Electronic circuits of metal workers. Yak is a metal swashbuckler: I’ll look around and attach the butt to the preparation. Simple metal joker Malyuk FM at home - diagram, installation

Searching for artifacts under the ground is more fun. For some people this is a profession, but you just want to get caught up in archaeology. Numerous groups of pranksters emerge: both romantics and pragmatic value seekers. All these people have one passion in common: searching for metal objects of different depths.

Even though you have an accurate map of the designated burial place for treasures or plans for conducting battles during the hour of war, this does not guarantee success. You can shovel tons of soil, and the object you are searching for will lie calmly a couple of meters away from the place of active searching.

To search for gold and less valuable metals, you will need a metal finder that you can make with your own hands.

Important information: The use of such devices is not prohibited by law. However, there is a penalty for the legacy of such a search, which entails excavations, as well as the discovery of objects.

We will not go into details, but this is a topic for another article. To put it simply: if you found a gold ring on the beach, or if you exchanged Radian coins from the fox, there will be no problems associated with the stagnation of electronic devices.

And for the drawn bronze spoons of 100 years and older, you can receive a real term or a great fine.

Tools for searching for metal objects are readily available for sale all over the world, and those who want to save money can make metal detecting equipment with their own hands at home.

The robot principle will be added

In addition to ground detectors that work with varying frequencies or ultrasound, a metal detector (either factory-made or made with your own hands) works with inductance.

The coil vibrates the electromagnetic field, which is then analyzed. If any object appears in the action zone that can conduct electrostrum or has ferromagnetic power, the format of the field is determined. More precisely, under the action of the active field of the coil, the object is formed in the air. This action is detected and alerts are generated: the device arrow moves, a tone sounds, and the light indicators light up.

If you know the robotic technique, you can open up an electrical circuit and create a metal trick with your own hands. The foldability of the structure depends on the clarity of the elemental base of your tub. Let's take a look at a number of popular options on how to select a self-propelled metal trick.

So the title "metelik"

This name is captured through the characteristic shape of the maydan, on which the inductance coils are molded.

The reshaping of elements is associated with the principle of operation. The circuit consists of two generators that operate at the same frequency. When new coils are connected to them, an inductive balance is created. If you place a third-party object in the electromagnetic field that has electrical conductivity, the balance of the field will collapse.

Generators are implemented on NE555 microcircuits. The illustration shows a typical diagram of such an accessory.

The reel for the metal gun (there are two of them, in the diagram: L1 and L2) should be made with your own hands from a 0.5-0.7 mm² cross-bar. The ideal option is a transformer winding copper core in varnish insulation (wound from any unnecessary transformer). The characteristics are not obligatory to show with jewelry precision, for one thing: the cats are worn but new.

Spray parameters: diameter 190 mm, the skin has exactly 30 turns. The collected virus may be monolithic. For this purpose, the turns are snuggled with mounting thread and filled with transformer varnish. If nothing happens, the vibration of the turns is a circuit with an adjusted balance.

Electrical diagram

There are two preparation options:

  • If the number of elements is small, you can select them on a breadboard by connecting the legs of the parts using additional conductors;
  • For accuracy and reliability, it is better to mark the fee for the seat fittings.

Any kind of soldering “on the snot” can fail in the field’s minds, and you will be covered in just an hour.

So, as a metal joker on transistors, the device on the NE555 will require precise adjustment before the vicor. The diagram shows three variable resistors:

  • R1 is used for adjusting the frequency of the generator and achieving the same balance;
  • R2 roughly adjusts sensitivity;
  • With the help of resistor R3, you can set the sensitivity with an accuracy of up to 1 div.

Information: This circuit cannot discriminate between metals. The joker only makes it clear that the object is real. And based on the tone of the signal (based on your information), you can determine the approximate volume and depth of contamination.

Life is more universal: 9-12 volts. You can select a battery from the source of uninterrupted life or select a power supply unit with AAA batteries. The worst option is 18650 batteries (they are also available for vaping).

Setting up "blizzard"

The principle of robotic descriptions is greater, so let’s look at the technology. We install all resistors in the middle position and ensure synchronization of generators. For this purpose, we fold the bowls “weightwise” and move them one by one until the squeaking turns into crackling. This is due to synchronization.

We fix the rings and wrap the resistor R1 until a persistent crack appears at regular intervals.

When bringing metal objects to the place for over-draining the lenses (including the eyepieces), make sure there is a strong squeak. Sensitivity is regulated by resistor R2.

It is not possible to adjust the resistor R3, which is used to adjust the voltage drop for life.

Mechanical part

A do-it-yourself metal rod is made from a light plastic pipe or wood. Vikoristannaya aluminum nebazhany, splinters in respected robots. The control circuit can be obtained from a sealed case (for example, an unsoldering box for carrying out).

Shukach "blizzard" ready to work.


Another popular impulse model for pranksters is the “Pirate” metal prankster. It is also easy to make with your own hands, there are instructions for two options:

It is important to keep the battery close to 12 volts, so that any residual battery voltage is left behind. Drukovany payments have already been tested, but are offended by the options in the illustration.

The coil (there is only one in this configuration) is prepared from the same 0.5 mm transformer rod. The optimal diameter is 20 mm, the number of turns is 25. We made the fragments of the metal craft “Pirate” with our own hands, the new design goes to another level. Any materials that you are ready to throw away will come.

The handle is removable, for easy transportation. We remember that the use of metals is unacceptable.

Sensitivity is regulated by two changeable resistors per hour, per hour. In any case, there is no need to adjust the generator.

And if you are able to properly seal the body, you can start searching for treasures from the beach smoothie in the surf, and fill the bottom with water.

The underwater metal craftsman can work better with his own hands, in order to give him an undeniable advantage over his competitors.

Increased number of exhibitors

You can make a metal craft with your own hands without additional costs from the ready-made “Pirate”. For this you can do this in two ways:

  1. Increased diameter of the inductance coil. In this case, the penetration of the lower level increases, but the sensitivity to small objects decreases.
  2. Reducing the number of turns of the coil with one-hour adjustments to the circuit. Why do you have to sacrifice one cat for experiments? We know (and cut) turn by turn, until the sensitivity begins to decrease. We remember the number of turns at maximum parameters and we need a new coil for this circuit. Then we change the resistor R7 to a variable one with similar voltage parameters. Having carried out a number of experiments with sensitivity, we fix the support and change the changer to a fixed resistor.

The metal joker “Pirate” can be played on the popular Arduino controller.

It is easier to use such a device without discriminating against metals as before.

Having learned how to make metal crafts with your own hands for amateur factories, we will briefly examine a number of serious models.

DIY metal joker Clone PI W

Essentially, with the cheaper version of the professional prankster Clone PI-AVR, instead of the RC display, a line of LEDs is installed. This is not so easy, but, as before, it allows you to control the depth of contamination of artifacts.

The best option for the price is the CD4066 microcircuit and ATmega8 microcontroller.

Obviously, the solution at hand is a prototype of a hand-held board, only the control buttons are mounted on the edge panel.

Programming ATmega8 is a topic of the same article, since you worked with such controllers, it’s not the same for everyday devices.

The Clone PI W metal detector, which can be cleaved with your own hands, allows you to find metal up to a meter deep, although without discrimination.

Shukach "Chance"

A similar circuit on the ATmega8 controller is called “Chance”. The principle of operation is similar only to the possibility of discrimination (partial discrimination) of ferrous metals.

A small hand-made board is also designed, which can be successfully replaced with a classic “breadboard” for Arduino.

DIY Terminator 3

If you need a self-made metal joker due to the discrimination of metals, gain respect for this model. The scheme is simple, but your work pays off with the coins you find, which can be gold.

The peculiarity of the “Terminator” lies in the separate receiving and transmitting coils. To enhance the signal, a 200 mm ring is prepared. For this, 30 turns of the dart are laid, then the wire is cut, as a result of which we remove 2 winding coils with a lead capacity of 60 turns (follow the diagram).

The primary coil is rotated in the middle, 48 turns with a diameter of 100 mm.

Adjustment is carried out using an oscilloscope, after achieving optimal amplitude results, the windings are fixed in the housing after additional filling with epoxy resin.

Then, practical adjustments to the reversal of discrimination will be carried out. For this purpose, real objects made of different metals are tested, and the same type is applied to the switching modes (after verification).

Radio operators are using the Terminator 4 version in detail, but there is still no practical copy.

Simple metal detectors from ready-made electrical components


Regardless of the complexity of the scheme, the preparation of a self-propelled metal gun will require you enough time and effort. So, because of the cost, don’t hesitate. And the axis for professional use is a wonderful alternative to factory copies.

Video on the topic

Metal detectors or metal detectors are a diverse home of unique devices, which are based on the properties of electromagnetic properties of objects.

Wikoristannya metalloshukacha

Professional, highly sensitive metal detectors are used in daily inspection at various inspection points, and with their help, search and intelligence activities of police and ritual services are conducted.

A great army of amateur metal-pricks all over the world has been practicing long and inconvenient campaigns with metal-pricks. Sometimes such a desire can bring profit and increase popularity.

Nowadays, the industry of detector (recognition) devices for all phases of life has already been developed, which differ not only in the principles of operation, but also in a wide range of prices and technical characteristics.

Simple magnetic detectors

The principle of operation of the simplest metal machine is based on electromagnetic induction - in use there is an electromagnetic coil, which fixes the electrical conductive and magnetic material for the oscillating process and the creation of its field or anything that is nearby, causing an audible or visual signal.

The first evidence of the collection of metal jokes in the domestic minds may become the beginning of a serious burial: new design solutions and new developments in this field of applied radio electronics are not included in the amateur market.

The diagram shows the simplest low-frequency magnetic detector.

The production of metal detectors has hundreds of different applications. In order to implement one of them yourself, you will need to prepare a hand-made board with your own hands, purchase the necessary coils, transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc., and create a folding device.

Metal bomber from improvised means

Another option is a folded metal gun using improvised tools, more suitable for humanists and technologists with a predilection for searching for treasures and lost artifacts.

Under the hour of operation of such a self-propelled device, electromagnetic coils, which are transmitted by the calculator, are caught on the AM band of the receiver.

An indicator of the location of the object of this device is the rotation of the electromagnetic field during re-promotion, which changes the parameters of the sound signal. A photo of such a metal crafter, crafted with his own hands, can be found in the vastness of the space and at the end of our material.

To establish such a complete option, you need not a diagram or instructions for collection, but a complete set of instructions, which requires two main storage parts of a self-propelled detector, and itself a calculator and a radio receiver, which can easily be used є.

Unfortunately, the device is guilty of being one of the cheapest ones, it has an AM band and a magnetic antenna, and the calculator is guilty of vibrating pulse radio transcodes during operation.

To work on the model, you will also need a plastic box with a lid that fits the size, so that it opens onto the base of the book, which will become the body of the prankster.

For these purposes, an old CD box is ideal. To secure the parts you will need double-sided tape.

Folding metal sniper

  • Securing the fittings in the middle of the case: apply tape to the back side of the fittings, then the calculator is placed in the base of the box, on the inside of the lid.
  • Receiver adjustment: you need to turn on the receiver at maximum volume and select the highest position for the AM band, depending on the radio stations and the code.
  • Adjusting the calculator: when the calculator is turned on, the receiver must react with a sharp noise, hum or wheezing, which is absent, it is necessary to adjust the range.
  • Fixing the position: we begin to smoothly close the box until the sound disappears or becomes uniform and we fix the chairs of the box in this position, vikorist with which the polystyrene foam cube, gum, etc.
  • Metal detector ready. If a vibration with electromagnetic signals appears nearby, you will hear a sound signal.

By combining elements of other radio devices with a simple detector, you can follow the operating principle of metal detectors and be satisfied with your first sound expedition.

Increase your respect!

Such a detector, generally accepted at home, can be tested in search of coins or metal coins lying near the surface of the earth, practically in any place, on any open ground.

Photos of metal craftsmen with their own hands

Increase your respect!

Increase your respect!

Today we’ll talk about how to independently make highly sensitive metal crafts with your own hands at home from available materials. We will also look at the methods of folding, the main photos, the boards, the diagrams and the mounting of self-propelled metal detectors and metal detectors with different principles of operation

The work of the metal craftsman is based on the principle of magnetic gravity. This device creates a magnetic field through the sound coil, and then sends the magnetic field to the ground. Another cat of the metal scavenger receives the gate signals and reports the presence of a tone signaling device. At the moment when the coil is held over the ground and a metal object is exposed to a magnetic field, the tone changes and the tonality changes. This change in the field means that you are in charge of the search.

It is necessary to appreciate the fact that the larger the cat, the more sensitive the metal prankster becomes, although in modern devices it is most often necessary to install small sound heads, rather than being equipped with pressure circuits. How can you earn money independently and without costs?

There are several types of metal swindlers:

1. Low-frequency (LF) prankster: the simplest of the household tasks, it is not particularly difficult to perform. It is possible to combine various metals (with special adjustment). The most widely used type.

2. Metal impulsion detector (ID): an underground device designed to detect objects even deeply. Popular among professional gold hunters, it is especially important for polishing on colored metals.

3. Detector on bits: you can detect any metal or mineral in the range of your pulse (at a depth of up to 1 meter), if you make it with your own hands, you can separate metals from just one group. This is the cheapest and simplest type of attachment.

4. Radio detector: can detect metals buried up to 1 meter of ground. It’s really easy to pull out a few pieces of quills, so it’s the best option for demonstrating the principle of work or for presenting it at fairs of children’s creativity. Vin is not that popular.

Regardless of the type of metal detector you plan to make with your own hands, most detectors may have a similar design. Why and how you can make the most primitive metal gun.

1. Control box: consists of a board, microdynamics, battery pack and microprocessor.

2. Trimach: connects the command block and the cat. It often reduces the magnitude of human growth.

3. Magnetization coil: this is a part that senses metal, as well as the magnet core. Also known as a “sounding head”, “loop” or “antenna”, which is formed from disks.

4. Stabilizer (behind the tanks): necessary for monitoring the detector.

Robimo high-frequency metal joker

The high-frequency metal bomber differs from other models in that there are two coils:

· Transferable coil: the outer contour of the coil, in which the darts are found. Electricity is transmitted through these cables, which subsequently creates a magnetic field.

· Taking the cat: a cat with a skein of dart. This part receives, processes and amplifies the frequencies that come from the earth, and, therefore, signals the discovery of treasure.

Pokrokov's instructions, photos and circuits for beginners on how to create a high-frequency metal joker:

1. You need to select the command block. You can earn it from a computer, laptop or radio.

2. Find the best AM frequency on the radio. Turn it over so that you do not receive the radio station.

3. Now we remove the sounding head. For this purpose, we need two stakes from an ordinary thin plywood sheet. One is 15 centimeters in diameter, the other is a little smaller – 10-13. This is necessary so that one ring can reach the other. Now it is necessary to cut small wooden sticks for parallel spreading of the rings, one at a time. .

4. From these plates, 10-15 turns are drawn from an enameled copper thread with a 0.25 mm crossbar from the outer stake. Now you need to attach the sporade to the block.

5. Connection to the pole. Install the head on the lower end, radio detector to the animal.

6. Now you need to turn up the radio frequency, you will notice a weak tonal sound. You might need to do a little work on the radio receiver settings. If necessary, you can attach headphones to the set for better sensitivity.

Selectable pulse detector

It is necessary to remove the ceramic block. Break open a basic transistor-type radio receiver to find parts that can be repaired. We need:

· Rechargeable battery 9 volts;

· Power transistor 250+;

· Small speaker with 8 ohm performance.

Let's collect Poshuk's cat

It is necessary to make 3 rings from 3mm plywood, the diameter of one is 15 cm and the diameter of two is 16 cm. Apply wood glue to create a sandwich, with a 15 cm stake at the center.

Along the edge, equip the plywood with 10 turns of dart, as it is.

We are tuning in to the radio station. Make sure the tone sounds and the radio station is within range.

Squeeze the block. It is possible, it is necessary to spoil him. Also, before you can make a metal craft with your own hands, you need to check the settings of the board; you may not have been able to metal through the settings of the board.

Attach the sounding head to the shaft. Turn the metal gun over on the fork or other metal parts. Important: before you can make a powerful metal detector with your own hands, you will need to select a larger high-frequency detector, so you can easily buy a special unit for the detector in a radio store or use the Terminator metal detector as a starting point.

In principle, everything is easy to do, you just need to know everything you need and make metal tricks at home on your own. Another way:

1. To start making metal tricks at home, you will first need to find an empty box of your original CD.

2. Now you need to find a radio receiver and glue it to the back wall to the first chair of the disc box. For this mark, you can use either double-sided tape or a special adhesive strip.

4. Now, if such a device is ready, begin the adjustment. Turn off the radio and switch to the device that is working, and the robot must ensure that it is in the AM band. In this case, it is also necessary to make sure that other radio stations do not operate on the frequency. Now you can make a louder sound and switch over so that, apart from the noise from the receiver, you don’t hear anything else.

5. Now we are checking the feasibility of the created metal scavenger. Let's start closing the box. You will feel a strong sound. This means that the radio was able to pick up electromagnetic signals emitted by the calculator.

6. When you open the box, the noise disappears. Now it’s time to open the box so that the noise is not too loud, but just noticeable. In this case, you have to bring the box to any metal object. After this, there may be a little loud noise. It’s a loud sound to talk about those that the model of the metal swashbuckler works. In this case, you can use the help of a new person to find out not only the metallic speeches that have been lost in the daytime, but also straight into the forest or some other place, in order to find out where the hell is going, and maybe on the road. Ale is still better than pristosuvannya vikoristuvat in the home minds

The simplest metal craft, which you can make with your own hands, will require an inductive coil. There is a ring with a diameter of 6-8 cm to 14-16 cm to fit the size of metal objects that need to be cut. To prepare a self-made coil, take a blank of the same diameter, on which the copper enamelled wire is wound with a 04-05 mm webbing. The number of turns can be expanded using a suitable formula, so that the diameter of the coil is equal. After winding, carefully remove the coil from the workpiece and secure it behind an additional insulating stitch. It is necessary to protect it from mechanical damage and exposure to atmospheric agents. Then wrap a foil screen over the coil with a gap of approximately 10-15 mm.

The detachable screen is not caused by a short-circuited coil. It is necessary to wind a copper tinned wire with a length of 1 cm over the screen, which is connected to the braided coaxial cable leading to the electronic unit. The coil is connected to the circuit using a double-wire coaxial cable.

It is recommended to prepare coils with different internal diameters in order to allow the connection of their exact skin type. Finally, it is necessary to design the metal device structurally: place the electronic unit in a sealed case, protect it from moisture and saw, and place the inductive coil on the end of a non-metal pole for the last time. As a result of the sound signal, which is formed by an electronic circuit, a small speaker or headphones can be used, as they may need to be used in noisy areas. Electrical power comes from an autonomous device, a battery or an accumulator.

The deep self-propelled metal detector is distinguished from the surface with high sensitivity, which allows you to find metal objects at depths of up to several meters. Moreover, such devices have improved selectivity, which allows you to ignore other objects. In terms of technology, such a device is in no way different from the described product. As a rule, the inductive coil for a clay metal pump is made with a larger diameter (up to 300 mm) and has greater protection against external transients. Setting up such a device may require the use of electronic vibrating equipment. This is to allow the device to reach the necessary level of sensitivity.

Some metal detectors operate on the basis of the principles of the school program “Foucault's streams”. We will not go into details of the experiments. When the sound coil and metal object are close, a frequency change occurs in the generator, and the device generates a sound signal. As soon as there is a squeaking sound in the headphones, then there is metal lying under the ground. Today's winemakers are working on two tasks: • increasing sound depth; reduction of identification parameters of devices; reduction in energy consumption; manual operating characteristics

How to make money as a metal swindler at home? Varto learn a little about electronics and read physics for the 7th grade of middle school. There will be a lot of evidence of working with various tools and handy techniques. It is necessary to study and try out a number of electrical circuits in order to select from them the one that works effectively

Materials needed during work:

a small generator (like an old tape recorder); quartz resonator; floating capacitors and resistors; a vinyl or wooden ring for a sound coil; plastic, bamboo or wooden reed - trimach; aluminum foil; darts for winding the coil; p'ezoelektrichny viprominyuvach; metal box - screen; headphones will receive a sound signal from the device; two new transformer coils; 2 Krona batteries; industriousness and patience.

Sequence of folding of the metal sounding machine Using a plywood stake with a diameter of 15 cm, prepare a sounding coil: wind the wire with turns (15-20) on the template. The stripped ends are soldered to the cable. Wrap a ball of fastening thread around the perimeter of the cat on top of the dart. All circuit parts are soldered on a different PCB board in the following order: capacitors, resistor system, quartz filter, signal booster, transistor, diode, sound generator. When preparing the body, insert a soldered board, connect it to the sound coil and mount it on a trim stick. The signal from the sound coil, generated by a metal object, moves the frequency of the generator. Strengthened by a quartz filter, it is converted by an amplitude detector to a constant pulse, which vibrates the sound.

The operating principle of the metal gun is that when a metal object is close to the inductance coil of the generator - the main unit of the device - the frequency of the generator changes. The closer the object and the larger the object, the stronger its influx onto the frequency of the generator.

And now let’s take a look at the design of a simple metal pump, built on two transistors. Metal joker circuit Viconium generator on transistor VT1 behind the tripoint capacitance circuit. Generation is created through a positive gate connection between the main and base terminals of the transistor. The generator frequency depends on the capacitance of capacitors C1-C3 and the inductance of coil L1. When the coil is close to a metal object, its inductance changes and increases, like a ferromagnetic metal, for example, a metal, and changes like a colored metal, copper, brass.

How can you avoid the frequency change? For this purpose, it is necessary to use another transistor. The circuit is a generator, collections, like the first one, behind the circuit of an eminent third point. Its frequency lies within the capacitance of capacitors C4-C6 and the inductance of coil L2 and does not increase significantly from the frequency of the first generator. The required frequency difference is selected by the cat's alarm clock. In addition, the cascade on transistor VT2 combines the function of a detector that sees low-frequency vibrations of high-frequency vibrations that go to the base of the transistor. The detector is located on the BF1 headset; capacitor C1 shunts the voltage for high-frequency vibration.

The pulverizing circuit of the receiving circuit is inductively coupled to the generator circuit, at the collector lanyard of the transistor VT2 flows streams at the frequency of both generators, and sends streams of a different frequency, or, apparently, the beat frequency. If, for example, the frequency of the main generator is 460 kHz, and the frequency of the prime generator is 459 kHz, then the range becomes 1 kHz, i.e. 1000 Hz. This signal is barely in the phones. It’s best to bring the sound coil L1 closer to the metal, since the frequency of sound in phones will change, depending on the type of metal, either it will decrease or it will become higher.

P401, P402 and other high-frequency transistors will replace the values ​​on the circuit. Headphones - high-impedance TON-1 or TON-2, and their capsules must be switched on in parallel so that the lead source becomes 800 ... 1200 Ohm. The loudness of the sound in this attack will be a thing. Resistors-MLT-0.25, capacitors-KLS-1 or BM-2.
The L1 coil has a rectangular frame with dimensions of 175x230 mm, which is made up of 32 turns of PEV-2 0.35 (using PELSHO 0.37).

Design of the L2 coil. Two paper cylindrical frames have 6 placements of cutters with a diameter of 7 mm from ferrite 400NN or 600NN: one (1) with a length of 20...22mm, permanently fastened, the other (2) - 35...40mm (loose for іdstroyuvannya cat). The frames are covered with paper stitch 3, on top of which a coil of L2 (5)-55 turns of PELSHO dart (possibly PEV-1 or PEV-2) with a diameter of 0.2 mm is wound. The tops of the coil are secured with humic rings 4.
Dzherela zhivlennya - battery 3336, vimikach SA1 - toggle switch, socket X1 - double socket block.

Transistors, capacitors and resistors are mounted on a board made of insulating material. The board is connected to coils, a battery, a connector, and a large insulated wire. The board and other parts are placed in a glued plywood case with dimensions of 40x200x350 mm. Coil L1 is attached to the bottom of the case, and in the middle of the coil at a distance of 5...7 mm from the turns, place coil L2. Instruct the board to be secured using this coil. We then attach the rings to the side wall of the case. From the top to the case, attach (with glue) a wooden handle about a meter long.

The success of the metal detector begins with the variety of operating modes of transistors. Having turned on the food, check the voltage on the emitter of the first transistor (along the way, plus the food) - there may be 2.1V. More precisely, this voltage can be adjusted using resistor R2. Then the voltage changes on the emitter of the other transistor - there may be 1 (set more precisely by selecting resistor R4). As a result of this, large displacements of the L2 coil tuning core allow the sound of clear, low-frequency sound to appear in headphones.

Approaching a tin can to the sound box, fix the beginning of the change in sound tone. As a rule, this occurs at a distance of 30...40 cm. Precise adjustment of the frequency of another generator requires the greatest sensitivity of the device.

On elements IC1.1 and IC1.2 frequency generators of 160 kHz and 161 kHz are selected. Where C1, L1 is the flammable circuit of the first generator, C4, L2 is the flammable circuit of the other generator. The inductance of the other generator L2 is a sound coil. At element IC1.3 there is a mixer, at the output of which the frequency difference of the generators is determined, which is more than 1000 Hz. When a metal object appears, the sound coil changes its inductance and changes the frequency of the generator, which changes the frequency at the output of the switch. Replacement resistor R5 is a voltage regulator. Element IC1.4 is used as a buffer amplifier cascade, all frequency signals and amplifier signals. On elements VT1, VT2, VT3 there is a selected push-pull booster, the insurance is used with headphones with a support of 32-200 Ohms.

Vicoristan microcircuit IC1 type CD4030. It can be replaced with any other ABO CMOS technology microcircuit. VT1, VT3-BC547, VT2-BC557. All electrolytic capacitors operate at a voltage of 16V. The resistor is 0.125W. The voltage is 6V.
Coil L1 - inductance 100 mH.
Poshukova coil L2-140 turns, diameter 0.8mm, coil diameter 150mm.

The adjustment is to tune the generators to a frequency of approximately 160 kHz with a difference of 1 kHz.

Whenever a metal object is inserted into the working area of ​​the coil, the inductive coupling between the coils changes. In this case, a signal appears on the terminals of the L2 coil, which is divided in amplitude (as a large object) by the diodes VD1 and VD2, which will then be boosted when the operational booster DA1.1 is injected.

At the output of the filter, which is activated by this operating booster, there is a constant voltage that increases when the coil is close to the metal. Then the voltage goes to the input, which is inverted, in the comparator DA2.1. The voltage is equal to the reference voltage, which is supplied to the other input.

When the comparator is activated, the output voltage decreases, causing the VT3 transistor to close and the sound generator, based on the DA2.2 microcircuits, is activated. From the sound generator, the signal goes to the amplifier, and goes to the headphone of the hearing aid. The intensity can be adjusted using the additional variable resistor R38.
To wind the coil, use a vikorist with a diameter of 14 cm. Apply 200 turns of copper-dart with insulation to the leather coil. The wire has a diameter of 0.27 mm and is taken from the middle of the coil. Before removing the finished cat from the frame, it needs to be re-knitted, and after removal, wind the thread on it so that the turns fit together more closely. Once removed, put it in the same configuration as baby 2 and secure it with threads to a plastic plate. Down below the cat is responsible, but up above it is primal.

The main coil is equipped with an aluminum screen with an opening designed to turn off the short-circuited turn. It is necessary to connect the coil to the device using an additional shielded cable. The vertical turns of the coils are separated by 25 mm distances. The remaining stage is to secure the coils with glue or sealant.

There are a lot of people who have no respect for the fact that self-made metal swashbucklers sacrifice a lot of parameters to the branded products that are spun at the factory.

Aside from the fact, structures that are correctly assembled with your own hands often turn out to be not only cheaper, but also cheaper than “factory” competitors.

Varto nobility: Most pranksters and locals try to choose the cheapest options to protect their money. As a result, the stench is either picked up by metal scavengers themselves, or bought by their own custom devices.

Pochatkov, as well as people who are not familiar with electronics, will initially discover not only special terminology, but also various formulas and schemes. However, as soon as you get into it a little, you immediately become aware of the vast knowledge that was taken away from physics at school.

Therefore, first of all, consider the principle of the metal joker, what it is and how it can be independently adopted in the minds of your home.

Yak pratsyuє

The principle of operation of this device is based on the vicinity of an electromagnetic field. It creates a transmission coil and after contact with an object to conduct a stream (and most metals), vortex jets are created, which introduce confusion into the EPM of the coil.

In these cases, if the object is not electrically conductive, but has its own magnetic field, the transients created by it will also be caught by the screen frame.

After this change in the electromagnetic field, go directly to the control unit, which sounds a special sound signal to notify you that a person has been found, and in more expensive models, displays the data on the display.

Warto note that such devices are likely to be created behind the butt of a Pirate-type metal gun.

Metal joker "Pirate"

Robimo made a board with his own hands

From the very beginning it is necessary to create a manual circuit board, then all the nodes of the metal machine will be used. The most suitable method is laser technology or simply LUT.

For which it is necessary to select the stages of preparation in the following order:

  1. You will first need to use a laser printer and a basic diagram, created using the Sprint-Layout program. The best choice for this camera is low density.
  2. We prepare the workpiece from textolite, sand the grain, after which it is cleaned by grinding. Vaughn is guilty of mother size 84x31.
  3. Now we place the photocopier with the diagram on the animal's blank, with the front side on which it was over-armed. We cover it with an A4 sheet and begin to smooth it with hot sand in order to transfer the layout diagram to the textolite.
  4. After fixing the circuits from the toner, place it in water and carefully remove the paper with your fingers.
  5. Further, if there are signs of smeared plots, we straighten them with the help of an emergency head.
  6. Now you need to put the board in a cup of copper sulfate (you can also use chlorine).
  7. The toner can be seen without problems, even with a retailer, for example, acetone.
  8. Drill the opening to accommodate further structural elements (the drill may be even thinner).
  9. The remaining stage is in the middle of the payment tracks. For this purpose, a special coating “LTI-120” is smeared on the surface, which is necessary to smear the soldering iron solder.

Installation of elements on the board

This stage of creating a metal detector involves installing all the elements on the built-up board:

  1. The main microcircuit is a domestic KR1006ВІ1 and a foreign analog NE555. Fix it, before installing it, you need to solder the jumper under it.
  2. Next, a dual-channel booster K157UD2 is installed. You can buy it or take it from Radian tape recorders.
  3. Therefore, install 2 SMD capacitors, as well as one resistor type MLT C2-23.
  4. Now you need to solder two transistors. One may be NPN structures, and the other PNP. Bazhano vikoristovvati VS557 and VS547. Proceed with analogues. As a field-effect transistor, we recommend the IRF-740 or other options that have similar characteristics.
  5. The remaining ones are capacitors. They should be used with a minimal TKE value in order to increase the thermal stability of the entire structure.

Take it with respect: The most important thing to do with this circuit is the power booster K157UD2. The reason is that the microcircuit is already old. You can also try to find similar daily options with similar parameters.

The creation of a self-made cat is carried out on a frame with a diameter of 20 cm. The number of turns can be approximately 25 pcs. This indicator comes from the fact that a PEV is used, which has a diameter of 0.5 mm.

Protein is unique. The number of turns can be changed on the larger or smaller side. To know the best option, you need to take a coin and check in which case you will get the most value.

Other elements

The alarm speaker can be used as a portable radio. It is important that you use 8 ohms (Chinese versions are possible).

To carry out adjustment, two different voltages of the potentiometer model are needed: the first is 10 kOhm, and the other is 100 kOhm. To minimize cross-code influx (turning them off will be important), it is recommended to shield the wire that connects the circuit and the coil. The life expectancy of the metal slayer may become at least 12 Art.

Once the entire structure has been verified to be practical, it will be necessary to build a frame for the upcoming metal machine. However, here you can give just a few recommendations, even when making leather from objects that are under your hands:

  • To make a rod by hand, add 5 meters of PVC pipe (like those used for water pipes), as well as a jumper. At the top end of the bar, install a special hand rest to make it easier to hold hands. To pay, you can find any box of the appropriate size that needs to be secured to the pants;
  • To power the system, you can replace the battery with a basic screwdriver. This treasure lies in a small vase of great capacity;
  • When constructing the body and structure, make sure that they are free of any hard metal elements. The reason is that stinks significantly interfere with the electromagnetic field of the future device.

Checking the metal scavenger

First of all, we need to adjust sensitivity, vicoristic and potentiometry. At the threshold there will be even, but not very often, cracking.

So, P'yatirublev Monetu Vin is guilty of “know” to the same approximately 30 cm, and from the Yakshcho coin Maji Rozhyri Yak Radyanskiy Rule, then the same Meti Meti Meti of the Great Tales Rosirib VIN “PBO” .

Such an attachment cannot be used on any significant depth of other objects. Until then, it will not be possible to differentiate the size and type of metal found. In addition, if you search for coins, you will be able to spend money on the original coins.

This model of a self-made metal finder is suitable for people who are just beginning to master the basics of digging for treasures or who do not have the necessary tools to add expensive equipment.

I'm sorry video Are you wondering how to make a self-made metal scavenger:

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You simply won’t believe how many treasures lie literally under our feet. It’s clear that we don’t suspect the presence of treasures, until we can’t hear a squeak from a metal scavenger. Without this tool, archaeologists, geologists, sound systems and alarms cannot detect the robot. Professional tools are expensive, so if you are looking for treasures, you will immediately think about how to make metal tools with your own hands. The current edition of the site includes life hacks, working diagrams and revision of instructions from the prepared device. It’s not as complicated as it sounds, and as a radio amator, you get to grips with your tasks without much effort.

Searching for treasures is a greedy hobby that requires knowledge not only of history, but of technology and electronics

The principle of operation is based on the laws of physics, which allows one to recognize objects on the surface. The action is straightened and edged. The more expensive the metal detector, the greater the radius of its robot and the sensitivity of the detector. Folding models have a metal recognition function. Each type of metal interacts in its own way with the frequency of the sound circuit, and has an equal reaction with the standard and displays the operator’s information on the display and gives a sound signal.

In another popular design option, the device analyzes the state of the phase in the transmitter and primary circuit. If there are no metals in the detector area, the coil transmits a signal with a small amplitude. With closer proximity to the sound object, the amplitude increases. In this way, you can separate the colors and ferrous metals and reveal empty ones from the ground. The metal gun device is shown in the forward diagram.

Parameters of metal detectors in storage according to the recognition of the technical device

Metal guns for amateurs are the simplest devices of the dynamic type. The search head must constantly crumble, only then can a signal appear. Yakshcho vi zupinite rukh, the signal is gone. Such simple detectors are handy because they can be easily adjusted and allow you to turn on medium soils. In a short period of time, it will be possible to recognize the lack of sensitivity and the frequent use of milk in folding trays.

Adjust the middle class to be more sensitive. The factory equipment for this device comes with a number of sound heads of different sizes. To set up the detector, you will need singing skills. Metal experts of the middle class recognize metals.

Computerized devices are already professional tools with a rare crystal screen and arrow indicator. The processor's memory stores programs, recognizes data and separates the signal, and classifies objects. Fahivtsi can independently program the devices according to their own needs, without needing to do so.

Tools for searching for gold are used not only for coins and valuables found in the ground, but also for native metal. It is suitable for searching for different particles and for listening to sand. It doesn’t recognize them, especially since the soil has high mineralization.

Depth sensors are designed to detect objects located at great depths. They can detect metal at a depth of up to 6 meters, while other models “pierce” only up to 3. Such devices recognize empty and other internal anomalies in the ground. The clay detectors are installed on two coils, one is parallel to the ground surface, the other is perpendicular.

Stationary detectors are frames installed on particularly important objects that are protected. The stench is detected by all sorts of metal objects in people’s bags and guts that cross the contour.

What types of metal tricks can be made at home with your own hands

Detectors are divided into 5 main types based on the principle of identifying the object being detected.

Let's take a look at what metal crafts are suitable for making with your own hands at home:

TypeFeaturesSuitable for making your own
Reception transferWorks with two induction coils. Depending on the nature of the object that is being searched, the signal does not pass into the receiving chamber.So
InductionCombines the functions of both coils. The signal is constant and changes with metal.As a rule, they do not blame the results of seeing the effective signal.
Based on vibration frequencyThe design of the device includes an LC generator, which changes the frequency of detection of metal objects. Has low sensitivity.So
With the world of qualityThere is a signal analyzer for LC generator. It works poorly for low temperatures.So
PulseReasons for the transmission of vortex pulse streams. The signal changes character depending on the type of metal detected.So

And now a report on how to make a simple metal craft with your own hands on the butt of the Pirate design.

Self-propelled metal gun "Pirate": diagram and report description of the folding

If you are just thinking about how to make a self-made metal crafter, don’t be tempted to buy folding models. Start with the simple, but effective “Pirate”. I guessed the name from the author of the self-contained combination of Pi (impulse) and Ra-t (radioscope). The name stuck, and the simple and clear design scheme was so loved by the merchants that “Pirate” became one of the most popular self-made items in this country. Currently there are already 4 modifications of the “Pirate” scheme in progress. The metal crafter can simply be assembled with his own hands, without the need for any specific tools.

The only drawback of this device lies in the fact that the metal machine, made with your own hands, has a daily operating scheme with discrimination of metals. Ale for the cob of pike-perch there are no treasures.

Details for assembling a metal gun

For preparation I will add the following to you:

  • ceramic capacitor – 1 nF;
  • 2 float capacitors - 100 nF;
  • Electrical capacitors: 10 µF (16 V) – 2 pieces, 2200 µF (16 V) – 1 piece, 1 µF (16 V) – 2 pieces, 220 µF (16 V) – 1 piece;
  • resistors - 7 pieces per 1; 1.6; 47; 62; 100; 120; 470 kOhm and 6 pieces for 10, 100, 150, 220, 470, 390 Ohm, 2 pieces for 2 Ohm;
  • exchangeable resistors – 3 pieces for 10 and 100 kOhm, 400 Ohm (1W);
  • transistors - 3 pieces, VS557, IRF740, VS547;
  • 2 diodes 1N148;
  • 2 microcircuits: K157UD2 and NE555.

You will also need a plastic pipe for the rod, 9V batteries or accumulators and a PEV wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm.

See you home! There's a lot to know about how to make metal tricks from your phone with your own hands. Some distributors will recommend programs that can be installed on your phone and used for this purpose. Serious radio amplifiers may or may not supply you with some spare parts - for example, a headphone input or a battery, perhaps a board for creating microcircuits.

DIY metal detector circuits

The simplest “Pirate” scheme looks like this.

The board can be placed in the body of the intestinal appliance or, whatever the size of the plastic box, fit into simple separate boxes from the electrician’s arsenal.

Important moment! To avoid possible transfers when connecting to the regulators of the device, all the housings of the exchangeable resistors are connected to the minus board.

If you want to continue with your experiments, then here is a scheme for the preparation of a metal gun with a focus on gold.

If you have chosen the diagram correctly, it will work properly. There may be problems with the microcircuit.

How to pick up a metal sniper board with your own hands

The metal detector circuit board is designed to be idle. You can mentally divide them into a number of blocks:

  • vuzol cat poshuku;
  • enhance the sound on a transistor;
  • pulse generator;
  • double-channel booster.

The axis looks like this.

The pulse generator is collected on the NE555 timer. Through selection C1, 2, R2, and 3, frequency regulation is carried out. When the pulse is scanned, the transistor T1 is transmitted, and the signal is transmitted to transistor T2. The audio frequency is amplified on the BC547 transistor before the collector and headphones are connected.

See you home! You can make metal crafts with your own hands without microcircuits. In Merezha you will find a lot of analog circuits using transistor generators. This is the way to detect metal at a depth of up to 20 centimeters in the ground and up to 30 centimeters in the sand.

How to make a cat for a metal slayer with your own hands

The cat is an important detail. You can earn money from a copper draw or a spinning bet. Report to our master class.

Cat from the middle of nowhere

For a cat, use a medium sieve with a diameter of 0.5 mm.
For winding, prepare such a board with straight lines. Stand between the direct lines and the diameter of the base on which you will attach the cat.
Wind the thread around the perimeter of the fastener 20-30 turns.
Secure the winding with electrical tape in several places.
Take the winding from the base and give it a rounded shape.
Choose a base to trim the shape. You can use the lid of a plastic bucket or a wooden embroidery hoop.
Connect the circuit to the device and test it.
A cat with a bright look can look like this.
To test the robot, I will use metal objects to work over the coil at different heights.

Cat with a twisted bet

Turn two skeins, as shown in the photo, leaving two ends of approximately 10 centimeters of leather.
Clean the winding and connect the wires for connection.

Let's live as shown in the diagram.
For the shortest contact, solder the ends of the darts.
Test the cat in the same order as you would test the cat.
Please! If you want to make a larger cat with your own hands for a metal crafter, give it an ellipse-like shape.

Detailed instructions for setting up the “Pirate” metal joker, built with your own hands

For residual folding, I will arrange for you to need a plastic pipe. The folding scheme is simple. The sensitivity of the detector is adjusted using additional potentiometers. Achieve the result so that you recognize the coin from a distance of 30 centimeters. Give the metal of great dimensions a “feel” for the meter-repeat. “Pirate” does not recognize the colored metals in front of you or black ones, so here you will just have to dig, and it does not matter that you will rub on the old bark, and not on your belongings. In this case, it is possible to remove not the metal, but the quantity, even if the metal can be delivered to the point of receiving the secondary raw material.

How “Pirate” looks like in the collection - in the next video. It is important to note that the construction set for the production of this device can be purchased via the Internet. Before the speech, there are detailed instructions on how to make a metal gun at home from the parts in the kit.

How can you make an underwater metal craft with your own hands?

Rumors of underwater treasures are a lot of fun. The chances of finding out what is valuable are not so small, especially if you have some signs, so to speak. The pirate we were talking about can come back with underwater jokes. It is necessary to modify it by creating good insulation from moisture and replacing the sound alarm with a LED one. How do you appreciate this video?