How to create a conversation in spivtovaristvo. How to create a conversation in contact. How to create a conversation in contact with friends

How to create a conversation in VK with a phone or a computer?

Almost everyone who registers with the social network VKontakte, including all the numerical possibilities of this resource, wins yoga and is like a messenger. Collision in the borders has long been a part of everyday life. And even though the possibility of listing only develops. Everyone remembers how popular chats used to be, when in one big event a group of people came together one after another.

Today you can make chats with your real friends and talk to those yourself, about which you spoke on real friends. Adje often lacks the ability to pick up at once, especially as they have grown up, wandered around in their little cloaks, or wind up the places. The VKontakte website gives you the opportunity to join the virtual space at once. Having created a chat, or a conversation, you can ask for absolutely new people. You can create a lot of conversations. I as tse robiti, we can describe at once.

How to create a conversation in a new VK from a computer?

Recently, the site will be updated with its design. And more information in the future is worth the old design. In this article, we say how to create a conversation in the new VK. It's easier to fight. Otzhe, how to create a conversation in VK from a computer:

There is one more way. At the opening of the dialogue, we point the bear at the menu at the upper right part of the window. Pressing on "to add spіvrozmovnikіv". And just like that, we choose from the list of friends we need. After that, the dialogue will transform into a conversation.

For proof! If you are a participant in the conversation, you can add your friends. In this rank, your rozmovi can have people who don’t become friends with you.

How to create a conversation in VK with a phone?

For the cob, obviously, it is necessary to invest in and install the official mobile supplement VKontakte on your smartphone. It is as easy to create a conversation in VK from a phone as it is from a computer:

You can change the name and add the avatar in the customizations. In the same place, you can add information, add or tidy up the participants. You can get rid of the conversation. Vtim, let's talk about feasibility later.

the possibility of conversation

The upper part of the screen has a menu with customizations. There the advancing possibilities are proclaimed:

For proof! All participants, and not only the creator, have access to the creation of a conversation.

Exactly the same point of nalashtuvan with the same feasibility є і in the mobile addendum, as you can see the advantage of talking through the phone.

You can attach photos, videos, audio files, documents and a map with coordinates to the chat. On the vіdmіnu vіd zvichayny dialogue, here it is not possible to attach gifts and transfer pennies. How to talk you down, how to create a vote in conversation, then it’s embarrassing: they said they attached an experiment to the updated design, like a graph.

As soon as we see it from the conversation, in the chat it’s written “having left the conversation”. The participants can continue to communicate, but you will not be informed anymore. When you turn to appear, you write “turning into a conversation” and reminders will come again.

You can see the created conversation. From the computer, in the list of dialogues we know our conversation and the right-hander, on the contrary, the pictures, we press on the cross. “Would you like to see all the correspondence in your conversation? It will be impossible to say tsiu diyu.” I can see.

zrobimo visnovki

Collaboration in the merezhі is becoming more and more lucrative. If you need to create a company for your interests, whether it be classmates, colleagues in robots, friends from the yard, or to build a business relationship with food for robots, business, or other important topics, then it is possible and available today. As it became clear to the statutes, it was possible to learn from everyone about a child. Golovne, do not go with your head in a merezha, even though it’s still really alive

How to create a conversation in VK on a computer or on a phone

The exchange of information is one of the most important signs of social measures. What is it possible to quickly get in touch with a whole group of people without getting a call and annoying copy-paste reminder? VKontakte kindly gives us such an opportunity for help creating a conversation. Let's understand how it is most effective to create space for one person or for a large group of people. How to create a conversation in VK? We need the best possible way. Let's unravel.

The creation of a conversation from a computer

It is necessary for us to go to our side in the social dimension. From the left menu, we select “Notice” and click on them with the left mouse button. If our dialogues are clear, we whisper a simple plus sign in the upper fold and emboss right on the new one.

Rozmov in VK can be created with dekilkom friends, zaishovshi from a company in a social measure. In addition, since your phone works on Android and you need to write to a number of people, then all you need is a conference, or conf, as you call it. Here all the participants can discuss those and other food.

Before our eyes, the menu of the creation of a new conversation is displayed. Let's proceed to the selection of future participants. All your friends will appear at the list, and you yourself will be enchanted by this retelling.

Now pokrokovo vikonuemo diї:

  1. We put checkmarks next to the names of the participants in the chat. You can add a few friends, or you can have a successful contract.
  2. We select and capture the cover of the conversation by clicking on the camera icon. You can proceed to the name of the chat. Come up with a memory and write a cicava, which, obviously, is not a working space.
  3. To revive our "baby", we press on the "Create" button.

Done - you are wonderful. Our group of people is ready to talk. The screenshot shows your sketches in detail:

Simpler than simple, isn't it? Information about the new field of inquiry will come negligently. A new chat will now appear in your notifications. Now on the right behind the malim - start talking with friends or colleagues. Be vvіchlivimi - for the cob vіtaytes.

In a similar way, we can create a cost-free bot to win yoga in the VK group. How do you like it, how do you know, write in the comments.

If you want to talk to unknown people, for some other reason you can’t add to the list of friends, then, unfortunately, Contact may have your own conversation. Security policy intermingles such a function, relying on the protection of the “ocean” of spam.

How to remove from the quiet altanka of the tiresome spymaster? Can you add a new one? There is nothing simple. You її have done and everything is under your power.

  1. Also, for the “vignannya” ritual, it is necessary to click on the chat icon in the upper hood.

  1. At the list of participants, simply press on a small cross the oppositely necessary (in this way, rather, non-necessary) nickname.

  1. We turn off the blame and calmly emboss "Close".

You can add new people for help. Vaughn is in the right corner of the vіkna.

Chat with yourself

In a similar manner, we can create a resurrection of Rozmov with ourselves. Sounding like a trifle of its own accord, but no one has bothered to speak with oneself. Until then, you can accumulate tons of basic information, send pictures. No way save everything on the computer.

In the field, I will ask, instruct from the sign of the beat, we enter our own name. It is guilty of confirming that you signed VKontakte. We boldly press on the image and write SMS. Anonymous and smart way to save information.

Bringing into reality the conversation on the phone

From a company, it’s possible to open it in a couple of clicks, but what about a phone? The creatures of the conversation can be engaged in something else. How many hours do you borrow? The process is quick and painless, don't worry. We will show you how to work on the application of the mobile version.

  1. Let's go along the familiar path - "Information" - and select the option "Write a notification". On the telephone, you will see a badge with a Drukar pen. Tisnemo on new.

  1. And the axis is those who joked about us. With one onslaught on a field we see, we create a new conversation.

  1. Here we can choose your own suitable speaker.

  1. Let's think of a name and emboss the checkmark button.

  1. Now everything is required. Conversation at your disposal.

Mobile VK does not suffer from the limitation of functionality. Be it a version of the program on the building.

pіdvodimо pіdbags


How to create a conversation on Vkontakte?

We called out that for the selection of conferences we need special sites or programs. For example, Skype conference. But now it’s far to climb, all of us are rooted in such a social network like Vkontakte. They have the same conference mode, only wines are called - conversation.

I so how to create a conversation in VK.

1) Go to your account on Vkontakte and go to My message -\u003e Write a message.
2) At the meeting, we select the people you want to be at your conference. The maximum quantity is 30 pcs.

3) All conversation has been created.
Besid has a lot of functions and at once I will tell you about the skin (top right є dії):

Add a messenger, You will see a list of your friends and you can choose one of them to be included in the conversation. Add one at a time, it’s impossible to add a sprat.
vydalnya spivrozmovnik be carried out as follows: at the bottom there are a large number of participants, pressing on them.
V_dkrivaєtsya vіkno і in the dark on the right opposite the skin participant є cross, When pressed against a new coristuvach, they went out of the conversation.

Change the name of the conversation- at any hour and more than once you can change the name.
Update a photo of the conversation- like in a group or on your side, choose a picture on your computer and upload it to the conversation.
Please replace the photographs. Show up here.

Show materials from the conversation- display all the files, as you or the participants of the conversation threw off in Rozmov.

Poshuk on the history of conversation- because you didn’t write down some information, as your friend dropped it in the reminder. You can know її through search.

Vimknut svіschennya- reminders will come and will appear as if they have not been read, but you won’t be a little bit if the stench comes.

Clear history- see all the reminders.

leave the conversation- peti z besidi, you can only turn around if you want to ask again.

After the skin procedure, in the chat it seems that it happened to itself if.

Besida Vkontakte - How to Create with Phone and Computer

It’s too much for some kind of drive to create conversations and collaborating in a chat of its own kind, it’s possible to work in messengers like that, whatsapp, Viber. You can create a conversation In contact with, For the meeting of a large number of people, chat, or else they call it, the VKontakte conference, you can create both on a computer, and on a telephone, in addition to VK.

Shvidka navigation:

How to create a chat - "conversation" VKontakte.

From the computer, for the phone, describe the troch below.

Go to the notification and click on the plus sign “create a conversation”.

We will come soon, adding the participants in the conversation to the list of friends, mark the checkbox of the one you would like to ask for the conversation.

Right there, at the very bottom, write how your conversation will be called.

How to create a VKontakte conversation with a phone or a tablet in a mobile add-on VK.

Here it’s easier to go down to the PC, go to the reminder, click on the olive tree with a leaf, select the participants in the conversation and enter the name of the conversation in an attacking shorthand.

Elements of managing the conversation VKontakte.

Go into the conversation already, at the very top, press on three specks, wrap it up, be it any of the menu items, manage the conversation yourself here.

  • Add spіvrozmovnikіv- if you want to come to the already known conversation, you can add people.
  • Change the name of the conversation- change the conversation.
  • Change the photo of the besid- choose the appropriate image.
  • Show Attachment- pictures, documents...
  • Search for history- it's handy to avoid choking the whole chat in important messages.
  • Enabled / Disabled alert- if you want to know, then you can turn them on.
  • Clear history
  • leave the conversation

How to create a conversation VKontakte

VKontakte promotes not only a one-on-one conversation with a colleague, but also a group dialogue with dekilcoma friends at once, as well as with friends of friends, as if in the future they will be added. You can create a conversation from a PC or a mobile phone. To fight tse quickly and handily. Let's look at the necessary things.

From a personal computer on the site

The process of creating a group chat in the web version of the VKontakte service is similar to the offensive one:

  1. Vіdkryte rasdіl "Information".
  2. At the upper right corner, press on the plus sign "start a conversation."

  1. After that, you will see an additional menu with the choice of friends for requesting in a group dialogue.

Above you can write the name of the chat. Yogo will be a participant in the dialogue in his notes.

If you are a person who is in conversation, you can ask your friends in it.

For this, it is necessary to click on the “dії” button and in the context menu select the item “Add voicemail”.

There is a similar selection of people from the friend list.

In this menu, you can also remember the main photo of the chat, search for information in history, turn on sound and other notifications at the entrance notices (what will be before the speech, even if the great group rose will have an uninterrupted flow). With a good-natured exit from such a dialogue, it is allowed to turn around at any moment. For whom it is necessary to re-enter the chat and in the dialogues select the item “turn to the conversation”.

Only the creator of the chat can see the participant without the right to turn.

At some point in the conversation in special inquiries, offended spivrozmovniki can ask for new people before they move.

The standard dialog has the same button and adding people from the friend list is done in a similar way.

The axis is so easy to create a private conversation from a computer, and with the help of a rozmov, two people are transformed into a group conversation.

With a phone or a tablet as an addendum

The interface of the official mobile VKontakte for IPhone and phones on Android looks like a computer web version, but the principle is the same here.

  1. After entering the notification, press the button on the touch screen and open the context menu. The new one has the item "create a conversation"

Use the same selection of participants for the group chat as in the web version of the site. Through the mobile addendum, all the descriptions of the other person are also listed (including the addition of new contacts to the list of contacts of any participant, renaming, deletion).

  1. Under the hour of listing in the LAN on the phone, so insulting spivrezmovniki can freely add, whether as a number of their friends, to rozmovi.

It is not so easy for a mobile addon, for example, to look over GIF documents and other formats, search for a great array of listings. And then you will quickly share with your friends a very broken photo and write down a voice message.

How to create a conversation in VK from a computer?

How to create a conversation in VK from a computer?

Zayshovshi, in “my message” press the blue button “write a message”, there you will be prompted to choose obsessions. They'll just be participants in your conversation, choose how many friends you want to join to the conference. Next, in the row of reminders, enter the necessary information and correct it, the conversation has been created. Now you can edit, pointing the cursor at the row "dії" you yourself, and also all the participants of the conference can add spokesmen, change the name of the conversation, update the photo, stop the conversation and іn. How did you get connected to the conference, how to recognize who, having created a conversation in VK, and who is in his presence, crim you? For which next press write "people", which is known by the button for editing the notification. There you will pamper the people, as if you made a conversation, and below, all її members.

How to create a VKontakte conference without a computer?

The telephone version of VK also has the function of group dialogs for additional support. So, how to create a conference on VKontakte through the phone, how to allow you to chat with your friends at once, marvel at the big video, photo? Everything is simple here, the skin itself can be done. Zayshovshi in pomіdomlennya, sіd "vіdkrіti dіalogue", tseіkonka olіvtsya. Write a letter, “create a conversation”, push it, choose your friends for your conference, emboss “distance” and “create”. If so, you will be left writing to inform and talk to your sizable friends at once.

How to clean up people from the conversations of VKontakte?

You yourself have created a conversation and are satisfied with yourself, but here one of your spivrozmovniks has become rude, here you just see this person through the “people” key, which is known by the button for corrections. And how to see the conversation on VKontakte, how did you create it, how did it become irrelevant? Root the whole computer through the list of dialogs, deselect the conversation, as you want to see. Opening the conference is not a varto, just move the cursor in the conversation column to the left until a cross appears, clicking on it, you can see the conversation you created.

How to create a dialogue with yourself in VK

It's called schizophrenia. It is impossible to create a dialogue in contact with oneself. Sche Pavlo Durov about tse adding.

Spontaneously go to the side of one. Better to know with someone else in your friends. The order will be the WRITE ATTENTION button. but then you understood how)

Take your Ip, enter into a dialogue with one, you will be in the address bar your friend), replace replace ip of one insert your own ip, press enter \u003e\u003e І SHAZAMMM

Quietly on your own ... New zayva lanka - about what you think about it and є dialogue with yourself

go to the messages there write a message at the top tysne write your own name and write what you want

just make a conversation and don’t add anyone there and write as much as you want hah khіin

I seemed to have grown up, I don’t remember how :(

hello how are you doing

Detailed instructions in the video\u003dfJUIIHbxZM4

If you happen to conduct a working and friendly correspondence with one and the same person, then you simply get lost in the everyday compartments.

Possibly, they called them back as important, but then they threw them away, even if in such a large number of important reminders you can ruin yourself.

The best way out in this situation is to create a chat for two. So it is possible to divide the work by those and the regular communication. For example, in a casual conversation, conduct a friendly correspondence, and in a working conversation - a conversation on a business topic.

If you already tried to invite just one person into the conversation, then you know that VKontakte, until recently, it was impossible to create a conversation, in which case there will be only two participants, and there will be more than one.

Besida, in the presence of only one participant - you - may be different in different ways, so you need to structure a large amount of information, and mothers have constant access to it.

Now in VK you can make a conversation, in which case there will be many participants, how many you want, to wind one or two. How tse robiti, peacefully in the new cover instructions.

How to create a chat for two or one VKontakte

krok №1

We enter our profile in VK.

krok №2

Let's go to the "Information" section.

krok №3

Here we press on the plus sign on the right in the mountain, to create a conversation.

krok №4

Call it її i ... everything! You can add a lining by clicking on the camera icon.

Chat for one ready.

krok №5

To create a conversation for two, just ask for the creations and names of the chat of one. Ready!

It's so easy to create a chat for two people, as you are listing on the same page with one and the same other. You can also chat with yourself, make it sound like an autistic person.

Indeed, this function is more important, even if you often want to submit an article, post or video for later. All this information can be thrown into a private conversation, so it will always be at your fingertips.

You need to create a terminology conversation in contact, and you don't know - how?
No problem!
Read this article and in a couple of minutes you will have a conversation!

For the cob, a few words about those for which you need conversations in contacts 

Often, conversations are held as part of a training session for a quick response to yoga participants and discussions of their wild meals;
Also, you can create conversations with a large number of people for work with a client, if you need a consultation with a dekilkoh fakhivtsiv (tse maє sense, if the mova go about the way the goods);
You can create a conversation as well as just talk, or, for example, you can have a group of students in the same stream to exchange news.

How to create a conversation in contact - 2 ways

It's really easy to create a conversation in contact.

method 1

  • We go to the item of the left menu "Information"
  • Press the "+" button in the upper right corner
  • A list of friends is displayed, which we can request in our conversation
  • We choose quietly, whom we want to fight in conversation
  • If all the necessary friends are found, embossed "Make a conversation" - the button to appear in the lower right corner.

Get respect!

If only one person is requested in the conversation and not a few, then replace the “Create a conversation” button, and click “Go to the dialogue”.

method 2

  • We go into the already nayavnu correspondence with one person. It is permissible for us to add more people to our dialogue
  • We know the button with triple speckles in the upper right corner, instructed for the avatars of our messenger

  • Tisnemo її i select from the vip menu - “Add a voicemailer”
  • We choose quiet friends from our list, whom we want to bachit in our chat

How to create a conversation in contact with friends

There are also 2 ways:

Option 1

The new version of the request for conversation is not friends, this did not happen before. This opportunity is available only to її creators:

  • We go into a conversation in Yaku want to request people not from the list of friends
  • Embossed button with three dots at the upper right corner
  • At the pop-up menu, we know “Send for conversation” and embossed її
  • Show up at the window with a message and a button for її copying

  • Qiu is sent in special notice to all non-friends whom you want to talk about in our conversation.

Axis sho babble people, yaku vee was asked to rozmovi

The maximum number of participants in the meeting is 250 people.

Option 2

You can ask friends to make a request to the conversation of their friends.
Any participant in the conversation can ask for one person in the conversation to know that he is not a creator.
And the axis is the button z to ask for a conversation, for a person who is not a creator, not to show up.

How to create a conversation in contacts on the phone

From the phone you can also create a conversation. You can also use the official VK program in the phone, as well as the addendum of Kate Mobile and the browser.

Let's look at all the options.

How to create a conversation with the phone in the official addendum VK

  • We go to the addendum in the reminder - the icon at the bottom
  • Tisnemo "+" at the upper right cod

  • We choose "Make a conversation"
  • Put a tick next to the names of your friends and any of them you want to request before moving
  • Tick ​​the check mark at the top right corner

Besida is created! 

How to make a conversation on the phone in addition to Kate Mobile

  • Let's go to the reminder
  • Embossed button with triple speckles in the upper right corner
  • From the menu, select "Create a conversation"

  • We select friends by ticking the boxes next to their names - which you want to request
  • Thumb the "create a conversation" button

How to create a conversation in contacts on the phone in the browser

For whom we need:

  • Open a new tab in contacts, for example in chrome
  • Show up mobile version. In order to switch to the new version, press the button with three rice in the upper left corner
  • Scroll all the way down
  • We know the item "new version", embossed

Now you have a social system in your phone. In contacts, it looks the same as on a computer, and you can speed up in the first half of the article.

How to remove a participant from a conversation

You can only see the participant of the conversation only as a creator.

For whom:

  • Let's join our conversation
  • Press on the button for the number of її participants - there is a mountain in the middle
  • Opposite the skin participant of the conversation, when hovering over, the “X” button will appear - tisnemo її and that’s all - a person who is not necessary for us will be seen from the conversation.

If you yourself want to enter into an inappropriate conversation for you, they included you in the yak, then:

  • Join this conversation
  • Press the button with three dots at the upper right corner
  • Know - "Leave the conversation"

Everything is simple! 

How to remove the conversation

In order to remove the conversation - to get rid of all the participants and get out of it yourself.
Okremoї buttons "View the conversation" unfortunately, not іsnuє.

Mayte on the court, in the distance of your supporter, I can join it again, as if to ask one of the її participants to hang up the request. This person is guilty of being friends with the new one.

Now you know how to create a conversation in contacts and you can call it on the phone quickly and anytime 
I hope the article turned out to be brown for you, as if it were so, be kind to share it in social media and rate it by clicking on the star No. 5
I will be more than happy for you 

You don’t know how to create a conversation in VK, you try to figure out what is an option, and how can it be? Let me tell you, they gave you a way to combine a small number of participants in one dialosis. This is an analogue of group chats, one of the options for online conferences. On this day, you can join up to 500 koristuvachivs in the dialogue!

How to start a conversation in VK?

3 phone

Call respect, what is the instruction, how to create a conversation in VK with the phone in the new version of the site. Change, obviously, insignificantly like the old version, but the stench is present, it is recommended that you read the instructions:

  • Go to the VKontakte addendum, find the reminder icon on the bottom of the row (the wine is placed in the center);
  • Go to the section;
  • Click on the plus sign that the order is known from the sign of the joke;
  • Select from the menu the command "Create a conversation";
  • Add to it the participants in the list of contacts, press the checkmark;
  • Come up with and enter, click again on Galci;
  • All is ready!
  • Tick ​​a plus sign;
  • Add a friend, enter a name below, click on the “Create a conversation” button;
  • Call respect - you can also, documents, media files, audio materials, voice messages;
  • Just press on three horizontal dots - open the submenu of the division - for the sake of learning all the possibilities of the options.
  • Find the "Besida" block and click on it;
  • You can chat on VKontakte, don't forget to name him.
  • After that Rozmov gets on the main side of the group.
  • If you have copied the effort, then you can also place it on the wall. When moving along it, the participant also gets into a conversation.

How to ask for a conversation

As in the course of a dialogue with friends, Virapt realized that if you don’t hang out, then don’t worry, you can always add more participants in the conversation. Zrobiti tse is simple.

  • Go to the required dialog;
  • At the very top, instruct to name the chat, hover the cursor over three dots and click on the “Add participants” section;
  • Check the boxes next to the profiles you need to request before the chat, and then click on the button "Add caller".
  • It's easier to ask for help from the phone. You just need to click on the avatar, and in the menu select "Add participant".

To gain respect, which is also to press on the number of osibs in the chat, you can not only ask who to enter it, but also block access.

How to remove the conversation

And just like a deep chat, you will be swayed, or the need to go to the new one just disappeared, as much as possible, so you can find out. Ale, don’t hurry to google and ask “how to see the conversation in VK”. Because it’s simply not possible to rob. The only way to help in such a form of dialogue is to remove all the participants according to your will and then leave yourself. Golovna do not confuse the sequence diy)

Yakі korisnі chips є for conversations in VK?

The first possibilities of these options were too small, for example, you could add a total of 30 people. Sogodnі - tse povnotsіnny _instrument for working or initial splkuvannya, vіn include a lot of different tsіkavih adjuncts priyomіv. To learn more about the function, let's look at all the subtleties and nuances:

  • And you knew that it is really possible to create a conversation in VK with yourself, though it’s true that it’s necessary to feed the cicada! Just like that, you can add yourself to the participants of your group chat, even if you start chatting to yourself through a joke - there will be no result. you can do it in two ways: through or know yourself in the notes and correct the text. Here you can save appropriate records, need documents, or important information.
  • It is easy to create a group chat in VK with a voice chat, so that you can enter into a dialogue of two people, click on three dots for the quick menu, select the command "Add voicemail";
  • One more cіkava feature - with the participants;
  • Vbuduvati and transfer to him a part of his rights;
  • Any participant in the conference can add koristuvachiv, wine can be seen, but only his requests;
  • And the axis of the father of the chat may have the right to see everyone, to his own judgment. It is necessary to click on the key of the participant’s name, know the objectionable person, click on the checkmark, select “Turn off”;
  • Too many vlasniks want to recognize themselves, how to create a conversation in the VK group - but in such a function there is no sense, even if for this purpose the wall of the group and the “Discussion” section, in which case you can discuss important information. If you still don’t know which one to share in your group, then it’s necessary to work it out, so that you can show up:

Go to the window "Keruvannya" (the key is right under the profile picture);

Now on the side there will be a new block "Add discussion".

  • You can see the deep dialogue only if you left it in front of you, you can see the command in the menu. Before turning off the call of the participants, remember the name for "Vilucheno". The final cut is cleaning up. Before speech, before purification, you can turn into a conference. And from

How to create a VKontakte conversation through a computer? Dialogue in VK is a good thing to get along with friends or business partners. Why for whom you will need only a couple of whilins in contact.

Hello friends!
Today I'll tell you in this article, how to create a conversation in VK from a computer in a new version.
How can you be in good fortune?

Let me know if you want to talk to your friends or business partners, or if you want to hold a seminar, you need to choose an audience.

Obviously, you can speed up with a Skype stethoscope, or else, but such instruments are not installed on the computer or on the telephone, and the contact axis can be contagious at all, it can be used to call my grandmother’s gut).

That's why I respect that it's not a problem to create a conversation on VKontakte!
So how can you create a conversation with a bunch of people on VKontakte?
Shvidshe z pіvsotneyu people, nizh z dekilkoma).

How to create a conversation in VK from a company with friends and an audience

So, how to create a conversation with a community of people in VK with a new design?
1. Knock your friends on the wall Go to VK, to your side, profile, account, well, at least understand.
2. Know how to write "reminder," press on her.

3. Write an emboss on "write a note"
When hovering over “+”, you may see “start a conversation”
4. Click on the checkbox, you will see the message “Enter e-mail of one or another name”

5. Choose who you want to request before contacting your friends.
At the moment, before talking or dialogue, I don’t know how you will be called, you can request up to 50 friends.
I think it’s great for a girl to finish 50 kg with friends, but with a large number you don’t know who, what you write, and to whom and if you tell).
Why am I writing with friends?
Do it like this, for now, people who you want to ask for a quote are guilty of being friends with you.
Logical question.
How to create a conversation in contact with friends?
Є solution.
Yakshcho, you don’t have many people in friends in VK, don’t drink wine with him, you can have wine with your friends in friends (he said so).
You can ask yoga in dialogue.

How to make a conversation on the phone?
Everything fights so by itself, I don’t worry about repeating the sensation.

How to create a VKontakte conversation through a computer with a new design

And now let's look at the main problem of the invasion of aliens, how to create a dialogue on VKontakte with a new design?
I don’t know about you, but less of the new design in VK is energized, it’s bigger, but it’s not really completed yet. Half of the functions are still not working in the same way. In short, don’t be afraid, it’s an option! For whom you need it easy, 5 seconds, until you can do this, all the power to the admin contact.
How to create a conversation in a VK group?
It’s a pity the VK admin is not kind people, such functions are still not available on VKontakte, but the payer is not your friends?
Ale! You can create a group discussion. Fight like that. Click on "add discussion"
Create a theme.
Give the names of those and write notes.

How to see people from conversations in VK?
For whom I have created a conversation with a bunch of friends, more precisely - 3 people.

Do you want an arrow?
Dali ...
How to turn off people from conversations VK?
Tisnemo, de I have an arrow, I have the number three there, you have your own.

Click on the cross, entrusting a person who is not good, whom you want to turn off. More and more wines will not bother you).

The axis was seen by you people, the conscience began to grizzle you and you mean to turn back.
How to turn into a conversation in the vk of a distant person?
For which, go to the cob.
Click "diya" and "add people"
Again joke yoga and add.

Tse mi discussed, what did you do on VKontakte, and what did they forcibly shove you there?)
That’s the way it is, if you have a lot of friends, you can be asked for a conversation.
The whole point is that nothing feeds you, but if you have a good contact, after skin repair, you will have a sleepwalking sound, you can definitely turn it on in the baths, but now you turn it on, maybe you don’t want to talk?
So you need to get out of it).
How to get out of the conversation in contacts?
For whom to look at the picture more.
At the very bottom, write “leave”, click on it, enjoy the silence).
So, you were like, you thought, it became boring for you ... they turned around to talk.
How to turn into a conversation VK?
Push reminders.
Joke the conversation.
Press on her.
Emboss “diya” and “turn around in it.”

On tsioma I have a tongue vtomivsya explain everything.
Speak to health and to new zustrіches!