Ways to create transparent backgrounds. Creating a transparent background in HTML and CSS (effective opacity and RGBA) How to create a transparent background css


Sets the color of the element to the background. Wanting to keep the power not to decline the power of your father through those who are gradually becoming clearer, the color of the background of the daughter elements will match the color of the background of the father's element.


background color:<цвет>| transparent | inherit


transparent Sets the transparency to solid. inherit The last meaning of the father.

HTML5 CSS2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

background color

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

In this case, for the elements of the web page, there are three different ways to set the background color. The result of the butt is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Tweaking background-color

Object Model

document.getElementById("elementID ").style.backgroundColor


Internet Explorer up to and including version 7.0 does not support the inherit value.

The transparency of the background image (accepted for 2016) cannot be installed directly through CSS (including CSS 3). Є impersonal workarounds to solve the problem.

Zmіshuvannya fonіv

The simplest solution is to mix two backgrounds (an image and a transparent color). Tsey sposіb pіdіyde, yakscho pіd "let's see through the background images" of the same type because it’s not the transparency of the picture, but її іmіtatsija for rahunok zmіshuvannya image with color. Install the underlying background that is formed from the background image and the desired color with the alpha channel. After choosing the most appropriate blending mode and using the alpha channel for color, adjust the composition to the desired result.

Background: url("/images/img1.jpg"), rgba(255,255,255,0.9); background-blend-mode: color;

Adding a pseudo element

The best way to reach the bagan. We create a pseudo-element after helping the pseudo-class. Є

position: absolute; before (otherwise) #main and at the same height as #main, then stop background-image and opacity: 0.2; .

#main ( position: relative; ) #main:after ( content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/2010/11 /tandem.jpg), width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0.2; z-index: -1;

Creating transparent backgrounds in HTML and CSS (effectively opacity and RGBA)

The effect of drink transparency remember the element well on the background little one and widen it in different operating systems, so that it looks stylish and beautiful. The smut of the mother under the intoxicating blocks is not a monophonic baby, but an image, in the very same way, the transparency becomes commemorative.

Such an effect can be achieved in a variety of ways, including old-fashioned methods, like a scumbag, a mapped image, and power opacity. And just as a little blame for the need to work in the block, it’s as if it’s rotten, for these methods there are unacceptable reverse sides.

Let's look at the transparency of the text and the background - it's right to highlight in the design of the site:

The main feature of the power of authority lies in the fact that the significance of transparency is on all daughter elements in the middle, and not only on aphids. Tse means that the background and the text will become translucent. You can increase transparency by changing the opacity command from 0.1 to 1.

HTML 5 CSS 3 IE 9 opacity

Creation and promotion of sites on the Internet

In web design, the transparency is also often stagnant, and it reaches for the RGBA color format, which is more appropriate for the background of the element.

Sound at the design, let's make it easier to see the elements, and the text is opaque for saving readability. The power of opacity is not suitable here, because the text in the middle of the element will also be often visible. It is best to use the RGBA format, part of which is the alpha channel, or in other words, the value of transparency. As the meaning is written rgba, then at the temples, through which the meanings of the red, blue and green components of the color are redone. Let's stop the visibility, as it is set from 0 to 1, with which it means 0 completely transparency, and 1 color opacity - the rgba syntax.

Napіvprozora tlo HTML 5 CSS 3 IE 9 rgba

Creation and promotion of sites on the Internet.
The background opacity value is set to 90% - transparent background and opaque text.

Vlad Merzhevich

Chastkova transparency with the correct її vikoristannі even effectively looking at the design of the site. Golovne, that under the nap_vpіvprozorimi blocks, it’s not a monotonous little baby, but the image itself becomes commemorative in this way. Such an effect can be achieved in various ways and it can be done in all ways, including old-fashioned methods, like decay, the creation of a mapped image and the power of opacity. However, as only a blame for the need to grow in the block, it is decaying, these methods have an unacceptable reverse side. I look around a little, so it became clear, about what to go about, and also quiet readers, as if they didn’t know about non-traditional options for creating the effect of a drink of transparency.

yak background png

The graphic editor is prepared in advance with a monophonic naprozoriya of little ones, which is taken from the PNG-24 format (Fig. 1). The peculiarity of this format is the support of 256 equal transparency, or, simply ostensibly, it is possible to make the picture look like a transparency.

Rice. 1. Image to match the background

Because of what we give the little ones like ashes through the power of the background, as shown in the appendix 1.

Butt 1

XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

Clarity at the ball

The result of this butt of testimony in fig. 3.

Rice. 2. Freeze background image

The old browser Internet Explorer 6 does not work with transparencies in PNG-24, so for whatever reason it is necessary to upgrade this browser, I might have to tweak the scripts.

Guidance method may be low. So, when images are enabled in the browser, the background will show up. Until then, it is not so easy to change the color of the background and the meaning of transparency, for which it is possible to re-edit the image.

Key image

This method goes back to the ancient methods of implementing transparency, if the browsers “didn’t do anything”, and there were some unconventional solutions. The focus is on the folded image, in which gaps and opaque pixels are drawn (Fig. 3). Such a regular structure creates the effect of transparency, actually imitating it.

Rice. 3. Bigger kartatiy babies

The axis looks like a clear eye (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Imitation of the drink transparency

The shortcomings of this method can be compared with the previous one, as well as the moiré winding and text correction.

Power opacity

The power of CSS 3 opacity determines the transparency value and varies from 0 to 1, zero is the element's transparency, and 1, on the other hand, is opacity. The power of opacity has a peculiarity - the transparency expands despite all the daughter elements, and the stench can outweigh the meaning of the transparency of your father. It is impossible to walk out that an impenetrable text on a transparent background (appendix 2).

Butt 2. Vikoristannya opacity

XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 CSS 3 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

Clarity at the ball

The magnetic field, which was far away to establish behind the nature of the spectrum, sees a cosmic meteorite, falling all day for twenty sixth the number of the month of Karney, which the Athenians call metahythnion.

The result of the butt is shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Add clarity to text and background

In Internet Explorer up to version 8.0 inclusive, opacity does not work, so the filter power is specific to that browser. Obviously, it's okay to generate invalid CSS code.


The modern idiom is much simpler and more advanced than the scientific methods and uses the best for colors and backgrounds in RGBA format. The first three letters are known in richness and are deciphered as red, green, blue (black, green, blue), the rest symbolizes the alpha channel and sets the transparency of the element. The record format is this.

background-color: rgba(r, g, b, a);

At the arms, instead of letters, the value of the color component is placed, which can be marveled at in any graphic editor, the rest of the value is set to transparency and increases from the value of the power of opacity.

Not all browsers support this format: Internet Explorer from version 9, Opera from version 10, Firefox from 3, Safari from 3.2. In a nutshell, modern browsers correctly display transparency. For older versions of IE, you can easily specify the color for the primary one for the new format, and, obviously, there will be no transparency. Otherwise, I will reconcile with the power of the filter, or else I will be able to reconcile, so that the transparency will also hit the text (app 3). In order to get to the valid CSS code, I'm going to use smart comments.

Butt 3. RGBA variant


Nap_vprozor tlo

The Veletensky Zoryan spiral with a diameter of 50 kpc, it was possible to install a range behind the character, miraculously illustrating meteor showers, prote, Don Emans including 82 Great Comets in the list.

The result of the butt can be shown in fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Napіvprozora rot with opaque text

Align the picture with the front, the letters have become brighter and clearer.

Internet Explorer 7 has a bug when changing background-color to different values. For example, if you set the background color of the chervonim, as shown below, then the background in IE7 will not be displayed.

Div (background-color: red; /* Not stuttering in IE7 */ background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); )

Change by changing the quality of background-color to background .

Div (background: red; /* But it doesn't work */ background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); ) There's a caveat though. The CSS validator "bars" on the background to give it a value for the RGBA format. Ale, with whom, it is correct to put it before background-color. Zagalom, as always, to be brought to choose between browsers and validity.

Hello everyone. As you might know, background is css-authority, as it allows you to set the color for the background, or to capture the image, as it appears as a background. CSS3 also showed the possibility of creating linear and radial gradients, but also a topic for a good article. For whom I want to be clear, like for css, for power background, set transparency.

Set transparency for css background

Otzhe, all the fear is just too much for such a color recording format, like rgba. As you work with graphic editors, then, sing-song, you know that the rgb color mode is deciphered as follows: a part of a red color (red), a part of green (green) and a blue (blue). So the axis, rgba is practically the same, only one more parameter is added - transparency. Sign up like this:

Background color: rgba(173, 57, 22, 0.5)

On the other hand, we clearly indicate what color is set in the rgba mode. Let's show the value of the three main colors from 0 to 255, de 255 the largest number. The fourth parameter is our transparency. Here the value is written as 0 units. 1 - a completely opaque element, and 0 - a completely opaque element. Vidpovidno, like setting 0, then the background color will not be visible in front.

Now you know how css has transparency in power background. For whom it is necessary to select the rgba color mode. Even more power is opacity, but it will zastosovuєtsya to the whole element with a fumes. That is, when the opacity is blocked, the transparency can be blocked and to the text, which makes it unreadable.

Clear the body on the butt

Advantages of a transparent background can be easily shown on the butt. For example, we have a double bedroom. Axis so bi looking at the block, yakbi youmu buv tasks with a strong black color:

And now let's put the same black color to the block, but let's say it for the additional color format rgba, indicating the remaining value of 0.7, for example. Weide like this:
Now the background of the block is translucent and the background image is visible. Tsya picture and background directed only for the butt. As you can see, in css background transparency can be good, if you need it, so that the background of the nested element is translucent, without squealing other backgrounds, spreading in other balls.

The color itself is not easy to set for help with rgba. As already mentioned - the first three letters mean three main colors: red, green and blue, or rather, their part (from 0 to 255). Prescribing different meanings, you can choose millions of different colors, and using transparency will allow you to come up with a lot of beautiful effects for the site, as you will need.