Straight cutter with rounded cutlets png.

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The rounded ribs in the photograph look nice and attractive. Most often, such images are preserved when folding collages or creating a presentation. Also, pictures with rounded edges can be used as thumbnails for posts on the site.

  1. There are a lot of options for choosing a photo, but there is only one way (correctly) to take such a photo.

  2. In this lesson we will show you how to round off your curves in Photoshop. Rounding the cut in Photoshop To achieve the result, we use one of the group tools "Figures", And then we just saw everything.

  3. We open the photo in Photoshop to edit it. Then we create a copy of the ball with a waterfall under the name.


  4. .

  5. To save time, use hot keys to quickly CTRL+J. A copy is created in order to remove unused images from the output. If everything goes wrong, you can remove the balls nearby and start again.

  6. Let's go further. And then we need a tool.

    “Straight cut with rounded cut” In this case, there is only one thing we need to know – the radius of rounding. The value of this parameter depends on the size of the image and consumption. We set the value to 30 pixels, so the result will be more visible.

  7. Next we paint on the canvas an orthogonal plant of any size (and then it will be scalable). Now you need to stretch the drawn figure over the entire canvas. Click on the function

  8. "Vilne Transformation"

  9. Now the ball with the waterfall is active and ready for editing. Editing is in progress on the picture that was removed from the Kutiv. Invertable display of hot buttons

CTRL+SHIFT+I . Now the vision is lost in the corners.

On some sites, the design of which has a sharp edge, illustrations of articles and news also have rounded edges. . Very often, web designers do not think about the fact that it will be difficult for a website to work with such illustrations with rounded corners, which does not have the required knowledge Photoshop:

. . Besides, the deputy manager of the site himself is the culprit.

Making sure that everything is beautiful, he often doesn’t worry about this, as he then adds images with rounded edges to the article and new items on his website.

Whose lesson? We are interested in how to simply round off the baby’s cutie on the butt of the avatar, without interfering with tovishness.

1. 1px When I first needed to round out the corners in the illustration for the site, the answer was not obvious to me. I googled and found a couple of instructions, which were amazing for a beginner - to suffer with channels, routes, sockets, direct and other tools for stuck-in kistuvachs

2. It can be a bit lazy for a professional, but for a beginner this process may seem unreasonable and tedious.

3. After thinking a little, I knew my way to smoothly and simply round the edges of the little thing I needed. We round off the baby's mustache using an additional Photoshop shape It is possible that it is necessary to work with rounded edges. In this case, you do not have a similar image with smoothed edges. Preaching to you very simple, but very clear descriptions and illustrations Photoshop lesson as a beginner how to create a picture with rounded cuticles Let's open Photoshop. My favorite version is featured in the lesson Adobe Photoshop CS3

4. , otherwise a different version is installed on your computer. We open the exit baby, the edges of which are rounded. As the little ones grow according to the size and shape that we need, we also need Photoshop before starting to round off the cuticles. Pressing on the keyboard Ctrl+A

5. The color of the aphids of the daubed orthocutaneous plant is not significant. Parameter Radius 8 What characterizes the degree of roundness of the cut, for which lesson is ancient

6. , but you can change it at your own discretion: The figure painted in the new ball can be moved using the arrows on the keyboard. This shape can be changed by typing on the keyboard Ctrl+T and then stretch the figure behind the helper.

7. How to pull the corner while pressing the key Shift, the size of the figure changes proportionally. As a result of all these actions, we can achieve that the figure with rounded edges will be of the size and shape that we need: Holding down the key

8. Ctrl As a result of all these actions, we can achieve that the figure with rounded edges will be of the size and shape that we need: click on the preview ball in the balls panel Layers(We have a red square). Let us see the straight cutter with rounded cuticles, so we can see the dotted line along its boundary: At the panel of balls

9. go to the bottom ball with the main images and press the combination Ctrl+Shift+I(or As a result of all these actions, we can achieve that the figure with rounded edges will be of the size and shape that we need: Select -> Inverse at the Photoshop main menu). This allows you to see the area where the pose of a red square with rounded corners lies.

10. Press a key on the keyboard

Delete . To remove any part of the main picture that we don’t need. After this, the top ball with the red square is virtually invisible (in the panel click on the icon of the eye of the white ball with a red square).

Pressing on the keyboard The figure painted in the new ball can be moved using the arrows on the keyboard. The dimensions of the red cutlet are larger, the picture below has been edited.

At which edge of the red square the position of the canvas will end and such a rectangle can be placed on the baby so that only one cut overlaps the visible area of ​​the baby, and the border is lost behind its boundaries. For additional inversion of the visible parts of the little ones, we will round off one necessary cut of the picture, and the other pieces will be deprived of guest images..

Similarly, you can quickly and simply round off a number of corners of any image.

Also, to create a picture with jagged edges or other similar effects, you can vikorize a picture with such jagged edges or rounded edges, available on any site.

  • In which case it is necessary to remove the background so that it is not visible to the picture, for example, using an additional tool
  • Magic Wand Tool (W)

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This service promotes the motivation for installing a great service for the add-on you have developed, as well as its competent promotion in the App Store and Google Play.
You will need

Photograph or other images in digital format;

A computer with the licensed Corel Draw program installed.


In a very simple way (from a vector object), you can immediately round all the corners of a rectangular image.

Without going through the above-described method of editing nodes, paint the order from the imported rectangle images of the same size using the Rectangle Tool (Rectangle Tool) or select the tool with the F6 key.
With the already familiar “Form” tool, click on the rectangle and pull the bear on any node to the center of the rectangle.
The cutlets will be rounded.

The radius of rounding can be adjusted using the tool itself. Mark your image with the arrow of the Pick Tool. Next, in the list of the main menu, find “Effects” and select the “PowerClip” option and from the list the “Place Inside Container” function. Using a wide arrow, point to the straight cutter with rounded cuticles. This will be the frame that will accommodate your image. Using a wide arrow, point to the straight cutter with rounded cuticles. Which section do I want to post?

photoshop lessons , which can benefit you when creating a website design. I don’t think we’ll tell you, on the other hand, before we start using Photoshop, we’ll introduce you hotkeys photoshop.

Vikoristovuyuchi hotkeys photoshop, you will make your work easier and save time. . My first hotkeys photoshop Photoshop lesson let me tell you about those who round the corner photo. When preparing websites, you often encounter a problem, how to round off the baby’s cut, or how hotkeys photoshop photo. Whose lesson? . Photoshop . I'll tell you how

baby in

photoshop . That's it . Photoshop lesson

allow you

photographs. . I hope you are so understanding.

4. Open a new window (CTRL+N), set the required image dimensions and click “OK”.

I ask you to respect me for putting the background - “prosorium”. You can immediately set the background to suit your desired color; 5. Paste in the new window for copying the little ones (CTRL+V) and create a new ball (CTRL+SHIFT+N).

Whose ball for an additional tool is a "straight cutter" rounded corners"We paint a rectangular shape of the required size. The color of the rectangular shape does not matter. The selection of the tool is done by pressing on the right mouse button. Or simply press the key (U). The radius of curvature is set according to your discretion (div. nok lower);

If necessary, you can move the painted figure behind the other arrow keys on the keyboard or behind the mouse by pressing the left key.

First of all, don’t forget to activate Move (top button) on the toolbar.

You can also change size.


To do this, click (CTRL+T) and stretch the shape to the required dimensions behind the mouse, pressing the left key.

If you want to change the size according to the same proportions, you need to press SHIFT and pull out the shape. . 6. Go to the balls panel.

Hold down CTRL and click with the left mouse button on the first (picture) ball of the rectus.

The dotted line around the figure appears. You can immediately set the background to suit your desired color; 7. Move to the bottom ball.

To do this, in the balls panel, click the right hand on the picture. Our choice is ball 1. Seen with a black color, go to ball 1. You can select both oval photographs and curly photographs. You can immediately set the background to suit your desired color; For which, in step 5, replace the “straight cut” tool “Select the tool “ellipse”, “rich cut” or “pretty figure”. Then all the steps are the same as those we tried in order to remove.

rounding of corners

I've been wondering for a long time how I can round out the corners using Adobe Photoshop, but I can't finish writing here because it's written incorrectly.

As it turned out, it will take no more than 30 seconds to round out any picture, especially after you get used to the process.

And so, in order to complete such a cumbersome operation, you need to run the program and drop the image you need into the middle of the program, or quickly go to Menu->File->View->Required image.jpg. I will use the image of nature first.

Turn it back to the bottom right corner, “Balls” has a background image that needs to be turned into a ball.

To do this, press the right mouse button on the background and select “Ball from the background”.

As a result of this action, our background is transformed into a ball.

We create a duplicate of the picture, for which we press the right mouse button on the ball 0 and select “Create a duplicate ball”.


Send from the “Ball 0” work area.

To grab a ball, you need to press the OCHI hand icon next to the name of the ball.

The required part of the image is visible.

Once you have identified the required part of the picture with a rectangular cutter, press the right mouse button in the middle of the view and select the item “Close visible area”.

The OK button is embossed in the dialog box; the shading is not removed.

What an important moment!

We see Ball 0 (Copy), then press the DELETE button on the keyboard.

Save the best picture using the “Save for Web” item.

First, you can manually select the image brightness in the images, otherwise the image size will be much smaller, but you can save it the other way.

And what came out of us.