Linkedin is like that. Linkedin - what and how LinkedIn can help you in your search for work. Rules of conduct on LinkedIn

Hello, fellow readers of the blog site. It’s not surprising that Linkedin stands on a par with such well-known tools as VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki. Yes, yes, yes social boundary.

Ale is not simple, but with a businesslike grin. People enter it for the most part not for excitement, but for the sake of justice. What can they do for you? Well, basically - poshuk roboti. Not necessarily a terminology, but with a door on Mayday, because with a looming tit in our hands we don’t mind pie-in-the-sky.

It is necessary to understand that this indicator will influence the ranking of your profile in LinkedIn search, and, of course, it will talk about the seriousness of your intentions when searching for a robot.

You can customize your profile either with the help of a master or manually. To do this, you can go to the “Profile” tab - “Edit profile”, or directly on the profile page you can add new information or edit old ones (just click on them with the mouse and you will be able to make changes). Perhaps the required minimum will look like this:

  1. Photo viklika roztashuvannya
  2. Area of ​​activity and geographical location
  3. The name of the planting you occupied now
  4. Tell me I would like a couple of occupied areas before you
  5. Complete details about the lighting
  6. Enter five or ten in the beginning
  7. Don’t worry and make as many contacts as possible
  8. Indicate the number of groups of your interests
  9. Well, of course, for any hidden news, don’t forget to add

Raju click on the spoiler “Wonder now” (spread a little below) to fill in all the required fields of the resume.

Setting up the side of a profile that is privately accessible

Build your respect as much as you can change the address of the page with your privately accessible LinkedIn profile at your own discretion. For example, my VIN is like this:

In principle, it’s not such a cartoon, but still. You can earn money by clicking on the page of your profile (you can access it by selecting the same menu item from the top menu) on the button with the page address displayed under your photo:

And on the page in the right column, you will immediately mark the “Create a personal URL” button, which you will not hesitate to click. That's all, you just have to enter the completed notes to the URL of your profile and on the right in the cape.

In just a few minutes, you can, if necessary, retrieve any piece of information from the public ().

Well, a little further down (all in the same right column) you are instructed to copy the business card code to a privately accessible profile, so that after inserting it into the website or forum it will look something like this:

Linking, aggregation and vacancy promotion in Linkedin companies

Because of all that has been said, you can add some points that smut - I will completely fill out the profile itself So, this is how your resume is intended for recruiters and potential employers. In particular, I was obviously cheating, but there’s an explanation for that. I’m not looking for work through LinkedIn (yet, for the time being), but I’m using the vikorist yogo for cross-posting announcements of new articles on my blog.

I actually always see it instead of H1 (the same for all pages), so you have to edit the title by simply clicking on the new one and entering the correct option. It is less important to evaluate the prospects of the LinkedIn platform for such selfish and non-specific purposes, otherwise it will not happen. I wanted to know that the social media itself bothered me and I decided to write this article from fresh memory.

improvement of contacts

When looking at someone else's profile, you can try establish contact with this person:

However, in the near future you will be asked to enter the email of this person, and without someone you will not be able to send the request. Apparently, this was done in order to eliminate spam. There is no Contact, where you can promote friendship to everyone. Tom There are two main ways to make contacts.

If you have already entered contacts, you can work in the address book, where you will find everything in the same item in the top menu “Merezha”:

If you want to group them, then tags will help you with this. Check the boxes next to the tags that you want to place in one group, and click on the “Edit tags” button. Create a tag that appears in the left column, and when you open it, you will be able to add accounts there. The Profile Organizer tool is available, as I understand it, only with a paid account.

Groups for professional interests on LinkedIn

As well as any respect for social standards, there is the ability to create, join and join in groups. There is a lot of conflict behind professional interests, or there may be exclusion. Once you’ve saved your profile and established your first contacts, it’s time to go crazy. Sprinkling in the right groups will allow you to expand your network of contacts, learn more about the topic and, of course, show yourself from the best side (raise your image).

To get started, you will need to select the “Groups” item from the top “Interests” menu. Here you will be presented with a list of groups that Linkedin has selected for you based on the data you have posted in your profile and other places.

If you miss, then in the left column you will find the “Find Group” button, and you can then create your own power, so that nothing else will suit you.

Poshuk in groups is a different type of zagalnogo poshuk. Afterwards, you will be presented with a list of groups in your movie, and in the filters you can add other movies. Before the speech, groups are open and closed. The first one can join without problems (by clicking on the “Join” button), and the axis of the closed group can only be reviewed.

With this group, which you have joined, you can create notifications (discussions), comment on existing ones and give speeches to other power groups. In the right column, an indicator of your activity in this group will be displayed, which can be very useful if you are serious about using LinkedIn to search for robots that suit you.

Company pages and search for job vacancies

Vlasne, besides groups on Linkedin and company pages (or even more seriously). In principle, you can create a side of your company, but at all times it does not involve collaboration with potential clients or branding. Moreover, for actively adding new information to the company’s website, moderator penalties can be waived.

On the company's page, you can see a list of employees who are LinkedIn contributors, as well as read news and, possibly, announcements about hiring. So you can press the button located at the top right corner "Vidsledkovuvat" To stay up to date with all updates on this page and not to miss a vacancy.

On this page you can also find out what your contacts or the contacts of your contacts are working with or working with this company. This is an invaluable piece of information before you submit your resume for employment. IMHO.

Naturally, you can not only fill out your profile and check, but also actively search for vacancies in ways that are available in this business environment. For whom is the okrema button assigned? "Vacancies" in the top menu. Following Linkedin, you will now be able to select information from the data you have entered in your profile and available relevant jobs (if you are an employer, then the right-hand button “Post vacancies” will be relevant for you).

At a minimum, you should take a look at them. If you don’t find anything suitable there, then hurry up the scattered mountains in search of a row (or expand the search, which is alive under the same name spoiler). If the search for work is not immediately relevant for you, then you can subscribe to email alerts by clicking on the email shown in the screenshot.

In principle, I have already explained everything, but there are also some details that may be useful to you, for example, if you are pranking your friend.

Let's say We decided to start exploring a new place of work still on the old one (wholly the best solution). However, if your company is represented on LinkedIn and social workers have accounts there, then it is very likely that (in the event of a vacancy) they will become visible to your online robot seller.

However, you can get a simple notification about your activity in this social network. To do this, click on the end of your photo in the upper right corner and select from the menu where the item “Privacy and settings” appears:

On the page, on the “Profile” tab (from the left menu), select the item “Turn on or turn off notifications about your activity.” A pop-up window will appear, where you will need to uncheck the box there and click on the “Save Changes” button.

With an active search for a job, you yourself will, most likely, actively look at the profiles of these people, which will guide you in terms of searching for a new job. Which means it’s important to stink, in times of need, information about you may have been removed(And in Linkedin you can remove information about those who have looked at your profile and are allowed to access it).

About any incident, invert what you have installed in “Indicate what others will learn if you were surprised by their profiles” (the procedure to this point is the same as in the adjusted, described above).

I also want to say that with the help of LinkedIn, you can help to kindly recruit people who will make decisions about hiring you. Keep an eye on them in the future, by viewing their profile and other records, you will be able to find out more about this. Just show activity in the same places where they showed stench. Perhaps they will mark you and remember you, so that they may benefit in the future.

Even with the profile filled, it is better not to fill up suspicious clearings. Don’t forget that during this period, you didn’t do anything to get to the right side of the work, but rather to indicate it and write it down in detail. The whole picture looks better now, but you don’t know who will need your skills, it would seem, they won’t last long.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site

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The food arrives before me: What do you eat for? What are the pros and cons of this measure? How to effectively vikorize LinkedIn, and why can you become a vikorist? By concentrating all your nutrition and health in one place, I hope this series of articles will help you manage everything.

Not a big advance, because you need something in the future. LinkedIn is not a fashionable social network. Chi not yaskrava. Chi is not loud. They were dubbed “the sleeping giant of social networks” in the English press. However, despite this “quietness”, LinkedIn is generating more and more influx, connecting head hunters and developers, recruiters, colleagues, competitors, brands and industry goals.

The average LinkedIn user spends less than an hour online, while the average FaceBook or VKontakte user spends less than an hour. You won’t find here humorous videos, photographs of cats, copying of graphite, turbulent discussions of the status “Beyond the window, how will we live?” This is a working place. People come here to help. Directors of LinkedIn have said more than once: “We have no intention of showing the Koristuvach Yakomoga on our site. We want the people to finish their work by earning what they need for a few bucks and extending their working day.”

LinkedIn has been growing exponentially since 2002, now operating on 19 languages ​​(Russian as well) and approaching 200 million followers. I think the globalization of the Internet space, as well as the current crisis with, and the availability of decent alternatives to encourage many freelancers to register on this resource. It is good. Well, okay, having planned a small entry 😉 It’s time to move on to the right.

First steps after registering on LinkedIn, or a Manual for newbies.

1. Profile.

So-so. As in any social setting, on LinkedIn it all starts with creating a powerful profile. Remembering your profile, we remember that we are on the right here, and did not come to get proud. To use LinkedIn as effectively as possible, it is important to fill out everything in detail and provide maximum information to potential employers about your knowledge and skills.
LinkedIn has a display "Profile effectiveness", Appears in hundreds from 0 to 100. What is more important, it is more important to deliver to your profile. In addition, since you included copywriting or SEO or SQL in your “skills and qualifications”, the more effective your profile is, the greater the chances of being a potential robot seller, which is what the practitioners think For these keywords, look at your profile.
Here is a list of all fields that LinkedIn recommends filling in for maximum efficiency:

  • Photo (choose wisely 😉)
  • Industry activities and geographical location
  • Production plant - name and description
  • Two front plantings
  • Osvita
  • At least five skills in “Skills and qualifications”
  • Minimum 50 contacts (more later)
  • Two or three groups of interests (this is also discussed in the extended statistics)
  • Zagalnye Vidomosti

2. Contacts.

Also, in order to reach the “50 contacts” list, you will need to start your network of connections on LinkedIn. If things turned out better for you, don’t worry, I’ll tell you right away. Well, there are two ways, I recommend that you avoid being offended.
First method. Have you noticed an old traditional joke at the top of your screen? Excellent! We enter the name of a known person, find out the results and “establish contact”. When you land on the results page, LinkedIn displays additional search filters. After cleaning everything is set to “show everything”, which is what we need at the cob stage.

After you have added a number of contacts, refresh the page and go to your profile. At the top left corner you will read “People you may know” with several photographs. As soon as you click on the text, a new list of people will appear, some of whom can be considered as your acquaintances. Let’s establish contact with them and continue :)

Are your stars on linkedin “people you know”? On the platform of the information you entered (work place, start, etc.) and existing contacts, algorithms will stop processing. The wider the number of your contacts, and the more information you have entered, the more accurate the assumptions will be. It is also logical to assume that you are doing business in one company, and you have ten people you know, can you know them?)) And we have left, let’s continue:

another way. Any daily service has the “import contacts” function. With LinkedIn, it’s certainly the same (how can you effectively work if you manually search for 100 people one at a time?). Top menu \u003e\u003e Contacts \u003e\u003e Add contacts.

As you know, you can easily and automatically transfer and add your contacts from Outlook and any email account. Be respectful at this stage, and respectfully look at what boxes are ticked during this process. It’s not a fact that you’ll want to include in your contacts everyone you’ve ever corresponded with.

After adding contacts via email, you can turn around and see the people who have appeared in the list of “people you may know.” After adding new contacts, the algorithm assigns more options.

3. Groupies.

Groups on LinkedIn are also parties based on interests. A place where people ask and give pleasure, search for work or workers, meet with colleagues in the field, etc. Groups can be created as groups of graduates of any university or faculty, or groups of current and current employees of the company (do not get confused with the official side of the company!), or even wider - Well, a group of doctors in the N-th galuzia.

The group can either be open, so anyone can join it, or it can be closed. In another case, the group administrator is responsible for praising your application to join. Most often, this happens among groups of graduates, and even in university creative groups.

4. Company pages.

A lot of companies, especially international ones, have their official pages on LinkedIn. On account of similar official pages on other social networks. measures, where they serve for communication with the audience, branding, etc. LinkedIn is officially ahead of those who like to engage in self-promotion: “Over-frequent publication of updates can also become the subject of consideration from the side of LinkedIn, the results of which side of the company may be visible.” On the company’s website you can see a list of employees, publish important corporate news, press releases and often announcements about hiring 😉 You can’t “connect” with a company on LinkedIn, but you can “follow” vati" is updated.

It’s a good idea to stay behind the company’s side, as it’s important for you to be aware of what’s going on there. Keep an eye on the leader of the game, or competitors, and become interested in potential partners. Well, most often - send notifications about the opening of new vacant positions)
Also, if you decide to submit your resume, or are already going to a conversation, it’s interesting to be surprised that some of your acquaintances may be working in this company, either working or knowing someone you know. You may find a valuable source of information at the right time, because a spoon is dear to dinner))

5. Vacancies, or Search for jobs.

The ability to know a job (or worker) through LinkedIn is one of the biggest advantages of this measure, although not the best. By clicking on “Vacancies” in the top menu, you will see “Vacancies that may suit you”, which LinkedIn algorithms have selected for you based on your personal data and critical job offers. At the very least, it’s worth marveling. Write the name of the desired plant in the search row, and go to the page with results and additional filters for the search. Whatever your number of contacts (direct contacts, or contacts of your contacts) works in the company, how it appears in the search results is clearly visible. Thailand currently has 80 open positions for a manager. Who cares?

A tour on LinkedIn is now available. I hope this article will help you learn the basics, get your first credentials, and effectively use LinkedIn for your own purposes.
I will write about other services, elements and features of LinkedIn later, if you have food, but for those you want to know about, please leave comments.

LinkedIn is an atypical social network. It was not created for fun and hanging out with friends, there is no place for funny pictures or discussion of frivolous statuses. This is a resource that can be used in professional activities for business development. With your help, you will become part of a large audience of millions, aimed at searching for new partners, partners, and clients. Clearly update your LinkedIn profile - online business card in the largest professional social network in the world.

Registration and creation of a special page

Why start on the road to professional success? Of course, from the registration page. You can earn money through the browser version or with the additional LinkedIn program for Android or iOS. Let's go to the main page of the resource -, embossed "Join". The standard registration form appears:

In general, the registration procedure is the same as in other social institutions. Simply follow the prompts and fill in all fields with reliable and current information. You can speed up the registration hour by logging in via Facebook. Then your name, nickname and email address will be filled in automatically. You won't have to think about your password anymore.

After registering with LinkedIn, install the LinkedIn add-on on your smartphone so that you can stay in touch with your contacts in the future. De yogo shukati? Go to the Play Market or App Store and enter the search for programs in the row.

How can I save my profile so that it remains effective?

The algorithm for searching on LinkedIn prompts so that the profiles that appear first are the ones that provide the best indicator of effectiveness. What does this mean? The top includes those accounts that contain detailed information about professional skills. This indicator is clearly demonstrated by the “Profile Efficiency” scale:

What does creating an effective LinkedIn profile include? Everything is extremely simple, as we will forgive the rads who are fussing about the items:

  1. A professional heading is something you can’t do without in your profile. But simply entering the name of your profession is not enough. This information will be filled in automatically on LinkedIn without your participation. It is important for you to include all your specializations in the title. You can use a list, vikoryst, and separator (|). It is better to allow recruiters to immediately obtain information about your qualifications, without having to worry about the details.
  2. Indicate your real name, write down your father’s nickname in full. This is a businesslike, not a pompous middle ground, so the nicknames and feisty variations of names here are inappropriate. The same goes for my deposit. If you work in the Russian-Ukrainian middle-class, give preference to the Cyrillic alphabet, and also transliteration to make many of our nicknames easy to understand. This can also lead to difficulties when searching for your accounts in other social networks. It is not always possible to correctly reproduce Russian nicknames written by English writers.
  3. Create a simple and short message to your profile. There is no need to overwrite 30 characters, but it is easy to remember and compact. Also, make the message look neat so that it does not misplace your numbers and symbols. You can edit it in the lower right corner of the profile page:

All information posted in the profile must be submitted to the nutrition “How can I be useful for the company?” It is not enough to simply re-examine the list of past jobs and talents. It is necessary to place emphasis on labor certification. For example, if you were engaged in sales, then a comment in the style of “working as a sales consultant” will not give a clear indication of your activity. Write - “I work with cold and hot sales.” So a potential robot seller, if he views your page, can immediately determine that you will be of no use to him.

Profile image

With due respect, the choice of photo for the profile deserves its “exposure”. A bright portrait measuring 400x400 pixels is what you need. Behind the photo, the following pages form the first impression about you. There is no need to select an image with cats or a photograph of a wealthy country house as your avatar. This is allowed in other social networks, but not on LinkedIn. The avatar is responsible for showing you as you are in everyday life, or with a motherly, representative look.

You can also select a background image (cover) that is relevant to your activity (for example, a company logo). It is important to be clear and not exceed the size of 4 megabytes (important for speed). Recommended image size is 1584x396 pixels.

Premium account

The benefit of LinkedIn users is the opportunity to freely protest the premium version of the site in order to evaluate whether they need additional capabilities. For whom is this relevant? For those who are active on LinkedIn and quickly and efficiently achieve their goals.

Apply filling profile

I’ll take my side by the butt. I use it to improve business connections, and I regularly update my strategy for efficiency in social media.

I keep all the basic data up to date, with a periodically updated photo - this is how the page looks alive for contacts on LinkedIn. When I finish working on my draft project, I bring it to the final block. As I’m starting a new skill, I’m indicating it and immediately asking for confirmation from my contacts.

And the butt axis is not the most distant profile:

Why are contacts important?

An effective page is the same page as professional contacts on LinkedIn. Minimum display - 50 contacts. The smells are needed not only to encourage connections with the right people, but also to increase the visibility of your profile.

Creation of contact boundaries

How can I start maintaining my network of contacts? The first method is to quickly search in a row:

Once you open the advanced options, you can set song and search parameters:

This will help you know who you people are. For example, you can enter the names of your previous work places to contact old colleagues and add them to your contacts. Through searching, you can also find out your assistants, contractors and other people with whom you have worked or are currently working. You will have an additional channel linking with them. Also, LinkedIn itself will show you potential contacts in the “People You May Know” section.

Another way to find contacts is to import from email. Enter your email address in the special field to see all available contacts. People who do not yet have a profile in this social network will refuse any request to join it.

equal contacts

Have you noticed that the numbers 1, 2, 3 are displayed for the names of certain clients? Ceremonies.

  1. Contacts of the 1st level - people with whom you contacted in particular or whose requests were accepted. You can increase your privacy with them.
  2. Contacts of the 2nd level - all your friends from other countries, friends of friends. You can contact them or send InMail.
  3. Contacts of the 3rd rank - friends of friends of your friends. If their profile does not have privacy regulations, you can contact them immediately. In other situations, InMail will help.

People who form with you in the same or several thematic groups are identified. For sound types, the “Group” icon will be displayed with their profile. What’s great is that you can immediately understand that you have a relationship with this person, and also write a special message without the need to establish direct contact.

What is the difference between the “Contact” and “Send InMail” buttons?

“Make contact” is an analogue of asking friends. You submit an application, the person rejects it, accepts it, after which the information on your profile becomes available to you. InMail is a paid option for special notifications on LinkedIn for premium accounts. You can contact people without asking to be added to your contact list.

Thematic groups for professional interests

On LinkedIn, searching for jobs is possible not only through the direct selection of available vacancies (report on this), but also through additional thematic groups. It is important to monitor their activity to improve the effectiveness of your profile.

Groups are organized by professional interests, help expand the range of contacts, retrieve relevant information, and enhance the image of the group. What's special about them? Here you can take part in discussions and comment on publications, which will be reflected in your activity indicator. This way you will improve your chances of being identified by a job seller or potential partner.

It’s not easy to make fun of a group on your own. In the “Groups” section, LinkedIn will automatically select for you a list of relevant people related to the data assigned to your profiles. Great, right?

Adjusted content is monitored

You yourself can edit the content that appears on your news page. If you no longer want to remove information about the updates of the previous pages of merchants or companies, simply turn them off from the list to be tracked. If you find an unclear publication, you can also accept it and it will disappear from your page. And if you find content that violates the rules of the site, please feel free to press “Sign up for publication.”

Confirmation of beginners - why is it important and important to confirm the skills of other participants?

How to confirm your newbies on LinkedIn and what else do you need? It's simple. The more such confirmations you reject, the more they will trust your profile. This is a mutually beneficial function. Your clients will confirm your skills, and you can confirm them. Interact with friends, colleagues, assistants and bureaucrats.

It is important for your profile to show off and demonstrate your assets and achievements. If you have completed any courses or trainings, do not forget to remember about it. Do you use foreign languages? Say rhubarb. Is there a certificate confirming your knowledge? Really, demonstrate it!

Secrets of an Effective Wikipedia Profile on LinkedIn

Having gone through the process to improve the effectiveness of your LinkedIn profile, I will outline the main things for you:

- take advantage of the creative publication option available in the news page - this gives you an additional opportunity to demonstrate your professional skills and knowledge. Your articles can be read and shared by all members of the network (subject to privacy regulations). Also, with hidden access, your content will be visible outside LinkedIn;

- establish self-censorship - remove mysteries from the profiles of people you wouldn’t talk about in particular;

- update your profile regularly - avoid more proposals;

- Do you have a blog or website? Add a LinkedIn button there so that readers can share your publications.

Search robots via LinkedIn. How to ask and give recommendations?

A list of available vacancies is displayed in the “Vacancies” menu.

It is formed automatically on the information platform located under your profile. You can also independently enter a search for your location or company in a row, specify the required geolocation.

LinkedIn recommendations will help you find a job. Here's a detailed look at your work. This is not only possible, but it is necessary to ask them from authoritative representatives to make you wonder. By having 5-10 such leads, you are really increasing your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.

profile protector

All new accounts are privately accessible. This means that they can be viewed by all participants in the meeting. Are you against such openness? In the settings of confidentiality, you can establish a high level of privacy. You can get a list of websites or a specific landing page, and also turn off the activities of the site from the list of those who can access the information posted on your site. You can protect your account from evil with the help of a folding password and two-step login confirmation.

“Privacy mode” is a special feature in LinkedIn. If you look at another participant's page, you can also add your name and professional title. Having set the confidential mode, you will appear in the list of partners - “LinkedIn Member”:

And when clicked on your profile, a notification will appear:

Creation of pages for companies

Companies can also create their own official pages on LinkedIn. Ale stench is not recognized for spilting or branding. Moreover, excessive self-promotion can become the reason for the profile to be deleted. Why? Because such pages on LinkedIn are created not for marketing purposes, but for information. These pages display a wide variety of new products, including company activities, news and vacancies. for example:

What is the meaning for other prosperous people? The following pages can analyze a wider range of information, viewing the company as a contractor, partner or client.

Advertising on LinkedIn

- set targeting parameters - location, company, suburb, lighting, century, become etc.;

- select a tariff - the minimum budget for the day is $10, you can pay for an additional card or an advertising coupon.

Have you already realized that the social network of LinkedIn is not like VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram, created for the sake of excitement? People come here to find new business contacts, exchange information, and promote their brand. Therefore, advertising on LinkedIn is more aimed at promoting B2B services.

Did you deserve the statue? Connect with friends - to learn and share useful information within the largest professional social network LinkedIn.

It is important to know people, as it is not necessary to register with any social security system. Yasna Rich, today is one of the most important warehouses for constant gathering with friends, acquaintances, and comrades in interests. However, it’s all about social life, but what about professional life? It’s also important to be aware of what’s happening in your professional field, get together with colleagues, exchange knowledge and information, and develop a sense for someone who is aware of the created specifically for these purposes. It's called LinkedIn. In Russia, very few people know about it yet, and those who do know don’t quite understand why it might be worth it. Therefore, in this article, we will remember this clearing and, obviously, LinkedIn, as they are used to and in the future.

What do you need on LinkedIn?

Tell me, what are you trying to find out about your old friend or dear classmate? Obviously, log into your account in one of the social networks - Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook. What do you think recruiters should do in America (and even in Europe) in order to find a good professional for a vacancy in a company? No, don’t go to the site for any reason, but go straight to LinkedIn. Why? Just know that they will be able to find whoever is needed, providing information about him and recommendations that guarantee the professionalism of the candidate. Do you want the robot to joke with you instead of you? Then you need a professional connection on LinkedIn - don’t waste an hour and register quickly!

Rules of conduct on LinkedIn

How do you use this resource? The point is to make professional connections, remove evidence and share knowledge with colleagues and, of course, find a job. But it's not that simple. Let's go in order.

Creation and filling of the profile

The first thing you do is register and save your profile as soon as possible. This is similar to a resume, but more detailed and colorful. Try to fill your yakomag higher (not by 20-30%, but by 100%). What information do you need to provide? It would be bad for the cob to add the following information:

1. Enter the name and name of your specialization/profession.

4. Look at the image of the suppository leaf. Write down your passions and goals here. Write what your profession is like for you, and what development plans you have.

5. Contacts. Moreover, the more of them there are, the better. This includes mobile calls, emails, and Skype.

6. Awards, certificates, tests, etc. If you have something, don’t forget to write about it.

All information must be entered carefully and thoughtfully, including a LinkedIn profile? This is your professional credentials, which means you will stand up to the new requirement.

Professional activity: first years

With a completed profile-resume, your work does not end, but rather begins. Now you need to get your first contacts. Add your friends and colleagues. Once in a while, any of them can help you get to know the right people. Join a group for professional interests, the maximum number is 50 (or rather, use all the maximum permissions). Why be shy in groups? Obtain new knowledge, keep up with developments and innovations in your field of activity, create new useful contacts.

Before we talk, about skills. Go to the pages of your colleagues and confirm their skills, they will give you the same feedback. This allows them to become more famous, and even they have been confirmed by other people.

Increasing professional bonds and sputtering

Now you need to actively grow your contacts and make yourself known. What is LinkedIn? This is the place where you can find a professional. Recruiters post a variety of vacancies here, and also independently search for candidates, review groups and evaluate participants. It’s also very important to be active - don’t hesitate to take part in discussions, contribute and give feedback on food on the forums (especially since you know exactly what the truth is). Let us remember you. Believe me, soon you will start to come up with propositions about work that you won’t be able to ignore (and maybe you’ll find out by doing so).

In addition, add to your contacts the custodians and managers of companies that are relevant to you, recruiters and accountants who work in your professional field. The more connections you have, the faster the growth will be, the more chances you will have to learn the right things and develop your career.

Contacts: Retelny Vidbir

However, be creative in your contacts - add people who connect you with professional and business interests, colleagues and simply interesting characteristics. And the axis of the susida is along the exit maidan, for example, but it’s not easy to add to the one who knows from the sub-repair in Turechchyn. These times may not work to your advantage. If you already add someone you don’t like to your list of professional connections, you’ll want to know how to delete a contact on LinkedIn. It’s simple: in the “Merezha” menu, select the “Address Book” item, in the “Contacts” tab, find the “Delete contacts” option, select the people you want to delete, then click on the corresponding button. Those clients who have been excluded from your contact list will be withdrawn from this notice.

LinkedIn - a respectful guide to your professional life

If you are not currently looking for a job, regularly update information about your professional qualifications, new skills, and maintain contacts. Just once, if you want to change your job, it doesn’t matter how much you earn.

In Russia, the resource is not yet very popular. Few people know what LinkedIn is. The rumors about this professional practice are becoming increasingly different, and all this is due to the fact that people do not understand its importance and benefits for their professional development. However, there is no doubt about what it is. Just think - as of today, there are over 200 million registered merchants, of which nearly half are in America. The measure is popular both in Europe and in India. If you are planning to have a career abroad in the near future, it is necessary to register on LinkedIn - and the sooner, the better.

Deleting a profile account on LinkedIn: instructions

Regardless of the fact that professional social protection is given by Velmi Korisna, there may be reasons why you want to delete your account. Well, this is on the right and the right of the skin. If you have made such a decision, then read how to follow from LinkedIn. Axis instructions:

1. Go to your profile and click on the button with your name, located in the upper right corner.

2. Open when you need to select the “Adjustment” item. Under the "Rakhunok" tab, select the "View cloud record" item.

3. Go to the new one and select the reason why you want to follow the limit.

4. Confirm your cloud account information by clicking “Account Verification”.

5. On the next page, complete the final step - click “Delete cloud record”. It will be closed for 72 years.

You can simply delete your profile from the professional network without opening and filling it out. If you already have a large number of contacts, and you have been an active participant in groups, then think twice before saying goodbye to LinkedIn. Rich professionals and recruiters can tell you that this resource can be very harmful to your skin very early on. Therefore, if you have not yet realized the color of the edge, it is not good to be aware of its possibilities. You will suddenly fall into a mood if she helps you get through service gatherings or make new acquaintances.

Coming from here, what have we been told, what is LinkedIn in a nutshell? This is “VKontakte”, but not for friends, but for professional growth.

LinkedIn is a social network for searching and making business contacts, launched in 2003 by Reid Hoffman. Currently, there are over 380 million registered users on the site, which represents 150 million businesses. The resource is available in 24 languages, including Russian.

LinkedIn is an unimportant social network. This is not Facebook and not VKontakte. There are no cats, funny videos, “life” statuses and debates in the comments. Throughout the business space, you can post a vacancy, establish close contacts with partners and clients, and simply follow your interests - business interests.

For an additional profile on LinkedIn, you can make more beautiful or create things. About how to boost your LinkedIn resume now. Today we are talking about how to create a profile that allows you to present yourself as a super professional and earn respect in business circles.

It’s time to remember your profile

According to statistics, 51% of LinkedIn members have 100% completed profiles. I darma. Even the less information, the lower the effectiveness of the profile.

profile effectiveness- this is an indicator that shows that there is enough information about you and your professional abilities to establish new business contacts. The following icon is located on the right side of the profile and appears in hundreds of categories: from the cob to the “green” level.

The search algorithm on LinkedIn is such that the profiles with the highest performance indicator are displayed first. It is recommended that you fill out your page as accurately and in detail as possible. Otherwise, recruiters and potential partners simply won’t notice you.

For maximum efficiency, you need to insert a photo (for more detailed choices, see below) and enter:

  • sphere of activity and place of residence;
  • I will detail the planting (with a description);
  • the two front seats are robotic;
  • information about lighting;
  • skills (at least three);
  • interest groups (I would like a couple).

You also need to establish at least 50 connections with LinkedIn members. Read below about how to correctly formulate your plan and make recommendations.

basic settings

Do you want to meet among millions of prostitutes? Make sure to properly complete your profile.


LinkedIn is a business medium, there are inappropriate nicknames and humorous calls for the “Sales Insights” or “Research Ninjas” platform. Indicate your real name, your father's nickname.

Professional title

This is the most important element on your page. The maximum dovzhina is 120 characters. Keep it short, but be creative. The title may make it clear who you are doing and what you are doing.

The professional title, as well as the description of the landing, is subject to optimization for sound systems. It’s not a good idea to stuff these fields with keywords, like pumping with apples: two or three relevant keywords are completely enough.

Vikorist the standard names of positions and professions: not “copywriting guru”, but “copywriter”. However, it is acceptable to include in the title your obvious scientific degrees. For example, not a psychologist, but a candidate of psychological sciences. Don’t just talk about those you work with, and it indicates how successful you are in your field.

Be sure to clearly indicate the area of ​​your activity so that you are more noticeable when searching.

Posted to profile

You must keep it simple and short, so that people can notice you without fuss. Your URL is located in a light gray box under the names and title.

Click on the button “Change the settings of your privately accessible profile” and make your LinkedIn address more attractive. You are required to use 5 to 30 characters.


Garniy LinkedIn addresses should not be placed on your business card.

contact information

It is important to fill in your contact information about yourself: mobile phone number, email, Twitter, etc.

Zagalnye Vidomosti

This paragraph briefly (maximum 2,000 characters) describes the career achievements you are writing about and your business ambitions.


This block is most important for those who are still busy with work. The current HR officers are recruited by graduates of colleges and universities.

Profiles of participants with initial deposits are reviewed more often this time. It is obligatory to enter the name of the university (up to 100 characters), the date of entry and add a description (maximum - 1,000 characters), in order to enter a few details. For example, “having graduated from a degree”, “having received a dissertation on the topic...”, “published in a scientific journal...”.

Dosvid robots

68% of participants use LinkedIn to connect with a wide range of business partners. Be precise in your descriptions of past and current projects.

It is obligatory to enter the name (up to 100 characters), company name and period of work. Do not miss the “Region” and “Description” fields. Are you missing out on the opportunity to boost your mobility and the profits you bring to one or another company?

When describing the planting, keep track of the written words and the highest level of evaluation. Fewer accessories, more leaves. Instead of writing “I am a wonderful salesman”, show the profitability and effectiveness of your sales in numbers.

Loyalty eyeballs for your profile will also provide media content. Submit presentations, videos, podcasts, blog posts, quotes, and other materials. It's worth allowing recruiters to understand who and what you are worth. In addition, the more people view your profile, the greater the chance that you will get involved in a relationship.


Regularly update information about the projects you have worked on. This is a great way to demonstrate your competencies.

Essentially, this is your portfolio. 66% of companies hire specialists to work on their past projects. Don’t forget to put a message (yakscho є) on the projects in which you took part. Those who look at your profile should have the opportunity to get to know them better.

Skills and their confirmation

The profiles of participants with new skills are reviewed almost more often. Indicate what you mean and ask to confirm your friends in your contacts list.

content is being updated

Follow these links for you to stay up to date with your concerns, and join thematic groups and company profiles.

Groups can provide food and service, meet with colleagues from Galusa or those who have left their alma mater. The group can be open, so anyone can join it, or closed - you need to submit an application and refuse the praise of the administrator.

The group cannot be confused with the side of the company. A lot of corporations, especially international ones, have their own pages on LinkedIn. Ale, on the account of pages in other social networks, it is not for the sake of promoting the brand. On the company’s website, you can see a list of their friends (maybe some of them are your friends?) and learn about their new products. With regular updates to the company's website, you will be aware of available vacancies.

Profile blocks can be moved. Put in the foreground what you are writing and what you can hook up with potential employers.

profile picture

“Cheap according to your clothes” - this order in the modern world is true to perfectly reflect your profile. To please the eye and encourage you to quickly visit merchants with a large Internet connection, create clear pictures of the correct sizes.

background image The profile must be created at 1,400 × 425 pixels, in JPG, PNG or GIF format. The size is not to blame for oversizing 4 MB.

profile photo(Avatar) must create 400 × 400 pixels, minimum - 200 × 200 pixels, format - JPG, PNG or GIF. The maximum size is 10 MB.

If you are the administrator of the company's website, please check the acceptable and recommended image and logo settings. Everything is described.

Please pay special attention to the selection of your profile photo. Look at the avatars of other clients from your account and put a logo that suits them and your clients.

Good avatar for LinkedIn Terrible avatar for LinkedIn
Professional photography.
A photo with a strong composition and good light is a long-term investment in your professional image. You can also use it on a wide range of resources. The more beautiful the photo, the more views your page will have.
Selfie by the bath.
LinkedIn is not Instagram. Your profile photo may show you as a professional, not as a nurse.
Presentable appearance.
A foolish laugh is as vile as it is “convicting the target.” Ask your friends to tell you which face you look most representative of.
Mister official.
Having put on a formal suit and knitted a stuffy crib, you will not look reasonable. Your appearance is simply due to your position and achievements.
Your face should be in the center of the frame and take up most of it. At the top, bottom and sides - just a little frames the background.
Photo with a cat.
It’s greedily cute, but it’s better to lose cats, dogs and other life behind the scenes, as I’m talking about photos for your profile on LinkedIn.
The photo is true.
Your avatar is responsible for showing you as you are in everyday life. Wear a beard or eyepieces? It’s not good to go naked or squint for a profile photo. Be yourself!
Photo on kilim aphids.
Those behind you have no reason to marvel at your beautiful eyes. Choose neutral backgrounds. For example, just white.

contact limit

It is extremely difficult to achieve success without networking. For your LinkedIn profile to be effective, you need to add at least 50 contacts to your list. It is recommended that you have at least three hundred friends, and no more than three thousand friends. Otherwise, it will be difficult to communicate.

So, how can you improve your measure? First, import contacts from your email address book. In this case, send your requests to those who can effectively help you in business.

On LinkedIn you can not only import, but also export contacts: menu “Merezha” → button “Export contacts” in the lower right corner of the page. This function allows you to create a backup copy of your contacts to protect your business communications.

In other words, to improve the range of contacts, make a joke. Moreover, this is an expanded version: this way you can meet people who are not only in the first, but also in the other or the third circle of acquaintances.

If your network has first contacts, the system will automatically introduce you to new friends. On the main page in the upper right corner there will be a block “People you may know.” These recommendations appear in your profile data. Your classmates and colleagues will be more grateful for everything.

How can you expand your border?

  • Get to know each other through friends of friends. A contact from another peer is a friend of your friend. If you need to get involved with such a person, go to her profile page and marvel at how many friends you have. Alternatively, send a request to get acquainted or click on the “Ask to get acquainted” button.
  • Show off the possibilities of the group. You can send special information to the group in which you are located, where there is no direct contact between you.
  • If the participant's profile is open, you can send him a notification - InMail. Perhaps you will start a dialogue, and then friendship.
  • Check who has looked at your profile. If these people like you, try to establish contact with them.
  • Monitor the new page. This also helps to develop your perspective and interactions with potential partners.
  • Link your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. You can then publish your updates to LinkedIn on Twitter.
  • Do you want to gain the respect of any person? Guess її in your posts using the @ symbol.

In offline practice, nine out of ten cases are subject to protection. Workers ask their partners to please a smart professional worker, and the rest, in turn, ask their partners to speak their minds for them.

The role of recommendations on LinkedIn is also very high. Do not confuse them with the endorsements of beginners (Endorsements). The rest simply state the facts: “So, it’s all the same.” You can confirm the same competence of any person from your contact list in just two clicks.

The recommendation is based on the warm words of your past and present colleagues, partners and clients about you and your work. The more recommendations, the more you trust the profile data. Recommendations are displayed in the relevant profile section (menu “Privacy & Settings” → “Manage Recommendations”) and are available only to registered LinkedIn members.

  • Five to ten recommendations in a profile are enough to get recruiters hooked.
  • Ask for recommendations from the most reputable people in your network of contacts.
  • Try to avoid at least two comments about your work in the company that you value most.
  • When recommending someone, please indicate who you know, and point out specific examples that demonstrate their strong professional sides.

Please respect each other. If you have confirmed your skill or given you a good recommendation, do not forget to ask me for it.

How to hide your profile

To take full advantage of LinkedIn's capabilities, your profile must be discreetly accessible so that it is visible to potential clients and partners.

private profile is created automatically when registering on LinkedIn and published in the catalog of contributors. Google and other search engines periodically check the LinkedIn directory, so that secretly accessible profiles can be found on the Internet.

However, you can set individual privacy settings. For example, receive images in website profiles, flow orders and other parameters from unregistered clients.

Also in the “Privacy and Settings” menu you can adjust your profile to suit your purposes. For example, if you are looking for a new job and don’t want your bosses and colleagues to know about it, exclude them from the list of those who can take your activity line.

There you can also specify who will list your contacts, information about your career, your photo, and so on.

To protect your account record from evil, you must:

  • come up with a collapsible password (at least 8 characters, large and small letters, plus numbers and other characters; the password must not include dictionary words and your name, and also be used on other resources);
  • enable two-step confirmation for logging into the system: “Privacy and settings” → “Account record” → “Security settings”.

6 Secrets for Effective Wikipedia LinkedIn Profile

  1. Create posts on LinkedIn. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate your professional knowledge and present yourself as a leader in your community.
  2. The shortest time to post on LinkedIn is Tuesday and Thursday, between 7 and 9 am.
  3. Introduce self-censorship. Don’t write anything on LinkedIn that you wouldn’t say out loud.
  4. LinkedIn can be integrated with. Your business cards, resume and notes will all be in one place.
  5. Business owners regularly update their profiles on LinkedIn and post proposals more often.
  6. Install a LinkedIn button in your blog or on your website so that your contributors and readers can share your publications in their LinkedIn profiles.