The iPhone has a quiet speaker - why is the sound dull. Is your iPhone speaker quiet? iPhone 7 problems with speaker

I recently ran into a terrible problem, or rather, not me, but two of my friends. Resentment was felt towards those who iPhone speaker is quiet, When the phone sinks and does not fall.

One of them immediately asked me for help in going to the right place, and the other decided to carry out repairs on his own... by replacing the auditory speaker module. Replacing the speaker did not lead to anything, and the solution in both cases turned out to be completely banal.

The main reasons why iPhone speakers are quiet:

  1. hit by vologs
  2. Mechanical dynamics
  3. Dynamic mesh is clogged with brood
  4. Phone drop from height

Having taken a quick look at both phones, it became clear that their owners rarely bothered to murmur their ears. I don’t mean that they can smell the stink, but the fact that the speaker screen was tightly clogged with grease.

In principle, I have already named the reason for the “malfunction” (as you can call it that way) in the dynamics of the iPhone and you can no longer read the article until the end... ALEI, I would still like you to finish reading it before the point where I share my evidence in the cleared dynamic grids.

So, the average iPhone user, I will NOT put my phone in a thin, impenetrable case. If you fall into this category of people, you will immediately marvel at the openings and crevices of the iPhone case. are to blame for a lot of saw and brood. Are you looking for any stars? The sound is from guts, bags, chesty hands and fatty ears.

The widest place where fat deposits are packed is the hearing speaker grille. Same Dirt deposits significantly reduce the clarity and depth of sound under the hour of telephone conversation.

When you hold the phone up to your ear... and begin to crawl around the ear, some of the fat (and all people have a fatty part of their body, especially those who don’t wash them regularly) penetrates the middle of the mesh in front of the speaker and creates a strong plug.

How to clean the sieve under the pond? Here you need to be extremely careful. The mesh itself is delicate and cannot “tolerate” strong pressure. I especially used a wooden toothpick to carefully clean the dirt from the outside.

Try and you will make the same ones. Having finished working with a toothpick, you can also go over the fabric with an old toothbrush, and then see (with your mouth) the excess saw.

I think this is all about solving the problem with the iPhone's speaker being quiet.

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When I cleaned it, I messed up a little more and on both phones I removed the screen, and then removed the earpiece from the screen module. In this way, I denied access to the network from both sides.

Looking at the mesh for light, in both cases I poured a lot of fat into the sieve. Using a toothpick gently, along the different sides, and periodically filling the mesh with alcohol (very little... less than a drop), I was not able to clean the opening with the mesh surface. Now in the light it shone like new.

Vlasne is in this place and lies reason for quiet iPhone speaker. As soon as you clean it, it will lie in front of you. If you are an important person and are not afraid to use your hands, plus you obviously have a pair of straight hands - feel free to remove the screen.

Instructions on how to remove the screen and hearing speaker module for your iPhone model can be found on The tool requires a minimum. In reality, the procedure is absolutely not complicated.

Chantly, the trail will keep you safe speeches that work is not good:

  • Do not try to fill the mesh with ripe, but if you are scrubbing with alcohol, use well-pressed cotton swabs
  • do not cut the heads, blades, or scissors
  • If you decided to remove the screen, then connect it directly to the cables

Remember that careless/incorrect actions can actually throw the speaker out of tune. Even if you spend money, it’s still not acceptable. I wish you success! And to get rid of the problem further, rub it more often...

Fair, not overprotected or undervalued. There are prices on the Service website. Obov'yazkovo! without “stars”, intelligently and reportably, where it is technically possible - as accurate as possible, pidbags.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of folding repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require less than an hour. The website shows the approximate cost of any repairs.

Guarantee and reliability

A guarantee is provided for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is valid to the best of our ability and is up to you. A guarantee of 3-6 months is good and will last. It is required to check the frame and any defects that cannot be immediately detected. Use honest and real terms (not 3 terms), you can sing to help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the availability and reliability of spare parts, so good service is provided directly from customers, firstly there are a number of reliable channels and your own warehouse with verified spare parts for current models, so that you don’t have to waste hiy hour.

Cost-free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don’t have to pay a penny for it, even if you don’t repair the devices behind your bags.

Repair in service and delivery

Good service values ​​your hour and offers cost-free delivery. And for this reason, repairs are completed only in the workshop of the service center: correctly and according to the technology, it is possible to carry out the work in a prepared place.

manual schedule

If the Service performs for you, and not for itself, then it will be recognized forever! absolutely. The schedule must be manual in order to fit in before and after work. Good service is provided both during the weekend and during the holy day. We check in with you and work on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals is based on several points

Century and information about the company

We have known reliable and reliable service for a long time.
Since a company in the market has already had a lot of successes, and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people are following it, writing about it, and recommending it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of the participants in the installations in the SC will be restored.
Other service centers trust us and pass on their work to us.

How many masters give directions

If you are always checked by a number of skin engineers, you can sing:
1. There will be no drawing (or it will be minimal) - on your device you can do it right away.
2. You submit your Macbook for repair to an expert in the field of Mac repairs. Vin knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

Whenever you ask for food, the faciliator is responsible for this information as accurately as possible.
So that you show what you yourself need.
Try to solve the problem. In most cases, following the description, you can understand what was wrong and how to fix the problem.

09/23/2016, Fri, 13:09, Moscow time , Text: Valeria Shmirova

Owners of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus massively publish crap about the harshness of sound during the hour of telephone communication on the Apple support forums. Having rejected such crap over the phone, the company proposes to send the device for repair.

Vlasniki iPhone 7 squeals on the harshness of the sound

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus users complain about the filthy harshness of the sound during phone calls. Some of the swearing was captured by the AppleInsider resource, and another part was voiced on the Apple support forums.

One of the pro-Russian forums supported the statement that the language of the Holy Spirit under the hour of prayer sounds like nothing from afar. In fact, a number of journalists have shared the problem of “remote” sound. Most of them, including the author of the greatest crap, are owners of the iPhone 7 Plus.

company reaction

According to one customer, when he called Apple's customer support service, he was asked to record a voice alert and play it over the speaker, which is used for telephone communication. Having listened to the notification, the service provider noticed that the sound was different from normal. Vlasnik was asked to either send a smartphone for repair, or go to the nearest Genius Bar - a technical support section in various Apple stores.

On the Apple support forums, mass scumbags of the iPhone 7 appeared on the brilliance of the sound during the hour of telephone conversation with

Please clarify that when you turn on the radio or listen to music without headphones, the iPhone 7 sounds completely normal. The problem with the “distant” sound can be smoothed out a little by changing the loudness during the hour of prayer. On the forums, support for Apple's mobile devices is in response to the skargi of koristuvachev, upgrading them to the standard phrase “What should you do if you can’t hear the sound or hear the sound of your iPhone, iPad or iPod?” The koristuvachs in their own words declare that they completed all the assignments assigned to the service, but there was no problem.

The problem of searching for borders in iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

This is not the first problem, as the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus have failed. Just a few days ago, device authorities began to complain that a smartphone would not load mobile data after turning on “airplane mode.” The company has encouraged customers to re-install the device in such cases, and if this does not help, remove and reinsert the SIM card. In some cases, Apple does not enable smartphone replacement. In a statement to the AppleInsider resource, the company reported that the problem, more than anything else, was the “slightly crooked SIM card.”

sizzling iPhones

Just a few days ago, money began to appear from the first owners of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. There are stench in the middle of the smartphone, which occurs when there is a high load on the processor. Among others, the authors of IT-video 512 Pixels and TechCrunch commented on the amazing sound. An anonymous notification about the wonderful thorn was published on Twitter. The company did not comment on the situation, but rather recommended that the smartphone be replaced with a special accountant.

In addition, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus users have problems with the Home button, which in new models has become touch-sensitive. The button only reacts to a small number of sharp-conducting objects, so, for example, it is impossible to press it into the mitten.

In the spring, official sales of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus smartphones started. It is inevitable that the launch of new Apple products cannot be done without the utmost respect of the third party, so any bug would risk a tragedy on a global scale. Varto can only guess the problem with a loose connection in the iPhone 4, a problem in the iPhone 5, or a bend in the iPhone 6 Plus.

No serious defects have yet been identified with the iPhone 7. Most problems may arise when the smartphone is reinstalled, and others can be fixed with the release of the next update.

1. Hissing sounds during an hour of intense work

On the day after the start of sales of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in Merezha, the first money-sucking buyers for the devices appeared. We are talking about the A10 Fusion processor, which has the power to produce “mysterious sounds” when the smartphone is used intensively.

In the words of Vlasnik “Simok”, the new 4-core processor begins to hiss under the hour of high demand. The sound can be heard through the body and directed to the stand in front of the gadget. This occurs during intensive work of the computing module, which is not possible in any other Apple processor or competing chips, such as Qualcomm and MediaTek.

At the moment there is no simple way to solve this problem. If you feel that the sound is incredibly loud, replace the device under warranty.

2. Low hours of autonomous work

There are a number of problems with iOS 10 that have occurred on both iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The problem is that the smartphone simply stops responding to touches or cannot connect to Bluetooth, and the mobile Internet is interrupted. However, many people have traditionally complained about the hour of autonomous operation of the iPhone 7.

In 9 out of 10 episodes, there is an abnormal discharge of the flagships of the caller by the background robot of one or another supplement. In such situations, you need to go to settings, the Battery section and look at the list of the most energy-consuming tasks. To enhance the autonomy of your smartphones, you need to go to the main settings screen, then go to the Main - Content Update section and enable the specified option for the “killer” add-on. Also, the energy saving mode will help you to work for an hour away from the outlet: Adjust the battery.

3. The vitriol of the sound is bad when it rings

Several iPhone 7 users reported low volume sound during phone calls. The latest scams have appeared on Apple's tech support site. The first person to write about the problem was a correspondent named Stefan Fischer. This announcement is dated June 16th, the day of the start of iPhone 7 sales.

In the case of the discussed problem, the koristuvachs have deprived of anonymous comments on similar skargs. Most of them are iPhone 7 Plus owners.

Apple does not officially comment on the problem, but on the company’s website there is an article under the heading “Words or problems with sound from the iPhone speaker.” In a variety of similar defects, it is possible to increase the sound, re-engineer the device, or remove obstructions from the dynamics using a brush with soft bristles.

4. iPhone 7 does not know the time limit after turning on Airplane mode

All purchases of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are aware of the problem associated with the operation of Airplane mode. Once the function is turned on, the connection to the cable connection is lost.

Apple has already been notified of the outage and has provided technical support with detailed instructions. Everyone who suffers from such a problem is advised to renew their iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. If this does not help, remove and reinsert the SIM card.

5. Problems with Lightning headphones

Several purchasers of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus encountered incorrect operation of Lightning headphones EarPods. According to correspondents, hour after hour the remote control on the branded Apple headset stops functioning and freezes. This means that you will be unable to connect EarPods to iPhone 7 for as long as possible. The sound continues to function, but the buttons cannot be pressed. Users cannot mix songs or adjust the volume of the sound, although the microphone works properly.

The problem with known sound has been addressed in the updated iOS 10.0.2. In order to update the correct operation of your headphones, you must update your iPhone 7 to a new version.

6. Problems with activation

In some cases, after turning on the iPhone 7 for the first time, you cannot activate devices. Activation failure, as a rule, occurs when there are problems with access to the Internet. Change your connections to the limit. If it keeps happening, try switching to the Wi-Fi network. If the problem goes away, try re-activating your smartphone several times or activating it by connecting to iTunes.

7. Bluetooth robot is unstable

Volodars have recently entered the sales of gadgets, also due to the unstable robotic Bluetooth connection. On the Apple forums, buyers write about those who cannot connect the iPhone 7 to the car stereo.

Some of the device's operators report that the smartphone is working, but voice calls through the on-board system are delayed. Some users complain that the iPhone 7 connects to the car’s on-board system after 10 seconds, after which the gadget can no longer be connected to the system. The greatest savings come from BMW cars.

If you are faced with a similar problem, you will no longer need to check. According to company representatives, Apple is currently working on updates that are to blame for the problems.

Regardless of the fact that people buy such an expensive gadget like the iPhone, insurance companies are trying to find a clear and reliable device, but its benefits will not be realized for a long time. On the other hand, Apple products often stop working with speakers and not only the old ones, but the new ones are no longer available. There are plenty of reasons to provoke such a malfunction, starting with factory defects and ending with physical injuries. To put everything in its place and understand why the speaker on your iPhone is not working, please read this article carefully.

Naturally, every smartphone requires an individual approach to most problems, as people play around with the gadget in their own way and use their own minds to use it. Below is a summary of the main causes of breakdowns associated with poor sound on iPhone:

  • Water gets into the middle of the body.
  • The channels were cleaned with a saw and pieces of various kinds of smite.
  • The device automatically switches to silent mode.
  • The device fell due to a strong blow.
  • Factory defect.
  • Significant power drop while charging the phone at 220 volts.
  • Modifying the iOS operating system or installing crooked firmware (including jailbreak).

software malfunction

In principle, add-ons for iOS devices are created correctly and with the maximum minimization of system failures. Alas, it seems like: “once upon a river, the club shoots.” So, after installing any program from the App Store, you can change system parameters. There are benefits to the system, which is due to the installed add-on, which can cause a defect, in which the sound of the Guchnomov machine is very bad or not at all.

To identify the culprit, analyze after any actions you started having problems with sound and remove suspicious programs. After cleaning up the corrupted software, go to the volume settings and change all the parameters, then you need to protest the sound dynamics. If the problem has disappeared, follow the instructions below.

speaker failure

Damaged dynamics can be detected by connecting headphones to the phone. The reversal lies in the testing of the sound board itself, since the sound board itself does not give a sign of life, but through the headphones there is sound, then in 95% of cases of malfunctions it is the same. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • The middle of the mini-column or its contacts has been damaged by water.
  • The iPhone fell or suffered severe shaking.
  • Through "jailbreaking" there was an increase in the volume and bass, which led to the rupture of the membrane of the speakers, after which, when the speaker was uninstalled, it became a little bad.
  • You bought a defective smartphone.

This type of repair requires an externally disassembled gadget, which requires special tools and skills. If you are not in charge of them, it is better to entrust this work to professionals from the service center. The repair technicians can easily replace the necessary spare parts in a short hour, and you will again be able to enjoy the melody of your device.

Note! Do not at any time attempt to disassemble the device yourself, as the warranty period is further extended.

Getting out of tune with the speaker cable

Here, as in the first instance, the phone cannot do without rotating the body. Obviously, it is necessary to take it in for repairs before delivery. If you are 100% at your best, please follow these instructions:

  • Using the TS1 five-pin screw, unscrew two screws from the bottom of the case, along the edges of the USB connector.
  • Attach the suction cups to the bottom of the screen and pull on them, while simultaneously using a plastic spatula to support the front part (do not rush, so as not to break the suction).
  • After removal, unlock the display from the bottom part without damaging the cable.
  • The speaker module will appear above the charging device.
  • Visually inspect the cable for damage, as well as the reliability of fixing its edge into the clamp:
  • If the cable sits well, but there is physical damage, then just replace the module.

iPhone motherboard problems

Basically, such problems occur after a strong impact of the gadget on a hard surface or due to a sharp loss of electricity during charging. Due to the fact that the motherboard is responsible for all processes of the iPhone, any defect in it can lead to problems with sound. In the minds of the home, it is practically impossible to recognize the malfunction of this device. If you have tried all the simplest methods, but they did not bring results, then, for everything, on the right itself in the central plate. There is only one way out - a service center, however, it is good enough for the servant to hit him in the gut.

re-enable the device

Solve the banal method of the most serious problem, but it’s still foolish. It helps if everything was normal during the operation of the phone, and if you had tried your headphones before the current crisis, or tried a new audio program, or installed an updated operating system for the gadget.

Now you should try a simple reset, but if it didn’t help, try “important artillery” - Hard Reset (press the Home and ON keys at the same time, until the phone does NOT reset).

Firmware update and iPhone update

In the process of surfing web sites and downloading various content, viruses may appear on your iPhone that support system files, which can cause problems with sound. To fix this, you need to update iOS, in case there is a new version, or reinstall the firmware.

The first option does not have files stored in the phone’s internal memory, which cannot be said about the other, since it is necessary to create backup copies of all content. To download this operation, run this operation on your computer iTunes, connect the iPhone via a USB cable, update or install the new OS.


As you can see, the reasons for the lack of mass dynamics, to identify specific ones, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of all the conditions associated with them. If neither re-installation nor removal of suspicious programs helped, then it is better not to experiment and bring the device to the service.
