All the keys you need in Windows 10. Let's speed up your work on the computer using the red keys. Combinations with the Win key

The use of a smartphone, PC or any other technology can significantly shorten the hour of work in any activity. Even in the early days of MS DOS, when programs used only the keyboard, hot keys appeared that could be used on the PC. Whether people are like a Vikorist computer, it would be nice to know about them.

It's time to learn how to get the keys

Hotkeys in Windows 10 or any other operating system allow you to activate any function. In a basic newbie situation, you will have to open the control panel, open the windows, and then launch the necessary utility, which will cost you a lot of money or more. Connection (or the password) will take up to one second.

Failures occur when the following combination recovers the computer from hanging. Get started dispatcher. Another butt - Misha said, but you need to restart the computer. Not only can you move the arrows to the Start menu and restart the device, but you can also click on an existing one and do everything in one click.

Cream Windows, a lot of programs also vikoryst Swiss access combinations to launch various options. For example, the graphics editor Photoshop has a lot of combinations that you can change for your needs.

Main and additional keys

First, let's take a look at the main keys, pressing on which ones or otherwise can give each effect:

  1. ESC (escape)– the button allows you to exit the program or go back a step. The most common problems are in games and in the computer's BIOS subsystem.
  2. F1-F12– the buttons on keyboards of different models vary in functionality. Basically, there are parameters that can be activated without changing the mouse, for example, reducing or enhancing sound, screen brightness, increasing Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. There are icons on the keyboard that indicate what the key does.
  3. Shift– indicates for switching modes with different symbols or numbers, as well as changing the language. It is less effective when combined with other buttons. When you press a lot of times, the button sticking mode is activated.
  4. NumLock– activates the digital block, rotates the right hand (details of numbers and arrows).
  5. Win(The key with the Windows icon) – a one-time tap opens the Start menu, but is also connected to other buttons.
  6. Fn– the key is only available on laptop keyboards and indicates the activation of the function bookmarked on the F1-F buttons. It is necessary to press Fn+F1-F12 at once.
  7. Tab– allows you to go to the next menu item or create paragraph indentation for the text.
  8. CapsLock– vikorystvovaetsya for the encouragement of great writers.
  9. Space– often vikorist under the hour of each text and work on the connections between the letters and words.
  10. Backspace– removes letters and words from the text from right to left.
  11. Enter– moving to the next term or to the next menu item, activating any function.
  12. Delete– be on the numeric keypad and you can see right-handed letters or symbols.
  13. End– pressing places the cursor at the end of the row around the clock.
  14. Home– pressing places the cursor on the head of the row one after the other.
  15. PageUp- the ruin of some side up the hill, as if the koristuvach was spinning the bear’s wheel.
  16. PageDown Rot side down without a bear.
  17. Insert- Replacement of the text that appears in front of the cursor. (If the text in front of the text will be replaced, it will be erased).
  18. Scroll Lock- scroll the text up or down (often it doesn’t work).
  19. Pause/Break– it’s not particularly efficient, but it may slow down the ongoing process of the system, such as any running program.
  20. PrintScreen (PrtSc)– I press and take a screenshot of everything on the screen.

Key combinations Windows 10

Almost all of the following combinations will work in earlier versions of Windows, as well as those that were added to Windows 10.

How to set up hotkeys

There are no special utilities that can configure combinations the way you want. One of these tools is MKey.

The program is completely free of charge and helps you install come and be, for additional help, you can install and run many system programs. For example, the AIMP media player is already using its functionality, and MKey is expanding it.

Set a combination to enable the network, launch any utility or folder, use the browser, and much more. All this is not a stock of difficult things.

You can download the program from the official website -

Now the user knows what these keys are, how to use them in Windows 10 or anything else and set the power combinations for additional software.

Are there any hotkeys you need in Windows 10? An unambiguous confirmation can be given on this page - for the ease of operation of this operating system. Judge for yourself, hot buttons allow you to speed up the process of compiling songs, thereby speeding up the process of compiling songs. And so as not to be unfounded, you can point out a banal butt if, through a bunch of currently running programs, you need to quickly make your way to the desktop. This situation can be solved in a long way, the burning skin of the eyelids covered, or you can speed up the combination of hot keys Windows + D, which allows you to burn all the eyelids at once. In addition, there may be other reasons for the similar functionality of the operating system, such as getting out of the way, without any uninformed koristuvacheva, as a rule, becoming difficult to handle your computer 'yuter. About those hotkeys that exist in Windows 10, and what they are directly meant for, we will look at this article.

For a quick understanding and mastery of the information provided below, typing hot keys in Windows 10 is divided into groups to unite them according to the type of assigned tasks.

Managing windows of active programs

Display and attach a work table

All windows are lit, behind the active active one

Place the window of the open program on the left edge of the screen

Place the open program window on the right edge of the screen

Open the program to full screen

Light up active window

Navigating the icons on the task panel

Launching programs from the task panel, the positions of the icons of which indicate the selected number.

Move the active window to another monitor

Close active window

Navigating windows of running programs

System interface management

Under the system interface, there are hotkeys that allow quick access to system sections, such as “Parameters”, “Device Manager”, “Task Manager”, etc.

View the menu for the system parts

Windows 10 Alert Center

Under the “Parameters” section

Open the panels and search

Subject to the section “Power of the system”

Vikonati system utility

Changing the language and keyboard layouts

Starting the command dispatcher

Opening the Windows Security panel

Deleting files bypassing the cat

Show the power of the selected element

Explorer management

Open “My Computer”

The add-on windows are lit

Moving along the middle of the conductor's stations

View folders and files

Move the cursor up or down according to the visible objects

Navigation in the folder tree

Navigation with history through catalogs

Duplicating the active window of the conductor

Copying videos to the clipboard (files, folders, etc.)

Similar to the previous combination of hot keys

Hot key combination for moving visible objects

Inserting copied or deleted objects that are temporarily saved in the clipboard

A combination of hot keys to see everything instead of the active window

Launching a search row

Similar to the hotkey combination Shift + right/left arrow

Visible object under the cursor


Switching between display modes (due to the presence of another display)

Open the game panel to record the game progress

Screenshot (screenshot)

Record the remaining 30 seconds in the active window

Cob and zupinka note

Screenshot from Gri

Hotkeys Windows 10 – Dovidnik Golovnykh Poednan

– Serpen 2, 2015Categories: Massacre

If you want to create an enemy Windows 10 user with a lot of resources, you must use the hotkeys of the new Microsoft operating system. Once you know the correct combination of keys, you can navigate the interface, launch programs, activate pages, change settings, and press anything on your keyboard. Below is a list of hotkeys that, in our opinion, are the most important.

Fixing Windows on Windows 10

The commit option has finally seen minor changes in Windows 10, and hotkeys are also missing. Windows can be fixed to either side of the screen, as in Windows 8, but now you can also resize the window to ¼ of the display size, and also open it immediately at the end.

Windows key + Left arrow – fix the end from the left side of the screen.

Windows key + Right arrow – fix the end from the right side of the screen.

Windows key + Arrow up – fixes the end from the top side of the screen.

Windows Key + Down Arrow – fixes the end to the bottom of the screen.

In addition: After you fix any side of the screen or change its size by a quarter, Windows automatically prompts you to save the empty space once you’re done on your desktop, whatever you want currently a critical program.

Virtual Desktop Windows 10

The support for virtual desktops in Windows 10 cannot but please us – until you find yourself an independent developer who writes a utility that converts the same work! These are the same as the mother of a bunch of additional invisible monitors. Users from virtual desktops can use too much power to set programs, which will remove hotkeys and trellises without changes.

The Windows key+Ctrl+D creates a new virtual desktop.

Windows key + Ctrl + Left – scrolls your desktop to the left.

Windows key + Ctrl + Right - scroll your desktop to the right.

Windows button + Ctrl + F4 – closes the flow working table.

Windows key + Tab – view all your desktops (and the programs you use!) through the “Task view” page.

Cortana and customization of Windows 10

As has already become known, Microsoft's virtual voice assistant, Cortana, has become available for desktop computers. If you feel uncomfortable shouting “hey Cortana!” in a crowded place, you can optionally choose to use voice-activated keyboard shortcuts in settings.

Windows key + S – launch Cortana from the keyboard.

Windows key + I – opens the Windows 10 settings page.

Windows key +A – View Windows 10 notifications (Notification Center).

Windows key +X – opens the context menu of the Start menu.

Windows 10 Command Row

Windows 10 Command Row

The Windows 10 Command Row has also removed the new hotkeys. To select them, right-click the bear on the name of the command line (English Command prompt) and select Power (English Properties). In the window, uncheck the “Use legacy console” box, and activate hotkeys from the Ctrl button, as well as two options for selecting text.

Shift key + Left-handed – displays left-handed text at the cursor.

Shift + Right key – to view the text with the right hand of the cursor.

Key Ctrl+Shift +Left-handed (or Right-handed) – instantly sees whole blocks of text, and not just characters.

Button Ctrl + C – copies the video text to the Windows clipboard.

Ctrl – V – pastes text from the Windows clipboard into the command line.

Button Ctrl + A – shows all the text.

All these hotkeys work in other text programs, however, for the command line there is a new one.

For navigation Windows 10

Read also: How to Install Windows 10 from Flash Drives

In addition to the new keys, Windows 10 has eliminated a whole group of hot buttons from earlier versions of Microsoft operating systems. Below we have presented the most important hotkeys that will help you navigate the interface of the new Windows.

The Windows key + - quickly opens programs to quickly show the desktop.

Windows key + D – changes the program window to directly switch to the desktop.

Button Ctrl+Shift+M – renews the full size of the changed windows (shortly after Win + D).

Windows + Home key – changes all windows depending on what is currently active.

Windows key +L – lock your PC and go to the lock window.

Windows button +E – launches Windows Explorer.

Alt+Up key – go to the Windows Explorer level.

Alt+Left key – go back to the shortcut in Windows Explorer.

Alt+Right key – move to the next line in Windows Explorer.

Alt+Tab key – switch between windows (press the Alt key to select the required window).

Button Alt+F4 – closes the flow window.

Windows key + Shift + Left (or right-handed) – move the window to the next monitor.

Windows key + T – navigation to the task panel (press Enter to launch).

Windows key + Any number – launches the program that is located in the task panel under the imprinted number (for example, the combination Win + 3 launches the third program in your task panel).

In-depth navigation on Windows 10

Discover the necessary parts of Windows, vikoryst and special hotkeys, which will help you find out how to set up options, which will lead you to certain settings in front of the eyes of the most experienced users. Don't be victorious because you don't know what you're doing.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc key opens Windows 10 Task Manager.

Windows key + R – launches Viconati at the end.

Shift+Delete key – deletes the ties without moving them forward.

The Alt+Enter key shows the power of the files you see.

Windows key + U – opens the Windows Access Center.

Windows key+Spacebar—mixes your input and keyboard layout.

Windows key + Shift + Any number – launches a new copy of an already running program from the task panel.

Windows key + Ctrl + Shift + Any number - the same, but with administrator rights.

Image, video and screen Windows 10

As it was transferred, Windows 10 was created as a visualized operating system. It is not at all surprising that the brainchild of Microsoft has eliminated a whole series of hotkeys that allow you to save pictures on your desktop, record activities on your desktop, and also increase and change items on your desktop.

Windows key + PrtScr – Screenshot and saves it in the Images folder.

Windows key + G – opens the Game DVR program to record screen activity (note the graphics card option).

Windows key+Alt+G – starts recording screen activity in the streaming window.

Windows key + Alt + R – record Game DVR.

Windows key + P – switch between screen modes.

Windows key + plus – increased.

Windows key+Minus – change.

Hotkeys Windows 10

Knowing the main computer hotkeys or singing programs can greatly speed up your productivity and save a lot of time in the long run. In this article, which I would like to have done a long time ago, I will describe the main hotkeys of Windows 10.

Win+ combinations

The same keys, which begin with the Windows key, operate independently of the active window and are linked to the operating system. Popular hotkeys in Windows 10 include the following:

  • Win+E – open my computer
  • Win+I – open Windows Settings
  • Win+D – light up/down all windows
  • Win+R – open the “Viconty” function
  • Win+Pause – open the “System” window
  • Win+S – open search in Windows
  • Win+A – open “Notification Center”
  • Win+L – press the screen saver/lock screen
  • Win+X – open the WinX menu (Power User Menu)
  • Win+Print Screen – save a screenshot of the screen (Images/Screen Captures). Report in lesson: how to take a screenshot on Windows 10
  • Win + Spacebar – change your language

Porada: if you don’t know the meaning of certain keys or you can’t find them on your keyboard (erase the names too), you can now find out the meaning of any key in our dictionary, just look for words starting with the letter “K”.

Combinations Ctrl+

  • Ctrl+C – copy (text, object, file or folder)
  • Ctrl+V – paste
  • Ctrl+X – view
  • Ctrl+S – save changes/document
  • Ctrl+N – create a new file/document
  • Ctrl+A – see all
  • Ctrl+Z – click the rest of the page (turn one step back)
  • Ctrl+Y – skew the remaining action (turn one croft in front)
  • Ctrl+Shift+Escape – open Task Manager
  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete – go to the Windows Security window
  • Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift – change the movie (subject to your adjustments)

When working with text, the following combinations are often used:

  • Ctrl+B – bold
  • Ctrl+I – italics
  • Ctrl+U – armchair
  • Ctrl+E (L or R) – align the text to the center, left or right edge.

Combinations Shift+

  • Shift+text or Caps Lock (on/vimk.) – friend of great writers
  • Shift+arrows and Ctrl+Shift+arrows – seeing the text behind the letters and behind the words
  • Shift+Home/End – displays the text at the cursor to the beginning/end of the row
  • Shift+Page Up/Page Down – displaying text with the cursor on the screen up/down
  • Shift+F12 – save Word document.

Hotkeys for Windows 10 Explorer

In addition to the hotkeys already described, the explorer can also use function keys.

  • F2 – rename the video file or folder
  • F3 – go to the search field
  • F4 – go to address row
  • F5 – update window
  • F6 and Tab – change the active part of the window (although the mouse is not selected)
  • F11 – open explorer to full screen

What the heck? This set of red key combinations can be used. And in my humble opinion, most of these hotkeys in Windows 10 are due to the knowledge of the computer's skin. And to be more precise, it’s not just the nobility, but rather the quick work at the computer for simplicity.

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Windows 10 hotkeys you need to know » Navchannya » Windows

Hotkeys in Windows 10 are often necessary for users. This article is based on instructions from the fixed keys and their use in the Windows operating system, version ten. Most of them came from new versions of Windows, as well as new hotkeys.

Popular and basic hotkeys

  • CTRL plus C-copy;
  • Ctrl plus X-verify;
  • Ctrl plus V-paste;
  • CTRL plus Z-rotate to front view;
  • Alt plus Tab - move between programs;
  • Alt plus F4 - attached to the active program
  • Windows plus L-replacement of cloud account record;
  • Windows plus D-attach work table.

Only in OS Windows 10

  • Windows plus A-center support;
  • Windows plus S-vykno search;
  • Windows plus C-open Cortana from the listener;
  • Windows plus TAB - a hot button introduced in Windows 10;
  • Windows plus Ctrl plus D-open to simulate the desktop;
  • Win plus Ctrl plus Left Arrow and Win plus Ctrl plus Right Arrow - these hot keys switch between desktops;
  • Win plus Ctrl plus F4 - close the virtual desktop;
  • Win plus Arrow uphill - open a window on the entire screen;
  • Win plus Down arrow - light up the window;
  • Win plus Arrow right-locked window right-handed;
  • Win plus Left arrow - lock the window.

Hotkeys of Windows version 10 on video:

Basic hot keys

  • F2-rename the selected element;
  • F3- run find files;
  • F4 display row for address;
  • F5-updated;
  • F6-switch between elements;
  • F10 - activate the menu in a closed application;
  • ALT plus F4 - close the active element or add-on;
  • ALT plus ESC - switch between elements in the order they appear;
  • ALT plus ENTER - display the power of the visible element;
  • ALT plus pass - open the context menu;
  • ALT plus left arrow - one step forward;
  • ALT plus right arrow - one arrow back;
  • ALT plus PAGE UP - move to the top side;
  • ALT plus PAGE DOWN - move to the bottom side;
  • ALT plus TAB-navigation between programs;
  • CTRL plus F4 - close active document;
  • Ctrl plus A - select all elements;
  • Ctrl plus C - copy selected element;
  • Ctrl plus D-visuality vibranium element;
  • Ctrl plus R- update open the window;
  • Ctrl plus V-paste;
  • Ctrl plus X-line;
  • Ctrl plus Y-repeat;
  • Ctrl plus Z-skew;
  • Ctrl plus Right arrow - move the word further;
  • Ctrl plus left arrow - move one word back;
  • Ctrl plus Arrow down - move to the next paragraph;
  • Ctrl plus Arrow up - move to the front paragraph;
  • Ctrl plus ESC - “Start”;
  • Ctrl plus SHIFT plus ESC command manager;
  • Ctrl plus SHIFT - keyboard language;
  • SHIFT plus DELETE - deletes the visible element without moving it to the box;
  • ESC- prizupinennya vikonnannya zavdanya.

All the keys listed are essential when working on a PC.

What are the hotkeys in Windows 10?

To quickly manage the operating system and not get tired of working with it, it helps to use such skills as effective interaction with the keyboard. You will benefit from the hotkeys of Windows 10. By adjusting for efficiency, you can learn how to assign buttons, which will help make the work of people at the computer much easier. We already know what is happening with the latest generation operating systems. It is not difficult to learn such combinations in one day, it is enough to write down the most necessary ones, and then the whole world will begin to learn new ones. All information is typed on the keyboard, either the Win button, or Win, Start, or Start – this key is depicted with the Windows logo. In the article, we call them differently for the sake of clarity, because they call for any one option. Ale is essentially the same.

Window management

This section describes the corresponding keys for working with Windows 10 windows.

  • Win + left arrow – this way you can reach the end of the program to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + right arrow - this way you can open programs to the right side of the screen.
  • Win + up arrow – with this combination you can display programs on the entire screen.
  • Win + down arrow - these keys will light up at the end of the program.
  • Win + D – these keys either display or select the desktop.
  • Win + Shift + M – this way you can resize the burned-out windows.
  • Win + Home - this combination burns everything in the end, in addition, in which case it is used.
  • Alt + Tab - this combination interrupts running programs.
  • Alt + F4 - this one closes this one at the end.
  • Win+Shift+left arrow (or right) - moves windows to another monitor.
  • Win + T – with the help of this connection, you can go through the icons displayed on the task panel one by one. When you press the Enter button, the program starts.
  • Win + 0...9 – launches from the panel the specified programs that are assigned to a specific serial number.

Wonder more: How to install Windows 10 Ukrainian language

Marvel again: Windows 10 has begun to become popular for a long time

Korist vikoristannya

Hot keys significantly speed up the work at the computer. If you read them, then the time will come when the interaction with the computer will come into the area of ​​the underling. So you don’t have to worry about clicking the song button or window. Of course, you won’t remember everything right away, but the more you practice using the keys, the sooner they will be forgotten. The moment will come when you won’t need to look at the keyboard. The age of information technology has even worse skills. Only specialized programs can help you set up hot keys, but you can spend an hour before you have a solution ready?

(Visited 1,727 times, 1 visits today)

Nothing makes working on a PC easier than the shortness of the keyboard. By clicking, there is no need to navigate through the menu, opening tab after tab to search for the desired action.

As functional capabilities grow, so does the number of tasks available with hotkeys.

Windows 10 has the same keyboards as in “seven” and “all”, plus new ones have appeared. Let's get to know them more closely and figure out how to train them "below ourselves."

New in Windows 10

Virtual desktops

One of the new products of the “ten” is these virtual desktops, where you can place open documents and running programs.

This additional space allows the user to reorganize the work area by spreading open windows across a number of screens.

Virtual desktops can be created and controlled using an additional mouse or keyboard very quickly.

Hot keys for switching, opening and closing desktops in Windows 10:

  • Windows (key with the same name icon) + Ctrl + D – create a new table;
  • Windows + Ctrl + arrow key with right or left arrow – switching between desks;
  • Windows + Ctrl + F4 – close the active desktop.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Tab – view all windows on open desktops.

Placement of open windows one by one

Another advanced feature of the “tens” is the Snap function - placing two open windows on the opposite halves of the screen, which is handy when editing documents and copying files from one directory to another.

In Windows 7 and 8, it worked only with an additional mouse, and in Windows 10 - with both the mouse and hot keys.

Axis of this combination:

  • Windows + right arrow – moves the active window to the right;
  • Windows + left arrow – moves the active window to the left;
  • Windows + up arrow - remove the active window up;
  • Windows + down arrow - move the active window down.

Team row

Explorer, search and program

Here is a selection of keyboard accessories that provide search functions, utility programs, game bar, etc. These are the ones that first appeared or changed in Windows 10.

  • Windows + G – opens the Game Bar in Xbox programs to record video from the screen and take screenshots.
  • Windows + Q - opens the sound module window, just like clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon in the command panel.
  • Windows + S – launches the virtual assistant Cortana, which the Russian version of Windows does not work with. The pressure of this understanding is aroused by a search.
  • Windows + I – opens the “Options” program – new “ten” items.
  • Windows + A – expand to the center of the notification, which can also be opened by clicking on the icon in the tray.
  • Windows + Alt + G – increase background screen recording.
  • Windows + Alt + R – background screen recording.
  • Windows + plus on the numeric block of the keyboard - more images with the help of an on-screen magnifier.
  • Windows + minus on the numeric block of the keyboard – changes the image using an additional on-screen magnifier.

Setting up hot keys

"Ten", unfortunately, does not allow you to re-assign the keyboard at your own discretion, behind the control panel.

Tim, who is wondering where and how to change hotkeys in the Windows 10 registry, it would be better to check for any third-party software. For example, the cost-free utility MKey.

This program was created to assign processes to the additional keys of multimedia keyboards, and also supports standard ones.

MKey is now available to add new functions to both single keys and those combined with Shift, Alt, Ctrl and Windows.

In addition to MKey, you can assign the following actions to the keys:

  • using multimedia functions: turn down the program, change the thickness, etc.;
  • folder folders;
  • launch of add-ons;
  • quitting and restarting the computer, switching to hibernation mode and deep sleep, ending the session of the correspondent;
  • changing the size and moving the working windows, closing the windows onto the panel, opening and closing the windows;
  • opening, closing, saving and other documents;
  • connections to and from them;
  • changing the trellises of the working table;
  • copying, pasting, PC locking, PrintScreen, task completion and much more.

And this is a small part of what the program contains.

The procedure for setting up Windows 10 hotkeys in MKey:

  • click the “Add” button in the lower left corner of the window;
  • press 1-2 keys that you want to recognize as action;
  • give a name to the new combination;
  • Open the “Activities” tab and select the activity that you want to select.

To remove hotkeys or change their settings, right-click on their names and select “View” or “Adjust.”

All the functions in MKey are in full swing.

Hotkeys Windows 10

Hotkeys Windows 10 - list, settings and meanings

The Windows operating system is complex, but also very functional. With a lot of speeches to finish, it’s easy to hesitate to help the bear. In addition, frequently accessed items can be accessed using hot keys on the keyboard, bypassing all menus and clicks. Below you will learn about the 10 best hotkeys for Windows 10 that you need to speed up your daily work on your computer.

Win– a button on the keyboard with images of the Windows logo. After pressing this, the “Start” menu opens, you can launch programs, set up the system, or restore your computer’s life (restart, unmute, activate sleep mode).

You can also find files, folders and programs on your computer, so that immediately after clicking you will begin to write the name of the file, program or folder.

Win+D- Please note that when everything is on fire, open the window and show the desktop. This is a very interesting combination when you often have a large number of accessories open to you and you need to find all the documents on your desktop from time to time.

Consistently burning all open windows or reaching to the bottom right corner is not an option. And pressing the Win+D axis is very easy. Pressing again turns all the burnt windows back, just as they were removed before.

Win+L- The easiest way to block your computer is by going to the blocking screen. If you need to go somewhere, you simply click on it and a splash screen will appear on the screen, after which you will need to enter a password to access your account.

Performing similar actions through the Start menu is far from the best way, and pressing the Win + L key is as easy as shelling pears.

Win+E- “Explorer” opens. I have already written in the article ““ that I was convinced of the rise of third-party file managers, so that the functional capabilities of the regular “Explorer” have become no longer sufficient for the accomplishment of my tasks.

So, to quickly launch “Explorer” from the keyboard, simply press Win + E.

Win+R– When you open the “Viconati” window, you can enter commands or name the program to launch. This will help you to manually launch various programs and commands for selecting any specific tasks.

For example, after pressing on Win + R, entering regedit and pressing Enter, the Windows Registry Editor opens (up to the point, if you are using the Reg Organizer program, you can open it by entering three Latin letters P in this row - rrr).

Win + Tab– a combination for opening an interface that allows you to switch between virtual desktops as you interact with them.

After clicking, a special screen will open, showing all your desktops and the programs running on them.

Win+I– a new window of adjustment for Windows 10 opens, so you can replace the old Control Panel, even if everything is 100% gone. Essentially, Windows 10 has two control panels – the new and the old.

If you sing about this problem... But you can start a new adjustment in one click.

Ctrl + Win + ←/→- Combination for mixing between work tables. If you have a number of desktops and want to switch between them in one click, this combination is for you. Before speaking, the chatter between work desks itself will be accompanied by very cool animation.

Depending on which desktop you want to go to, you need to press the left or right arrows using the Ctrl and Win keys.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc– a combination that launches the Windows 10 task manager, which has been completely changed from Windows 7.

Now it is an even more powerful tool for controlling running programs that are launched when the system starts, as well as monitoring computer resources. Really cool, actually and manually!

Win + →/←//↓- another miraculous combination that allows you to change the position of the active window on the screen with one tap. In this way, you can display the windows of various programs on the desktop in such a way that you can see their positions. This is a useful procedure as you work with multiple add-ons or multiple windows of the same program.

If you press Win + Left Hand, the active window will expand on the left half of the screen. If you then press Win + Up, the active window will be moved to the top left corner (quarter) of the screen.

In the list below you can find out how we are familiar with the previous versions of the keyboard shortcut, and only those in Windows 10 that have appeared. There is absolutely no need to read them all at once, but it is not possible. Just select 3-4 operations that you use most often, write down the keys on a sticker and stick it in a visible place. You yourself won’t realize how quickly you’ll learn them by heart and won’t be able to do without them. And when this happens, you can move on to master the next combination of hot buttons.

Managing windows and add-ons

Win + left arrow- Add programs to the left edge of the screen.

Win + arrow right-handed- Add programs to the right edge of the screen.

Win + up arrow- open the program window to fill the entire screen. Or, since it was previously glued to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the top.

Win + down arrow- Light up the window actively. Or, since it was previously glued to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen in the lower part.

Win+D- Display and select the work table.

Win + Shift + M- Renew the burnt windows.

Win + Home- All windows are lit, except the active one (all windows are renewed when pressed again).

Alt+Tab- Switch between running programs.

Alt+F4- Close the active window.

Win+Shift+left arrow (or right)- Move the window to another monitor.

Win+T- Sequentially cycle through the icons on the task panel. Click “Enter” to start the program.

Win + 0…9- launch a specific program from the panel, the icon of which is fixed to the position that represents the numbers.


Win+E- Launch the file manager.

Ctrl+N- Open a new window.

Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel- Change the presentation of elements (icons, table, thumbnails, etc.).

Alt + up arrow- Go up the hill one level.

Alt + left arrow- Look at the front folder.

Alt + right arrow- I’ll take a look at the folder.

Virtual desktops

Win+Ctrl+D- Add a virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + left arrow- move between virtual desktops from right to left.

Win + Ctrl + arrow right-handed- go between the virtual desktops and go to the right.

Win + Ctrl + F4- Close the virtual desktop.

Win + Tab- Display all work tables and accessories on them.


Ctrl+Shift+Esc- Launch the command dispatcher.

Win+R- Open the “Viconati” dialog box.

Shift+Delete- Vidality files, bypassing the cat.

Alt+Enter- Display the power of the selected element.

Win + spacebar- switch your input language and keyboard layout.

Win+A- Open “Support Center”.

Win+S- Open up the joke.

Win+I- Open the “Options” window.

Screenshots and games

Win+PrtScr- take a screenshot and save it to your image folder.

Win + Alt + PrtScr- Take a screenshot of the screen.

Win+G- Open the game panel to record the process.

Win+Alt+G- Record the remaining 30 seconds in the active window.

Win+Alt+R- Start or write down a note.

Win+P- switch between display modes (if another display is visible).

Why do you use keyboard shortcuts in your robot?