Mean height. CSS - Height of the block should be the same width. Access from one side of the element

The power of css width is set to the value of the width of the area in place of the element.

Width: value | vіdsotki | auto | inherit

The power of the css height is set to the height value of the element.

Height: height value | auto | inherit

Negative height and width values ​​are not allowed.

It would seem that everything is simple and understandable with the power of CSS, but in reality everything is not so simple.

Having given some element on the web page a width of 500px for the additional power, it does not mean that the overall width of this element will be 500 pixels and no more.

More importantly, it is necessary to understand, power width and height to set the width and height values ​​for the area in the room.

Width and height dominance - only one of the warehouses will be counted as the overall width and height of the element. You specify the width and height of the Content area so that you can see the next image. Also, the shape of the zagalnoy width and height take the fate of such power as padding, margin and border.

Tshomu can be easily crossed.

Let's, for example, take two blocks with the same width, and give one of them the additional power of padding.

width:100px + padding

Behind the captions, the web sides are subject to the rule that the padding value for the view side is added to the value of height and width.

Tobto. The overall width of the element will add up to the power value of the element's width and up to it, plus the values ​​of padding-left and padding-right.

For different types of elements, which can be used on the side, the overall width and height of the elements are taken into account for special formulas.

For different types of elements that can be seen on web pages, the width and height values ​​can have different behavior and values.

A similar situation will be with the same height.

height:100px + padding

CSS has a special algorithm that calculates the width and height values ​​for various elements on the web site. I won't bother with this algorithm, because wine is somewhat foldable.

At the same time, it’s smut for us to understand that the power of width and height is allowed to be applied from the width and height of the area itself to the place of the element, and not from the total width and height of the element.

Most HTML elements are usually assigned the same height and width. Setting these CSS parameters is easy, and the result is practical. Vykoristovuyutsya for tsgogo vіdomі vіdі vіdі vіdі vіdі vіstі vіstі height і width. However, in this area, we’ll talk about the unfixed width and height, or humov, so it’s fallow in the width of the window itself. Let's get started)


Power Sets the width of the HTML element to a single value. Values ​​can be assigned to pixels, widths (other values ​​vary more).

My Block (
width: 400px /* width 400 pixels */

But at the sights:

MyBlockPercent50 (
width: 50% /* 50% width in the width of the box or box (not in the middle of the box with a fixed width) */
color: #f1f1f1; /* light gray block */
Vidpovidno otrimuemo block, which will always be half the width of the Batkivsky.

Now about the native. Width may be the same parameters as specifying the maximum or minimum width. The power of min-width and max-width is reasonable. You can specify a value for pixels, for hundreds, and for other values. Data of authority is the basis for the creation of humic and adaptive design ().

Responsive design example. Marvel, changing the world of vision:

Tse I, obviously, got ahead of myself. Ale, you are guilty of understanding what is needed. Ta th mate the accepted result)

As you have already realized, for the help of these powers you can behave more with the elements on the side, not supporting them. How do you work? Let's take a look at the code.

Block (
max-width: 800px
background color: #f1f1f1; /* light gray block */
padding: 20px
A block with given powers at a width of 200 pixels will take the same value, but if the block is larger, for example, 1000 pixels, but instead, take its maximum width, then 800 pixels. Tobto will be increased, until the width of the Batkiv block is 801 pixels and more. Give the block block to your mother the maximum allowed width of 800 pixels.


Tsya power vіdpovіdaє for the height of the element. In terms of values, those adjectives for CSS are vindicated. Most of the time, these are the same pixels and pixels.

height: 200px; /* Block height will be 200 pixels */
padding: 10px /* Repeat for the step in the middle of the block =) */
Which is logical, you can specify the minimum and maximum height values ​​for the power element by min-height and max-height respectively.

max-height: 360px /* maximum block height */
min-height: 120px; /* Minimum block height */
Like a bachite, power is possible, and in most cases it is necessary to victorious in pairs.
Or combine values:

height: 100%; /* Height will always be 100% */
width: 760px /* and the axis width is fixed at 760 pixels */
If you have lost food, write in the comments!

For respect! Good luck at the crossroads!)

Height: 100%
Maybe, we’ll learn from what is simpler. If vikoristovuvati height: 100%? It’s true that it often sounds like a trifle in a different way: “How can I work so that my side takes up the entire height of the screen?”. Aje right?

For a better understanding of what height: 100% to the heights of the Batkiv element. Tse is not magical "the height of the whole world." So, if you want your element to take 100% of the height of the window, then insert height: 100% will be insufficient.

Why? And the fact that the father of your container is the body element, and the new power height is set to auto behind the lock; otzhe - yogo vysota dorivnyu vysota content. Of course, you can try adding height: 100% body, but that won't be enough either.

Why? And all the same, the father of the body element is the html element, which has the same power of height and auto and wine, it also expands under the content. And the axis is now, if you add height: 100% to the HTML element, then everything will work.

Has it become more sensible? The root element of html is not really the most important element on the side - it is "viewport". For simplicity, let's take into account what the browser window is. So the axis, if you set height: 100% to the html element, then the same thing, what to say - become the same height, like a browser window.

I suppose I will take the information in a small piece of code:

html, body, .container ( height: 100%; )
Ready. If you want to get into the topic, like a vlashtovanny viewport, I recommend .

And why does the Batkiv element have min-height power, and not height?
Recently, Roger Johansson described the problem of height: 100%, which is displayed if the Batkiv element does not set height, but min-height. I don’t want to go overboard with what was said in the article, but I’ll go right to the point. You need to install height: 1px for the father, so that the child element of the zmіg takes up the entire height, shown in min-height.

Parent ( min-height: 300px; height: 1px; /* Required to make the child 100% of the min-height */ ).child ( height: 100%; )
Example on jsFiddle.

For more details, for further information, see the article by Roger Johansson.

Width: 100%
Now let's take a look at width: 100%. For the cob, a little clarification: establishing power width: 100% We want our element to occupy the entire width of the Batkiv element. Mustache is standard.

Let me tell you a small secret. width, for tsієї domineering - not a very appropriate name. The power of width is the absolute size of the element, and the size of the element is the value of the size.

How to add padding and/or border to element 3 width: 100%, vіn cease to be placed in the Batkiv element. That's why the padding and the border and the axis that's why the width is responsible for being called content-width. And now, be kind, marvel at the butt, which demonstrates the verse.

Let's say the width of the dad is 25em, and the child element is 100% (from the width of the dad) and w also may padding equal to 1em (1em on the right and 1emzlіva, sum of 2em horizontally) and border size of 0.5em (0.5em on the right and 0.5emzlіva, sum), what the result is 25em (100%) + 2em + 1em = 28em.

Є 4 possible ways to solve the problem. The first i, singsongly, the best way - uniqueness of power width: 100%, more importantly, in this particular situation it is absolutely marne. If the child element is a block element, then it will automatically take the entire width of the dad (no problem with padding and border). However, as we work with the inline-block element, we can't just go wrong with this problem.

We can replace width: 100% for static expansion. Our vipad has 25 - (2+1) = 22em. Well, it’s a bad idea, because we need to calculate the width manually. Let's go another way!

The third way is to use calc() to tweak the width: width: calc(100% - 3em). Ale, it’s also not suitable. First, we still need to calculate the padding+border expansion. On the other hand, calc() is badly supported by browsers (does not work in IE 8, Safari 5, Opera 12, other Android browsers).

Idea number chotiri - winning power box-sizing: border-box. It changes the width and height of the element's width and height algorithm in such a way that they have the power of padding and border protected. Noticeable novelty, because box-sizing can be well supported by browsers (IE8+, Opera 7+). And for all other browsers, you can tweak the polyfill.

Visnovok: do not vicorist width: 100% without box-sizing: border-box.

How not to screw up from z-index.

All elements on the side are positioned in three planes: the vertical one and the horizontal axis, the main additional axis Z (depth). On the other hand, everything looks even simpler - elements with a larger z-index are found more than elements with a smaller z-index. Unfortunately, everything is more complicated. I swear that z-index is the greatest css power in history. And also, the problems associated with z-index are most common when working with CSS. I am inspired, that we can enlighten the way of their cherry.

For a start. The power of z-index has no effect on static elements. In order to be able to move the element along the Z axis, we need to change its position to relative, absolute chi fixed.

It is important to understand in z-index those that not all elements in the DOM tree are located on the same level. This means that changing the z-index of an element to a greater value does not guarantee that the rooms will be in the foreground. This is called the context of the overlay.

In simple words, the context of the overlay is, of its kind, a group based on one HTML element, in which all child elements have the same position in the context and the same z-index. Changing the z-index of an element can cause other elements to overlap with it, if you need it. The axis is how the elements are placed in one context of the overlay (from the bottom to the top):

  1. The background of the interelement that forms the context
  2. Child contexts overlay with negative z-index (least first)
  3. Elements not positioned
  4. Position elements according to z-index values, equal to auto or 0
  5. Positioning elements with a positive z-index
When the situation becomes unacceptable
Otzhe, we have looked at the basics of z-index, rozuminnya yah to spare you a couple of hours, already turn. Unfortunately, it's not enough. Then everything would be easier.

On the right, the overlay context can't have its own Z. For example, element A in context 1 and element B in context 2 can't interact via z-index. This means that element A, as part of the context of the overlay, that is at the very bottom of the overall context of the overlay, if it is not possible to override element B of the other context, which is higher for the rіven, navіt z already great z-index values.

Ale scho even hotter. The HTML element creates the root overlay context. Then the skin is not statically positioned element with the power of z-index is not equal to auto, it also creates its own overlay context. Nothing new. Ale de everything starts to collapse: deeds, in no way connected with the context of the imposition of css authority, also create new contexts. For example, power opacity.

Everything is correct, like opacity creates a new context for the overlay. Those same robbing the power of transform and perspective. I don’t want to feel like I want to, right? For example, if you have an element with opacity less than 1, or if there is any transformation, you could potentially blame the problem.

Unfortunately, a skin problem with a z-index can have its own context (no pun intended) that makes it impossible to achieve a universal solution.

Let's just say a short bag of the above:

  • Before changing the z-index, change that you have set the power position not equal to static
  • Don't tag more than 5 digits for the z-index value, it's completely stupid; in most cases, z-index value in area 10 will be more low enough
  • Perekonaytes, what element, which you want to cross, is in the same context of the overlay.
  • If everything is still wrong with you, if you can but, change your mind at the reality of transformations and the opacity is higher with the Batkiv elements.

On the subject, I also recommend reading What No One Told You About Z-index by Philip Walton and the official css spec.

The fight against the collapse of the steps

How can I get it - it's one of the glitches of CSS, which steals the most hours, so that I can figure it out why on the right. We can say that it looks like a bug from z-index. How could it not be there, the collapse of the steps - if the upper and lower steps of the two elements collapse into one (the largest of the two).

Luckily, as a rule, such behavior is correct. Possibly, that's how it works (as it is designated in the css specification). However, sometimes you don't want the vertical steps to collapse. In order to understand how to vanish, we wonder why it seems so. Collapsing vіdstupіv can be in three different fluctuations.

Susidni elements
If two sus_dnі elements mumble vertical steps - the stench collapses to the greatest їх. Є kіlka ways zabіgti clapping:
  • clear: left; float: left; (right those same practice)
  • display: inline-block

The jsFiddle example illustrates the work of fixes.

Father and the first / remaining child element
Sound, the upper part of the Batkiv and daughter elements collapse to the greatest. The same order is used for the rest of the child element and the lower steps. For the solution of this problem, there are also a few ways. Most of them rely on the addition of one of the advancing powers of the Batkiv element:
  • overflow: hidden (otherwise it's not visible)
  • padding: 1px (otherwise greater than 0)
  • border: 1px solid transparent (otherwise there might be another border)
  • float: left (right is the same)

The jsFiddle example illustrates the work of fixes.

Empty blocks
If the empty block cannot be between, padding`іv, heights, both upper and lower steps slam into one. So, otherwise, picking up empty blocks is a filthy practice, so it doesn’t happen often.
by Robert Nyman
  • Browserhacks by Tim Pietrusky and me
  • I am sure that the article helped to understand the deeds of the speech, as they can save you from the problems of the future.

    For promotions for block elements, an autowidth is set. Tse means that the element will be stretched horizontally evenly on the insoles, the insoles in the free space. The height of the block elements behind the promotions is set automatically, tobto. the browser stretches the area instead of vertically, to display the entire area. To set the scope's power to the element's place, you can change the power of the width and height .

    The CSS power width allows you to set the width of the area in place of the element, and the power height allows you to set the height of the area in place:

    Take care that the power of width and height determine the size of only the area together, in order to calculate the overall width of the block element, it is necessary to fold the width of the area together, the left and right inner doors and the width of the left and right frames. The same values ​​and the main height of the element, but all the values ​​are calculated vertically:

    naming the document

    For this paragraph, only the width and height are specified.

    This paragraph should be avenged, width and height, inner opening, frame and outer opening.


    At the butt, it is good to see that the other element takes up more space than the first. To look after our formula, then expand the first paragraph - 150x100 pixels, and expand the other paragraph:

    Headroom:5px+ 10px+ 100px+ 10px+ 5px= 130px
    elevation lower

    that is 180×130 pixels.

    Reordering elements

    After that, as you have assigned width and height for the element, you can change the values ​​for one important moment - instead, you can change the middle of the element, you can change the values ​​of the block. In this case, some part of the time goes beyond the border of the element, so that the unacceptable moment can be eliminated, you can speed up the CSS power to overflow . The power of overflow tells the browser how it is necessary to make it fluctuate, as if instead of a block, it will change the volume. Tsya power can take on one of the following meanings:

    • visible - the value, as it is selected by the browser for the lock. The indication of the meaning of the same effect is the same effect, as it is the essence of setting the power of overflow.
    • scroll - scroll to the smuga element vertically and horizontally.
    • auto - add swag for consumption.
    • hidden - add a part to go beyond the border of the block element.
    naming the document

    Height and element widthє quantities that are calculated. The leather element of the web page makes up a rectilinear area, like, in its own right, it consists of dekilkoh areas. content area (together), access areas, frame areaі irrigated areas element.

    Mіzh vmіstom element that yoga frame is instep padding , outside the element's border fields margin. The area is locally located near the skin element, other areas are neobov'yazykovymi.

    Rice. 1. Block model of the element

    1. Height of the element

    The power of height sets the height of the content of the block element and does not overlap with small elements display: inline; . The height of small elements is equal to the height of theirs. Negative values ​​are not allowed. Power does not decline.


    P (height: 100px;)

    2. Element Width

    The power of width sets the width of the content of the block element and does not overlap with small elements display: inline; . The width of the row elements is equal to the width in place. Negative values ​​are not allowed. Power does not decline.


    P (width: 100px;)

    3. Height and width of an absolutely positioned element

    Set the width and height of an absolutely positioned element position: absolute; which is necessary, the shards at the time of the height and width are implicitly assigned to the elements used. If an element has a border and a margin set to it, it will change the size of the area instead of the default value.

    Div ( background: #6A7690; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 50%; right: 0; ) /*in this position, the height of the element is 100%, the width is 50% in the parent block*/
    Rice. 2. Height and width of an absolutely positioned element

    4. Steps of the element

    For additional power of padding, you can set steps at once for several sides of the element in this order: . As the element may be the background, the wines will expand on the input of that number. Negative values ​​are not allowed. Power does not decline.

    For example, given three values, for example, div (padding: 10px 20px 30px;) , they are divided in this order: the first value is the upper entry, the other is the right and left entry, the third is the lower entry.
    If you set two values, for example, div (padding: 10px 20px;) , then first set the top and bottom margins, the other - right and left.
    One value, for example, div (padding: 10px;) sets the same padding for all sides of the element.


    P (Padding: 5px 10px 15px 10px;)

    4.1. Access from one side of the element

    To set access only from one side of the element, it is necessary to speed up one of the powers padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left, for example:

    P (padding-left: 10px;)

    5. Element margins

    More elements in one in one field. Margin power is a short form for writing the fields of an element in the following order: top, right, bottom, left. Vikoristovuєtsya at a vipadku, if it is necessary to set the fields on a large number of sides, but not obov'yazkovo z chotiriox. The vertically summed fields of block elements are collapsing, and the upper and lower fields do not have the same effect on small elements. Negative values ​​are allowed. Power does not decline.

    For example, three values ​​are given, for example, div (margin: 10px 20px 30px;) , they are divided in this order: the first value is the top field, the other is the right and left field, the third is the bottom field.
    If you set two values, for example, div (margin: 10px 20px;) , then first set the top and bottom margins, the other - right and left.
    One value, for example, div (margin: 10px;) , set the same margins on all sides of the element.

    (margin: 0 auto;) This makes it less likely that the element's width is set explicitly.

    Rice. 3. margin: auto; for an absolutely positioned element


    Div (margin: 5px 10px 2px 5px;)

    5.1. Margins from one side of the element

    The powers of margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left control the margins on the skin side of an element, for example:

    P (margin-left: 10px;)

    6. Exchange of width and height

    CSS also introduces a few more powers related to setting the height and width of web page elements: min-height , min-width , max-height and max-width . Power levels allow you to set the minimum and maximum values ​​for the width or height of the element, giving the element the ability to store the available space. Power is often used for responsive web page design. Zastosovuєtsya all elements, crim rows and table elements. Always follow the basic rule, tobto. after setting height or width to the element. Chi does not decline.

    You can ask for help of some loners in the world, and for the help of other loners, for example:

    Div ( width: 400px; max-width: 50%; )

    The element has a width of 400px , unless it is set to 50% of the width of the container block, otherwise the width will be changed.