How to make a pidsiluvach for an antenna with your own hands. Antenna support for a TV: the principle of robotics and the rules for choosing a TV antenna support. How to improve the signal of the TV antenna in the country

It is even simpler, above all, an active antenna for digital TV with available components and materials.

Select an antenna for reviewing digital channels to lie down depending on the strength of the television signal in a specific area, the very same place, where there is a need to review TV programs, and to lie down incorrectly in the same place to the repeater (if necessary, it is important, important), as in the minds of the receiver in a particular area sci i tse already individually.

Here pratsyuvatime and zі shmatkom drotu, and here i izovn_shnya active antenna does not help.

Universal solution - nі, but є і priorities in the sense of this - so for example, as the antenna is active.

A television signal, which is received by an active antenna, is more stable, (do not lie in the weather, finish the hour), and for important events such an antenna is sufficient.

The quality of the described antenna is similar to similar antennas, which are for sale, with the same characteristics, at least, they are cheaper, and at the same time, there are no problems due to this replacement.

The live power supply of the antenna in a wide range - from 2.5 to 14V (wired with a multimeter 838, on the power supply 555), and can be applied, like without a middle, from a digital set-top box through the antenna socket, and from the external socket (USB, wire th block of life, side railing of the car) through the life injector.

Material and accessories for the preparation of the antenna:

Antenna support for "dryers" (I see the difference in this design - 555, 777, 2000) - 1 pc.

Drіt or tube - aluminium, copper (not critical) Ø 3 - 5 mm. (So ​​it's not critical) Dozhinoy not less than 600 mm.

It is possible to use the electrical installation wire PAR 1 (aluminum, single-core) with a diameter that is different in diameter, removing the insulation only on the tips of the preparation of contacts.

A set of metal screws, which consists of two screws M3 × 10 mm, two nuts M3, and two washers with a wide police.

Coaxial (antenna) cable RK 75-3

Antenna TV plug (be it).

If there is a life injector, then the plug is not needed.

Antenna preparation:

The design of the antenna is primitive and very sensible to look at from the photograph.

Vіdrіzavshi vіd drota (tubes) dovzhina 600 mm, bend the ring (make a vibrator), and flatten and drill the tips open Ø 3 mm.

Strip the TV cable from one side of the antenna substation and the plug or into the injector from the other, respectfully stitching the gap between the braid and the central core of the coaxial cable.

Selecting everything at once, connect to the set-top box or through the injector directly to the TV with a DVB T-2 tuner.

Entering the MENU, manually setting the channel for digital reception in this country, and turning on the live antenna (at the MENU for TV set-top boxes) or through the injector (for a TV with a DVB T-2 tuner), find out the best receiver location for the antenna, or take a look behind the "signal strength" scale on the TV screen.

Report on the video on my YouTube channel.

It miraculously works in the described look, but if anyone wants to decorate it more respectably, it’s necessary less to pick up, or to prepare a solid case (a flat, rectangular box with a thickness of 15 - 20 mm, a length of about 200 mm and a width close to 100 mm).

The vibrator in this way can be made from a piece of any, thin coaxial cable, with a long, even perimeter of the box and soldered with stripped braids, without being in the middle to the contacts of the antenna sub-wire, and laid along the inner perimeter of the selected case.

The distance of transmission of television signals is surrounded by the peculiarities of bearing feathers, which are weak with the skin kilometer of the countryside. In areas that are on the vіdstanі vіd televіzіynіh vishok, or scho znahoditsya in mіstsevosti zі foldable relief, the signal to come is weakened, as a result of which the fault is caused by the reception of part of the canals.

Correct the situation by helping to prepare the antenna booster with your own hands. A single yoga vіdminnіstyu vіd purchasing camp price, but not yakіst priyomu. Until then, once you have mastered this creation, you can also install such an attachment for the future on your own.

Do-it-yourself diagram for the description of the antenna for the antenna

It is pointed lower, showing, yak, vlasne, wine is guilty of connecting to the TV. The TV cable itself should go through the power supply board without interruption, and only then the signal will reach the TV set.

When preparing the antenna switch with your own hands, you do not need special materials - the main rank, you will need to bring radio-electronic components, the distribution of which is shown in the diagram.
T1-transistor 2sc3358 - one of the main parts of the circuit of the future add-on
C1 - 10mF/35v C2, C9 - 1nF C3, C4 - 10nF C5, C6, C7, C8 - 10 pF - surface mount capacitors
Resistors R1 - 470 Ohm R2 - 2.2 kOhm, R3 - 1 kOhm, R1 - 5 kOhm
Elements L1, L2 - 2 turns 0.5 mm, 3 mm. L3, L4 - 10uH or 10 turns, 0.2 mm per ferite.
Block of life for 12 wills. Behind the bazhannyam - with a regulated supply of voltage.

Drukovana fee for podsiluvach:

Once again, respect for living is given - 12 wills, which means the need to stop the capacitors when connected to the living of the selected building. Also, do-it-yourself power supply for a TV antenna with your own hands can be powered by an additional antenna cable (coaxial cable) for the presence of the required voltage. After folding, the board looks like this:

The adjustment of the prepared substation is carried out with a path to the R1 resistor in the middle position, and further away from it, after the normal image on the TV screen is far away. In addition, as the antenna was picked up and protested with its own hands, it is possible and necessary to place yoga in a small metal box, as it is also a screen attachment for third-party vibrations.

The guidance method is not the only one possible. With absolutely the same principled scheme, it is permissible to change the elements that zastosovuyutsya in it - rich in what is stale in the strength of the signal that comes to the TV antenna. In my own room, the signal goes out when passing through the antenna cable - the more the length of the cable, the weaker the signal will be at the exit. Vihodyachi zgogo, it is necessary to restore the strength of the signal and virishity, as you need strength. For example, when the signal is equal to 10 dB, it is best to use an attachment that can increase its strength by 2-3 times.

Buvayut and takі vpadki, if one station transmits a richly dim signal, lower іnsha, and too strained pіdsiluvach viklikає їхнє overhead one on one. Help with any possible change in the voltage that is applied, for which purpose the block of life should be broken with the possibility of adjusting the tension. Until then, you can pick up the hard fitting, and then we’ll adjust it according to your needs, changing or increasing the pressure that is applied to the new one.

To review the TV broadcast at the dacha or in small settlements, sound the TV or satellite antenna. Satellites allow you to watch a large number of channels in digital and HD-quality, and the main TV channels receive digital TV broadcasts. As a rule, there are 20 digital channels.

But sometimes it traps so that the signal is interrupted, the image appears on the screen of the transition. Tse mozhe buti vyklikano different reasons:

  • the problems of the movement itself;
  • problems with the possessions that I accept;
  • weak signal.

In the rest of the day, you can tune your TV antenna. At the same time, remember that similar things will also make noise and change. In order to improve the signal, you can try a way to reduce costs.


Satellite antennas, which are also called dishes, are airborne by diameter. Chim vіn more, tim better yakіst accept. A converter is installed on the plate, which transmits a signal to the receiver. Also, it is necessary to confirm the signal.

Variations of satellite antennas:

TV antennas are:

  1. Kіmnatnі zovnіshnі fallow vіd mіstsya vstanovlennia. Rooms are only suitable for zones of fired reception and for the daylight hours of switching to the signal path.
  2. Active and passive. At the first stage, there is an active switch to the signal, which is connected to the electric circuit.
  3. According to the range, the lengths are distinguished by all the lengths, meters (MV) and decimeters (UHF). Digital movement in Russia is carried out at decimeter frequencies, also to get the UHF antennas.

For those who have a strong signal from the TV, add the following factors:

  • remoteness from the moving window;
  • construction and material;
  • more active or passive stronger;
  • spend at the z'ednannyah.

Cost change

To reduce the signal from the TV or satellite antenna, you can try to change the spend in the system:

signal strength

You can listen to the TV signal like this:

  1. At the time of the room, spread the її yakomoga closer to the window and the bagan. Move over, there is no change on the signal path.
  2. Bring the outdoor antenna to the dachas or more to the facade, so that it will not be difficult for the houses, but the relief of the city.
  3. Straighten the correct antenna. This recommendation is up-to-date for the satellite dish. Often, problems with a signal are simply due to incorrect її roztashuvannyam.
  4. You can try expanding the antenna with a dart.
  5. Create a design of an in-phase array with decals of the same antennas, roztashuvashi їх horizontally and vertically so that the phases of the signal are the same.
  6. Change the antenna to a larger one for the design and type.
  7. Install a sub-signal.

In order to virishiti, how to strengthen the signal, follow a simple rule: if it is less than 30 kilometers away, then it should be a passive antenna. If it is a bad signal, then the problem is in the middle of the system, in the possession, closure, or improper installation. If the repeater is more than 30 km away, turn on the active switch:

  • What gave you a chance, then you will need a greater coefficient of strength.
  • Choose with the lowest noise factor, more precisely, better respect for the “strength / noise” level.
  • Give respect to the voltage of the fixture. If you want to improve, you can move and strengthen.

So it is possible to strengthen the signal of the satellite dish itself. It is also necessary to combine subsidiaries, which work on both TV air and satellite antennas. If you know the theory and practice of radio electronics, then you can choose a substation for satellite or television antennas with your own hands, on the Internet and special helpers for this rich circuits.

Install the pidsiluvach yakomoga closer to the antenna. But remember that if you set up your calling, then you will not serve long, better for everything, no more fate. Through unfriendly weather, washing the wines can oxidize and stop functioning normally.

Even though your satellite dish used to work normally and there was a change, you can improve the signal with your own hands in the following ways:

  1. Reverse the correctness of all elements of the system, it is possible, as if the possession of a detail may be mechanically flawed, it has wandered and rusted.
  2. Possibly, the antenna roztashuvannya zbilosya straight ahead. And here її it is required to redirect, as it was earlier.
  3. Flip it, don't change the code to the signal path. Tse mozhe buti sticky snow, leafing, tree branches, which grew abo a new temple spore.

If you have problems with image clarity, replace the plate with one with a larger diameter. Consult with the TB operator for total possession and correct installation.

Thus, most of the methods and recommendations are universal and allow to improve the signal of both satellite and television antennas. At the time of satellite TV broadcasting, it is not clear how to get to the broadcast, but the directness is correct, the diameter is correct. You can buy a pidsiluvach, or make yoga with your own hands, but don’t forget that you yourself are guilty of noise and pereskod. The first choice of such outbuildings should be built to a minimum. Share your opinion in the comments, as there were problems with the received signal in the zamіskіy mіstsevosti, with some rank and for the help of such benefits, you could improve the quality of the TV reception.

Antenna support is one of the most important elements of the broadcasting system, which is necessary for increasing the signal strength with a significant distance from the repeater, or with an unstable connection with the satellite. May be directed to change the frequency of the received antenna whistle with further transmission to the airborne equipment. In addition, these add-ons can override the additional function of the splitter - send a signal to a stream of streams to display the image on a different TV screen.

The assortment of the market for subsidiaries does not correspond to the high popularity of the famous pickers, but, also, it cannot be in its order of the majestic number of models that are sold. However, the whole problem with the choice of a fire pit rests on the elementary ignorance of the main criteria, through which purchases often appear as marginal. Therefore, having thoroughly explored this segment, we have compiled for you the rating of the best subsidiaries for digital and analog television broadcasting, as they are highly popular among the mediums of subsidiaries.

TOP-5 best antennas for antennas

5 Pidsiluvach DVB-T2

High step of supremacy
Country: China
Average price: 379 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Subsidiary to the digital signal to the DVB-2T standard, regardless of the trip, may be operational. In a first step, privertaє vaviku method vykonannya: I'll add a microcircuit placed in a soldered steel case, which inadvertently protects it from the mechanical inflow. It’s true, the defender of atmospheric fallouts, I’m still safe, but the shards of the place of yogo growth can be closer to the ethereal antenna.

In another way, daily working parameters appeared on the equal. The gain coefficient of the model varies between 20-23 dB, and the noise level does not exceed 2-3 dB. A single nuance, indicative of rich quiet vidguks: it’s better to use frequencies from 470 to 900 MHz, and at the same time it’s an ideal option only for installing in a country house or in a private booth outside the boundaries of the place.

4 Locus LA-31

The best choice for accommodation in the country
Country: China
Average price: 335 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Pidsilyuvach for indoor and satellite antennas of a single-stream type, protection for stabilization and increase in signal quality in the range from 1 to 69 channels. Revealed by marvelous survivability on the aphids of equal (behind the price sign) competitors, about which they often show coristuvachi in their thematic reviews. Mayuchi, in general, inappropriate operational parameters, when connected, the subsidiaries show themselves troch unstable, not all the same, do not go beyond the limits of understanding the working framework. The gain coefficient in this mode should be set from 10 to 22 dB, varying in a chaotic manner for all groups of channels that are supported.

Locus LA-31 is installed at the lowering of the cable (standard scheme), moreover, it is closer to the view of the antenna. For the maintenance of the main operational mind (and the very protection from atmospheric fallout), the building will serve as a stretch for a three-time hour. Vidminny device for budgetary improvement of the quality of the signal at the dacha.

3 Rexant 05-6202

Wide range of frequencies that are supported (5-2500 MHz). Dialogue for three streams
Country: China
Average price: 219 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The main application of Rexant 05-6202 is in sub-signaling on streams, however, for operation in this mode, I will add just the need to check the frequencies that are skipped. The main advantage of this extension is to be built up to universality: it is possible to adopt a large frequency range (from 5 to 2500 MHz), it can be used for air, cable, and digital television broadcasting.

Prior to the transfer of the splitter, the partners also introduce a design parameter: at the same time, as analogues, a maximum of two sockets can be connected to the cable, Rexant 05-6202 can be used three times to the F-type, allowing you to send a signal to three sockets. Obviously, for such a wide functionality (and low varst) it was necessary to pay a premium: in the process of exploitation, one of the splitter's heads can simply be driven.

2 Eurosky SWA-105

The largest gain factor (25 dB). Optimal price
Country: China
Average price: 150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Eurosky SWA-105 is the only integration for the rating, which works with a wide range of frequencies equal to 174-862 MHz. In other words, the possibilities are expanding both on cable, and on the air (digital) television broadcasting, at the link with which it can stagnate, both at the borders of the city, and at dachas with private booths. The gain coefficient here becomes 25 dB, and the level of air noise is selected at the threshold of 1.7 dB.

For supporting materials, the vibrator also does not forget to guess and about the comfortable temperature range, for which the circuit is designed to function normally. Won to become from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius, which became possible to lighten the body. Judging by the results of the coristuvach, a stronger signal can be observed on the 80-kilometer distance from the repeater, which is a good result.

1 Alcad AL-200

High quality in all aspects of operation. The most popular pidsiluvach in Russia
Krajina: Russia (broken from China)
Average price: 1390 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Yakіsny pіdsilyuvach televіzіy signal appointments for fine regulation of centimeter and decimeter hvilyovyh ranges. However, it shows itself well in the measure of cable (room antennas) and ethereal (digital and satellite antennas) television, demonstrating the possibility of using frequencies from 40 to 318 and from 470 to 862 MHz. Irrespective of the price, with cable traffic, you can allow a decrease in the efficiency of the building, right up to the full presence of the core line (with frequency variations of 318-470 MHz).

The strength of Alcad AL-200 on the assigned ranges becomes 14 and 24 dB, and the noise coefficient does not exceed 4.5 dB. We accept a bonus to the functionality - the ability to send a signal to two streams, so that the picture can be broadcast to a sprat of televisions. Regardless of the road data, it is the most popular in Russia, mainly due to the outstanding parameters of quality and practicality.

Buvayut unacceptable situations, if the TV broadcast is a bad signal from the possession. In such a time, it is necessary to have a yak_sny p_dsiluvach of the TV signal.

The failure of the TV signal of cable TV at the apartment is due to various reasons:

  1. Poor choice of TV antenna.
  2. The switch houses are far from the repeater.
  3. A lot of natural noises.
  4. Antenna cable wiyshov out of tune.
  5. Transmitter incorrectly lashed.
  6. Vikoristovuetsya old technology.

In order to increase the links, it is necessary to win one of the twisted methods.

How to improve the TV antenna signal:

  1. We are going to change the antenna expansion. Її it is necessary to send it exactly at Bik TV news.
  2. Buy podsilyuvach signal TV antenna. The whole electric device, which is connected directly to the annex.
  3. Increase the number of antennas on the dash to get a clear image. Leather from outbuildings, it is necessary to place in the present place in a booth.
  4. Replace the antenna with a larger hard analog.
  5. The receptionist may be interested in different metal details, as they are carried along by the cost. To that, all items should be taken away, so as not to break the link.
  6. If the antenna cable goes out of tune, then you can’t talk about the quality of the signal. Yakshcho vinikli problems, next reverify yogo. At the time of the zamikannya, or the shave will need to buy a new cut.
  7. Vikoristovuvaty effect in-phase antenna array. Dekіlka priymachіv vykoristovuyutsya for folding folding system, schob zagalno navantazhennya on the phase vyyshlo єdinim.

These are the main ways to improve the reception of the antenna. One of the most effective ones is vikoristovuvati pіdsilyuvach.

How to choose an antenna pidsiluvach

Prior to the choice of a digital television receiver, it is necessary to do so in a practical way.

To buy a similar option, you need to check the bill with the parameters:

  1. Vіdstan tv_zora vіd repeater. The indicator may be between 10-150 km.
  2. Correctly select the frequency range.
  3. Riven TV signal at the priladі. A stable option for giving a house is 100 dB per microvolt.
  4. The gain coefficient is to blame for adding 40 dB or more.
  5. The next step is to find out about the type of attachment, for any necessary power.
  6. The noise level can become 3 dB or less.
  7. The indicator of slowing down the struma is 30-60 mA.
  8. It is necessary to place the attachment to the receiver, or directly in the antenna housing.

Like in a booth there is a digital TV box, the next thing is to have a voltage indicator of 5 V. If you have a DVD-T2 digital set-top box with such a number, you won’t be able to additionally switch on the live block for the power supply.

Popular models for TV signal:

  1. Televes 5523. This is a product of an Italian company, which may have a good gain coefficient of 16 dB. It also automatically reduces the level of third-party noise. Yakіsno zbіshuє dimness of the TV antenna.
  2. Terra HA 123 The gain factor is more than 20 dB, otherwise, the device can be blocked for different frequencies. The model is more suitable for dachas.

Suitable models for satellite and broadcast television:

  1. Gecen A05-02. The signal level increases up to 21 dB. To improve the quality of the television ethereal TB, to get a little extra life.
  2. Polish model SWA. Sound them on the antenna grids. The range of power factors can be from 49 to 790 megahertz. For mounting robots, zastosovuyut studs or z'ednannya on the cut.

Benefits of possession:

  1. Navіt akscho tvіzіyny signal is too weak, pristriy zbіlshit yogo. So let yourself be savored by a look at the be-yakim misci, to strike a very distant view of the television. The food supply is especially relevant for Vlasnik dachas.
  2. When working, I will add a minimum noise coefficient.
  3. Attachment improves the quality of the broadcast in a number of bands.

Leather electric attachment may not only be a plus, but a minus:

  1. If the device needs to have attenuated signals of different frequencies, then it can be periodically reset.
  2. For filthy weather minds, and for an hour, threatens the brightness of the picture, it can get worse, the shards of light react to electric discharges in the decimeter range. Zovnishniy street TV signal at the dacha is more effective than during daily thunderstorms.
  3. At the exit, spend passively.

How to grow a pidsiluvach with your own hands

For some reason, there is no possibility that you can buy food at the store, you can cook it independently in your home minds. Setting the mother to a small electrical supply and do not create a reset. The frequency range of yoga is more than 900 MHz or less.

To make a do-it-yourself antenna for a TV set, use the following scheme:

The principle of a robotic antenna for a TV set, or how to improve the signal by self-shyness:

  1. Voltage is applied to 1 input.
  2. Resistor R1 is placed in the required zone. Yogo come to another entrance.
  3. Departure 6 is receiving an input signal. І at the time of settlement, the TV signal is picked up from 3 nodes and up to the reception.

If you choose the right microcircuit, then there is no need for it to be adjusted.

On the receiving television signal, add a lot of factors, and for which it is necessary to stop the extension, which is supported. They have a lot of advantages: a great coefficient of strength, mobility and a wide selection of models in stores.

Vikoristovuyuchi possessed, you can easily enjoy watching the TV without a reshkod.