.
  • The most relevant page is important, and this is important for proper internal linking to the site.


Slovoeb is very similar to Key Collector, but has an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate.

  1. The Wi-Fi access panel allows you to start working with projects and setting up software.
  2. The button stops processes - not all tasks are unknown and at the moment of notification of your request you can stop the process.
  3. Stop words: not all words are useful for our site, so you can add a list of errors from search queries. This way we speed up the hour of work and finish all the tasks.
  4. Yandex Wordstat regions allow you to work with geo-local search queries - this option is especially relevant for local online stores and regional websites.
  5. The left column of Yandex.WordStat is where you can see a batch collection of keywords based on their basic frequencies.
  6. Right column of Yandex.Wordstat – starts parsing similar queries from the right column of the Wordstat service.
  7. Frequencies Yandex.Wordstat - there are different types of frequencies of sound queries, the menu that drops down allows you to select any of them or all. This option allows you to select the most effective keywords.

What you need to know about Yandex frequency:

  • Basic frequencies - all frequencies in any form;
  • Frequencies “ ” – after this entry and all word forms (subjects) added to the entry to replace the meaning of the entry will be discarded.
  • Frequencies "!" - just ask more precisely.
  1. Seasonality Yandex.Wordstat will help you find out about the frequency of search queries across different periods.
  2. Sound hints. For popular queries from popular sound systems (Yandex, Google,, Rambler, Nigma and Yahoo!), you can select sound hints, which you can use to show the jokers in the row.
  3. KEI is an indicator of competition based on how many sites in the Yandex and Google indexes match the keyword.
  4. Analysis of relevant pages for a specific website. Having entered the address of your site, you can find out the address of the relevant page, which is what Yandex and Google respect as the most authoritative for this question. Then you can praise the decision, which side is pushed through before the other question.
  5. Specifying a region is required to accurately determine relevance.

Setting up

The most important settings can be found in the tab Zagalniі Parsing/Yandex.WordStat.

Let's take a look at the adjustment report Zagalni:

  • Timeouts are required to uniquely ban an IP from the parsing process using the Wordstat service;
  • The optimal number of repeated tests is around 3, since parsing or Wordstat has failed, after all, having time-to-time blocked IP, you will have to use proxies or check;
  • Rows with irreducible tributes collect information only from these queries, which are also part of the process;
  • Remove special characters from the left and put words in lowercase – everything that we don’t need is filtered using these additional options.


Setting up parsing statistics for Wordstat:

  • Glibin parsing - for the beginning, set it to 0, if you need a larger value, then you cannot do without a proxy and timeouts;
  • Parsing pages: the maximum number of pages that the Wordstat service provides is 40, and on each page there are 50 requests; more than that you can’t collect (up to 2000 keywords in total);
  • The choice of the base frequency for which parsing is carried out depends on the competition of those and how much frequency we need to write. For a thin niche you can set the value to 30, and for a wide niche to 50-200. The upper value will help the high-frequency drivers, since we only need to follow the low-frequency inputs.
  • Number of streams - bet not too many, so as not to raise suspicion on Wordstat, you can start from 1;
  • Types of frequencies - we set the ones we need. Ensure that the collection of the semantic core reaches the base and exact (“!”) frequency. The frequencies of the “foot” can not be selected.

To pass keywords, we will go through the following stages:

Dodatkovo You can also earn the following shortcuts:

  • Find out the competition KEI and select similar words
  • Highlight relevant pages behind the most important keywords
  • Export the results to a file.

This is how the entire process of collecting keywords from the left column of Wordstat is carried out. Do you need to expand the topic? Also, all these data can be saved in the right column of Yandex.Wordstat.

Analysis and composition of the semantic core

Then we need to find out about the competition for keywords. For this purpose, you can use the capabilities of Slovoeb programs and filter out the number of competing sites for these queries.

However, to extract more data, you can quickly use the capabilities of SEO aggregators. For example, you can add the removed entries to the sending aggregators SeoPult or ROOKEE and determine their ability to drain.

A detailed analysis of the selected keywords will help develop the semantic core of the site.

Well, this program miraculously copes with its tasks and mastering it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Working with website content

Sound systems steadily improve the visibility of sites, especially new projects. One of the algorithms that determines the vibrancy of sites is checking the content for uniqueness. The content of the site is everything that can be indexed - text, graphics, video and other web objects.

The content on the site may be useful for people, provide valuable information, products and services. Since the site clearly stands out from its competitors, with unique statistics and pictures, it ranks higher than others.

Please note that uniqueness alone is not enough, the content is not automatically generated, and the site is not liable to deceive search engines or search engines.

Regardless of the severity of the damage, such a site runs the risk of being subject to the sanctions of sound systems: going under filters, being subsumed from the sound system index and sending people to a ban. Once banned, the site becomes blocked for indexing.

Therefore, for the successful development of the site, it is necessary to renew it with unique articles, and do not like plagiarists of the search system.

Advego Plagiatus and Etxt Antiplagiat

To check articles for uniqueness, we use special software: AdvegoPlagiatus(Advego plagiarism) from the Advego article exchange Etxt AntiplagiaT from

These programs check for the uniqueness of the statistics, they have a similar principle of operation, although with their work they can see the same results. If possible, it is better to check the statistics for the uniqueness of these two programs, if you want to use one tool.

We will not go into detail about the robots of sound systems in order to emphasize the uniqueness of the text. Let's also say that it is also understood as a shingle (“tile”, “tseglinka”, “kormka”) – this is a sequence of many words in the same order. At the same time, the uniqueness of the statistics is emphasized.

If you want to buy articles or buy them from copywriters, then you can check their work using these other programs, and even a good article may be not only informative and useful, but also quite unique and not be aware of plagiarism.

It goes without saying that it is important to understand that this skin article, which is technically not plagiarized, is logically deprived of the modified sequence of ideas from other authors. But all journalism stands on one-to-one information, analysis and synthesis.

It is necessary to thoroughly understand the subject of the site, so that when new articles are added, its reliability is not compromised, and the site contains up-to-date and clear information. The potential for extreme content on sites of various purposes is disrupted and whatever else, they will need a larger budget.

Now, let’s take a look at the program. When you start it, we must check whether there is an update, since only the remaining version guarantees the reliability of the results: you can change the algorithm of the program if you are using the old version Well, then in some cases you can see a unique article for plagiarism in the same way - there You can copy-paste (copied content) to make it unique.

In the text field of this program, we insert the text of the article and start the verification. Best of all, our program is capable of recognizing Russian captchas, which is not very easy in the hour of checking a large number of articles. Sound systems force us to confirm that it is a human being sitting at the computer, and not a robot forcing him to drink.

However, with configured programs, you can specify a cloud record to the service for captcha recognition, the services of these services are quite inexpensive, and thus allow you to save valuable time.
After the verification has been carried out, the program shows us the results: it finds fragments of text that have been saved and shows messages sent to those sites on which similar text was found. Then it assumes the uniqueness of the article and shows us the result, either rewrite or copyright. Ideally, there would be a hundredfold uniqueness of the article, but for certain texts, especially technical ones, which are important to reach, especially since the topic of the article is broadened and a lot of material has been published on it.

Having carefully looked at the work of advego plagiarism, we notice that Etxt Anti-plagiarism works in a similar way. Once we have verified the uniqueness of the text in both programs, we can vouch for the reliability of the results.

  • You can choose to batch scan files on disk
  • Scan the site and check for the uniqueness of all your pages, create a report
  • Check out the list of proxy servers
  • Recognize captchas of search engines
  • Maintain a history of re-verification

As a matter of fact, the functionality of Etxt Antiplagiatus is much stronger, lower than Advego Plagiatus.

Verification of positions and site audit

The simplest and most successful way to properly develop your project with sufficient evidence - without learning from your competitors.

And for successful and effective SEO reconnaissance, we need programs that will help us audit competitors’ sites and figure out why they should occupy other positions such as behind-the-scenes queries.

In addition, what programs do we need in the process of working on the official site, the remainder of the creation of a more serious project does not last for one day. It will take you a very long time to develop developments on the site. During this entire process, it is necessary to monitor and analyze what we have not missed, which could seriously interfere with the process of searching the site.

- A cost-free program for website analysis. Vikon is a scanner, a powerful robot, similar in algorithm to the robots of sound systems.

It checks the site parameters and analyzes them, giving us the following options:

  • Helps you find errors, incorrect redirects, message beats, duplicate page headings (title), description, keywords (keywords)
  • Analysis of skin lesions sent to the site (weekends and days off)
  • Rating of skin tissue (according to GooglePageRank)
  • Rich scanning and analysis options using robots.txt
  • Vivantage of work results in Excel format

First, enter the address of the site to analyze:

The number of program flows and timeouts allows you to select the optimal operating mode between the speed of analysis and the requirements for the hosting site.

Necessary options can be adjusted:

Linkcanonical– indicates the address of the page (if there are duplicate pages, then one of them is either closed for indexing or the other is subject to the “rel=canonical” tag).

Vіdpovid– you can check the server’s instructions to ensure that it correctly processes the pages of the site.

Title– it must be written manually or with the help of special plugins, it is not necessary to generate it (to avoid misinterpretation of the text).

Tags Descriptionі Keywords: Displays tags. They respect that they are old, and their presence is not critical, but their visibility increases the site’s tarnish in the eyes of search engines. It is not recommended to misuse tags: re-vantage them with keywords that are repeated, or mislead the readers with incorrect descriptions (description of the station in the snippet of the sound version).

If we scanned the robot, then we have a column available robots.txt in this manner we can bachiti yak pratsyuyut.

Redirects It is necessary to provide insurance, especially if there is a message on this page

The skin side may avenge one H1 header Yakomoga is closer to the cob.

In sound processing, messages play an important role, so to speak of them as “squeezing”, but there are no other alternatives to sound algorithms.

(internal messages + external messages) Transfer the money to the money, with which you can “vitikati”, so that the side itself spends a part of the money. Here it is necessary to increase respect to the outer message. Please note that there are a lot of external messages - but it’s bad, if there are more than 100 external messages, you can be filtered for sending spam.

Posted on this side– you can look at and analyze the message sent to the site on this side. To view messages from other sites, you will need to use special services, such as Ahrefs.

In the right column - find duplicates

As a rule, the duplicates will be pages of pagination and archives, which is normal, since they are closed for indexing using CMS or robots.txt. Since the most important side is a duplicate, this is where special respect is due.

Please call this the comment side.

Export to Excel You can include results and duplicates.

The coding is taken from the headings or meta tags, since they cannot be installed automatically.

– this is a wonderful program for assigning position to the site, TIC, PR, Alexa Rank and other indicators, checking the parameters can be quite easy. Therefore, you can help by not only keeping an eye on your own sites, but also look at the sites of your competitors, which can help you promote your site.

The program allows you to recognize:

  • Site positions in search engines based on keywords
  • TIC and Google PageRank
  • Indexation of the site for various subsystems
  • The site is available in popular directories: Yandex, Rambler,, Dmoz, Yahoo!
  • Statistics provided to the site from various services and other indicators.

The collected information is saved to disk, so you can track the history of the development of the site.
There is a lot of value, as this clickable program suggests, and you can get a lot of additional information behind these messages.

Immediately after opening the program, you can write the name of your site and express analysis in the address bar.

Most often, this program needs to be manually used to check the positions of the site. It’s easy to do: add a list of main keywords for which the site is searched and press the check button. Naturally, on whose site there will be articles based on these keywords.

By keeping track of the main positions of your site, you can see how your site is performing, which pages are performing the most and how to get ahead of your competitors.

Also, to check the position, go to the “Select Queries” tab and insert a list of keywords in the text field, click “Copy” (right-handed button with text and an arrow). Transfer the program to the “Site Visibility” tab and click the “Check” button. Yandex can fill in the captcha, which is not very easy, but in about an hour we will be shown the positions of our site.

It is important to note that this program also allows you to track return mailings and submissions to the site. The more clear posts sent to our site, the better the positions they can be taken by following the rules of link building.

The program also allows you to look at what doctors are installed on the site and go to the latest statistics, which are available to us.

- This software is used for calculating your website pages. The program is simple and highly functional.

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of the SEO position.

Program exchange:

  • If the site is very great, but the hosting is cheap and weak, it will take a lot of time to obtain data;
  • This software does not display which pages contain external messages;
  • A modest set of options for a cost-free program. Here you can gain access to a wealth of functionality on the computer for visual visualization of the transmission of energy between the sides.


  • Set the shutdown time between requests - it’s bad, because the hosting is weak;
  • Vibrati, chi vrahovuvati attributes rel=nofollow, noindex tags, and robots.txt file;
  • Enter User-agent: PageWeight to allow statistics to be filtered so as not to interfere with the analytics system;
  • Reveal the message bits behind which your site goes to nowhere and knows there (for sites on WordPress there is a Broken Link Checker plugin, which changes this task and forces email notifications about problems);
  • Indicate a number of iterations to obtain more accurate data on the structure of your structure;
  • Export the results of the robotic program to a CSV file, and also export XML and HTML maps to the site;
  • Add an XML site map to identify specific pages on the site.

Let's take the robot through the programs in order.

  • In the next window, write a list of pages to click, similar to the main Url:

The slash means the root of the site, so in this case crawl the entire site. Press the OK button and then “Remove data” - the button at the bottom is left-handed.

  • We can extract information about the page or site:

It is important to note that you can skip the “Roll Out” button and then launch the entire program, since this button is located in the lower right corner and in some cases the window is not visible at all, so you will need to open it wider.

  • We expand the number of iterations and the number of iterations; the more iterations, the more accurate the result, and it will take more than an hour:

After the breakup, we can see this picture:

Keep in mind that mental energy has no bearing on Google PageRank.

The practical benefit of this program is that it will help you save your budget when purchasing “everlasting” items. Cunning donors are reluctant to re-link their sites, so the message of such messages is transmitted even weakly. And we accept that for such a site the effect is significantly less, as was noted below. Therefore, before purchasing, please check the donor sites with this program.


Since the robots.txt file closes pages and sections for indexing by search engine robots, the site map also allows you to set the indexing priority of pages and sections of the site. The sitemap comes in two versions: for people - in HTML format and for bots - in XML format.

  • There are a lot of current CMS such as WordPress that can create a site map with the help of special plugins.
  • If the site is implemented on a CMS, and does not require any power to create a site map, then it will be faster to use this software.
  • The SiteMapGenerator program will be especially relevant for sites with a large number of pages and a folding structure.

Program functionality:

  • select the main page of the site;
  • Exclusion of the back pages from the site card or, for example, inclusion of any other actions;
  • Create site maps in several formats - GoogleSiteMap/XML, YahooMap/Text, Html, CSV
  • Re-examination of robots.txt – new ones have a path to the site map
  • Checking incorrect URLs on a website
  • Lots of traffic to the site

The interface of the English program is very simple: all you need to do is enter the site address (ExtractLinksFromSite), set the maximum number of streams (Max. SimultaneousConnection) and, if necessary, register pages (head StartPages, patterns turn off ExcludePatterns or those that need to be turned on before the Must-FollowPatterns card).

StartPages: If the head page is not the standard index.php, then its address is indicated in the first column.

ExcludePatterns Must-FollowPatterns follow simple syntax rules

*seo/* – all pages in the seo section

*seo* – page addresses for revengeSEO.

The axis is used to generate a site without assigning any parameters:

As a result, we produce a site map in any of the required formats:

For a successful (growing of the site's weight), both anchor and non-anchor methods are used (both with the help of the posted anchors and URLs of the pages that are exposed).

Anchor (English anchor) – this text is hyper-powerful, as can be seen on the site on which it is sent and as it is in no way, then the client can go to our website. This text is located between html tags і. If you only lead to the side by sending anchors without special semantic meaning such as “here”, “here”, “axis”, “there”, “more” and similar natural anchors, then this is not good. On the right is that search engines ensure that the anchor text is sent and the text is sent to the site when ranking the site for this or any other query. So, choosing the right anchors will help you achieve the best effect in order to run our website.

The entire set of anchors sent that lead to the page is called an anchor list, which is:

  • folds up with sound systems under the hour and sends everything to the side;
  • Due to the fact that they are different, the fragments of the message with the new anchors can be glued together by the sound systems, and then the stench will transmit less noise;
  • It is recommended to dilute the addition of additives, synonyms, etc. to the sound drinks;
  • the more it is necessary to send, the more varied responsibilities will be their anchors;
  • guilty of being readable and understandable for people;
  • It is not my fault that it resembles automatically generated spam.

In addition, in case of an unanchored submission, the original text is also included in the anchor list.

So, if we need to push ten pages of the site into five competitive queries and each query will require only 20-30 messages, then we need to put together 1000-1500 unique anchors! In practice, proper drying requires much more work.

To make this difficult task easier, we can use the SEO Anchor Generator program to help us, which is a great tool for automating this work.

The syntax for folding text generation templates is as follows:

(a|b|c|d) – the text will have one of the words;

– all the words are in special order, but here it is necessary to put spacers either after or before the words, so that they don’t get angry or vikorist the separator spacer – [+ +a|b|c|d], to whom – [+,+a|b|c |d] is the other one.

  • Incorporated designs are supported, which significantly increases program capabilities.

For example, this construction [+ – +[+, +a|b|c]|[+, +d|e|f]] gives 52 variants of expressions.

An anchor example for an online soft toy store could be like this:

(Buy|Purchase|Add) our [+, +rusty|fluffy|soft] elephants (at a discount|with a reduction), after selecting similar ones, it gives 33 options for anchors.

  • The program has an input wizard, which greatly simplifies the creation of the generation template.

The customized programs have post-processing, which helps correct typical errors that tend to occur with complex text generation patterns (problems of great writers on the beginning of the speech and provocative or daily clearings).

  • Before these rules are followed, do not forget to turn on auto-correction in the options.


In this way, we believe that anyone who wants to get involved in the development of websites can begin to master cost-free SEO software, which will help you get the hang of search engine optimization.

Prote mastering this new skill will last for a few hours.

We don’t care, but what software are you profiting from? We look out for your views in the comments.

When analyzing a site for the presence of errors, as well as when carrying out internal optimization, fakers may need a number of tools. I will describe this article all SEO programs (paid and free), which help you in your practice, I’ll also say the same about software, which I still don’t have, but it will be obligatory.

Merezha has no tools that can be used to provide SEO services to a robot. Of course, the most serious and richly functional software costs pennies, and sometimes you can earn a lot, since the developer is a European or American company. If you can grow your hands from the right place, you can earn a lot with additional cost-free programs. I myself will talk about them, since SEO gurus are unlikely to come and read my blog, and for novice SEOs, programs for $100+ are unlikely to go.

The biggest disadvantage of cost-free software is that it’s a university specialty. He will have a chance to work with his hands and experiment.

SEO software for analysis

  1. - Bezkoshtovna program for post-market analysis of the site. You can see a lot of useful information on the skin side of the site: codes of testimonials, the presence of the rel="canonical" attribute, duplicate meta tags, the number of H1 headers, the number of internal pages, etc. our information. Axis butt robot programs:
  2. - Bezkoshtovna program for express site analysis. It is necessary to note that I have long ceased using this software, considering that for a quick analysis you can use online services - it is less convenient, and for a thorough analysis the program does not provide enough data. However, many optimizers are respected for improving the quality of desktop programs. Well, you can marvel at how much more like you you are.

    Spoiler (click to show/click)

  3. - Bezkoshtovna program for searching for beaten people and sending them on weekends. This desktop software is brown and unique, and there are simply no analogues, as far as I know. Xenu's Link Sleuth in English, but you can vikorist. Under the spoiler below is a screenshot of the program during the hour of work

    Spoiler (click to show/click)

  4. - one more program (paid) for post-market analysis of the site. There were a lot of advantages in Netpeak Spider, the functionality of the program was great. For example, from what I particularly like and what Netpeak lacks: the number of H2 headers and their value, the number of pages on the page, the use of web technologies (Flash, JS, HTML) and a wealth of other functions. I’ll tell you straight away that the program is a must-have for a complete beginner in SEO, a pro for the account manager who analyzes websites, and it’s a tool of the first necessity.

    Spoiler (click to show/click)

  5. - Paid program for analyzing internal linking. I am using a vikorist program to verify the correctness of the division of internal data during audits or internal optimization of sites. Lenkoskop has over 110 instruments; you can read reports about them on the official website.

    Spoiler (click to show/click)

  6. - Chudova program (paid) for SEO website analysis. The program was designed for Google, and the results are consistent. However, the program is a great choice for an incomplete optimizer, since it contains explicit recommendations and reported recommendations for correcting them. A report about Website Auditor can be read in this article.

    Spoiler (click to show/click)

  7. Programs for text analysis

    That's all for now, I hope that from what has been described I will help you with a difficult task. Software for analysis and optimization, especially clear and functional, is not so common. Based on this, I tried to figure out which SEO programs would be useful for optimizers.

Almost every self-respecting member of the World Wide Web, a huge organization, or a commercial unit, is building its own website, prote, not all of the buildings will push it into the TOP of search engines, promote it as much as possible, make it accessible to all ї audience. Moreover, it is simply impossible to carry out many processes manually, since it takes a lot of time. The programs below will be useful for both professionals and SEOs. І acceptance bonus - the stench is absolutely harmless.


The absolutely cost-free CYPromote program has been expanded to allow you to quickly increase the PR and TIC site, bring it to the TOP of search engines, and, as a result, increase the number of promotions. A tool that does not care about its effectiveness will be forgiven. With the use of CYPromote, the promotion of the Internet resource is carried out automatically, it is enough without having to send a message to someone else, and all the extra work is in the hands of professional web masters.

The program runs on the following versions of operating systems of the Windows family: XP, 2000, 2003, Vista, 7.


The SkyFoxPromotion tool is designed for the Windows 98/Me/XP/2000 operating system and is a cost-free product. This program is used for automatic registration of sites in directories and search engines. In addition, it allows clients to track resource positions in search engines, as well as for indexing web pages. Є Introducing a meta tag generator.

The program registers the site with 23 sound systems (real), does not replace FFA lists, and sends calls to the robot in real time. The database is updated and searched to ensure ease of selection into categories.


The Robots.txt program is a manual editor for the robots.txt file, which is used to save data used, including for sound systems. This tool allows you, using an additional FTP connection, to upload robots.txt files, edit them, format notifications about search engine bots (set up and unlink), protect/allow indexing of any sections on the site. For cloaking purposes, the program is designed to export the IP addresses of search robots.

Robots.txt can also analyze server logs, identify pages with damages, and then inform the site about them.

With the free version of the program, you cannot export the results of analyzing log files, save robots.txt, or add new search bots. To expand the functionality, you will have to pay for the full version.


AdvegoPlagiatus is a wonderful tool for emphasizing the uniqueness of the text. It was dissected by the brokers of the exchange to Advego copywriting, and for the entire hour it has earned the respect of professionals. At the moment, it is the shortest and most functional addition of its kind.

AdvegoPlagiatus shows the level of uniqueness of the test content (in hundreds), and determines whether any errors were detected.

The program with vikoristan can be easily adjusted for a specific sound system, or their group. Works with all operating systems of the Windows family, so you can check the current version on the official website.

Vikorist programs for website promotion, which are widely available without costs, can significantly boost its promotion and place in search results. It is impossible to work without knowledge of the process. If the owner of an Internet resource does not have time to develop theories, it is better to entrust the process of optimization and site development to professionals. Moreover, any theory is followed by long years of practice. This is how you can achieve maximum results.

On the Internet, you can find a large number of different programs for promoting and promoting sites, raising their ratings, analyzing competitors, etc. This article looks at the most popular programs in this series, which will benefit webmasters and bloggers.

Yazzle program is a set of tools for a thorough site audit, monitoring of current positions in search engines, competitor analysis, budget assessment, which is necessary for running your site. Working with Yazzle is very comfortable, because it allows you to immediately select the entire list of necessary questions and evaluate in detail the external and internal factors of the skin site. Semantic analysis of anchorlists and internal factors provides information sufficient to make the right decisions. This module can be accessed from the Webmaster and Indexes panel. A clearer graphical presentation of the data in the software indicates exactly who needs to crash in order to drop in the ranking position. The price is approximately 3000 rubles. The program allows you to globally evaluate the results of the work and plan further progress on the site.

Site – auditor- this is a cost-free software package used for analyzing external and internal factors for ranking web pages, collecting statistical data and maintaining the history of the site. At first glance, Site – auditor looks like an analyzer – Rambler, Yandex, Google. The auditor is very simple in Vikoristan, requires minimal setup, and does not require installation. Another very interesting point is that this program does not require the introduction of an intricate captcha, which is related to the processing of the task in batches in the same sequence. So, when choosing one site for analysis, in one hour you can analyze both internal factors and positions. The simplicity of operation is due to the fact that the audience does not transfer the form for insertion to a list of servers, but it is possible to use the proxy server specified in the standard settings of the Explorer browser. In addition, the program does not have the ability to adjust the depth of the search and only provides about 100 positions for search tasks. Tim no less, this program is indispensable for running the site.

Another cost-free program Advego Plagiatus intended for analysis of the uniqueness of content pages. She checks the text and shows a number of uniquenesses, whereby she sees in a different color the unique fragments of the text that prompt changes. In addition, a list of sites is displayed where similar text has been found. Advego Plagiatus has an intuitive interface that allows you to effectively find private messages or duplicate copies of text documents on the Internet. This program is useful for a wide range of contributors: web masters, text editors, authors, rewriters, copywriters, journalists, schoolchildren, students, contributors.

– cost-effective software for effective data parsing and processing. We have the following set of basic tools:

  • LiveInternet statistics sort by the popularity of the search in search engines;
  • parsing Wordstat of Yandex service service;
  • Web Effector statistics inform you about the budget, payment terms, regionality, and CPC requests;
  • A special service allows you to find entire pages for queries in Google and Yandex.

This software supports manual processing of Yandex captchas and allows processing through proxy servers. The program allows you to automatically set an hour-long timeout for the number of proxy server requests, resulting in data processing at high speed. The software has a unique “fluidity multiplier” option, which is a great alternative to high flows. Indispensable for choosing the semantic core of a site.

27.06.2018 Reading hour: 5 hours

What you need in SEO programs

SEO programs help the optimizer work more accurately and clearly. Tim himself, such software makes life easier not only for the optimizer, but also for the assistant manager.

Our technical facilitators have selected the most advanced SEO programs (in our opinion) to help the work of client sites be useful for their managers and more attractive in appearance. We have verified the robot's paid and cost-free SEO programs and provide you with the software, including the ones we use ourselves.

SEO software for technical analysis of the site


  • Xenu's Link Sleuth – checks the web resource for the presence of broken messages and determines which messages can be retrieved to acquire specific files.
  • Majento “SiteAnalyzer” – scans and analyzes all pages of the site, including images, scripts and documents: collects duplicate pages, server codes for each site, and instead of meta tags , <keywords>, <description>, <h>. The availability of PC resources is minimal, so we scan almost any obligation.</li> </ul><p><i>Pay:</i></p> <ul><li>Netpeak Spider – analyzes the site side by side: it identifies server codes, the rel=“canonical” attribute, the duplication of meta tags, the number of internal pages and H1 headers. This SEO analysis program has a free 14-day trial version.</li> <li>Screaming Frog SEO Spider - this utility also serves for post-rank analysis of the site. Scan the site and find out the technical details, the number of headers H1-H2, the number of characters they have and much more. The program is complex and functional, not like Netpeak Spider, and is the main optimizer tool in our company.</li> </ul><h2>Programs for selection and robots with semantics</h2> <p><i>Bezkoshtovny:</i></p> <ul><li>Word – the main function of this program for SEO optimization is the collection of a semantic core, including Yandex.Wordstat parsing. It collects the semantics of basic, keyword and exact frequencies, parses search suggestions, means seasonality, competition in Yandex and Google and relevant pages.</li> <li>Magadan LITE is a very popular version of paid seo-programs that can be used without costs. It is possible to insert regions, insert stop parsing for a keyword, sound notification about the completion of parsing, as well as the possibility of filtering (depending on the number of words/characters in the keywords) phrases that appear due to the availability of information about the associated words).</li> </ul><p><i>Pay:</i></p> <ul><li>KeyCollector - a program for SEO-promotion of a website is given - one of the key ones for robotic website optimizers. The program collects semantics, statistics, visual structure, not using its own ready-made phrases, but extracting data directly from servers. Selects high-, mid- and low-frequency inputs. You can select a region and depth by search, sort by price, popularity, traffic, geolocation.</li> <li>Magadan PRO is a paid version of Magadan, which has all the functions shared with the LITE version.</li> <li>KeyAssort is a program for SEO analysis of a website, which helps to cluster and structure the semantic core. Group ask for the sound of a sound video. Є cost-free demo version with limited export options.</li> </ul><h2>Programs for monitoring website positions for keys</h2> <p><i>Bezkoshtovny:</i></p> <ul><li>Majento “PositionMeter” - this SEO program costslessly checks positions in searches of Yandex, Google and, collects statistics from Wordstat based on regional data, helps to identify competition and improve the search results, lies the mass significance of TIC. Data can be exported to Excel, CSV and TXT.</li> </ul><p><i>Pay:</i></p> <ul><li>TopSite – quickly checks positions, clusters queries and selects keywords. Є cost-free 14-day version.</li> <li>KeyCollector is a well-known program for SEO that helps to determine the site’s position in the top: it takes positions in Yandex and Google, selects the most relevant pages for a particular web resource based on queries based on their regionality, very important for geological deposits. After which all data is exported to Excel.</li> </ul><h2>Programs for text analysis</h2> <p><i>Bezkoshtovny:</i></p> <ul><li>Advego Plagiatus is an SEO program for checking the uniqueness of text. Finding duplicates means an unclear rewrite. You can use synonymizers and software to bypass anti-plagiarism. Calculates the amount of originality in the text and the amount of plagiarism. You can use it online or download the program on your computer.</li> <li>eTXT Anti-plagiarism is a service/program for checking the uniqueness of text. Since there are a lot of texts to revise (up to a million characters per day), for 3,000 rubles per month you can add a larger server.</li> <li>Decorator is a program for SEO texts at a great price. You can insert and maintain meta tags <h>, complete the texts behind the template, remove clearings, empty rows, repeat.</li> <li>“Turgenev” - the service identifies the risk of a page with text falling under the Yandex filter “Baden-Baden” and needs to be corrected. Shows "wateriness", overspam, stylistic changes, give a rating.</li> </ul><h2>Advanced SEO software</h2> <ul><li>SEO SpyGlass is a program that finds gate messages and analyzes them, using one of the largest light databases. The service identifies the IP and domain of gateway posts, nofollow and dofollow posts, anchors, Google PageRank and Alexa Rank. You can adjust the scheduler so that the program automatically checks any sites. You can also combine statistics based on social factors for ranking. The program has a cost-free version, which is not subject to time-based processing, transfers no more than 1100 requests per resource, does not support saving projects and the task scheduler, and does not export data to CSV.</li> <li>Holy SEO Sitemap Generator is a program for creating sitemaps. A simple program that forms a site map based on the URL of a web resource and exports it in two formats - .txt and .html.</li> <li>RDS Bar is an SEO plugin for browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome), which helps you quickly select search results. It will be installed in the browser as an additional toolbar. Checks the site in Yandex, Google, conducts local checks and others. The service is paid, insurance is provided for 1000 skin type checks.</li> <li>SEO META in 1 CLICK is a cost-free SEO plugin for a quick analysis of the website’s sidebar: it highlights meta tags, headers, and makes micro-marking visible.</li> </ul> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tm_sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_home"> <div class="gsense"> <div id="mymaju1" style="height:500px;width:300px;" align="center"></div> </div> <div class="sidebarwidget"> <ul> <li id="text-3" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"> <div class="sidebar-orange">Categories</div> </div> </li> <li id="nav_menu-3" class="widget widget_nav_menu"> <div class="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee-container"> <ul id="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Android</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Program</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">iOS</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Printers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Editors</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Play</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Smart TV</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Internet</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Gadgets</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Zalizo</a></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="sidebarwidget"> <ul> <li id="text-3" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"> <div class="sidebar-orange">Popular</div> </div> </li> <li id="nav_menu-3" class="widget widget_nav_menu"> <div class="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee-container"> <ul id="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-229883" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-229883"><a href="">Cost-free programs for Windows download cost-free</a></li> <li id="menu-item-229882" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-229882"><a href="">SEO-Programs Private SEO software</a></li> <li id="menu-item-229881" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-229881"><a href="">Kaspersky Software Updater - 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