The speaker sound on the iPhone became quiet or disappeared. Cause the repair. Reasons for bad work: dynamics on iPhone Sound on iPhone 7 mutes from speaker


“Don’t worry, dial the number of a friend, colleague or acquaintance and change the functionality of the smartphone’s speaker “without leaving your hands”” - Dmitry, you won’t be allowed to open the box until you pay. It’s amazing, but I myself would have shut up like that when I bought 6s from the leaf fall of the past fate, and it was all in iCases:
At that point, I already knew that the 6s had a rare door that looked a little more dark than the top part of the screen. If you buy a phone and check before you pay money, the seller informs me that you can open the box only after payment, and if there will be some kind of door, then the device will be necessary in any case submit for examination, after what happens A decision has been made to repair and replace it with a new one. Open the box according to the Apple warranty.
In my opinion, at this point there would be a sale in advance of an unclear product. It would almost be like a confirmation from a representative of iCases, but it’s unlikely to be.

@w_maybach, when you pay for the goods - you open the box - in some cases you need to replace them
Otherwise, you can have any product with any shortage and just send it for examination by buying a TV - right there in the opening room - you don’t need to fake the screen - oops! vibachte, for examination!
and according to the POPP, the seller, when selling, is obliged to transfer technically valid goods, no matter what Apple can do, in order to comply with local laws, which are worthless in the territory of these laws.

@w_maybach After activation of the device, the Apple-based warranty begins. Unnecessarily opening the packaging is also related to the difficulties of further selling, if you immediately change your mind - few people want to buy the license and activate the phone

@Adversa Fortuna, I know, the seller told me the same thing, so I believe that I only need to turn it on for the screen to light up, activate it and enter any data, obviously without having to do it. I respect that I still have the right to convert, so that I can sell a technically useful device, and not a cat in a poke: I’ll open it right away, there will be a lover, and a device from the store for my 50 thousand (or how much I spent there, I don’t remember anymore ) go two steps away from the SC. This is the lighthouse.
I didn’t have any intention of changing my mind, I arrived for my orders and had already deposited a stack of ore bills, because I love it, then they themselves turn it over to Apple, since everything is ok, then I take it.

Before that, Dmitro suggests checking the speaker. I don’t know how to earn money without losing money in advance.

@w_maybach, through the dark upper part of the screen at 6s (the jamb is not rare, but ubiquitous), I changed it 5 times for a guarantee :) True, the action took place in Spain

@fantique, well, the axis was like that for a lot of people, as a result, without examination, etc. I remembered it, but I don’t remember what the store was called. I was afraid of something like this, so I wanted to check before that how to give away money (before speaking, I respect that I have the right to do so).

They were trying to fool you.
The law clearly states (not joking at once) that packaging is not required when the package is returned.
For example, they took me and my friend from Mvideo. We were immediately checked at the place, at the table for service. Completely verified with activation. As a result, my device is not catching the edge, everything is fine for me.
Without power supply they changed it to a new one.
Check with the store first. If they know the secret, they immediately change it. If you leave the store and your phone number is dead, check it out, the examination will take up to 14 days.

@Timsan, I'll clarify: I was not allowed to soak the device. There was no sense in taking it out of the box, but they didn’t want to let me open it anyway. It’s definitely not possible to turn it on.
Cellophane is not required when you go to the store for any reason.
I didn’t have any bad luck, to be honest, at least for a moment. I just after the robots had already arrived with the dying 5s (the food controller had punished me to live long), wanting to take away the pets. Vlasna, I spent a lot of money, carefully checked everything right in front of the seller, everything, fortunately, was ok :) It didn’t happen, Rozmova would have been completely different.

@w_maybach, then I’m so sure you check it without leaving the store. It is clear that you will have to pay first (although logic does not lend itself to this), or just straight away - having paid, go to the turning table and talk to a consultant, so everything is approx. Unfortunately, the hemorrhoids begin from the moment you say: “I’ll buy a new iPhone!”

@Dmitro Bardash, I’m absolutely not against it, unless you say to me: “You’ll just put a buck here in the cash register, and then open it. If you’re happy, we’ll take you for an examination for two years, after which you’ll get a new device or repair it.” Vibachte, in other words, the forms of depression and humiliation, like a salesman, in front of someone who carefully took the spittle.

It’s unacceptable if within the last hour you begin to notice a decrease in the brilliance of the sound. The speakers may wheeze, hiss, or produce some clattering noise. There are both built-in speakers on the front panel and one on the bottom of the smartphone.

Let's check the adjustment

For starters, a basic set of steps to diagnose sound quality.

1. Reconvert to select mode Don't bother (Nalashtuvannya – Don’t turbuvate) that Silent mode(remix on iPhone).

2. We reset the iPhone and set the sound level to maximum.

3. Bluetooth is turned on if other accessories are connected to it.

4. We check the sound of standard programs Music and Phone or problematic programs where there is a decrease in sound.

MYTH: It is important to note that in European iPhone models the speaker sound is quiet to comply with EU standards. Thus, European smartphones have Settings – Music – Bandwidth), but there is no concern about the volume of sound from the connected headphones.

Trivial cleaning

The most common cause of loss of sound is saws and wood that gets clogged in technological roses. Vaughn sinks there when wearing in guts or bags. Sometimes it is visible to the naked eye.

To independently remove confusion, you need to be very careful.

What you can do:

  • use a toothbrush for brushing and washing;
  • get stuck in and congested with a soft penzle;
  • try to pick up the saw with tweezers.

What is not possible:

  • Vicorize liquids and sprays to clean the speakers;
  • scratch with heads, violins, toothpicks;
  • Blow out the device yourself or seal the balloons in tight air.

Either way, you can consume everything and initiate irreversible processes such as oxidation of contacts before the parts and components of the smartphone are released from use.

Sharp objects can damage the dry structure and the speakers themselves, which can result in damage and compression.

However, on the iPhone 7 with a water-resistant body, it is not easy to use aggressive cleaning methods (cleaning, cleaning, compressed surfaces). In addition to the chance of damaging the dynamics, you may also destroy the ball of hydrochloric insulation.

Speakers and home

Water in our country is categorically contraindicated for any kind of technology. Until Apple says that the iPhone meets the IP68 standard, it cannot be completely stolen. Even if the device is purchased at home, it is possible to obtain warranty repairs.

It’s impossible to clean iPhone speakers no matter what!

With a couple of drops I’m going to hit the edge of the oldest iPhone. It is necessary to see the wool as if it were some kind of soft fabric.

What you can do:

  • use dry servers and gantry wipes for wiping monitors or eyepieces;
  • wipe the area with a dry kitchen or toilet towel;
  • blot the spots with a bundle of clothes, as if nothing else was available.

What is not possible:

  • vikoristovat paper servers, towels or toilet paper (pieces of wood in the warehouse may be free of debris);
  • wipe it down (you can seal the body with a flashlight or a buzzer);
  • get wet or be afraid of drops (the water can sink deeper into the structure, and the wet smartphone itself can slip out of your hands).

After serious wetness, serious external visits are required. Immediately wipe the body and open as directed. Now I’ll have to check out the vologa that I spent in the roses and dry.

Every time, do not dry the device with a hairdryer, with sunlight or with a burner.

This way you can easily destroy the battery, overheat sensitive elements to temperature changes, and destroy the adhesive and sealing seals in the middle of the case.

If the iPhone gets wet after drying, it’s too early to rejoice. You will be able to visit the service center here. Most of the vodka in the body, when hanging, can leave a coating of salts, house and other particles on the elements.

Over the course of this year, this layer will grow and destroy the components of the device. In the future, it will be even worse, it can be spent on expensive repairs, or the accessory will become completely irreparable.

It’s better to spend an hour and drop by the service center, so you’ll have peace of mind that everything will be fine with your iPhone.

What more can you do?

It may also happen that the sound of the speakers is distorted for another reason, but the vologist is not to blame for this. The speakers may be damaged if the iPhone falls on a hard surface. If the component does not lose traces of impact, the components may become damaged.

The speaker may be defective. For the first few months the sound can be clearly heard, but then the wheezing begins sharply.

In both situations, it’s better not to put it on the right side of the screen and bring the gadget for diagnostics.

And if you want to work on iPhones and Macs, you can tell the robots in the service center - go to the guys at FruitFix, the stinks are just waiting for the heavy masters.

Add some extra punch to your iPhone!

Why isn’t the loudness of the music on the iPhone overwhelming? You can solve the problem without adding an external speaker. This instruction talks about special adjustments in iOS that allow you to increase the volume of music on any iPhone model.

Important! I really appreciate that increasing the volume on the iPhone in this way will only work in the Music app.

Croc 1. Go to menu “ Setting up» → « Music».

Croc 2. Select section " Feedback» And make sure that your iPhone does not have the same thickness level. If necessary, turn off the jumper " Limitation of thickness (EC)» Set the iPhone volume to maximum.

Croc 3. Turn to the front menu " Music" and select a section " Equalizer».

Crocus 4. Place an ensign on the point Pіznya nіch».

Ready! Immediately after activating the equalizer, you can check the volume of your iPhone. Launch the “Music” program and begin creating any song. You will note in a melodious manner that the intensity has increased considerably. To more accurately evaluate the increase in thickness, you can go to the menu “ Setting up» → « Music» → « Equalizer» You can adjust the equalizer immediately before the music starts.

Today's telephones have not been victorious for their direct reasons for a long time. Now there is a music player, a video camera, a GPS navigator, etc. For growth, of course, the phones will stagnate, first and foremost. Ale navіt yakscho on the "iPhone 6" is a little bit rotten, which is the reason for the vindication of the ruler. Such expensive gadgets from Apple may sell well.

Unfortunately, there is no insurance for your telephone number. The new flagships iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are superior to this level.

Adding thickness

Let's get out of the banal. Unsatisfactory users can simply turn the sound quieter by pressing the volume change button on the side panel. In this case, you don’t need to unpair the iPhone 6. To set the maximum volume, you need to dial the phone and, just before ringing, use the main keys to increase the volume.

Judging by information on various forums, a simple action helps wealthy players: insert and remove the headset. If you help, it’s wonderful, if you don’t, then let’s go further.

Transportable spittle and chokhli

Another reason: the melt is transportable. After purchasing a new smartphone, there is always a blur on the screen, which I hope people don’t notice. You don’t want to worry about anything in order to preserve a beautiful external appearance, but you can simply turn off the speaker, which will cause a bit of an outbreak.

Chokhli can also distort the sound. Make sure they have an opening for the speaker, otherwise it gets clogged. Try cleaning it and test your phone again.

Clean the speaker sieve

If the mesh that closes the membrane and serves as a preventative against the liquid could become dirty, then to clean it, you need to use a cotton swab with alcohol or a toothbrush. Also try to blow it out and remove the smudge.

If the cleansing helped, it was miraculous. It’s true that the rubbish accumulates not just at the beginning, but in the middle. Therefore, sometimes you need to take your phone apart to clean the dirt from behind the strainer.

For disassembly, special twists of the “star” type are used. For everything you don't have, you'll have to go to the service center. If you don't need a tool, you can try to remove the cover yourself. But work carefully so as not to get stuck or tear the cable.

Did it help? If not, then let’s find out the reason.

Let's figure out the reason

It’s important to guess why it became a bit rotten on the iPhone 6. For example, after the gadget fell from your hands or you threw a bottle of water onto him. It is not turned off because the speakers have lost the sand after going to the beach. This robot could have been destroyed, but the ruler himself was most often to blame. The speakers themselves rarely work. Adje is a simple module, in which case there is especially no need.

Unfortunately, only a few homeowners can independently repair an iPhone 6. It’s impossible to do this without special twists, so the simplest and most laconic solution is to take the phone to a service center.

Moreover, as you definitely remember, the dynamics become louder after the fall, you can’t really rush. However, if you believe (or if you want to be sure) that the sound on the “iPhone 6” is bad after water has been spilled in the middle of the case, you must immediately turn on the phone, remove the battery and place the device in the server dark center In this case, there is a minimum that you can earn cinnamon. At most, dry the phone with a hairdryer for at least 5-10 minutes. Chantingly, during this hour the water evaporates from the middle. After all, it’s all the same to carry the phone to the master.

If it turns out that the water has drained inside and has shorted the contacts, you will have to install a new speaker on the iPhone 6. Call it inexpensive, but if you pay for it robotically, it won’t be so cheap. It also cannot be turned off because if it falls, no contact or cable can be seen. In this case, repairs will not be expensive.

Chi mozhe buti reason PZ?

Maybe. The iOS operating system itself is a miracle. It is well optimized, manually controlled, and constantly updated. However, jailbreaks are more popular among rich people. These are special programs that are installed on iOS. In other words – firmware.

Thus, they offer a lot of opportunities for hackers, including the ability to install great, cost-free programs that you would have to pay pennies for without jailbreaking. However, the firmware is unofficial software, and no one can guarantee its effectiveness. There is no need to be surprised that after any jailbreak, it will be very bad for the iPhone 6 to be updated. And although the problem in the software seems to be easy to solve, such a feature has its place.

Therefore, it is not recommended to install various types of software without need, which can harm the system. Well, the problem with the speaker is software in nature. In this case, iPhone 6 repair will not be necessary at all. You will simply install a new official security program through iTunes.

Before speaking, it is extremely rare that the official firmware may cause a problem. There were problems when new versions of Apple software damaged the phone. Therefore, you can try to upgrade to the latest version of the PZ. It’s amazing that you can solve the problem, but you should try it.

Nothing helped

If the jailbreak and installation of official software did not help, and, as before, the spyware on the iPhone 6 is clearly bad, then you will have to contact the service center or, since there is no guarantee, in case of privacy masternu.

Well, as a last resort, just use a dart headset (it will always come with your phone) or a bluetooth headset, and also stick with a good connection.

With the release of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, the list of important options for Apple's new smartphones continues to include "squelchy sound volume." However, its implementation misleads homeowners who consider two pairs of decorative mounts at the bottom of the case to be a stereo system. But in reality there is no stereo there.

As of 2016, the iPhone has said goodbye to the audio jack for headphones – that’s a fact. Instead of the large round opening, the lower edge is decorated with two garnets. It is logical to assume that there are speakers there, which help create a stereo effect when using the speaker system of a smartphone. Unfortunately, this is self-deception - if we look at the specifications on the official Apple website, it is clear that behind one (on the left side of the Lightning connector) there are decorative mounts there is only a microphone. And behind the other (on the right side) there is a single edge-firing speaker and an additional microphone.

Stereo sound in iPhone 7. iPhone 8, iPhone X, iPhone XR and iPhone XS is created by an additional speaker that is in charge of hearing, what kind of wear on the upper part of the device.

If you talk on the phone, your ear will hear an acoustic sound from only one of them, and if you turn on the music at full volume, you will begin to offend the device. Twice more energy - double the voiced sound, which is noticeable and when vikoristan the vocal link. Plus, Apple insists that the remaining iPhones have “increased dynamic range” compared to older models.

What about symmetrical edges at the bottom of the iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone X and iPhone XR?

For the sake of beauty, literally. More precisely, for the normal operation of the microphone, perforation was vitally important, so the designers simply added the same view on the other side, for symmetry. And there, melodiously, there will be breasts of saws piled up.

With the release of the iPhone XS, the sides became asymmetrical.

In the photo below are the ends of the iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR.