What is ok Google. Voice search for Android: how to install, activate and use it correctly. Functions Okay Google on Android

Okay Google, voice assistant, which can be found in all other versions of Android that reach computers. If you have asked for the information you need using your voice, you can now obtain it in the Chrome browser. Let's figure out how to turn on Okay Google and what you can do with it.

Download the browser from the official website and complete its installation if you have never used Google products before.

Once you're interested, you'll need to set up Chrome to turn on OK Google:

Below you will see where you can use this option (google.com site). Go to the sound system page and try to speed up the search engine - Russian language is supported. Don't forget to connect the microphone to your computer first and set it up if you don't have a built-in audio recording device.

zastosuvannya pomіchnik

For Wikoristan Okay Google guilty but vikonani nastupnі umov:

  • You have enabled this feature in your Chrome settings.
  • A microphone is connected to the computer, which is configured as a device for recording sound.
  • You have access to the Internet.

If all three minds are ready, you can go to google.com. Say “Okay Google” or tap on the microphone icon to activate voice search. When the word “Talk” and a red microphone appear on the screen, say your request. The system will process the data and give you a response to your search in what looks like a typical Google search engine.

Google's voice assistant, regardless of its intelligence, is not yet able to understand all the queries, so there is a set of available interconnection commands. You can experiment with the nutrition of the sound system, just to be sure that only you drink this kind of drink (information taken from the Google support service):

There are a lot of queries like Okay Google understands, there are more details, so don’t hesitate to experiment with this voice assistant, vikorista different languages ​​and set complex nutrition.

There are no similar articles.

The leading developers of the Android operating system are constantly introducing various innovations and consistently keeping up with the times. Axis and now, all owners of smartphones and tablets have access to the click and manual voice function “OK Google, find ...”.

In general, Okay Google, find out the price of a new voice search, which, with the help of the correct commands and without the use of an on-screen keyboard, can retrieve all the necessary information. And after some additional work, add other basic functions to your phone to make it more similar to Apple’s Siri analogue.

Let's talk about everything in order. For the function to function correctly, it is necessary to install and configure it. It’s not difficult at all, you just need to follow the instructions exactly and complete all the steps to the end.

What is necessary for whom?

The very name of the function suggests that Google plays an important role here. It's true. On the cob itself you need to install the original add-on from the Play Market Google view Google Inc (Zavantazhity). It's cost-free, it's quick and easy to install. Then it will be activated. To do this, you need to enter your business record, then write to Google (end with [email protected]) and the password before it.

Very often, when purchasing a gadget for Android, Google is already installed. Please check the correctness and relevance of the cloud record, and also update the program version. Go to the Play Market, search for the program you need, go to it and click on the NEW button. Without this insignificant detail, the entire installation Okay Google, find out... it may not turn up.

Let us also mention one more important fact. Danish voice search is available on smartphones with the new version of Android. On the official Google website, version 4.4 is indicated, on many sites with red lines they are version 4.1 and higher. So, in any case, try Varto. First, open the settings on your phone, find the item ABOUT PHONE (check at the very end of the list). Here you will find all the information about the device, including the version.

Photo: Know your Android version

correct setting

Now you can start straight away to set up voice search on Android.

Open the phone's SETTINGS menu and find the item ACCOUNT or VIDEO RECORDS. They select Google, and then find a row called SEARCH. After clicking on them, a new page will open where the settings will be changed Ok Google. In this menu item, select VOICE SEARCH, and in the next menu, OK GOOGLE. Now you will see the remaining setting item, in which you need to check the box or check the box FROM STOCKED GOOGLE.

Photo: Nalashtuvannya ok Google

The voice search is actually ready for testing, but it is necessary to go through the voice recognition procedure. This is standard both on Android devices and on other operating systems. Sometimes, for the first time, not everyone is able to earn money. Don’t give up, friend, or the third test will definitely become successful.

Photo: Nalashtuvannya ok Google

The axis is now all the same. True, with such standard settings, the voice function is Ok Google, find out... you can search for people on the Internet. Also, you need to enable active Google search. In principle, voice search for various information is already simple and practical. But you need to know that the capabilities of voice control can be significantly expanded across the entire phone. In this situation, it will be even more similar to the Sira analogue, without compromising anything.

There are two ways to earn money:

1. On many smartphones, when you are setting up, not only the row “For Google add-ons” appears, but also “For all add-ons”. Once activated, voice search will deny access to all phone add-ons.

Photo: Nalashtuvannya ok Google

2. Since the additional row did not appear, the Google corporation broke up the additional appendix Google Start (Zavantazhiti). After your engagement and activation, Okay Google, you can find out how to use the device with all the add-ons. And you, in your own way, can only control them with your voice.

Photo: Google Start
Photo: Nalashtuvannya ok Google

Stay tuned

This kind of problem arises quite often. Basically, the reason for everything is lack of respect and haste. If the Android version is correct, then you missed one of the important details in the installation.

Go to the Google version right away, it's up to you to be sure it's updated. This nuance is as important as the version of Android (it was previously explained how to do this).

Then step by step, following the instructions, change the settings. Perhaps you missed one of them or forgot to check the box here. In this situation, everything can be corrected by manual adjustment.

If you haven’t noted the options, you can start installing and configuring from the very beginning. This often helps. Just this time, be extremely respectful.
There are a lot of problems with installation, one of them is happy to ask again.

Yak koristuvatisya

Now there is a special assistant on the phone. Without your deepest hands, your skin will be washed away.

To begin with, protest the main commands. Type the phrase “Okay Google”, the microphone icon will appear in the search sequence, and press it on it. Now say “Okay Google, weather in New York” or “Okay Google, find out the exchange rate.” The receiving voice will supply power and display information on the display of the device for accuracy. Before speaking, in most other smartphones on Android, the voice function is installed behind the scenes. So, you don’t need to remember the first phrase to activate it, just say your food immediately.

If you did it competently and wisely by connecting voice control directly to your entire phone, your application will become richer.

  1. Set the alarm clock;
  2. Indicate events and entries in the calendar;
  3. Add a list of references;
  4. Send notifications and make calls (in this case, you need to identify the contact’s name in the same way as entering entries in the phone book);
  5. Open add-ons and programs;
  6. Corrupt the search for any queries via the Internet or otherwise.

Apply the brown commands

With full access, the command options are incredibly rich. You can change the order of the words and ensure that the phrase appears clearly and understandably behind the change.

Special organizer. Setting a fortune telling, an alarm clock, information about upcoming events, trips, trips, unwinding your camp, activating photos and videos. To recognize the order, you must use Google now (for fortune telling and notification) and gmail (it will receive information about shipments, reservations of tickets, tables, etc.)

Okay Google, tell me to call mom at 3:30 p.m.
.... where is my camp?
....set the alarm for 7.00
....when will you get back together with your sister?
....what is planned for Monday May 1st?
... ..go to Google.com
.....open the add-on...
....take a photo/video (in which case you need to open the camera) etc.

Calls and notifications. You can make calls, send SMS, listen to voice mail, display necessary information about contacts, send emails and publish on social networks.

Okay Google, type Oleksandr Petrovich or... call tatovi / tato
....SMS Loved: buy milk
....phone number Igor
... .electronic message to whom Oleksandr Petrovich, topic National Day, message text Congratulations on your birthday, sign to hail.

A similar algorithm can be followed by any other voice commands. Golovne, so that the stench was carried out through add-ons from the Play Market, Google mail or Google search engine.

You can easily search through Google maps and your navigation system. The more devices you have connected, the more you will be able to remove the voice search.
Okay Google, hear Viktor Tsoi / what is this song? / Watch the film Mowing the Lambs.
Okay Google, what if Angelina Jolie was born? / Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
....What films are shown at the Svoboda Cinema / Where is the nearest restaurant?

Experiment with new commands and queries to make your life quick and easy.

Shanovny readers! If you are deprived of food or comments on the topic of the article, please deprive them of them.

For those people who spend all their time crashing, the creators of the Android mobile operating system have come up with a special addition that takes on the function of searching for necessary information on the Internet. This function is also designed to enable the execution of various commands on a mobile device.

How to enable Okay Google on a Xiaomi smartphone?

To launch the program, you need to click on the desktop icon, which is located under the “Voice assistant” item. Another method, which is also original, is the special voice command “Ok Google”.

The first option is more or less simple and sensible. Another option is settings for uninterrupted operation.

Why do you need to open the system? "Nalastuvannya" gadget, go to item "Expanded adjustments" or else "Dodatkovo" and there select section “Mova and introduction”.

A window will open where you need to click on "Google voice input" ("Movi Synthesizer" in MIUI 9), and then press on “Discovery” “Okay, Google” or the gear icon.

Now, when you press the central touch button on your smartphone, a Google search window will appear. At this point, you need to recognize that very phrase “OK, Google,” and ask whether or not to feed it.

Zavdyaki, we’ve got it figured out, the smartphone will respond better to the voice commands of the koristuvach.

There are options for launching the voice assistant:

  • For additional help using Google programs;
  • From any smartphone screen;
  • When driving a car.

Especially click on the other item “From any smartphone screen”, which allows you to launch the electronic assistant from any place and from any program.

It is necessary to activate this item and repeat the phrase “Okay Google” three times. This will help the operating system to respond correctly to the sound of your voice and not start the assistant from the phrases of third-party people.”

Once everything is ready, we call it a code word generator and begin to use the functions of its device.
The most popular requests include launching add-ons, dialing a number, or searching for information on the Internet.

How to turn on "Ok, Google"

  1. Open the Google app.
  2. At the top left corner, click on the menu icon and go to Settings\u003e Voice search\u003e Discovery “Okay, Google”.
  3. Clean up the ensign if the smartphone is guilty of responding to this voice command.

How to enable "Ok, Google" on your computer

You can earn money if you use the Chrome browser (Relevant for browser version 46 and lower). In order to enable the Okay Google function in Google Chrome, go to the browser settings, click “Show additional settings”, and then select the item “Enable voice search for the command “Ok Google”.

Many of those who use Android phones know that versions older than 4.1 have a function that is a voice assistant similar to Siri from Apple. In particular, my acquaintance with Google Now became quite recent, but it has already begun to give a lot of positive emotions not only through its useful functionality, but even more through jokes in Okay Google.

Fun on Okay Google

My familiarity with the “OK, Google” assistant command was completely variable, after I once received a push notification in which I was told to update Google Now and quickly use the assistant function. For the first few years, I was not myself, I walked from room to room and kept coming up with all sorts of funny jokes for Okay Google.

Fun teams and funny lines Okay Google

Here I will give a list of the most interesting and unheard of commands and feed on Google in my opinion, but I will immediately advance that most of them are based on the original and it is not a fact that the skin of the reinsurance teams will work according to It is necessary in the great Russian language. Well, no less, try the warto, in the extreme case you can fool yourself, as I did, and memorize the English commands.

Alright, let's get started:

  • Tell me a joke (Tell me a joke);
  • What is a rusty trombone? (What is a rusty trombone?);
  • What does the Fox say? (What should I say, fox?);
  • What's the loneliest number? (Which number is for the lonely themselves?);
  • Make me a sandwich (Zrobi meni sandwich / sandwich);
  • When am I? (What if I?);
  • Instead of the standard command clicking “OK Google” (Okay Google), you can also use the commands “Hey Google” (Hey Google), “OK Computer” (Okay Computer);
  • Who are you? (Who are you?);
  • What is the nature of the universe? (How are the creations of the All-World?);
  • What is your favorite color? (What is your favorite color).

In order not to make you happy, I will not give a list of the exact results of the virtual assistant on these commands and nutrition, check it yourself, I guarantee it will be very fun and lusty, check it especially for myself and my friends.

The voice search service has recently become available to Russian customers. Its popularization was accompanied by an active advertising campaign. If you have installed Okay Google on your smartphone or tablet computer, it means that you have come across similar advertising. However, first you install the service, you need to go through it as it works on some devices.

What is “Okay Google”?

"Ok Google"- a new price in managing your devices with the help of voice commands. Now there is no need to rush to them or press the on-screen keys - only with the help of a powerful voice you can find out the weather forecast, the result of yesterday's match or the movement on the map of the object to click. If the device is equipped with this function, then the activation of the search is prompted by the command “OK Google” - you don’t need to use any special subscriptions. The service is ready to work, ask your food. Moreover, actions according to Sound recordings are accompanied not only by on-screen information, but also by sound Providing information is also very easy.

If the device does not respond to the “OKay Google” command and is in refresh mode, then to activate the service, click on the microphone image, and then select the command.

I’m wondering how to turn on “Okay Google”?

How to install Okay Google on your computer?

About the easiest way to try Google on your own computer. If you already have the Chrome browser from Google installed on your device, you won’t need any additional information to use the service. If not, then you will be able to Do you want to use this fast and modern browser? , moving on to the best of our ability www.google.ru/chrome. In this manner, you download “Okay Google” to your computer or laptop.

After installation, to turn on “Ok Google”, the algorithm for the attack is:

  1. Launch the program and go to the page www.google.ru. This is the main page of the Google search engine.
  2. The next step is to log in to your Google account. If you don’t have an account, you will have to register one. Without this new voice, the search will be inaccessible.
  3. Once you have added it to the regional record, you will add a search row. On the right side there will be a microphone icon. Click on it, and you will hear a voice command, and then your entry.

Before you enter the command, the service will ask you to allow access to the microphone. Ask for praise.

How to install Okay Google on iPhone or iPad?

To use the “Pro Key Google” service on Apple devices, you need to download an additional program from the AppStore. It’s not easy to earn money:

  1. First of all, go to the AppStore on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Go directly to Search Addendum and enter the search term “Google Search”.
  3. Install the program and log into it.
  4. In addition, request access to information about your medical practice, as well as access to a microphone - please request.
  5. Log in to your Google account.
  6. Click on the microphone icon, and the service is at your service.

How to install Okay Google on Android?

Installing the service on Android is not much different from a similar procedure on i-devices. However, certain nuances are still present. So, the installation process is straightforward:

  1. Launch the service on your Android.
  2. In the search row, enter “Google search”, and among the results you will see an add-on. This is what it will be “Ok Google” add-on for Android.
  3. Install the add-on, go to the new one.
  4. Click on the icon to customize programs, select “Customization” - “Voice search”.
  5. Next, activate the “Recognize Google Pro” function. Select the “Google Accessories” and “Always Enabled” items.
  6. Now listen to the program notes and start adjusting your voice.

The service is supported on devices with installed Android operating system version 4.1 and higher. In earlier versions, access to voice search is limited to clicking on the microphone images.