How to change the noise from the hard disk. Decreased thickness of the hard disk. How to make Winchester quieter with software tools

The hard drive is one of the largest hard disk components in the computer. Moreover, the next difference is the noise in the case of the active robot of the hard drive for an hour of reading / recording and the noise of the motor, which comes out of the disk practically constantly. Naturally, do not forget about the noise in the form of vibrations, which is strongly supported by the computer case. For example, often disks, hard-fixed in the metal case of the system unit, transmit their low-frequency vibration (100-120 Hz) to it, and as a result, there is a lingering unacceptable hum, which disappears when it is not fastened.

silently fixed

AGALNI dzherelo noise in the passive mode, the bearing head of the spindle. Being hard-fixed in the computer case, the hard drive with its low-frequency vibrations of small amplitude disturbs the elements of the case. A large part of the computer case becomes a kind of subdued noise, which is seen as a hard disk. It is significant that three-inch diameters for installing hard drives in modern cases are often overlooked by a seemingly lightly fixed cat, like a good oscillatory system. In this case, the cat from the body can be removed more quickly, and the disk is inserted into a 5.25-inch disk in a container, or for additional mounting sanitation. Ways of reinforcement for noise reduction hard drive the sprat is propagated.

For zabіgannya resonances it is possible to vicorate spring washers under bolts fastening the disk to the computer case, vibration insulators or spring pіdvіs. cicava idea Enthusiasts on the Internet called Spode's Adobe ( to find an original and even cheaper way to reduce the noise caused by disk vibration. Everything that you will need for your implementation, only two olives and a sprat of humic hulls, for the help of which you can fasten a three-inch hard disk into a five-inch wire on extensions (before speech, ce will be in a good way for the operational fastening of a hard disk in a computer, since all three-inch landing seats are occupied).

Might be one of the found modifications, but it will confuse you from time to time to look inside your computer and change the horns, so that the stench comes to inapplicability from time to time. Vtіm, you can scurry and more wide and nadіynimi harnesses. However, do not forget that a badly fixing a hard disk can lower the system code or get out of order.

In addition, the workings of the hard drive in the process of robotic work get very hot, so good thermal contact with the computer case and the non-manageable mind and work, and the movement or insulation in the case disrupts heat exchange. So, although in the most current models, the energy supply is significantly reduced, it is not safe to overheat with a difficult heat sink, it is overwhelmed.

For such hard drives, you can add a Mobile Rack type (, which is a plastic container into which a hard disk is inserted on the sanchats. The container will be viconated and the role of the vibration isolator is to dampen part of the cracking of the hard disk. Deyakі the body for the shortest heat dissipation are provided with built-in fans.

A more radical method of reducing the noise of a hard drive is to install special soundproof containers of the Silent Drive type ( with a thermal circuit.

How to make Winchester quieter with software tools

Many makers offer for their versatility the possibility of software reduction of head positioning speed. You can reduce the noise level of the Winchester Vlasnik with the help of special utilities, like following a search on the site of a particular virobnik. Naturally, the speed of access to data after the reduction in noise can be reduced, but then the level of comfort increases when working with a personal computer.

On the right in what is a lot of modern hard disks The control function can be seen as noise (Automatic Acoustic Management, AAM, which in translation into Russian means noise control), and to that, the hard drive builders have developed utilities for managing various disk parameters, including AMM. Practically be a modern hard drive that complies with the ATA / ATAPI-6 standard, or else supports this function. The vines become less thin, cheaper Maxtor disks and rich modern Seagate, which have AAM support, but it is not possible to regulate the viconate.

How does the Winchester regulate noise? It is important to note that the noise reduction is equal to the reduced speed of the disc wrap, but it is not true, because the speed of the spindle wrap is the same value for specific model pіdtremuєtsya z tochіstyu chasto vіdsotka. And the axis of movement of the drive to the block of magnetic heads (BMG) can be controlled. The yakbees picked out the current Winchester, then they bashed that the BMG was brought to the house for an additional cat, stoked in the field of the strong permanent magnet. When the struma of one is passed through the coil directly, the block starts to move in one direction, and when the sign of the struma is changed in the other direction. The whole design is very suggestive of the design of an excellent acoustic speaker, which is why this coil is called acoustic. The greater the amplitude of the impulse of the strum, which is passed through the coil, and the steeper the front, the greater the acceleration, which the block of magnetic heads hopes for, and the noise is stronger, the BMG design is different, even if the role of the diffuser in this "dynamics" is higher. The essence of the noise reduction method in such a situation is to smooth out the fronts of the strum impulse, which is fed into the coil, which, in order to reduce noise, to cause the head block to change faster. And tse means that the operation of searching for a song on the disk will be more frequent.

Depending on the ATA / ATAPI specification, the regulation can be set on 126 discrete levels (values ​​in hex 0x80-0xFE), but in practice only two levels of regulation AAM ON (noise reduction enabled values ​​in hex 0x80-0xAd) maximum productivity hex value 0xA1-0xFE). The principle of the work of the utilities, which measure the level of the noise level of hard drives, is changed in the place of the special Acoustic Management register.

As a rule, this function does not transfer a smooth decrease in speed, but rather changes modes from “sweet” to “quiet”, but expansion of these capabilities is planned in future implementations. Moreover, the density of the disk can be changed at some point without wasting the integrity of the disk, so that it does not rush into new information.

On the hard drives of various vibrators, the factory installation can be different and adjusted from batch to batch. For example, some Samsung models are released either with AAM enabled or enabled (then in maximum productivity mode).

In order to regulate the noise on your hard drive, it is necessary, as we have already guessed, to speed up with a special utility in the form of a disk picker. If you don’t know such a program on the site of the wizard, then you can use one of the many cost-free utilities for managing disks. For example, іsnuyut special program AAMTOOL Mikhail Mavritsina and universal MHDD Dmitry Postrigan. The software can be taken from our CD. The possibilities of MHDD can be found on the website ( AAM is regulated just run MHDD from floppy and into command line program dial AAM. The Winchester is rattling with heads, and the program will prompt you to choose from a number of options: M (minimum noise level), L (middle), P (maximum), and the D key will turn off Automatic Acoustic Management, transferring the hard disk to maximum productivity mode.

Switching a hard drive to low noise mode would like to reduce productivity by an average of 5-10% (in some tasks it can be reduced by up to 30%), but in this mode it is practically not a little bit hard to copy when copying a large number of other files.

Vtіm, in the on-butovy outbuildings, the characteristics of the accumulator are less important, the noise generated by it is lower, with modern technologies, the productivity of hard disks is more low enough and especially important for the coristuvach represents already an acoustic background, hoarding in the system. Razumіyuchitse, a lot of companies that vibrate hard disks, invest a lot of money in scientific research and development of more quiet disks and in a thorough design of systems with a method of minimizing and їх specific noise.

However, do not forget that it is so simple and universal methods, such as regular disk defragmentation, self-archiving, remote cleaning and keeping your data in order, and also reduce the noise of the hard drive when looking for information.

І more: buy an add-on for your computers uninterrupted life and the body with yakіsnimi blocks of food is unstable voltage (not seeming already about the movement of the pressure of cheap blocks of life) it can also lead to failures in robotic disks and not only increase their density, but also get out of tune.

Modern discs make less and less noise

The manufacturer of disks does not stand on the spot and when designing new models, it is necessary to introduce all new and new technologies for noise dampening, including the choice of shock-absorbing materials in the middle and ringing of the accumulator.

In principle, at the same time for most hard disks, the acceptable noise level is close to 30-35 dB (noise increases when the hard drive heads are actively moved).

The speed of wrapping a package of disks in a daily hard drive is set to 5400, 7200, 10,000 or 15,000 rpm. / hv (rpm). The greater the security of disk wrapping, the greater the security of access to information recorded on a hard drive. True, the most wide in the Danish hour of Winchester may have a speed of 5400-7200 rpm. / Hv, so it's cheaper, simpler and more expensive. The fact that in the middle of the case of the hard drive is known more often under atmospheric pressure, then with the high wind speed of the wrapping of the disks, there is a significant heating of the parts that wrap around, and therefore lead to problems with the reliability of the elements of the design. In addition, swedish hard drives during robots create a significant amount of noise, which does not interfere with a comfortable robot with a computer. For example, the sound of noise when reading data, spreading in a vipadkovy order, great flooring, that the Winchester’s robot is one of the gurkits of a tractor. For smaller hard drives, noise can be significantly lower, but now, if hard disks are equipped with other accessories (digital audio and video recorders, satellite receivers, Internet set-top boxes and in.), Vimogi until їх noisiness pomityuyuyutsya.

Indeed, in the field of secondary electronics, there are practically no add-ons to avenge fans, and hard disks become the only source of noise in them. Moreover, the robots of the butovyh outbuildings are significantly quieter to the quiet, lower to the desktop computers, and low rіven noise is often associated with high product quality.

Therefore, hard drive builders can now bring their vibrations up to 15-20 dB noise (against the background of a quiet room at night) in passive mode and 2-3 dB higher in read / write mode. Obviously, such a rіven would please the most powerful coristuvach, but these days there are practically no such disks, and noise reduction from the main disks must be done by additional methods.

The simplest solution to deal with the noise of the motor is to take a hard disc with a speed of 5400 rpm. / Hv. Such a disk accumulator when working at idle can have a noise level of 28-30 dB and will not be a bit during the day (at this hour, the background noise of a quiet room is at a level of 30 dB), there are more ways to fit in the good insulation of the system case, which is also drown out sounds. However, in the mode of asking for these, the noise grows by 4-6 dB and more, which cannot be left unremarkable for a koristuvach. And for the use of electronics (for example, for the same digital video recorders), such a noise level is unacceptable.

To this, the noise of the Winchesters is steadily decreasing. at the same time spindle good drive practically noiseless, but you can see the characteristic sound only at the start or burrs. In addition, a characteristic noise is the mechanism of head positioning, which is especially noticeable when copying anonymous files, spreading them across the disk (to reduce noise during head positioning, you can recommend regular defragmentation of disks). Vtіm, for some models, the hour of the positioning of the heads is increased by retailers with the method of reducing the noise when reading / writing other or highly fragmented files.

In this rank, vikoristannya discs the rest of the generations ensure a more radical reduction in noise, below all the methods described above, including those with an intensive robotic positioning mechanism.

In modern disks, noise-insulating gaskets, SeaShield plugs, mid-dynamic bearings (Fluid Dynamics Bearing, FDB), as well as screeds between the body and the engine are installed, special materials and designs are selected, which allow reaching 28 dB at idle at 28 dB a quiet whisper of data.

In this rank, acoustics (to make noise, as if accumulating vibrations for an hour of work) becomes one of the most important parameters in today's hard drives.

According to statistics, after about 6 years, you stop working on leather other HDD However, practice shows that after 2-3 years in the robotic hard disk, malfunctions may appear. One of the widest problems is the situation, if you accumulate a rattle or start to squeak. Navіt tse bulo was marked only once, after living in songful visits, yakі save in case of a possible waste of money.

A right hard drive is not guilty of any third-party sounds during operation. You can see some noise, which is guessing buzzing, if you are recording or reading information. For example, when files are downloaded, background robotic programs, updates, launching games, add-ons, etc.

As if a koristuvach guards sounds that are not powerful from a hard disk, it’s important to explain the reason for their blame.

Rechecking the hard drive

Quite often, when you run the diagnostic utility, the HDD may become a little clattering, as if you see attachments. It's not unsafe, shards with such a rank of accumulating can simply designate that as the name of the beat of the sector.

Like in the hour of clatter and other sounds are not afraid, operating system works stably and the speed of the HDD itself has not fallen, then there is no cause for concern.

Switching to power saving mode

If you have turned on the power saving mode, and when the system changes, you can hear the clatter of the hard disk, then this is normal. When enabled, the clatter will no longer be heard.

power outages

Electricity surges can also vibrate the clatter of a hard disk, and if problems are not detected at the right time, then everything is in order with accumulating. In case of a short laptop when the battery is working, different non-standard sounds of the HDD can also be blamed. If the clatter disappears when the laptop is connected, then the battery may be faulty, and then replace it with a new one.


Three different drives may cause overheating of the hard drive, and a sign of this will be different non-standard sounds, like wines. How to understand that the disk is overheating? It sounds when you want to, for example, at the beginning of the hour or until the recording on the HDD.

In this period, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the accumulator. You can use the help of HWMonitor software or AIDA64.

The last signs of overheating are the freezing of the program or the entire OS, the rapid exit to overheating or the external connection of the PC.

Let's take a look at the main causes of elevated HDD temperature and ways to fix it:

Poshkodennya servo marking

At the stage of compilation, servo marks are recorded on the HDD, which are necessary for synchronizing the wrapping of disks, the correct positioning of the heads. Servo marks represent a change, as they start in the center of the disk itself and are sorted out on the same surface one by one. From such marks, the skin takes its number, its place in the synchronized lancets and other information. It is necessary for a stable disk wrapping and precise targeting of its areas.

Servo markup - the totality of servo marks, and if it fails, then the HDD area cannot be read. Whenever you need to, you will need to take in information, and the whole process will be accompanied not only by trivial hiccups in the system, but by a loud knock. The head of the disk knocks into this direction, as if trying to turn back to the damaged servo mark.

It is more collapsible and serious breakdown with any HDD can be repaired, but not 100%. You can correct the mess with the help of a servowriter, for low-level formatting. It's a pity, for whom we don't have any programs to promote the right low level format". Whether such a utility is less likely to create the appearance of a low-level formatting. All on the right in the fact that the very formatting on a low level is carried out by a special tool (servowriter), which manages the servo markup. As you have already figured out, no program can perform the same function.

Deformation of the cable or incorrect socket

In some cases, the clatter may be the cable, through some kind of connection, the accumulator can be blamed. Reverse the physical integrity - do not kill the wines, as the plugs are hurt. It is still possible to replace the cable with a new one and turn it around like a robot.

Also, look around with roses at the presence of a saw and a smile. If possible, connect the hard drive cable to the next end on the motherboard.

Wrong hard drive position

For an hour, the wizard screams all the more in the wrong installation of the disk. Vіn is guilty of being firmly fixed with bolts and roztashovuvatisya exclusively horizontally. If you put an attachment under the hood, or it didn’t creak, then the head for an hour of work can chip and see the sounds at the clatter.

Before speech, like disks dekіlka, it is better for all kripiti їх on the vіdstanі one vіd one. Tse help them to cool down more quickly and to relieve them if sounds are possible.

physical breakdown

A hard disc is attached to the arch of a cry, and it’s afraid to be some kind of splashes on the square of the fall, blows, strong streaks, vibrations. Particularly worthy of vlasnikі v laptopіv - mobile computers due to the carelessness of the coristuvachi, more often than the stationary ones fall, bump, show great arms, shaking and other unfriendly minds. Once you can lead to a breakdown of the accumulator. Sound in such a way, the heads of the disks are breaking, and їх іх іх іх іх іх іх хіхі вівлення can vikonati fahivets.

Of course, the default HDD can also appear, the replacement of which is not guilty of any manipulations. To finish the particles of the saw, to eat in the middle, I will attach a pid drukarska head, so that I can call out a creak or other sounds.

You can attribute the problem to the nature of the sounds that are seen by the Winchester. Obviously, it does not replace the qualifications of an inspection and diagnostics, but we can also correct:

  • Poshkodzhennya HDD heads - you can see a sprat clatter, after some attachments start to work better. So, with singing periodicity, sounds can be blamed without interruption;
  • Faulty spindle - the disk starts to start, but in the bag the whole process is interrupted;
  • Bits of the sector - it is possible, on the disk there are unreadable plots (on the physical level, it is impossible to use software methods).

Why robiti, how clattering doesn’t dare to get stuck on your own

In a number of vipadkіv koristuvachs, they can’t but only clatter, but they can also diagnose their cause. Options, how to fix it, there are only two:

  1. Buying a new HDD. If the problematic hard drive is still working, then you can try cloning the system with the files recognized for the hard drive. In fact, you only replace your nose, and all your files and OS will work as before.

    Although there is still no such possibility, you can want to save the most important data on other storage devices: USB-flash, gloomy shovischa, Old HDD and in.

  2. Zvernennya to fakhіvtsya. Repairing physical damage to hard disks is expensive and does not sound like a sensation. Particularly, I'm talking about standard hard drives (installed in the PC at the time of purchase) or bought independently for small pennies.

    However, even if the information on the disk is more important, then fahivets will help you to "remote" and copy it to a new HDD. If the problem is clearly expressed, the clatter and other sounds are recommended to turn to professionals, as they can redeem data, vicorist software and hardware complexes. Self-supporting actions can only worsen the situation and lead to the loss of files and documents.

We have analyzed the main problems, because of which a hard disk can click. In practice, everything is more individual, and in your case, a non-standard problem may be blamed, for example, by jamming the engine.

Show off independently, what a clatter called out, maybe it’s not easy. Since you don’t have enough knowledge and knowledge, we’ll turn to fakhivtsiv for the sake of it, or come and install new zhorsky disk independently.

HDD, winchester - make noise, click and creak. Why and what can be done.

A large part of the HDD noise is the sound wave in the range of 1 - 3 kHz is added to the noise from two different jacks.

This is the noise of a hard drive, which is generated by the wrappers of the 1st spindle and the rubbing of mechanical parts without the middle of the hard drive. Tsey noise can be changed only by modifying the components of the hard drive.

Most of all I can hear the noise, yelling, vibrating from the hard drive in the middle of the computer case. The vibrations of the spindle wrap, as well as the vibrations of the read / write heads, are added to their own line, as they are split and chime many times per second.

Clicking in the HDD, for example, looks like a positioner, at the moment of impact on the intermediate. The right hard disk can be seen clattering due to the so-called thermal calibration, if the hard disk has a change in temperature of the hull and storage parts vibrating the read/write positioning system.

In addition, the Winchester clicks and looks like a nasty, "crappy" or unstable meal, if you go to the parking area and the HDD electronics to restart. For another reason, by clicking on the right gwent, you can put the hard disk into sleep mode, and as such settings are explicitly specified in the system's energy-saving power, such an effect can occur frequently. Є sense guess and about offline scanning of the surface of the disk, as one of the reasons for the click of the HDD. Truth in what direction third party sounds The HDD will be surrounded by bad sectors (bad blocks) of the hard disk, which off-line scanning can be replaced or switched off from the broadcast.

What work?

Seemingly simpler - you can change the loudness of the sounds that are seen by a hard disk, you can do it in two ways - fix them in the case for the help of soft reinforcement, which will prevent the transfer of the vibration from the hard disk to the case and beat the Automatic Acoustic Management function.

"Squeak" - tse torokhtinnya gvinta pid hour of work or a constant rumble? As a friend, then shvidshe for all the resonance. Twist or screw up the hard drive. How about two of them? Gwenti work silently one at a time, and at the same time in the same building - the rumble stops. Let's turn over one of the twins with a heart, so that the wrapping will be in different sides. Turned over. The sound has changed by 80%. It means out.

Not everyone knows that the hard drive can change the characteristics of the hard drive for the additional function of acoustic control, as it allows you to modify the profiles of access to data (access patterns) and change the hard drive mode by locking (switched) to silent mode.

Run utilities such as HD Tune Pro, turn on AAM (Automatic Acoustic Management) and put your yoga in silent mode.

Download the program Victoria and adjust for її additional noise of the hard drive (the noise changes due to the speed reduction of the speed of the spindle wrap).

All hard drives, Based on UltraATA / 100 and Serial ATA interfaces, automatic acoustic control (AAM) function, in order to gain access to it and the mother can change it, you will need special software.

Sounds with a frequency of 1 kHz to 3 kHz are characterized by the greatest susceptibility, so the change in noise itself at these frequencies is more effective, which is why not at other frequencies. The axis of the view is the acoustic control technology.

A large part of the sound waves in the range from 1 to 3 kHz is composed of noise from two different horns. First, the noise of a hard drive, which is generated by the wraps of the 1st spindle and the rubbing of mechanical parts without a middle of the hard drive. Tsey noise can be changed only by modifying the components of the hard drive. But most of all I can hear the noise, yelling, vibrating the hard drive in the middle of the computer case. The vibrations of the spindle wrap, as well as the vibrations of the read / write heads, are added to their own line, as they are split and chime many times per second.

himself Swedish way moving the heads of the field in their quickest to the middle of the path straight ahead to the new road and in the farther galmuvanni on the reshti path (the so-called two-position poshuk). Іsnuє impersonal options for changing the operation, pochinayuchi in the modification of dispersal and galvanization, as well as the necessary impulse eating. Adding "native" command lines here (Native Command Queuing) to analyze and change the order of all input commands in order to know the most efficient order for reading and writing, helping to change the number of heads moving, which can speed up the access time and reduce noise.

Now let's move on to the analysis of the situation, if the hard drive is knocking through the wrong. As a rule, in any case, the positioning system, for these or other reasons, does not take signals from the heads of the hard drive, which indicate those that the head "switch" the servo markup. In this way, the Winchester creaks, whistles, knocks, or you see other sounds that hurt your soul. The actuator moves the block of heads according to all available amplitudes, sounds and the entire set. The HDD knocks and in that vein, as if it became zbіy in the process of downloading the firmware and it hung up, not allowing the processor to control the guts of the gwent. In all cases, if a hard disk is knocking, a qualified diagnosis is necessary to determine the causes and develop a strategy for successful recovery of these hard disk knocks.

Winchester creak or HDD make noise.

Well, I recently told you about those ways you can. Zokrema, in the article it was told about the program, how it is possible to manage coolers in your system block. Ale, coolers still piv bidi. At most coristuvachs, too much noise can be heard from the zhorst disk. More than that, deyakі zhorstkі disks nastіlki guchnі, scho stinks and become the main cause of the noise from the computer.

Ale, really, there is nothing terrible in it. Aja hard disk, it is also called a winchester, it is mechanically attached, in a way there are a sprinkling of disks that wrap around, damp, like making noise. Internal discs are similar to regular CDs, but the principle of operation is different for them.

Zavdyaki magnetic heads in the middle of the hard disk, information is read. Every hour of the process, the disks move and make noise. Some koristuvachs have hard disks to rattle, someone cracks and groans, like you. There is a lot of noise due to the hard disk model and the durability of the computer case. Since the case of the system unit is cheap, and even the walls are thin, then the noise from the hard drive will be transmitted throughout the case. Poorly fixed details will vibrate, creating even more noise.

In order to change the crackle, you can increase the footsteps:

  • Replace the old loud hard disk with a new one, knowing in advance about the new equal noise.
  • Speed ​​up the AAM settings to change the level of acoustic noise.
  • Review the soundproofing of the body. Maybe the problem itself is in a new one and after replacing it with a new one, the computer will be quieter.
  • Install the hard drive on special soundproofing gaskets, or install a soundproof case for the disk.
  • Defragment hard drive. But it’s not a fact that this procedure will help you. And as soon as the hard disk is carried out, it becomes quieter, then the noise will suddenly turn around again.
Upevneniy, all the points you know more or less know and understand, but the other. We'll talk about the new one in this article.

Changed hard drive crash for help AAM

If a hard disk has this function, how can we control its noise for additional internal AAM settings. (Automatic Acoustic Management). The principle of this setting is even simpler: the speed of moving the heads is reduced, so that a hard drive can be made quieter. Ale, such an axis setting reduces not only the noise, but also the speed of the hard drive as a whole.

Here it is necessary to choose what is more important for you - the speed of the robotic hard drive or the noise from the outside. Possibly, if you don’t remember the settings, the speed of the robot hard drive has fallen, but there will be no more crackling during the robot.

In order for you to be able to start improving the density of the hard disk, it is necessary to start the "WinAAM" program. The program is given more cost-free and download more quickly from the official site.

The program has a Russian interface and for robots, you do not need to install it. Run її directly from the archive and configure. When you open the program, you check out the options for choosing robots and programs.

You need to press the "continue" button. At the installation of the security, they didn’t lizemo, so the stench couldn’t get in on the hard work of the hard drive.

If you run the program, then you will be told that in the first row it will be written "in given moment Noise control is inactive". You will need to select the item "Quiet / Standard (128)" to set the "quiet" AAM value. Regardless of those that the program can range in values ​​from 0 to 255, select the value itself "Quiet / Voice ", because the intermediate options do not appear on the robot and noise-muffled hard disk. For the very reason, only one button is needed for you in the program, so as not to change the choice of value for an effective robot program.

Once the value is set, the program will automatically close. It is necessary to start again and press the "continue" button, and then "revise".

If you work with the programs, you will play it all, in which case all the information about the chaotic movement of the heads that reads the hard disk, and you will feel how your hard disk will sound in a new way. Upevneniy, Winchester is more pratsyuvati more quietly. To equalize, you can press the "Voice (254)" button and feel, with some noise, the hard drive has worked to all levels.

By pressing on the button, you will turn everything standard settings i zhorstky disk prodovzhiti pratsyuvati z tієyu f shvidkіstyu.

yakscho given program If you don't know your hard drive, I recommend that you try "HD Tune" the same way.

Vlasne, that's all. Now you can independently control the noise level of your hard drive. If the Winchester robot is accompanied by a trill and a different kind of clatter, then in general terms I recommend victorious, whether it be with the programs, so that the sound of the hard drive is quieter, so that the noise is important to you. Diakuёmo, scho vie with us!

Under an hour of work at the computer, there was a lot of noise. It can be created as a cooler, a video card, or a hard drive. However, the noise from the hard drive is heard from other sounds that come out of the system unit or the lower part of the laptop. The noise of a hard disk is more predictable than a crackle. Vіn z'yavlyaєtsya, if you copy the files of the great expansions or graєte in the game. As before, your PC worked stably and there were no third-party noises, but now it’s hard to crack a hard disk, copy all the important information from it and revise it.

Let's get rid of the crack of a hard disk

If you have a cracked hard drive, you can fix this problem in two ways:

  • Reduced speed of the position of the heads (so stink and crackle);
  • Nadіyne fixing the hard drive in the middle of the system unit.

A leather hard disk is available as an option, such as Automatic Acoustic Management. Vaughn vіdpovіdaє for shvidkіst wrapping of the magnetic heads of the hard drive. It is not possible to change these parameters and reduce the speed of reading these with the default settings. You need a special program. On the Internet, such people can be known anonymously. QuietHDD software is gaining popularity. However, ahead of the varto, which reduces the speed of wrapping the heads, the speed of reading information decreases. The disk is being repaired better. Tse negative factor. You will immediately have to choose: shvidkіst or a working Winchester.

We pick up the crackle of the hard drive for the help of quietHDD in an offensive way. Starting and launching the utility in the name of the Administrator.

Open the "AAM Adjustment" tab. We move the bells in the minimum position, decreasing from 256 to 128 revolutions. After pressing “Accept” and “Ok”.

Schoben leather once before the cob of cob programs and addenda do not run given utility, Warto add її to the auto-entry system.

As if you are the owner of a PC, not a laptop, a hard drive needs to be securely fixed in the system block. You can do it in three ways:

  1. Fastened with bolts. Most often, the Winchester is fastened with two bolts, wanting more roses. In the “sanchats” the disc is quite “watchful” to itself and through it I create a crackle and noise. Varto stretch out the attachments and, above all, fasten the winchester on all the bolts.

  1. Wikoristannya gaskets. Soft-gummed gaskets dampen noise and vibration. You can buy or vir_zati independently and install in the space of the disk z system unit. However, the material is not guilty of being too great, so as not to obscure the ventilation of the disc.

  1. Kriplennya for help twisting the bet. Ring out for the cієї meti vikoristovuyut 3-4 small pieces of dart and krіplyat like a bi disk roztashovuvavsya in sanchats. However, in such a vipad, moving the body will be foldable. Є risik poshkoditi pristіy.

For the help of visualization methods, you can fix a hard disk in such a way that it does not make noise and does not crack.