Transferring files to a virtual machine. Import and Export of a virtual machine from VirtualBox. Exporting a virtual machine

VirtualBox is an Oracle software for creating virtual machines. In simple words, you can run a number of operating systems on your computer at once, for example, Windows, Android, etc. This is a shell that emulates the work of a real computer with various characteristics (processor, RAM, video memory). If you read this article, then, you know, you will always be victorious about VirtualBox. We are aware of the power supply, which is often installed on Oracle VM servers – “ How to transfer files to a VirtualBox virtual machine

For example, I'm messing around with Windows 10 and installing good old Windows XP on a virtual machine. How can I exchange files between the real and additional OS? Quite simply.

Method 1 – Backdoor folders

We first need to install the VirtualBox guest add-on. Without them, you will not be able to process hidden folders. Launch the virtual machine, select “Devices” from the menu, “Connect the guest OS add-ons disk image.”

It will seem like it's installed after any need to re-engage the car. Installed? You can continue to chew.

Launch VirtualBox, select the required virtual machine and click “Setup”.

Go to the “Subfolder folders” tab. Click on the icon for adding a new folder, enter the name and location of the folder. Also, do not forget to check the box next to “Auto-connection” so that the guest OS automatically connects this folder.

Launch the virtual OS. Windows XP Explorer now has a discrete disk with a separate folder that can be used for both the guest OS and the real one. Now you can calmly transfer files to the VirtualBox virtual machine.

Method 2 - Drag'n'Drop function

Oracle VM has a very interesting function called Drag'n'Drop. It allows you to transfer files to another target, dragging them to the desired location. Have adjusted virt. Cars go to “Zagalnya”, “Dodatkovo” and activate this function. Mode – bidirectional.

VirtualBox is one of the most popular cost-free programs for creating virtual machines. With this, you can safely experiment with programs and the operating system without fear of damaging the system of a real computer. Unfortunately, VirtualBox has one problem, transferring files between a real computer and a virtual machine is poorly implemented and in many cases simply does not work. You can find instructions that describe setting up VirtualBox to transfer files, but they are also not always difficult and even more difficult to understand.

In this article, we will look at the simplest way to transfer files from a real computer to a VirtualBox virtual machine. With this instruction we will use the local measure. And in order to adjust this local border as quickly, simply and reliably as possible, use the “Merezheviy Mist” mode as best as possible. In this mode, the virtual machine connects to your home local network and becomes part of it. This allows you to easily deny access from a virtual machine to sensitive intermediate folders that are stored on real computers.

On a real computer there will be a temporary folder with universal access (write access), which will allow you to drop files from the virtual machine into it. In this way, an open temporary folder can play the role of a buffer between a real computer and a virtual machine.

Lesson No. 0. Unlock private access to the local video folder on a real computer.

Before you start setting up the virtual machine, you need to find out that on the real computer there is a temporary folder with secret access and write permission. If there is no such folder, it needs to be created. Here we do not see the process of granting access to the folder, since this is the topic for the relevant article. You can read about how to deal with it in the article "" or in the article "".

Lesson No. 1. Go to the setup of the virtual machine and select the “Marginal Place” mode.

To get started, you need to open the VirtualBox program, right-click on the virtual machine to which you want to transfer files, and select the “Adjustment” option.

When the virtual machine is configured, go to the “Merge” section and change the type of network connection to “Merezh place”.

After this, we save the settings by pressing the “OK” button.

Lesson No. 2. We launch the virtual machine and complete the setup of the local network.

After selecting the operating system, a window will appear asking you to select the type of local network. At this stage, we select “Home Media” to reduce the number of problems when transferring files from a real computer to a virtual machine.

Afterwards, Windows may ask you to restart the system. As it appears, we will re-enable the virtual machine (via ).

Lesson No. 3. The robot checks the local network between the virtual machine and the real PC.

After restarting the virtual machine, part of your home local network and file transfer may already be processed. You can check this by opening the window with information about the network connection on the virtual machine. If everything is configured correctly, then the VirtualBox machine must assign an IP address within the range of your home network.

You can also try the ping command, checking the access from the virtual machine to the real one.

If everything is fine, then ping can pass.

Lesson No. 4. Opening the border folders of a real computer from a virtual machine.

If no problems have been identified, you can open the temporary folders and access any secrets on a real computer. To do this, on a virtual machine you need to open the “My Computer” window and enter the IP address of the real machine in the address bar (in this format, as in the screenshot below).

After this, it is your responsibility to deny access to the network folders on your real machine.

Also, your real computer may appear as a virtual machine.

After removing access to secondary folders, transferring files from the VirtualBox virtual machine to a real computer and back does not cause problems. You simply copy the required files to the border folder and deny access to them on both machines.

From Windows on Ubuntu, installed on Virtualbox? If I connect USB, it appears to be disabled by Windows.

How can I learn more about Ubuntu?

6 Solutions collect form web for “How to transfer files from Windows on Ubuntu to Virtualbox?”

There are two ways in which I call vikory

Option 1. Before installing Ubuntu in the setup of the VirtualBub Uuuntu virtual machine, specify the folder for private access. Then, after logging into Ubuntu, create a new directory, for example /media/vboxshared, and mount the disk using the additional command sudo mount -t vboxsf SHARENAME /media/vboxshared. Enter the password if prompted for a password.

Option 2. Before installing Ubuntu, add a new bridge adapter and select “Bridge adapter”. After logging into Ubuntu, run the command ifconfig -a | more ifconfig -a | more To assign the IP address of your new network adapter. On Windows, use WinSCP or FileZilla to transfer files to Ubuntu

At any time, you can easily make the USB key visible to the guest. From your point of view, I assume that you are running Ubuntu on the guest system, and the host is Windows.

Now, if you insert a USB key and want to use it on a guest system, enter the following:

    Cleanly unmount the USB from the window by clicking on the connector icon in the lower right corner and selecting the “safely remove...” option.

    In the VirtualBox window, select the menu item "Devices => usb devices" from the main menu of the guest window and select your USB key. Now you can login to Ubuntu.

This operation is equivalent to physically inserting your USB key into the USB port of your guest computer.

Otherwise, other parameters

    The folder is hidden, as indicated in the types of laebshade and Alvin Sim. Ale tse mozhet buti povilnym.

    FTP, etc., as specified in the Alvin Sim channel (transferred if you have an FTP server on your Windows host).

    Easy to attach the sambi to the guest:

    Mount -t cifs // winhost / share / home / yourname / mntpoint -o user = winusr% paswd, uid = 0, gid = 0, file_mode = 0777, dir_mode = 0777

    For small tasks and frequent synchronization, open the Dropbox account.

Sudo mount -t vboxsf SHARENAME /media/vboxshared

  1. create a special folder on your PC. for example "c:\SharedBoth"
  2. Make sure you have selected your personal folder c:\SharedBoth from the c:\SharedBoth menu "setup" - "backdoor folders" - "add" - "permanent / automount", first of all launch the ubuntu virtual machine.
  3. launch the ubuntu terminal, enter the command above,
    sudo mount -t vboxsf SharedBoth /media
  4. Then check that the sf_SharedBoth folder has been created for dad with noses. Before you can complete Croc 3, you need to check that you have set the “ready additions”,

Who is the ruler and who is the guest? By any chance, Virtualbox has a powerful wiki mechanism that you can use; Simply install the guest add-on as described in the documentation, and then configure the resource resource in the VirtualBox configuration.

Thanks for the testimony of Elvin Sim. To be clear, I still spend every hour trying to do everything right. Hello, my report is based on the results of option 1 Alvin Sim.

  1. Before running your guest
  2. Go to VirtualBox Manager
  3. Select your favorite guest
  4. Go to nalashtuvan koristuvach
  5. At the guests' place fine-tuned scroll to the left side menu and go to sleeping folders
  6. U in separate folders add your downloaded folder to the host machine
  7. After adding the path to the folder with the host, you will receive updates folder list V in separate folders. Save your new folder Name, listed on this list. Let's say this is HOST_SHARE.
  8. Click “OK” and save changes.
  9. Start your guest computer
  10. Create a new folder on the guest machine, for example GUEST_SHARE
  11. At the guest terminal enter

    sudo mount -t vboxsf HOST_SHARE GUEST_SHARE

    You will find your materials in this folder GUEST_SHARE.

  1. The virtual box will go to Ubuntu.
  2. On the menu panel, click on devices -> USB devices -> Select device (Pendrive).
  3. Then go to the Home folder. Please enjoy your device.

There are a number of ways to convert an installed Windows OS into an image for a virtual machine. Creations can be used, for example, for testing, to check the stability of the system after installing any update, or in order to fix the frame of an old machine before changing it.

Most virtualization programs support the function of converting the installed Windows OS into virtual machine images. These solutions will already come from the installed functions, but in some cases you may need other products for this purpose.

This guide has instructions for converting Windows installations to virtual images of Microsoft Hyper-V, VirtualBox and VMware.

Transferring Windows OS to a Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machine can even be completed using the Disk2vhd program from Sysinternals.

The program is portable, and can be launched from any location on the disk after unpacking the archive. To operate the program you need administrator rights. The program can be used to create a virtual machine from one or several volumes on a computer.

Note: the program can be launched in command row mode, using the following format:

Basically, the program displays the names assigned to the file, and below – the available volumes. Please note that you will need to choose a purposeful arrangement with sufficient space for saving, otherwise the image creation process will be interrupted.

The user is responsible for selecting the target path and name of the file (with vhdx extensions), as well as the volumes to be added to the virtual image.

You can either select the Windows partition or transfer non-system partitions to VHD images without selecting the Windows partition.

Disk2VHD comes with two additional parameters, which are indicated upon startup. The first one sets the output VHDX format. You can select this parameter to select VHD.

VHDX has many advantages, such as support for larger virtual disks (64 TB versus 2 TB), shorter protection against damage, remote online resizing, etc. if you want to convert the image to Virtualbox.

Another option allows you to vikorize a shadow copy of the volume.

Disk2VHD processes the selected volumes and converts them into images of virtual disks that are saved in the selected location.

Once you have captured the VHD image, you can use the command line tool vboxmanage, which comes with VirtualBox, to clone the media and save it in a different format.

  1. Press the Windows key, enter cmd.exe, press Ctrl + Shift and press the Enter key to launch the command row with administrator rights.
  2. Go to the VirtualBox folder on the system, for example, C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox For further help command cd.
  3. Vikor vboxmanage clonemedium disk to convert the VHD image to VDI format. For example: vboxmanage clonemedium disk o:\source.vhd o:\output.vdi

The transformation can take up to an hour depending on the size of the image and available computer resources.

You can create virtual images of Windows for VMware using VMware vCenter Converter. You can download the program from the official VMware website, where you need a cloud account. On our website, the utility is available for use without registration.

Note: The program creates a virtual image of a new machine. The graphical interface does not have the ability to turn on hard drives or partitions.

The installer size is approximately 170 megabytes. At the time of installation, you will be prompted to log in to the customer service reduction program.

To convert the running Windows system to a virtual image for VMware, select “Convert machine” in the main program interface to print to the robot.

After selecting the master, make sure that the device type is set to “uploaded” and “this local computer” is selected. You can also create virtual images of remote computers, but for this you need to specify the name and IP address of the device, as well as cloud data.

Select the VMware virtual machine from the section Type on the front page and select the target folder to save the image.

Creating an image can take up to an hour, depending on the number of volumes, their size and resources.

How can I move a file from my system to a virtual system? and having taken away the best part of the story

Confirmation from Kostya Prosvirnov[guru]
1. After installing the system and all the necessary “stuffing” for the virtual machine, select the installation disk image under
I’ll name VBoxGuestAdditions.iso, which my dad has installed with the VirtualBox program installed (for reasons
tse C: Program FilesSun xVM VirtualBox).
2. We can automatically install VBoxGuestAdditions on the virtual machine.
3. It means that this folder on a real machine is completely separate (here - Shared).
4. Next, in the virtual machine, launch the command line through Start - Viconty. I select the command
net use c:vboxsvrShare.
5. After restarting the virtual machine, open My Computer - Service - Connect the edge disk.
In the window that has opened, in the Folder field, click Overview and select VirtualBox Shared Folders - VBOXSVRShare.

Confirmation 2 types[guru]

Vitannya! Here's a summary of the topics in response to your question: How can I move a file from my system to a virtual system?

Confirmation Alex Tarich[active]
What kind of virtual machine? If there is a virtual Box, then when created you will be afraid to open a separate folder.

Confirmation The Demon[guru]
Create a special folder and install add-ons on the guest operating system before doing this.

Confirmation Oleksiy Varlamov[guru]
set up a boundary place between your computer and the virtual one, then on your computer, press authority on each dad to gain access, then on the virtual room, access the boundary and access the computer ter, something like that)
Another way is to download it to a flash drive, and then launch the virtual machine and click on the device and select the flash drive