How to rotate the line object in AutoCAD. How to rotate the view screen. How to turn in AutoCAD to the singing corner

To rotate any object (graphic element, text, table, etc.) in AutoCAD, you just need to quickly use the “Rotate” editing command.

Rotation in AutoCAD follows a given algorithm(so as not to forget this, just be sure to include the information in the command line):

1. Select "Rotate".

2. Select the object that needs to be rotated.

3. Set the base point (the point at which the turn will be drawn). As soon as you change the base point, the final result will change with the same actions and parameters.

4. Indicate the rotation path or select one of the sub-options (copy or reference cut).

How to learn, how to rotate an object in AutoCAD is easy to follow. However, let's take a closer look at the nuances that come into play if we want to give AutoCAD a sharp turn.

How to turn in AutoCAD to the singing corner

It has been looked at that at the hour of the end of the “Turn” command it is necessary to set the cut. You can earn money graphically, then. korustyuschiesya bindings and lines of fastening in the middle of the work area. You can also enter more precise values ​​from the keyboard.

If the initial rotation of the instructions is incorrect, you can go up to the AutoCAD suboption “Support Cut” (the rotation does not require skating!). Tse allow us to show a new cut of what is already obvious. Cut range 0-360 0 .

There is a very simple way to create a rotation in AutoCAD from the different handles of an object. This method is discussed in the article “How to transfer seats in AutoCAD”. This material is demonstrated in the video course

Rotation of the seat behind the recliner geometry.

You can click the Rotate command in one of the following ways (start rotating an object(s)):

  • To rotate an object (a group of objects) in AutoCAD, you can use the menu item Edit - Rotate row;
  • You can rotate an object on the Home tab of the tools page – in the Editing tools group – the Rotate button;
  • Rotating an object is possible from the classic toolbar Editing- Rotate button;
  • Or write the name of the command in the Rotate command row.

How to rotate an object in AutoCAD to the right angle

Click on the Rotate command. The command line will ask:

Select objects:

Before clicking the Rotate command, you can select an object or a group of objects from behind to rotate to the cut position, because The rotation operation in AutoCAD can be completed both in the forward mode and in the nested selection mode. Select rectangular and press "Enter". The program looks like:

Base point:

Now you need to set the base point. the point at which the rotation of the object (rectumcular) will occur in AutoCAD. Let's say the upper right corner of the orthocutaneous plant behind the additional object binding Endpoint. As soon as you specify the base point, a front view of the object that rotates will be displayed, which will follow the change in the position of the crosshair cursor. Behind the wrappings will appear a dashed line of yellow color, which goes from the base point of the wrapping to the intersection cursor (visually indicating the point of rotation in AutoCAD). The wrapping pictogram appears from the intersections. Command line show command:


You can set the rotation of an object in AutoCAD for help:

  • mishi - clicking misha (vicoristan of polar extension, object bindings);
  • enter the value of the cut into the command row;
  • insert the coordinates of the point.

Enter the value of the cut into the command line 45 degrees and press "Enter" . As it is indicated in AutoCAD when turning, the system will rotate the rectangle against the year arrow by 45 degrees, and the Rotate command will complete its rotation.

According to the AutoCAD program, the rotation of the objects proceeds against the year arrow, and during the turn, the rotation is carried out along a horizontal line of a straight right-handed line (positively straightened X axis).

Obviously, if you want to rotate an object behind the year arrow in AutoCAD, enter a negative value for the rotation in the command line.

Making rotated copies of an object

The functionality of the Rotate command allows you to create copies of objects around the base rotation point.. The Copy of this command option in the program represents this function.

Viberally rotated straight cutter under 45 degrees to the horizon. Click on the Rotate command . The command line will ask:

Base point:

Let's say the upper left corner of the rectucus behind the additional object binding "Kontochka". The system looks like:

Cut to turn or [To the opіyu/About the back cut]<45>:

Select the Copy option. Please note that the original of the straight cutter, which rotates, uses in-line color from thin gray lines, because His positioning on the chair will not change. Repeat the program:

Cut to turn or [To the opіyu/About the back cut]<45>:

Enter a negative value of -45° to rotate the object in AutoCAD behind the year arrow, then press “Enter”. As soon as we indicate the meaning of rotation, the program creates a rotated copy of the object, and the “Rotate” command completes the rotation.

Rotating objects in AutoCAD using the reference cut angle

Option Support corner allows you to install a support corner before rotating the object. For wrapping the support cut, AutoCAD is set to 0. The “Support cut” option is used in almost all commands related to the rotation of objects or the wrapping of 3D bodies.

Let’s take a look at the support corner in AutoCAD (the developers have been so smart about it that we won’t be able to climb into the net).

Extended way to rotate an object to an unknown location by linking to that location (through the object, coordinate point).

We select a straight cutter, spread under the cut 45° to the horizontal.

Click on the AutoCAD Rotate command. Specify the base point at which the object can be rotated. This point will be the lower left cut of the orthocutaneous plant.

Selecting the option in AutoCAD Support cut. System display request:

Oporny Kut<0>:

The support section of AutoCAD is aligned with 0. The support section is aligned along a horizontal line straight to the right.

For example, the support corner is two points on the chair behind the additional object connection of the Kontochka. The end points of the lower side of the rectum will act as points. As soon as you specify the supporting cut, the lower side of the rectcut sketch will be snapped to the intersection cursor and rotated after it when changing its position.

We extend the lower side of the straight cutter under the edge 90 degrees to the horizontal. For this purpose, for additional polar release, click the mouse at the new corner of 90 °.

You can rotate an object (geometric element, text, image, block) in AutoCAD in two ways, using the additional command or “Handle”.

Rotate objects using additional commands TURN (_ROTATE) is written like this:

1. Run the command by pressing the main button on the editing toolbar, enter in the command line TURN (_ROTATE) or select from the top menu Redaguvati → Rotate.

2. Select the object or objects that need to be rotated. This command supports first selection, since the objects have been selected before running the command TURN, this point can be skipped.

4. Enter the value of the rotation in the command line and press Enter, or point with the cursor on the screen, finishing with a click of the left mouse button. The command has the options “Copy” and “Support Cut”. When you select "Copy", the base element will be lost and its copy will be changed. The “Reference cut” option allows you to alternatively indicate the amount of rotation on the screen, turning the end and end straight lines.

Wrapping objects behind additional handles

1. Go to the objects or objects that need to be rotated.

2. Press on the marker (pen). This marker will be the center of rotation of the objects.

3. Press the "Rotate" button by pressing the right key.

4. Similar to the previous method, enter the rotation value, or click the right key.

In AutoCAD, the positive value of kut is taken to be the turn behind the year arrow, and the negative value is taken against it.

Important. These methods allow you to wrap objects around the center. In this situation, you need to turn the neutral objects around their power centers, so that the stinks are lost in their places, it is reported

In this case, we need to open up a rectangular object, which represents the contour of the facade of the small cabinet on the chair at 90° opposite the anniversary arrow. For this purpose we have a chance to quickly use the Rotate tool, which is new to you.

Porada. In AutoCAD, turning directly against the year arrow is considered positive, and turning behind the year arrow is negative. If you are not in control of accepting clothes directly from the destination, you can change this using the dialog box Vibir directly, which opens after clicking on the button Directly dialog box One chair(Div. Fig. 3.3).

1. Launch the tool Rotate, pressing the button Rotate toolbars Change or by selecting the command from the menu Change » Rotate or by entering the command in the command window Rotate or just pov. AutoCAD prompts you to select objects that support rotation. Click on one of the linear facades of the small cabinet and press Enter to complete the selection.

Note. By clicking on one of the rectcutaneous lines, you will immediately understand that there are different types of rectucutaneous creatures created with adjacent lines - in this version all lines will be visible at once object, regardless of which line you press on. Straightforward, created for additional commands Strawberry, It consists of four segments, a so-called polyline, which combines all segments into one object. In the report with polylines, you will learn about the material in Chapter 10, which is devoted to writing on chairs.

2. AutoCAD prompts you to select the base point in the command window where you want to perform the rotation. Click on the button Kontochka toolbars Object binding.

3. Move the pot to the upper left corner of the outline of the façade (the point at which the outline of the small cabinet touches). Since AutoCAD recognizes this point as the end point, click the left mouse button to save its coordinates as the base point for the rotation. First go to the next step, go to the indicator button ORTHO The row will be in the right position (if this is not the case, click on it to turn on the orthogonal chair mode). This mode, which ensures the position of the chair horizontally and vertically, is useful in many situations, but in this situation it is only important to us. Reporting orthogonal mode of descriptions in section 5.

4. Move the marker away from the base point - with the movement of the marker, the contour of the facade will rotate (small 4.46). The command line has a request to appear Cut to turn or [Copy/Reference cut]:, which suggests installing a corner.

Rice. 4.46 Another straight cutter wraps around the base point

5. Enter 90. The straight cutter will be rotated 90°, as a result of which our “door” of the small cabinet will move to the “closed” position, as in Fig. 4.3, and Vikonannya command Rotate will end automatically.

Now we are about to open the door to the old creation of rectocutanes and learn about another new tool used for creating arcs.

How to rotate the viewport in AutoCAD is immediately obvious and not obvious. There are a number of ways to sign in for different versions of AutoCAD, let's figure out how to do it.

Rotate the seat in AutoCAD

For those who are not in the know, Autocad has two types of work space, these MODELі LEAVES. The main work is carried out in the MODEL space, where the design object as a whole is being developed, say, Miska Street. On a single plan there is a split plan, a plan for organizing the relief, a plan for landscaping, and the placement of subordinate elements around the layout. After completing the design of the robot, it moves to the SHEET space, where, with the help of a viewport, the object is divided into the edges of the sheet. The view windows allow you to adjust the display of the balls, the scale of the chair model, and the flare of the chair. Rotating the chair in the space LIST is reduced to rotating the view screen, i.e. since the space MODEL street is oriented vertically, you can rotate the view screen horizontally to design the chair. This is especially handy, since the object is in the vastness of the MODEL of the coordinates.

Korisno. Read how to work with viewports.

Rotate the chair to LEAVES. Method 1

The simplest way to turn a chair around the space of the LIST is to quickly use the emergency command ROTATE (_ROTATE)(as it is written there). Note on the right that this command lights up the MODEL space when rotating the viewport only with versions of AutoCAD 2009 and later. If this method did not work for you, read further.

Rotate the viewport. Method 2

Call for help from the team MVSETUP in advance order:

1. Go to the workspace SHEET and enter the command line MVSETUP.

2. Press the right key from the menu that appears. Align or enter command line B (A).

4. Indicate the main point to rotate the viewport.

5. Set the amount of rotation of the chair. Each time the viewport is rotated again, the value of the cut is determined by the cob position.

Rotate the chair into LEAVES. Method 3

This method will work faster if you have the Express menu installed. It would have been correct not to turn, but to turn the chair behind the help of the command ALIGNSPACE.

1. Enter command line ALIGNSPACE, or select right-handed from the top menu Express → Layout tools → Align Space.

3. After this, it is necessary to specify two points in the LIST space, which will be superimposed on the points indicated in the MODEL space.

This team is very similar to the team ALIGN for the verification of objects, here's what you need to know.

Rotate the viewport. Method 4

Perhaps, the most ingenious, especially of the under-informed koristuvach, who is located behind the additional turn of the PSK. The rotation of the chair follows the next sequence:

1. Go to the SHEET tab, and double-click the left mouse button on the viewport to make it active. After this, the UCS icon (coordinate system) will appear in the upper right corner.

2. At the top menu Service → Nova PSK → Z and enter in the command line the value of the rotation of the XY plane about the Z axis. To rotate the viewport (chair) by 45° against the year arrow, enter -45. Revert to a new orientation of the X and Y coordinate axes.

3. Further to the top menu View → 3D view → Plan view → In-line PSK. In this way, the view will be rotated by the center of the viewport. Once again, focus on the coordinate axis, so that it will be clear what has happened.


How to open and zoom the viewport, change the scale, adjust the visibility of balls, etc. read.

There is no button assigned to the command, so it is written on its own.

How to turn the seat in AutoCAD. Video tutorial

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