What is eBay? Ebay auction history. What is eBay

History of development

Vidoma about those about those, yak ebay bouvs for that, schob is named p'ri, they can vine with the dos items of the pezs, Bula Vigadan in 1997 by Rotsi Zv'yazkiv Zhomadzistya, Bulo PIZHEZHENSTYA.

The first item we sell on AuctionWeb is the Omidyar laser pointer, which cost $13.83 for the yak. Having contacted the buyer, P'єr chirped at the new one, "did you understand that the laser pointer is wrong?". The buyer explained in front of the list: “I am a collector of incorrect laser prints.”

AuctionWeb is now completely cost-free, and step-by-step, I started winning sellers and buyers. Until the end of 1995, thousands of auctions were held on the site.

Business model

The main idea of ​​eBay is to provide sellers with an online platform for selling whatever goods. The eBay company itself acts only as an intermediary when laying the purchase and sale agreement between the seller and the buyer. Payment for the goods і yogo transfer vіdbuvaєtsya without the participation of eBay. For the choice of the platform, sellers pay a fee, call for a fee for placing a lot and a fee for selling. For buyers, eBay is free of charge. Since eBay's profits can be deposited without intermediary in the case of sales, zdijsnenih behind the help of this platform, I will have enough liberal minds for it. Prior to the sale, it is allowed whether goods and services that do not violate the laws of your country, in which the eBay legal name is registered and are not included in the black list of eBay.

When selling, the seller may choose one of three models:

  • Sales per auction English Online Auction

Tse sposіb sale, which brought eBay success. The seller will indicate the starting price of the lot, the hour of the cob of trading and їх trivality. All bidders can, at some point, place the same bid on the whole lot, but the bid may be outbid by other potential purchases. Current rates are available for review at any time. The participant of the auction, whose bid was the highest at the time of its completion, shall revoke the right to purchase the goods. The residual price of the purchase is not higher than the maximum rate, but transfers to a friend for the value of the rate for one penny unit (for example, USD or EURO). In this way, eBay is implementing an auction of a different price (the price of the auction is Vikram).

  • Sales at a fixed price English fixed price

The seller sells his goods for a certain price ( Buy It Now) Until the singing moment (the end of the auction). The right to purchase is taken away by the first bidder who agrees to pay the indicated price. It is acceptable to combine a sale at a fixed price with a sale at an auction.

  • Advertising nudity English ad format

The seller creates a line-free bid as it will be shown on the eBay website, where only the seller's lots are listed. In similar branches, they named themselves eBay shop, The seller can create a voucher without a designated line of completion of їх dії. Dodatkovo in this distribution, the goods of this seller are resold, which are sold at once for the auction or for a fixed price.

Dodatkovo eBay promotes services that allow you to ease the arrangements for that contract. Before them one can see, zokrema, Skype VoIP system and PayPal online payment system.

The current business strategy of the company is to increase the profit for the account and increase the number of international sales. eBay sells more at a time in 20 countries, including China and India. One country, de eBay has not yet come a long way to achieve success - tse Japan, de the market of online auctions is practically monopolistically dominated by Yahoo.


Irrespective of those that eBay auction has a small number of local branches (in Great Britain, Germany, Holland, other countries), in Russia there is no new local branch, although the Russian version of the site has recently been added. A lot of sellers at auctions also don’t send their goods to Russia and the lands of the SND, fearing shakhraystva. For this reason, they took away the development of the services of intermediaries, which promote services for the purchase and delivery of goods to Russia and the territory of the SND from the eBay auction.

Vіdminnostі іnternet-auktsіonіv vіd traditіynіh

Internet auction, also known as "online auction" is organized behind the help of the Internet. On the basis of special auctions, online auctions are held not on the basis of the special participation of buyers in them, but remotely. You can take your fate from them, perebuvayuchi in any point of the earth's backwoods and small bets through the auction website or a special computer program. The moment of closing the Internet auction, on the vіdmіnu vіd traditional auctions, zazdalegіd is assigned by the seller himself when putting the goods up for auction. At the same auctions, the fight is going on until quiet feast, while the auction rates are moving up. Pіslya zakіnchennya іnternet-aukcіon the buyer is guilty to transfer the penny of the seller for the bezgotіvkovim rozrahunkom (rіdshe - gotіvkoyu, for example - when otrimanna goods especially), and the seller of the goiter hangs the goods of the buyers by practical means to the country of the world. Mezhі mozhlivoї \u200b\u200btransferring the goods is ordered by the seller himself. Internet auctions are a warehouse part of electronic commerce.

Non-standard situations at auctions

Before them follow:

  • Making changes to the description of the lot after it is put up for auction.
  • Changing the post price of the lot, the cost of the transfer and the form of payment.
  • Dostrokove znyatya lot z bidding.
  • Vykreslyuvannya nebagzhany purchase.
  • Vіdmova vіd prіstіvі in bidding pіslya zroblenoї bid.
  • Vіdmova purchase vіd pay for the goods.
  • Neotrimannya goods pіslya yogo pay.
  • Return of fees for the withdrawal of goods, nevіdpovіdny description.
  • Stop changing on eBay auctions

From fierce 2008 rock:

  1. The seller does not have the right to withdraw negative or neutral feedback: either positive or none.
  2. On the n_metsky site_ auction - ebay.de at the time of pochatkovoї c_ni 1 єvro і non-sale of goods, the seller does not pay any auction.


  • eBay is launching the Billpoint online payment system, which later closed the Paypal service.
  • In 1999, eBay has a Butterfield & Butterfield auction, which is the 2002 sale of Bonhams.
  • In 1999, eBay lists Mark and Oliver Zamwer's Alando auction for $43 million, which is later recreated in eBay Germany.
  • From eBay buy Half.com, no more integrations in the eBay Marketplace.
  • On eBay, buy Mercado Libre, Lokau and iBazar - the largest Latin American online auction sites.
  • Online eBay buys the PayPal payment system for $1.5 billion.
  • 11 Linden eBay Inc. launching EachNet, a Chinese company in the e-commerce store, paying an estimated $150 million.
  • 22 eBay coins buy Baazee.com, the leading auction site in India, for about $50 million.
  • On April 13, eBay gains 25% in craigslist.org with the addition of a primary shareholder.
  • Spring eBay is making a big splash in the Korean market, adding shares of Korean online trading company worth 3 million, paying approximately 125,000 Korean won (close to US$109) per share.
  • At the fall of the leaves, eBay dies Marktplaats.nl for € 225 million. This bula was a German company, which led to 80% of the auction market in the Netherlands and earned income mainly from the sale of advertising.
  • 16 eBay buys rent.com for $30 million pennies and $385 million in eBay stock.
  • Gumtree, a network of advertising sites in the UK, dies on eBay.
  • Black eBay turns to Shopping.com, a site that sells a variety of products and prices for them, for $635 million.
  • Buy Skype from eBay for $2.6 billion pennies in stock.

Some of the most valuable items sold on eBay auctions

  1. 340-ruble manuscript of Shakespeare's "Prince of Tire", which survived the Great Fire of London in 1666 (£5m)
  2. Litak Grumman Gulfstream II ($4.9 million)
  3. Zhovtii McLaren F1 1993 ($1.7 million)
  4. Honus Wagner baseball card Honus Wagner) 1909 roku ($1.65 million)
  5. Diamond Lake Resort, Western Kentucky, USA ($1.2 million)
  6. Bat of famous baseball player Joe Jackson "Black Betsy" ($577,610)
  7. Golf game with legendary golfer Tiger Woods ($425,000)

most items

One of the largest items sold on eBay auctions, a submarine during another holy war, was sold by a small place in New England, if the city of vlada vyrishila, no longer need to use such relics.

Biggest recent auction

One of the largest items, if ever put up for auction, is the decommissioning of an aircraft carrier. Lot of creations by an anonymous seller from Brazil on eBay Motors.

non-primary objects

  • Utah bag girl Karolyne Smith has sold the right to permanently display ads on her forehead for $10,000. This proposition has become popular with the virtual casino Golden Palace.
  • In the past, the Volkswagen Golf, previously owned by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (a month before his election by Pope Benedict XVI) sold for € 188,938.88. The buyer was GoldenPalace.com casino
  • In 2004, a man from Seattle sold a photograph of his wife for a spring cloth of his big squad. Up to his great achievement, having taken away the sign for the sign much more, lowering it. I wanted to just sell the cloth, to get a few groschen for the purchase of tickets for the Seattle Mariners, the prote rates exceeded a thousand dollars, and the seller himself took away his hands and heart from the buyers.
  • In spring 2004, the MagicGoat.com master sold his Smithy cat to a middle school teacher of science, and the students wrote about him.
  • 50,000-ruble mammoth. The giant was put up for sale in 2004 by his German sergeant through a missing month for his savings, and was sold for £61,000. Experts confirm that it is one of the greatest savings of mammoth bones in the world, that avenge 90% of the original brushes.
  • Gospodar Cockeyed.com sold an ad space on his website worth one pixel for 21 days for $100.
  • Water, yak, as if hardened, was lost in the cup of Elvis Presley, taking yak wine with him to a concert in Pivnichny Carolina in, the bula was sold for $ 455.
  • Painting by an American artist Bill Stoneham«The Hands Resist Him», put on sale with a mystical history, which reveals about the unearthly manifestations that appear to her.
  • The Californian town of Bridgeville Trichi was put up for auction. In 2002, sales rolled for $ 1.77 million, but after looking at the “goods that are being bought”, the buyer looked at it. In 2006, a third-rate Vlasnik put yoga up for auction for $1.75 million. In a chergovy vlasnik, he tried to sell yoga for $ 1.3 million.


Irrespective of the relatively low turnover rate, deceit and swindling are still being reported on eBay auctions.

The most important mechanism for the protection of shakhraystvo is the eBay rating system. After skin surgery, both the seller and the buyer may lose information about the partner, adding to the rating (eng. reference). There are three rating options: “positive”, “negative”, or “neutral”. The note is a short commentary on the operation. Since 2008, sellers have been afraid to give negative feedback to buyers.

At the time of sovereignty, the buyer or the seller can submit a scarga to eBay, as well as win over legal methods to the partner. However, in the majority of vipadkiv with a small variance of purchases, only the eBay rating system wins.

Div. also


List of references

  • Baikov V.D., Baikov D.V. How to learn how to practice on eBay Internet auctions. - DMK-Press, 2007. - S. 192. - ISBN 5-94074-354-4

Serebryakov D. eBay. - ruebay.ru, 2007. - S. 55.

  • Safonova Olena Anatoliivna Secrets of the international eBay auction for Russians. Home business. - M .: "Williams", 2007. - S. 144. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1294-7


  • eBay USA(English)
  • eBay Australia(English)
  • eBay UK(English)
  • eBay(Nim.)
  • eBay Canada(English)
  • eBay Russia(Ros.)
  • eBay Ukraine(Ros.)

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I love you, my blog readers! Tell me honestly: how many of your coats of speeches, like you, have long ceased to be worn, or have you never put them on? How long ago did you once again sort out on the balconies or komori - collections of obscene speeches?

Or maybe your father will be a collector, but if you don’t want to be like that, and now everything is chosen by him, and now he falls down with a saw here on the mezzanine.

Everyone knows this situation: speech is not necessary, but it’s just a waste of money. So її її wikidata, how can you visually sell? I encourage you to take a closer look at the eBay online auction.

What is eBay?

Ebay This company, which manages one site, can buy or sell everything. There are no geographical cordonies - de b the person did not know, you can buy some goods and take it away (as if you weren’t fenced in the country of yoga, it’s clear).

EBay is an intermediary between a seller and a buyer. Winning a platform for the auction. Previously, the wine was free of charge - for a better audience, but at the same time, the sellers will pay for the "space" for their lot, and also give 10% of the cost of the same price after the sale. Є th іnshі paid services, but the stench is not obov'yazkovimi. Well, the buyer pays only for the purchase itself;

Gidnosti i nedolіki

Why is eBay so popular? Because the large number of buyers attracts new sellers and new ones. Tse so sobіknene kolo or, to put it more simply, a spiral - for the sky of which site develops more and more.

Which site has no analogues. The most popular in Runet can be called Avito and Yulu. These are good online stores, but not so good on the scale of the whole world. Vygіdnіshe vykoristovuvat eBay itself, and even there in a richer times more potential buyers.

Don't worry about those that you can't buy or sell to people from the other end of the world through the current bar'er. The site is translated into different languages, including Russian.

To take a look at the chain of creation of this site, I recognized that the first thing I will sell on eBay is the subject of a laser pointer - the buyer of the collection. I'm up to the point where you can sell everything. I would like to find one person who would like to zatsіkavit those who you want to blame. What a good thing the Internet is!

Obviously, not everything is so smooth. On eBay, like everywhere else, є shahraї: you paid for the same goods, but you were simply sold in a bag - no pennies, no “purchased” speech. There are many other unacceptable situations. How can I look after them? Naygolovnіshe - buti respect to the seller.

In the first place, all stinks are valued by resourceful resource. If the rating is low, it is better to choose another seller. Obov'yazkovo read vodguki - chim їх more, tim better. More respect for those that were sold from the account earlier. It’s quite possible that Shakhrai “has napratsyuvav” his good rating on cheap speeches, and now he’s trying to get on the road and make a purchase after payment.

Raja you do not throw at the first product, which is worthy of catalosis - spend more than an hour, save more, you can probably find a better option.

You can fool the buyer - make a deal, but then we will have to pay for the new one. Here, again, it is necessary to pay attention to the rating (for example, buyers have wines).

What is the cost of payment, all penny operations are carried out for help. So you will need to register there. You can do without it, on the website there is an adaptation for accepting payments from cards, but PayPal has a lot of advantages.

On the site itself, there is the Center for Security, you will find faceless joys and the Center for the Resolution of Conflicts. Just like you yourself, eBay is trying to bring shakhraystvo on its platform to a minimum. The company cares about its customers, and if you take care of it, everything will be in order.

Your online store

If you have become interested in such a business, you can do it. You will buy fritters on the same eBay or Aliexpress and sell them from Russia. If you can work well independently, so I want to please you with the course of Mikhail Rusakov " Creation of an online store on OpenCart ».

The cost of wines is inexpensive, 4700 rubles, from the new you take all the necessary knowledge and learn more. It's easier to create Landingham -. I have prepared for you Sergiy Sadovnikov's course .

Well, now you know how eBay can help you in business. I'm sure that this article turned out to be brown. If so, tell your friends about the blouse and subscribe to Public Start Luck Vkontakte !

Well, I wish you success in all your endeavors and I say goodbye!

I’ll call someone else ebay, but it’s far from clear that I can say more precisely about those who are aware of themselves and who can make purchases on this service. Also, ebay is the largest online shopping mall, so you can't do it any other way. Buying and selling millions of koristuvachivs on this Maidanchik, moreover, the categories of goods can be different.

Shvidko and, smut, far away to make purchases on ebay, it is important to understand the principle of a robotic trading maidan. On the back of the head, the seller will tell you about the sales of the goods, which can be good for sure - avtomobіl, book, mobile, antiquarian rechі і bagato іnshhogo. The seller himself chooses the method of sale: bids are accepted either at the sight of the auction, or in the mode of mittvoї purchase - “buy at once”, which allows any willing to make a quick purchase at a fixed price.

If the goods are placed at the sight of the purchase, then the first buyer, who is lucky enough to pay the price set by the seller on the website, will become his master.

If the goods are put up for auction, then the first price set by the seller will be less for the start. І following the announcement of the auction, which is three times a day, it’s possible for that person to come, having proponed the most successful bid.

From recent ebay feasts, becoming a great popularity among the inhabitants of Russia. Unfortunately, there are both positive and negative reviews. In general, everything is brought down to one main effort: when making purchases on ebay, following carefully the information about the product (especially the terms of delivery and її vartosti), and also respect when participating in the auction (about the temova pіde trochі pіznіshe).

In order to gain access to a wide optional maidanchiki, it is necessary to register on it first. For whom, we go to the official website and accept the proposition about registration (two words are put in the upper left corner - Sign in and Register). We choose another option. You will be shown empty in the end, in which it is necessary to fill in the fields: the system will ask you to enter your e-mail, nickname, name, etc. Don't forget to come up with a unique password. It's too much to activate the creations of oblkovy records and you can proceed to the knowledge of the light of ebay.

Let's take a look at the ebay auction interface. So, back to back, let's go to your profile: for whom you need to click on the row of My ebay (it's lined up at the top left corner). Before you see the main information of your profile, which is made up of such updates:

  • Summary - general information about your activity.
  • Bids / Offer - bids and offers.
  • Watch List / Wish List - watch list / pobazhan.
  • All List - all lists.
  • Purchased History - the history of your purchases.
  • Selling - sale.

How to buy on ebay: report instructions

Otzhe, reєstracіya passed, profіl vivcheniy, zapovneniy і vіdkoregovaniy, now you can proceed to the search for the necessary goods and zdіysnennya accepting purchases. In the mountains, there is a row of questions, it is necessary to introduce you the goods (do not describe it beforehand - the bet will be sufficient) and start asking.

In a couple of seconds, before your eyes, you will finally see the results of the search, moreover, the stench can be posted on more than a dozen sides. To indulge yourself in zayvoї work, put a filter, which will allow you to sort out the knowledge of the goods in such a rank, so that the most suitable for you will be in the first place.

Selecting the vіdpovіdniy goods, you can get the whole cіkava for you іnformacіyu (report description, mіsce roztashuvannya product, rating of the seller, etc.), enough for anyone else click on the name of the lot bear. In the same place, you can tell how the seller is making sales: you can see the auction or instantly. The first bidder will have a Place bid button, the other one will have a Buy it now button.

As soon as you receive the goods, I will send you a refund, you can cancel the purchase. In times, as the seller has ruled the auction, he will have to take on a new fate. It is important to understand what yoga principle is. Also, for example, the remaining rate for the purchase of goods was 20 $. In any case, you can raise the bet, say, up to $50. If nothing is broken, you can buy the item for $20.

If you are not lucky and if your bid is outbid, then you will either raise your own, or be aware of the chance to buy the chosen product. Before speech, varto respect, scho sing croque rates on ebay skin auctions. For more vipadkiv wines, it costs about 0.5 $.

Porada. Interrupting the bid, you can put your own, or if you beat it in front of the auction, or if you put that one, you value it for the need. And you can speed up the process and save yourself the “vickivannya” of the end of the auction, sitting at the computer, raising the maximum bid, as you are in the gut. In this case, the system itself takes part in the auction, periodically pushing the rate up to the last, until it reaches the established boundary (about which you will come to know).

If you succeed in bidding, then you will also take back the notice on the mail. You don't have to contact the seller to discuss the details of payment for the purchase and the possibility of delivery to your country. Otherwise, you can wait until the seller calls you first.

What is the next uniqueness: “submerged” stones ebay

Dany was especially quiet, who loves to take part in auctions, or is quiet, who only chooses to be more diffident. Therefore, taking part in the auction, remember the main subtleties:

  1. If you don’t have enough great financial “potential”, or else you want to take advantage of the riches, then hurry up with a little cunning for participating in the auction: follow the course of the auction and literally at the end of the month until the close of the lot, raise the maximum bid (within your limits).
  2. Do not forget about the delivery time of the goods - just look at all the information about the lot, first of all, take part in the auction. Іnodі vartіst delivery can change the price of the goods in a quarter of a time. In such a mood, it will be smarter to think about these propositions.
  3. In any case, do not break the rates, which you cannot pay, the chips, whether or not from them, are a priori respected by the binding before payment. And if you don’t get paid, then either you reject the negative feedback (whatever you need) or (what else) your account will simply be blocked.
  4. If you want to bet “at the last” moment (it was mentioned in the first paragraph) and if you use a tactful move when bidding, prote, if you place a bet in the rest of the time, you can either know the failure, or pay the deposit.

Respect! The main reason why bidders most often "burn out" in their trials is to place a quick bid in the remaining moment - the so-called "sniper". Tse - bidders, yak zdijsnyuyut their rates literally in the rest of a few seconds (mostly for these purposes, victorious special programs are used).

The axis and reached the end of our article. Obviously, ebay is a majestic Maidan, you could talk about thin robots for a long time. Prote, given a minimum of information to allow you not to be ruined by the whole її raznomanittі and robiti purchase at a reasonable price.

How to buy on ebay: video

I’m sure that someone from you thought about merezhevі auctions, about the possibility of buying a good price for a good price. Ale gave a bit and indistinct roses your knowledge did not slip through? Do you want to know what is a chain auction and how it works? To the same article is given - the same ones that you need. Today we will talk about the largest eBay auction, knowing why it is so popular, and how it has a plus in front of hundreds of other online auctions.

Merezhevy auction eBay: how to find out about the weekly and available purchases

What is a chain auction? As a rule, in the current Internet, under the term, one understands the song site, where a person can create a lot, buy one that person can, like a higher price. Internet auctions are based on the type of classic offline auctions, only a number of private pics and trades.

For the remaining ten years, dozens, or even hundreds of different auctions appeared on the Internet. All the stinks look at my interface, functionality, localization, capabilities, specialization. Some auctions specialize exclusively on cars and motorcycles, others try to buy indestructibility, others take the prices of papers and shares as a basis. A lot of great internet companies have launched their auctions - eBay, Yahoo, Amazon, Ubid and a lot of others. What explains such popularity? Possibility of a lace auction is richer, lower in typical auctions, like, as a rule, we will forgive people are not available.

On today's great Internet auctions, hundreds of thousands of sellers from all corners of our planet are trading at the same time. Among the millions of goods presented, you can know how rare antique vases are, as well as the most important objects of everyday life. Auctions tsіkavі tim, scho kozhen bazhayuchy mozhe buy those scho yoma befits for the price, if it will be available.

Why so populareBay?

Rest assured, if you talk about the auctions, then the first thing you think about is eBay. And it's not surprising that even eBay is the largest and most popular Internet auction in the world, where millions of goods are sold and bought every day. Online trading was launched in Maydanchik back in 1995, and today eBay has more than a hundred million registered coristuvachs. If you turn to dry numbers, then you can win the whole month and the size of this trading floor. Hundreds of thousands of goods from more than three thousand categories were put up for auction at once. eBay has representation in 30 countries of the world, and with skin rock it develops a network. The crowd of koristuvachs look over more than 2 billions of sides. For ten years, the biggest director of the eBay auction - Margaret Whitman became one of the richest women in the world, and Forbes magazine put her on the 5th place in the ranking of the hottest women on the planet (in 2008, John Donahue took over the post of the biggest director of eBay).

With skin rock, the company shows stable growth. The number of registrations of coristuvachіv zrostaє, so the favor zbіlshuєtsya, eBay buys all new and new companies, which allow the auction to work more profitably and effectively. In a short hour, eBay bought the PayPal electronic payment system ($1.5 billion), the Shopping.com portal ($620 million), the world's largest IP telephony operator - Skype for $2.6 billion and a lot of other companies.

The numbers are against you, right? But if you don’t have dry facts, and if you ever start to show off eBay, then you can see for yourself the whole world and grandeur of this online shopping service.

But food is overwhelmed, why is eBay flooring popular? Even though the new one has dozens of existing competitors, and even if only eBay shows stable growth and development. Why are the inhabitants of the country's colossal SRSR with leather rock increasingly trusting their eBay purchases? The reason is simple - accessibility and global shopping. For the help of the eBay auction, you can buy whatever product you like without any problems. You can sit in the Russian glibints, but with whom you can get a new laptop from the very center of New York.

The price factor also plays its role. It's not a secret for anyone that the prices for technology and electronics in the USA are an order of magnitude lower, and it confuses people to buy on eBay, and not in local stores. That yak_st goods in the USA r_znitsya z tim, scho proponuyut us in my stores.

But not only buying, but selling on eBay can be a profitable business. Maydanchik is hundreds of thousands of potential purchases, and is ready to demand instant payment for the goods he likes. A lot of koristuvachiv, including those from the country of the SND, built their main business on the sale of goods through eBay. This business is more profitable, and the income of private companies for an hour exceeds tens of thousands of dollars per month. You know the finer points of sales, the mechanics, the technique, the features of the eBay auction, and you have everything. We will talk more about selling through eBay in our upcoming articles.

To take the opportunity to buy and sell goods, you must register on eBay. I would like to say that the registration and coronation of the account is absolutely cost-free, and if you want to take a cent, then you know - tse shahrai. Bank fees may pay less for sellers for placing a lot, or for a successful transaction.

Today, the eBay auction may have more than 30 files in different countries of the world. In the United States (eBay.com), Canada (eBay.ca), Germany (eBay.de), United Kingdom (eBay.co.uk) and many others, you can add your eBay account to any of them. In Russia, Ukraine, and other countries, SND, eBay is not officially accepted, but you can buy and sell goods through any other representative office. The most popular site is eBay in the USA, and the left part of everything is available there.

Why shopping oneBay ingood for an ordinary inhabitant of the lands of the SND?

Buying on eBay is not just a week, but a week. The first price is far from being the main factor, for hundreds of millions of people in the whole world choose eBay. The axis is a small change of achievements, with which you can speed up:

  • In the first line - qini. At auctions you can buy new goods for even more reasonable prices. We all know that in the USA and Europe, a lot of goods are much cheaper, and buying them via the Internet, you can save even more.
  • Great choice. Today you can choose from dozens of thousands of new products, as well as placements in more or less three thousand categories. On eBay you can buy like used goods, like new, in whatever color, whatever the complete set, whatever the pick. Propositions of the mass, and you will be able to choose those that are optimally suited for the rich parameters.
  • Yakist. A lot of purchases indicate that the number of goods sold in online stores in the USA and Europe is much better, lower with us. Therefore, buying goods on eBay, you have every chance to get a good product of high quality, which you will not know in our retail and wholesale stores.
  • Rіdkіsnі goods. eBay - the Klondike of its kind for those who are looking for rіdkіsnі comrades. Here you will find old books, coins, vases, paintings, various antique items and historical values. Possibly, no longer the first river, look for a collectible coin, and you can’t buy it anyway. Great is the possibility that there are clothes for sale on eBay.

Why is the price foreBaylower, lower in special stores?

Those who buy in online stores are significantly less likely to buy in the same ones, you know leather. Ale on eBay, the prices for an hour are lower, lower in the found online stores. Why so? What allows eBay to set such a low bar and win competition?

There are faceless officials here. Let's start from the main. Increase the price of the goods in the store of your city: the price of a picker + often the “cheat” of a foreign dealer + a few picks + the “cheat” of one or two domestic dealers. For a small bag, the price increase is at least 50%, and for some popular goods (electronics, stylish telephones, clothes), the price increase for a vіdmіnu vіd pochatkovy rіvnya to become 200-300%. Another factor in importance, in our opinion, is the importance in psychology. On Zakhodі, on vіdmіnu vіd wіtchiznyanyh realіy, addition to naming the product abrevіaturi "b / y", automatically lowering yogo vartіst mіnіmum by 70%. Tretіm, singsongly, you will be those who, when they come out new, bіsh doskonaloї, model, goods, cіn old ї will automatically decrease in the average by 50%. Before we speak, it often goes like this: as soon as we have such a novelty, at Sunset, now a new model is coming out.

Seeing as described above, you can buy visnovok, so looking at all the prices and mites, good goods from Europe and the USA are not expected to be imported by our dealers. Stinks and so cost not cheaply with cordon, but in our country they will not be profitable. Axis and exit, which the market resembles cheap goods from Asia, on which you can earn a markup of 200-300%. Few people boast about the quality and arrogance, even more smut - tse profits.

These people, if they value their pennies and value their money for better goods, may have more shopping options: overpay for goods in their own country, make purchases through dealers, if they bring goods from the USA and Europe, or master the basics of corystuvannya with foreign networks . If you are placed up to the third category, then we can say that our series of articles about the eBay auction will help you to understand the essence of nutrition, understanding the basic concepts and becoming a newcomer to the largest and most popular auction in the world.

Axis, maybe, and everything that we wanted to expand in this article. You know, and we ourselves start our series of articles about the most popular and well-known in the world of eBay auctions. We gave you how to make a purchase on eBay, how to conduct a dispute correctly, how to defend your rights, how to choose a good seller, and not fall for the shahrai's wudka. Dozens, or even hundreds of the most important and necessary nutrition will be reviewed in our forthcoming articles.

I’ll try to look at the video lesson that tells about the auctions eBay; Prodovzhennya this mini-video-course is available on request "Min-video-course: How to buy on eBay". The author of the video course is Vasyl Kupchikhin. Like you have a video tutorial, even before your services to the article.

Short summary of the article:

The success of eBay is inextricably linked to the history of the Internet auction, which has become more popular, more and more popular, and more and more koristuvachiv are known about this phenomenon. The same wіdbulosya i z eBay, Only for the best scenario, but for the moment it could be developed for the nights. Garazd I won't confuse you, I'll give you just a couple of facts from history eBay, What will be enough, so that you can understand some reputable online auction eBay on the Internet.

Trochs of eBay history

eBay letters of creation in 1995 .RU buv vsogo one r_k! Over the past few years, the auction has become global, and national families have appeared in more or less 30 countries, including in Russia. In this hour, goods on the Internet auction eBay divided into 4 thousand categories.

What is an online auction?

What is it eBay ?

What is eBay? Tsim nutrition is given to the Russians. Firstly, only statistics on a specific request, or even more potential quotation of the Internet auction, yak request quotation words synonyms or different transcription options for phrases, for example: What is ebay? What is ebay? For various variations, the total number of such drinks is approaching a million koristuvachiv. Why should the Russians go out over a million (or other poshuk system) - Koristuvachiv the Internet asks food: "What is it eBay? ". Yakshcho Wee asked the same food." What is eBay? "Then you are on the right way to the site, so I can tell you about those articles" What is it eBay? "I main advantages of shopping on eBay.

Safety of the land is secured by the system of protection of buyers eBay and the system of favors of the payment system PayPal. And in times of any problems and other situations, the buyer can ask for more money or a frequent return of the money paid for the goods and even delivery. The seller has to pay for the goods and delivery, service at a glance eBay and systems for the sake of the payment system, look at all the nuances of the problem and the fault of the solution. As a rule, such a decision is to be blamed for the merit of the purchase.

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