The latest description of the rules for placing advertising on VKontakte. What is fenced in to advertise in social media and in context? What is blocked from advertising on VK

Advertising on VK is the widest among SMM fahivtsiv. People who are busy selling their own and other people's business have long understood that the best way to sell their comrades and services. Ale, yak and skrіz, here there are their own rules, which are necessary to follow. No matter what, publications cannot pass moderation. We will look at once, how to establish the rules for placing advertising on VKontakte, we know what is being protected, and how early it can be inherited.

Rules for placing advertisements on VKontakte

Іsnuє sevny change of rules when placing advertising posts in VK, such obov'yazkovo is necessary to reach. Let's look at them in more detail.

Basic rules

First of all, you need to be sure that the rules are regularly updated, for this you need to be careful. If you don’t edit your publication in such a way that it complies with the new rules, then you won’t be able to pass moderation. It is obligatory for you to read the link of the rules of the social media "VKontakti". If you distribute advertising content to any of the damages, the administration of the VK site will not distribute it. Read the advertising legislation as soon as possible. Even if one paragraph of this document is not taken care of, you will be advised to place it.

We gave necessary technical support to advertising posts. Choose a suitable image format, as well as text. The pictures may be great and take them down. A unique format is needed to fit a group of programs (images can be square). The picture or the photograph is not guilty of re-visiting 5 MB. Also, check which formats are supported: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF or GIF.

Design of an advertisement

If you did not create a stun, then guarantee that the text of a new one needs to be written only in Russian mine. It is also necessary to obov'yazkovo, so that punctuation was added. It is barred at the text to swear obscenely. You can’t write about podії, yakі can evoke negative emotions in people. For example: about death, driving in, funerals, catastrophes. It is not possible for an advertiser to write down special data in the voiced message: telephone numbers, information about addresses. It is also fenced off from the text and photos to conduct a sequential analysis of your products with the goods of competitors.

It is not possible to write directly: "Goods for 18 year olds" or "Oleksandr - this service is only for you." Tse vvazhaetsya characteristics of individuals koristuvachiv. Also, ensure that the pictures cannot be set to a low value, to fit only the temple. Їx themes can be made with a sexy gimmick or lakayuchoї. You can not advertise alcohol, chicken, drugs. Everything is worth not only pictures, but also videos.

What is boronyaetsya to push through the VC

Obov'yazkovo remember that you yourself can not slip through the social media "VKontakti":

  • Services for the collection of special data, so there is no explanation why similar activities are being created.
  • It is impossible to engage in activities for cheating likes, pre-payers, votes, vicorists in your special services.
  • It is not possible to advertise materials of a pornographic nature, trainings, which will teach you to calm down and become better.
  • It is harrowed to put out various sums for chickens, as well as speeches, which are psychotropic.
  • The administration does not allow ads for alcohol to be pushed through.
  • Nadannya services by medical institutions or private persons for abortions.
  • Steroid preparations for the treatment of mucus.
  • I will use that technique of white straightness.
  • Gambling games.
  • Program chi resources, yakі stimulate koristuvachіv zdіysnyuvati illegal activities.
  • Materials that may have a political character.

The duties of the administration of VKontakti are obov'yazkovymi to vikonannya. Everything from the reclaimed from this list has been fenced through.

De read read the link of the rules

So that you can learn about the most important rules, you need to click on the tab under the name “Advertising” in the “VK” menu item, and then click on the “Rules” button. Give me a list, for which the rules are clearly written. For a successful passage, you need to trim the shoes, don’t flatter yourself that there are a lot of them.

Punishment for the placement of fenced advertising

If you will win over the defense of advertising methods in VK, then the following sanctions may apply to the administration of the site:

  • Blocking your voice. This kind of early warning can be called the most recent of all.
  • You block the domain. This means that advertising materials from the domain, where "Advertising Cabinet" is located, will be removed. Blocking is necessary to send advertising, as it was created anew with this domain.
  • You will be blocked on the oblіkovy record. Your physical record will be deleted again.
  • Financial sanctions As a side of "VK", where the publication is, it will be reviewed, the administration of the resource can fine you for the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

As you can understand, you won’t see anything good, as you break the rules of the VKontakte spelling.

Pluses and minuses dotrimannya rules "VK"

If you don’t violate the rules of the “VK” social media, then the public you create will not be blocked by any means. Plus, before anything, the moderators will sooner or later review your advertisements. You can normally practice and earn money. Also, no penalties will be imposed on you. There are absolutely no minuses for the rules of VKontakte.


Irrespective of those who are medical services or the goods are prevented from advertising, so you attach a disclaimer Іsnuyut contraindications. You need a doctor's consultation”, your advertisement may be skipped by the administration. It is also known that representatives of the administration of "VK" may have the right to ask you for a document for a song product or service. Tse treba zam'yatati, schobi did not blame problems. You are responsible to understand that it is not robots, but people who change the moderation of your publication. To that take the human factor to respect.

Significantly overnight, there is no universal solution, how to advertise a group in VK. A good result can only be achieved with additional planned and systematic work.


Before that, let's move on to the advertising of the Vkontakte group, we will tell the great truths about the creation of the groups themselves. We should be reminded that the theme/idea of ​​the project is really relevant and that the cicava is relevant. Є zakonіrnіst: scho tsіkavіsha theme - the more mature the audience of the group.

More than anything, the Merezha already has groups, the concept of which is similar to yours. Your task: to expand the idea, to grow it wider / narrower, to look from the other side, to add rodzins and buns, which competitors do not have. The group is guilty of helping the koristuvachs solve the problem (the hour spent, taking away information about the goods/services, talking with the same-minded people).

Appointed from the profile, now I choose the name. Є 2 options: position for service/goods and according to activity. So I can name the main sphere of activity: "Installation of windows near Moscow", "Repair of laptops near St. Petersburg", "Vesilni limousines in Tomsk". As a ready-made brand, which can mean the number of customers, we simply call the group the same way as the company.

To give respect to the fact that the social network of VKontakte is to pass the indexation of joke systems, for the sake of understanding, correctly composed names. Tobto, as if to name the most relevant prompts, to ensure a rush of coristuvachis for prompts. For convenience, name the Yandex Wordstat tool.

The last thing on our list, and far from the rest for significance is content. 3 criteria for slick content: relevance, uniqueness, virality. After reading the material, you may be asked to make a repost. As a courteous person, he respects the information of the core, he shares it on his own side and becomes visible to his friends, which ensures the additional tide of front-payers to the group. The number of reposts and likes are the best indicators of the quality of content. Even though there are not enough of them - it is necessary to directly change one or the other topic.

How to advertise a group in a contact: effective ways

As you can see, the Russian people are terrible in improvisation, different limits and obmezhennia - a cry for us. Therefore, there is a way around this mechanism: we buy fake sides and let our friends reach people, as they meet the criteria of the target audience (CA) group. Dali nadsilaєmo їm requested to join the group. At the time of the coristuvach, I take the request from a friend, that I will give you a trust.

It's not surprising that through the main exchange you need not 1-2 sides, but in tens and hundreds. Dopomozhut at tsomu service that program, for example, SmmLaba. Meal price: 350 rubles for the purchase of pages (50 pieces for 7 rubles) + 1500 rubles for the purchase of a proxy for skin fake (50 pieces for 30 rubles) + 700 rubles / month for software security.

Targeted advertising. Tse tі sami nabridlivі voіdomlennya, yakі z'yavlyayutsya on the side of the strіchtsі newov. Knowing the wisdom of targeted advertising is an independent science. Let's describe the essence of this advertisement of VK publics: advertising posts and propositions are only seen by the target audience, as you can ask for the article, century, interests, place of living. Need young mothers from 25 to 30 years old, who live near the Moscow region? The system itself knows їх i show your proposition, in view of which the stench cannot be acted upon. For independent customization of advertising that is targeted, there will be a Getuniq service.

  1. Advertising public Vkontakte through posts in other publics. This method is as old as the social network itself. The principle is obscenely simple: you buy posts in popular groups and social networks, you can go to your maidanchik for permission. The advertising post is posted for the song hour, the hour of publication and the next time are discussed later. Most often, scheme 1/23 wins: the post is trimmed to the first month of the year, that 23 year of the year is lowered step by step from the world of publication of other posts. To facilitate the process of selection of a “promoted” group, control over the hour of publication and payment, special services are allowed, we will talk about them below. You can be without intermediary housekeeping with administrators. The fasting rate will be 10-20% lower, but the guarantees are practically the same.
  2. Inviting. Way to pied for the rotation of a particular zustrіch / entry. Create a podium, signify the cob and end, appoint an organizer and ask guests. Vіdmіnіst vіd іn the first method yоmu, scho zaproshenna rozsilayutsya іnshmi grupom, yoi sit your TA. Leafing through the line with jarta, you chanted the request for webinars, master-class or trainings. Tse i є іnvayting at a clean look.
  3. Competition. Today, there is no better way to advertise a group in VK, or hold contests. In order to take a part in the contest, you need to sign up for your group diy - make a repost, put a comment, subscribe and so on. Despread posts about those who are holding a contest, because the advertised group still has few pre-payers? To help you come to the kshtalt “Competition (name the place”, “Freebie in the “name the place”), “Actions (name the place)”, they have already generated an audience, I’m ready to vikonate those chi іnshi dії.
  4. Mutual PR. So you advertise the post of your group / organization, and the stench will place your garden. There are a number of nuances here: the number of pre-payers may be approximately the same, the content and topics may be similar, the supervisor/administrator may be adequate, so that they could accept the proposition and not give surprises.
  5. Look at an expert. This is an advertising post sent to a group, requests from a celebrity / blogger / expert. For example, through a group you sell clothes for playing sports. You can get a post from someone you know about your online store for doing sports.

Texts for VK group advertising: standard templates

The biggest expansion is direct advertising. Similar posts to convey the proposition to the chola. Efficiency of the message at times lies beyond the reach of art, talent and is equal to the professionalism of a copywriter. There is only one rule here: the text can be sold as much as possible and minimally for the size.

Direct advertising is effective both as an increase in the audience of a group, and as a sale. It is necessary to redevelop the goods/services, to reconsider the front-payer from the necessary purchases, to get them to the group/to the site too.

An example of an advertisement for a group in VK: “The subject of a bag is a fashionista from the whole world for a bargain price! Uggi vіd UGG only for 4000 rubles! For prepaid group members, there is an additional discount of 10%. Hurry up! Hour of housekeeping promotions: from 1 May to 1 Cherny 2018. The advertising post is open to your imagination, don't be afraid to experiment.

If you want to increase the number of payers, it is necessary to describe the advantages of entering the group in the post. The group needs to be clearly positioned for interests, then people are more willing to join.

For example: "Developing logic" - the price of a new task for the logic of the day, the cost of super-learning and discussion, the effective methods and techniques of developing intelligence, the cost of interviews with experts in the field and a lot of other things.

Another type of post is post with an urvish. The essence of the fact that you rozmіschuєte tsіkaviy text, vіrnіshe, yoga cob. And to read the prodovzhennya, the koristuvach is guilty of going through the prayers to the group.

The latest version of the text is displayed in a group over the wall, so that the skin is seen first. If you don’t close the text, don’t hide the sea of ​​​​negative comments and comments, you won’t give it to the payers. With the right choice of “breaks”, fasting allows you to withdraw thousands of new payers. According to the statistics, as the content of the correct post placements in the most thematic partnership (with a real, not a cheated audience), the skin of the five in the group will be lost and subscribed.

І rest look - wiki-post. Tse zmistovnі, іnformativnі posts, designed as articles from Wikipedia. What is the most recent and up-to-date material, which is hoped for by the viviku-post, more koristuvachiv to join the group. For higher education professional groups - tse same ones.

How to set up advertising in VK for a group

Іz cim will help with special services:

  1. Here you can conduct the appearance of advertising campaigns and conduct them, check for the number of new payers from advertising, the number of posts, etc.
  2. The service itself searches for the optimal sleep for the placement of advertising posts, following the statistics of the group.
  3. Also search groups for advertising placement, analyze competitor groups, follow the trends of partner programs.

Reportingly, we can look at how the target is set. Nasampered, vіdkrivaєmo the VK market platform and create a profile here. For the purpose of voicing, I have divided “Targeting” and choose one type: “Spilnota”, enter the name of our group, as it is shown on the little one: At the end, it is visible, as we pay for advertising: for going or for showing. I embossed "create a goloshennya". Everything aimed is launched.

Group advertising on VK: varty, how to pay

They figured out how to advertise the Vkontakte group. Now let's talk, skilki tse koshtuvatime. I know the same, there are no universal numbers on the scale of prices. The price of an advertising company for a group can be up to 1,000-2,000 rubles, or even over 20,000 rubles. The most important thing is that the principle has more robit.

If you get 10,000 pre-payers, it will be easier to get richer, the shards of the mechanism have already been launched. Bring the audience to 20 thousand, then 30 thousand, 40 thousand. Do not change the wrappers, continue the twisting, the variability will be lower, and the effect of the daedal will be greater. But it’s also necessary to maintain original posts and unique propositions, which are new and original.

Let's analyze the orientation prices of the main types of advertising:

  1. The price of targeted advertising depends on the clickability of the publicity and competition for the designated target audience. For the average, 1 transfer from Moscow and St. Petersburg costs 25-30 rubles, 1 click - 5 rubles. A grown-up front-payer, having entered, costs 10 rubles. In the Russian Federation, that type is 25 rubles. at St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  2. An advertising post at a spivtovaristvo cost is about 500-3500 rubles per day, depending on the audience.
  3. The price of an expert's position is how you make a home, you can barter for a product/service.

Otzhe, how to advertise the VK group? The answer is simple: in a different way. Try all the methods, conduct analytics and find out which method has given the result, and which needs to be looked into. Only a complex pidkhіd and universal okhoplennya will give a result.

Vdyachny to you before the payers and the creative ones are naked!

Advertising on VKontakte is one of the widest types of SMM promotion. People have already realized for a long time that advertising at social networks is wisely and conveniently. Ale, like on any other maydanchik, here there are rules, dotrimannya such obov'yazkovo, otherwise your voicing simply does not pass moderation.

Itself about the rules of that way of placing advertising on VK, we'll talk today.

Why are the rules crazy?

The skin of the advertiser is guilty of the nobility, or if he wants to know the rules of that power, so that he didn’t blame him for food, for which they were further slandered, and for which the other penalties were imposed before the new one. Yakscho

Crime of Russian legislation, the basis of the rules is to include the policy of the site itself, about which we write in paragraph 1: "Advertisement may be subject to the Rules for posting the VKontakte website, the Rules for competitions."

It is important to understand that these rules are regularly adjusted depending on changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, the policy of the site, or for other reasons.

Maidanchik retains the right to make changes without the need to coristuvachiv and do not tell them about the vikonan's work. Therefore, be on the alert, and constantly monitor the rules more precisely.

VK advertising placement rules

What will you do if you do not follow the official rules of VKontakte advertising?

In order to find out the rules for the placement of advertising voiceovers and posts, it is necessary to go to a special advertising account (, and then click on the "Rules" tab.

Let's take a closer look at all the points:

P.1 - Rules for posting by the VK site and advertising exposure

Tsey point mi already stuck. Here there are those who are not guilty of defamation and are guilty of conforming to legislation.

P.2 - Dovzhina text and image format

Usі ogoloshennya owe vypovіdati tehnіchnіchnymimogi. You can get to know the reporter with them by going over to the bells and whistles. There is no suitable "underwater stone" here. The main data may include the format and size of the image, the length of the texts, etc.

P.2.1 - Goloshennia may be literate

The text of the advertisements is guilty of complying with the norms of the Russian language. We can write correctly, do not revenge for grammatical, spelling and punctuation pardons. Like a pardon is not part of a marketing move.

As far as this point, you can’t see the words in the text for the account of great letters (for example, ZNIZHKI) or for the account of rose signs and special symbols (for example, ++!!!Uvaga!!!++). Goloshennya with cim text did not pass moderation.

Clause 2.2 - about video ads before images on VKontakte advertisements

This point is to talk about the image. The stench may be clear, so high quality. It is not the fault of revenge "through the door, lakayuchi or aesthetically unacceptable image", as well as alcoholic and tyutyun virobi in the process of their living.

If you sing the text, you are responsible for reading it well and not overseeing 50% of the entire image.

Other than that, you can't win the logos and other attributes of your competitors.

P.2.3 - Change of side, text and image of the advertising voiceover

This point is to talk about those that the site is guilty of confirming that you are advertising.

Such a voiceover will not pass moderation.

VKontakte seriously reviews the advertisements of the site and imposes penalties on the site for violating this item. It is not necessary for him to deceive anyone. If anyone has a thought about replacing the site, read paragraph 5 immediately.

A.2.4 The subject of the advertising object

Here you will find about those that, when creating an announcement, it is necessary to indicate the correct topic. Otherwise, the voice can go through moderation.

A.2.5 What is being blocked by VKontakte advertising voiceovers?

This point is to stop the victorious profanity and riddles about tragic undertones. I think, from this paragraph, everything is clear. Send comments are not required.

A.2.6 - Simulation of elements in the interface is blocked

This item does not allow imitation of interface elements. So, for example, it is not possible to quote a picture, where the “Buy” button will be painted, although there really is nothing there.

Here it is important to understand that the very word "buy" (be it another word) is not fenced. You can spread yoga on the image, to turn the respect of people, or squash them on the gossip. Golovne - that there was no bula framed at the seemingly indistinct button.

P.2.7 - Showing the lead to competitors

Do not compare your product with the products of your competitors. The goal of downgrading the qualities of similar competitive products can be brought to the point that you do not pass moderation. In a few vipadkas, you can do it, but don’t start.

Clause 2.8 - Personal data and VKontakte

In the voicings, it is fenced off with the personal data of the coristuvachs and before them, the vicorist's special characteristics (for example, im'ya, vіk toshcho).

For example, the headlines “Oleksandre, the same ones you need!” or "Are you 30?" do not pass moderation.

P.3 - What is blocked to advertise on VKontakte?

Paragraph number 3 of the rules of the resurrection of objects, yaki fenced advertising.

It’s like this for an hour, if your voices are spent on one of the guessing points, although you didn’t try to advertise yourself. Sometimes in such situations, it helps to re-enforce the moderation, sometimes it is necessary to repeat the voice over again. Get ready for what.

Similarly to moderation, goods from the "black list" pass through. One of those same voices was taken today, and tomorrow they can accept it.

P.4 - Exchange of funds for advertising of certain goods and services

At this point, there is a question about okremі vidi commodities/services, de zastosovuyutsya dodatkovі obmezhennya.

You have the right to request documentation for that other product/service. So get ready to give it.

P.5 - P_dmіna vm_stu stor_nki that ad VK

Here you can read about the very replacement of the site. If you are suspected of this activity, then check for bano. In a short fall. At the naigirshomu - you can be fined 100 yew. ruble

Clause 6 - Agreement on the provision of VK advertising services

Clause 7 - VKontakte's request is fenced

Clause 8 - Competing services, websites, trademarks and rules

Here you will find yourself about those who cannot be guessed at by this and other forms of their competitors. This is a good marketing technique, but the administration of VKontakte does not matter.

P.9-10 - Reasons for voicing in the measure

With points 9 and 10, everything is borderline clear. One gives up the right for the administration of the VK to sound the voice of the voice, so that you superechat their glances. The other is to expand the rules for advertising placed through mobile services.

Pluses and minuses dotrimannya VK rules


More precisely, the link of the rules and could have chosen how to place advertising on VKontakte for someone who can get it too big and foldable. Kupa ptіvіv, kupa pіdpunkіv, scho to fence that chi іnsha diyu. In fact, everything is much simpler. As long as you don't try to fool someone, then all your voices will be moderated without any problems.

Well, you don’t have to be such a blow, but you’ve been stunned, try to replace the words or symbols in a new act (probte be a minimal change) and correct it for re-verification again. Mostly spratsovuє.

From the stats you know:

  • yaki themes of advertising goloshen pіd taboo VK;
  • practical case for passing Vkontakte to the site for the sale of the game lane;
  • the price of traffic to the site from VK advertising voiceovers.

Chi varto launch campaigns on fenced topics.

What are the themes of advertising stunners under taboo?

"N I low-grade advertising slanders in the open spaces of VK!" - Said the retailers of the social services. On the 1st of March 2016, the moderators attach special respect to the protection of targeted advertising. In the official press release for the administration, a copy of the roses was published, which cannot be advertised In contact with.

Taboo-themes made the robot of SMM-schievs slicker. But to say that they killed її impossible. We wonder how it seemed to be practical.

Case: Traffic to the website for the sale of the game lane – World of Tanks

The task was to get entrants to the site for the sale of cloud records, game gold, equipment for the World of Tanks online game.

Middle varty lane - 1200 rubles.

The price per click was set no more than 5 rubles, and for the conversion - three times more than 200 kr.

What we robbed:

  1. Analysis of the target audience.

At the first stage, we analyzed the target audience and divided it into 2 segments:

  • group-competition;
  • groups for interests.

On the skin segment, the active base group was manually selected.

  1. Launching a stunner with different targets using the “stunner-leader” method and launching split-testing on the skin segment of the okremo.

Price per click - 3.5 rubles.

Effective for launching split-testing, there were omissions:

Price per click - 3 rubles.

  1. Launch of split-tests with blind leaders for the okremo skin segment (on a group-competitor group for interests).

After split-testing, the ineffective groups were selected, and from the effective ones, the bases of the most active candidates were selected for the additional service "TargetHunter".

  1. Launching advertising campaigns at full strength with different options for teasers and advertising texts. Below we suggest analytics.

Average rate per click - 2.15 rubles.

Groups with interests:

Average rate per click - 1.7 rubles.

Irrespective of those that the topic for VKontakte is blocked, we have far enough to launch a voiceover in this format:

And the promo posts looked like this:

Average rate per visit to the site - 1.2 rubles.

In a pouch

As a result, promo posts were the most successful. But the group, which was specially created for this launch, was quickly blocked. I know the same, through the topic.

All at once: the average price per click is 1.7 rubles. (Replacement of planned 5 rubles)

The client independently determines the conversion. In yoga words, the average price for a purchase is 100 - 150 rubles. (Deputy of planned 200 rubles)

A plus for this type of development will be the promotion of recognition of the site (your goods and services) among the social media, because this segment of the market has a lot of competition.

5 (100%) 1 vote

Starting to place ads on the Internet, varto respectfully observe the rules of that exchange in the policy of advertising, skin context and social media. In general, all the fences and fences are similar, the shards of the advertising system work in the same legal field. In addition, fallow land in the countryside or the region of the fence can be different.

What can't be advertised?

AdWords rules, Yandex.Direct rules, VKontakte rules , Facebook rules, to give a reading of the statement about the fenced topics of advertising tyutyunovі virobi; comrades, yakі propagandize the cult of violence and zhorstokostі; drugs, psychotropic speech; goods that apply for obov'yazkovіy sertifikatsії, without evidence of this certificate; goods, yakі fenced on the territory of your country; gambling and sbroyu; pornography.

Іsnuyut categorії, yakі it is possible to advertise іz up to three minds of singers. Before them one can see: alcohol, lotteries, medical supplies and bioactive food supplements, services from the production of cats to the population, services from the labor market.

  1. Vikoristannya sent from a redirect. The advertising system is so dumb. Therefore, after the passage of moderation, the redirect may be changed later.
  2. Advertising, what to introduce into Oman.
  3. Advertising of unattainable results, miraculous transformations, deception of the essence of the product itself.
  4. Advertising copies of popular brands, replicas and replicas
  5. Advertising sites, on which special personal data are collected without specifying the reasons for such collection.
  6. Advertising tovarіv іz neyakіsnimi chi educative efforts. Such advertising can provoke a mass subscription to the type of advertising (clicking on the button “Do not show more than tsієї ads” - but you’ve created your own line before the public record from the side of the advertising system).

How can you punish the placement of fenced advertising?

Іsnuє kіlka vidіv punishment for vikoristannya fencing methods in advertising and advertising fencing products

  1. Blocking voicing. The last punishment for the post-order system of social security.
  2. Domain blocking. In this case, all ads for a specific domain will be removed from the existing advertising cabinets, and advertising with this domain will be blocked again.
  3. Blocking the oblіkovogo record. Out of view of the oblіkovogo record of the koristuvach.
  4. Financial punishment. The social network of VKontakte can impose a fine on the amount of up to 100,000 Russian rubles at the outset, which means that you can change the side of the page, as if you were voicing.

Fence for advertising brands that are sold by the store

Trademark managers can build a search system and run ads for shops or repair shops, as well as the name of the trade mark in the headline. For example, it is impossible to find an advertisement for a store, in which it will be written that the wine is sold by Nokia, TOEFL, Xerox. There is no new list of fenced trademarks in the public domain.

Advertising with such keywords can only be placed with the official permission of the trade mark holders. However, contextual and social measures allow you to win trademarks in keywords and do not react to scargs, as they stink.

One of the options for bypassing such an exchange is to vikoristovuvat Cyrillic transliteration of trademarks or dynamic replacement of the keyword. Prote, there's a chance that such a scam is all the same as a result of a ban. Tim is not smaller;