Tytbu head office. About the company. Updating mail programs and mobile devices

Dmitro Smirnov,

Vzhe kіlka tizhnіv step by step transferring instead of postal screenshots and the entire listing of TUT.BY correspondents to the "Yandex.Poshta" service. Let's guess that yogo was called out by Google's closed company's services email, which is located under the gmail.com domain on the Google Apps Partner Edition service.

We are already aware of the most important source of coristuvachiv (we recommend that you read them again), while the hour of transferring blames new moments, which will require additional clarification.

Visibility of cookies

Also, when authorizing on the http://mail.tut.by side, a form is displayed on Yandex with the prompt to enter the login and password again, we recommend that you close the side, see the cookies (through the browser settings) and try again to enter the password Postal screenshot from the side http://mail.tut.by. Below we point to those who are viconati in the most popular browsers:
  • Visibility of cookies in Google browser Chrome, Chromium and yoga-based browsers (Yandex.Browser, Amigo, etc.) - a request;
  • Viluchennya cookies V Mozilla Firefox- posilannya;
  • Visibility of cookies in Internet Explorer- posilannya;
  • Visibility of cookies in Opera - enable .
In addition, since before you tried to enter the same browser to enter the mail, you can try to go to the mail screen for help, as long as you do not save the old cookies.

Updating mail programs and mobile devices

If earlier you were using a storage program, or you fixed the authorization on the mobile extension, then after transferring the screens you will need to change the setup:
  • mobile attachments (In the field "Im'ya koristuvacha" enter, if you please, the address of the postal screen in the format im'[email protected]).

You may not have been able to save Google's public record data before the rescheduling

Tim, who after transferring the screenshots needs hourly access to the old Google public record to save files from Google Drive, contacts, etc., needs to:
  1. Log in with http://mail.tut.by in the account mind IM'YA_KORISTUVACHA.moved with a previous password;
  2. speed up instructions from Google about how to transfer data (send);
  3. The easiest way to save contacts is through export, and in Yandex, get through import. It's easier to save data from Google Drive for help Google service takeout.
If the methods didn’t help you and you didn’t know the answer to your question, then we recommend that you correct report description problems on [email protected] (as the in-line screenshot is not displayed, you can register/record a backup mail). Fahіvtsі obov'yazkovo will help you.

2015 the popular Belarusian portal TYT.BY was transferred to the Wikipedia postal service Yandex, after which the masters of the iOS add-on found out some discomfort, the shards had a chance to reinstall the mail client.

It's a pity that the update doesn't appear automatically, like in Gmail. The problem is solved by the fact that when you set it up, you will need to manually enter the addresses of the POP and SMPT servers, as well as go through the registration process on the site. In case of unacceptability, all coristuvachi resources are both essential and new. In the instructions below, we report on the procedure for installing TUT.BY mail on iPhone and iPad.

How to get the TUT.BY mail screenshot on iPhone or iPad after switching to Yandex.Mail

1 . Go to the TUT.BY website in a browser on a computer, smartphone or tablet, enter your login and password, click "Poshta".

The resource will automatically redirect you to the completed registration page, where you need to enter additional data about the physical record. Save the required fields and press Complete the registration.

2 . Go to the Web-interface Yandex.Send for help, click on the gear icon in the right sidebar oblіkovogo record and to the splintering vіknі choose razdіl Other.

3 . Choose a section Mail programs at the column of evil.

4 . Place checkmarks next to all items and press the button save the change.

Respect. Without the description of the description above, the correct work of the tut.by robot on the iPhone and iPad may not be possible.

5 . For iPhone or iPad go to distribution Nalashtuvannya —> Post —> Cloud records.

6 . On the next ecarni choose " Add a physical note". Since there is no list of requested services, press " otherwise«;

7 . Transition to distribution "New Face Record", enter the data of the oblique record and press "Dali". It is necessary to introduce it again, for example [email protected]

Select protocol IMAP or POP for a little more customization, send it to iPhone or iPad.

8 . Below, fill in all the middles in this order:

We have chosen the IMAP protocol:

  • input mail server imap.yandex.ru
  • external mail server smtp.yandex.ru
  • Enter Passwordі Im'ya Koristuvacha. Important! save in the upper right fold.

Yakscho V chose POP:

  • input mail server pop.yandex.ru
  • external mail server smtp.yandex.ru
  • Enter Passwordі Im'ya Koristuvacha. Important! It is necessary to introduce it again, for example [email protected] Do not forget to confirm with the button save in the upper right fold.

If you have problems, try manually setting the ports for the servers in the input and output mail (for most outputs, it is not necessary):

Incoming mail (POP3):
Server name: pop.yandex.ru;
Wicoristy SSL: So;
Port: 995.

Outbound mail (SMTP):
Server name: smtp.yandex.ru;
Wicoristy SSL: So;
Port: 465.

For shortlisted people who use IMAP4:
Server name: imap.yandex.ru;
Wicoristy SSL: So;
Port: 993.

For whom, the installation of TUT.BY on the iPhone and iPad is completed.

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY is the main information and service Internet portal for everyone who lives near Belarus and cries under the borders of the country beyond the cordon. Okhoplennya - 62% of all Internet-koristuvachs in Belarus

Today, the portal publishes over 200 novelties about Belarusian and foreign countries, prepares good materials, looks around analytically, publishes video reports, and conducts online broadcasts. The editorial staff will carefully follow them, so that the information is up-to-date, well-organized, professionally created, of various genres, non-engaged.

Let's see what's new TUT.BY promotes audiences of specialized distribution and services, calling to satisfy their needs: according to the weather forecast, the posters come to the exchange rate. TUT.BY specializations are among the top 3 most popular resources on their topics.

The portal is resolutely chasing after the trust and safety of the given services, giving the skin the ability to know that take away the information for the interests, helping the coristuvachs to form their own setting to the bottom, bridging the interplay between the coristuvachis.

The history of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY began in 2000 years. TUT.BY postage free of charge, news from the archive, weather, exchange rates, prices for fire and guest book, forums and air conditioners. Pіznіshe began nadavatisya services for the sale of Internet advertising. Step by step the portal was popovnyuvavsya with new divisions, projects and services.

For more than 17 years, the startup TUT.BY has won a successful group of companies with different business directions and with a team of more than 350 professionals.

The company invests in a small number of young promising IT-companies, constantly supporting significant initiatives and beneficial projects, and is focused on start-ups.

target audience

The target audience of the TUT.BY portal is all the Belarusians in the Internet segment (population of the country, as well as those who live in Belarus). At the widest sensei, like a person in Baynet, we respect our own target audience. on Narazi there are 5+ million Belarusian koristuvachs who want to go online once every 3 months.


Our meta is the first among all senses of the mass media word in Belarus. The realization of the freedom of speech in the Karkani is stuck in the billet (without a half-tied abundant of the engagement of an engagement of the burdens) INformation-OSVITRICH PORTAL, POSHENIS IS COMPLET, but I have to do the fact that it is core for the bristles. Internet services.


The mission of the TUT.BY portal is to give the skin coristuvachy the ability to take objective information for interests, to expand one's horizons and live one's own life.


There are no companies, like people, without values. We have three of them in total, but the stench pervades all our activities and is the measure of the veins of our spivrobitniks. Values ​​are a guideline for the molding of water as the core of our company, as well as in mutual relations with clients, partners, contractors, state authorities and others.


Rozumіnі tse - self-sufficiency, tobto. freedom of choice, acceptance of decisions and vikonnannya specific actions. Therefore, freedom can not be controlled on the basis of special consideration for one’s thoughts and choices, and for the result of one’s decisions. The company wants special support and initiative, which is the best way to promote the quality of life of spivrobitnikiv and support in a bad way.

Right to pardon

Mi perekonani, that the baggage of pardons accompanies us to the path heaped up until we reach, which will help us to get such pardons. And yet, as a pardon for witnesses of incompetence, if it is repeated, then it’s better to express our understanding of this understanding.


The entire working process is done on our own. It is important for us that the clients trust us, so we peacefully put ourselves before publications, goiter and housekeeping. We trust our supporters, in exchange for the effective work and achievement of goals.

Corporate social responsibility

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY has established principles of development and corporate social viability in its activity.

2014 the Belarusian portal TUT.BY came to the UN voluntary initiative Global Compact. Our little robots are committed to the ten principles of the Global Compact for the rights of people, labor resources, the protection of the environment and the fight against corruption.

The sound of the steel development of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY (2014-2015) available for request, for 2016 r_k Sound.

However, even earlier, from the moment the company was founded, we tried to invest in the formation of a business medium and serve as a positive example of the social viability of the business for the Belarusian society.

Respect for journalists in the portal to social problems help to unite people who are not afraid of the problem all over Belarus, give respect to the spivrobitniks of the state government and spriyaє їх virishennya.

Today, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY is destroying an order of magnitude of the day with hospitality of suspіlnі those. We take part in various associations and socially significant ones on a national scale, abi to improve the market, society, and ecology, too. A priority for us is also startup-ruh.

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY itself starts and organizes socially significant initiatives, for example, in 2006 the international conference “Business Internet” became popular.

In 2007, the Help.blog.tut.by project was launched, dedications are seriously ill to children that are old enough to require help. At the new one, the animals of the batkiv and the relatives will help in the collection of cats for the likuvannya of the sick.

In 2010, the artist Gallery TUT.BY opened its doors, where public exhibitions and creative evenings are held.

The company also works closely with visas, providing internships for students.

On TUT.BY excursions with professional orientation are held for students and schoolchildren, as well as children from child houses and child forces.

Key persons

Yuriy Ziser

The head of the high-profile teams of participants of TOV "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

Head of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY, professional programmer, system analyst, mentor, philanthropist. Author of books, headlines and hundreds of articles in Belarusian and Russian periodicals. We support startups, social acceptance and musical projects. Born in 1960 Graduated from the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, for the specialty "Electronic Calculation Machines" with a specialization in biomedical cybernetics. Pratsyuvav on a number of industrial enterprises and in science. Spivvlasnik TOV "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY), TOV "Nadіyni programs" (hoster.by), to a number of other Internet companies of various specializations. Worked as an assistant professor at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Shche 2002 on the Fifth Belarusian Internet-Forum it was taken to the people's fate from the Belarusian Internet. In 2012, the roci took off the title of "Mentor of the Rock". The author of the book "Marketing on-line", at the same time, together with the authors, published the heading manual on IT-business for universities. In 2017, having won the Leader of Advocacy-2016 award to the Assembly of Business Clubs for the most effective promotion of civilizations and visionary methods of dialogue between business and the state. Having won the title of "Patron of Culture in the Sphere of Culture" in 2016 and 2017.

Hobі: expensive, playing on the organ.

Lyudmila Chekina
General Director of TOV "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

TOV "Nadіyni propromy" came to work in 2008 for the appointment of a legal adviser. In September 2011, she became the intercessor of the general director of a legal support company. From December 2012 until February 2017, she worked as the General Director of UE "Nadijni programs", from the 1st February 2017 - General Director of TOV "TUT BY MEDIA". In 2016, she completed the Executive MBA course at the IPM Business School. Do yoga in the free time, love to read.

Alla Lapatko
Lead engineer TUT.BY

Graduated from the Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College for the specialty "mathematician - programmer", Gomel state university for the specialty "mathematician". In the Unitary Enterprise "Nadіyni propromy" has been working since 1995. cheruvala led the development of banking technologies. From 2006 - Lead engineer TUT.BY, since 2009 to 2017 - Director of TOV "RELSOFT". Keruє rozrobkoy software portal. Zakhoplennya: robot, literature.

Marina Zolotova

Head editor of TUT.BY

Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Belarusian State University, postgraduate studies at the Institute of Education of the National Academy of Sciences. It determines the editorial policy. It’s time to marvel at the news on the TV and listen to the radio (and if there are no news, then listen to the Balkan music). You know Bulgarian and love this country. Friendly, mother that son.

Xenia Ivanova

Intercessor of the General Director of commercial nutrition and development TOV "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

In 2006, she graduated from the BDUIR for the specialty " Information systems that technology in the economy”, started on the Business MaximuM program in the Mini-MBA format from the consulting group “Tut i Zaraz”. In advertising from 2006. From September 2010 Commercial Director of TUT.BY. Coordinates the work of all commercial promotions on the portal, develops advertising tools, takes part in the development of the main product and projects of TUT.BY, partner projects. Speak masterfully, charge with energy.

Kirilo Voloshin

Spivzasnovnik TOV "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

Having obtained economic education at the Institute of Modern Knowledge. Author of low publications, updates and stories about Internet marketing. Observer of the newspaper "Computer News" with a rich experience; published in the publications "Computerra On-line", "Hard&Soft", "Computerna Gazeta" and others. Associate Professor of BDU, lecturer of courses at the Institute of Public Relations and the Academy of Postgraduate Education. Captivity: humor in all manifestations, hot licks, hustle/wcs, athletics, extreme water. From 2000 to 2012 r.b. cherubav operational work TUT.BY. Have 2004 r. at the VI Belarusian Internet-Forum, naming people's fate on the Belarusian Internet. Business yangol, on this occasion, having won the title of "Mint rock 2019". Spivvlasnik low Internet companies. Trying to vikhovuvat donka that sina.

Like a powerful company, and de shukati I will need a person

Values ​​TUT.BY

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