How should I enter the captcha?

Smart TV


I'm thinking of taking a short break in publishing about this PHP framework and switching to something else like an “active fix”.

Therefore, I would like to talk to you about one of the most advanced cybersecurity mechanisms that allows you to avoid faceless automated attacks on sites that are currently attacked up to 320 million times every day.

Can't you guess what we're talking about?

All that has been said is about CAPTCHA, which has been downloaded and vikorized by 90% of all users on the Internet, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows in detail what captchas and other problems they allow to be solved.

What is captcha?

In search engines, a lot of people often enter the “CAPTCHA” entry. However, you will not find the correct explanation of this nutrition either in this or in other similar articles. CAPTCHA is not just some special guessing term, but an abbreviation for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, which literally means “a completely automated public Turing test for recognizing computers and people.”

That is why this word is correctly written by great writers.

In the Russian segment of the Internet, it is often called “captcha”, because

This is approximately how CAPTCHA appears in Russian.

So, as if the thought had fallen on my mind, “how can a machine think?”

The remains of Alan Turing were a man of no brains, as you may have noticed, the result of his thoughts was a test, the method of which is the most important thing among spivozmovniki is a person, and who is a computer.

The test was superior to the descriptions of the distant 1950s and took away the name in honor of its creator, under the guise of the Turing test.

The classic Turing test is the situation when a person (judging) interacts with a computer and a real person with text messages.

It is impossible for the judge to signify “xy xy”, then.

Whether you are a human or a computer, it is important that the machine has passed the test.

It’s unbelievable to think that it’s so easy to turn on a computer :)

To confuse the court, a variety of tricks will be used.

First of all, the text format itself is merged, so that a person cannot recognize a machine behind a voice or any other signs, and a computer can demonstrate its intelligence, and not be able to recognize human language (though, judging by today’s videos with robots, for a lot of guys soon there will be no problems neither with the first nor with the others).

In addition, communications between people and computers are carried out at regular intervals so that the computer cannot be identified due to the speed of the connection.

Alas, regardless of all these tricks, already in 1966 (nothing “already” - after 16 years!) a computer program appeared with the poetic name ELIZA, designed to pass this test.

I think now you have realized what the captcha is like when it appeared.

Just ask “What’s the matter?” The food is good, I won’t be craving this for a long time :) The food is coming, we finally needed to pay attention

please help CAPTCHA

, who came to the site: Lyudina chi robot?

On the right, the robots on the Internet are special automated programs that are not created forever for the world.

This could lead to more spam and damage to the resource.

Before speaking, if you try to automatically select passwords or send out spam on an unprotected site, you can cause serious harm to them, creating a great impact on the server, through which the site will no longer operate. Therefore, the most important importance of captchas is to ensure the security of the site by blocking attacks and implementing automatic actions using various harmful programs. Another answer to the question that CAPTCHA requires is the recognition of scanned books and other publications.

What rank?

Have you ever tried to digitize books yourself for help?

Adobe programs

FineReader or something similar (I don’t know about you, but as a student I often did this when writing essays and coursework 🙂), then you know that recognition is far from 100%.

And they don’t care that most books are written in standard Drukhar font.

Or by simply securing the option, entering the koristuvach as an option, and knowingly reminding the koristuvach to enter the captcha again with a more readable sequence of symbols, for which there is a confirmation, so that the koristuvach does not thinking about what to fool, and not to produce a lot of incorrect tests For some reasons the ban will be lifted.

Before speaking, the other option seems to be richer, because...

With your help, you can collect a database of the correct types of captchas for clients, there may be about 10 ready-made captchas with input types.

Others will be collected automatically. All we will need is to analyze and evaluate the types of corsistic people. After all, the great creators of reCAPTCHA push their project under the banner “Stop spam - read books!”

I need to say – it works 🙂

Captcha is a cold code that is displayed on Internet sites in a number of captchas.

The sense lies in the fact that

automatic programs

, so called "bots", could not get through to the site.

Enter the captcha - a series of letters and numbers that you need to enter at the end.

There are also cunning options.

For example, you need to choose a song, select a song from many pictures, or do something else.

As long as you don’t earn anything, the site will be blocked, so you won’t be able to sign up for anything.

We need captcha now

It should be noted that the use of captcha does not protect sites from advertising, evil and other nasty speeches.

Ale, after all, spares them all the effortless troubles.

How captchas work and how to enter them

reCAPTCHA - verification, broken down by Google.

To pass, you need to check the “I’m not a robot” box.

A green bird will ring a couple of seconds after the captcha appears, which means the captcha has been completed.

However, there is a system that is insufficient and opens up at the end when you need to select pictures of the desired type. For example, all photographs are on display.

This means that you need to click on each of them with the left button of the bear.


You need to press on the skin where you want part of the image.

Select them quickly – 1-2 seconds may pass between clicks.

Text/digital captchas


Finally, you need to enter the crooked letters/numbers shown in the box.

Call the English, and there will also be Russians. Often, for ease of reference, there is a button that clicks on the image to change. And marvel at what is shown (nothing, a picture, a code).

If unintelligible symbols appeared, then the reason, with great confidence, is a glitch in the code.

For this reason, you can also write to the site administration.

additional zahist

like applying different filters, sweating, washing away.

This type of protection makes it very difficult to read and recognize captchas, not only for fakers, but also for other users of resources on the Internet, whose preparation is much lower.

The captcha was entered incorrectly The problem with the captcha arises from a variety of reasons: when the captcha is entered, a picture with one or two words appears, which are poorly differentiated from the images, in addition, the shape of the symbols is confused, the words are written with spellings;

It is difficult for a computer to recognize random fonts and clear text, but people can quickly perform authentication.

Anti-captcha service for manual recognition

  1. Living people work on the recognition of captchas; that service is in charge of everything that can be recognized by people: text captchas, graphic captchas: ReCaptcha V2, KeyCaptcha, FunCaptcha etc. Register>>>
  2. Log in
  3. different browsers
  4. Living people work on the recognition of captchas; that service is in charge of everything that can be recognized by people: . Sometimes it helps.
  5. Check the speed of the Internet.
  6. On the right is that for even low displays the picture may simply not be attracted to. Abo robiti tse s pardons. Convert to what you allowed the image to be shown, and even the captcha is the real picture.
  7. It’s worth marveling at this kind of adjustment.
  8. If there was an error there, just go ahead and restart the browser.

head page


This is true in some cases.

The first option is to go to services that provide captcha recognition service - Rucaptcha, Antigate, etc.

The idea is bad, but if the problem lies with the coding site, then the axle will not help here.

In addition, for the deputy there is a minimum amount (usually about 1 dollar), which he needs to immediately transfer to the resource account.

It makes sense if you talk about a thousand captchas, but not just one captcha.

Another option is to try quick programs that automatically recognize the captcha.

The stench has little effectiveness. Approximately 10%, but this is enough, so as not to forget about the simple zakhist.

And the axle with folding wings will not get stuck in the stink.

Anti-captcha service for manual recognition

In addition, such programs after the cob of mass vikoristan quickly become marinous.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly search for new options.

So chances are the stinks are still going on, y’all.

How to enter captcha for pennies

If captcha doesn’t bother you, you have a great time to earn money, you can register on captcha recognition resources yourself and earn 50 rubles per year or something close to that.- These images are accompanied by text, which allows you to determine who is behind the computer - a human program.

A living person can figure out what is written in the picture without any problems, but a bot cannot. This is how the term “captcha” was first discovered. What is this needed for? Great for the protection of sites.

Free programs They can force more people to enter the site, blocking the robot. The captcha helps you do this and reduce your interest.

Let's take a look at another butt of the captcha.

On the Internet special services In addition, you can earn small pennies from simple actions such as clicking on advertisements, watching websites and videos, writing comments. A smart programmer can easily write a program that automatically generates money for your business and automatically earns money for your boss.

I would wonder what's wrong with someone?

And those who are still far from thorough, have primitive programs that do not have any intelligence, and therefore cannot find solutions in non-standard situations. Robots may misinterpret the task and make mistakes, which damages the reputation of the service in front of the assistants who will place their tasks there. Therefore, the authorities of such sites should install captchas to prevent robots from entering the site.

1 Who will ever pay money for a captcha? Webmasters pay pennies for captchas, or rather for those that other people solve for them and enter them.

2 Stinks of vicorists;

3 special software browsing sites on the Internet.

This software connects through proxy servers to search engines (Yandex and Google) to read various statistics.

Puzzlers, in their own way, periodically display captchas for a variety of bots. The software overrides captcha in special services, as we know today. On these services there are people who can solve captchas for pennies.

First, let's move on to a look at the services, let's take a look at how captchas work.

Obviously, you are the creator of the site, who wants to ensure maximum protection for your project.

First of all, you need to check the captcha on your resource - how can you really get it?

First, let's move on to a look at the services, let's take a look at how captchas work. If users cannot recognize the captcha, they will have to continue their activities on the resource. Therefore, the puzzlers immediately check the captcha, vicory and special sites (RuCaptcha, Anti-Captcha, SocialLink and others), and the winners win a pittance for solving them. lies in front of the symbols from the image or selecting the required image from the list of minds.

"Robot" pass

automatic verification

So Vikonavets will immediately go out of his way after Vikonanny.

The average process takes 5 to 20 seconds. There is a lot of work, but sometimes there are moments when the number of Vikonavians significantly outweighs the number of deputy ministers. In connection with this, time-consuming “downtime” may occur, but not be stressed. At this time it would be better to do other things on the right. Earning money on captcha quickly becomes exhausting: your eyes become tired, your hands begin to ache.

After a year of work, my work flowed, and my productivity changed dramatically. The products are published on electronic media.

The most popular systems are: PayPal, Payeer.

If you do not have any cloud records in this system, I strongly recommend creating them (but without any costs).

I hasten to disappoint people who believe that making money on captcha can replace full-time work.

Here you won’t be able to withdraw 10,000-20,000 thousand, if you work for 8 years a day.

Ale koshtiv completely, to renew your phone or pay for the Internet.

However, this does not mean that making money on captcha is a waste of time.

On the cob “road” it’s always important - copy-paste, low rating.

At this stage, it is necessary to satisfy 90% of people who wanted to make money on the Internet.

Once you get into the job, take your first step and understand all the secrets of making money, it becomes much easier. I’ll give you the simplest example. Having started making money on the Internet, I decided to try out all the resources. Obviously, my goal is high earnings in a short hour.

I created accounts on “vidguks”, boxes, content exchanges and constantly rushed from one to another.

The income turned out to be meager, which did not satisfy my goals. Therefore, without understanding the principle of one’s income, I quickly abandoned him. Alright, turning around, and starting to work lightly, I quickly delved into the earnings scheme.

1 Don’t waste your earnings on captcha with “serious work.”

At the very least, you will be embarrassed by the income - it is impossible to live on such pennies or buy anything.

Take up some hobbies that bring in little income; 2 Add an hour to earning money on captchas in France or at night. The demand on the server is minimal, so your earnings will increase significantly.

I noted low activity on captcha recognition services from approximately 01:00 to 10:00 Moscow time;

3 Prace in

background mode

for example, if you are getting to the front of the city by public transport.

It’s easy to make money on captchas by installing the corresponding program on your PC or the program on your phone.

You can find them on the websites where you started to practice.

For example, SocialLink has an add-on for smartphones, and RuCaptcha offers three programs to choose from (RuCaptchaBot (for PC and Android), 2Captcha);

4 Don't overwork.

Let's do something with our eyes and hands, even steady work at the computer can lead to improved health and self-esteem;

5 Don’t forget about the affiliate program.

With this help you can significantly increase your earnings without having to enter captchas. How can you earn money? Find out below. Where can you make money on captcha? I'm trying to do just that on the RuCaptcha service.

Earnings can be withdrawn to WebMoney, PayPal, Western Union, Bitcoin, Perfect Money and Payza.

Payment must be made, but please note that the details cannot be changed, they must be entered once at the time of registration.

  • Advantages:
  • High payment (0.60 $ / 36 rubles for 1000 captchas);
  • manual interface;

Statistics of koristuvachs (TOP pratsivniki, special statistics).

  • Nedoliky: Tilki English language
  • .

You can translate the site with the help of Google's advanced technology, and the proposals will be displayed.

There are downtimes at work.

Affiliate program, or how to increase your income

I didn’t recognize the presence of affiliate programs when describing sites that make money on captchas, wanting to put this information in the same place.

Let’s figure out what a “referral” is on sites that earn money on captchas. And it’s banal and simple - you encourage people to register for your referral messages, and you take away a hundred thousand from their income. It’s amazing what the affiliate program promotes, for example, on the other site I described - Kolotibablo.

Hello, friends and readers of the blog!

Today we will talk about another simple one, which does not require special skills and allows the skin to regenerate. If you are a beginner, then the current way is to make money on captchas, allowing you to withdraw your first pennies. Captcha is a test that allows you to determine whether an Internet user is a human or a bot.

computer program ). Vikorist for protection from computer programs.

A simple example: on most sites, before the hour of registration, you are asked to submit a captcha.

There is absolutely no trickery or separation here.

Advantages and disadvantages

The best way to earn money on the entered captcha is as follows:

  • It does not require any special knowledge or skills.
  • Without insert.
  • You can practice without leaving your home, at your best time.
  • You yourself decide when to practice and when to believe.

Earned money can be withdrawn immediately.

  • The shortcomings also include:
  • Low income and no development.

Routine robot.

It’s easy to make money on captchas by installing the corresponding program on your PC or the program on your phone.

  • Collection of the best sites
  • User-friendly and functional interface.
  • Plugin for solving recaptchas.
  • Constant updates and addition of new functions.
  • The ability to earn money is limited by entering a captcha.
  • To withdraw, you need to enter 500 captchas and deposit a minimum amount of 1 dollar.

Systems for withdrawing pennies: Yandex Groshi, Qiwi, Bitcoin, PayPal, Payza, Okpay USD, W1 RUR.

Read the complete instructions for how to work on the Kolotybablo service.

Analogues of girsha

new registrations

Also vikorize the code – DICH).

How much can you earn?

Let's find out how much you really need to pay for additional captchas.

The words that people write are deception.

I'll show you the real rates at which services are paid.

If you sell 1,000 captchas for solving them, then on average it will cost 20-50 rubles.

  1. You won’t be able to pay anyone 1 karbovanets for a captcha.
  2. It takes 2-3 years for a newbie to recognize thousands of captchas.
  3. It turns out that in 2-3 years you will earn 20-50 rubles, and in 4-6 years (maybe a working day) you will earn 50-100 rubles.
  4. At the same time, working 6 years per day, 7 days per week, your income becomes:
  5. Ask friends and people who know the system for your assistance.

Please read the materials on my website.

By requesting a friend, you will earn 100% of your income.
