Vibir otrimuvacha. Transfer of organization (legal entity) through Oschadbank Online. Adding data fields before publication

Contact form wiki 7


When you fill out the form on the website, enter:

  • Ate. addresses
  • Telephone
  • Addresses (street, town, state, postal code)
  • Congratulations

It is necessary to save this information in a database for later retrieval, and it is necessary to send an electronic sheet to a central email address and to a specific email address, which will change in due course. dvіduvacha.

In principle, sellers have territories, and contacts from the website may be sent to the email address of the main website, as well as the person who represents the territory.

Not all states have a designated seller.

Crocs, live

I installed a contact form database to save all entries in the database.

I am following the method described on the website, contact form 7, to select the owner – contact the owner for help from the pipes. I will become a vikorist as the list of requests that opens, and the e-mail address of the seller who is behind the pipe.

I installed “Mail” CF7 to be sent to the central email address of the website and to the email address of the seller who sells to the selected company.

[email protected],


If the buyer selects a location from the designated seller, the seller's email address is entered into the database, not the location.

If the buyer selects a name that does not have a designated seller, the name will be entered into the database rather than being added to the electronic sheet.

I also tried setting up Mail to send to [email protected]"Mail (2)" to send (seller's email address), but the letter was not sent to [email protected] unless an email address has been provided for the name of the state in the list to be revealed.

Ok, I tried to enter the name of the state in this format - "Alaska|" For this type, nothing was entered into the database for state and no electronic sheet was sent. I have verified this, vikoristic and offensive options of "Poshta", over-insurance of the property.


Now I understand, I can just enter [email protected] For all state names without an assigned seller - this is normal.

The problem with this is that email addresses, as before, are entered into the database for state.

I assume that I need a way to assign the name to the state ([_raw_state]) and pass it to the CF7 field so that it can be stored in the database, otherwise I cannot figure out how to create it.

Solutions Collecting From Web of "How to select the recipient of the email from the contact form 7 based on the address entered in the form and save it in the database"

To Michael Simpson, via Contact Form. The decision is registered (type of person recruited) on the website of the database of the contact form at the status – Menu CF7 with handsets

Add to functions.php

Function myFilter($formData) ( // Change $formData return $formData; // be sure to return it ) add_filter("cfdb_form_data", "myFilter"); function location_form_handler($formData) ( $formName = "ExtendedContact"; // change this format" name $fieldName = "state"; // change this profile for your field "s name if ($formData && $formName == $formData ->title && $formData->scanned_form_tags) ( $emailSelected = $formData->posted_data[$fieldName]; $valueSelected = null; foreach ($formData->scanned_form_tags as $tag) ( if ($tag["name "] == $fieldName) ( foreach ($tag["raw_values"] as $rawValue) ( ​​// value|email $valuesArray = explode("|", $rawValue); if (count($valuesArray) == 2 && $valuesArray == $emailSelected ( $valueSelected = $valuesArray; break; ) ) if ($valueSelected != null) ( break; ) ) if ($valueSelected != null) ( $formData->posted_data[$fieldName ] = $valueSelected $formData->posted_data[$fieldName . "_email"] = $emailSelected; ) ) return $formData ) add_filter("cfdb_form_data", "location_form_handler");

You will create a record in the database with names (the field in front of the pipe) as state and another field (email addresses after the channel) with the corresponding email address as state_email.

Decide to update the form assignment for Contact 7 as follows:


I also want to guess how everyone else is dealing with this situation -

In my form, when filling out the form, select the company where you are located, then the seller, responsible for this country, removes the electronic sheet. In addition, it was necessary to send the electronic sheet to the central (corporate) email address.

However, not all states have a designated seller, since the company focuses on the middle approach.

With contact form 7, if the e-mail addresses are empty, the e-mails will not be sent after the pipe is empty. The method described by Michael practically allows an empty field after the pipe.

I have inserted “Mail” in the form to send it to the central electronic post office “Poshta (2)” in order to send it to the seller (as it is).

Select people from your address book

As stated earlier, upon completion, you will need to fill in the “To” fields and, if necessary, the “Copy” field. If the necessary addresses are recorded in your address book, then when you create a notification, you only need to select owners from it, instead of “manually” registering the necessary addresses.

For which you need to do the following:

1. In the “Create notification” window, from the “Service” menu item, click on the “Select owners” item

2. In the dialogue window " Choose your powers» select the owner whose address should be placed in the « field To whom" and press the button " To whom:", and then, similarly, if necessary, the owners whose addresses need to be placed in the field " Copy"(In this case, it is necessary to quickly press the button " To whom:»).

After which you will find the addresses of the possessors near the field “ Obsessive information»

Rice. No. 11

3. press the “OK” button

After completing the “Create a notification” window, fill in the “To” and “Copy” fields. Moreover, the addresses in these fields are displayed as if they were entered in the address book in the field “ Represent"(div. Fig. No. 8).

Rice. No. 12

To create a large number of documents, which are mainly the same, but also to create unique information, you can use mail or e-mail. For example, with this option you can create individual publications with personalized text or unique addresses and messages. You can also use this post to create awareness about a product that needs to be individualized to the most important people. The text of the publication is always the same, but the names and addresses are changed for each person.

This statti

Vibir e-mail or e-mail

First of all, you need to know that you need to send mail to each other or send e-mail to expand files via the Internet.

Create a list of possessors or connect to a new one

To stop getting angry, you need to open a new or existing publication, and then connect to the data file (a file that contains unique information that you want to include). The data file can contain a list of names and addresses, product information or images. The data file can be in different formats. You can:

    Outlook contact list;

    Excel sheet;

    Word table;

    Access database table;

    a text file in which tabs and dots are used for subsections, and paragraph marks are used for rows.

You can connect to the existing list, either delete data or create a new list of owners. If you want to select specific elements from the list, you can filter them behind the scenes. You can also sort items by name.


Vikoristannya to the list

    For promotional items, Publisher saves data from dad My dzherela data. To find out more about the data, you may need to look at the folders.

    In the dialog box Vibir dzherela data find the data you need and press the button Vidkriti.

    Depending on the type of data device selected, other dialog boxes may appear that display song displays. For example, if the data contains an Excel workbook with data on many columns, it is necessary to select the column from the required data.

Select from Outlook Contacts folder

    If you are prompted to select an email profile, select the required profile and press the button OK.

    In the dialog box Select contacts Click on the contact list and press the button OK.

    All contacts from the folder are displayed in the dialog box Obsessed with anger

Introduction of a new list

If you don’t have a list to which you can connect, create a new list.

    In the dialog box New list address enter the information for the first entry in the fields required for distribution.

    Note: To change the standard options, press the button Adjustment of staff And add, delete, change items or change their order in the list.

    When you have finished entering information for the first entry, press the button Create a post.

    Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you add all entries, and then press the button OK.

    In the dialog box Saved address list enter your name in the list address in the field File name And save him.

    Note: For reasons Publisher saves lists of addresses from dad My dzherela data. It is recommended to save the list of addresses from your father, as a result of the obligations of the Publisher looking for data.

    All contacts from the new list are displayed in the dialog box Obsessed with anger, where you can filter and sort the list to select enemies to play with.

Choice of influences

In the dialog box Obsessed with anger You can select the powers you want to turn on until the end. Set the proportions of the tasks that you want to focus on, and remove the proportions for other powers.

If you want to select specific items from the list, you can filter them by the required field or filter. After filtering the list, you can use proportions to include or exclude certain entries.

To filter items in the list:

    Click the arrow next to the heading of the element you want to filter.

    Select one of the following options:

    • (Empty) displays all records in which the field is empty.

      (Not empty) displays all records that have a corresponding field containing data.

      (Dodatkovo) opens a dialog window Filter and sorting, which can be used for filtering beyond a few minds. You can also press Filter in the section Specify the flow of influences dialog box Obsessed with anger to open the dialog window Filter and sorting.

      To quickly select all items or select, set or unselect the column heading order.

      Porada: If there are records to be placed in the data, but there is no more than ten unique values ​​in the group, you can filter the records behind the previous data. For example, if there are many addresses such as the country or region for which Australia is indicated, you can filter by word Australia.

      In the dialog box Obsessed with anger The records that appear in the minds are not displayed. To display all entries again, press (Use).

If you would like to view the items in alphabetical order, you can sort the items in the list.

To sort the items in the list:

    In the dialog box Obsessed with anger Click on the heading of the element under which you want to sort the list. For example, to sort them in alphabetical order by name, click on the title Nickname.

    To sort by many minds in the dialogue window Obsessed with anger press Sortuvannya. In the dialog box Filter and sorting Select a mind for sorting.

Preparation of publication

When sending mail, a number of documents are created based on one template, which is then supplemented with unique data for each document. Having collected the list of interests, you can print customization of the main template.

Inserting a text field

Adding text that may appear in the skin version

    Click on the entry and enter the text that you want to appear in the individual version of the publication after getting angry.

Adding data fields before publication

    At the publication, click on the entry before you want to insert the data field.

    Insert any of the following elements:

    • Address block with names, postal address and other details

      1. The group clicks Address block.

        In the dialog box Inserting an address block select the address elements you want to press, and then press the button OK.

        Note: If the data field names of your data do not match the field names of the Vickory Publisher for the address block, you may need to click a button Selection of fields in the dialog box Inserting an address block. In the dialog box Selection of fields

    • Privitannya row

      1. In the group Folding the document and inserting fields press Privitannya row.

        In the dialog box Privitannya row Set the format of the name row, including the title, the format of the name, and the punctuation mark that follows it.

        Select the text that may appear in the boxes if Publisher cannot recognize the owner's name (for example, if the data does not include the owner's name or nickname, or even the name of the company), and then click the button OK.

        Note: If the data field names of your data do not match the field names of the Vickory Publisher for the attached row, you may need to click a button Selection of fields in the dialog box Privitannya row. In the dialog box Selection of fields Select from the lists the fields that open up from the data list, which correspond to Publisher fields.

      1. In the group Folding the document and inserting fields press Malyunokі Insert field baby.

        In the dialog box Inserting a Malyunka field Select the baby field to insert.

        Note: If you want to add images to the publication page for additional information, here you can place the names of their files and the directions before them. Do not mix the little ones or the images into the dzherelo data.

    • Around the data fields

      • In the group Folding the document and inserting fields Select Insert angry field And click on the fields that you need to include in your writing.

Data field formatting

You can set the formatting to fields of data and any other text you added (such as greetings, such as “Hello!”, or greetings, such as “Shanovniy...”) to change the appearance of the combined data. To format the combined data, you need to format the data fields of the publication.

For the publication, select the field to display the contents that need to be formatted.

    This is the field for the address block or the private row, for the group Folding the document and inserting fields Select Format.

    There is another data field in the menu Work with writing: Format press button Font, and then select the required settings.

    If the selected field is recognized as Publisher as a number, currency, date or hour, press a button Format Then change the format for displaying fields of that type.

Review of the owners' profiles in the data fields of the publication

You can look at the visible publication with factual data in the fields below.

To view the publication in advance, click Review the results, and then select one of these actions:

If necessary, you can make changes to the list of owners. Follow one of these actions:

    To turn the singing power off, press the button Viklyukity otrimuvaca.

    To change the list of owners, click Change the list of owners Then make the required changes in the dialog box Obsessed with anger.

After completing the preparation of the publication and inserting all fields into the deposit File press Save the yak, give the publication a name and press the button Save.

Creation of a joint publication

To create a full publication, press the button Know and find out Then click on the boxes hovered below to edit, review, save publication, add the same page to another publication and send them by email.

Other shared publication

Saving this publication for the future

If you want to change the combined pages, save them for later use, or unzip them later, you can select and save all the combined pages in one view and publications that place factual data instead of the fields of illumination.

    Press Share a new publication.

    The new publication has a due date Zlittya press Saving publications. Give the name of the new publication and click the button Save.

Adding the combined pages to the main publication

If you plan to add a shared page to the end of the current publication, go to the following parameters:

    side size (height and width);

    side view (one or two sides);

    type of publication (for the Internet or other);

    side order (left to right or right hand to left).

Publisher can add the merged page to a new or existing publication if it is not approved. If you want to open a publication, be sure to save and close it before completing the operation.

    Press Add to next publication.

    In the dialog box Unclick this post Find the publication you want to add to the same page, then click the button Vidkriti.

    The current publication has a task in the sphere Zlittya press Saving publications, to save change.

Effortless e-mail notification

Zlittya with e-mail in the menu Know and find out Only one command will be available -.

    Press Send email notifications.

    In the dialog box Please note at the post office select the owner field in the list To whom. Most drops will have a field Electronic mail.

    In the field Subject enter a row of topics. In separate Elements to insert Select the data fields that you need to insert into the row.

    Press button Parameters, to set other parameters, such as contained copies and received copies or attachments, and then press the button Submit.

Saving publications

Once you save a post with the same fields, you can go back to it and change the fields to create a new post. To save your publication:

    Enter the name of the publication and press the button Save.

You can use the option to enable publication or aggregation template to the catalog under the data section.

At department points

From a bank card

At the terminals

For a mobile phone

New maps

Transfers at UNISTREAM penny transfer points

You can send a penny transfer through your bank account to UNISTREAM Bank, at separate partner banks, or at UNISTREAM payment agent points (call shops, etc.).

  1. Find your nearest location on our website
  2. When you arrive at the service point, tell the operator where and to whom you want to send the money, and indicate the transfer amount. For your convenience, check out the UNISTREAM Client Card.
  3. Ask for identification of the person (passport or other document). If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then if the amount sent is over 75,000 rubles. You must also present your migration card and registration document through the cash register to UNISTREAM Bank.
  4. Take your copy of the “Apply for transfer without authorization” with the transfer control code from your bank account. Please provide me with the control code for the transfer and PIB of the Director. Since the translation is not without address, please also indicate at which point it can be omitted.
  5. You will also receive an SMS notification with a transfer code to your mobile phone number specified in the transfer application. Other information will come to you, as only Oderzhuvacheva will pay the transfer.

Vul. d. sq.


Croc. Select document.

Croc. Select the main document type.

The main document contains text and graphics, along with all versions of the combined document, for example, the return address of a sheet on a form.

When you start Word, an empty document opens. If you close it, commands that will need to disappear at the offensive stage will appear inaccessible.

The document that will be taken as a basis is selected - an exact document, a template or a file.

The main document includes standard text and graphics, which will be part of the skin sheet. If you are using the finished sheet as a sample, please select the owner's name and address.

Zavdannya 28:

1. Create a main document - a sheet of a flow document:

Dear Sir!

<<Дата>> Head of the university zv'yazku.

To combine data into the main document, you must connect the entire document to the data section or data file.

A lot of data - this is a Word table, an Excel worksheet, an address book or another document that contains information that can be placed in a sheet template for your customization. For example, this data may contain the names, addresses, telephone numbers and office numbers of your assistants.

You can vicorista

Outlook contacts . To select the list of contacts from Microsoft Outlook, select the command Vibrati From Outlook contacts.

This is the original data file . If you are using Microsoft Excel, a Microsoft Access database, or another type of data file, select the command Wikorystat List And find this file in the dialog box Vibir dzherela data.

As an Excel file, you can select data from any arrow or named range in the book. In Access, you can select data from any table or query from a specific database.

To select a file of a different type, select it from the dialog box Vibir dzherela data. If the required file is not displayed, select the required file type or option All files on the list File type.

When selected, you can select data file types:

o Files of peer-to-peer file DBMSs, for any installations an optional OLE DB installer or an ODBC driver. A dozen of such drivers are included with Microsoft Office 2010.

o HTML file containing one table. The first row of the table is responsible for the names of the authors, and the first row for the data.

o Microsoft Word document. This document contains one table. The first row of the table contains headers, and the last row contains records that need to be associated with the document.

o Be a text file that contains data fields separated (or delimited) by tabs or columns, and data records separated by paragraph marks.

create list - new data file in Word . The list is saved as a data base (MDB) file, which can be accessed extensively. If the data file is daily, select owners - Creation of the list, Creation and create a list of the form that has appeared.

At the window, pressing the button “Customization of Stovpts” A list of the widest field names will appear.

The most important aspect when creating data is the importance of its structure, and the most important aspect of the data base is its flexibility. Do not hesitate to obtain all the information about your overlords that may be needed during the overpowered mass mail. Then group this information into fields.

Field- This is one piece of information. For example, the phone book contains a field for names, nicknames, area codes and phone numbers. The document may include various fields, for example, name, nickname, history, address, place, country, index, number. Instead of dry fields that lie up to one owner, it is called by recording.

When a data field is created, there are too many fields, but there are too few fields: adding a single field to thousands of records will take a lot of time and can lead to compromises, since deleting the required field requires only a few clicks of keystrokes.

When designing your data, think about how you will sort the data. Do not include more than one piece of information in the same field. For example, if you are choosing different sheets in alphabetical order of recipients' names, you will need two fields besides: name and nickname. Combining them in one “Name” field will ruin the rigidity of sorting.

You can delete entry fields by viewing them and clicking the “View” button.

You can add new fields by typing their names in the “Field” window and pressing the “Add…” button. (When adding new fields, do not remove spaces from their names. For example, perhaps the Postal Code name).

You can re-arrange the fields by viewing them and pressing the Down-Up buttons.

If all field names are in the list correctly, click the “OK” button.

Once you have selected the list, go to the bottom to see all the necessary information, including all items and rows. During the hour of anger, you can make song changes, but it is impossible to open the body firmly during the hour of the procedure. Vikonati is simpler, since a lot of data is prepared before connection.

Zavdannya 29:

1. Create a database - select the following fields:

- Nickname

- I'm

- According to Father

- Become

- Vulitsa

- house

- Apartment

- DimPhone