Formulas in Word. Mathematical formulas in Word.

Below are presented for practical reasons, how to insert text into text simply and easily with the help of the Word office package mathematical formulas.

Sumi icon on the panel

Symbols for standard mathematical operations can be found on the tab Insert, toolbar Symbols.

Butt sign Sumi you will find out from whose leaking window.

If you don't know him, open the door Other symbols and look near the passage.

We insert the sum, the sum, the multiplication and the bottom

A simple sumi formula can also be written in this panel.



Podil in three versions at once

Multiply in two variations

You will also find there root, integral, differential and without other red symbols. The right hand is opening up Dial list Displays a list of symbol groups to insert.

You can adjust the parameters for the fruits autochangeі shared keys to speed up the process of entering the necessary symbols.

Let's add up the formula

If you need to insert a complex formula that includes fractions, degrees, indices or anything else, then it’s better to go to another mechanism.

Microsoft Word has a complex one specifically for this purpose. editor. This tool, integrated with a text editor, works with text, not images, and then, whenever needed, each function can be easily edit What to finish by hand.

The editor window looks like this.

How to write jealousy

Wonder how to insert the folding line into different versions Office package Word.

Formula editor for Word 2003

We place the cursor where necessary to insert the place of the document and click on the tab InsertObject.

Select from the sticky window Microsoft equation 3.0 and embossed OK.

In the editor window you can select any necessary signs and symbols for creation whatever the complexity, Among them: fractions, degrees, roots, and so on.

For exit In the input mode, press on any empty space with this window, then enter your text.

We insert formulas in Word 2007, 2010, 2013

All these versions have a similar principle of editor. On the animal panel, go to the tab Insert.

We know there Formula or else Rivnyannya.

The required templates can be collected and created Formula.

The editor can make installations. You will then need to install this component in detail by running the installer in the category Zasobi vibrati " Formula editor».

Adding up the formula

For manual operation with a large number of mathematical values, it is recommended to attach this panel to the main one, idle retightening use the left mouse button (Word 2003). In older versions, this icon is the same displayed on the panel.

Enter following the required template. For example, upperі lower Indexes are entered in this way.

For recruitment fractions This panel is being vicorized.

Here you can indicate that shaded straight cut means that the text of this part is already in place, and empty serve to introduce new text.

Fractions You may have two options; leaving the prison, you can choose either kidnapping or direct.

There is a window for placing a top at the bow.

This way you can see all the parts of the equation.

Introduction panel Greek characters.

Similar window with great writers The right hand is rotated in line with the price.

If you step on the panel, you can put a space, and fragments of standard input from the keyboard will not be processed.

Possibly, perhaps customize the font for the names of functions, variables, vectors, text, etc. For whom is the vikory menu Style.

In order for the text to be hidden, this track should be marked with a style. text».

Many correspondents recognize difficulties when they need to insert formulas into Word, fragments into text editor With Microsoft, this function is obvious.

The situation is complicated by the fact that one of the most popular programs in the world for working with texts is updated every few days, as a result of which the interface is redesigned and the control elements change their meaning hojennya.

If you knew Word 2003 perfectly, then when working with new versions, you may find yourself wondering how to do something else that you previously did automatically. This statement is entirely fair for inserting formulas.

Working with formulas in Word 2003

This version of the text editor remained the same, due to the tradition of creating documents in the standard DOC format (since 1997), and the first commercial rebranding of MS, which succumbed to.

As it was shown last week, the change in design of the Office 2007 package has become even stronger effective decisions, let’s note the fact that many organizations and private clients still use the same version of the same version of the office software package.

Specific to Word 2003 is the use of additional Microsoft programs Equations 0.3 before working with formulas, which will immediately appear when you insert a new mathematical formula.

  • To insert a formula you need to know in top panel“Insert” item and select “Object” from the drop-down menu.
  • After this you will be prompted to select an insertion object. It is necessary to click on the item Microsoft Equations 3.0

  • After this, the formula editor will automatically start and before you start, a large number of subprograms will open in which you can write any form of construction.

  • The program has a laconic interface, consistent with the design style of all Microsoft products of that period. At the top there is a ceramic panel that houses standard functions.
    The categories of different mathematical symbols are expanded below, after selecting one of them, a list of available elements will open. To select the required symbol, just click on the new one with the left mouse button.
    All the meanings are intuitively understandable, and many of them have a dotted rectilinear icon, which indicates that in this place there is some kind of mathematical expression.

  • The style function allows you to select the font and image type for certain characters. To set the settings, click “Style”, and then “Significance”.

  • The “Size” menu item allows you to adjust the size of various elements of formulas and also allows you to customize the design, for which you need to follow the “Size” - “Size” path.

Please! It is not possible to set a space in the formula editor - the dimensions between elements are adjusted automatically. If you need to insert an interval of one day or another, select a subordinate element from the pronunciation symbols.

  • After completing the formula, press Esc or close the window, as a result of which it will be inserted into the main element. Repeated editing is done using the additional pressure of LMB.
    The size of the formula field can be changed and moved by simply dragging the mouse.

Working with formulas in Word 2007 and 2010

Word 2010 and Word 2007 are very similar to each other, except for the formula editor.

Therefore, if you use the Microsoft office software package released in 2010, you can quickly use the instructions described above to insert mathematical expressions.

This version of the text editor has a powerful formula builder that displays the Default panel. Therefore, working with it is really challenging in Word 2003.

  • To create a formula, select the “Insert” item and the “Formula” sub-item, after activating any formula, the most extensive options are displayed, such as Newton’s bin, area of ​​stake, etc.
    To enter your formula, select the “Insert new formula” function.

  • As a result of these actions, a robot designer with formulas will be opened, which will appear in the main toolbar, divided into three categories: Service, Symbols and Structures.
    Regardless of the great number of possibilities, the numbering of the day, but at first glance, is not a big problem.
  • The functions of the Service category allow you to select any standard expression, and if you click on the small arrow in the lower part of the panel, a window of formula parameters will open, in which you can specify specific settings, So, how to insert the formula of the koristuvach, but most of them are unlikely to be used by the average koristuvach Chi need.

  • This category is the most important because it gives access to all possible symbols. Behind the table, the main mathematical symbols are displayed, such as operation signs, the continuity symbol, equalities, etc.
    To insert, for example, a Greek letter, you need to change the group of symbols, for which you need to click LMB on the arrow below the scroll bar, and then on the trikutnik after naming the group of symbols and selecting Irku.

  • The remaining category of functions provides a variety of standard constructions of symbols, such as fractions, boundaries, and trigonometric functions, which also support mathematical calculations.
    Everything here is intuitive: select a suitable subcategory, click on it, and then click on a specific virus.

  • The finished formula does not require saving, only one of the inserted elements, including clips, pictures or diagrams. To continue working on other elements, just move the cursor to another part of the document and continue writing text.
    To change the formula, click on it once. The formula can be dragged by “grabbing” the panel with your left hand in the input field, where three dots are shown.

My mother often had to cope with the need to draw up some documents in the Word text editor. And since typing and formatting text is not difficult, the need to enter formulas into text becomes overwhelming. Although, in fact, inserting and typing Word formulas does not require any special skills and allows you to complete simple tasks. For example, let's look at the set of formulas in different versions Microsoft Word.

Typing formulas in Microsoft Word (using Word 2003)

To get started, open a new Word document and enter some text for completeness:

Let us assume that we need to create a complex formula between these two paragraphs. To do this, in the place where we are inserting a formula, you need to place the cursor. Then, from the “Insert” menu, select the “Object” item and select the “Microsoft Equation 3.0” object from the window.

After you have selected the required object and clicked OK, you will see the Microsoft Word formula editor. In this case, all panels are replaced with other panels of the formula editor:

Now you can start directly entering your formula into the insertion field, adding formula elements (fractions, wildcards, etc.). To exit the formula editing mode, just click on the empty space in any place on the worksheet. If you need to edit the formula again, you need to double-click on the formula and it will open again in the formula editor.

To bring back the fact that in most cases, the elements of formulas are like miniature copies of the necessary elements with intellectually appointed place, where any meanings will be introduced.

As shown above, when you click on this icon, the “Square Root” element will be inserted along with the field, where you can enter any value or a new element (for example, a difference or something else).

After some manipulations, we will come up with a simple formula for adding signs to fractions, square roots, numbers, and other mathematical calculations.

The mode for editing formulas is actually much simpler for Keruvan and Vikoristan. With the help of the Microsoft Equation 3.0 tool, you can create a wide variety of formulas of any complexity. In addition, the formula can be copied, centered, and its size can be changed. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different elements, because if you use them you can simply remove them.

Typing formulas in Microsoft Word 2007 (Microsoft Office 2007 package)

For a set of formulas, all current versions of Word use the same “Microsoft Equation 3.0” editor. The principle of work of this editor is the same as described above. A single task is to launch the formula editor. To do this, in the document you need to select the “Insert” menu and in the “Text” section, select the “Object” item, as shown in the little picture:

Typing formulas in Microsoft Word 2010 (Microsoft Office 2010 package)

The new version of the widely used package also does not have any fundamental features in its work; therefore, to work with the formula editor “Microsoft Equation 3.0”, you also need to select the “Insert” menu from the document and in the “Text” section, select the “Object” item, as shown to the baby:

Then select Microsoft Equation 3.0 in the window and click OK. Then in the formula editor you can create different formulas exactly as described above.

Video tutorial "Inserting formulas in Word"


Word formulas

On the pages of our site, sufficient attention has been paid to the following items: tables, formulas, formulas. We also looked at (all six ways to work with formulas in tables) in a word processor, however, before inserting and editing formulas in Word documents, we approached what is called scrupulously.

U this material Let's see in detail how you can insert a formula into a document, as well as what features you can see when inserting formulas in Word 2003 and versions with the line interface 2007, 2010, 2013. Creation and modification of formulas will be possible snatch the 2013 version of Word, and the valid version word processor discuss further.

As a formula for creating Word using the mathematical formula of Binom Newton, the axis looks like this:

Paste the formula into the Microsoft Equation program.

This method is suitable for any version of Word, which is considered (2003-2013), but it is better not to interfere with versions of Word 2003, as of now, starting from the 2007 version of Word, there may already be an formula editor, about which will be later.

Inserting a formula is done through the “Insert” tab, “Text” group, “Object” command and selecting the Microsoft Equation 3.0 object.

Everything is simple, however, Danish method There is only a small part that suggests that Microsoft Equation is third party supplement, and the skin formula is, in fact, a problem that can greatly affect the stability and productivity of the text processor and the system as a whole when working with large files. Fragments of practice after practice, singly, are repeated as the document is being practiced.

Paste the formula into a Word document using the built-in formula editor.

The 2007 version of the text processor Word Microsoft I messed up the formula editor. Now there are no errors when editing the formula and solving the document, and external look, A formula has been created that fits perfectly into the document itself. Of course, the present editor is present in new versions of the text processor, which means a manual formula designer.

In addition, new versions of the word processor have the ability to save the created typing formula for later typing.

The new formula editor only works with versions of the text processor 2007 and higher, so if you save the file in the old .doc format, then all formulas are converted into little ones and the re-creation can no longer be created.

Create a formula in a Word document using additional symbols.

This method is the same as in Word 2003 without a built-in editor, and in new versions of Word, in addition, small formulas created using the symbol insertion tool can be inserted directly into the original text, and not If you see him again, you won't There will be problems with illegally formatted text.

But not everything is so smooth, two shortcomings do not allow vikoryists to use this method everywhere. The first is the most laborious process of creating a formula, if you need to know the required sign from the table of signs, and the stage and index of the index are entered on the page of the interface.

While this shortcoming can still be tolerated, and the process of formula creation can be significantly accelerated, the other shortcoming is serious. Unfortunately, using additional symbols it is impossible to create a complex mathematical formula, for example, Newton’s binomial, fractions, matrices, sums with indices, integrals, etc. simply not available here.

Shanovny, if you want to make a question, ask, and keep your complaints to yourself. The author has collected formulas from his own life that 99% of money-lovers have never dreamed of.
If your document will not have two sides, but 200-300 with a bunch of formulas, then the Equantion application can completely cut your nerves.
Once you have customized the font, go to the formula designer tab and select the option to select the standard font for formulas, then you can change it without problems.
As for the size, then, when changing to Equantion, the wine can be changed automatically and without additional options.
Why is it not working for you, maybe the problem is not in the editor????