". Luntik and yoga friends - “who is such a piskar and why is the toad a princess?” Older generation of characters

Hello everyone!
I have a young sister, how much I love the cartoon "Luntik"! I don’t blame, I love to marvel at yoga)

Animation of names in honor of the main character - Luntik. (About the heroes - pіznіshe)
Falling down for a month and leaning in the unknown unknown world of light!
Together with your friends, you will grow new, helping the inhabitants of Galyavintsi and the country with friends.

Luntik - a four-hued bunker, which may have a non-standard erysipelas color of his body, slithered on the Moon and fell from it to the Earth. I live in the willow, on the forest galyavin I bet at the same time with the other dribniy clods.

The inhabitants of Galyavin already fell in love with Luntik for his kindness, hospitality, chuynist and exercise to come to the rescue of those who need it. Vin succumbed to Elin's snowstorm. Prove that you take your ticket, write verses, give gifts.

Let's move on to the heroes.

1 - Luntik

- “If you don’t know what your name is, then we ourselves will invent you! Yake you want? »
- “If I am a monthly bjola, then I can have a month”
- “Yes, yes, now. Lunaputik, Lunatsupik, Panalutik, Lutatutik ... Thu, the language is already evil! »
- “Kuzya, did you crack your tongue through me?”
- “That tse say so! Check it out, Luntik, don't be jealous! »
- “Luntik? And scho, me podaєtsya tse im'ya! Give me a call! »
- "Luntik!"
- "Gay Luntik!"
- "It's great, now I have the same name"

Such a dialogue was spent between Luntik and his friends, if the stench was invented by Luntik.

Luntik - tse monthly bjola. Vіn buzkovogo koloru and z looked even more soft and fluffy!

2 - Kuzya
Kuzya is Luntik's best friend. Kuzya - tse cheerful and hollow horse!

In this photo, the stink at once from Luntik is showing the caterpillars!

3 little bees

Another friend of Luntik and Kuzi
The oldest friend of Luntik
Vіn already go to school and show sympathy to Mila

4 - Mila
Sonechko - Mila, sweetheart.

- "Tse Mila!"
- "That's cute!"

Be friends with girlfriends - snowstorms and with Luntik and yoga friends.

5 - Baba Kapa and Dida Sher

Granny and baby Luntik. It’s a joy that the new one now has a grandmother with a child - he has confused their names!

6 - Korniy Korniyovych

Tse good and wise worm. Live in numerical holes under the earth.

7 - Uncle Shnyukov (Pavuk Shnyukov)

Having picked up Luntik a bunch of wines, and then we will recognize Luntik that we know that wine is not evil, but kind.
Weave cobwebs, play on rich instruments. Previously, being afraid of water, but zavdyaki Luntik and his friends fell in love with swimming and reaching the sea depths. The new one has a grandmother.

8- Vupsen i Pupsen

Caterpillars are pidlets. To love dirty tricks and empty things. Brother twins, love to eat grass and malt. The baby doll is in a cap and the new one has cherries on the sheds. Vupsen - with a bandage on the head and a plum on the sheds.

9 - Meteliki

There are four of them: rozheva, blakitna, zhovta and buzkova.

Rozhev me, it’s a pity that I didn’t get away.

10 - Metelik Elina

One of the metelikiv. May there be more close contact with Luntik and his friends. Buzkova metelik.

11 - Tyotya Motya

Povіlna turtle, live in the rate - in a booth with tiles. May a gazebo on the surface of the water, dream about the ball.

12 - Pichkur Ivanovich

Stitch for order at the rate.

14 - Cancer Chikibyaryak

Friend of Pichkur. Play with him in checks.
Wear your shell everywhere, in one of the series, try to replace yoga.

15 - Titka P'yavka

I believe steadily.
Luntik and his friends taught її the word "Thank you"

16 - Fry

Beshketniks are fry, they always try to turn everything over and over. Love to play with Luntik.

Nі-ni, won't be terrible. She will love to splurge, build with Luntik and other friends.
On the back, the friends of Luntik were afraid of її, but after an hour the stench became friends.
In one of the series, she learned good manners.
Bula "Princess Claudia".

I don't know how to honestly name them.

Even in the cartoons there are a lot of different heroes, like trochs nearer: fireflies (one of them is brother and sister Tim and Dina), the Colorado beetle, brother Kuzy, other bees and a lot of other things!

Obov'yazkovo marvel at this wonderful cartoon!

Luntik from Kuzeya was straightened to the river, if they shot Elina the blizzard. Vaughn was sitting on the fireplace, pawing her head with her paws and sighing heavily.
- What was going on? - having powered Luntik from the snowstorm. - Why are you so crazy?
- My girlfriends are playing in a fashion show. And don't take me with you. It seems that I have no relish.
- Axis so do it ... - Luntik and Kuzeya looked over. - Well, do you want us to play with you?
- You don't know... - the blizzard whimpered.
- So teach us! - Radially whistling Kuzya.

Metelik thought. Ale for militant disguise її lit up with the light!
What?! Even more true - out at once with Luntik and Kuzey you can organize your own fashion show. Navit more shortly, lower at її girlfriends. Axis to all and to cheer whoever has the most relish.

Ale needs to work so richly at once! Choose models, sew a dress, come up with a scene, decorate everything ...
- So, first, we need materials for cloth, - Elina commanded. - Carry everything you can sew!

Luntik and Kuzya were violating the jokes. First axis, what the stench knew: little bunnies, two antsy krillts, little gossamer feathers, kulbabi fluffs, a soft black-breasted leaf and crying mollusk turtles. And also, Baba Kapa gave them one of her painted hustins.

The axis with some kindness and Luntik turned with Kuzey to Elin's snowstorm.
- It's better, - said the vagrant. - And now, let's think, de power the fashion show itself. I will sew the cloth, and you prepare the stage.

While Yelena was tinkering with the materials, combining them according to her taste, Luntik and Kuzya thought. Raptovo, the earth shook under their feet and the head of the worm Korniy Korniyovich appeared on the surface:
- Kh, kh, - coughing dully vin, mruzhachis in the bright sun - hello juveniles!
- Hello Korniy Korniyovich! - Kuzya and Luntik chorused in unison.
- Well, how do you go to see the younger generation?
- Not much, - the friends honestly admitted.

I stinks told the experienced digger-engineer about their problem. Vin respectfully listened to them, and then said:
- So adzhe here i do not need to think. Organize everything on the bank. Tіlki, schob won perebuval not high above the ground. A place for peepers can be placed below, and the models will walk around the neck and demonstrate their outfits so that everyone can see them well.
- Wow! - wiguknuv Kuzya. - What a guilt you are, Korniy Korniyovich! - We wouldn't have thought of it ourselves!
- Look, young ones, - the worm winked at him and crawled back under the ground.

So, not forgetting a little, - the head of Korniy Korniyovich was again raised above the ground, - in the model for your show, you can take tsikh nerob, Pupsen and Vupsen. Їm tse on the right pide on melancholy.

If Luntik and Kuzya spoke about the joy of Korniy Korniyovich, Elina’s blizzard, she was lucky: Adzhe Vupsen and Pupsen were similar one by one, and as you can see, the right models on the podium are always the same. It was only left to change the fate of showing the caterpillars, but it was not so easy. Ale Luntik, having come up with something.

Vupsen and Pupsen threw stones at Pichkur Ivanovich (but, fortunately, they missed the skin once) on the birch, if Luntik and Kuzya knew them.

Friends, without stopping at all the caterpillars, brought in an unimpressed Rozmov:
- Oh, it's great that you and I will be models in showing Elina's snowstorm, - saying Luntik.
- So, - Kuzya waited, - skin buv bi radium take a part in such a cirque right. Ale, only us called for you.
Feeling these words, Pupsen unhappily said Vupsen:
- Hey! And why didn’t they call us from you!
- Hey! - repeating Vupsen, already heading for Luntik, - why didn’t they call us? Mi tezh want to be models!

Luntik and Kuzya lowered their shoulders:
- Only two models can take part in the show. Why don't you want to take our places?
- The very same tse mi i zbiraєmosya robiti! - Vіdraportuvav Vupsen i, at once straightening Pupsen to the blizzard of Elіnі.
So the friends outwitted not to suspect the caterpillars.

At the appointments, an hour, under a gіlkoy, on a yakіy mav, a show was shown, an impersonal coma was chosen. Navit blizzards - Elina's girlfriends, did not take her to their fashion show, without getting involved, they guarded for him, scho vіdbuvaetsya.

If the NATO subsided, the little twinkle rang and Yelena appeared. In the middle of the porch, mother-of-pearl files were scattered everywhere. Vaughn welcomed the guests and the show began.

Vupsen and Pupsen were already respectful, but they coped with the tasks they set. Metelik Elina was a great fashion designer. From the quiet materials that Luntik and Kuzya brought, she arranging naming outfits, embellished them with ancient shells and mother-of-pearl sawing, and now the public has stoked and gasped at the skin once, if the models appeared in a new image.

After the show, Elina warmly chimed in with her friends. And the blizzards, її girlfriends, scrambled heads wobbling. Ale Elina does not appear. Vaughn herself could not believe in those who revealed her right talent.

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It's early. The sun was slowly rising because of the wind and, hanging with its warm exchanges of woods, it began its work. The inhabitants of the forest tezh began to move and get ready for a new day. Kuzya prokinuvshis, vіdchuvshi, scho on the new light shine on the sun. Reluctantly opening your eyes and turning into the windows, so that the sun does not stick your eyes together, you start thinking about what bi you and your friends will do today. And there weren’t any thoughts in my head, I thought about the future, I didn’t mind and got ready for the chergovskaya zustrіchi with Luntik, Miloya and Bee. In ten hvilin, Kuzya bov will be ready again. Feeling the crumbs, gazing at the window and swaying in the new Luntik, Mila and the Little Bee, they are talking about it. The stench straightened up to Kuzi's hut. - Kuzya, good morning! Come before us, we will play a ball on our galyavin! - said Luntik, laughing at the best friend. Kuzya chuckled at the vіdpovіd i vіdpovіv: -Good morning! Now I'll take my ball and let's go! Through the fluff, friends have already gone to their beloved flower galyavin, talking about everything in the world. Having told the little bee about those that they taught yoga at school, Mila told me what a great dog castle she had been calling out, and Kuzya and Luntik shared with friends the hostility on the night of the carnival. Luntik was already worthy of vchorashny competitions, vlashtovani grown up, and Kuzya kept thinking about those, that they were all beautiful in the morning ... Especially out ... That blizzard Yelena herself, thinking about the yak of wines pivnochi, unsmiling eyes. God, don’t forget the wine in a moment, that bula’s fur is beautiful: elegant shoes on the pediments, glimmering purple cloth, a small gold crown on the head and shimmering on the light buzkovo-blakitnі wing. Previously, Kuzya did not put any special pressure on her, so as if he had taken in that she showed herself to be the most beautiful (even if she was friends with Luntik, Kuzya was still left behind in her thoughts). But yesterday she herself struck him with her grace, glimpse and beauty. On the other three blizzards, you can see and not marvel - the stinks still bask at the same time and roar. The whole carnival marveled at her, like charms, but she laughed at him more than anything. Vismiknuv Kuzya z yoga dumok Luntik's voice: -Kuzya, we came. Let's play! Why are you so smart? - ask for wine Pohitavshi head and vіdkinuvshi vchorashі vsomnіanіya, Kuzya badyoro vіdpovіv: -Everything is fine, Luntik. I'm not crazy. Let's play! - pіdtrimav vin Luntik and friends cheerfully began to throw one ball in the hands of one. After that, as the boys played ball, the stench began to play badminton. Friends played in pairs - Kuzya with Luntik against Mili and Bee. The game was held in laughter and merriment - all were in a harmonious mood. Once Luntik hit the valanchik so hard that he was sent far, far away to the Galyavin. - Well, you, Luntik, yes! - zdivovano wiguknuv Kuzya. -Nіkoli not bachiv such a strong blow! For the time being, you can play the ball for the third time, and I'll go and play the ball. - Good, Kuzya! Come soon! - Having said to the Yoma the Little Bees, in front of him, yak Kuzya znik in the bushes. Konik shvidko ishov along the stitches, while carefully looking at the leather bushes and bushes, in the hope of knowing there was an valanchik. Here, having set up the black overgrowth of grass, Kuzya swayed small wooden goydalkas in the county of the galyavini, on which Elina roamed. Previously, the horseman had never seen something like that, he hadn’t figured out what he was talking about with him ... Having stolen his head, Kuzya, having lied about it, take care of her, talk about something. Metelik sat, wondering in her love for the luster, she didn’t remember that, like wine went to her. Pіdіyshovshi zovsіm close to goydalok, vіn saying amiably: Hello, Elіna! Metelik, having slightly sneered, looked up at the mirror and said: - Oh, tse ... Hello, Kuzya ... - Vibach, as if slandering, I didn’t want to, it’s just that you’re such a garna, that I couldn’t break your eyes ... - saying Kuzya, moving a little closer to her. She turned black even more, but now she lifted her eyes and smiled: - So it's nothing terrible! -Why are you alone here, your friends? - by setting your food conic. -So stink like they always talk about all kinds of nonsense, but I don’t want to discuss it with them right away. I just flew here to think about my own. - thoughtfully vіdpovіla won. -AA understood. I also like to think sometimes. Do you want me to steal you on goydalk? - after having asked the wines, you smile. - So, it’s possible, - she said, and she laughed so lowly. Seeing a smile from Kuza, everything in the middle turned upside down. Vіn povіlno, pіdіyshovshi zzzadu to the blizzard, starting to slowly roam goydalki and with whom vіn marveled at the її blakitnі, mute sky eyes. Yogo's soul was asleep. I’ve forgotten already, now I’ve come here, I’ve entrusted Elina, that Elina herself, until I’ve seen the name of the future in life ... Vin never knew about it, never thought about it ... Infection, wine understands , scho vin zakokhany. Duzhe strongly suffocate. So I wanted to hug you at once, kiss you and not let you in anywhere. It's not yet an hour. .. Having interrupted this idyllic cry of Vupsen and Pupsen, they came out of the bushes and started shouting at Elina: Hey, what are you doing here? Tse our glade! Well, go ahead! - shouted Vupsen rudely. -Have you taken the stars?! Here is our grass! - I turned back now to Kuzio. -Why did they take you, what is your galyavin? Tsya Galyavina is hot, everyone can go here, whoever wants to! -I do not think so! - shouted Vupsen. - Oh, Vupsen, marvel! Lyusterko! - wigguknuv Pupsen vkazyuyuchi on Elina's mirror, like a trimala in her hands. -For the help of a new one, you can blind someone forever, having seen in a new sun, you can launch those sleepy bunnies! -Exactly! You are right! - Vіdpovіv yoma Vupsen i, pіdіyshovshi vpritul to goidalok, vhopiv with strength from the hands of Elіny mirror, with which a blizzard, not vtrymavshi vrіvnovaga, began to fall. -Aah! - screamed out, like a raptom vodchula, like її shrugged my hands. Looking around, she shook Kuzya, who again took him in his arms and carried him to the nearest ticket. -Ty yak? Not hammered? - having dbaily quenched the wines, having added a charge to her on the knee. - All the best, thank you. You caught me meanness, - said the woman and laughed, lightly benting. - But now I don’t have a mirror axis ... - the blizzard was embarrassed and tears shone in her eyes. Don't cry, Elena! I will obov'yazkovo turn you your mirror, the axis will turn! I'm following him right now! - having said in a pevne Kuzya, pіdbadyoryuchi blizzard. “Thank you, Kuzya,” she whispered. That one piddly chuckled and galloped straight at that one, into which the caterpillars went. Especially zusil, so that the mirror of Kuzio did not need a distance, the caterpillars, throwing yoga in the turnips, slept nearby in a sleepy dream. Zayshovshi in the bush, Kuzya distav a mirror, and at the same time know here and їх with friends valanchik. Having cleared itself of the thorns, the horse galloped swiftly on the galyavin, where Elina checked the new one. - The axis of your mirror, - saying Kuzya prostyagiuchi yoga blizzard with tsomu z zhnistyu marvel at her. - Thank you very much, Kuzya! Sob I robbed without you ... - said Elina, and, succumbing to an unreasonable impulse, hugged Kuzya. Standing stunned on the back, and then forcefully tying it up to his chest, screwing up his eyes and not letting himself in. So the bi stinks stood, embracing, yakbi not ... -Kuzya, you knew me! - Shouting the little bee, wriggling from behind the bushes. Kuzya and Elina vmit parted ways one by one. Fortunately, yoga friends did not catch the memory of their hugs. -Tee de so long bov? - having energized the little bee, descending the order from Kuzeya and Elina. - Oh, hello, Elina! - laughing at the snowstorm. Hello, little bee! Hello Mila and Luntik! - Elina laughed at everyone. - Hello! - Luntik and Mila chorused in unison. - So I didn’t know the axis of the valanchik in a moment, then they pulled the mirror of the caterpillar from Elina and helped me. And there I know the valanchik, - Kuzya’s food for the bee’s food. - Well, since everyone knew, let's go to hell! - Mila said and flew back. - Go ahead, I'll heal you right away! - Kuzya shouted to his friends and turned to Elina. - I don't want to go... - summarily zіthnuv vіn, languidly marveling at the blizzard. - I don't want to... - she said and lowered her eyes. Listen, I have an idea, let's get in touch with you right there on the very sweater? Go? Vaughn laughed. - So, go ahead! - zradiv Kuzya, i, pіdіyshovshi to her, whispering in his ear: -Already I check with impatience. She blackened and turned back. -Good, I ran, otherwise my friends will joke me! - having said Kuzya, and pіdіyshovshi to the snowstorm, embracing її goodbye. - Come on, Elina! - Pokey, Kuzya! - she whispered to you, and laughing slightly, she realized and flew to the other half of the forest. Kuzya marveled for a long time at his condition ...


The axis is my story. Zvichayno, the pairing is invisible, the same idea itself. I will also be glad to see your comments - write them, be kind! It's important to know your thoughts about your work and what you want me to write!

A child in life sticks with different situations. It is important to show this to you, by what rank you should behave. You can find out about it in any series of the popular cartoon "Luntik". The main character, a baby, who was born on the Moon, has a company of friends. About the skin of them, we will bring the main information and, obviously, to be more precise, how the caterpillars from the "Luntik" sound.

Brief information about cartoons

Acquaintance of children with the first series and the first stories about the little Luntike appeared in 2006. Yakі vchinki can not zdіysnyuvati on vіdnoshnennia to friends? What can you do, how can you inflict the image of a close person? How to communicate with them, who will leave? Why is the tench shkidlyva? Is deception unacceptable? Youthful gazers with the evidence on the numbers and the impersonal powers of others can be recognized when watching the series.

Kindness invigorates the work, the practicality of violence and the presence of black humor. Navit heroes, as if they are negative, for re-verification - bad things, ready for positive twists. Think about what to explain to them, what is the correct behavior.


For information about those, like the caterpillars from the "Luntik" sound, it's probably lower, but for the time being, it's possible to override other characters and briefly characterize them. I remember from Luntik.

The place of nationality of the head character is M_syats. The inhabitants of Galyavin wine fell in love with kindness, hospitality, strangely set up and exercise to help the needy. Luntik is not yet completely wiggled with richly simple speeches, he attaches himself to the world, but he quickly conquers everything and pragne to the yogi fullness.

Best friends of Luntik

Kuzya is the name of one of them. And how do the caterpillars from the cartoon "Luntik" sound, we'll talk further. Tsey character is cicavi, active, active. Kuzino tsіkavist becomes the reason for the consumption of friends in those chi and other situations. Good knowledge of the annexation of the familiar world and do not gain knowledge from a friendly company. Having understood that the wines of someone cannot be distinguished, always seek for clarifications to more enlightened characters.

We step by step pererakhovuєmo, like the sound of all the heroes from "Luntik", and briefly describe their characters. Mila is a close friend of Luntik. Sonechka often needs a zahist; Chuina, kindness, fair - this is how you can characterize the heroine. Vaughn in the new world is true to her name. Theoretically, Mila knows the rich rules, and the axis with practical knowledge can go faster with her. Mila is shy to the point of being otochuyuchih, they don’t look at her, even if positively draw the character of the son, they still revere.

We still need to be recognized, like the sound of caterpillars from Luntik. In the meantime, let's talk about the third one of the main characters - the young Pchelenko. Shvidky, dіyalny, praciallyubny, vіdpovіdalny - such a character. Vіn vstigaє i pratsyuvati, i vchitisya. That's why you don't go out often with friends. Ale vin zavzhd rush to them to help, so you can ask about the whole yogo quarrel.


Otzzhe, the hour has come z'yasuvati, like the sound of caterpillars from "Luntik". About two hooligans chula the whole district. Being twin brothers, the stinks are very different one by one. One of the caterpillars is called Vupsen. Such a ringleader and pidburyuvach still needs to be asked. Adzhe tse vin will invent more part of the windings. Another brother's name is Pupsen. I have been given the role of a led man in a couple. Often she herself suffers for those who invented Vupsen.

Mriya brethren and їх vіdmіnnostі one vіd one

A couple of zavzhdy shchos zhuє. Incidentally, such an incredible appetite is explained by the dream of brothers to pupate and transform into beautiful snowstorms. Ale until the Caterpillars cook for an hour, but all one knows the way to reconcile.

The remarkable feature of the brothers is an apron: from the images of two cherries at Pupsen and plums at Vupsen. Krim tsyogo, headdress Pupsen is a cap, and Vupsen is a red bandage.

In general, you can’t see filthy danish heroes before the ranks. Deep in the soul, the stench is good and strange, ready to help. Prote, it’s not easy to get to the rice, for the cob you have to get through the balls of untwistedness and debauchery. Climbing together, like the sound of two caterpillars from the "Luntik", pushing another

Older generation of characters

Speaking about it, I stick with the hrobak, which is the only thing that is busy for him, that you walk underground. Explore wisdom and reason, give wine to your young friends for the sake of it, but do not intrude on your thoughts. A miner and an engineer - in such roles they perform at the same time. The root for an hour does not know what is seen on the surface, so it is significant that a part of the hour passes under the earth. Young people are sharpened to the new to be put with deep pogo and shanuvannyam, only Vupsen and Pupsen and sometime fry over him.

Pavuk, thinking about it as a negative character, the name is Shnyukov. Even soon they will be transferred to the category of positive heroes, regardless of the scary looking. Shnyukov is a master weaver, non-professional singer, artist and musician. Maybe thunderstorms, thunder and sparkles, write the leaves of your beloved grandmother.

The name of the good and kind turtle is tyotya Motya. Vaughn is vihovana strictly. You won’t feel a lot of words from it. Mova and ruhu tyotі Moti are not vapid. Pragna pinch the young generation with the right manners. As a threat to insecurity, shvidko hovaetsya in shell. Take it often, so like tyotya Motya is a person who is hot.

Otzhe, we z'yasuvali, in the cartoon "Luntik". They guessed not all, but only the main heroes. You can find out about everything else (fish, ants, fleas, toads) from a series of a popular animated series.



An invisible baby, like having spent a month on Earth. The inhabitants of Galyavini said that Luntik is a monthly bjola, which means that he is a relative of the greatest earthly bjola. The inhabitants of Galyavin already fell in love with Luntik for his good luck, chuynist and pragnennya to come to the rescue of those who need it. Luntik still doesn’t know the impersonal simple speeches and doesn’t understand, like the power of the navkolyshny world, but it’s better to get smart, you need the whole world and wine, if you want to grow yoga more better and kinder. Vin settled at the bjil. Vin calls not in vhm, boasted, bought, bought up, a simple-minded, through the іnodi, spending in an unbearable situation, ale, alarmed for the pre-person of the friend, in the same unprotectedness, overexposure subdue evil. Luntik is more empathetic, always listens to the thoughts of the mindful and does not hesitate to think about it, do not be afraid to intimidate the weak and stand up for your own thoughts. All the minds literally, once, say “throw the little ones” with a viraz, having understood that it is necessary to throw the right little ones. I sympathize with Elin's snowstorm. From the first series, we know that Luntik hatched eggs. The first part of the shell to navit flew to Earth with him.

  • Voiced by: Katerina Gorohovska, In vipadkah podmini: Anna Slinko

Spritny, rickety, more intelligent, spritny and kmіtlivy horse, one Luntik. Vіn cheerful, tsіkaviy i duzhe active. Kuzya herself became the best friend of Luntik after the fact that she was called that of the Moon. Kuzya already love new games and come in handy. Every now and then there are a few praises and self-singing, and all the same wines are honest and just. Like friends, they crossed each other, they will try to make friends and reconcile everyone, and even if they blame themselves for something, they know about it. Kuzya is more drinkable and can easily share his knowledge with Luntik. True, you don’t have to know everything about the current world, but only wines, just like Luntik, always ready to hear and read. And yet Kuzya is even more courageous, not afraid of the dark, but the trochs of the spider Shnyukov and the toad Klavy are afraid - and not only one can be brought up to these heroes from battles, but the inhabitants of Galyavin have grown up.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman

Mila, kindness, ale, sometimes bright and imaginative, the girl is a little sun. You know the impersonal cіkavih іgor, volodіє navichik painting, even love robiti locks and pisku z pіsku, grati in the "doctor". Often, everyone speaks, corrosive to the knowledge of various rules. Particularly welcome to Pchelenka. Start up.

  • Voiced by: Yulia Rudina
little bee

Shvidky, small, intelligent, ground, always busy, only Luntik. Go to bjolin school. To love to boast of taking knowledge there. Chuyny, do not throw a friend in the bidі. Especially welcome to Mila.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman


Cheerful, greyly fish, tossing with acrobatics. Dratuyut p'appearance and іnshih zhitelіv rate. Love to play with Luntik. They have a good behavior, on the lookout for swimmers.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman
floating fish

Great sprit company of young swimming beetles. Live at the rate in the hollow writhing. Trimayutsya buy. Love to beg.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman


Pupsen and Vupsen

Two inseparable twin brothers of a caterpillar, mischievous hooligans. For a century, sooner, fools, call Luntik and yoga friends "little". Shkidlivy, bad, vibey, nevyhovani, ledachi, dirty, fast through tse know your own inaccuracies. Ale, at the same time, the stench is breathtaking, they are not strangers to all children's exercises and joys, in their own way, talented: to dance well and work figures from grass. Always love to chew grass and eat berries. Mryut become blizzards. The ringleader in їх pairs - Vupsen, vin more assertive and aggressive. Pupsen is softer and more loyal Vupsen, often piddaetsya yoga infusion. Often the caterpillars weld themselves together and start to fight, but then we all put up with each other. Sometimes Vupsen and Pupsen still help Luntik and his friends. The caterpillars behind the plot of the series are the larvae of the meteliks. However, in pairs with Bee and Miloyu, the stench is equivalent to older and є podlitkami. The young bee and the young caterpillar, the larval and larval stages have already been passed by them.

  • Voiced by: Oleg Kulikovich


baba Capa

Good bjola. Grandmother Luntik is named. Love to cook and treat, bake savory pies, buns, cook jams, even the living room and generous. Ideal grandmother. Inexcusably kind, wise and turbulent, sometimes showing strictness, but always tolerantly put up to the whims and whims of children. There are many sisters who live far away and are not shown in cartoons.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman
Korniy Korniyovych

A woodworm, a mine engineer, a miner and a winemaker. The great zvevets and master of all hands, for which one is corying with a wild pogogo, krіm Vupsen and Pupsen (stink postyno yogo to tease). Harchuєtsya exclusively to the roots of roslin.

  • Voiced by: Anatoly Petrov
General Sher

Hornet, general, like a viyshov at the front. Names for Luntik. To love Baba Kapa, ​​yak cry Yogo Shershul. To follow the order in the forest through the peephole. On the whole, I am kind, noble and merciful, but at times funny and uncivilized, buvaє navit boyaguz, love to eat. Bezporadny in the conduct of the domestic state. Even love Luntik, persh for everything dbayuchi yogo in twisted whimpering. Sher has a brother - a captain of a distant voyage, who regularly overpowers the parcels from the mass of his mandrіvok.

  • Voiced by: Anatoly Petrov
spider Shnyukov

Pseudo-terrible spider, which simulyuє suvorіst. Like a great spider, the new one has 4 pairs of kintsivok - 2 pairs of hands and 2 pairs of nig. In the depths of the soul, kind and sentimental. Weave cobwebs, write verses. To love to paint and play on musical instruments, moreover, you can work all at once with 4 hands (in different series it is shown more than once, as if you are painting a dekilcom with brushes, in the closing credits of the skin series of wines you play at once on two harmonicas). In one of the series, demonstrating his work of sculpture. Love your grandmother and write regularly. Be afraid of the storm. Pavuk Shnyukov in the first series of testimonies is a troubled aggressive character. Kuzya, having drank a cobweb in yoga, it seems that if you can’t get out of the blue “glittering beauty”, then sip the spider Shnyukov. Ale, in the distance, Shnyukov stands like a zdebіlsh, innocent іstota, grіzne only zvnі, vіn gorchuєє nectar. І cobweb of wine weave only for beauty or for budіvelno-assembly robots.

  • Voiced by: Anatoly Petrov

Pichkur Ivanovich

An important, stately, waving piskar. Stitch for order and calm at the rate. Love to play checkers with cancer. Don't like hustle and bustle.

  • Voiced by: Mikhailo Chernyak

Evil, screaming p'appearance is the most negative character in the series. In the land rarely become kind and welcoming. In deyakih series to love, like all grown-up inhabitants, rate, calm. Love to sleep.

  • Voiced by: Olena Soloviova. In the credits of the first episodes of Olena Solovyov, the bula was recorded as "Olena Nightingale".
cancer Chikibryak

Fearful cancer-watcher. Not to like noise, din, vanity. May your own shell-sink in the rate, in the yak hovaєtsya in times of insecurity. Love to play checkers. At the right time, the bottom rate is taken up. Sometimes buvay grumbling.

  • Voiced by: Mikhailo Chernyak
my aunt

Nekapliva intelligent turtle. To love is holy and spend the balls together. Live under the water at the great booth (the first booth, in which you ate Luntik). So is the summer house on the birch.

  • Voiced by: Natalya Danilova

mythical characters

The first series will guess pike Kluka. Once again guessing in the series "What to bet"

other characters


three colorful blizzard girlfriends - galaslivy, turbulent, cheerful, non-turbulent, lyublyachі vbiratsya purrhayut folded. Tsіkavі, easily pіddayutsya panіtsі. One of the poor friends is Mila.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman, Yulia Rudina

Metelik Elina

Purple blizzard, Yaku love Luntik. Engage in needlework. It’s not enough to love talking with other fashionistas, wanting to look at fashion magazines together with them in the series 160 “Unknown” and take part in the discussion “how is the dress more beautiful?”

toad Klava

An indolent toad with small openings in the rose. There is everything that collapses, that doesn't collapse - to bring it to ruin and it is. Through his great rozіru, he becomes even more impregnable, that everyone will be afraid of him. One of the poor friends is Luntik. Klava to wear a bow and cherish it. The series “Two Toads” Vupsen and Pupsen had a bow.

  • Voiced by: Kostyantin Bronzit


A mentor in a bjolin school and a nurse behind a child's madness. Suvora and Vidpovidalna Bjola of the Middle Ages. Too short and shy to wear eyepieces.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman


A rich family of small clods and sprats of mature beetles - their fathers. Basically, they create a "masque" for an hour of large-scale scenes, but also okremi series, de stinks - one of the main characters. Little bugs are trying to be smart and fearless, but they don't have to come out. Unhearing bug - bug, The youngest and one of the leading bugs of this family, is consumed in all sorts of different situations.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman - mother of bugs, boys-bugs), Yulia Rudina - (girl-bugs), Oleg Kulikovich - (tato bugs).


Family of fireflies. Lead a nocturnal way of life. Brothers and sisters of the youngest Dini and Tim.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman

Tim i Dina

Find young children in your family, be friends with Luntik. However, through the many differences in their regimes of the day, they have little time for intercourse. Some episodes do not sleep during the day. In episode 43 "Bud", Dina speaks in the voice of Tim, and Tim in the voice of Dina.

  • Voiced by: Olena Shulman


ants- military service with suvor ієrarchієyu and discipline. I am constantly occupied with the preparation of stocks and the life of the ants.

  • Voiced by: Oleg Kulikovich

junior muraha-drummer "114th"

Robotic ant. Drummer in line. Be friends with Luntik's company and play sports with them at the right time. Murakh vin yak "Sin regiment". Crim of the drum, vіn vmіє grati mayzhe on all percussion instruments.

  • Voiced by: Oleg Kulikovich

other characters

other bjoli

Bjoli women

Gather nectar, fly and are similar one by one. Behind the century - young. To the music (for example, "Waltz Kvіtiv") dance. It is easy to confuse them with the woman Kapo, and especially the teacher of the Bjolin school. Movchazni - do not voice.


The Colorado potato beetle is brought by the wind, from a distant marvel. Seems like my guessing Spanish.