Subscribe to the VKontakte group. Script for re-verification of the koristuvach at the address of VKontakte. How to install a widget for VKontakte groups

Hello friends! At social measures Vkontakte has registered a lot of squatters and other people who regularly share photos, videos, thoughts with their friends and payers. And, let's say, they squandered vipadkovo on a similar profile, and how did you think so that your line of news showed all the news of this people? And maybe you were honored with recordings of some kind of sleepiness?

Let's take a look at the axis at once, how to subscribe to the side of the correspondent Vkontakte, or to the group, so that you can follow their updates from your page of news.

How to subscribe to a friend's side in VK

If a person denies the message that you sent a request for additional payment to friends, and on the button it will be written “You signed”.

If I accept your application and add it to the list of my friends, then the button will say "Your friends".

If a person doesn’t want to add you to a friend, then she’ll just ask, but if you do, you’ll be proud of her on the list of pre-payers, and you can marvel at the news and updates.

Instead of the "Add to friends" button, on the side of the koristuvach, you can use the "Subscribe" button. Press on it and on it it will be written "You signed".

In my opinion, the request for additional payment was not sent to these people, but to the accomplices, you can talk about it, that you have become a payer, and if you want, subscribe to your side, then you will become “friends”.

Subscribe to group updates

Like you were honored by the Vkontakte group, even if it’s just a payer, you know that the group is open.

Go to the main page and under the cover or press the avatar on the "Join to the group" button.

If someone writes to change to “You are a member of the group”, and in the lines all the news of the group will be shown.

If the group is closed, then you need to submit an application for membership, and if you praise the administrator, you will become a pre-payer. Even though the joint venture is private, you can only enter it at the request of the administration.

Okrim group, Vkontakte and public pages. To subscribe to them, you need to click on the “Subscribe” button, as it is stashed under the lining or the avatar.

Written on the button “Signed” means that you can follow the news of the party.

How to become a pre-payer koristuvach abo groupi on the phone

Yakshcho koristuetsya mobile supplement Vkontakte with your phone or tablet, you can subscribe to a person in this way.

Go to the main page of the profile and click on the avatar "Add to friends".

At the next weekend, you can enter a reminder, and confirm the strength of the application for adding to friends. І navit yakshcho koristuvach її vodhilit, all the same you can follow yoga news from your strіchtsі.

If a person does not accept an application, then go to the side, hit the "Application submitted" button. How to add, then there will be a button "You have friends."

Hello everyone! Today, I'll tell you about the red card for the site - a widget for VKontakte groups. I think, for the name, I already figured out what to kill the wine. Widget group VKontakte is a really cool thing if you want to get more people from your group for a help site. Zagalom, read all the details in the article.

Don't be surprised by those that I don't have a vicorist widget for groups on my site (maybe for free), it's still a good feature for the morning audience in the course of all the news.
Let's go in order.

Widget for Vkontakte groups

Otzhe, looking like this:

This widget is from my brother's site. It may be possible to expand, at the new wine stand at the sidebar (front column of the site).

About the cost of the widget for groups

The design of the VKontakte site has long been universal and immediately falls into the eye, which stuns the beast to a new respect. Yakby, I knew on my website and I got such a widget, subscribing to the group update.

It is easy to make wines and it's quick. A plus is those who visit the site, visit the site and mention the widget, chat with friends, like the stench of the same group, you will become an additional incentive to join it.

You can literally in one click sign up for a full account or public side. Before speech, I respect that it is more efficient for sites to win the public side (?).

Garazd, talk about the troubles, stink with such a rank we learned, I respect it.

How to install a widget for VKontakte groups?

Also, the installation instructions are similar to the installation instructions, to the point, raja to install them, as they have not yet installed.

Krok 1

Krok 2

Now we have our widget for groups.

It seems to be sent to our group to sleep in the first row.
On the "Type" item, select those that are appropriate. If you look at the page below, you can use the butt of the widget and change it.
Width and height do not require explanation, but these values ​​can be changed directly in the code, changing the "width" and "height" values.

Krok 3

Now let's install our widget on the website.

Those that I saw in red color should be placed in the “header.php” file (for wordpress). Place another code, which means green, place it there, wherever you want, so that the VKontakte group widget appears, please place it on the widget.

P.s. If you have already installed comments or VKontakte, then for everything you do not need to install the first part of the code to the one that is already installed with you.

From i all!
Like a bachite, the installation is even simpler and does not require a lot of time and zusil. The strength of the skin gets in the way of cym, but if you blame your nutrition, get back to me in the comments and I will gladly help you.

That's all, to the swedish zustrіches, good luck to you and that prosperity!

Cookies for today:

Funny video about the princess and the face

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The VKontakte prepayment is necessary for the transparency of the acquisition of new pages or new records of the correspondent. Information about the update should be taken directly from the line, which includes the need to identify the group itself or the profile of the person. At this article, we’ll figure out how to subscribe to VK on the side of the public.

To issue a koristuvach VK, it is necessary to add a sprig of simple diy:

  • Look at the side of the koristuvach.
  • Pid head side profile, press the "Add to friends" button.

The payment has been made. Navіt yakscho people vіdkine ask for friendship, news about її publications continue to go to the line.

Dovidka. As if when looking at the public record of a member of the socialist media under his head photo, he wrote “At your friends”, and new publications all the same did not appear on the line - the function of removing updates was disabled. In order to re-mark, it is necessary to click on the three points of the instruction from the letter and select the item “Show news (name of a friend)”.

Look over all the people for whom the subscription is issued, see at the “Friends” distribution, and “Applications from friends” have been added. There you need to go to the tab "Visitors", and if necessary, ask.

Group fee

Sob vykonati conceived, it is necessary to see the joint note, then under the avatar press “Subscribe” or “Join to the group”. If the group is closed, then under the head photo, press the "Apply" button. The administrators can take a look at the animals and praise the decision to accept the coristuvacha to the glory of their participants.

Dovidka. You can join the group without intermediary on the side of the joke. Sufficiently press the right-handed button in the name. It’s handy, if it’s necessary to subscribe to a copy of articles similar to the theme in order to take away a larger number of novelties from the strichtsy.

Dorimuyuchis induction of vkazіvok, vide without problems on updating the coristuvacha or splnoti VC. In the first case, the procedure is implemented through the submission of an application to friends, and in the other way, pressing the button on the side of the public or in the results of the search.