How to make money from services and consultations.

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Article on 8 rocks.

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Calculator for the profitability of your business

Ready ideas for your business

At the same time, a handful of great leaders are visible: LUKOIL, YUKOS, Rosneft, Slavneft, Sibneft, TNK, Tatneft.

However, the active awakening of the market is currently challenging.

We move on to the stage of a detailed description of the project in your business plan.

Competition in the premium confectionery industry in Russia is almost daily.

To open a café-confectionery in this format, you will need 3.14 million rubles, which can be repaid within a period of time. The amount of starting investments in the warehouse of the tea boutique is 1,497,200 rubles.

The payback term becomes 17 months. Reaching the planned sales target for 4 months. Well, caravanning.

The Word was born in Europe fifty years ago, but the manifestation began forever.

Just don’t rely on this method of earning money: there is no charming “Money” button, which works without any problems.

However, there is a real possibility of extracting money from the limits of the power of your mind. —

Hundreds of traders have been working with the Liveexpert service for a long time - show dedication, ease and self-confidence, and you will do the same!Reaching the planned sales target for 4 months.

1 . → Another earning scheme is here For the sake of completing the profile of the customer service

Vickory your photo.

That one looks clear. It is advisable that we should appear kind, and open our eyes.

Showing that you are reliable, serious and honest, the photo will help you win the favor of your clients. Your photograph is responsible for instilling happiness in those who you can effectively help.

2. How can you complete the “Specializations” section in more detail and information?.

6. The area in which you have the greatest knowledge may be considered the main area. In addition, indicate the additional areas - the most important. 3. Completely complete the “Information” section.

Information from this may be important for your potential clients before they make a decision about doing business with you. This section also facilitates the establishment of new business contacts.

It is necessary to ensure that the potential deputy does not run out of food after reading the information from this block of your profile and develops the impression that you effectively have expert knowledge in the designated areas.

As an example, you can check out the profiles of consultants-leaders of the service - you can learn better from them. 8. Periodically add “Promotion” - it miraculously attracts respect

. Promote your “tasty” mind, and you will be steadily provided with a flow of clients.

Use your imagination and experiment! 9. Obviously respond to customers’ excessive use of voguka


People love “live” profiles and candid, friendly experts.10. Create a blog on the service

Regularly publish new posts, encouragement and recommendations related to the areas in which you act as a consultant.

1. This will help you raise your rating and get new clients. Post for promoters Service exit strategy L iveexpert for a stable income of thousands of rubles per day (from scratch)

Select area of ​​consultation.

  • Don’t doubt it, the world is always busy, as you well know!
  • Perhaps you are a professional psychologist or a doctor who is unfavorably oriented towards nutritional style and beauty, and who intend to transfer the future for the help of cards... Please carefully follow the information provided on the website of the areas of consultation. One of them, the one you know best, can be called a headache. Select other areas in which you already have good knowledge as additional ones.

Following the scheme described above, fill out your profile with information .

4. Please mark this item at the same time as the above recommendation by filling in the “Consultation Hour” field.

5. The text can appeal to the client, demonstrate your expertise, and inform about the skill of your service.

Please continue with your consultation after your breast cancer has been placed. For a quick and effective set of ratings, the first week you can use not only paid, but also free services from the section

7. It is necessary to work regularly. 6. In parallel with the work on the rating Try to get more positive word of mouth about your services and gain customer loyalty.

8. Don’t be stingy, spend a week or two “for the fun.” Give a completely clear consultation and ask for a comment on your services. Satisfied clients are eager to “get excited” about an expert of such rank.

9. Shchob

earnings from consultations Having turned into a full-time business, make sure that the online client is switched on steadily: evidence shows that more often clients turn into experts who are “online”. You will be able to report later, at a later time.

10. "Beat" for

regular clients.

There are many ways to make money online, but once again let’s talk about making money on the Internet, which is related to consultations in the medical field.

The main advantage of such earnings are those who Narazi, in our country, Danish species business, there are no excuses yet, but competition is simply minimal.

Medical consultations on the Internet: first step

Of course, to begin with, you need to register as a private entrepreneur, or, as is customary in our region, as an individual.

Registration is quite simple, but if you don’t want to get involved with all this paper fuss, then one of the many organizations will come to your aid, ready to carry out the registration on your behalf, for a fee, saving your money a valuable hour, more so for both of you 'need language.

On the right is that organizing the Internet is a consultation, regardless of its simplicity, but on the other hand it is labor-intensive, and even requires a lot of work at the stage of preparing a business.

For example, one of the main tasks in the preparation of work will be the creation of the site.

Of course, you can join one of the companies and create a good website, but in such companies, the sites are created in a formulaic manner, and then you will have to hire a specialist, whoever needs your time, to create a quick and easy website design, even if people come to your site with a special purpose, and it is necessary that they immediately know what they need.

Now, let’s say, registration has already been successfully completed, the site has been created, and the time has come to earn money.

What are you going to do?

Select your payment method.

In fact, there are two ways to pay for a consultation: payment immediately before the consultation with one or another doctor, or by purchasing a subscription for a month or more. Let's put it this way. The option for a subscription will bring more clients, the income from each of them can be greatly reduced, but on the other hand, who knows how many times per month people will want to consult.

Beyond the great market, there are no more important frontiers for this business.

Of course, you are constantly worried about the need for online consultations, and it’s easier to go to the doctor’s office.