Create an add-on for adjusting satellites. Android add-on SatFinder. A program to find companions on an additional phone. So from the very beginning it will be necessary to figure out what and where

– a compact and handy add-on for devices on the Android platform. This program will help you find a satellite and set up a new antenna, take screenshots, and also have even wider capabilities, without the resources of your device.

Retailer website:
Enjoy the SatFinder program on the Android market
Vimogi: Android 2.0 and higher
Fasting is free.

Possibilities of Android-programs SatFinder

  • shows azimuth
  • height and height of the converter for your adjustment (based on GPS coordinates)
  • I have a list of companions
  • I have a list of channels
  • the result is shown as numerical data and as visual graphics on Google maps
  • Using a compass will help you know the correct azimuth of your companion.

The list of companions is long, so programs of responsibility can be performed all over the world.

Starting with version 1.07, the add-on adds a list of channels that you can watch on the Internet.

To use this program, your phone requires an active GPS receiver to determine the coordinates of the location. Data extracted from GPS reception may have sufficient accuracy, since the error in the assigned coordinates is not essential for determining the position of satellites.

Note: To get the most accurate azimuth reading, you must calibrate your phone's compass by rotating the phone several times in all three axes after starting the program.

For normal operation of the program, the phone must be in a vertical position. This situation, in which the position of the satellites through the camera lens will be more accurate.

Searching for a companion can be done in two ways:

1. image of an arc with satellites growing on it (Clark belts) on the sky
2. more precisely, the designation of the specific camp of the chosen companion with an additional aim.

Arc transformation, in which all the satellites (the Clarke belt) are mapped, allows you to realistically assess the ability to tune into the required satellite in your chosen location, to determine the presence of faults that are important, such as tree branches, trees, etc. and Budinkov, etc. Moreover: you can take a screenshot (copy of the image) of the screen in order to perform a detailed analysis of the selected place for adjustment later, in real time. To do this, just point your finger anywhere on the communicator screen, and a copy of the screen image will be recorded in the phone’s memory.

More precisely, the position of the companion For an additional sight, vikors are used to search for or bury the required companion. This mode displays the name of the selected satellite, its azimuth and location. In the middle of the screen there are arrows indicating where to turn the phone to connect to the satellite.

Once your device is accurately pointed at a satellite, the arrows will turn green and a sound signal will sound.

Menu items:

1. Set up the menu with three points:

Satellite list- Here you can select which companions will be shown in both main tabs and select those that are not needed. List of all main companions. However, for the preparations, companions who are located below the horizon line for your retouching will not be shown.

Target Tolerance– Here you can set the level of accuracy of the dimming. Then, when you are close to the satellite (in degrees), use the sensor again (if the sight arrow turns green). 3 degrees have been stood up behind the dwarfs, to the Practitichens, to be a yakscho telephone, it is known in the position of the sofatnik, more than 3 degrees, do not show the accuracy, but Schwidhe, the sumpless subonik is visible.

Audio Alert- When this item is activated, a sound signal will sound when a companion is buried. At this point the screenshot will be automatically taken.


The results of the monitoring of 3 programs Dish Pointer, Satellite Finder and SatFinder remain consistent with the most serious and professional knowledge. You can take screenshots of the screen, either automatically or behind the scenes. When tuned to a satellite, you see a very clear sound signal. The principle of burying a companion near the sight of the target is clear: the sight is clearly visible and with precise aiming of the companion, it clearly registers him.

Not long after this program, the arc with satellites is poorly marked, the colors (greens) are not selected well, and the very points with the marks of satellites on the beam are very small. This function is most successfully implemented in the Dish Pointer program. Here the arc of the companions is clearly visible, shining on the aphids of the bright sky, which makes it possible to easily assess the status of the required companion in the sky.

A similar principle of burying a satellite (like a sight) is used in the Satellite Finder program, but there the sight itself is small and poorly visible, especially in the sky. The sound is still weak, and the process of fixing a companion is complicated.

Based on the results of studying the 3 programs, the following idea emerges:

Since the task is only to assess the position of the companion before the beginning of the installation - if you can see the companion from the transferred installation site, and do not close any crossings, then it is best to use the Dish Pointer program, with it brightening and the initial Clark belt. The program itself is very simple and straightforward.

If you want to more accurately assess the position of your companion, then you can quickly use the SatFinder program with its manual and accurate sighting, accurate fixation of the satellite and automatic screenshot. If this program is small, this very type of satellite arc, like Dish Pointer, then nothing more would be required.

However, I would like to note that all these programs help to adjust not to the satellite itself, but to something calculated based on the data obtained from the GPS receiver, the coordinates of the location of the adjustment, and the data stored in the program of the satellite’s position and values. So, create a mathematical model, calculate the result, and display it on the screen. And the adjustment of the receiver or the satellite satellite is dependent on the physical conditions of the satellite, and on its signal. Obviously, all programs that require additional tools may still be even more difficult, especially when assessing the possibility of adjusting the antenna in difficult minds.

You can, of course, call the fakers and get everything for good money.

Hello, friends, the amateur satellite TV station can take note and do everything himself for the sake of creative satisfaction.

But otherwise!

Give your skin some respect. I can do it, and I have earned it!

And so we are developing the topic of adjusting the satellite antenna.

Today there are over 150 satellites in geostationary orbit around the Earth's core, which transmit digital satellite TV, radio, and the Internet.

In fact, there are a lot more of them, spigunskiy ones, purely for the connection, and that’s all anyone knows about, who launched and installed the filling.

They fly, let them fly, and let them fly! ;)

Each companion on board has a number of transponders that operate at different frequencies. As you all know, satellite reception on your antenna is C-band, Ku-band and Ka-band.

Well, what should I do with “S, Ku, Ka” if I can’t find my companion?

Please note that all the satellites, who stand together in their orbits, cannot be monitored and admired for one reason.

It may be that your territory, in which you will be installing a satellite antenna, will not be affected by the coverage area of ​​this satellite.

So from the very beginning it will be necessary to figure out what and where.

It is your responsibility to decide which satellite you are using to tune your dish to, and which transponder frequencies you are using.
How can you find out who your companions are? Look at the table at the bottom and you will find the correct companion there.

All we need is to adjust the antenna itself, and this is a good program to help us with.

"Satellite Antenna Alignment"

It is intended for opening the parts necessary for installing a satellite antenna. The azimuth and the place (elevation) for the skin companion will be insured.

The main advantage of such programs is the ability to distribute them to all satellites at once. Thus, a clear picture emerges about which satellites are physically visible from the place where the antenna is installed, and which ones are not.

It is worth remembering that in this program the development is carried out theoretically, behind formulas, and in real minds, with an installed antenna, it is necessary to take into account other factors, such as the variety of transitions (booths, trees), terrain relief, height above the level of the sea, the directness of the transponders, polarization etc.

This program will allow you to evaluate the country accurately.

You can save the outlines in a text file, copy them to the Windows clipboard, or directly print them to a printer. It is possible to remember the passage of time for any ongoing developments. Now you will no longer need to enter the coordinates of these places again, just select them from the table.

The program must be printed by recording the geographic coordinates of your satellite antenna installation point.
You can get it from maps on GOOGLE. If you know the coordinates, simply enter them search row

The method of extracting coordinates from new and classic Google Maps is changing. It is also important to note that it is not possible to find out the coordinates using a smartphone or tablet.
New interface

Press the right mouse button onto the desired section of the card. Select item What is there?
A coordinate panel will appear under the search row.

Classic interface

Open up Google Maps . Press the right mouse button onto the desired section of the card. Select item What is there?
The coordinates appear in the search row (at the top of the page)

And so we successfully figured out our coordinates.

Next, enter the coordinates in the “Coordinates of antenna installation location” section. Pivdenny latitude - "N", pivdenny latitude - "S". Similarly, the similarity is “E”, the approaching length is “W”. After the coordinates are entered, in the left part of the table you see the breakdown of the maps for all satellites in a row.

The azimuth of the antenna is determined (wherever the place is). Take the azimuth - not directly to the satellite at degrees in direction to the satellite behind the year arrow.

This place is where (in degrees) between the direct signal from the satellite and the fractional area to the surface of the earth at the point of your reception.

Since this place is negative, it means that it is a companion to those who are searching beyond the horizon and receiving a signal from it is, in principle, impossible. Thus, from your point of caution, there are theoretically significant companions, in which place there is a positive value.

Knowing the azimuth, you can quickly orientate yourself directly to the satellite, and cross the path directly to the antennas (houses, trees).

As it was designated more, the program operates with absolute values ​​and covers everything using formulas. In this way, taking off the azimuth, it’s almost absolutely night, but it’s not possible that your compass can show it, because

However, the compass is no longer stable, especially in the minds of men. Better navigate the sun. :)

Additionally, the program has implemented a change in azimuth to sun, and now you can do without a compass!

It’s important to check for the point whose geographic coordinates you set for azimuth adjustment to satellites. The height above the level of the sea is considered to be 0 meters. You can enter the date (the exact date is taken into account) and expand the flow of the sun discretely into one piece.

The results of the breakdown are displayed in the table on the left side. For the sun, both the azimuth and the location at the same time are covered.

In this way, it is possible to do without a compass when installing the antenna. From now on, select the azimuth to the satellite you need. Then set the azimuth to the sun for the day on which you plan to install the antenna.

Find in the table the azimuth of the sun that is closest to the azimuth of the satellite, and you take off the hour (and date) if the sun is in the same direction as the satellite. At the required moment, we turn the antenna directly on the sun, the azimuth of the sun at this moment converges with the azimuth of the satellite.

Or simply indicate the position, turn the antenna later. When unwinding, do not forget to indicate the time zone (Moscow +3 years from Greenwich).

Additionally, the insurance program calculates the azimuth immediately and when the sun sets, and also the hour and place, if the sun is strictly on the day.

The program does not cover the transition to the summer season! Therefore, for the summer hour it is necessary to add +1 year before the results are obtained from the azimuth to the sun.

The program draws a simple diagram that shows the sides of the horizon. The last sector signifies a bright day, its coming part is the setting of the sun, its going part is the setting of the sun. On this diagram you can schematically map directly to the companion you need.

Select a satellite from the list, the direction towards the new one (azimuth) is indicated by a red line. If the place on the satellite is negative, the red line is not drawn (the satellite is not visible).

At this time, offset satellite antennas are widely expanded. Such an antenna, standing strictly vertically, is already quite high (~20-25 degrees).

You can enter the dimensions of your offset antenna (height and width) and the program will display the exact location for that antenna. The design is carried out only for antennas whose height is greater than their width. Enter antenna dimensions in millimeters.

Here there will be indications of where your companion is going to choose, and where you really need to install the antenna (in degrees above the surface of the earth)

STAY version “Satellite Antenna Alignment” (2014 Roku) is taken:

Maps of satellite coverage areas can be viewed on the website The butt of the map is pointed lower with the coverage area for the Hot Bird 7a satellite at 13.0°E



Addresses on Lyngsat

Amos 1/2
Intelsat 10-02
Thor 2/3 *

Sirius 2/3
Astra 1C*
Eutelsat W3A
Eurobird 9A

Satellite Antenna Alignment is a program that will help you correctly and reliably install a satellite antenna. Vaughn independently opens up the corners when the antenna is installed. For this purpose, you will need to indicate the geographic coordinates of the local location of your antenna, as well as the height and width for offset antennas, and the program will give you data on the size of the antennas for all satellites at a time and the location of the antenna.

Prote, and officials, who do not take out insurance in the event of an emergency, will ruin the signal from their companion. The smells may be represented by the appearance of the trees, as well as by the particular terrain of the area, the height above the sea level, the straightness of the transponders, polarization, etc.

Another reason is that the cut off the hairs fit in the absolute night, and not what your compass can show, because. The compass is very stable, especially in the minds of the world. Based on this, the program transfers the system to adjust the azimuth to the sun, which will help you get by without a compass.

The program does not cover the transition to the summer hour, so for the summer hour it is necessary to add +1 year to the results of the azimuth adjustment to the sun. The height above the level of the sea is considered to be 0 meters. The insurance program analyzes everything using formulas, and all data obtained are presented in a table and simple graphs. You can save them in a text file or in MS Excel, and then use them again if necessary.

A special feature of Satellite Antenna Alignment is that it automatically saves data for the location before which the settings were already configured, so that next time you will no longer have to enter all the coordinates again, but you can simply select the desired location from the table assigned to you.