Raw photo format. RAW processing: how to extract the maximum from photographs. What is JPEG

What is a RAW image? Ravi - tse unfinished digital camera format. Zyomka in tsey format vvazhayetsya suttєvim for more modern koristuvachiv digital cameras.

The RAW format in digital photography is similar to the negative in plastic photography: in some cases, it is not processed, “sir” information about pixels is directly from the sensor of a digital camera. The RAW file does not go through the demosaic and that is just the meaning of red, green and blue in the skin pixels. Sound the digital cameras to process this file, converting it to a full-color file in JPEG or TIFF format, and write the result to the memory card. With digital cameras, it's up to you to take a few principle decisions, and that's why RAW gives you more control over it, like the resulting JPEG or TIFF. This article was asked to illustrate the technical advantages of the RAW files, and also give a shout out to those who win them.

The RAW file is converted to a sub-bag of the image in JPEG or TIFF format in a few steps, for which you can make irreversible image correction. One of the key advantages of the RAW format is that it allows the photographer to make adjustments, giving him the opportunity to capture them independently with more flexibility, so that it best suits the skin image. Next diagram illustrating the sequence of processing:

  1. Demosaic
    White balance
  2. tone curves
  3. Number of tickets
  4. Converted to 8 bit
    Embossing JPEG, tiff

Demosaic and white balance include the interpretation and transformation of data from the Bayer matrix into the image with three basic colors in the skin pixel and are created in one stage. The Bayern Matrix itself hums before the image looks more grainy, lower two, and also gives the image an extra green.

Our eye takes the difference in lightness logarithmically, and to that, if the intensity of light increases fourfold, we take it as a sub-lightness. The digital camera also records the difference in lightness, linearly - subdividing the intensity of light under the information received by the camera sensor. The axis of what is first and the other of the image looks richly dark behind the third. So that the data from the matrix of the camera, recorded by a digital camera, have changed in such a way that we can accept it, it is necessary to stop the tone compression.

Color saturation and contrast can also be changed, depending on the parameters of the camera setup. Then the image is subjected to sharpness correction to compensate for the smoothing, viklikan demosaic, like a memory on another image.

High bit depth RAW images are converted to 8 bits per channel and JPEG compression is applied based on your camera's compression settings. Up until this point in time, RAW images are still buffered in the digital camera.

For the most part, there were some descriptions of the stages of converting RAW on a personal computer in contrast to processing in a digital camera. Steps are divided to describe how RAW files can be changed.

RGB = demosaic transforms Bayer I image encoding, truecolor RGB image, victorious linear interpolation with gradient correction.

The demosaic of the Bayer filter, or the matrix of color filters, is brought before the expansion of color filters, which allows the skin pixel in the matrix of a digital camera to record only red, green, or blue data. Templates blaze on the number of green sensors, like they mimic the great sensitivity of the human eye to the green light. The function of victorious interpolation, in order to transform the two-world bayer data coding in a full-colour image.

This is a resource-intensive process, and therefore the best demosaic algorithms cause great processor pressure, so digital cameras may have a processor. The majority of digital cameras are being converted to a reasonable change in brightness, which could be done in a reasonable hour. Placing a demosaic on a personal computer allows you to use more advanced algorithms, the chips of the processor sound richly darker, lower in a typical digital camera. The best algorithms can extract a little more from your camera's sensor, providing more space, less noise, more image accuracy, and less moiré.

JPEG-image from the camera is not allowed to lay flats close to the line, like RAW. І to create a digital negative does not allow reaching the ideal image of the lines, the fragments of the demosaic process must always be introduced into the image without smoothing. Only sensors that can measure all three colors in a skin pixel could achieve a perfect image (such as Foveon).

Gnuchky white balance

The balance of white is the process of switching off the unnatural spiving of colors, so that the objects, which are white, appear as if they were on your sign. The color variation in JPEG images can often be changed with a little more detail, but for the color depths and colors. It is due to the fact that the balance of the white is really zastosovuєtsya dvіchі: firstly when reworked rіv and then anew during post-processing. Digital negatives give you the opportunity to balance white to photography after zjomki - without marginal expenses.

High rank

Really digital cameras record the skin color channel with greater accuracy, lower than 8 bits (256 rubles) per channel, which is featured in JPEG images (div. “What is the difference”). Most of today's cameras record the skin channel with 12-bit accuracy (2 12 = 4096 rivnіv), giving a little more color gradation, which can be achieved with the help of JPEG from the camera. The size is great, the change to the posterization image and the increase in flexibility when choosing a color space in post-processing.

Dynamic range and exposure compensation

The RAW format sounds safer with a richer dynamic range, lower JPEG, depending on how the camera creates its JPEG. The dynamic range is determined as the interval of light, which camera can distinguish between absolutely black and absolutely white. The oscillating data on the colors were not based on the logarithm of the curves (div. input), the exposure in the RAW file may be adjusted after the exposure correction. Exposure correction allows you to pardon the expo-measurement, or to help draw the details, spent on the light or in the shadows. The stepping butt of the shooting directly on the sun and showing the same RAW file with correction by -1 step, 0 (without correction) and +1 step. Move the cursor over the caption, to make a splash, as the exposure correction is infused into the image

Note: +1 and -1 steps mean an increase or a change in the illumination in the air.

Exposure correction can be recorded as eV, for example, +1 eV.

Give respect to the great number of details in the light and in the shadows of these three images. Similar results would be unreachable, just displaying or dimming the JPEG file - no dynamic range, no visuals. For a short transmission of a wide dynamic range, you can twist.

RAW Image Clarity Enhancement

The shards of the RAW file were not processed, the camera did not freeze up to a new Korean sharpness. So, just like dematrization, the best sharpness enhancement algorithms are often richer in resources. In this way, the increase in sharpness, vikonan on a personal computer, can eliminate less halo defects at a similar level of correction (apply defects in the sharpness of the div. section “Improvement of sharpness for the help of a “non-sharp mask””).

The sharpness of the sharpness lies at a distance that is too far away from looking at your image, the RAW format also provides more control over it, which type of sharpness correction will be required (in your opinion). Correction of sharpness sounds like the final crop of post-buffing, it’s impossible to tell the shards, because JPEG corrections are not optimal for that.

Stamping without waste


No cost

Іz expenses

The RAW format has squeezing without losses, and therefore it does not suffer from compression defects, which are noted on JPEG squeezing. RAW-files have more information and better compression, lower TIFF, and no defects in JPEG compression.

Note: Kodak and Nikon have implemented the RAW embossing algorithm at little cost, in order to have significantly fewer defects than a similar image in the JPEG format. In addition, the efficiency of compression of the RAW format depends on the choice of a digital camera. The image is displayed at a scale of 200%. JPEG compressing with 60% savings in Adobe Photoshop.

Insufficient RAW images

  1. RAW files are larger, smaller, similar to JPEG files, so it's easier to load a memory card.
  2. Processing RAW files takes more than an hour, stink shards can be used by hand at the skin stage of transformation.
  3. RAW files are often written to a memory card, which results in fewer frames per second than with the JPEG format.
  4. RAW-files can't be presented to peepers and stalkers, shards of stink require special programs for their capture, and so they need to be converted to JPEG.
  5. RAW files require an older computer with a large amount of random access memory (RAM).

Іnshі mirkuvannya

One of the problems with the RAW format is that it's not standardized. The skin camera can be in RAW format, and it may appear that one program cannot read all formats. Luckily, Adobe has announced a Digital Negative (DNG) Specification that can standardize the RAW format. In addition, be it a camera, how to save RAW files, you must be supplied with a free program for reading them.

Good RAW conversion programs can do batch processing and most of the time automate all conversion steps, it's quiet, if you want to change it. You can reduce or reduce the size of files in the JPEG format for simplicity.

A lot of new cameras in the building record RAW, and JPEG one hour. Tse allow you to take a negative image of the image, but save the negative from RAW for the sake of it, as if you would like to have more gnuchkost.

So what's shorter, RAW or JPEG? There is no unequivocal evidence, the shards should be deposited depending on the type of haul. The most important RAW files have the best solutions for linking with their technical advantages and the fall of the great memory maps. RAW files give the photographer a lot more control, but for the speed of processing speed, space and simplicity of writing. An hour for sports and journalism, the hassle of processing RAW is not enough, moreover, landscape and artistic photographs often choose RAW in order to maximize the potential capacity of their digital cameras.

Often, when photographing beginners, those amateur photographers are set up in JPEG format. Many professional cameras have one more capture format - RAW - which allows you to improve the quality of captured images. The advances to the RAW format have made it popular and often stagnant among photographers. This capture format allows you to maximize the possibilities of the photographic equipment itself, allowing you to fully format the frames for later.

What is RAW and what is the definition of JPEG

The first step is to set up the camera, next to find out what the RAW format is. In the literal translation, RAW means "Syria", which in turn reflects the essence. Frames, taken in RAW, are an unfinished product, which must be processed manually.

The process of photographing in JPEG format includes a few stages:

  • Receiving a signal by the camera matrix.
  • Converting yoga to digital form.
  • Color interpolation.
  • Color correction.
  • Automatic squeezing.

The file in JPEG format is automatically processed after locking. These include improving the balance of white, clarity and density, noise correction and the degree of file compression. All auto-corrections are performed in the camera automatically until the settings are made and apply already changes and styles to the file.

The RAW format includes all stages of processing and reduction. The file is written to the memory card after another stage - digitizing the image. In this way, no additional processes from the images in the middle of the camera are displayed, lower RAW and JPEG output. Such a sign is a free syrovina, as you can change it in the process of independent work on it in the processing programs.

RAW photos will be the most reliable and incomparable. The benefits of RAW are that the frames carry more information in themselves, as RAW converters are known by the year.

Conclusion: Shrinking photos in JPEG format with the sign “high brightness” means less than those that will be minimal when the size is changed. The overall quality of the image falls sharply in pairs with the original file. Well, it’s necessary to choose embossment, it’s better to swell on the most possible photograph.

Pros and cons of RAW format

RAW images will be the best solution, so it is necessary to take the most accurate shots. For the help of vacation data and further processing, you can create unique shots with good characteristics. But such a format may have its own shortcomings.

Why is RAW better:

  • Frame format will require conversion, tobto. use a converter program to review and convert;
  • The diversity of formats of the photo editor and the picker, mainly in the skin picker of photo equipment, has its own format for RAW images.
  • Great expansion of the file, which will store the memory of the card more quickly. Through this, you will need more memory, and technology can improve internal working processes;
  • Photographs will need processing, which means they will need to work in editors and special programs.

Tim is no less, the robot with such files will help you to get the most original result and create a better sign. Having processed the photos in the editor, you can change the composition, color balance, enhance the sharpness and suppress the image noise and white balance. It is possible to correct the appearance of the balance, vividness and exposure in a JPEG image, but the look of such photographs is often unnatural, and the background can be yellowish.

The main problem with the RAW format is the incompleteness of your products and the ability to change the pictures to the right look. Recording on the photo matrix will be the maximum data and output parameters.

Understanding the colorful space

Color space - range of colors, palette, described for additional color coordinates. The human mind can catch the spirits that separate them among themselves. Electronic attachments may have less capacity, often facilitating colors or transmitting them in different ways.

In the process of photography, the photographer needs to focus on the color space, which promotes the feasibility of technology. The color space between the frames of the panel of standard colors, reflecting the color of the camera. Zastosuvannya expanse allows you not to go beyond the scope, or it is easy to correct the color changes in the range.

The most wide open spaces for robots with digital photography are three:

  • sRGB.
  • Adobe RGB.
  • ProPhoto RGB.

sRGB is universally spaced and wins the most. It is standard and supported by all types of working monitors. Palette sRGB є sufficient for okіsnoї zjomki, including processing and other znіmkіv. Tsey regime is often vvіmkneno zamovchuvannyam.

What a colorful expanse of vibrati in customizations, it may mean less for the mind of an automatic capture. When photographs are taken in RAW format, the color space is not of great importance, so as a "Syria" file, there is no more data, but for now it is not clear to enter. The formatting of frames is consistent with the color space of the photomatrix, which is invisible and intelligent. With a further conversion, the data will be squeezed and attached to the specified palette of colors.

Zavdyaky all inaccuracies that go beyond the palette will be automatically approached to the colors of the space that are known. In this way, files can be converted to different formats (JPG, sRGB, Adobe RGB, TIFF) depending on the degree of further processing.

Glibina color

When working with nailing the color, it is necessary to remember those who have the same color. At the heart of digital outbuildings is a two-way billing system. One of the digits of the system is called "bit". The depth of the color of the photograph is implicitly recognized by the number of battles at the new one. Standard JPEG files can be 8 bits each, which gives equal clarity, which is calculated for scheme 2 at the eighth step - 256 rubles. It is important that the colors and their colors in the middle are absolutely black and absolutely white in colors. Pixels take and register otrimani kolori, vikorivuyuchi otrimani digital information.

A RAW file can be 12-bit or 14-bit overlaid. Tse allows you to select the number of colors, which are known, which translate the result when editing in JPEG by 4-5 times. The color gradient in such a file is smooth, ensuring soft color gradation. In this way, RAW files add more bits to the skin pixels, which means they prevent more tones from getting into the skin channels. Tse do not add additional colors, but the leather from them will be transferred and saved more subtly, and the depth of the color will move.

For some reason, RAW images may have more color depth. The deleted file is written to the matrix again, to the JPEG view, which is read to the style processor.

Please! Navit 2 buildings to give a color of increased depth and clarity. With a possible deep color, choose the most, for example, 14 or 15 battles.

How to increase RAW in cameras

To enable RAW recording, you need to adjust the basic functions of the camera.

For which requirement:

  • Go to the “Menu” section, find the row “Image quality” and press “Choose / OK”.
  • The list has a few options: RAW, Fine+Raw, Normal+RAW. For capture, please select RAW for the specified format.
  • If you need to save copies of frames in JPEG format, choose one of the other two enhancements. To save brightness, it is recommended to set the Fine mode, and to save space on the camera's memory card - Normal (number of marks will be compressed more and gradually change in size due to the lower brightness).

For quick access to switching modes, you need a format for the quick access button. With help, you can install another mode on the other side of the picture. For example, for an hour of shooting in JPEG, you can increase the JPEG + RAW option by the hour, and when shooting in RAW, switch to Fine or Normal mode.

Respect! If the ISO sensitivity is set to higher, the Fine/Normal format extensions for RAW will not be available.

How to photograph in RAW

Zyomka RAW allows you to quickly work pictures without spending a lot of time on a standard frame.

The advantages of the format are that wines do not have absolutely no standardized processing, which means that the photographer does not need to worry about:

  • White balance;
  • Contrast;
  • Yaskravostі;
  • Availability.

There is a large amount of information that you can carry with you RAW images, allowing you to adjust all the parameters in the photographs that you have seen, already after your judgment without wasting the clarity of the image. In this case, such a correction is only possible for shots that are not in the same mode, lower RAW is taken into account in other formats. For frames in JPEG format, these functions are either unavailable or do not create a positive effect.

Regardless of the simplicity of shooting in the “short” frame mode and RAW, the photographer needs to be clear about the purpose of that image. Shards of all images will be processed on the monitor of the computer, it is necessary to understand what kind of processing to stand in front of the coristuvach, and what kind of product is to blame.

Please! Do not rely on a good daylight and restore a smaller depth of color, or I will restore the automatic balance and brightness. Wanting more files to cover a lot of transcendental data and take up a lot of space in memory, they have a lot of new possibilities for processing in the program. If you do not work with the RAW mode yet, it is better to fix the capture from the Fine + Raw format, so that you can save the captured photo in automatic mode. When editing frames, you can mix and match the difference between the same number of marks in formats and processed manually RAW, and automatically generated JPEG.

CHIM Vіdkriti RAW

Unfortunately, not all programs can display RAW files on a computer. Їх conversion is not enough for a normal editor. To open files, you need special converters, which can be used as an add-on to the camera. For processing RAW, you can use the Photoshop program familiar to photographers by installing the Adobe extension - Adobe Camera RAW.

Manually vikoristovuvaty as a converter without cost software:

  • FastStone Image Viewer;
  • dcraw;
  • xnview;
  • IrfanView;
  • Able RAWer;
  • Rawstudio.

Similar programs to mess with the functionality that allows you to open RAW photos, and work with them in the designated format. An exhaustive package for reviewing and processing RAW files is presented by the ACDSEE program. Vaughn is paid, but the crime of yakіsnykh and various manufactory tools to avenge the great month on the collections of darkness for the preservation and ordering of photographs.

Working with RAW on a Windows system

For work with files, you can tweeze both programs expanded by Adobe software (Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe DNG Converter, Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw, Adobe Creative Suite), and other editors:

  • Movami Photo Editor
  • xnview;
  • picasa;
  • IrfanView;
  • FastStone Image Viewer;
  • blender;
  • GIMP;
  • Ability Photopaint;
  • Microsoft Windows Photos;
  • RawTherapee;
  • Google Picasa;
  • ACD Systems Canvas;
  • PhotoOnWeb;
  • ACD Systems ACDSee;
  • Corel PaintShop Pro;
  • Zoner Photo Studio
  • ACDSee;
  • ACDSee Photo Manager
  • QEMU.

Working with RAW on Mac

To open RAW files on the MAC system, go:

  • Apple preview;
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements 14;
  • Google Picasa;
  • GIMP;
  • MacPhun ColorStrokes;
  • Blender for Mac
  • Adobe Photoshop for Mac.

Write RAW on Linux

Linux has some programs for processing RAW files:

  • RawTherapee;
  • digiKam;
  • UFRaw;
  • GIMP;
  • Blender for Linux
  • dark table.

Dovidka! RAW files do not have the correct extension. The skin brand of the camera will install the RAW file extension. To that it will be more convenient to use a converter, and not just a program of editing. RAW Converter for RAW file extensions.


Frames taken from the RAW format, with the help of the processing material. The stench is saved in full view of the recorded information, it can be processed in any RAW-conversion programs. The advantages of RAW will become a godsend for professional photographers, as well as for poked out cameras, as you know the cameras and the possibility of processing photos.

For beginners in photography, it is necessary to learn a little about the basic concepts, improve the functions of the camera and tools in photo processing programs. Understanding that RAW is the same with cameras, you can get a beginner-lover to get some good shots.

A modern person is literally entangled with various stereotypes. This is justly practical for any sphere of activity, and, unfortunately, digital photography is not to blame.

It’s too much to be fooled about those who have a lot of first-time photographers, who failed to acquire more or less serious equipment, underestimate the ability that they use when saving their znіmkіv in the RAW format, and for the old zvichkoy continue to record in JPEG frames. Briefly, the expansion of the medium of amateur photographers can be formulated as an approaching rank: thus, theoretically, saving the znіmkіv in the RAW format allows you to take a few important steps in the process of processing the image, in practice creating a number of additional difficulties and problems for the photographer. Having consumed this stereotype in the cobweb (independently or with the help of more “advanced” and “stuck” colleagues), many people don’t try to get better, it’s so true, and it’s useless to set the camera to save photos in JPEG format.

Advantages of the RAW format

Let's look at the important things that the photographer takes, taking shots like a RAW image. Maybe, the most important thing to overcome this format is the ability to get involved in the process of “developing” a digital image and change it and fix it on the authority’s investigation even after the arrest. In this case, the photographer can try out impersonal options and, perhaps, choose the optimal one from them. Saving an image in JPEG will no longer have such a possibility: the process of converting an image image into a ready-made file will have adjustments before the new one, displayed in the camera menu at the time of capture.

The frame, savings from JPEG, you can compare with the finished grass, which is sold in the supermarket. Enough roses, and you take away the bagan. At the same time, the mark of the RAW format is, figuratively, apparently, a piece of orphan meat (high-pitched reader a passing pun). With a competent approach, it is possible to prepare dozens of different dishes, and for the high quality of the finished material (and the qualified qualification of a cook) you can create the right culinary masterpieces. Obviously, it is possible and the other option: the natural result of the unpretentious dilettante often becomes an unpretentious coupa vugillya.

After a pardon at the choice of setting up the exposition of the sign (levoruch)
veyshov trohi we take over, after which a part of the details of the lights was lost.
In the process of processing the file, saved by the camera in JPEG format, the details of the light were not recovered (in the center).
The desired result was reached only after processing the RAW-image of the image (right-handed)

The same can be seen from the photographs. With good lighting, the right choice of angle, exposure and other adjustments to the frame, savings from JPEG, it doesn’t need a little extra processing (for a blame, hiba scho framing and scaling) terneti, abuse on the printer and in.

Here it is better to draw parallels with amateur photography before digital doby. The frame, saved by the camera in the JPEG format, is rich in why the polaroid sign is guessed. In its own way, the image of the image in the RAW format can be compared with the negative. Navіt yakshcho when zjomtsі were admitted, if they were pardons, having added riches from them, you can correct (or accept minimization) in a dark room in the process of another photocards.

It's a pity that the tse porivnyannya is not the same as the world reflects that prva, as if we were walking between the signs, saved in JPEG and RAW. Even on the vіdmіnu vіd klіvіnі plіvka RAW-files give the photographer a lot more. about greater freedom of action: that very sign can be “manifested” impersonally times, with different programs to achieve such a combination, and then, otrimuyuchi on exit absolutely different results.

Below is a histogram of the output image,
beast - її view after correction rivnіv
behind color channels.
Looking at the rest of the guessing comb,
what to say about the loss of part
basic information about the processing process

Another important aspect is the provision of more comfortable minds for the recruitment process. Taking pictures in RAW, the photographer may not pay attention to the numerical adjustment of the camera menu, which allows you to concentrate on the highest creative task. It is enough to pay attention to the correct choice of exposure value, depth of field and focus point. Other parameters can be corrected retroactively. This is especially valuable when photographing objects that are collapsing, but when changing weather minds, if you manipulate the impersonal fixing, it’s just not worth it. Tim is bigger, because not all cells can reach them “in one dot”.

As you can imagine, a JPEG file can also be processed after borrowing from a graphic editor in order to correct the unimportant legacy of pardon settings. However, whoever happens to come to terms with the inevitable second part of the brown information, which is to take revenge on the sudden sign.

On the right, the cameras record JPEG files for the RGB color model with a resolution of 8 bits per channel. After processing the image, it will be saved with these very parameters. As a last resort, in the process of changing the black and white dots, the shape of the tonal curves, as well as the brightness, contrast, saturation, a part of the brown information will be irrevocably lost, which is to be avenged from the visual image. As a result of such losses, characteristic artefacts on the broken image become apparent, so clearly pronounced stepping on smooth tonal transitions, disrupting the color balance (most denial in areas with neutral gray and bodily colors), increasing the level of digital noise in the shadows thinly.

Visual sign (levoruch) of crushing under natural lighting,
however, through an oversight of the photographer in the camera menu, it was selected to adjust the white balance,
suitable for heating lamps.
To a JPEG file saved by the camera in Adobe Photoshop
If the functions of Auto Levels and Auto Color were stopped, it was not possible to get rid of the traces of pardon (in the center).
At the time of processing the RAW-image for the elimination of the legacy of the pardon without the least shkoda
for the technical clarity of the image, it was necessary to change the white balance in the RAW converter (right-handed)

If, having poured in on the day of the image, it was not very good and wasted very little, then such artifacts will be of little memory and not visible corystuvachi, it is unlikely that they will show their indefatigable eye. However, it does not mean that in the process of processing the image, a part of the core information was not used. Those who do not believe their own eyes (or the minds of others), can switch to another for the help of an unprepared vimiruvalny tool - it’s easier to look at the histograms of the processed images. A characteristic sign of the loss of part of the coryne information is the appearance of the okremih pivtoniv: the appearance of histograms in a different comb.

On the view of JPEG, RAW-files, the image of the frame is recorded with the same size, with any type of digitization of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) of the camera. In modern models of digital cameras, there are 12-, 14- or 16-bit ADCs, and also, the image of the frame in the RAW format has a lot more information about the image, lower than the standard JPEG. For the same reason, after serious manipulations with alterations to a RAW file, you can output 8-bit images without characteristic artifacts, which will inevitably winkle at similar injections on a sign, savings in JPEG format. For example, the exposure of a picture recorded in a 12-bit RAW image can be retroactively adjusted within ±2 EV without wasting details. Due to the savings of RAW with a 14-bit capacity, the “freedom of maneuver” increases to ±3 EV. Wait a minute, hostile mozhlivist.

An example of using gradient software filters for processing a RAW-image of a picture.
Zliva: an outward frame from lashings for locks.
Pravoruch - zastosovanі to the image gradієntnі filtry
allowed to correct the tonal balance of the image, as well as
the shape and texture of the baluster to the parapet in the foreground

One of the best examples, which illustrates the difference in the possibility of post-processing of images, savings in JPEG and RAW formats, is the correction of an image that has been broken with incorrect white balance settings. Although the image was saved in the RAW format, to correct the pardon, it is enough to select the value of the white balance in the RAW converter, which helps the minds of the mind. The ideal result for each mind can be reached by one simple action.

As a sign of pardoning the improved balance of the white savings by the camera in JPEG, then in the process of processing this image, it will happen to be kinder to improve. Well, as a “miss” it’s not a big one and you can correct it with a sharp black and white dot in the color channels (as a rule, for which it’s enough to speed up the Auto Levels function in Adobe Photoshop or similar to other graphic editors). It’s better to correct the pardon, as the photograph was crushed on the street on a fine day, and the balance of the white bulb was restored, for example, to catch the light of the heating lamps. Zvichayno, dosvіdcheny koristuvach і in tsomu vipadku, svvidshe for everything, zumіє otrimati at the exit as a whole acceptable result, however, it will be reached at the cost of the cost of korisnoi information.

Even more valuable is the possibility of saving znіmkіv in the RAW format is shown when using high-contrast scenes, as well as objects made from yaskravі kolori. In such situations, it is easy to have mercy on the choice of the correct exposure value, and the margin of safe correction of this parameter in the process of processing the image will appear even earlier.

In a number of ways, recording of signs in the RAW format can be done without additional attachments. For example, for landscape photography, it is often necessary to use an optical gradient filter, which ensures that the details in the sky are taken care of without harming the tonal balance of the image as a whole. Taking the icon from the RAW format, adding a gradient filter does not matter in the same Lightroom. With this, the photographer takes into account the possibility of precise adjustment of the position and width of the gradient transition, as well as other parameters.

RAW Swapping

In front of the division, we looked at a number of applications that clearly illustrate the advantages of the RAW format in the field of correction and post-processing of images. Prote cannot be forgotten by those who are between these manipulations. If you want to get rid of the RAW-image with more information about the appearance of the image in paired with JPEG, the quantity is still remarkable. Although, strictly ostensibly, this exchange is already conditioned not by the data recording format, but by the technical capabilities of a victorious camera - and ahead of the characteristics of the light-sensitive sensor installed in the new one.

Fujifilm X-M1 camera
є the function of converting signs has been introduced,
Savings in viewing RAW images, JPEG files
with the possibility of customization by adjusting various parameters

Zavdyaks to the rapid development of technologies in the hallway of the production of conductor components, sensors of modern cameras in the building to fix the image with a wide dynamic range. Tim is no less, as if a pardon when choosing to set up an exposition in the process of shooting high-contrast plots, it will appear too great, then it’s because of the ranks of the exchange (clipping). Tse means that the elements of the area of ​​the image appear too dark or, at the same time, too bright, so that the elements of the light-sensitive sensor could capture details on them. As a result, such plots will be received by the sensor (and also fixed in the RAW-image of the frame) as if they were uniformly filled with black or white bees. I realized that no software can help to “reveal” those details, which were not captured by the camera sensor, but also, in the current digital image frame.

One more aspect, which should not be forgotten, is the injection of digital noise. In the process of processing underexposure shots, it is often necessary to “bring in” the details in the shadows with the installed path to achieve a great positive value of sharpening or brightening the shadows in the adjusted RAW converter. Quite often, a secondary result of such processing is a significant increase in the level of digital noise on the image, which is mostly remembered in the shadows and on uniformly filled plots. Obviously, it’s a lot to find both in terms of the characteristics of the camera’s light-sensitive sensor, and in terms of processing algorithms implemented by the add-on. For the sake of justice, it is necessary to note that when trying to viconate similar manipulations with frames saved in JPEG, the final result looks richer.

RAW processing is not easy

In the midst of digital cameras, there is a widespread idea that the processing of RAW files will require a significant amount of time and effort. Really, there is no greater pardon. Controlling the process of converting a skin RAW file is not obv'yazykovo: most modern RAW converters have the function of saving copies of images in JPEG (as well as in files of other wider graphic formats) in batch mode. With this conversion, the image is created with the settings for the locking with the upgrades recorded in EXIF ​​information about the camera setup at the time of capture. In this way, you can take the same JPEG files themselves, as if they were saved by the camera on the memory card. Looking back at the productivity of today's PCs, I'll take a little time. In addition, in the process of batch conversion, you can visualize and a number of others - scale the image and the required size and / or the size of the files, include “watermarks”, information about the date, hour, change of writing, etc.

In the process of revisiting the image, after removing the batch conversion, you can choose those photographs, as if to represent the same value of the seed in the distance to the “spoofed” plot, and through these other conditions, the images were taken with a technical hatch. Of course, over the selection of optimal adjustments for these shots, you can check manually, however, the final result in this case will be viz., which can be taken after the processing of these images recorded by the camera in JPEG.

It is also impossible not to guess about those that in a number of modern digital cameras (for example, the Fujifilm X-M1 models) the function of converting images, saving from the RAW-images, into a JPEG file with the ability to control the adjustment of various parameters has been implemented. In this way, the owners of such cameras for converting RAW images do not need a computer, and the procedure can be learned from mobile minds.

Rozmir May Meaning

One of the stones, like unseen amateur photographers, to love throwing RAW into the city, is a great collection of files. In fact, the RAW-image of the image is a bit bigger than the second copy in the JPEG format when you select the maximum possible brightness (to achieve the minimum level of embossing). However, as it was already guessed, the RAW-image should be filled with more information about the output of the image, lower JPEG. And those that the RAW file format can be larger, it's quite natural. There is one more aspect, which is a lot of unseen photographs.

In complicated situations - for example, if the photographer is not sure about the correct choice of parameters in the exposure - a whole lot of logical solutions are taken in the exposure bracketing mode. When you select this mode, the camera will take a single picture to take a series of three frames in JPEG format with different exposure settings. If you want to save an image in RAW format, then stitch one frame as a whole: as it was already guessed, create a 12-bit image to allow you to adjust the exposure value in the ranges of ±2 EV without wasting details in the light and shadows. In this rank, in the case of a review of the situation, the difference in the volume of files (one RAW versus three JPEGs) will not be so significant.

It is impossible not to notice that in rich RAW file formats, which are found in today's cameras, compression algorithms can be implemented without wasting data (for ZIP). Zavdyakov tsommu vdaetsya significantly change obsyag znіmkіv, scho zberіgayutsya, without the slightest shoddy for the sake of the image. Until then, for the lowest price on a flash memory card, you can create no more security than a photographer as a whole, you can afford to bring your own, the building can accommodate hundreds of images in RAW format.

The problem of mindfulness

Another aspect, about which the language will inevitably come in with equal transfers and shortcomings of the RAW and JPEG formats, is the confusion with different attachments and programs.

Without a doubt, the JPEG format is currently the de facto standard for capturing images in electronic form - moreover, in the field of computers, and in the field of post-processing technology. Photographs recorded in this format can be viewed practically in any web browser, graphics editor or other impersonal programs that support the work with graphic files. Most of the photographs and little ones on the Internet are taken from the JPEG format itself. Well, the robot from the images of this format is supported by a lot of attachments: mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, printers and MFPs with the function of an autonomous friend, portable and stationary digital media programs, SmartTV too.

Regular file browser Windows 8 (Explorer)
allows you to display thumbnails of RAW files in different formats

In other words, one of the important advantages of the JPEG format is its versatility. By displaying a digital photograph in JPEG, you can practically be 100% convinced that you can easily open the operating systems of various computers and mobile devices with standard methods, publish on a special side of the social network, develop on printers or mini-labs faceless others.

Those that the RAW format is slightly wider and more universal than the original JPEGs are an obvious fact, and they can be compared with them without a hint. The problem of inconsistency with different programs is being overcome by the fact that in this hour there are anonymous different RAW files. In fact, leather from the great manufacturers of photographic equipment can be used in proprietary formats for recording RAW images: CRW and CR2 from Canon, NEF from Nikon, SR2 and ARW from Sony, RAF from Fujifilm and so on. And on the right, here it’s not so in the ambitions of great companies, like in the daily technicalities, that there are algorithms for processing the signal and the internal manifestation of data about images in cameras of different series and virobniki. In addition, the world of fully digital photographic equipment blames the need to modify the correct format for recording RAW images, which will further aggravate the problem of consistency.

As a last resort, a universal RAW converter (otherwise a program that is licensed for work with files of this format) is not capable of writing absolutely any RAW file. In addition, cameras with the function of saving RAW-image, as a rule, are provided with special software for working with RAW-files in the same format, which is victorious in this model. You can either use proprietary utilities (supported for processing RAW files recorded by cameras of only one converter), or special versions of universal RAW converters, such as Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, SILKYPIX Developer Studio, etc.

Adobe tried to solve the problem on a global scale. In 2004, the company introduced a new format for recording RAW images of digital images, which was called DNG (short for Digital Negative - literally “digital negative”). Photo camera proteges have taken this initiative even colder: carry out the gravitation of the market and the dosing of vicorist water in the RAW format. One of the rare blames on Leica, the prote with all the respect to the history and philosophy of the legendary brand, without rebuilding the legendary brand, it is impossible not to notice that the part of the market that deals with its products is very small in this hour and, as it seems, you wait.

Thus, the solution to the problem of consistency of RAW-files of cameras of various types of cameras is the main rank on the shoulders of software developers. And to get into a different mood is not only about companies that produce universal RAW converters. Increasingly, the number of graphic editors and programs for reviewing digital images is gradually increasing, in which the possibility of processing RAW files is realized (as one of the applications, you can bring the ACDSee utility, which is popular in our country). In Windows 7 and 8, the regular file browser allows you to display thumbnails of RAW files in different formats. Zagalom, with skin rock, the number of software products that support the work with RAW files is increasing.

Vtіm, є borderline simple way to solve the dilemma "JPEG or RAW" once and for all. For most modern cameras, which allow you to record pictures in RAW format, transferring the photo saving mode one hour and RAW, and JPEG. Remaining handy for “backward” purposes and for a forward review (like a kind of “control card”), and the RAW image is good for that moment, as you need to correct the technical pardons allowed in the zoning process.

Obviously, such a pidhid may have his own shortcomings. One of them is the increase in the volume that is taken up with pictures (for the record only in RAW). However, if a JPEG file is richer than a RAW-image, then reducing the maximum number of frames that fit on the nose will be insignificant, and you can sacrifice a lot for the sake of agility and efficiency.

Another shortfall is the reduction in the speed of the serial harvest. Most of today's cameras have the maximum capture frequency and most of the world's smaller series fall into the format in which the images are taken. Saving shots only in JPEG sound allows you to access more high speed and save more images in one series, lower when recording RAW (and more in both formats at the same time). In this way, when choosing the mode of serial shooting, the photographer will have to decide what is much more important: the speed or the possibility of post-production.


Nasamkinets briefly formulate the main thoughts, presented in this article.

The principle advantage of the RAW-image is that in the new one all information about the image is stored, fixed by the camera sensor for the hour of capture. When saving a frame in JPEG format, a significant part of the information will be irrevocably lost. To this very fact, in the process of processing a RAW-file, the photographer can gain a lot of opportunities to correct it like the best prorachunks, as well as pardons allowed by the camera's automatics.

The function of saving RAW-files in the є transverse advantage of a digital camera, the lenses allow the photographer to fully realize the potential of the camera to shoot at that moment, if the settings were not set correctly, or the pardon was allowed at the time of the choice of exposure.

Although the RAW format allows you to save a lot more information about the image in the JPEG sequence, the ability to manipulate RAW images may be obscured, zoomed by the technical characteristics of the camera, - the screen, the real range of the sensitivity of the sensor elements, the AD. Therefore, in quiet situations, if there was a rude pardon at the time of the capture, the appearance of the RAW-image of the frame does not allow guaranteeing a satisfactory result.

Working with RAW-files is not so coherent, as it can be seen at first glance (especially people who are not informed). Frames edited without technical pardons do not require additional processing and can be converted to JPEG (or files of other graphic formats) in batch mode with customization for locking.

Some of the essential shortcomings of the JPEG format can be unparalleled: richly improving the sum of software products, as well as computer and pobutovim possessions. The very best option is to save the skin mark and look at the RAW-image of the frame, and the JPEG format (good luck, most of today's cameras have such a possibility transferred). And in order to benefit you by changing the number of personnel, which are placed on a real memory card in this mode, add one more. Zreshtoy, the New River is approaching, and I have the right to make my own if I want a small gift.

The RAW file (from the English Raw Image Data File) is included before the image data files. The RAW format is extensions in the field of digital photography, here similar files are formatted directly from the matrix, bypassing the processing process. The middle of mirrored and navitih digital cameras, due to the ability to capture RAW, is often associated with changing photo equipment in the upgrade mode or after changing the firmware.

Vrakhovuuchi vіdsutnіst chіtkoї spektіkatsії expansion of RAW, іsnuє kіlka variantіv іnformatsії, scho to be worn in the new. Basically, this file takes into account that part of the light-sensitive matrix, which makes it possible for this photo in the RAW format to capture the edge of the final image without wasting the supernaturally darkened, as well as brightened, parts of the song frame.

Delving into the understanding of what the RAW format is, the next thing is to know about the name, which was given to your professional photography. Such image formats are called "digital negatives". Number of file extensions can be formatted as a number of versions of one and the same picture, at your own time RAW processing you can change the parameters, the cream is quiet, as corrections are made, for example, the exposure is strong.

The RAW file can be viewed with the help of special programs that support the RAW format. I often review such files for an hour, similar to before, yakby їx were launched in JPEG format. Vrakhovuchi large number of software, open files in the RAW type, such popular graphic editors as Adobe Photoshop, as well as Corel PaintShop, ACD Systems and others.

The main feature of the format of the RAW series is the preservation of the image from the additional parameters of its processing, such as exposure correction and white balance, as well as saturation, sharpness or sharpness, contrast.

Files of such a graphic format are saved by the camera to a memory card, as other data are taken from other image formats. RAW format file can be converted to larger formats, e.g. JPEG, TIFF

RAW - so the titles of "Syria" is the format for saving these images from professional and non-professional cameras. Win allows you to save information, buried by the camera lens, for further processing by a photo editor.

In this article, you know what the RAW format is for and you know the specifics of the file type.

General description of the features of RAW files

At the time of storage of the camera or camera, the necessary data about the frame (white balance, contrast, exposure, intensity and sharpness) are transmitted to the 12-bit video (more than 14 or 16 bits per channel). Removing the sign of editing is easier, lower JPEG. For an unshaven look, the frames are filled with corystuvachi, which are not suitable for victorization (RAW revision, druk, editing with standard raster programs).

Key achievements:

  • saving the value of the skin pixel of the matrix (the author has access to more colors of the camera at the time of editing the frame);
  • manual correction of signs and correction of exposition pardons (for example, distortion);
  • at the moment of saving the frame, it is selected from 1%;
  • robot with photo, crushed in ultraviolet, infrared spectra;
  • lightening, darkening the area of ​​the frame.

There is no such thing as a wider standard for RAW: files of competing selections for cameras and cameras are subject to expansion, expansion, expansion. This format is also called a digital negative through the peculiarities of post-processing. Some people don't know what the RAW image format is for.

The format takes the following data:

  • camera and lens identifiers;
  • description of the minds of the mind (vitrimka, visvitlennia, sharpness, dynamic range);
  • frame conversion type;
  • number of the editing frame, take, position of the panoramic head.

Starting with Android 5.1, the RAW hack is also available on smartphones.

How to read RAW format

SLR camera makers do not work out the raw encoding format for RAW, so choose software for processing images with branded optics. If you want to practice with the signs, use the lower guides to type the software for orientation.

Windows 7-10

Optics makers have developed the following RAW file extensions and clients for their processing:

  • ACR, CR2 - Canon ();
  • NEF, NRW - Nikon ();
  • PTX, PEF - Pentax ();
  • SRW-Samsung();
  • ARW, SRF - Sony ().

macOS X

For a work with a format on an OS like Apple, use the following programs:

  • Apple Photo;


On this OS, the choice of video editors is small, but still:


Starting with version 5.1, Lollipop Android smartphones have learned how to take pictures in RAW format. Yogo Navit was standardized as DNG (Digital Negative). To process transfer files, use the following set of programs:


Officially, Apple technology does not know about the “sir” format, but it is possible for that one, starting with the iPhone 6s. For work, we prepare vicor with the material.