How to install the adobe flash player plugin. How to download and install Adobe Flash Player

How to install adobe flash player on your computer to eliminate a number of problems associated with browsing together on the Internet, whether it be video clips, audio files or not.


First, install Flash below, you are responsible for reconciliation, that your browser has the most recent version. In other cases, the program is simply not installed.

To change your mind, looking at the current one, go to the settings and turn the visibility of the update.

  • For Chrome:
  • For Opera:

Nalashtuvannya - about the program.

  • For Firefox:

Nalashtuvannya - dovidka.

Remember one important moment: renewal Flash Player you need to download it exclusively on the site of the retailer.

How can you proponuyut tse robiti on third-party resources, with which money is extorted - tse pure water is charlatanism.

Go to and follow the instructions below.

leaning on head side go down until you get to the list of software at the bottom right. We select the program by clicking on it.

Important! INGoogleChrome already has a powerful flash player, which is updated automatically at once with an observer.

Before that, how to download a file with a program, change your mind, so that you didn’t “grab” any additional software on McAfee Security.

Know the ensign of the first paragraph, as well as the fault of the installations. If so, in good conscience, click on "insert at once".

Dock ahead of the package initialization process.

Now you can download and install the flash player on your computer without cost. Select a space on the disk or work table to save the file.

Now we are checking the main thing - the installation process on a PC.

For which dvіchі it is necessary to press on the archive with the EXE extensions, which you have previously saved in one of the folders on the computer.

It is allowed to automatically update the program, as a retailer to submit new version your product.

We check that the installation is completed, after which we restart the browser and try those functions, which were either inaccessible before, or worked out incorrectly.

For most vipadkivs, everything is due in its place.

To turn off all the possible wadi in the robot, it is recommended to clean the browser again (cache / cookie files), close it, buddy, until everything ends background processes, I'll just start it again later.

I rummaged through the vacancies and statistics and found out that Adobe Flash Player at once is one of the most popular programs or plugins, to whom it is better to name. It is due to the fact that the speed of the Internet has already grown and grows with the skin day and now we can not only read on the Internet, but also listen to music and marvel at some videos and movies online, like not downloading your own on the computer yuther. More than 5-10 years ago, I could not allow such a thing.

As a reminder for looking at all sorts of animations and videos, we support Adobe Flash Player, which will be installed directly into your browser. At the link with the cym, the number of drinks, connected with the sim player, grew, so that it either wins, or it requires renewal and everything else. People try to fix the player from different sites at once with viruses, then these players are not suitable and so on.

I'll show you at once, it's necessary to capture the player and how to install it. Persh, lower, install, change, what you have installed rest version browser, otherwise the focus may not come. Then we go to the official website of Adobe Flash Player. I give you a message directly to the download side:

Let’s go to the side and select the checkbox in another column, if you don’t clean it up, then we will automatically be installed appendage appendix McAfee, but we don’t need it. Tisnemo on the button "Install now".

I'm running out of time in Mozilla to download the installation file. I'm pushing hard "Save file" and vin is downloaded to the computer.

Now I'm correcting where I can download installation file. "Menu - For grown-ups"

Now you can close the browser, so the installation of the player will not work with the browser running. Kіlkom two times to download the file.

Let's run the file:

Everything, the installation is successfully completed

Everything, now you know, you can download and install Adobe program Flash Player.

Good afternoon.

More koristuvachiv, if you go to a lot of popular sites and watch, let's say, video clips, you won't think about those without such required programs, Yak Adobe Flash Player - the stench of the robit could not! At this article, I would like to talk about how to capture and install the Flash Player itself. For the most part of the coristuvachiv, chime in, everything works with automatic installation, and the axis can be brought to install not the latest version of the flash program (+ not tormented by the adjustments). Axis tsі all problems and torknemosya in tsіy stattі.

Depending on which browser you have (Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome) - there will be no retail in the installation and download of the player.

1) How to get and install Adobe Flash Player in automatic mode

Better for everything in that area, where you have to be able to program some kind of video file, the browser often determines by itself that it doesn’t work and you can redirect you to the side, where you can download Adobe Flash Player. And better yet, so as not to run into a virus, go to the official website yourself, see below: - official site (Adobe Flash Player)

Before speech! Before the procedure, do not forget to upgrade your browser, as it has not been broken for a long time.

Here is the next turn for two moments (div. Fig. 1):

  • First of all, what is your system correctly designated (angry, approximately in the center) and browser;
  • and a friend - check the box for a product that you do not need.

Once the file is downloaded to your PC, run it and confirm the installation further. Before we speak, there are many services that can help you with all sorts of other annoying programs, you should be warned on other sites about those that your Flash Player will need to be updated. Raja do not go through these messages, but download all the updates only from the official site.

Mal. 4. Allow Adobe to install updates

If everything was set up correctly, and the installation was successful, it may show up around the next time (div. Fig. 5). Everything has become pratsyuvati (video clips on the sites have become dvoryuvatisya, moreover, without rivkiv and galm) - then the installation of Flash Player is completed for you! If you are afraid of problems - go to the other part of the article.

2) "Manual" installation of Adobe Flash Player

It often happens that the automatically selected version is working out of the hands of a bad thing, often hangs, otherwise it starts to appear in the form of a file. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, then you should try to see the current version of the flash program and try to select the version in manual mode.

Just go to and choose the item like readings for little 6 (program for another computer).

Next, the menu will appear, in which the number of versions will be indicated operating systems i browser. Choose tі, yakim you koristuєtesya. The system itself will prompt you for the version, and you can proceed to download.

just after that Flash settings Player you will be able to restart the process (for example, the video on Youtube will freeze, tinker), then you can try to install more old version. Do not start new version 11 of the flash player.

Mal. 8. Installing others Adobe versions Flash Player

Trochi lower (div. Fig. 8), under the choice of OS, you can mark one more message, and let's move on to it. It is guilty to blame the new vikno, in which you can indulge dozens different versions programmer. You will only be left with an experimental choice of work. I was especially sitting on the 10th version of the program for a long time, regardless of those that had already been released 11 for a long time, just at that moment, the 11th just hung on my computer.

On whom I have everything. Away installation and settings of the flash player ...