How to get home on an iPhone You will find the home button on an iPhone. Extending the Home button on the iPhone screen

Buying first iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 4, iPhone 7 iPhone 10..., we usually don’t know how to deal with them.

Then we go to the Internet and try to read it, and there are a lot of entries there for people who are already familiar with the iPhone and know where the buttons are and one of the main ones is “DoDoma”.

It’s important to note that they can be called in another way: home, home or home, and also depending on the model, they can be either touch-sensitive on the screen or physical.

In older models it is physical, but in new ones we start with the iPhone 7, and in the iPhone x the home button has been disabled for a day. Alright, let's turn to the head with those, as if she weren't there, but were in the same place.

How to find the Home button on iPhone

“Home” for all models (including X, but not in the new one) is located at the bottom center of the screen - both physical and virtual - the photo above.

In this case, a lot of attention is paid to virtual recklessness - it only reacts to the skin of the finger, therefore, gloves need to be removed in the cold.

It is expected that Apple devices will be without buttons, clear-cut, clicky, and will have a lot of other innovations that will especially concern safety - tapping your finger on the button will be like a toy car.

Before speaking, if you have recently acquired a smartphone from Apple, then you will definitely not want to learn about tricks with the home button.

What can you do with the home button on iPhone?

For additional “Dodoma” you can turn to the head screen, and with a quick press of “home and power” you can easily download it.

In settings, you can set up your smartphone’s settings to launch the voice recognition function, launch Siri, adjust the typing speed, and with a double click, access all running programs.

You can display it on the screen - work virtually. For this you need to activate the function - "AssistiveTouch".

Not everyone knows, but in the Home button you can push and pull. For this, go to Settings → General → Universal Access.

Then scroll down the screen. There you will see the “Connected Keys” menu, which is why you won’t be able to buy it.

There you can select one of seven functions: “Color Inversion”, “AssistiveTouch”, “Switch Control”, “Addance”, “Reduce white specks” and “Gray shades”. Good luck.

Otherwise, the main button of mobile devices on iOS becomes less sensitive - it begins to ask for some delays or stops asking for those who have missed them. In most seizures this is associated with software glitch And it is not a great task to renovate it. It may be that the active rotary mechanism of the Home button wears out and requires more serious attention.

Even if it wasn’t there, it’s possible to revive iOS devices without turning into fakers service center. There are several ways to solve the problem with a broken Home button on iPhone and iPad.

Method 1: Software calibration

Inode head button iPhone smartphone And the iPad becomes less sensitive - it begins to ask for some lateness. If this is due to a software glitch, it is necessary to carry out a calibration procedure.

For whom is it necessary to open the door? staff supplement for example, weather or promotions. Then, press and hold the live button on the iOS device until the user appears. Now you need to trim Home doti, doki smuzhka not know, but launches additional the memory will not be violated. Lastly, please click on the Home button to follow the instructions.

Method 2: Coriguvati position of the dock connector

In situations where the Home button on the iPhone or iPad stops responding to pressure, there is a little trick that can help, which requires a standard 30-pin cord. First, you need to place the plug near the iPhone socket, and then place your finger under the plug and gently press it from the bottom to the top. After losing someone, press Home. Now unplug the cord and turn the device over.

Method 3: Vikoristuvati aerosol WD-40

You can restore the work of the worn-out Home button mechanism in iPhone and iPad using WD-40 aerosol (or simply a “bucket”) among motorists. This is especially true in the agricultural and aerospace industries, aviation, and electromechanical production.

Vikorist spray is also used in household cleanings, the “bucket” prevents creaking doors, it can be used to lubricate bicycle parts, locks, etc. Go to WD-40 and go to the iPhone - add a splash of water to the non-functional Home button, then perform 5-10 quick clicks. As a rule, it comes to life and again begins to respond to pressure.

Method 4: Program dubbing

Since the three previous methods did not work, which count for everything, the button is effectively broken and requires the assistance of the fakivts. Until then, before you go to the workshop for repairs, you can quickly get into operation iOS system function of software duplication of functions.

To do this, you need to go to the Settings menu -> General -> Universal Access and press Assistive Touch, and click on the top screen. Now press the circle that appears on the screen and next to the box that appears, press “Dodoma”. If you close the settings, you can press the button at any moment to turn to the head screen.

In this situation, there is a timely decision to allow the iPhone and iPad to be used without the broken Home button.

on mobile devices Apple only has one physical key, which is used for navigation. There you can see it at the bottom of the screen. It is practically impossible to carry out any operations with the broken Home button. And for such situations, the distributors of apple gadgets have developed a virtual replacement. Home button on iPhone screen It is an additional element of iOS and is functional as a replacement for a physical key.

Assistive Touch function

AssistiveTouch is shaped like a white stake and has a universal access button. Be aware of your options when leaving the physical “Home” button, or just for ease of reference.

With this help you can view notifications, lock the screen, adjust the volume, take pictures from the screen, and quickly move the camera like a magnifying glass.

In the AssistiveTouch mode with a matte color, the operation becomes darker during the hour, and when pressed on the screen on some models it may become darker.

It’s easy to display on your phone screen. We go to “Customization”, in the “Basics” section, select the “Universal Access” item and move the toggle switch in the “AssistiveTouch” row to the “increased” position. After which a floating round button will appear on the gadget screen. This means that the “AssistiveTouch” function is activated, and anyone with an iPhone can easily understand how this service works.

Hidden the Home button from the screen

Deactivation of "AssistiveTouch" follows the same scheme. Through “Adjustment”, then “Basics” and “Universal access”. The "AssistiveTouch" row switch can be switched to "on" mode.

All iPhone users cannot plug it in and leave it until full discount setup or reflash the operating system via iTunes. However, you can simply connect to the settings of the AssistiveTouch service.

Programmers for the Home button on the screen

Over the years, the main key of your favorite iPhone stops functioning or becomes jammed. It fails through software glitches or simply wear and tear. In the first case, it will be difficult to renovate, but in the other, repairs will be required.

Nowadays you can use a cost-free tweet called Menu Button Emulator. This solution is more practical and less complicated than AssistiveTouch. You can enchant Yogo in software supplement Cydia. Once installed, a bunch of gray color will appear on the display on top of the add-ons. It can be easily pulled over any handy place on the screen. This button is tested just like it is hardware.

For those who may iOS version 9 and above, you can use Tweak SPTouch. The new plugin installs a virtual button on the display, the functionality of which is identical to the hardware Home key. Having made a single click, the user will turn to the home screen, click on it to open a dialog window, and block the device by clicking on the button and leaving.

SPTouch is even more convenient for Vikoristan. The button can be easily dragged wherever it is on the screen. In settings you can set the size and color, thickness of the contour, clarity, etc. There is no need to re-arrange the installation. You can enable it on a locked screen. To enjoy it, check out the Cydia repository.

This instruction will help you replace the home button on your iPhone 5s yourself.

Please note that Touch ID can only be used with a button installed at the factory. If you change the home button yourself, you will not be able to unlock your iPhone with your finger. Only a replacement at an official Apple Service Center can preserve Touch ID functionality. .

These instructions are translated from the article:

We also have instructions about how you like it.

In advance

This article is not a companion to this day! All responsibility for the selection and disassembly of your device lies with you.
Most pickers do not bear any guarantees, as they are used to distributing koristuvach. If you do not want to expire the warranty on your device, check the warranty claims with the documentation or the manufacturer of the device.

Vicorized tools


If your iPhone screen is broken, then seal the screen with tape so as not to damage yourself and your phone with broken glass shards.

Place some tape on it so you don't cover the entire area of ​​the screen. In the first place, we will protect you and the phone from other tricks, and in another way, we will help preserve the integrity of the screen when we remove it from the case.

Even Raja will wear zahisni eyepieces and mittens. Getting the tricks out of your eyes is no longer an acceptable activity: (


Press the phone down until it starts working.

Then unscrew the two 3.9mm Pentalobe screws located on the sides of the Lightning connector.

Use the suction cup to remove the screen module. Place the suction cup on the screen using the “home” button and press so that the suction cup sticks and smoothes well.

The display module is held in the housing using clamps, as well as connections with motherboard decal with trains. One cable of cables under the “home” button, located at the top of the iPhone. Your task is to open the iPhone directly on the sides so that you can connect the cable under the home button.

Don't rush, this procedure can take up to an hour. iPhone display 5S fastenings should be added to the body. Don’t try to immediately open the phone, don’t forget about the cable.

Since the display is trimmed only on the cables, you can remove the suction cup by pulling the tab on the suction cup, or, if there is none, lift the edge of the suction cup with your fingernail.

We know...

Now we lift the display module from the side of the home button straight onto the chairs so that the cable can be pulled out.

Do not lift the screen too high, or you may damage the cable or socket. The train is not to blame for tension.

Use tweezers to remove the staple from its socket.

Before installation, install the bracket correctly. The side with a small tooth is directed straight down the device, and the side with two crevices is directed towards the battery.

Use tweezers to reach the connector on the cable motherboard.

Make sure that the connector on the cable effectively connects to the connector on the motherboard. The connector on the motherboard is glued and can be removed from the motherboard, which will not be very protective, unless the connector itself is connected to the connector on the cable.

After connecting the home button cable, open the phone 90° from the side of the home button so that the hinge is near the top of the phone.

For the next few hours, trim the screen by raising it 90°, as shown in the image.

Screw in the screws marked with circles:

  • 1.7mm Phillips #000 head screw;
  • 1.2mm Phillips #000 head screw;
  • 1.3mm Phillips #000 head screw;
  • 1.7mm Phillips #000 head screw. This screw is not magnetized by a screwdriver. Don't waste your money.

It is very important not to mix up the screws when folding. If you burn a 1.3-mm or 1.7-mm screw instead of a 1.2-mm screw, you can cause serious damage to the motherboard and damage the iPhone.

Do not overtighten the screws. If the screw does not go easily, then you have mercy, do not use force.

Remove the frozen screen.

Use a spatula to pry out the connectors of the selfie camera and sensor cables.

Trim the screen and raise it 90°. Remove the cable from the display.

When folded, the display connector may not lock properly and you may end up with white lines on the screen when you use your iPhone. If this happens, unplug the display and reconnect it, and then restart your iPhone. The shortest method To restart, let the battery run for a few seconds.

Connect to the touch screen connector.

Now you can tidy up the screen.

On the back of the screen, unscrew one head screw using a Phillips #000 screwdriver, which will hold the home button.

A screw is tightened and secured to the cable with a fastener with a spring-contact. Before assembly, make sure that the contact spring is installed, as before, between the screw and the screen.

Unscrew the cable.

Install two 1.4mm Phillips #000 head screws.

Remove the bracket that touches the home button.

Insert the spatula under the cable where it comes from the home button. The cable is a little glued to the display module.

Gently move the spatula left and right to glue the cable.

Do not press the button yet; it is still connected to the display module.

If necessary, remove some of the adhesive tape that you pasted on the outside of the display.

Carefully press the buttons from the outer side onto the top left corner.

Don’t try to see the entire button at once, your task is to create only one corner, and then insert a “spatula” there and press it.

The membrane around the button is so thin that you think it might rupture, heat it with a hairdryer and repeat the test.

Remove the button from the display module by carefully pulling and pushing it out using the spatula.

Axle like this...

The button is accepted. You may need to transfer the saw from your old button to the new one.

Using tweezers, carefully pry the rubber band out of the button. The gum is much thinner and much easier to tear. If you feel like you might tear it, heat the button with a hairdryer and try again.

Smartphone Apple tablets clearly differ from products of other brands, not only high vigor, and simplicity in vikoristanny. It’s simply impossible to get lost in the navigation keys on an iPhone, iPad or iPod - there’s only one. However, one of the main advantages Apple devices It is also one of the main shortcomings. The physical Home button can wear out. In this situation, it would be appropriate to see the possibility of it being displayed on the screen.

Quantity required

Please be careful that you do not insure against damage to the Home key. Adding the Dodoma button to the gadget screen will be relevant:

  • for the continued failure of the physical analogue;
  • in case of frequent malfunction and periodic trapping;
  • It is important to avoid damage to the physical button of the virtual one.

In the case of the first two points, displaying the Home button on the screen is the last option. It is only necessary to contact her if there is a genuine guarantee or if you are able to contact the service center.

Display of the virtual DoHome button on the screen of iPhone, iPod, iPad

All versions software security Apple is starting to introduce Assistive Touch in iOS 5, which allows you to display a floating Home button on the display. To activate this function you need:

A virtual Home button will appear on the screen. They will appear on the display regardless of whether the menu or the program is open. You will have to periodically move the edges of the screen to remove any imperfections.

As for the functionality of the button - all the possibilities of the physical analogue of saving. By pressing the virtual Home button, you will see a small menu on the screen, which will show you the options available: Home, take a screenshot, change the volume, lock the screen orientation, open the task bar and etc.

You can also activate Assistive Touch by asking Siri. This will help make life easier for freelancers who know how to navigate the iOS system.

To turn on the Assistive Touch function, repeat the first three items in the list further, then click Deactivate/Off. Since the physical Home button is useful, you can turn on Assistive Touch by tapping it three times.

Video: how to transfer Home to iPhone desktop

Assistive Touch with heat and corisna function. Regardless of its functionality, it is much easier to control an Apple device using the physical Home button. Therefore, at the first signs of the button being pressed, such as jamming, increased friction, etc., it is recommended to go to the service center, as this is a guarantee.