Mobile transfer of pennies from Beeline to Beeline. How to transfer money from a phone to a phone: simple ways Transfer money to another phone number

There are many situations when it is necessary to quickly transfer money from one MTS number to another.

In this situation, the customer can deal with one of the simplest ways - simply transfer the money from your telephone account to another subscriber.

In this case, you only need a phone and a few basic rules for transferring money

Any subscriber, even the most obliging one, may have problems from time to time due to the lack of funds on the balance. In this case, it is not always possible to replenish the shells due to low objective reasons.

Of course, you can quickly renew your account using a bank card or through payment terminals, just like standing on your skin, otherwise your spondylosis may be in a distant forest or somewhere else locality, such methods are not suitable.

Please contact us about the new service for direct transfer of funds from number to number. Earning money doesn't cause problems because of words.

This material describes a number of basic methods transfer of funds from one MTS number to another for additional direct transmission option.

We transfer pennies from rackets to MTS rackets

By using the direct transfer service, you can transfer money from one number to another without any problems. Just pick up your smartphone and enter numbers on the keyboard * 112 * (telephone number of spivrozmovnik) * penny sum, Yaka shifts, maximum 300 rubles.

Afterwards, click on the click button. In case you didn’t get the point, we show the combination for the butt: *112*79121759234*250# . In the first place it is necessary to show respect for those how to transfer money from MTS to MTS.

Wait until you receive a notification on your phone that the operation has been completed. You will soon receive an SMS to confirm the operation and a code that you must enter to complete the transaction. You can simply send the code * 112 * rejection code #, And then dial the click button.

Basic principles of transferring funds from an MTS number to another MTS number

You can never get a job quickly for a number of reasons. To successfully complete the translation, you need to follow a number of important points:

  1. The amount of pennies you transfer is less than 300 rubles
  2. The rate of payment for services is equal to 7 rubles
  3. If you are a subscriber to the SuperMTS or SuperZero tariff pact, this service is not available to you, which is a great pity
  4. The price for delivery after transfer is no less than 90 rubles. Otherwise, you should be advised in the translation
  5. Today you can transfer no more than 1500 rubles (that’s 5 times 300)

We transfer money from an MTS number to another subscriber's number free of charge

Those who regularly replenish their shells can quickly get the job without hogs. 7 rubles must be paid once in order to obtain the number of connections to the base; at the right time, you can transfer the cost without cost.

Just send the operator a code with symbols * 114 * subscriber number * payment term, Where in each term write the numbers 1, 2, 3. They mean every day, week and month every day.

service tariff

While there is concern about the finality of this operation, then the koristuvach has a lot of confusion. The transfer is 7 rubles, in which case the bank is obliged to forfeit the minimum amount of pennies for this operation.

It is important to show respect for the fact that it is possible to perform a large number of such operations.

For some tariff plans, this operation is simply not available, including Super MTS and Super Zero.

Customers of these tariff plans cannot carry out transactions involving the transfer of money to other subscribers, but do not have the right to cancel the transfer to these tariffs from other tariff plans.

Hello, friends! If you don’t know how to transfer money from phone to phone, then this article is for you! This method is relevant if you want to improve the balance of your friend or loved one. So, let’s look at the transfer from the phone to the Oschadbank card.

To ensure the reliability of their subscribers, many mobile operators offer a variety of services: adding positions with zero balances, transferring and unprepared replenishment of accounts.

Vikonati translation is not so complicated, everything lies with the operator, whose services you are profiting from.
To transfer money to another number, you can quickly use special teams, the official website and notifications.
You can sign up for a shipment without a phone number, without a number, and without a fee. To do this, you need to go to the company’s website and log in.

Afterwards, go to the “payment and finance” section and click the “transfer” button. Also varto vkazati sumu, yak is to blame buti overreacted.


Transferring money from Megafon to Megafon doesn’t matter. You can earn it for a few bucks. If you are familiar with the same connections to your operator, then solve the problem using such actions.

The shortest method: combination * 133 * 300 * 89ХХХХХХХХХ #, where 300 is the amount of the insured amount, which the directory installs independently.
Complete processing and confirm payment by following the SMS prompts.

Let's look at all the ways:

  1. Setting up the following commands - from your mobile phone, dial * 133 * 170 * phone #. Instead of the number 170, enter the amount that needs to be sent. Then you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code, which you will receive from your confirmation.
  2. You can receive a transfer via SMS. For information about the phone number and money, please send to 3116.
  3. You can send a message through a special account. If so, you need to go to the “Services and Options” section, and from the additional services menu, select “transfer to another”. Provide the necessary information.

In this case, it is important to believe that a one-time payment is to blame no more than 500 rubles.

How to transfer money to MTS

To send pennies to the number, you can request special information and request an easy payment.

It's a simple way. For whom should I indicate? * 112 * required number * sum #. Once you receive a notification with a confirmation code.

A request for the required amount can be sent for additional information. To do this, enter in the address the contact number of the person you want to donate money to, and in the text - the transfer number 170.

replace the numbers 170 Bazhana sum is used. After this, you need to follow the notification instructions. On the website of the cashier operator you can quickly get the service "Easy payment"

The simplest method: USSD command * 111 * 7 #. Select the “direct transmission” menu item and follow the instructions. Confirm the command and wait for the money to be deposited on the market.

Select the New tab “Financial services and payments”. At the time of transfer, select a deposit to your mobile phone.

Then the subscriber number is entered. In this case, you can transfer your phone to another operator.
In a special account, pennies can be transferred from a card or transferred to a card. If it is a Sberbank card, then sending can take up to 5 days.

You will receive notification from 900 about payment transactions.

Please remember that with such transfers there are special commissions and exchange rates.

For example, a message sent to an MTS number will cost 10 rubles. If the shipment is arranged for another operator, then in addition to 10 rubles you will have to pay 4% of the payment amount.

The company offers its subscribers the following service: mobile portal. It is suitable for making quick, unprepared transfers.

To go there you do not need an Internet connection. You can dial the command * 115 # i viklik.
In this case, you can choose a number of options where the money is transferred. Dial 1 and click button.

After clicking on this number, pay for another number, and then enter the subscriber’s details, as well as the amount of the required transfer.

Select the special account tab to allow you to make payments from your bank account balance. In about an hour you will receive an SMS to send confirmation notification.

Renewal to another Tele2 phone

There are many ways to send money to a Tele2 subscriber.

Stink Axis:

  1. Establishment of a special team. For this you need to dial * 145 *, then the phone number and * sum #.
  2. Vikoristannaya options Mobile commerce. To quickly go to the operator’s website. To complete the transfer, select Payment for goods and services, and then mobile connection.

How to top up your account in Beeline

Now let's find out what is possible.

Subscribers of the company can earn a set of three ways:

  1. SMS for help. At 7878 you will receive a notification with the required number and the required amount. To confirm the operation, enter the instruction from the input representative.
  2. The efficiency of the USSD command is questioned. In any case, it’s not worth checking out on them. To transfer money, you need to dial * 145 *, number and * owner's sum #. There is an onslaught of clicks. Once you receive this, you will be notified of the transaction confirmation code. To complete the call you need to dial * 145 * code #.
  3. You can quickly access the service on the Groshi Beeline Internet. On the site you need to select Finance and payment, then penny transfers and all services. Find the option Transfer to another subscriber's account. Then select the operator and the item Transfer from the site. After this, you need to remember the contact of the owner, yours and the amount of the shipment. Then confirm your actions with an SMS password.

Transfer of pennies Motive

The motive is a stand-alone operator in Yekaterinburg and the region.

Translation can be done in the following ways:

  1. SMS for help. Create a notification with the text of the supporter's number and through the gap you need the amount. Send him to 1080. After this you will receive an SMS notification.
  2. Vickory USSD command. Dial * 104 * 108 * owner's number * sum # and call. In a couple of seconds confirmation will come. Please indicate your contact information without 8 or +7.

Why pennies may not be transferred

Now it’s clear in which situations you shouldn’t transfer money.

Causes may occur:

  • the amount required is not specified, but no less than a ruble and no more than 300;
  • you will lose a few pennies for storage after sending;
  • for access to other phones, you can overcharge no more than 1,500 rubles;
  • It is important to pay the commission as much as possible to collect the necessary surplus;
  • the application may have been sent to the wrong number. In this case, the preparation can be viewed on the official website of the operator. For this you need to submit your application.

If you transfer to the wrong person, you can go to the operator’s office and also write an explanation of why this happened.

Once you earn everything quickly, then turn the pennies with a draw.

If you know the simple ways of transferring, then if necessary, you will be able to save your loved ones from death.

How to transfer money from your phone to a card and what is possible

Transfer of additional SMS in Megafon to the card of Oschadbank (and not only) follows the scheme;

  • enter the card number, terminology, and transfer amount into the SMS text;
  • Notifications are sent to number 3116.

If you want to add anything else, please write in the comments. Share this information with your friends and subscribe to the latest blog!

That's all I have for today! Until new flowers and brown sustriches on the site!

How can I transfer money from one phone number to another?

    The MTS operator has a service - Easy payment, with the help of which you can use the MTS account to upgrade the profile of any operator in Russia and SND, the Beeline operator has a Mobile transfer service with the same functions, so you can also dial USSD commands ms for operators I can help you replenish your mobile phone. For example, from the Beeline account you can send money to the account of another operator using an additional SMS to the short number 7878. The SMS for the current date is XXX XXX XX XX 200, where XXX is the phone number, 200 is the transfer amount.

    Transfer of money from one mobile balance to another mobile balance is possible only in the middle of one mobile operator. For example, from MTS only to MTS, from Bliline only to Beeline, from Megafon only to Megafon, and so on.

    The skin steel operator has the necessary services, with the help of which you can easily make a penny transfer in the middle of the line.

    At the operator Beeline this service is called Mobile transfer. On the operator’s website you can find out the details on how to get started quickly.

    At the operator MTS the service is called Direct transmission.

    At the operator Megaphone tsk the service is called Mobile transfer.

    It is possible, most operators have the same ability to transfer money from one mobile phone to another, but again, for each operator, everything works differently. For example, on a megaphone you need to enter the following combination: * 133 * amount of rubles you want to transfer * number of the owner # and then press the Visa button. All telephone operators in a special account have the same function of transferring pennies, for example, at MTS it is called Direct Transfer, which can be found in the archive of services.

    My operator is Megafonquot ;. This service is called Mobile translationquot ;.

    To do this, dial the command * 133 * transfer amount * ten-digit telephone number of the person to whom you are transferring money # and press the key.

    for Megafon: * 133 * YYY * XXX XXX XX XX # wiklik

    YYY - more amount

    for Beeline: SMS to 7878 XXX XXX XX XX YYY or * 145 * YYY * XXX XXX XX XX # wiklik

    YYY - more amount

    XXX XXX XX XX - phone number

    It is possible, but in my opinion only between telephone numbers of one operator. For whom there is a special command. What is added up to a certain set of numbers and symbols. I think that the operator has his own team, and you can find out by calling the operator’s extension number. The jingle is costless and can be made from leather.

    For example, Beeline provides this service in two ways: mobile transfer and mobile payment.

    mobile translation. To activate this service, you need to call the operator at number 0611 and provide the operator with your passport details. The service is paid. Varto 5 rubles for a successful translation. The amount of transfer required is no more than 150 rubles at a time and no more than 300 rubles per additional amount. You may lose at least 60 rubles to replace your phone. To transfer funds, you need to dial * 145 * subscriber number without eight * transfer amount # sent a call. After you receive a notification on your phone with a three-digit code, you need to dial the command: * 145 * three-digit code # sent a call.

    mobile payment. This service allows you to transfer a maximum of 500 rubles at a time, no more than 500 rubles in 1 day. You will lose at least 10 rubles on your balance sheet. The service fee is 3% per transfer amount.

    More details can be found here.

    Previously, the transfer of pennies from one phone number to another was possible only in the middle of the line, so that pennies could be transferred only from Beeline to Beeline, from Megafon to Megafon, from MTS to MTS, from Tele 2 to Tele 2, and so on.

    Now you can make mobile transfers not only in the middle of the network, but from the number of one mobile operator to the telephone number of another mobile operator.

    For example, in order to transfer money from a phone number in Megafon to the number of another mobile operator, you need to dial the command * 133 * then indicate the transfer amount (star), give the ten-digit number of the landline phone number of the subscriber to whom the phone is assigned, squeeze onto the bars i viklik.

    Beeline uses a three-digit command for mobile transfer - *145* , At MTS - *115* , And then everything was the same as described above.

    You can transfer money not only in the middle, but also services if you transfer the connection to another operator. This is called mobile payment, and only this will be paid. Beeline has * 145 * subscriber's phone number in ten-digit format * amount in rubles # and call, and also exchange. In Megafon, you can only dial * 133, and then in Beeline. MTS has 115 with the same numbers and formats and easy payment for descriptions on the official website.

    Sometimes, in the past, I had to resort to mobile transfer when my friend ran out of money on his phone, and I was not able to deposit her money. We have both operators Megafonquot ;, you need to dial * 133 * numbers of pennies * phone number of the recipient without eight # and call. Groshes can be sent no more than 150 rubles; 5 rubles are deducted for service.

    Payments are not possible on phones of other operators.

Like other mobile phone operators, Megafon gives its subscribers the opportunity to quickly transfer money from one account to another. This service is available to all correspondents and is called “Mobile transfer”.

Service "Mobile translation" Megafon and its features

Using the “Mobile Transfer” service, at any time, by dialing a special command on your phone, you can transfer part of the funds from your account to the balance of another subscriber. Then, in this way, you can quickly replenish the money for a friend or relative, if he doesn’t have enough money and can’t put money into the money on his own.

This service will be so necessary if you decided to change your SIM card, and you have lost money on your old SIM card, which can be transferred to a new number and used for calls.

If the number to which the cash will be transferred is not in your area, but belongs to another Megafon region, then the transfer will be subject to the “Mobile Payments” service according to the rules and rates.

In addition, with the help of an additional mobile transfer, it is possible to replenish the balance not only of another Megafon subscriber, but also of subscribers of other mobile operators - Beeline, MTS, Tele2. Ale tse is already okrema topic for rozmovi.

How to transfer money from Megafon to another Megafon

Algorithm of offensive actions:

  1. The first step is to dial the command on your phone:
  2. * 133 * sum * owner number# I press the click button.

    For example: if you need to transfer money in the amount of 100 rubles to the number 89267773322, you need to dial * 133 * 100 * 89267773322 #

  3. Another shortcut is to check for SMS.

SMS confirmation may be available:

  • How the money was sent to another Megafon subscriber in your home region, then you will receive notifications that the transfer of successful activities.
  • How the money was sent to a subscriber in another region Or a subscriber of another mobile operator, then you will receive an SMS with notifications that “Record acceptance for processing. Stay tuned for confirmation." In this case, you need to check until you receive a special SMS with a code that you must enter to confirm the operation.

* 133 * confirmation code# I press the click button

You may marvel at how much more powerful it is to create a video server:

Umovi "Mobile translation"

  • The service is connected to all subscribers for payment.
  • To connect you need to dial USSD request * 105 * 220 #
  • To connect again - * 105 * 220 * 0 #
  • The maximum amount for transfer is 500 rubles.
  • Commission: 5 rub. regardless of the transfer to the Megafon subscriber number in your region; 2-6% of the amount transferred to the subscriber number of another operator.

Let’s talk with you today about how to quickly and cheaply earn money by transferring pennies from Megafon to Megafon. What day is it? You also chose Megafon as your operator, right? Well, I see, we have a wonderful taste with you!

How could it be otherwise? Adequate tariffs and excellent customer service are supported by Megafon’s outstanding services, which provide us with service throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

And Megafon also offers us, its subscribers, not only the ideal capacity and attractive tariff plans, but also the absence of unnecessary options, functions and services.

One of these functions, designed to make our life with you simpler and more comfortable, is the ability transfer money from one Megafon account to another. Well, wait a minute, it’s really handy.

It is often necessary to literally transfer pennies to someone so that you can spend the entire hour in contact with the people you need or your loved ones. I hope that not everyone has the opportunity to restore their speed at some point.

In the zagalny, transfer of pennies from Megafon to Megafon- This is a good way to not only talk about your loved ones, but also solve your own problems.

How can I transfer money from one Megafon account to another?

The newness is immediately welcome. At Megafon, transferring pennies from phone to phone can be done in more than one way, in two ways, And the insult is simple and easy.

The main principle of this principle is the amount of commissions that will be taken from those who transfer money to other clients. Well, and in addition, for the skin version there are differences in the maximum transfer per month.

However, let’s take a closer look at their skins, and everything will become clearer to you.

1. “Mobile transfer” via Megafon

“Mobile transfer” is the first of two fortune-telling ways to earn money transfer from Megafon to Megafon. So be it, “Swidka help” other people in the situation where they have unexpectedly run out of finances on their balance sheet.

In this case the translation is affected for treatment of illness, Don't wait a second.

The peculiarity of this scheme is that this method of transferring pennies does not only work for transferring pennies between Megafon subscribers.

Through “Mobile Transfer” you can also send money to numbers of other operators in Russia!

To transfer from number to number, you need to dial USSD-required behind the diagram: ✶133✶transfer amount✶subscriber number#.

Here the phrase " sum to transfer"You need to replace the designated sums that need to be translated, and the words" subscriber number"- addressee number.

In this case, you need to enter the phone number without the international format, so that +7 is not difficult to dial from scratch. If you want to write in any other format, including international, the “reading” system and your translation will still be processed.

Be respectful!

This combination of signs is active Mittevy perekaz The amount you assigned to the required number!

No one will ask you to confirm the correctness of the entry! And here it’s a headache - don’t have mercy in dialing the number, so as not to transfer money to someone else.


Commission collection in this category is obligatory, and in case of “Mobile transfer” warehouse exactly 5 rubles.

With this the amount of the commission is absolutely not subject to the transfer fee, Since the translation is carried out within the framework of the Capital branch of the Megafon company.

And the axis, when translated into numbers, is known in the area of ​​other Megafon subsidiaries, The commission fee that will be collected from you is already in stock 5-15 rubles, in lieu of a hidden sum perekaz.

This means that the Megafon company is in fact not a single tax payer, but at least one of the independent ones in the financial sense of the fili.

From 2 to 6% of the amount charge a commission fee for transferring between different branches of Megafon or else for transfer to a subscriber of another operator- this translation is so very possible, and there will be a lot of money.

Maximum transfer amount

The Megafon company has a contract for transferring amounts between subscriber numbers for the “Mobile transfer” service. Maximum payment at once for traders of the same branch of Megafon - no more 500 rubles. For subscribers of different MegaFon branches, or between different operators, the transfer at a time can reach the amount up to 5,000 rubles.

There is also a basic exchange for a thousand-dollar amount of transfer between the balances of different accounts:

  • for members of one regional branch of Megafon The monthly limit is set to 5,000 rubles,
  • for regional borders of different regional branches there is a limit of one thousand 15,000 rubles.

Peculiarities and limitations of the “Mobile transfer” service

  • The “Mobile Transfer” service is only available within the territory of Russia; in roaming mode, such transfer will not be available.
  • In addition, the “Mobile Transfer” service cannot be used quickly by legal entities, as well as by holders of corporate tariff packages and cashiers, who contribute to the importance of the credit system of the Russian Federation, since you need such a service regularly, or rather You have a different tariff plan for yourself.
  • When transferring from number to number within the Megafon company, the minimum transfer amount becomes 1 ruble, in which case the surplus for transfer after transfer is not less than 30 rubles, otherwise the transfer will be processed automatically.

By reaching out, a subscriber can make up to 5 such mobile transfers, in addition, the ability to speed up this proposal with Megafon does not require a special connection before the service or payment for the connection of such an opportunity!

I axis still. Type of service: Mobile translation You can be sure that you are not going to become a victor. And you will block the ability for your number to send money to other subscribers. Zokrema, similar blocking of services can sometimes protect you, for example, in the form of cheating.

2. “Penny transfers.” Transfer of pennies from Megafon to Megafon via SMS

I don’t know about you, but I’m especially not interested in the long and difficult USSD requests that I have to do for this necessary transfer. That’s why I myself am offering another option for transferring pennies from Megafon.

Instead of formatting USSD requests, I request SMS notifications that need to be sent freely to the service number of the Megafon company. In this case, the translation will be carried out according to the rules of correspondence. Groshov's retellings».

Be respectful. Such transfers are only available to Megafon subscribers. Other mobile operators nervously smoke aside. And if you are a Megafon subscriber who receives your payment, you can transfer money to another number using the additional “Penny Transfer”.

To arrange a transfer of pennies from Megafon to Megafon, you will need:

  • enter in the text field the phone number of the recipient who needs to transfer the sum
  • and through a space - the amount will be transferred
  • Then send this text to the number 3116 .

With this transfer option, the phone number must be indicated in ten-digit format, without inserting the country code and without the first letter.

And I’ll tell you the amount after the number. І through space.


Let’s say you need to send 900 rubles to the number +7 921 1234567. To use the additional service “Mobile Transfer” via Megafon, you will need to dial the following SMS notification:

9211234567 900

І send this notification to the number 3116

The method of transferring pennies to Megafon via SMS is good because it works not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the territory of the entire SND!

However, this has its minus. On the right commission will be significantly larger, lower when “ mobile translation", І stock won 8,5% I will sum it up.

The transfer for the additional SMS is issued as quickly as it is requested for the transfer, the action for the additional USSD is requested. Tobto, practically mittevo.


Let's get the pouch. If you need to transfer money from phone to phone, Megafon gives you two main ways to earn money.

“Mobile transfer”, which is activated for additional sending of USSD notification, and “Penny transfer”, which is activated for additional SMS notification. Which one should you choose to transfer money from your phone to your Megafon phone?

Well, we just don’t have to guess that if you have a few “lost” pennies in your Megafon bank account, then you can transfer them not only to Megafon, but also to other mobile communication channels. Well, for example, on Beeline or MTS. Or even better. Transfer them from Megafon to a bank card. I buy my own ice cream or chocolate