Remote control of surface temperature. Pyrometers for measuring temperature - what is it like to use? Most often, pirometry stagnates in special situations, which can be called

Nina instructs the industry to use contact methods to determine the methods of non-contact temperature measurement - pyrometers and thermal imagers.

- this means that the temperature of the thermal vibration of the object is modified, the purpose for displaying the temperature value on the indicator of the device or converting it into an analog or digital signal. Pyrometers measure the temperature of a circular zone surrounded by a field of vision and average the temperature within this zone. The visibility zone of the pyrometer lies between the distance to the object and the optical part of the pyrometer, so two parameters can be varied, using the pyrometer it is possible to vary both the temperature of a thin shot and the average temperature of the surface no car body in front of the factory.

Thermal imager
- by modifying the temperature of the thermal vibration of the object, by selecting the temperature value and transforming it into a visual picture of the distribution of thermal fields on the surface of the object. The thermal imager allows you to view detailed information - a thermal picture of a given area and a specific temperature value of an object whose size is larger or larger than the size of the elementary center of the field of view of the thermal imager.

Since 2000, for these additions, it is important or impossible to install contact temperature sensors of the Metran-200 series, the Metran PG introduces non-contact temperature control methods manufactured by Raytek (Nimeczina). The Raytek company is one of the leading companies in the world that specializes in the development and production of devices for non-contact temperature modification. The upcoming Metran PG plans, in collaboration with the company Raytek, to develop non-contact temperature control systems on a moisture-based vibration base.

The use of non-contact vibration methods allows you to measure the temperature of objects that are collapsing; objects distributed in highly accessible places; Unique poshkodzhenya individual vimiryuvannya under hourly control high temperatures; To avoid possible obstructions and damage to the frozen object, at a controlled temperature of the object, the integrity or sterility of the object cannot be damaged. When it is necessary to measure the temperature of microscopic objects, the heat capacity of which is small, the non-contact method of vibration allows you to eliminate the temperature change of the object, which is introduced by a contact method. The incomparable advantages of non-contact methods are temperature modification before contact ones:
high speed (up to 1 ms) - it is necessary to adjust the temperature of speed processes;
the possibility of changing the temperature of an object without any connection to the technological process - identifying overheating points that occur every hour of operation of the object;
It ensures the safety of personnel to adjust the temperature of objects that are under voltage, so that the robots vibrate on the stand and do not require the power supply to be turned off.

There are a number of technological processes, if the stagnation of contact sensors is impossible, in such cases the stagnation of perimeter is the same possible way temperature control. In case of emergency, if, for example, it is necessary to measure the temperature from 1800 to 3000 °C, the contact devices cannot be frozen, but non-contact devices can easily be damaged.

The functional capabilities of pyrometers allow, in addition to the flow temperature value, to record the maximum minimum temperature of the object, their difference, as well as the average temperature over a period of time. The availability of a digital interface for pyrometers (RS-232, RS-485, Hart protocol) allows you to reconfigure devices and control temperature values ​​directly from a personal computer. Special security software Pyrometers allows you to create graphs and form databases.

Pyrometers and thermal imagers are located in front of contact temperature sensors, both a number of advantages and some shortcomings - the importance of displaying the distance to the object, which varies, depending on the influence of the vibrating surface, in the bath should not be directly placed in the field of view of the pyrometer of the areas of the target object . In order to choose a vibrating method, you need to evaluate the pros and cons.

PG "Metran" today offers a great selection of portable, portable and stationary pyrometers for various applications, as well as an affordable thermal imager. The certificates of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, aids for the operation and methods of verifying the Russian language are presented. PG "Metran" will provide qualified technical support, servicing of products, providing repair services, periodic checking and calibration.

Portable thermometers measure temperatures in the range from -30°C to 3000°with a deviation of up to 0.75% of the measured value, can store up to 100 temperature values, and transmit the data to the digital output to a personal computer.

Stationary thermometers measure temperatures from -40°С to 3000° with a deviation of up to 0.3% of the measured value, optical resolution up to 300:1, adjustment hour up to 1 ms and output signals - thermocouples type J/K/E/N / T/R/S, 0-5, 4-20 mA, RS-485 or RS-232 interfaces, mechanical relay.

The thermal imager has the following technical characteristics:
uncooled microbolometric matrix 160 x 120 cores;
temperature range from 0 to 250 °C;
spectral range 7-14 µm;
RC display with three gradations of image brightness for different robotic minds;
optical separation ratio 90:1, minimum distance to the target 60 cm;
laser sight – pointing to the center of the shooting area;
memory of up to 100 photos and data;
hour uninterrupted work without recharging – 5 years;
zv'yazok z personal computer via USB port.

All these devices are specially designed and calibrated to solve problems of temperature fluctuations in the industry. Currently, the non-contact method of measuring temperature is widely in demand in the energy sector. It is used for diagnostics of electrical installations under voltage, technical maintenance of power supply. With the help of pyrometers and thermal imagers, you can quickly and safely monitor the temperature of electric motors, transformer housings, busbar casings, electrical substations, identify dry sections of high-voltage cable lines, control the temperature of electrical insulators. In the housing and communal services government, with the help of pyrometers and thermal imagers, it is possible to control the temperature of supply and intake pipes, measure the temperature of heating mains, identify the location of heat flows, and inspect the coating. The non-contact method of temperature control allows you to shorten the hour of temperature control and ensure the safety of personnel, prolong the term of service of the temperature control procedure and expand the range of temperature control. The low cost of a non-contact method of temperature control, its efficiency and accessibility make it possible to use thermometers and thermal imagers practically in any enterprise.

Due to its simplicity in operation, the wide range of temperatures that can be observed, the short operating time, the lack of need to contact the object, your functional abilities Non-contact methods of temperature measurement are not widely used, but there is only one possible method of temperature control, and then contact temperature sensors gradually begin to work.

Pirometry measures the temperature of an object using a non-contact method. The special feature of the pyrometer is its low price. To measure the temperature of an object, it is necessary to direct it to a new device, as a result of which its temperature is determined.


Pyrometers are classified according to special signs and divided into main types.

Behind the basic principle of this:
  • Optical devices that operate in the spectrum ranges of visible light and infrared invisible light.

1 - Lens
2 - Weak light filter
3 - Lamp
4 - Thread for frying the lamp
5 - Millivoltmeter
6 - Rheostat
7 - Motor rheostat
8 - Monochromatic light filter
9 - Eyepiece
10 - Ring handle for rheostat
11 - I will adjust the handle

The principle of its operation is based on the equal brightness of the object and the brightness of the thread, which is shown in advance. Pass the light from the heated object over the lens until it fits. Further along the eyepiece, be careful to keep the brightness of the object equal to the brightness of the temperature lamp filament.

This leveling is applied to monochromatic light, as a special light filter is created. The thread is heated by the battery, and the voltage is regulated by a rheostat. The temperature is determined by the readings of the millivoltmeter of the pyrometer, which is graduated in degrees depending on the tension of the thread.

  • Radiometry(infrared) in order to maintain the radiation method within the interval of infrared exchanges. Equipped with a laser indicator to ensure precision guidance.

1 - Lens
2 - Aperture
3 - Lamp
4 - Copper casing
5 - Housing
6 - Light filter
7 - Eyepiece
8 - Voltage
9 - Millivoltmeter
10 - Voltage

The principle of their operation is that thermal vibration from a heated object is captured and focused by a sensitive element of the device, which is connected to a thermocouple. The attachment is folded out of a body with a lens. The sensitive part of the Vikonan pyrometer is located on a cross-shaped platinum plate, to which 4 junctions of thermocouples are soldered, located near a thermopile.

When the sensitive element is cooled or heated, the thermocouple heats up. The thermocouple and platinum plate are located near the glass lamp, covered with a copper casing, in which there is an opening for thermal exchange that passes to the sensitive element. The ends of thermocouples are led behind the lamp base and connected to the terminal.

When pointing the thermometer, it is necessary to ensure that the object rests in the telescope and covers the field of view. The clarity of the image is achieved by changing the eyepiece. To protect people's eyes from bright light, clean them with a light filter. The screw is removed with a handle, so that there is a white terminal.

Optical devices also include:
  • Kvitov That is, multispectral, which acts as a way to equalize the energy of the brightness of an object with other areas of the spectrum. The smell will persist for at least two remaining plots.
  • Yaskravi pyrometry. They are called devices with a thread that disappears. The work is based on the constant vibration of the surface and the values ​​of the vibration of the thread through which the electric jet passes. The magnitude of the force of the stream is the value of the measured temperature of the object.
The method of targeting pyrometers is followed by:
  • With laser at sight.
  • With optical to the guidance.
By type of coefficient of vibration:
  • Z permanent coefficient.
  • For the sake of change coefficient.
For the moving method:
  • portable(mobile) to stagnate in the vibrator plots, where mobility is required for extinction. Designed for use in important climatic and industrial minds. There is a moving optical compartment, which allows you to measure the thermal state of objects with a size of 5 mm. Portable devices are installed in various areas of the industry to vary the temperature and follow complex technological processes associated with constant temperature conditions.

  • Inpatient Pyrometry, which is important for the important industry. Serve for continuous control over the process of fermentation of metals in the distillery, as well as the production of plastic elements. They should be installed in critically accessible places where it is impossible for the temperature sensors to become stagnant from the point of view of the safety of healthcare workers.

For operating temperature:
  • High temperature (More than +400 degrees). Serve for the removal of highly heated objects.
  • Low temperature (Up to -30 degrees). Serve to monitor body temperature at negative values.
Device and robot

The temperature can be adjusted various outbuildings, which is based on the contact model, and with the remote vibrating method. Pyrometers are adjusted according to the remote principle of operation.

Pyrometer standard vikonanny vikonano at the sight of a pistol. There is a small rare-crystal indicator on which information about the temperature parameters that are being measured is displayed.

The hand-held housing and control panel, laser-guided and advanced precision have made this tool popular among engineering and technical practitioners. The display can be either digital or analog. To ensure the necessary precision of the alignment, the diameter of the alignment surface is allowed to be no less than 15 mm

Set the thermometer function to ON:
  • Visual beep when the singing boundary of the world is within reach.
  • The highest and lowest values ​​among the series of extinctions.
  • Memory has been created to save information.

Innovative models of pyrometers equipped USB output transferring information to an external device or computer.

The function of the thermometer is to identify the thermal vents that are released from the surface that is heating up. The diagram of the extension is shown below.

1 — Vibrated object
2 - Thermal ventilation
3 - Optics
4 – Mirror
5 – Vidoshukach
6 - Axis of the video player
7 — Vimiruval-rachankovy device
8 - Electronic redesign
9 - Housing
10 - Button
11 - Sensor

Thermal ventilation is connected to the pyrometer sensor through a pipe. The sensor converts heat energy into a signal electric struma. The strength of this signal depends on the temperature of the object being monitored. The higher the temperature, the greater the amount of flow that enters the sensor.

Then the signal goes to the electronic switch, which supplies information to the rare crystal screen. One of the different types of pirometers is thermal imagers, which work on the principle of equalizing the spectrum of heat and transferring heat from the optical spectrum.

On the color screen there is a projection of the image as a result of the influx of thermal vibration of the objects that have sunk into the application area. Additional parameters of the spectrum are determined by the temperature values ​​and precisely monitor the dynamic change on the surface of the material. Thermal imagers have become popular for monitoring the functionality of burning housing units, as well as identifying the flow of heat flow that is in the living area.

Technical characteristics

The functioning of the pyrometers is accompanied by their own parameters, which are taken into account when choosing a model; the main parameters of these parameters will be discussed in the report.

Optichny dozvil

This parameter indicates the area of ​​the object to be tracked for temperature variation, and it should be kept in line with the lens, the larger the area of ​​the object being examined, the greater the possible area of ​​​​tracking with respect to the distance to the object.

The main goal of accurate investigation is to place the device on the surface that is vibrating. If the burial area is greater, the temperature will indicate a great loss. Optical separation is the value of the ratio of the size (diameter) of the stored pyrometer to the distance to the object.

This parameter is stored in the device model and varies within significant ranges: from 2:1 to 600:1. The indicator with a higher degree of differentiation is related to professional pyrometers, which are used to adjust the surface temperature in industrial production. For everyday minds, models of pyrometers with an optical split ratio of 10:1 are generally suitable.

Operating range

The value of the robotic range depends on the power of the sensor. Most often this parameter is between -30+360 degrees. For everyday needs, any type of thermometer is generally suitable, since in the combustion system the maximum heat transfer temperature does not exceed 110 degrees.


This value shows the difference between the temperature fluctuations and the difference between the correct adjustment of the equipment. The average accuracy of pyrometers is 2%.

Promotion coefficient

The relation between the pressure and heat transfer of the surface of the black body is called the heat transfer coefficient. Black shiny objects have a vibration coefficient that is higher than 0.95. Therefore, there are many ways to remotely adjust the temperature and adjust it by any amount.

However, when testing the temperature of an object carved from aluminum and polished to a high shine, the temperature value on the screen is very different from the operating temperature.

To ensure the necessary accuracy of monitoring the temperature regime, most devices are equipped with a laser insert, which ensures that the light beam is not in the center, but ensures optimal temperature control.

Wikoristan rules

After purchasing the device, be sure to carefully read the instructions that are supplied. The rules for setting up the rules are difficult. Incorrect use of the pyrometer will lead to death or malfunctions.

It is recommended that you follow these rules if you are using this device.
  • Squeeze the tool.
  • Direct the pipe to the surface of the pipe.
  • Use a laser mark to mark the boundaries between worlds.
  • After entering the operating mode, the temperature value will appear on the display. Depending on the design features, it will be necessary to store the data in the pyrometer memory and replace it with current data.

Most people are easily confused by the practicalities of a pyrometer. For companies that install and design autonomous heating systems, stinks have become a necessary accessory.

Vikoristannya Sphere

Pyrometers became widely popular due to the availability of heat power engineering: steam pipelines, heating mains, boilers, various heating devices.

They often use pyrometers in the electrical power industry to test the elements in distribution boards , cables and contact connections.

In metallurgical galuzia, such devices control the temperature of presses, benches, and furnaces. In the electronics industry, vicors are used to adjust the heating level of parts and circuit components.

Car enthusiasts use them to diagnose their car's engine. Other areas of use for this bark appliance include heating, transport components, and temperature when preserving food products.

When lining the spores and living quarters, the functioning of combustion, air conditioning and ventilation, control of refrigeration equipment, temperature control and indispensable aids.

Most often, pyrometers come to a standstill in special situations, among which can be called:
  • Operational temperature gauge.
  • Monitoring objects from low thermal capacity.
  • Control of elements that are blocked by sticking.
  • Vibration heating of a miniature object or a thin ball on the surface.
  • Special control of the heating parameters of the singing mechanism through the importance of the technological process.
  • Controls the state of elements that operate under electrical energy, which is often used in production.
  • Controlling the temperature of an object that is collapsing is especially effective using an additional thermometer, in conjunction with other devices.
  • Identification of heating in a critically accessible area or parts that are located on a significant surface. The thermometer will help to diagnose the necessary parameters with the necessary accuracy and on the stand.

The scope of popular devices for non-contact temperature measurement, so-called pyrometers, is very large, and can be found in industrial transport, metallurgy, energy, housing and communal services, medicine, everyday life, scientific research x, energy saving. We especially appreciate the vibrant industry itself, since there has long been a noticeable trend toward energy conservation, and the reduction of heat consumption has been increasing.

Pyrometers help to check for damage - they can manually detect “cold spots”, plots with poor thermal insulation, cracks in window and door panels, and diagnose scorching and ventilation systems using a non-contact method. Of course, where the handy tools come in are thermal imagers, but the “private guy” clearly doesn’t like the stench. And the axis perimeter costs inexpensively, and it doesn’t work so efficiently, but it copes with its tasks.

The principle of operation of any perimeter is based on the measured intensity of thermal vibration of an object from any non-transparent surface, important in the ranges of infrared vibration and visible light. The IR-T1 has a high visualization ratio (10:1, in practice this means that at a distance of 10 m it vibrates the temperature in an area with a diameter of 1 m) and a wide range of vizable temperatures, which includes the region of negative values. For such displays, the price looks even modest.

Infrared thermometer FLIR TG165 (non-contact thermometer)

The difference between thermometers and thermal imagers is simple. The first buildings capture only one temperature value per measurement, while the other ones immediately show an infrared image of the object without measuring the values. However, to measure the temperature of a skin point, a silicon sensor is required. How many points are measured - how many sensors and may be (the electronic “tricks” that are equipped with thermal imagers, in principle, do not pose a problem).

And just because of the number of sensors collected in a compact matrix, the greatest potential of any thermal imager lies. The cheapest models cost tens of thousands of rubles, while professional ones can cost hundreds of thousands. A thermal imager, at its simplest, is equipped with a full-fledged IR screen, can save data in memory and connect to a computer for image transfer and analysis.

Suchasni pirometry for measuring temperature using a non-contact method Be sure to change the temperature display in a remote way. The models are equipped with infrared vibration technology, which allows them to more accurately determine the value that is being identified. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple and after turning on the input, it receives data on a unique indicator of energy intensity, the vicor spectrum of the infrared type. A notable advantage of the pyrometer is the remarkably low price of this method. The model is directly placed on the surface, which is determined by the specification of the required medium and the size of the workbench, oven or any other device.

The device operates on the principle of an infraworm identifier. The effectiveness of the robot is based on the surface temperature indicator - the pyrometer indicates the characteristics of the object's vibration and shows the necessary numbers with great accuracy.

Where can I use a thermometer to measure temperature in a non-contact way?

It is unlikely that this device will be needed in an emergency situation where it is necessary to check the temperature reading. The proteometer is often used in the following situations:

  • If it is necessary to identify the temperature of a critically accessible area or object that is growing on a large scale, the device allows you to obtain the required data on a large scale (high accuracy of information is guaranteed );
  • The sphere has a different body temperature that collapses - other devices are not as effective as a thermometer;
  • What is important is the components that are under the influence of the electric current - devices that seem to often stagnate in numerical enterprises;
  • Tight control over the temperature indicator of a specific component of the unit - maintain the temperature indicator very carefully and the thermometer will significantly simplify the manufacturing process;
  • Variation of the temperature of a “folding” object of small size - the device is especially suitable for identifying a thin surface ball device;
  • Vibration of parts that cannot be touched by hands or objects;
  • Investigation of objects characterized by low thermal conductivity or thermal capacity;
  • Swiss world.

Which area of ​​activity requires a thermometer?

Most often, this device is used in enterprises such as heat and power plants, as well as all heating elements, boilers, heating lines or steam pipelines. Also, the thermometer can often be tested in the energy field, where it can be used to freeze the components of the transformer box, darts, contacts and cables under voltage. In metallurgy, the device can be used for furnaces, benches and presses, and the electronics area can be used to identify the level of heating of various components and parts.

Setting up the pyrometer in a robot

The pyrometer is ideally suited for the diagnostics of internal combustion engines, as well as for measuring the temperature of the electric motor and components of the transport unit. This device also improves the control of food production and “keeps track” of the conservation of food products. With the help of a pyrometer, you can clean your home and equipment, as well as check the heating, ventilation and air conditioning conditions. Vine is a wonderful aid in monitoring refrigeration equipment and dissipates the moving parts of the fire brigade.

What are the perimeters and how do they work?

From now on this device was installed to identify the temperature of very hot units in a non-contact manner - the device allows you to visually assess the state of the object. Currently, a number of different types of pyrometers have appeared:

  • Optical It helps to increase the temperature of a hot body by inspection without stagnating the additional units by additionally leveling the color of different objects.
  • Color or multi spectral. The principle of operation of this device is based on the search for the temperature parameter to help equalize thermal values ​​in equalized spectra.
  • Radiation. To identify the temperature, it is necessary to calculate the intensity of the amount of heat that is visible to the analyzed unit.

Whatever the body, whatever the temperature reading is above zero, it “sees” warmth. Pirometry different type conform to the precise design of the object. The most widely used infrared parameters or radios, which may be more sensitive, indicate the temperature less accurately. Technical capabilities are identified by the following parameters:

  • Separate buildings of optical type;
  • Temperature display range;
  • Indicator of calculated permission;
  • Fluidity of operation;
  • Accuracy of measurements to be carried out;
  • The intensity of prominence and the method of targeting an object.

To identify the thermal state of an object, you just need to point the device at the specific area of ​​the object (the thermometer will be on). The thermometer system focuses and “catch” the equal thermal flow, which means the temperature regime. The device receives an electrical signal and allows temperature data to be measured - the signal is “seen” in a secondary thermal converter and is processed by the system.

Professionals suggest that a pyrometer can identify a temperature indicator with a clear signal, which is determined by those that do not indicate the clarity of the middle or the diameter of the spots on which the pyrometer is straight.

Pirometry and our life

The preparation of vibrating devices has sufficient technical characteristics that allow one to accurately determine the temperature of the surface of the selected object. The devices can be either stationary or portable. The remaining option is for the devices to remain in the minds of industrial production and be used to relieve important minds and prevent injuries. This type of unit is characterized by a high optical resolution, which allows it to be used for more effective control of the temperature level or the technological cycle of the robot. I'll add a singing room.

As for the stationary option, you can find it in great enterprises. The stinks are operated in quiet galleys, requiring the organization of constant monitoring of the functioning of the singing structure. Most often, they should be installed in such places where it is impossible to install a contact-type sensor or it is necessary to improve the safety of the control of singing instructions.

Non-contact temperature measurements are required where it is impossible to measure temperature using other methods. Come out now Danish species even built for daily vibration. This type of device can be used to control the temperature of the vane unit of a train car or to control the heating level of a furnace in a workshop. The wide scope of use of the pirometric device is associated with its popularity in various industries - this helps to provide the operator with accurate data and allows for a more efficient organization of the work process.

Temperature is an important criterion when diagnosing problems in most types of equipment, from furnaces and steam boilers to freezers. As soon as the equipment is checked, it is revealed that the temperature of the controlled object is too low or high compared to the normal operating mode, but there is no warning about the possibility of an emergency situation.

Among the methods of temperature modification, two main ones can be seen: temperature modification by contact and non-contact methods. However, contact thermometers in many cases are too suitable for temperature measurement in real time, and the temperature measurement object may be located in a highly accessible location. The use of portable infrared thermometers eliminates these problems. The perimeter ensures precise measurements and is extremely easy to use. In case of daily contact with hot surfaces or objects that collapse. In fact, there is no shortage of good, inexpensive equipment for diagnosing and identifying minor problems before they become serious.

The principle of the pyrometer (Non-contact thermometer) is based on the dimming power of thermal vibration, so it is important to view the object in the ranges of visible light and infrared vibration.

Since the assortment of foreign and domestic devices is very large and, that is, adaptations for specific purposes, then the choice will clearly indicate what type of pyrometer is needed in the planned world. Stationary pyrometers provide even more accurate results and are even richer in functionality; however, they are not approved for testing in the field or in the field. Such pyrometers require calibration and adjustment, verification on blackbody models (absolutely black body), and, regardless of high reliability, accuracy and ease of measurement, as well as the reliability of the presentation of results, such a pyrometer is important always under your mother's hand. Nowadays, it is great to have compact, portable thermometers that allow you to easily measure temperature values ​​at a reasonable level of accuracy. In addition, when choosing between a portable and stationary industrial pyrometer, price, as well as the cost of industrial equipment, still plays a role.

Let's take a look at the main technical characteristics of pyrometers , where should we show respect before the hour of elections.

The first point is the temperature range, the value of which is planned to be controlled. Here the main role is played by the area of ​​stagnation and the change in temperature. Since the need for a high-quality pyrometer is limited, for example, to conducting an energy audit of the use and other temperatures in the minds of the average population, a temperature range of -30 to +50 °C will be completely satisfactory. Since the pyrometer is used to control the temperature at industrial sites, there are also required pyrometers that work with temperatures, which many times have a higher value. The temperature of the thermometer depends on this parameter.

Another point to be taken seriously is the separation of temperatures. In fact, the accuracy of the pyrometer reading is important, since this value characterizes the smallest temperature difference that is sensed by the pyrometer. Consider a number of different minds that contribute to the accuracy of the results, and the level of their influence can vary from hundreds of degrees to several degrees.

Rice. 1. Pyrometer Pro"sKit MT-4003

Rice. 2.

At choosing a pyrometer It is possible to select such a parameter as an indicator of learning. Depending on the size, the price will be adjusted. The indicator of visualization is the result of adjusting the diameter by controlling the equipment on the object, measuring the distance to the object and is indicated by D:S. The control flame is the minimum diameter of the protruding surface that is necessary for temperature control. In this way, a pyrometer with a higher reading indicator can measure the temperature of a smaller object beyond its geometric dimensions. To accurately measure the temperature, the size of the object must be re-sensed using a control device. For example, if the thermometer has a reading value of 1:100, this means that at a distance of 10 m the control zone becomes only 10 cm, at a distance of 2.5 m - 2.5 cm.

The same obligatory characteristic for everyone transmission devices- Operating temperature range. This parameter characterizes the temperature conditions of which devices can function normally and temperature changes will not affect the metrological parameters of the device. Selecting a thermometer with these characteristics ensures the ability to calibrate the device, which provides the ability to compensate for thermal shock, as well as preserve the accuracy of calibration across the entire range of operating temperatures at A slight change in the temperature of the medium from subjectively warm to cold and vice versa.

In addition to all the predictable characteristics, there is a sense of increased respect in the mind of the information presented. As a rule, any current thermometer has a PK display, on which the measurement data is displayed. For non-periodic vimirs, this number is sufficient.

What are the concerns about the ergonomics of current distance Infrared thermometers, then almost all of them are molded by hand to the body and controls. The widest form of housing is a pistol. I will do this in the best possible way for work.

In most models of pyrometers, the menu buttons and display are expanded to the touch screen - which allows you to touch them with just one finger. The trigger in these devices plays the role of the “start” button. In the pressed machine, the surface must be scanned after releasing the special function to clear the data on the display.

The table presents the technical characteristics of inexpensive budget models Pirometrive Chotirokh Vobroniv: Pro "SKIT, Axiomet, Mastech Tu Hioki. One class. In special parts of the rosenutich models of the pirometry, the pirometer PRO" SKIT MT-4003 (Fig. 1) is not somewhat disgusting in the management. All menu buttons are located on the side of the body. It will be easy to knead it with one hand. Also, there are five buttons on the panel, and not three, like HIOKI, one temperature setting can be changed without entering the menu. Another important feature of Pro'sKit MT-4003 from HIOKI and AXIOMET is the presence of a function for saving guesses.


Technical characteristics models of inexpensive budget pyrometers

Technical characteristics

HIOKI 3419-20

Pro"sKit MT-4003




Infrared, remote temperature monitoring

Precise non-contact temperature control. Vibration of temperature using a K-type thermocouple (contact method)

Precision non-contact temperature measurer


IEC60825-1:1993 + A1:1997 + A2:2001 CLASS 2 LASER

Laser 2nd safety class, tension

Laser 2nd safety class, tension

Temperature range

temperature -35 to +500 °C

Vіd -30 to +550 °C

View -32 to +480 °C

(pyrometer), from -50 to +1370 ° C (K-type thermocouple)

View -20 to +537 °C


±10% of value ± 2 °C for range from -35 to -0.1 °C ± 2% of value, or ± 2 °C for range from 0 to +500 °C

±(2 °C/4 F) for the range -30 to +100 °C ±2% ​​of the value for the range 101 to +550 °C

± 5 °C for the range from -32 to -20 °C ± 1.5% of value, ± 2°C for range from -20 to +200 °C ± 2.0% of value ± 2 °C for range from 200 to +200 °C +480 °C

± 2.5 °C for the range -20 to +50 °C ±1.5% of value, ±1°C for the range 50 to +537 °C

Discrete vimiru

0.1 °C (0.2 F)

0.5/1 °C (automatic vibration), 1 F

0.1 °C (0.1 F)

0.1 °C (0.1 F)

Get up working

View 60 cm to 30 m

Up to 12 m

Spectral characteristic

Type 6 to 14 µm

Type 6 to 14 µm

Type 8 to 14 µm

Type 8 to 14 µm


Laser 1 mW (max), red

Laser 1 mW (class 2), red

Laser 1 mW (class 2), red

Vizuvannya indicator

D:S = 8:1

D:S = 10:1

D:S = 13:1

D:S = 12:1

Heat compensation

Type 0.17 to 1.00 with discrete 0.01

From 0.1 to 1.00 in increments of 0.01


An hour of non-stop work

Approximately 55 years (manganese battery). Approximately 80 years old. (battery required) with laser turned on and lights turned on

Approximately 9 years old. when the laser and backlight are turned on

Additional functions

Display of max/min values, alarm function when the temperature goes beyond the set limits,

Display backlighting, memory saving (50 value)

Display of max/min values, alarm function for temperature output beyond the setting limits, display backlighting

Display of max/min values, alarm function for temperature output beyond the settings, display backlighting, memory saving up to 20 settings

Display of max/min value, display backlight

Dimensions (W x H x D)

46 x 172 x 118 mm

42 x 148 x 105 mm

56 x 175 x 118 mm

56 x 190 x 162 mm


220 g

157 g (with battery)

290 g (with battery)

267 g (with battery)

Among all the perimeter parameters reviewed, the AXIOMET AX-7530 (small 2) display probably displays the most parameters and settings at one time. Thermal displacement coefficient, flow temperature, vibration unit, laser sight indicator, battery charge indicator plus another row with menu parameters. At the bottom of the thermometer handle there is a connector for connecting a K-type contact thermocouple. The MASTECH MS 6530 (small 3) pyrometer varies in size. Similar to other models, it is larger in size, the handle is significantly longer, and the display is much larger. MASTECH MS 6530 has the most modest functionality. The optical resolution indicator is the highest in the AXIOMET AX-7530 pyrometer (13:1), and the lowest in the HIOKI 3419-20 (Fig. 4) (8:1).

In terms of ergonomics, the AXIOMET AX-7530 and HIOKI 3419-20 pyrometers are incredibly in the lead. Reception of colors to the body, manual form and control speak for the core of these models.

After an equalization of infrared pyrometers of one class, it is clear that the most expensive pyrometer trades off its technical performance for cheap models. This can be explained in class. Still, he’s Japanese! Until this update, there are no common complaints about functionality.

In all classes of different types of devices, it is difficult to keep track of the technical parameters. A noticeable difference can be seen when compared with professional pyrometers, in which the optical resolution reaches 50:1, and the vibration range reaches up to 1250 ° C and there is the possibility of synchronization with a PC. Moreover, their price clearly outweighs the price of budget models.