How to delete recently closed tabs in Yandex. How to retrieve recent contacts from the screen, shuffle programs, clear the list of USB storage devices

Lists of open files and connected USB devices, browser history, DNS cache - everything can be identified by using the tool. We have compiled step-by-step instructions on how to collect traces of your activity from different versions of Windows, Office and popular browsers. Finally, you will find a number of scripts that will help you automatically keep your car clean.

1. Clearing the lists of recent places and programs

Now let’s tidy up our lists of recent programs. The list of recent (often abused in Windows 10) programs is located in the main menu, and the list of recent places is in Explorer.

How can we recognize this inappropriateness? For Windows 7, right-click on the “Start” button, select “Power” and in the window that appears, uncheck the offending checkboxes in the “Privacy” section.

To clear the list of remaining places and documents, you need to go to the %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent directory. For which this command row and two commands are shown:

Cd %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent echo y | del *.*

Also, don’t forget to edit the directory %appdata%\microsoft\windows\recent\automaticdestinations\ . This saves the remaining files that appear in the jump list:

Cd %appdata%\microsoft\windows\recent\automaticdestinations\ echo y | del *.*

To ensure that the remaining files are cleared automatically when you log out, you need to enable the policy “Clear the history of documents recently opened when you log out”, which is located in the “Accessor Configuration\Administrative Templates\Start Menu and Panel” section zavdan."

Now let’s move on to Windows 10. You can open the list of added and frequently used programs through the “Options” window. Now go to the “Personalization” section, “Start” item. Take in everything that is there.

It seems that the problem has been solved, but, unfortunately, it is not entirely true. As soon as you enable these parameters again, all lists in the same warehouse appear again. He will have to enable this feature through group policy. Open gpedit.msc and go to the section “Correspondent configuration\Administrative templates\Start menu and taskbar”. Enable these policies:

  • “Cleaning up the list of programs that have recently been purchased for new users”;
  • “Clear the document log that was recently opened upon exit”;
  • "Clear the log notice on the plate when you exit";
  • “View the list of programs pinned to the Start menu.”

Clearing recent places in Windows 10 is simpler than in “since”. Open Explorer, go to the “View” tab and click the “Options” button. In the window, the options “Show recently searched files in the Quick Access panel” and “Show frequently searched folders in the Quick Access panel” are turned on. Don't forget to click the "Clear" button.

As simple as the task of cleaning the remaining objects, it can lead to a more difficult decision. Without editing group policies - nowhere.

2. Clear the list of USB storage devices

In some modes, you can connect a flash drive registered in the log to the computer. Moreover, as usual, the magazine itself is the most basic - paper. Then the computer itself does not block the connections of unregistered storage devices. I won’t limit it, I’ll just record it! And if, at the time of verification, it is revealed that the user will have problems by connecting unregistered storage devices.

We always do not want you to try to steal your secrets, but rather clear the list of people who have recently connected, which may be useful in other life situations. To get started, look at the following sections of the registry:


The axis of the stench is everything that you connect to your computer.

I wish I could just take it and clean everything. Alas, that was not the case! First of all, they allowed the whole register to be installed in such a way that you won’t see anything from the “semtsa”, not even talking about the “ten”.

In another way, the rights are given and allowed to be done manually for a long time, especially if you have a lot of money. Thirdly, the administrator’s rights will not help. A screenshot of more creations if I have completed the operation with administrator rights. Fourthly, in addition to these two sections, you need to clear another list of sections. Moreover, they need to be simply removed, but edited competently.

If you need to do everything manually for any reason, then look for the keywords MountPoints, MountedDevices DeviceClasses and RemovableMedia. It’s easier than ever to create a ready-made program so that everything can be done for you. On some forums, USBDeview is recommended. However, I protest and declare that she cleans information far from all the necessary sections. USBSTORі USB Continue with information about the devices you connected to.

I can recommend the program. Launch it by checking the “Get real cleaning” checkbox. The parameter “Save the .reg file associated with” can be turned on either, if the purpose is not to check the program, but to prepare for a future computer inspection, or rather turn it on.

The program not only cleans the registry, but also displays a report log of its actions (div. below). Once you finish the job, you won’t be left without the usual mysteries about connecting people to your computer.

3. Clear cache and browser history

The third point for our team is clearing the cache and browser history. There are no difficulties here - the skin browser allows you to reset the list of recently visited sites.

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Option 1. Go to the “site” to read all the materials on the site

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In Windows 10, when a user starts Windows Explorer, the “Swidget Access Panel” window (or Quick Access) opens, which contains a list of the remaining files and folders that are often accessed. As this innovation gives you some intricacies, there is a tool that will help you connect parts of the folder and recent files in the “Widden Access Panel” section.

Open the Explorer window and go to the “View” tab. Click the “Options” button, and then select “Change folder settings and search.”

This will bring up the settings for all Windows Explorer folders. At the bottom of the window (in the “Privacy” tab), you will see the “Privacy” section, which contains two parameters. One of them is for displaying recently accessed files on the Access panel, and the other is for displaying the folders you access most often. You can take offense at just one of them. Here you can clear all history, if necessary, so that Windows 10 begins to create files and folders from scratch.

If you enable both options on the Quick Access panel, you will no longer be able to pin the folder.

If you want the operating system to give you quick access to files and folders that are often accessed, but at the same time you don’t want Quick Access to display your favorite folders or files, you can select them manually. To do this, right-click on the folder/file and select “Remove from Quick access” in the context menu.

The selected item will no longer appear in the Quick Access panel, no matter how often you browse the file or folder.

Have a wonderful day!

Apple called iOS 8 the most advanced operating system for mobile devices. It is provided with additions and new functions: some of them were useful, and some of them were a lot of fun. For example, in the list of recent contacts with private access on the program switching screen. How can we make sure that the improvements in iOS 8 don’t become a driver for making life easier?

Retrieving recent contacts from the program shuffle screen

  1. When you press the “Dome” button, the program switching screen will appear. Navigate to the display of recent contacts at the top of the screen;
  2. Go to the “Settings” menu - “Mail, Addresses, Calendars” and select “Show in App Switcher”;
  3. A menu for managing contacts will appear on the screen: select the display of selected contacts or turn off the options;
  4. Final revision. Exiting Setup, pressing the “Home” button, turning to the screen, changing the add-ons and re-converting – the information that compromises is kept from third parties.

To update the display of contacts, in the menu “Setup” - “Mail, addresses, calendars” - “Display in remixed programs”, change the status to “added”.

As a matter of fact, many Apple phones have noticed that the remaining versions of the iOS operating system have a new feature - when the multi-tasking mode is active, your both recent contacts and contacts from the “Selected” list, which you have є.

Innovations, of course, are better and more handy, but in certain situations they can play evil with you. It’s easy to see one row in the history of calls, but there’s no way to see the axis with “Recents” in the top panel, which is how we can see the fact that you’ve been paired with someone else doesn’t know about it.

If you don’t care about this new feature, it can be easily enabled in the settings of your iPhone. About how to do it, read this short instruction.

Show the remaining calls and contacts

Adjusting the display in the taskbar of recent calls and recent contacts is even simpler, like everything else on the iPhone, but it’s not so easy to know. To turn off or grab recent calls or contacts from “Selected”, follow these simple steps.

Croc 1. Unlock your iPhone settings

In any way that suits you, open the settings of your iPhone, for example, by clicking on the icon with them "Nalastuvannya" on one of the smartphone screens.

Press the settings menu down to the item under the name "Mail, addresses, calendars" open it up.

In the submenu that appears as a result, you also need to scroll down the rows and find out in the menu with the title "CONTACT" I will name point 3 "Display at Switch programs" And it’s imperative to open it.

As a result of your actions, you will end up in the same settings that indicate the display of recent calls and contacts from the “Selected” in the task bar (or program panel) of your iPhone.

Procedure 2. Turn off or turn off the remaining calls

The most important thing - to know the details of the recent clicks - was lost in the past. In the menu that appeared as a result of your actions in the previous step, simply move the items to the positions you need.

You can collect the remaining calls from the screen, deleting your contacts, or work on the spot. Apparently, you can grab all your contacts, eliminating the empty space above running programs in the iPhone's taskbar.

In order to turn everything back and re-open the display of recent calls on the screen of your iPhone, simply move the settings to another bin.

The axis happens, they climbed someone else’s computer in search of compromising evidence on a good person, and found nothing. And now in the history of the remaining files you can see what you opened. It's a shame... In order not to throw away your honor and not waste your trust, take a look at these instructions on how to clear the recent documents folder on Windows 7.

Of course, it’s not possible to surf other people’s computers at all times. If you are aware of these statistics, they are at fault in everyone’s head, so not knowing is as shameful as delving into other people’s files.

Clear remaining documents Windows 7

In fact, everything is very simple. It’s so simple that I kept thinking about those who wanted to write about this article. Ale still decided to write.

In the near future, it is possible to disable the UAC security system notification. We all need to wait a little longer. And yet, I would recommend it.

Now, let’s figure out where Window 7 saves the rest of the documents. For this purpose, soak the trace. Then go to the appropriate address: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent (or C:\Koristuvachi\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent Documents).

If your operating system is located on another drive, and not on C, then you need to search on that drive instead.

From this “Recent Documents” folder, you can delete all or selected remaining open files in Windows 7. Moreover, you need to delete them later.

There is another way to clear remaining Windows 7 documents. Click "Start". Select the “Recent Documents” item there, press the right mouse button on this folder and select the “Clear list of recent documents” item. Then delete the files from the cat.

Another method to clear recent documents in Windows 7 is simpler than the first one, but the first one is given so that the other does not work.

Embed recent documents in Windows 7

If there is a need, you can install recent Windows 7 files. It’s even simpler.

Press the right mouse button on the command panel and select “Power.”

Then go to the “Start Menu” tab and uncheck the box “Save and display a list of items that recently appeared in the Start menu and on the taskbar.”

Then press the “Adjust” button on this window. In the window that has opened, look for the “Recent Documents” row and uncheck it. We press “Ok” here and repeat “Ok” at the front window.

That's it. If you click “Start”, there will be no item with recent documents. Files opened before you enabled this function will also appear. The remaining open documents in Windows 7 are disabled and not saved.