We create professional gif animation. How to create Gif animation in Photoshop

GIF animations already long ago they have entered our life, and more recently, all of them have begun to create animations. In principle, the selection of animated pictures is immediately serene - less than VKontakte's occurrences of millions of GIFs for all aspects of life. Ale scho robiti, yakscho all wrong? As soon as you have an idea for a new GIF animation, the hour has come to proceed to the next creation.

For those who have a handful of handy and practical services, they can help you create GIF animation online.

Services for creating GIF-animations online

The service is functional. First of all, the task is to create GIFs only from images. The minimum number of pictures is 3 pieces, but if you want to prepare more, you can capture up to 10 pictures, then the animation will be more alive. On your choice, you will be presented with 5 Swedish modes and a deck of image design effects.

Next functions - transformation of Youtube videos into GIF animations and creation of creative animations.

The site, which may have a similar interface, is tested for current positions. For example, here you can import images from Flickr. For whom you win song tag image. Here you can change the size of the image, create avatars or just sparkly gifs.

Here, like the first two services, you need to see 3 to 10 images. The service allows you to change the size of the image, adjust the speed of animation and import images from Flickr and Picasa.

Dany service is one of the simplest in management. You can get along with him even a child. The two main tasks are the distillation of images from GIFs and the import of video clips from Youtube. Here you can also create animation behind the help of a webcam, or after capturing a third-party video.

This site works with a lot of formats for captivating pictures - JPG, PNG and GIF. The toolbar is simple, and the finished result can be seen in the next review.

Did you think how animated GIFs are created? The author teaches you a lesson in one nothing to reveal the secrets of animation for an additional lesson. You can also learn how to twist the Timeline, which is available at versions of Photoshop CS6. And now let's do it!

Lesson result.

Krok 1

Create a new document ( Ctrl+N) with file size 800 x 500 pixels. Fill the background with whatever color you want. Now let's go to the menu Shari- Styleball- overlaygradient(Layer > Layer Styles > Gradient Overlay). Please follow these settings: Style Radial(Radial), colors from black (#000000) to blue (#54799b), which will wink at the center.

Krok 2

Create a new ball and name yoga noise layer. Select tool flooding(Paint Bucket Tool) and fill the balloon with a dark color (#231f20). Leave active ball noise layer and go to the menu Filter - Noise - Add noise(Filter > Noise > Add Noise). For the dialog window, enter the following values ​​for the filter parameters: effect(Amount) 3%, rose Rivnomirne(Uniform) and press OK.

Krok 3

Press a combination of keys (ctrl+U) and in the dialog box to adjust the correction, enter the value Availability(Saturation) 100%: Change this orb's overlay mode to M'yake light(Soft light).

Translation note: In order to achieve such a color like the author on the screenshot, you can set the value of the color tone (Hue) to - 140 when correcting the color tone / saturation (Hue / Saturation).

Krok 4

Add whatever text you want. Here we quote the text for the logo of the 123RF website. Victory the styles to the ball Circled(stroke). Choose the value of the circumference of the circle for your own interests.

Translation note: On the author's screen, the text is already rasterized at once in the Outlining style. So that it happened to you just like that, after that, as they stopped the circle, clean up the Fill (Fill) ball with text at 0%, turn this ball into a smart object, and then rasterize yoga.

Krok 5

We will create an effect for this little one, which will shine for the text behind the additional style ball. Double-click on the balls, so that you can click on the window to adjust the styles. To customize the styles of the ball, use the screenshots below.

embossing(Bevel & Emboss)

Inner darkness(Inner Shadow)

Internal lighting(Inner Glow)

color overlay(color overlay)

Zovnishhnye svitinnya(outer glow)

Tin(Drop Shadow)

Krok 6

How to finish creating light effects for additional styles of the ball, go to the palette of balls and change the whole ball flooding(Fill) - by 0%.

Krok 7

Duplicate the ball, which you created in short 5 and turn off this copy of all the styles of the ball. Now style it like this:

Inner darkness(Inner Shadow)

Internal lighting(Inner Glow)

Krok 8

Below is the result after you put styles on the ball.

Krok 9

Now we are creating bright tsyatki that are collapsing. Create 5 balls on top of the main ones and rename them as 1,2,3, R and F. If you have your own text, create balls appropriately to your letters. Group qi balls into a folder, give it a name Light Spots and change the overlay mode to Illumination of the base(Color Dodge).

Activate the tool Penzlik(Brush Tool), select soft penzlik, set opacity(Opacity) at 95% and in white color, paint the chickens over the text. For skin lettering, there is a bright flame on your ball. On the screenshot below, you can see how the balls look like the author has on the balls panel.

Krok 10

Now let's go to the menu Vikno - Scale of the hour(Window > Timeline). Remember that your balls have already been in your palette in the left part. Seeing leather from five balls with light flames, as if they were in a group Light Spots and switch to set the streaming hour indicator (blackout slider) to zero frame. Now on the skin ball in the group, for yoga activity, click on the option Position(Position) to create a keyframe.

Translation note: To activate the hour scale, press the button Create a time scale for video(Create Video Timeline) and all your balls are occupied by the hour scale. It was seen that he would have the same ball and group that the palette of balls had.

Krok 11

Set the flow time indicator (black slider) on the item 01:00 F and move the balls with light flames along the trajectory of their movement along the contour of the letter.

Krok 12

So you will look at the cob position with light patches on the letters. Move the flow indicator to the hour behind the scale and crash the balls with light flames, creating key frames. Keep on moving, don't run out of paper for all the letters of the skin text ball. See screenshots below for instructions

GIF - animated image in .gif format. Vіn buv raspryvaniya mayzhe 30 rokiv especially for vikoristannya in merezі, і dosi wide extensions. Since 2004, an alternative APNG format has been developed by Mozilla. How to describe the GIF briefly - the same picture, like a singing sequence of shots, like changing one to one. Їx mi y learn robiti.

To create a GIF, we need graphic editor, which supports the function of animation. For free, you can get GIMP from the official English site or go to look at Yogo online (you need a flash player). If you have a Windows XP-version, the OS can use a handy tool for creating small folds - Paint.NET In principle, you can win any graphic editor with the support of the balls, but we will use the most popular and most accessible ones. Shukaєmo program in the "Standard" menu "Start". Immediately rozmіstivsya good vіdomy us "Paint".

Otzhe, v_dkrivaєmo picture in Paint.NET or small її right in the program for example.

To create an animation, we need at least one more frame. Little yoga is known on the Internet:

The leather frame is taken into a frame drawing for a far-fetched victoria.

We go to one of the sites, how to promote the growth of GIFs online - for example, Gifovina or Gifius.

It is also necessary to take an animation from a video, in addition addendum from Vkontakte- VID2GIF. It's true, you can't go wrong with large files. The program definitely does not write any kind of rozmir podtrimuє, but more than 15 times the video should not go out. Therefore, it’s better to choose yourself ticking moments far behind. You need to specify the parameters, change the button for the video, and emboss "Create a GIF". The image is taken on the wall, and the sound is already transmitted, be it where it is.

Tsikav is promoting the site as an alternative. Entry frames are edited online, signatures and effects can be obtained. You can leave the GIF on the site and feel the thought of other participants in the project, take korisna porada chi criticize others.

Would you like to save your selected moments from the video? Install the program Video to GIF Converter, like in one button to convert avi, MPEG-1, WMV and convert them to high quality GIF. For additional help, the program creates an effective slideshow or a series of shorter GIFs. It is easy to take the program with you, for example, on a flash drive.

Like we were swayed, there are impersonal ways to create an animated image. At Narazi such a function is supported not only by the main mass of graphic editors, but also without cost to give Russian sites. Share pictures with friends, save them from social networks and improve your skills, appreciating the creativity of others.

In the rest of the hour, animated pictures became very popular on the Internet - “gifs”, like vikoristovuyut like advertising banners and just for fun. In various social networks, for example, on VKontakte, people exchange "gifs" to express their emotions and feelings, replacing emoticons with them.


However, today there are plenty of people who ask: “How to create a gif yourself?”. We ourselves will try to give an open voice to this article.

What is a GIF-animation chi "gifka"?

What is a GIF-animation chi "gifka"?

  • Gifka (GIF)- the picture is animated, in which the frames change according to the way, creating the image itself, which is collapsing. To put it in other words, it’s a small video clip, transformations into a graphic format, which you can look at standard program for review, the image is displayed on all web sites.
  • So the gif itself should be important in 10-100 times less video, depending on the frequency of indications in each frame and image size. For this very reason, GIF-animation began to be widely promoted by various Internet resources in the mid-2000s, like advertising banners.

An example of a vital new GIF

  • If the GIF format is graphic, then for reviewing GIFs, you do not need additional plugins or codecs. For example, such as Flash Player. However, the program is low, so it does not support GIF-animation. One such program is the standard graphic editor Paint. If you enter a new gif, then the first frame will appear on the screen. Like a special way, or save a GIF through Paint, it will stop collapsing and look like a standard image.

How to create a GIF-animation or a "gif" from a video by yourself using a help program?

  • We figured out what is the "gifka" and now let's move on without a hitch to the її creation. I use anonymous programs, for the help of which you can turn video into GIF-animation. Skin from them can have its own advantages and disadvantages. Deyakі programs may have a great number of improved functions that allow you to create GIFs the highest quality not only from video, but from simple images.
  • However, such programs can be professional, take up a lot of space on a hard drive and require special creative skills. To that we will look at the simplest, handy and accessible program for creating GIF-animation from video under the name " VideoMAISTER”, You can get it from the official site.

Malyunok 1. How to create a GIF-animation chi “gifka” from a video yourself using a help program?

  • The program is a compact and handy video converter with a faceless blue functions. With this help, you can convert videos not only to GIF-animation, but also in other formats, such as AVI, MPG4, MPG-2, 3GP, DivX, XviD, DVD and many others.

The special feature of the program is the need for manual adjustment. Prior to it, over 350 previous installations and codecs were included, so that you can automatically adjust the required settings for the selected format. To create a gif from a video for additional software, you need to create the following:

  • Krok 1. Download the program from the official site, install it and run it. In the program, click on the tab " File» and farther to the item « Vidkriti". Get a video from your computer, for which you want to make a GIF animation.

  • Krok 2. After that, as the robots worked out of GIF, choose a piece of video, which you want to turn into animation, shifting the black bands on the hour scale. At the same time, you can watch the selections of the videos on a special player. After you have chosen the required winder, press the button “ Dali».

  • Krok 3. At the next stage, it is necessary to choose the size of the final image. Below you can find a few options that are recommended. Select one of them or set the appropriate parameters for pixels. If you want the video to fit again in the specified frame, check the box next to " Replace video". As you are all in power, press the button " Dali».

  • Krok 4. In the end, we will improve the speed of creation, install the necessary number of frames for display (FPS) and the number of repetitions. The number of repetitions is recommended Keep repeating”, so that the animation is automatically updated. After setting the required parameters, press " Create GIF» and save the file to your computer.
  • Right shattered. Now you have an animated image in your order, so you can get on the side of VKontakte, send it to the wall to your friends and know. On some resources, such images can be featured as avatars.
  • Detailed instructions on how to fix the program " VideoMAISTER» You can look at the video for example stats.

How to create a GIF-animation chi “gifka” from a video yourself for the help of an Internet service?

  • There are hundreds of online services on the Internet, which allow you to create GIF-animation from video in online mode. In fact, these are the same video converters, with the same set of functions and upgrades, only they do not need to be vanquished and installed. The axis of the kіlka of the most popular of them:

And in this article, we'll talk about a foreign resource Gifs.com, the main feature of which is the possibility of creating GIF-animation from videos from YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and other popular social measures without the need to seduce them. Resource on English, prote rozіbratisya in a new warehouse of majestic practice. So, let's get started:

  • Krok 1. Go to website gifs.com. At the vіknі you will be shown how to get a video from the computer ( Drag & Drop or select file), or insert a message on the video from YouTube or to another resource ( Search or paste a URL). Let's try to create a GIF from the popular TV series "Theory of the Great Vibuhu". Paste the message on the video from YouTube in the appropriate field and check the end of the bid.

Malyunok 1. How to create a GIF-animation chi "gifka" from a video yourself for help of Internet services?

  • Krok 2. After the completion of the recruitment, the editor of the video will be responsible. Choose on the time scale the one you want to convert to GIF and add different effects from the left hand menu if required.

  • Krok 3. After that, as you have chosen a window, applied the text and additional effects, press the button “ Create GIF”, check the conversion is completed and save the file in a place on a hard drive. At the exit, we had such a GIF:

Malyunok 3. How to create a GIF-animation chi "gifka" from a video yourself for help of Internet services?

GIF format- the whole raster technology, like the image or video that is drawn. Іsnuє and single image, which saves high diversity of buildings and maximizes rosemary style. The format of creations in 1987 is roci and mav deyaki modifications. Well, it’s true, it’s not about me, but about those, how to create a GIF.

In the area of ​​history of creation, we will not get bored, shards of meta stats will show the creation of GIF-animation for help in other ways.

I support you, you know that you can make a GIF online, and also for help software. I will try to cheer maximum number koshtіv, scho allow tse robiti. Let's go!

Let's take a look at the cob online services. Introducing your uvazі ToolsOn - a popular resource for creating GIF-animations. And other functions, for example, creating collages, icons in the ICO format, creating a logo and a ringtone converter.

To create a gif online, you need to go to the distribution. We should preach about the vantazhity of a sprat of an image. You can select files from the computer using the additional "Select Files" button, or simply drag and drop them.

The coming crock. Let's name it, the interval, the length of which image will be changed, in other fields enter the height and width of the GIF.

In other parameters, you can choose to repeat animations, as well as apply effects.

After completing the installation of GIFs, you need to press the button "Create" that troch bud. We take animation on a computer and win it for our own purposes.

Here you can create a gif by pressing the button "Create Animation". Select an image from a computer or from a camera.

On the right, you will see a selection of the speed of changing the animation in milliseconds.

It is also possible to acquire programs for Android, iOS and Windows.

How else to visit the site, then on head side you can get gifs of other people. Obviously, when looking at it, it becomes clear that no one rules for placement, you can say whatever you want.

Google merits on doviru, at new impersonal products, yakі may have a lot of positive feedback and not for nothing. Google service The photo does not only allow you to save the image in the dark, as it will be available from any attachment, but also to create GIF animation.

To rob an GIF online given service it is necessary to see the necessary number of images. Let's press the right-handed beast on the plus sign, making a point there "Animation". It will automatically go out that duzhe quickly.

We see the gif and download it. Moreover, the archives should be taken advantage of, in which case the animation itself and all images are included.

Let's move on to the article about GIF animation, created from the video. Everything is so simple here, we can see the sprat blue services, let's go!

GIF Maker Service

English, but still cool and functional service for creating GIFs from video clips. On the head side there is a large field with a button "Browse", on the way we are pressed, we choose the video.

If it won't get carried away, the functional parameters will show up. For example, "Start Time" means when to start the animation.

The button below means the end of the animation, choose as you wish.

You can also add text to the GIF, for which there is a field "Caption". After entering the text, the formatting is applied. You can change the color and size of the font.

After adjusting the parameters press "Create GIF" and check for the completion of the process. If the video for the expansion was great, then it would take a long time to check.

What kind of shortcomings in which service can you poster?

  • I’ll write more than one creation on gifs.
  • You can not choose the size of the animation.

Created gifs from videos for help Imgflip

Chergovy service, with some need to practice the offensive rank:

The problem is obvious: Paid version for $10 per month.

Licecap software

It is necessary to get involved with the official site. Available for Windows and OSX.

What is the program in mіє? She will record video from the main area on the screen and save it from the GIF format. Who is engaged in computer work and gives a try for the sake of the best possible way.


Rob those same, scho first program. Plus PZ only in the new interface. In short, you choose. You can take advantage.

So far, all options are how to make a GIF. The methods are really too rich, as long as I am stumbling on the instructions myself. It is still possible to work gifs with photoshop, I often do it with it and already work gif-animation. Shvidshe for everything I will write an okrem article,. The material will, obviously, be updated, and if you have good propositions, then write about them in the comments.

http://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/kak-sdelat-gifku-700x370.jpghttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/kak-sdelat-gifku-150x150.jpg 2017-05-25T15:42:31+00:00 EvilSin225 Internet gif,gif animationThe GIF format is a raster technology, which is used to create images or videos that are drawn. Іsnuє and single image, scho saves the high diversity of buildings and the maximum style of expansion. The format of creations in 1987 is roci and mav deyaki modifications. Well, it’s true, it’s not about me, but about those, how to create a GIF. In the field of history of the creation of porinati mi...EvilSin225 Andriy Terekhov [email protected] Administrator Computer technologies