Xiaomi MiHome - supplementary information

Suchasnі programs for smartphones Xiaomi are attached for the virtualization of practically any enterprises. The rating will be displayed beautiful programs Xiaomi, for your Mi-attachment.

Mi Store

Supplementing the Mi Store with the Mi Store can be done quickly and easily. Dodatok allows you to quickly know and match products from Xiaomi. For example, through the new one you can add smartphones, tablets, as well as other accessories.

Mi Community

The Mi Community add-on has been distributed specifically for Xiaomi annexes. Through the supplement, you can conduct discussions with the other koristuvachy at the annexes from Xiaomi, as well as food and ideas. An interface with programs of simplicity and intelligence, through it you can easily publish by new ones for discussion, read news and talk with koristuvachi

Mi Calculator

The supplement Mi Calculator is more functional and suitable for currency, scientific and regular transactions. The supplement allows you to carry out folding razrakhunki, including pratsyuvati with trigonometric functions, logarithms, as well as other scientific functions.

The supplement allows you to carry out the conversion of different types of units - speed, hour, area, etc.

Mi Fit

Mi Fit is a perfect fit with the Mi Band accessory, which has made it more popular with everyone. Dodatok at once from the Mi Band will be victorious to control the quality of sleep, and also you will enjoy a healthy way of living, individually growing up from the person. You can share your statistics and progress with your friends via Facebook.

Mi Remote

With the help of the Mi Remote programs, you can use the help of the smartphone with the help of the small electric accessories. Dodatok will become even brownish, smiles through a single interface allow you to control powerless electrical devices.

One of the most popular options for storing programs is a smartphone in the form of a remote control for a TV viewer.


Downloading and running the Mab program on its own is problematic. Well, for a supplement, how do you get bogged down, zaboniti vikhoditi in a net, or self-imposed?


About Xiaomi smartphones

The company of the release of non-foul devices with firmware with an open code under the name MIUI. You will be able to see the menu for additional information and summaries in various functions of iOS and Android supplied in two options:

The eye of the great brother?

Earlier, koristuvachi meant that they could live a little more than independent independent lives. by the way, only on the phone with the first connection to the bottom of the line AnalyticsCore.apk. When the program is installed continuously in the background mode, it appears to be displayed on the company's server and independently updated when it is visible. Representatives of the company ignore all the nutrition about the software.

Fakhіvtsі in galuzі bezpeki viyavili, I will name AnalyticsCore.apk on the phone You may be locked up with a program, including shpigunska or shkidliv. It will give a wide field of activity for the special services ... for cyberzlochints, that one will jump on unencrypted data.

Another problem with smartphones- the appearance of an unacceptable Mab service, which is connected to the servers, when it appears on the Internet, links the files with a file size to the desktop library and sends them to the distributor. As soon as you pristіy z'є Imovirno, you have to share with the company Xiaomi confidential information. At the same time, as I mean fakhivtsi, the following is sent to the server:

It’s a good idea to write that the program is ready to be activated at any hour, and the phrase “Vidsutnya plugin ...” in the post-operative period will be lost if the Internet is dumb. Chi don't make a mistake Skynet?

Viewed from AnalyticsCore, tsya utilitta zdіysnyu connected via an encrypted channel It is practically unwise to use the phone as a way to send it to you. Imovirno, the price of the address book, photo, video, in programs, etc. The fence of additional services with a hemline and synchronization did not overshadow the appearance of third-party traffic (which is a gateway).

How robiti?

Also, Mab on the outbuildings from Xiaomi behind the doors of the company’s offices is reliably not visible, I want everything to be sent to the service for the quid pro quo. How can you get rid of third-party traffic and protect yourself?

Dob free yogo, For example, through Titanium Backup, either to fence the service and to match it to the bottom of the net, or to connect to the Xiaomi servers, ale:

  • step of integration of supplementary (first and second) in operating system so, freezing one Mab is not enough (third-party traffic is not familiar, but later, special data will be up to Xiaomi), and the blocking of bagaton services will be indicated on the basis of an add-on;
  • set up filter by name and enable connection with hosts do not see, even the names of hosts can dynamically generate;
  • through the presence of UID sharing in Android with one identifier in the hedge can be used to decorate the pattern;
  • even all firewalls, which allow the display of fancy traffic, It is not a guarantee of blocking trips to the framing for Mab and any other processes.

Everything is simple here, by our spіvvitchizniki, from the w3bsit3-dns.com site, even the transfer of programs to Russian language. Just add a link to a localized version of your phone and install it. However, it is necessary to turn on the function "Allow the installation of additional data from unavailable dzherel". You can find the name of the whole function in the "Security Settings", in the Redmi Note3 Pro you can know Settings> Dodatkovo> Confidentiality.

Xiaomi MIHome program is launched. We need to provide a shortcut "Mainland China" (if the rapt was vibrated in the same way, then it is possible to change the parameters). Then go to the tab "Cabinet"> Parameters and the item "Updating plugins" is enabled. Vstanlyuєmo English mova.

Nalashtuvannya MiHome

We log into the Mi account with your regional data (Yakshcho is not registered by a koristuvach, the price can be set up on the official website of Xiaomi).

In some cases, you can use a session and re-authorization, if you have added more, it is recommended that you use the authorization for the phone number.

How to translate plugins of add-ons into Russian mov? (Root rights are not required)

As long as we have established Russian dodatki, ale the management of smart outbuildings to get into the Chinese move.

Let's translate the plugin into Russian language.

1. The key is all yours Smart attachments to supplement MiHome. If you want to finish the robot with programs (Phone settings> Programs, known to MiHome і tisnemo "Zupiniti").

2. Connect the phone to the PC using a USB cable.

(For Redmi Note 3 Pro, the retail mode is turned on (7 times click on "MIUI version" in Settings> About phone), now in the "Dodatkovo" section there is an item "For developers." (Nalashtuvannya bezpeki)).

4. Zavanazhuєmo on the PC.

5. Unzip the archives to the root of the C drive and launch XiaomiMiHomeExtractor.exe from the name of the administrator. Onslaught, if you want to change the button, and think of all the viconians. And itself:

  • Blame it for installing a USB driver for your attachment;
  • Your android device (smartphone, tablet) can be connected to the computer using an additional USB cable;
  • The blame for the buti of the "Nagogojennya via USB" version. So it is necessary to set up the "Only charge" connection mode;
  • The blame for the buti of the "Installation of nevidomikh dzherel" (Nalashtuvannya> Bezpeka);
  • Chi is not to blame for the blocking of ADB by the virobnik to the annex;
  • On the attachment, the russification of the MiHome supplements is guilty, in which the auto-update of plug-ins, the entry of the Mi-account, the installation of plug-ins are enabled
    for all outbuildings. Write a program maє buti zupineno (Nalashtuvannya> Programs> MiHome - Zupiniti)

6. Everything is viconano, the number 1 is dialed and the onslaught is Enter.

7. On the phone, it is allowed to use USB for given annex i pidtverzhuєmo energized on the door backup copy bazi danih. Now you need three kidneys.

Everything has gone far away, the ADB archives of successful unpacking have been written on the screen, and the archive com.xiaomi.smarthome.zip is to blame for the program.

8. Open archives by Total Comander and go to appscom.xiaomi.smarthome> f> plugin> install> mpk. Bachimo folders with numbers - tse folders of the skin plugin.

9. We need to secure the plugin with Russian language; I will upload some folders to the computer, the numbers of which are є with us. Dal, for help Total commander replace * .apk files in different folders.

10. Zberigaєmo of a message to the archives.

11. Now it is necessary to upload the archives back to the phone, for the whole launch of XiaomiMiHomeInstaller.exe from the administrator and the check will appear on the phone for the update.

12. Vibiraєmo "VIDNOVITI DANI" and checkout operation.

13. Connecting to telephones via USB and re-engaging.

14. Converting the robot with MiHome programs and plugins in Russian language.

Even with the robots with the Xiaomi MiHome Extractor add-on, there is a pardon "The packaging for the ADB archive has not been given. Invert, why do you think all the viconians. Write in comments, we will sort it out individually.