Multiple modes. Krok after krok after pirate! adjustment of PID stabilization and its verification

The GPS+APM kit is not built in the same way and completely cancels auto piloting, including RTL modes, flight by waypoints and a lotter. You can get a lot of money and food on the Internet by turning on loiter mode and flying the copter from an unknown direction. I had a different situation: in flight - turning towards home, and then sharply straightening towards the ground (without FPV). Vivantage log from APM and it was clear that the GPS altitude readings changed greatly every 2-3 days, from 450 m to 660 m and the number of visible satellites from 6 to 10, then. in the home-turned mode, the flight controller rotates on the data from the satellites, the axis is oriented so that the launch altitude (bodies) is 450 m, and the flight is at an altitude of 660 m (where we are at the height, the flight takes place at an altitude of 20 m from the ground) i After choosing, turn it to the required height. Having tried to simply walk around the stadium with GPS+APM, then marveled at the log, the recorded data - wow, then it was 2 meters below the ground, and then in 2 minutes it was like climbing 80 meters! Those that the GPS module does not work normally, understandably, would like, without fear, to use other APM functions that are not related to it.

Therefore, testing the new (not yet tested) APM with GPS has been removed from the most advanced modes in the following sequence:

  1. MANUAL - nowhere without something,
  2. STABILIZE - non-sticky because the radio equipment does not support a large number of modes,
  3. CIRCLE - mode based on the data of the built-in gyroscope, barometer, accelerometer (available mode without GPS),
  4. LOITER or RTL - navigation modes behind previously specified points or to the starting point,

To avoid sudden changes in height in RTL mode, you need to add a parameter to the configuration ALT_HOLD_RT=-1 What does it mean - to save the current height in the home-flow mode.

You may not know everything, but starting with APM 2.5 you can install it “with your feet on the mountain”, or rather, you can install it either way, but even more easily in the minds of the enclosed space. A parameter that indicates the position (orientation) of the APM in the AHRS_ORIENTATION space.

To install APM 2.6, burn with your feet:

In Mission Planner - Config/Tuning - Full Parameter List - Search (find), search for AHRS_ORIENTATION and set the value AHRS_ORIENTATION = 8

One of the most popular flight models for FPV today is Bixler (Skywalker). Easy to assemble, easy to operate, easy to repair. With a “skewed”, round-bottom fuselage, the APM installation is very difficult. Most of the free space for the fuselage depends on where the batteries go (main and for video transmission). Be especially careful when installing the APM on the Bixler with your feet under the cockpit cover.

Description of the kit, modifications


Abstracts of the main stages of setup and testing of a multi-rotor device based on an APM controller with Arducopter firmware

    Select the location and method of mounting on the frame to ensure protection from vibration, magnetic fields and electronic transmissions
    advanced firmware
    Initialization of initial parameters, clearing eeprom and dataflash (! IMPORTANT!)
    radio calibration, adjustment and checking of “filesave”
    adjusting multi-modes
    calibration level
    calibration and checking of the compass
    calibration of engine speed regulators
    “arming” is a check of the direct wrapping of the motors and the order of their connection
    installation of propellers and checking the correct installation of traction and traction materials
    The switching on of the motors in channel 3 is performed and a manual check of the presence of vibration is performed at the ends of the exchanges
    checking the trend until it stabilizes when the motors are turned on and the device is in the air
    setting up data logging for RAW or IMU accelerometers (depending on the firmware version)
    checking the stabilization system in a short field to a height of about 1 meter in windless weather in stabilization mode.
    verification of vibration on autopilot by analyzing the log of the results of the test run
    Checking the morning height in the “ALT HOLD” mode » in a short flight at an altitude of about a meter in windless weather
    checking the stability of the GPS navigation sensor reading when the on-board equipment is turned on, motors using telemetry data on a fixed, indestructible device
    checking the stability and accuracy of the compass reading at different gas levels on a fixed device
    checking the mode of the morning position – “
    checking the rotation mode "
    RTL »flight at an altitude of 15-20m, no wind
    checking route points and checking the automatic mode in the air (flying at an altitude of 30-50m), without wind
    tests of over-reinsurance modes in calm winds

Failure to properly adjust the device often leads to accidents and breakdowns. Missing any of these stages can cause a crash or an accident with the device.

Installation of the power part.

Installation of payment "pay to the subdivision of life" (PDB) on the new frame.

1. To assemble the power part of the multi-rotor device, you will need:

  • the board is divided into two sections (use a square or a double-sided foil slab - make a deep chamfer on all ends, draw one side for the plus and the other for the minus, after soldering, ensure that the balls of the board cannot shorten need to isolate), auxiliary power battery
  • Velcro for fixing the battery,
  • power darts from a copper vein of great diameter,
  • connect the battery with the wire,

2. Solder the ESC live wires before paying the live wire.
3. Solder the wires to the battery connection plug until the battery is connected. If the conductor of the wire is not responsible for any diameter, use a wire with a conductor diameter that lives on a vicorist battery or a little more. Check to make sure the life plug is soldered correctly. Select the fractions of two colors - the red one is connected to the plus, and the black one is connected to the minus of the battery.

4. Solder the parts of the autopilot life module until you pay for the life.

5. Place the life board on the plastic stand near the central part of the frame.
6. Secure the battery with a Velcro strap on the lower part of the frame in the center of the heavy device.

Practical resistant: shmatoks of the double -sided -foil textolite with a plus on one side with a minus on the ilonshiy, under the dotrimanni simeters in the paytsi, the sides of the Krashchi is shown after the firmware of the sinking of the magnesite half, and the ilindo of the compass. In this case, it is important that the compass be located exactly along the axis of the board and the life of the yakomog. With careful installation and raising the PDB above 5cm, less than 3% of the magnetic fields that are induced to the compass can be reached when the motors are running at ~500W. (This is a practically ideal display).

7. Install the field controller at the center of the frame in such a way that the compass chip points along the axis line above the circuit board in the same way as the “X” or “Plus” configuration. It is necessary to try to ensure maximum distance between the board and power cables to the compass. With a symmetrical board, 5cm of life is enough for the subsection, but with a bad axis, the payout for the subsection may appear as little as 10cm.

Practical Notes: Due to the fact that current Arducopter firmware uses an inertial system to predict the position, protecting the controller from vibration is of particular importance. From the look of the placement of the floor controller, from the look of it, the best solution is to use a heavy-duty vibrating slab. The main components of such a design are: fiberglass resin, silicone shock absorbers, battery housing (to serve as a support for the installation of the autopilot) in which the battery is used as a tight fit. The autopilot is attached to a vibration-proof plate with two balls of double-sided tape on a back base with 4 squares of 1.5*1.5 cm. The butt of this design is in the photo series

The plastic cover above the APM2 controller can be replaced, and in case of an accident, it can be removed from the water in bad weather. If you want to make the housing hermetically sealed, then transfer the connection to the vise for alignment - a vise sensor is installed in the controller

8. Place the receiver on the frame and bring out the antenna. As a rule, the antenna of multi-rotor devices is oriented downward.

Insert five connections at channel 1-5 of the receiver.
Connect the gate connector to the INPUTS socket. Signals lived (the stinks sound white or yellow in color) - go closer to the center of the payment. The central core is +5V, the outer core is dark-colored - zagalna. It is clear that it is possible to connect +5V and the main channel of all channels except one, in the absence of single connectors, the fragments of the stench easily fall out. The connector allows you to manually connect a 4-pin cable for 1-4 channels and a 3-pin cable for 5 channels of life and power.

CAREFUL: "HV acceptance." The instructions for such devices say that you can connect the power of these devices directly to the battery. For any type of receiver on models with full-length controllers, it is strictly prohibited to supply a voltage of more than 5.5 volts to the input rail. When voltage is applied to the battery and the connected power supply to the autopilot inputs, high voltage will be output to the autopilot. APM, which was supplied with voltage, the batteries are not suitable for repair and will require further replacement.

9. Connect the ceramic cables of the motor controllers (ESC) to the output sockets (OUTPUTS); the light-tone signal wire is located near the center of the board.

10. The main idea is that some models of speed controllers with 5-volt pulse regulators may not operate correctly if all the positive parts of the signal loops are connected, for which the middle wire is connected to all regulators oh, call to turn it on.

11. Your RC transmission is due to the initial setup for a multi-rotor device behind the circuit, which is set up for keruvannya let's fly :

  • Several main channels: gear, pitch, course and throttle.
  • The fifth channel must set the polish mode, connect it to the ceramic channel with a 3-6 position jumper to the polish mode on the remote control.
  • Adjust the endpoints (ENDPOINTS) on all channels to plus and minus 100 hundred thousand. Place the trimmers in the central position and do not change the trimmer values ​​at all. (this is important)

Internalization of firmware and cob initialization

1. Go to , enjoy the rest of the version" Mission Planner And install it on your computer.

Note: The "Mission Planner" software version 1.3.7 - 1.3.9 (and possibly later ones) may cause difficulties for users using the Windows XP operating system. Prime version for this OS 1.3.6

2.Launch "Mission Planner" "Connect the USB cable between the PC and the remote controller.
3. If the system notifies you “A new device has been detected” - allow the driver to be installed. As soon as the installation is complete, you receive a notification: “Driver not found”, install it manually from the program installation folder
Mission Planner.

Note: if the driver does not install, try installing it first FTDI driver

4. At "Mission Planner" ", turn over to the top right corner of the screen, 115200 - data transmission speed and new number are selected Com the port that appeared after installing the driver (not TCP or UDP).

Note: when connected via a telemetry modem, the bandwidth is 57600.

5. Initialization of cob parameters

If you bought a kit, marking it on our website under a specific type of aircraft - save setting up the flight controller in the file. (Menu "config/tuning" item "advanced parameters" save button "SAVE")

(we require the most stable firmware versions, we require installation of setup and initial calibration of the inertial system and compass)

If you have replaced the installed firmware version or you did not get the autopilot from us, then the first thing to do is to create the following:

· Upgrade to the latest firmware version for the type of aircraft.

· Vikonati discarded setup for umovchannyam (at the terminal setup – reset – y)

With firmware version 3.2 and above, the terminal for the APM controller is not supported; initial parameters can be set from the "Recent list of parameters" screen

Advances: the unknown procedure for setting parameters for setup is the main reason for a wide range of problems at all stages of setup and flow (input and output channels may not work, GPS data may not be received, orientation may not be processed correctly Iya). If you are not sure that you have already skipped the adjustment, repeat this procedure.

6. To view the controller screen and adjust the parameters, press the Connect button at the top right corner of the screen, which will indicate that the MavLink connection is installed.

7. If you need to install software for a different type of device, select the port, speed 115200, or click connect, go to the Inital setup - install Firmware tab, where you can select the type and version of the firmware, vandalize


Calibration of radio signals

1. Turn down the gear set to your model, so that the trimmers are in the central position.

2. At "Radio C" alibration" select " Calibrate radio and push the handles of the cup until they stop.

  • Joystick “roll” to the left – the signal equal to the signal may move to the left.
  • joystick “pitch” up - the signal is equal to the signal and can be inspired Down.itself downwards, the control works behind the flying style of kermo on itself – uphill, and in front of itself – downwards.
  • joystick "throttle" down - the signal is equal to the signal and must move down.
  • Joystick "Course" to the left (Yaw to the left) - to change the signal equal to the signal, move to the left.
    Note: with certain types of equipment, when calibrating the course of the course, there are a few inconsistencies involved, otherwise problems with “arming” may arise at a different temperature at an excessive temperature

3. Move the three to six position switch for selecting the mode across all positions.
4. When you finish calibration, turn the joysticks to the middle position, and the gas to 0 and select " Complete in the lower right corner of the screen.
5. Select "Fire modes" on the left side of the screen "
Mission Planner" and set all 6 Modes to "Stabilize", uncheck all " Simple mode and press the "Save Modes" button.

Make sure that the calibration values ​​for the skin channels do not fall outside the range of 1000-2000 ms (this is important), but there is a small margin, for example, for the skin channels you took 1100 -1900 with the trimmer equal to 1 500 would be an ideal match

6. Set up the radio receiver in such a way that when the transmission of the signal on the gas channel is turned on, it becomes 900 ms, in INITAL SETUP - FAILSAFE, then select the enabled always RTL option. This option means that as soon as the radio signal is applied, the device will rotate to the zero point. If at the moment the signal is received the device will be in the air, or below 15 m, the device will first gain height.

The system has been adjusted to verify that the signal in channel 3 may fall lower than FS pwm - when the transmission is turned on, the message Failsafe will appear on the head panel screen.

Compass calibration:

The compass calibration functionality can be found in the Initial Setup tab, Mandatory Hardware, Compass section. The compass is turned on - “Enable”, the “Auto Dec” option allows you to automatically disarm the magnetic field. If you select the installed compass in the “Orientation” field, select “APM with OnBoard Compass”

Next, it is necessary to carry out calibration. To select the area of ​​metal objects (work table with tools, scissors, magnetic screws), press the button " Live Calibration " When calibrating the compass, during calibration it is necessary to wrap the device in the horizontal plane 360 ​​degrees, running along the skin along the XYZ axes of the floor controller in a vertical position.

Video of the calibration process (English):

YouTube video

After completion, the calibration result will appear within 60 seconds. The result can be two types: success and failure. If you have canceled the information because there is insufficient data, then repeat the procedure again. Once the calibration is successful, the resulting offsets will be shown (they may not be greater than +-150). If the effect is greater, you need to search the magnetic field to correct the compass readings. When a magnetic field sensor is used, external components are deposited and placed on another board. The values ​​that are most important are those close to zero. There is a special device for demagnetizing magnetized objects that are located near the magnetic field sensor.

Checking the compass on the cross-test: After that, as a compass for calibration, remove magnetic objects from the work area, including screwdrivers and scissors. Paint a cross with lines under 90 degrees on the arches. Place the device in such a way that the “Flight data” indicator shows exactly at “N” (the type of the real side of the light is not important at this stage, there may still be magnetic anomalies at your work place, They can be easily identified with a mechanical tourist compass)
turn the cross in such a way that one of the lines becomes parallel to the controller - and without collapsing the paper, turn the controller 180 and place it on the rice.
From the beginning the course is shown as "S" - every day because This value is determined by the gyroscope, then at a speed of about a degree per second, the gyroscope readings will be adjusted to the compass reading, so after 30 seconds you read the same day, with a small tolerance - which means the compass is missing If the conditions are correct, repeat the experiment for the perpendicular line to check the straight lines on arrival and departure.

After the first “arming”, under the hour of storing the position, the GPS controller automatically opens the magnetic circuit.
at which point the compass reading should change to about 7 degrees, similar to the reading of a magnetic tourist compass (for the central part of Russia)

Checking the compass to ensure accuracy on the actual side of the light:
What's on the map in the Mission Planner “You can set the scale so that you can see the contours of where you are - place the device in a position parallel to one wall and move so that the red line is strictly parallel to the wall of your place on the map. Rotate the device 90, 180, 270 degrees and check that the red line is strictly parallel or perpendicular to the wall. changes of 1-2 degrees are permissible, with changes of more than 5 degrees there will be problems in the adjusting position mode, with changes of more than 15 degrees it is strictly not recommended to use the adjusting position mode or automatic modes

Note: On APM1 and APM2.6 the compass is a pre-installed module, on APM2 and APM2.5 and our controllers it is already installed
. If you need to replace the external compass with the presence of an internal one on the boards of our edition, cut the jumper that connects the internal compass

17. Select “Initial Setup” ", section opens " Mandatory Hardware » « Accel calibration " insert through the device in the required position and confirm by pressing the keys on the keyboard (space) the feet will be powered in a horizontal position, on the left side, on the right side, nose down, nose up, upside down.

To achieve the ideal calibration required for accurate operation of the inertial system, it is recommended that when calibrating the accelerometer, the level surface should be verified horizontally using a bobbin leveler. At the moment of pressing the confirming key, the controller is liable to lock in the state, it is not possible to touch it in your hands or to calibrate on the surface causing minimal vibrations.

Checking the compass for influx on the engine pressure reading:

Just during the hour of field tests at a fixed position, the device is forced to start up - one of the most obvious reasons is to improve the compass while the motors are running under pressure. In order to switch over to the presence of such a leak, securely secure the device and in the control mode, direct the red line in the program “ Mission Planner The next step is to gradually apply pressure to the skin from the motors. Yakshcho in Pro, the Podnuta Navantenni Chervona Lіnіya Vіdhilya, more than 5 degrees, owl look at the construction of the lifting of Livnyna, ask for the controller Dali VID wire nigristovuvati Zakpas.

During the test process, the motors are obliged to work under the requirements of this. With installed propellers. Some models instead, to secure the device, change the direction of the motor wrapping or turn the screws over so that the screws do not lift the device from the ground, but instead float down.

The test is not safe. Take care of your fingers. Isolate your household and convalescents. Beware of the smells, the stench reveals amazing flavors under frequent testing.

Vykoristannya to the external compass

If, due to the design features of the aircraft, it is not possible to turn off the flow of magnetic fields created by wiring to the input compass, it is possible to connect an external device. Once you have added the APM kit to our manufacturer, the external compass is already on the navigation receiver board.

Before making any connections, turn off the switch, for which you need to open the APM case and cut the jumper. After cutting the jumper, reconnect so that the reset compass stops functioning (on the Mission planner screen you will see the BAD COMPASS HEALTH message).

Fig. "The location of the jumper connecting the installed compass"

Connect the I2C socket of the controller to the “compass” socket of the navigation module behind the additional cable that comes with the kit.

Set the compass configuration to "external" when configured in Mission Planner. For the APM controller, it is equivalent to installing a compass with a roll of 180 and transfers the selection of options to the rotation (for F4BY, Pixhawk controllers, a different interpretation, when specifying external, disable 0 rotation)

ESC calibration

Adjusting the ranges of the signal of the engine speed controllers (or, more commonly, ESC calibration) is important for proper operation. A sign of incorrect calibration of the regulators may be the immediate start of the motors with sufficiently supplied gas after arming.

Є two ways to regulate the “ESC end points” (zero position point and maximum throttle point).

  • Automatically adjusting ESC for all devices at once is the simplest.
  • The manual method individually adjusts the skin ESC regulator.

Try setting up the settings in automatic mode for the first time, if it doesn’t work, then try another method.

1. Automatic adjustment of engine regulators (all at once)

It is necessary to remove the propellers or otherwise ensure safety when the engines are switched on in a different way.

  • Turn down the gear and turn on the gas again, and then connect the on-board battery.
  • Wait for the controller to get excited - the LEDs will dim cyclically.
  • Disconnect the battery and then turn it off again to begin the ESC calibration process.
  • Having felt the first signal from the regulators, move the gas handle to the lower position. In this case, after 1 or 2 signals confirm, then smoothly begin to add gas, the engines immediately start and begin to turn around.
  • Remove the battery. the process is completed.

When switching on, immediately before switching on the life of the device, the track will be switched over so that the transmission of pressure is reduced, the gas is at a minimum. Otherwise, the recalibration procedure may be disrupted.

2. Manual calibration of ESC (Each ESC is calibrated individually).

  • It is necessary to remove the propellers and connect the ceramic regulator cables to the controller.
  • When the battery is low, connect the 3-wire plug of the ESC to the receiving channel (name channel No. 3).
  • Lower the gear and return the gas to full throttle.
  • Connect the battery to the ESC regulator and after you feel the signal from the regulators, move the throttle joystick to the down position, after which you will hear sound signals confirming the completion of calibration - this means that the ESC is turned off bookings.
  • Disconnect the battery and repeat the procedure for the skin ESC.

4. In some cases, after manual calibration, the ESC may fail to initialize when turned on (continuous beeping sound).
If this is the case, then try one automatic calibration.
5. Make sure that the ESC is properly calibrated when you connect the battery, there will be a continuous clunking noise from the motors.

Checking the engine pressure

Before turning on the power, ensure that the device is not damaged, so as not to get wet in your hands. This can be done by calibrating the gyroscopes until the calibration is detected. After turning on the life after the engines beeped, the indicator LEDs indicated that the calibration process was completed, the GPS position was stored, move the engine gas control knob, moving the entire hour down and to the right for 4 seconds. In this case, the red light-emitting diode is obliged to come from the fleeting state into the constant candlelight. This is the “arrangement” mode (“ Arming "), it is recommended to avoid injury due to sudden switching on of motors, only in this mode the motors can be started.
7. For “Rolling”, press the throttle down and to the left for 4 seconds.
8. If the motors do not “start up”, turn the trimmer over so that the trimmer is aligned in the center, try lowering the throttle trimmer one click lower and repeat the test. Current firmware may cause the system to prevent the engines from turning on, because the controller is faulty, the description of the calibration of the accelerometer, compass is not correct, the device is turned on when turned on and the gyroscope does not calibrate, because the GPS receiver does not store the position tsіyu. Mi not recommended Enable this check by changing the Arming check parameter

9. Poslya ", the engines start at the same time and gain speed proportionally until the gas handle is moved. If this is not the case, you must recalibrate the ESC.

Installing direct propeller wraps and checking the correct operation of the sensors.

1. On multi-rotor aircraft, propellers of the left and right wing are installed in pairs, do not mix propellers of different sizes and diameters. If you haven’t decided on your choice yet, take a look at the APC MR series propeller

2. Before installing the propellers, turn on the gears, connect the battery and turn over, and adjust the winding of the motors as needed, so that the stinks are wrapped in the straights, as shown in the diagram, and then install the screws. To change the direct winding of the motor, switch the positions of two of the three phases connected to the motor with the regulator.

3. For multi-rotor devices, it is very important to use perfectly balanced propellers. Such propellers create a minimum of vibration for the floor controller.

The procedure for connecting channels and installing screws in multi-rotor devices

the arrow in the center of the frame indicates straight forward on the line controller

CW - propeller that wraps behind the anniversary arrow, CCW - against

quadcopter ixta plus circuits

quadcopter "H-like frame"

hexa and octacopter, ix and plus circuits , 6 motor configuration of spin circuits

8 motor configuration of the octaquaid spin circuit

Front panel checks

If the battery is wet, connect the USB cable, run " Mission Planner » select « Connect » Then reverse the indicators.

  • There is an altitude indicator on the telemetry display that is supposed to show the actual altitude from the moment it is turned on. The barometric altitude is subject to change if the device is indestructible, the temperature is in the room, when the wind outside changes, the exhaust ventilation is turned on, or doors slam, the height readings can change by no more than one meter.
  • The compass indicator is responsible for showing the correct direction to the back of the light, which is located on the front of the APM controller. (Remember, you must use metal objects or electronic devices that create magnetic fields, which can lead to significant damage, check the directions of magnetic fields in different parts of your premises, possibly magnetic tourist compass).
  • If you are located outside the range of signal reception, the GPS receiver cannot determine its position, and therefore the exact position will not be displayed on the map (to store satellites, place the device just in the sky and check the pin).
  • Place the device on different sides to switch so that the horizon indicator on the panel indicates your location. View of the program " Mission Planner “It is broken up in such a manner as if you were digging the ground behind a camera installed on one of the controller’s platforms. When the vehicle is moving forward, the horizon on the indicator must rise (the display panel shows the view of the ground from the cockpit, or you can adjust it in the MIssion Planner program and call the style of the horizon indicator “Russian style”)
  • If the apparatus bends to the left, it is also guilty of bending to the left.

This check confirms that the sensors are operating normally, and the controller is correctly installed on the frame, that the motors and propellers are connected correctly, the machine can be installed before the first test run.

Checking the keratin level of the device in low gas mode.

On a windless day, install the device a few meters in front of you on a level, horizontal place, allowing at least 6 meters of free space in all directions.
Lower the gear, change gear settings, trimmers in the middle position, mode - STABILIZE, and then connect the on-board batteries. If you notice that you are 3 meters behind the device, select “arming”, holding the throttle down and all the way to the right for at least 4 seconds until the red indicator lights up continuously. If the field controller has not passed all the calibration specified above, “arming” may not be activated. After the red signal goes off, increase the gas as much as possible until the engines start turning (all engines start at the same time). Next, increase the gas as much as possible so that it does not cause a crash. After additional kerma (course), the correctness of turning left and right is checked. The frame can correctly sign your commands. Now turn the kick knob ( Pitch ),. If you throw the handle forward (uphill), the device is liable to rush forward and try to hit you. When the handle falls towards you, the model may fall on itself and fall towards you. I roll my hand ( Roll ) reverse the movement to the left and to the right - the movement of the model is responsible for directing the handle. To resolve any problems that may arise, first move on to the next step.

Before the first dance

· Do not fly over people, keep the aircraft at less than a kilogram, in case of an accident, injuries are inevitable.

· Earn money until the first day Attach a sign with your mobile phone number to the model. In times of illness, other people need to take responsibility for their actions. Once you find one, you can make arrangements with someone who knows about the wine city.

· During the assembly, adjustment and startup process, be careful of screws, rigid screws with a diameter of up to 8 inches are seriously unsafe.

· The legislation of many countries allows the launch of models no higher than 100 m, but by exceeding this height you run the risk of wasting the model and causing the loss of life in the aircraft. Note The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates the launch of aircraft models with radio controls, but the cordon for altitude is not specified. There is a demarcation that will block weeds near airports and other areas closed to weeds.

· Lithium batteries are prone to fire and damage. The cause of the vibration may be the jamming of power darts, overloading, overdischarging, mechanical damage to the outer casing, or internal locking. Do not carry or store batteries without an individual case, as the metal object may become stuck. Don’t try to spray it or pierce the battery, it’s swollen, there’s water there, there’s water there. Extinguishing a battery with water is the same as extinguishing a car with gasoline - it will burn near the water. Fired or dark batteries should be placed in a safe place.

Stage I

PID adjustment stabilization and their verification.

STABILIZE This is the main mode and obligatory wash during the hour of switching on and is necessary for “Arming”.
1. Try a short flight in the stabilization mode. Turn off the “arming” of the controller by holding the throttle down and the right hand for at least 4 seconds (at which point the red LED stops shining and burns steadily).
2. Increase the gas until the device is no longer floating on the ground. Try raising the model to a height of 1 - 2 meters above the ground and gently dispensing gas for an hour. Compensate for drift with roll and pitch. Reduce throttle and allow landing.

3. If in the above-described test your device does not stabilize well enough to be uninstalled - disconnect the battery, connect the USB cable between APM2 and your computer, run " Mission Planner" and press " Connect ", select the tab " Config/tuning", "Extended tuning",

And then in the list of PID traces you need to find the parameter “ rate roll P" "rate pitch P". Change this value, but no more than 10% at a time, increase the value at the same time"rate roll D" "rate pitch D" also 10% once per day off. The reporting process for adjusting PID descriptions is below, in the tuning section.

4. Repeat this check a number of times, completing the check of the coating on the roll and the pitch, doing a number of short weeds on small surfaces.
5. Make sure to press the button before the model behaves in the “Stabilization” mode and unlearn the settings before testing more current modes.

Possible problems that arise during the time of adjusting the stabilization mode and their improvement

The model is in a position that is elevated from horizontal, the device can be moved forward, backward and sideways when there is no wind.

  • the position of the controller is not horizontal (for example, through the USB cable when adjusting the LEVEL section for selecting the frame type)

Fix the controller horizontally or adjust the AHRS TRIM parameters to compensate for the deformation of the floor controller to the frame. Please note that AHRS TRIM is specified in radians. On an arducopter, it is strictly forbidden to use the trimer of the control panel to compensate for the wear of the device.

  • The traction centering of the frame is damaged (checked by installing it on a support in the center of traction, the center of traction is the crossbar of the diagonals of the corresponding motor axles)
  • The traction force is closed by motors. (it is verified by lifting the greater lower thrust in advance before changing, and applying it in the full gas mode on the shafts with an accuracy of the order of one gram)

II Stage of Politnih Adjustments

Checking the vibration level and testing the morning height mode

In order to evaluate the vibration pattern on your device, increase the RAW log value, enter the stabilization mode for 30 seconds, download the logs, import the logs using the log review function display accel x y z parameters in the diagram. In new firmware, the vibration log is called IMU

turning on the log before pouring:

select "IMU"

for older versions of Mission Planner c select "Default + IMU"

"full parameters list" has a trace ins_mpu6k_filter and set the value to 43Hz

To access flight logs on a computer with Arducopter 3.1 firmware, you can use the terminal window functionality,for firmware 3.2 and older, the terminal is not available for the APM controller, logs can be accessed via the “ MAVLINK »

As a result of the analysis of the extracted log, the following diagrams are obtained:

On the top picture there are unacceptable vibrations,

If the vibration on your frame requires a high flight controller, it will not be possible to ensure a decrease in height, vibrating the inertia system, until the reasons for the vibration are identified and the floor controller is installed on the vibration platform in the ALT mode HOLD and other automatic modes may not be safe.

Since the vibrations are small, then for most devices we recommend installing hardware noise suppression due to vibration ins_mpu6k_filter=20 , for irrigation not related to vibration levels

Automatic log analyzer

III Stage of political adjustments

Reversing the morning position ( GPS coordinate + height)

Be careful, you cannot start testing the height, position, and rotation modes without completing the advanced stages of the field adjustments!

The strength of the morning position lies:

  • Vikoristan clear navigation receiver, including radio transmission
  • correct adjustment of the position and calibration of the compass, the presence of permanent magnetic fields in the form of ferrite rings, magnets and power wiring

If the device does not lose its position and sometimes, instead of adjusting its position, it begins to go wild - the most obvious reason for the incorrect operation of the compass in the minds of the weed.

The very large radius of the diminished position is the movement of the device in quite direct directions. There are two officials here.
1. Please check that the navigation aid can catch up to 10 satellites or more, maybe even HDOP < 1,2
2. The amount of vibration along the X Y axes does not exceed the norm, current firmware uses data from accelerometers to calculate displacement, strong vibrations lead to crashes in the robot’s inertial system

Behind-the-scenes problems:

  • "Povniy is inadequate"

After replacing the controller firmware, go to the terminal and exit the initialization procedure for initial parameters (terminal, setup, reset). Without it, the motors may not turn on, the speed indicator may not show correctly, the telemetry may not function, and much more - absolutely any problems.

  • The device is losing its height too badly, it’s going downhill, the gas level in the stabilization mode is about 70%
  • The device is already “stretchy”, it is even sharply compressed at the lowest level of control, the gas level in the stabilization mode is close to 30%

Your machine and propeller group must be adjusted so that the level of gas is 50%, the recommended range of gas level is from 43% to 57%, with the level of gas being 30-40% insufficient and reacts very strongly to control, as a rule, the need for coarsening for rakhunok nalashtuvan. When the gas level is above 70%, the device, as a rule, is not able to stabilize, is easy to degass, and is not able to reduce the height of turbulence and low flows. You can see what kind of gas you have, which can be roughly controlled manually, just behind the “throttle trim” parameter after pouring, where the value is 430 - 570, where closer to 500 is better.

Butt, what happens if the thrust is incorrectly selected to your device:

2kg device with frame 550, ax4008, apc14*4.7 with battery 2S – high values PID, the device is stabilized by roll and pitch, but there is a decent wind of 5-7 m/s due to the ragged gloom with falling currents. so the axis one such flow came and pressed to the ground from a decent height, along the logs the height drops, the gas is fresh, two motors are at minimum, two are running at 100% (they are blown by the gale wind) the device is at the horizon, before reaching the ground . as a result, softly imprinted in the snow. The throttle trim parameter appeared close to 800. After installing a 3S battery, lowering the p i d rate, the device became controlled like a feather. throttle trim was close to 450 tobto. You can use an important battery on the Mayboot

  • A device with propellers of greater diameter and short changes, too sharp with a course
  • A device with propellers of even a large diameter and in short intervals begins to grow during landing

The rate of exchange rate stabilization is confirmed by the coefficient – ​​rate yaw p. A very high stabilization parameter behind the exchange rate can lead to disruption of the stabilization behind the course, so at the initial stage of adjusting the instructions for the calculations, the parameter should be changed. This is especially true if the maximum permissible size of propellers is installed on the frame - for example, if you install 14-inch propellers on a frame with a diagonal of 550, then change the size twice - otherwise the device may overflow at the start. If you always appreciate that the exchange rate control is not carried out intensively, this parameter can be increased.

AHRS_GPS_GAIN,0 The parameter informs the horizon correction system about those that need to adjust centrifugal accelerations in steep turns at speed. Values ​​1 = correction is increased, 0 = correction is decreased.

The result of this parameter is the alignment of the horizon line with an undamaged device, since the GPS does not perfectly store the position and drifts. With strong fluctuations in the GPS position, the roll can reach critical values.
For copters, this parameter, when set to one, is not required; the parameter is required for aircraft. Turning on high-speed aircraft for aerobatic flights in acrobatic mode.

INS_MPU6K_FILTER,20 turn on the hardware “vibration suppressor” after the vibrations on the frame have died down and the noise is normal, and then turn on the “noise suppressor”. A value of 43 means that a low level of damping (43Hz) is being vicorized, which is the value of the vikorist for the test field with the vibration log enabled. Since the vibration amplitude at the boundaries is 2 units of 10 units. scale - you can turn on filtering 20 for most frames. Blades can become even skies, maneuvers, and sports equipment for 3D aerobatics.

4. Adjustment of kernel and stability from food and roll:

There are many different types of bathing - a fractional three-piece when the motors change their tone for most of a second and hang like on a string like a fractional three-piece - through pumping or rate d (at least rate p)
As the device is very important, whether the wind blows it smoothly from a stable position (it behaves like being thrown on a fake hoop - I hit the stake) without an insufficient rate D (as the device does not glow and behaves like being thrown on log hoop - reverse the type of motor connection rami plus abo ix)
If you hang in the wind, there is no air, and a little bit of ice melts at one time or another for a second at an incredibly high rate d (or vibrations flow into the autopilot)
like the Primus device, little bits hit with a stick and instead of that, you can make a maneuver in one hand, work one or two, fade out the pitching, which means a little rate d

RATE coefficient

Regulating the position of the motors, correcting the tension of the engines due to the body fluidity (in the axes of pitch, roll, course)

roll pitch rate p - indicates how much pressure the date puts on the hem of the inertia of the frame;
roll pitch rate d - It means the dosage of energy for untwisting and trimming the propeller - the larger the diameter of the prop and the smaller the motor torque, the larger the parameter. order of magnitude of most changes 0.004 - 0.010
change the rate by no more than 10% at a time! don't worry about it, use the calculator

STAB coefficients

roll pitch stab p a parameter that indicates the sharpness of control from the remote control and automatic navigation. for sports models the order value is 4.5; for aerial photography and basic 3.5

P I D stock of arducopters

present in most patients.

P – main proportional coefficient.

D - rhubarb of cob, short-string inflow (usually straightening due to heel inertia)

IMAX - a range of milk correction that is preserved for a long time

I - value (speed) of the increase in the value of the interconnected IMAX

Typical malfunctions:

Sign: The APM does not complete the connection via USB and telemetry, during the procedure for importing parameters, the process stops, when turned on, the blue LED blinks and goes out, other LEDs do not alternate. With firmware 2.7 and earlier, the controller connects to Mission Planner.

Diagnostics: Check the presence of a voltage of 3.3 volts on the outer contacts of the I2C connector, normally the voltage is 3.2 - 3.4 volts. If there is less, for example, 1 volt, or more, for example, 4.8 volts, you will have a 3.3 volt stabilizer. The original Diydrones autopilots have a regulator that often goes wrong. This problem is not typical for APM modifications by the Megapilot group; we replaced the 3.3 stabilizer with a more reliable chip.

Repair: replacing a 3.3 volt stabilizer

Sign: In cold weather, the APM will appear to be moving above the horizontal when the unit is held horizontally.

Possible reasons: 1. Malfunction of the MPU6000 orientation processor. 2. Installed a low-voltage capacitor at the Lanczug charge pump MPU6000. Vitik struma through condensate or oxides on the board at high-voltage lancet charge pump.

repair: trace of the orientation processorMPU6000, remove the seat and solder it back, replace capacitor C13 with a capacitor with a capacity of 0.01 uF at a voltage of 50 volts. The capacitor on the board is located between the MPU6000 and the barometer.

Sign:Bad Compass Health- Red writing on the screen of the Mission Planner program. Shifts around like a compass of illnesses.

Possible reasons: 1.The compass is faulty or not connected. 2. When the external compass is connected, if the jumper is not cut, the internal compass is turned on.

Sign: Bad gyro health - Red writing on the Mission Planner screen. Gyroscope problems.

Possible reasons:

1. There is a lot of distortion - Malfunction of the MPU6000 orientation processor.

2. With Arducopter firmware 3.2 and older, please report that you have damaged the integrity of the controller at the time of calibrating the gyroscope when it is turned on. In whose case there is no wrongdoing. re-open the controller again. It is not possible to operate the flight controller while the sensors are being calibrated during the period of sensor calibration.

Operating instructions

initial multi-rotor device under the Arducopter


First of all, I had to spend a lot of time tinkering with the settings of Ardupilot APM 2.8 to perform my first flight in manual mode. It is important to note that this version is superior to the previous version 2.6 for the expansion of connectors and their indications. It is especially worthwhile to connect to an external compass.

Once the firmware is installed, you can install a connection to the Ardupilot and proceed with further configuration via USB.

The first thing I worked on was setting up Ardupilot APM 2.8 – calibrating the accelerometer and calibrating the radio transmission. This is the adjustment of one of the simplest, everyday problems and nuances. There is no sense in describing the process. All instructions are given on the retailer's website:

It’s a little less clear, although it’s really just as unimportant, the calibration of the ESC regulators. To connect the APM 2.8 board with the speed controllers and achieve precise control of the motors, you need a simple sequence of actions:

First of all, remove the propellers from the motors from safety.
The motors are installed on the frame, connected to the regulators, and, in turn, connected to the Ardupilot board.
The APM board does not need to be connected to the computer either via USB or via radio.

1. Enables radio transmission (at the time of calibration of the radio controllers, the radio circuit may already be calibrated). We set the throttle to maximum.
2. Take a Li-Po battery and connect it to the Power module connector to enhance the autopilot. The life of the regulators also ensures the safety of the battery.
3. Once APM is turned on, its blue and red LEDs shine like a police car. This signal signals readiness for calibration when switched on. The battery is removed from the Power module.
4. Includes life-giving. The regulators display a standard sound signal (the number of signals depends on the number of cans in the battery) and after a full hour of the day a short signal is heard, which confirms the calibration of the maximum gas.
5. Lower the throttle handle to the minimum position. The regulators produce one long signal, which confirms the calibration of the minimum gas.
6. At this point, the calibration of the regulators for APM 2.8 is completed and the efficiency of the motors can be checked.
7. We take gas to a minimum and keep the Ardupilot alive.

This procedure is to calibrate the regulators using the “all at once” scheme, which is sufficient for most ESC models.

As soon as the compass is calibrated, everything becomes more complicated. The APM 2.8 board has an internal magnetometer, which, in principle, can be used as the main compass. Ale because I have an external magnetometer in one case with a GPS receiver, less likely to use it. An important point when connecting an external compass: on the APM 2.8 board for new transmissions there is a connector directly under the connector for the GPS antenna. Therefore, it must be connected there, and not in the 12C socket, as in older versions.

I first tried to calibrate the APM 2.8 compass using the standard scheme, without worrying about the insanity of the external and internal compass. There was no mention of anything. The calibration process itself, although without any corrections and values ​​in the tridimensional coordinate system, appeared on the screen, yet the selection of these values ​​was absolutely incorrect, I would say inadequate. For normal calibration it is necessary to turn on the internal compass APM 2.8. The process is simple: you just need to remove the right-hand jumper from the GPS socket. Just wake up.
At which point the internal compass ceases to function and the fate of the external one is no longer the same.
Without an internal compass, the screen shows Compass 1 error: 99, but this does not in any way affect the calibration process of the external one.
For the first calibration, turn on the Use Auto Accept checkbox at the bottom of the window to select a higher value. Having reached 2000 -2500 value for the entire sphere, you can complete calibration.

At this point, the basic installations related to ownership are completed. The rest of the robot is mainly to adjust the parameters for correct behavior in the field.

This is a benefit to the Swedish start for the koristuvachs. Quadcopter firmware is already set to APM 2.6

install Mission Planner

Go to the Vanguard page and select the remaining version.

install the program

Follow the instructions until the installation of the program is completed. During the installation process, the program will automatically install the necessary drivers. If you have a problem with DirectX, then you need to update it. If you remove the advance, as shown in the picture below, select Install the driver to continue installing the program.

After installing the program, run it, it will automatically inform you when it is updated. Be kind, vikorize the remaining version of Mission Planner if possible

connect radio: PWM or PPM signals

Once Mission Planner is installed on your ground station, connect the APM to your computer via a micro-USB cable. Do not connect the wire to the USB hub, connect the wire to the computer.

After installing Mission Planner, connect via micro-USB APM from the Windows system, which will automatically detect and install drivers for the device, launch the software and select the port that will be indicated in the list, select the required speed (for 1 15200 baud/s) as shown to the baby

Select “connection” at the top right corner of the screen to enable MAVLINK parameters in APM, Mission Planner will display a window with data acquisition options.

Once initialization of the parameters is completed, it will probably be lost.

Turn down the transmission and switch to the flight mode (the flight controller needs the flight mode, regardless of the platform on an experimental basis) and set the control rods in the center.

The left stick controls throttle control (THR) and risk (Yaw), the right control controls roll (Roll) and pitch (Pitch). Three-position switch for controlled flow and flow.

In Mission Planner, select “Radio Calibrating”, click on “calibration” and in the lower right corner, Mission Planner will show that the battery is not connected, as are the engines with propellers.

Press “ok” and begin to roll the sticks into the skin from the sides to the edge, as well as a three-position switch. Keep an eye on the results; the red lines set the boundaries between the minimum and maximum values ​​of your radio transmission.

If all radio channel values ​​can show their minimum and maximum, press the “Done” program. Data is displayed in a side window, normal values ​​are around 1100 for minimum and 1900 for maximum.

Propeller mounting

The screws are re-fastened according to the configuration, they are installed in the rest of the room after everything is adjusted. The diagram is drawn lower and in the direction of the propellers and the torsional sides of the motors.
Configuration of quadcopters X and Plus Configurations
Quadcopter H frame Configuration
Tricopter Y Configurations
Hexacopter and octacopter Configurations
tricopter Y6

Forward information

Safety is the key to successful weeding. Be kind, read the information for safe watering before watering. Choose a safe device for watering and supplying people and always check the operation of all parts of the equipment and fastening before connecting the battery. Read the section "first flight" about arming and disarming the quadcopter, as well as the options for flying.

When everything is ready for watering, place the quadcopter on the right platform in front of you. Connect the charged LiPO battery to the outlets. Make sure you take care of the funeral so that it doesn’t cause “God’s flight” (wiki)

Stop when the battery is connected (by first plugging the equipment in with the gas flow at a minimum)