You can view deleted files that cannot be deleted using special programs. IObit Unlocker - a program for conveniently deleting files and folders that can’t be seen How to delete a file that can’t be deleted in Windows XP

Kozhen koristuvach PC at least once asked about those “how to see files that are not visible.” It is inevitable that this problem will arise in some situations. Windows OS is designed in such a way that either a program or a system process is executed to a file, which is impossible at the moment. Another mechanism for blocking viruses is to protect their elements from being erased.

You can neutralize a folder that is not deleted, or a nearby file from the operating system using various methods. Manually, using standard functions, and automatically, with the help of special unlocking utilities.

Regardless of the fact that another method is more simple and effective, it makes sense to look at the manual cleaning algorithm. If you ever need a program, you can have it at your fingertips.

Come on, let's go!

Method No. 1: manually unblocking and unblocking

Collection of data

Before selecting a file or folder, you must specify:

  • to what extent the stench is present (to some program of this object);
  • Which directory stores its data on disk;
  • What a stench the digital signature (name of the company, distributor) smells.

1. Right-click the bear on an unseen element, and then select “Power” from the system menu.

2. In the window of power, in the “Zagalni” tab, in the “Opis” row – names (names of programs), in “Roztashuvanna” – directions to the file.

3. Go to the “Digital Signatures” tab to get acquainted with the accountant’s names.

4. Take the data, write it down or remember it.

Znyattya blockuvannya

1. Close all running programs - software, utilities, browsers, etc. This includes the numbers that are in the tray (via the context menu).

2. Open “Plant Manager” (key combination - CTRL+SHIFT+ESC).

3. On the “Add-ons” tab, if any objects are present in the “Request” column, their status will become “Working” (including open folders), also close them without fail: right-click → Take Request.

4. Go to the “Processes” tab. Stop processes that are running or can run to a locked file. Focus on the information about the power of the object that is being deleted (names, signatures, etc.), as well as on the “CPU” parameter in the manager (to what extent the active process requires the central processor).

Please! If it is difficult to determine the “similarity” to the process, further analyze its data: hover over the name with the cursor → click on the right button → click “Power”.

5. Once the object that is blocking the file is found in the Manager list, right-click on it and activate the “End process” command in the menu.

Having saved everything, try again to delete the folder that is not visible (or the file). If this fails, restart your PC in Safe Mode and repeat the procedure:

  • At the time of restart, press “F8” (or another key that indicates the activation of the menu; see the data sheet of your PC);
  • Use the cursor keys to select “Safe Mode” from the list and press “Enter”.
  • Method No. 2: vikorystannya utilities

    There are non-personal programs that delete files that are not deleted. Let us take a look within the framework of this statistic about the best things that the multimillion-dollar army of koristuvachs have earned in the name of trust.

    The procedure for removing elements so as not to “strike” the operating system for other programs is very simple. To use the tool, you only need to “drag” the file or folder onto the work panel (window), select it through the system explorer or right-click on it and activate the utility through the context menu (the icon and name will be in the list of options).

    Cost-free utility from the company Cedrick Collomb. Regardless of its tiny size (less than 1MB!), it can accept “capricious” files from a hard drive or flash drive. Promptly recognizes and understands the reasons for the blocking. Unlocker is lightweight: it integrates into the context menu, allows you to select an object in one click.

    Professional “neutralizer” of system notifications such as “access denied”, “cannot delete folder”, etc. One of the best programs in its category. Extended by ShareWare license (smartly cost-free). Precisely means that the file (process, addendum) is blocked. In addition to the delete function, you have the ability to change, copy, or move an unlocked object.

    Cost-free program from the Russian retailer Crystal Rich Ltd. Along with the elimination of files that “appear” to be deleted, it also helps you fight against viruses that maliciously block folders. It is important to extract a DLL from an active process. Removed items are sent to the trash can.

    The utility adopted such an aggressive name (assassin - Naiman killer) for a reason. You are asked to remove corrupt files that have become deeply rooted in the OS and, apparently, are not likely to be corrupted. Does not require installation. Supports three viewing algorithms. There are effective ways to terminate processes and remove infected files from Windows.

    Which program to choose, choose for yourself. The skin, when it is in need of resolution, copes with cleansing as quickly as possible.

    A look at Unlocker programs for Windows and their analogues. Detailed instructions on how to delete files and folders that are not deleted in the Primus order: through closing processes that block deleted files.

    Description of the Unlocker program

    Unlocker is an effective program for deleting files that are not deleted in the Windows OS. It bypasses system barriers and instructs system processes that block access. These processes go through the window, through which files and folders appear that are not normally deleted.

    Unlocker is one of the few utilities that can cover a large interface in Russian. It’s so easy to get used to the program. With Unlocker, you can drag files from the window and immediately delete files that have killed unnecessary processes. The right column displays the exact status of the file or folder:

    • “not blocked” - you can delete the file without forcing other processes to close.
    • “blocked” - Unlocker will show you which processes are required to delete the folder (file), after which they can be closed, forced and the required operation terminated.

    Main features of Unlocker programs

    • Primusov has a number of files and directories on the disk
    • delete folders and files instantly
    • review of processes that block data in the most basic way

    Scenarios when the Unlocker utility can be used

    • access to the file or folder is blocked (the program is being victorious by another process)
    • є connecting to a file via a local network
    • Dzherelo abo shlyakh znachennya vikoristovuetsya another supplement
    • file of activities of another system process

    By the way, since the folder or file is not visible, the Unlocker program is a universal and simple tool for forcing the delete.

    Further, in the instructions, we will explain how to delete files that cannot be deleted quickly and safely. It is important to talk about a program called IObit Unlocker. It’s the same program in the vastness of the border (Emptyloop Unlocker), it hasn’t been released since 2013, and the official website is inaccessible. What is Unlocker available from IObit retailers, this product is in development and can be purchased from the instructions below.

    Deactivate the Unlocker program

    You can download Unlocker - a program for deleting files that are not deleted - you can download it on the site. Posilannya right-handed.

    Although the remaining version of Unlocker 1.1 was released in 2015, there are no problems with new versions of Windows. The list includes Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.

    The Unlocker program is available in two versions: Portable and standard installation (IObit Unlocker 1.1 Final). The Portable version can be installed either way. In this case, the standard version of Unlocker is installed in the system Program Files folder.

    There is no particular difference in the ability to enchant the program: in both versions of Unlocker you can enchant without harm.

    How to delete a file or folder that is not visible, Primus

    Let's figure out how the program works together. It comes down to one end. To primusovo, select the folder or file:

    1. Add files by clicking the "Add" button at the bottom of the window
    2. As an option, you can drag files or folders from the Unlocker window

    You can see the added files and status in the list - “blocked” or “not blocked”. Apparently, data that is not blocked can be deleted without using Unlocker. We would rather have another option.

    So, how can I see the folder if it’s not visible?

    1. You can see a row of files and folders.
    2. Means the option "Primusovo"
    3. Press the “Unblock” button.
    4. Unlocker terminate processes that block access to file operations

    How to delete a deleted file yourself without harming other processes

    Porada. The Unlocker program is not omnipotent. If you add a system path, you will receive a notification on the command line “I can’t delete the folder.” In addition, you must carefully evaluate the security of deleting files and clearly understand what you are deleting.

    If the file is not visible, it is not necessary to drive it in with a Primus stove. Let's say you're editing text and want to delete the file. Unlocker understands that to unlock it you must close the Word.exe process (text processor). As a result, you will leave a file that can be edited at the moment. In reality, there may be other scenarios, but the essence is the same: if you drive processes in large quantities, this can lead to negative consequences.

    The best way to delete a file from your computer is to add it to iObit Unlocker, see the processes that are running on the deleted file and finish them correctly: close the saved documents with the program. This has the greatest advantage of Unlocker: you can control the process from time to time.


    Distributor: Crystal Rich Ltd.

    Lockhunter is a program for deleting folders and files that are not being deleted for reasons unknown to you. Most often (as you might have switched to the Unlocker interface), this is due to the fact that the processes block access to objects that are visible. Lockhunter can calculate processes that block access to files. When you use such tools, files and folders are removed from the system, so you can retrieve them whenever necessary. Before speaking, the main purpose of this utility is to remove viruses and malware: harmful programs like to block access to themselves in order to protect themselves.

    Yak Primusovo view the folder or file for additional help Lockhunter

    This method allows you to delete a system folder or file occupied by other processes. The technique will be useful for the forced reduction of viruses.

    1. It is indicated in the main window of the program that the folder (file) for the primus display will be expanded. The list displays processes that block elements.
    2. We can remove processes that block files by clicking on the UnlockIt! button.
    3. We see the folder and press the DeleteIt button! for a good look.

    Malwarebytes FileASSASSIN


    FileASSASSIN is a powerful program for deleting files that cannot be deleted in the standard way, without any additional processes. This is a list of benefits that this program can offer you:

    • The file cannot be seen: access is blocked
    • Make sure that the disk is not filled in and not stolen for recording
    • The file is currently being vikorized
    • Dzherelo or the owner of the file can be vikoristovati
    • The file is being used by another program or by a developer

    Sysinternals Process Monitor

    Rozrobnik: Mark Russinovich

    Mostly, this tool is used for detailed monitoring of Windows processes, and we can only recommend it to experienced accountants. Moreover, this professional task manager manages not only processes, but also threads, the file system and the Registry. If the file is not deleted, Process Monitor will help you identify hidden files and then easily delete, for example, a system file or folder.

    Deleted files that are not visible: power supply and output

    The file cannot be deleted from the Windows folder. What is it timid?

    Vіdpovid. If you want to delete an item from the system path from this folder, you can’t get help from iObit Unlocker. As I have already said, the program cannot delete Windows system files - it requires strict protection at the kernel level.

    Files from the flash drive cannot be seen. Do I need to download Unlocker in the portable version onto a flash drive?

    Vіdpovid. Not obov'yazkovo. The standard version of Unlocker is entirely suitable for these purposes. You can drag files from the window with programs, kill the processes and then safely delete the files.

    By downloading Unlocker from the official website, the program is installed as described in the instructions. What's wrong with deleting a folder that isn't visible?

    Vіdpovid. On the right is that you are interested in another program (like the Emptyloop retailer), although it has the same name. Basically, this program has similar functionality. If you don’t have any control over it, just download iObit Unlocker for instructions, let’s point you to the statistics.

    Vitannya. Today we are looking forward to making money from the business, and I soon ran into a small problem.

    On the other hand, there are files on the computer that can be deleted using basic methods, vikoryst and “Koshik” is impossible, and there were more and more of them, which resulted in additional fixes in the Windows OS. I hope that this problem of stolen files has taken away your skin. I just want to close my eyes as I did before, but I want to solve this problem.

    We all want our computer to work smoothly and without any glitches. And I have more than one such assistants, as I learned about in the article “My computer equipment.”

    How to delete stolen files from your computer

    Of course, before we get back to cleaning anything on the computer, we first close (or rather finish) the program that will be uninstalled, and only then will be launched. There may be such situations when the program is closed, but you don’t want to know.

    Ax such a fit soon caught up with me. No matter how much you tried to uninstall the unnecessary file archiving program “Hamster Soft”, you were met with the same result. This kind of information flowed from my actions.

    So I just don’t want to work, press the right mouse button on the file, choose to delete the file, and still, unfortunately, it doesn’t move to the cat and the solution is given. But after many trials, I still know a miraculous method of finding a difficult task.

    The easiest way to delete windows files

    If you have already encountered a similar situation, please find out beforehand whether you have removed the program from the system. For this, go to the windows section under “Installed and current programs.”

    Let's look at our program here, which we want to use, as a rule, the operating system miraculously cleans the PC of any files from this panel completely.

    If this method did not work, we will continue to check that the process of unnecessary programs will not be launched. To do this, go to the “Windows Task Manager”, pressing the “Ctrl + Alt + Del” buttons at once, and for Windows 7 you will need to select the “Launch Task Manager” row.

    In the window that has opened, go to the “Processes” section and look for the process of linking with the stolen file, which allows for removal.

    As you can see from the screenshot, the system is no longer full of unfinished processes that have been terminated. We finish and try to delete the file that is not visible again.

    If this action did not help you, then we move on to the easy method, which gives a 100% guarantee.

    Unlocker - the best file sharing program

    If you haven’t found any better ways to deal with the problem, then I encourage you to quickly use the cost-free Unlocker program, which I’ve been using for a while now.

    Unlocker is a program designed to detect theft of files or system folders of Windows OS. It is easy to identify all unfinished processes and descriptors that interfere with the file's processing time and time again.

    In simple steps, show the Unlocker program the file, unblock it, and then delete it. Everything just became clearer.

    You may have been familiar with this program before, and some of it is still on your system disks, but have not given it any attention. You can safely take any valuable disk containing the main programs for the operating system and install them yourself.

    Since the disk is not under your hand, then I suggest you grab it here. Let me remind you that the Unlocker program is cost-free because of the Russian interface.

    After you download and install Unlocker, a program icon will appear in the Windows system tray.

    The program is more robiti than laid down. And you will find out all the unfinished processes and descriptors through which you cannot move, rename or delete stolen files.

    I have received such information that I need to immediately unblock all known processes.

    Then you need to select the delete option.

    After this, see all unnecessary files and click “Delete process”.

    We wait until the program fulfills the assigned tasks and is happy with the result. When you download folders, files, and other unnecessary stuff, there is no place on your computer, and Unlocker deals with them at once.

    If you are running out of food, watch the video on the topic of today’s post.

    That's all for now. Now you know that there are no files on your computer that you can’t find, or even know how to get rid of them.

    Don’t miss new interesting articles, subscribe to the latest blog pages and stay tuned to everyone.

    Anyway, what are some ways to prevent file theft? I look forward to your comments. Boo!

    Visibility of files that cannot be deleted using special programs

    Users of personal computers often end up with files that make it impossible to delete the OS. Such data is blocked by excessive program processes. The system respects that the document is still valid, although it is a real addition that it is already closed. How can I delete a file that is not visible? Information about the price of the material.

    IMPORTANT: Before deleting a blocked document, you must reconnect so that it does not affect the system. Changing system elements (that are blocked) will cause problems with the operating system. Right up to the complete waste of usefulness.

    Special programs (utilities) can help you remove blocking. The majority of such programs allow not only the removal of blocked data, but also the creation of processes that impose this blocking.

    Among other similar software, five programs are clearly visible: Unlocker, FileASSASIN, LockHunter, Free File Unlocker and IObit Unlocker. Their descriptions will be listed below. Now let’s look at ways to get rid of blocked data without vikoristan programs.

    Before using the utility to unlock the object, since you cannot access it, you can try to delete it manually. There are three ways to earn money – task manager, system safe mode and system registry editing.

    View of remote processes in the dispatcher

    This is a quick way to terminate a process that is running on a remote file, but only if you know which process is running. For example, there’s a video that you’ll watch on the player. After viewing it, you need to delete it, but the system displays a notification that the file is occupied by another process and cannot be deleted (if the player is closed).

    To remove this type of blocking, you need to open the task manager. You can use the additional key combination Ctrl+Shift+Escape to earn money.

    The dispatcher window will have a “Processes” tab. In the list of processes, you need to know the one that represents the player for guessing. See it and click “End process”. After these manipulations, the document can be entered without any problems. If something is not happening, then the problem is gone.

    Cleaning the system registry

    Some processes are removed from the system registry. Editing it manually without special knowledge is not safe on the right. You may inadvertently delete important elements that appear throughout the entire system.

    There are also special utilities to clean the registry. The most extensive of them is CCleaner. This simple program allows you to effectively clean the system registry without much effort.

    If after quitting CCleaner the object is still not visible, you can use special utilities, which will be discussed later.

    View in OS safe mode

    Deleted files that are not deleted can be created in another way - by using the OS in Safe Mode. If someone is interested in the main service and process, then there is great confidence that the blocking process will not be interfered with.

    To enter safe mode, select the following actions:

    • Shut down the computer;
    • To get started with the OS, press F8;
    • The Vibration launch menu has the item "Safe Mode";
    • Confirm launch in the specified mode.

    Then the system will seek help without basic services. Working with your own guide is available. It was impossible to know and try to delete an unnecessary document. If files cannot be deleted from Safe Mode, you will need a program to delete files that cannot be deleted.

    Programs for deleting files that cannot be deleted.

    To help PC users, special programs have been developed that will allow you to unblock data from background processes. They can help you delete, move or rename problematic documents.

    In the absence of such utilities, you can see five leaders with optimal parameters. Knowing this difference, you can choose which program to delete files that are not visible.

    FileASSASIN is a utility that is widely used

    The utility is expanding as a more secure program, so you won’t have to pay for downloads or downloads.

    A simple and effective tool for dealing with files that cannot be deleted. The inability of a given element is a sign of poor software. FileASSASIN allows you to retrieve such data without any problems.

    There are two ways to delete files using FileASSASIN: by deleting the file or deleting it when the system is restarted. Another option may come in handy if you don’t have a lot of time or an important, tedious process is going on on your computer. To edit the wrong file, it is enough to drag the next one to the row of entries or enter the path to the next one through the explorer.

    FileASSASIN, good software, but there are two significant shortcomings. First of all: no one has adopted the localization of the Russian utility. The interface is only accessible in English. This furnishing is compensated by the simplicity of the beast. In other words: the work on the project has been stopped. The rest of the update was released in 2007. However, not all business owners work with the latest software and equipment, so FileASSASIN also meets the requirements.

    Before you delete a folder that is not visible, it is better to install another utility, since FileASSASIN does not have such a function.

    Free File Unlocker - free software that integrates with Windows

    The software is absolutely flawless. Free File Unlocker works with all versions of Windows. The level of integration with the operating system is high. First of all: the software is installed in the explorer and becomes available from the menu by right-clicking on the file.

    Alternatively, Free File Unlocker can be accessed from the command line, which will speed up the pace of working with it. The utility allows you to delete not only blocked data, but also processes that are subject to access restrictions. You can do any kind of work on unlocked files (rename, copy, move). In addition, if you have deleted folders that are not visible, it is better to trust the utility itself.

    Integration with the operating system is achieved through the explorer and the ability to work in the command line. Significantly enhances the handiness of the robot and the availability of the portable version.

    Free File Unlocker contains the very same thing that advanced software – the presence of Russian localization to the interface. However, the principles of working with it are intuitively understood, so problems should not arise among Russian traders, as they do not follow the English one.

    IObit Unlocker - a simple and powerful tool

    System alerts and “Access Controlled” will no longer prevent you from adding unnecessary files.

    IObit Unlocker is a simple and easy tool for filing folders with files that can be deleted. A small program allows you to unlock a file and move, rename or delete it.

    The program is supported by the main versions of Windows 7 and 8. The utility is available for free download. In addition, it is indicated by special ratings in the CHIP magazine and the Softpedia portal. The interface is extremely simple. You can add data before processing by simply dragging or adding a path through a conductor.

    IObit Unlocker can remove blocking processes from a file at once. Golovne - don’t try to delete system data. Critical data is protected by the system from being deleted. Therefore, when struggling with a crap document that is not visible, it is necessary to switch over, as it certainly does not have any connection with important system data.

    LockHunter is the most informative utility for deleting folders

    The most informative utility. After pressing the button integrated into the explorer "What is blocking this file?" The software sees additional information from processes that block access to the file. In addition, LockHunter is the best program for removing folders that are not visible.

    Once they have been identified, you can proceed to completion. By eliminating unnecessary processes, the object may become blocked before being blocked.

    The peculiarity of IObit Unlocker is that the deleted data is sent to the “cat” and can be updated. This ensures that you can safely work with it, and any remaining system data can be safely updated.

    Main functional features of the programs:

    • Displays information about blocking processes;
    • Possibility of suppression (not visible) to the process that blocks access;
    • Outside is the irrevocable attachment of the conceived process;
    • Connect with the OS explorer and can be accessed from the context menu by right-clicking.

    The software successfully integrates with the OS explorer; there is no need to access the robot through the command line. IObit Unlocker allows you to successfully remove blocked data both in 32-bit OS and in 64-bit versions. In addition, the unblocker is expanding without cost.

    Unlocker - a popular cost-free utility

    You can view files that are not visible, use unlocker for help. Your functional abilities are revealed in the following situations:

    • If you need to delete an object or directory that is occupied by third-party programs;
    • Whenever necessary, delete a document whose access is blocked;
    • Notifications are provided about replacements, thefts, or inaccessible disks;
    • If you need a document that is available to your partner in the system;
    • In other similar situations.

    With Unlocker's help you can successfully fight not only against blocking, but also against harmful software. Virus programs steal their components due to such degradation. This protects and helps Unlocker.

    The utility is cost-free, so a wide expansion of the number of qualified investors has arisen. "Gentleman's kits" programs for rich fakivts also cannot do without Unlocker. It will be downloaded from the OS explorer. A special “helper” that saves the active program permanently and allows you to quickly exit it from the system tray.

    How to delete a file that is visible.

    A lot of files in the Windows system are blocked from being deleted, and fragments can cause low changes. It is not recommended to delete such files and folders at all, so as not to damage the entire operating system, but if you have an installed and installed computer, you can try to access such files. In addition, many programs and add-ons are deprived of files, which, in their turn, can take up significant amounts of memory. This "switch" from the beginning needs to be unlocked with special software, only then it can be deleted as the original file. In this article you will learn how to remove redundant files, as well as identify the reasons for such blocking.

    How to delete a file that is not visible: reverse the processes in the task manager

    Post a simple photograph or the picture cannot be erased as long as it is running in the system processes. For example, you really admired the movie and want to delete it from your computer, but Windows seems to be a problem. After all, your video file is no longer running on the player and simply cannot be viewed through it. Go to the task manager and reconnect so that you do not have any open processes that can corrupt a file that is not visible.

    • Press the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys on the keyboard. You will see a window called “Windows Task Manager”. Here you can access all running programs, stop them or close them. Go to the “Processes” tab.

    • It’s important to wonder what your secrets are. Perhaps one of them is the required file. To close this process, click on it once with the left mouse button and press the “End process” button at the lower right corner.
    • The process will be canceled and the file will be released. Now delete the required file as primary. You won't be able to trouble yourself with windows anymore.

    How to delete a file that is not visible: cleaning the registry

    A file that is lost in the registry or otherwise associated with it cannot be accessed from the computer. First of all, clean the registry, think carefully about whether you have enough skills for this. There are two cleaning options: with your own hands and through a specially created computer cleaning program. The first way to approach qualified clients is the most reliable.

    Cleaning the register independently

    Open the sound row by clicking Start in the Explorer menu.

    • In the search row, write regedit and press the Enter key to begin the search. If you look for a file, click on it with a bear.

    • You will see the Windows Registry Editor. In this time, you need to be very careful and know which files are preventing you from deleting a folder or other file on your computer. The essence of the work lies in the present: you find in the registry that folder that did not appear in the program or the necessary file and delete it.
    • The folders are divided into system, program and personal folders. Find the need, vikoryst and delete the evil menu.

    Cleaning the registry using special programs

    In order to save valuable time and not waste valuable time, there are special utilities for working with mothballs on a computer. One of the most popular such programs is called CCleaner. Download them from the official website of the distributor to completely uninstall programs, clean the registry, clear the browser cache and other utilities.

    • Go to the official website for instructions and click on the field to access programs. There is the possibility of having two versions: portable and permanent. The portable version is not installed on the computer, and you can transfer it to a flash drive or disk for use on other computers.

    • Installing the software will take just a little bit of work. Just follow the instructions on the screen.
    • Open the program after installation and go to the “CCleaner” tab. There will be a "windows" section, and you will need to select the first five items from the "windows Explorer" section and from the "System" section. So you clear the cache, file, registry and other application files to improve the computer’s performance and also prevent files from being deleted.
    • Click on the “Run Cleaner” button and check for completion. Try deleting your file.

    How to delete a file that is missing: unlock the file

    Many programs lock their files so that they cannot be deleted after the software is permanently erased from the computer. Make sure these click files save information about previous settings and logs of programs so that you can update them if you want to install the software again. You can unblock such files using special utilities; there is a small list for your choice:

    • FileAssassin is a cost-free program that can be expanded freely. There will be vikoristana in this statti like a butt.
    • Unlocker is the most popular program for unlocking files, you can remove the block from various system folders and files.
    • LockHunter allows you to run all unnecessary processes from a program like a job manager.
    • IObit Unlocker. The program supports Russian language.

    Go to the official FileAssassin website to download and click “Enter.”

    Where all your favorite files are saved, find and click on the file FileAssassin.exe

    The installation process is slightly different from other programs:

    • Select installation directory.
    • Please wait for the license.

    Once the installation is complete, check the box next to Run FileAssassin and click Finish.

    The program will open itself. In the first row you need to specify a file that is not visible. Click three dots on the right side of the window.

    Select the file and click “Open.”

    Make sure that Attempt FileAssassin's method of file processing is selected and the first three items are checked. Click "Execute".

    That's all. The file is completely locked, you can delete it as the original file using the Delete key.

    How to delete a file that is visible.

    Initially there is little history or files are taken that are not visible, do not boast after reading the instructions for a long time, it is written richly, but there are 2 references

    Provided access to the specified device

    There are situations when you have acquired a file and cannot do anything with it: neither delete it, nor rename it, nor run it. The other option is to edit access rights, since in the first case you cannot change the rights and cannot become the owner of the file. When you try interaction or deleted, you will see the notification: Access to the specified device, route or file is granted. It is possible that you do not have the required rights to access this object. In this way, due to the peculiarities of the distribution of access rights in Windows 7, you select the file so that it is not visible. It can also be removed if the hard drive is malfunctioning.

    This situation is quickly resolved using the Microsoft ERD Commander utility. Launch the ERD program for your version of windows, in the main menu, at the bottom there is an embossed message Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset

    The axis has reached the main one, now everything is simple, the explorer knows the file that has not been seen, which can be seen with the right mouse button and selecting delete - delete. (Div. fig. below)

    How to change file permissions

    If you still need a file that is not visible and cannot be deleted, but you just want to get it done, then the best option would be to change the access rights to the file. The simplest way is renaming. So, first rename the file. Just select Rename in the context menu and change at least one character in the name (do not change the extension), after re-signing you will revoke the access rights to the file, which is not visible.

    Well, if you don’t want to rename, then we’ll go the other way. From the context menu, select the bottom row - Properties. Here you can set file authorities: for reading, storing, archiving, writing. Ale mi let's go further, embossed Permissions

    I edit access rights for the skin care provider

    Why is the file in Windows 7 the master?

    Following the above-described procedures, the system becomes the owner of the file. In order to eliminate the lack of access rights to large unseen files, we need to become the owner. For this purpose in Windows, click the right button on the file and select the authority. Go to the Safety tab and stamp Dodatkovo at the bottom

    It doesn’t matter who is the current Vlasnik, imprintedly change

    In the window, select your account entry and quit

    Well, you have become the owner of the file. Presumably: If you do not have access rights to a previously recorded file after reinstalling the system, then you simply become the owner or edit the access rights.

    If you have acquired a file and you do not have access to it in any way, then with the help of ERD Commander you can see the unseen file, rename it or edit the rights with the same program. 7 lessons There is not much history at the beginning, because the files are not visible, do not hesitate after reading the instructions for a long time. and to the designated location There are situations when you have entrusted a file and cannot do anything with it: neither delete it, nor rename it, nor run it... Similar glitches occur more often on Windows.

    How to view files and folders that are not visible - TOP programs

    It is practical for every Windows user, if there was a situation in life, if when erasing any file or folder, they could not be deleted. In such situations, the system writes that the file is occupied by another process or simply blocked.

    As a rule, to resolve the problem, it is enough to close the program, which prevents the file from being deleted. However, the system does not always provide comprehensive information about those that it itself does not provide for specific actions, for example, data. However, there are often situations in which the file cannot be deleted after the blocking process is closed.

    There are no reasons why a file may be blocked by the system or by any program, the following are the following:

    • Access to the file is closed by the administrator
    • The file or folder can be used in any process
    • Granting access to the file, then. you may be able to engage in another profession
    • The disc is write-protected, then. You won’t write anything down and you won’t see anything.
    • and other reasons

    In this article we look at three programs for removing blocked files and one way that can be done without installing an additional software

    Computer users often struggle with the inability to delete a file, folder or program. When you try to carry out a remote registration, the user will refuse to do so information:

    Let's do it again pardon related to the fact that the file is a folder keep busy with another program. For example, the father has a document that is now open. Apparently, you won’t be able to delete the folder, and the document won’t be closed.

    I'm still fussing program, both from these and other reasons simultaneously occur.

    There may be problems if nothing is running on the PC, and you can’t delete the necessary element. We will look at such incidents.

    Basic methods of collection

    First of all, let’s get to the “important artillery” in the role of specialized software, you can try simple methods missing elements that are not visible:

    Since none of the reinsurance methods worked, we move on to the next section.

    Daily access rights

    Sometimes it happens that the local account manager simply does not have rights to the object that is being removed.

    Shchob change permissions for the file you need:

    Now that the setup is complete, you can try the visuals.

    Unlocker for video

    If any of the methods did not help, we go to the next program. Most popular program – Unlocker. You can find it on the retailer's website. I will cover the PZ costless.

    The supplement allows unblock file that is not visible, please call it.

    There are two versions of the program – installedі portable.

    Portable the version allows you to vikorize the program without installation What to do manually, since there are no plans to vikorist.

    The robotic algorithm is easy to complete:

    In these situations, if the file is involved in a system process, the program is registered re-enchant computer Weather expected and check for delivery.

    Other software

    The neck is sleeping analogues the programs described above, but I don’t want to get enough of them.

    One of the most popular is iObitUnlocker. You can sign up for the iObit software package. All actions it has are similar to Unlocker.

    One more addition - Deadlock. Vikoristannya is also not a stock of difficult things.

    Launchable The program is considered to be a necessary element for editing.

    Then press the right button on the element in the list and select UnlockRemove.

    Don’t waste any more time.

    How do you see the programs that you can’t see?

    Programs may also appear to disappear. You come across software that simply There is no remote function from a computer. This problem can be resolved quickly using the following utilities:

    In most cases, when working on a computer, problems with deleted folders, documents and other files do not occur. The stinks can be easily seen with the “Delete” button, from the menu by pressing the right mouse button or by dragging it over the “Cats” icon.

    However, in some cases, programs and files are inserted deeply into the system or there are some restrictions that prevent them from being opened in the normal way. It's important to know how to remove an uninstallable program from your computer, which programs and system capabilities can be used quickly.

    Please note that any problematic files or programs can be deleted. The only thing that matters is how much money is spent on the computer and how much you have to spend on the whole process.

    Why are the files not visible?

    Often it is not possible to find out until the end what made it impossible to delete a program or file.

    The most common reasons are:

    1. The file is currently being vikorized as a supplement and cannot be seen until the program is closed.
    2. The program or file is blocked by an antivirus to prevent any actions for security reasons.
    3. The file will not be deleted if it is vikorist or launched on another computer from a local network (the same operations as in the first point).
    4. The file may be needed by the system itself and used by it.
    5. The restrictions may be on the system itself - for example, protection from writing to a device.
    6. Daily administrator rights in this cloud account are required for deletion.

    Important! Files that require administrator rights in Windows 7 and Windows 10 are indicated by a confirmation icon and a pop-up window appears when you try to delete the file, which indicates that you do not have access rights. Iyu.

    Simple way virishennya

    As always, the best solutions to problems are also the simplest. The first thing to do is to simply restart your computer.

    At the time of re-downloading, there are a number of reasons for the inability to retrieve files: they are closed by programs that could be corrupted, and a number of system processes and programs that are corrupted are lost.

    Safe mode for Windows

    If restarting did not help, you should try to delete the file in the system's safe mode. In Windows 7, you can select the mode of operation of the operating system by pressing the F8 key before starting the computer. In version 10 of Windows, safe mode is much more difficult to exit, but there are no problems.

    However, this does not help, and erased files will continue to take up space on the computer and there is no risk of losing it if you need a program that deletes files that cannot be deleted.

    Important: As mentioned, there are many reasons for problematic files. You won’t need to figure it out too soon and you can get it right the first time you try. It is possible that you will have to quickly work through a number of programs. Plus, older versions of programs may not run correctly in Windows 10.

    Total Commander

    In essence, Total Commander is a file manager, and not a program for dealing with problematic files. However, this program itself has a reasonable interface and bypasses a number of barriers of the operating system, including in Windows 10. If the problem itself was in the barriers on the side of Windows, with the help of Total Commander you can select the entire file Please leave calmly.

    If you need to delete files that are not visible, the first thing that comes to mind is a program called Unlocker. After it is installed, when you press the right mouse button on the file, a new menu item will appear with the corresponding inscription.

    When you click on the Unlocker option in Windows 10, a window with a list of processes appears. These processes, which allow you to view a specific file at once, do not allow you to delete it.

    There are two options here:

    Complete the process completely, allowing you to perform any actions on the created file.

    Unblock the process without allowing it to apply boundaries to the file that is being saved. This option is better, although in a number of drops you can see the victorious file, it will all lead to a disruption in the progress of the robotic process and its closure.


    If the program you use to quickly access the file is no longer relevant, the current program is on the list as FileASSASIN.

    The program will also appear in the Explorer menu after installation and allows you to delete folders and files that are being analyzed by any processes or programs.

    Suitable for both side-by-side system processes and for customer add-ons.


    LockHunter is an excellent option for deleting files, which is suitable for almost all account users. As with other programs, the files behind LockHunter are no longer turbulent.

    However, in this case, the program is protected by the system, so that when you decide to delete a program that is not visible, the user will not be able to delete the files required by Windows and thereby harm your robot.

    IObit Unlocker

    A program that copes well with any problems, if when you try it, it merges the window with the boundaries: a file of classes, vikoryst, what else? IObit Unlocker quietly bypasses the exchange and transfer of files from the system.

    All programs reviewed in the statistics, and the list of blocked files, programs and their traces have their own characteristics and functional capabilities. I especially like the vikorist program unlocker.

    How do you delete files that are not visible? I look out for your views in the comments.