Correction of html and css for the help of the W3C validator. Checking CSS for Validity for Help CSS Validation Service

We have selected a wonderful collection of online services for robots with CSS codes. All these services significantly make life easier for the web retailer. With this help, you can generate a CSS grid for the site, rewrite the code for pardons, adapt the code for different browsers, generate CSS styles based on the styles of the Photoshop ball, edit the code patterns for the background and gradients, squeeze the CSS to increase the visibility of the site. A lot of services that specialize in robotic fonts and visual representations.

The 1Kb CSS Grid
Given only three parameters, a CSS grid is also generated. Also specify the width in pixels.

Grid Designer
More folding service. Customize the CSS for the number of parameters. The other block generates text that will be displayed in columns. At the exit, maybe prepare CSS and HTML template.

CSS Lint
Service for rechecking the code of your site for pardons.

Primer CSS
By pasting the HTML code into the dialog box, you can retrieve a list of all class guesses and IDs, like CSS guesses.

If you enter an external CSS code, then on the output you can select the adaptation code for different browsers.

On this service, you can download and install a JavaScript library with the entered code, as if it could help you when creating the site. I can’t say more precisely, because I haven’t tried it myself, what is it.

Layer Styles
Better service. Based on the customization of the dialog style window, the Photoshop program generates the CSS code.

Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator by ColorZilla
Presented to a large number of gradients and CSS codes, adapted to different browsers.

Allows you to easily create classes and identifiers from one picture

automatic css inliner
Automatically converts all local styles for CSS extensions to customization for mailboxes.

type tester
Allows you to change the writing of different fonts and edit the CSS code of the selected writing style.

The Web Font Combinator
The service allows you to visually look at how different fonts appear in headings, subheadings and in the main text.

Validation is the re-verification of the CSS code for the validity of the CSS2.1 or CSS3 specification. Obviously, the correct code, which avenges pardons, is called valid, and if the specification is not satisfied, it is invalid. The most efficient way to check the code through the site, for the help of this service, you can specify the address of the document, capture the file, or rewrite the typed text. A great plus for the service is the support of Russian and Ukrainian movies.

Rewrite URI

This tab allows you to specify the address of the page placed on the Internet. The http:// protocol can be omitted, it will be added automatically (Fig. 1.42).

Rice. 1.42. Rechecking the document at the address

After entering the address, press the button “Change” and one of the two letters will appear: “Vitaemo! Pardons were not shown at times of success, but unfortunately, we showed the next pardons with an invalid code. Alerts about pardons, or forward the number of the row, the selector and description of the pardon.

Revіriti zavіrity file

This tab allows you to convert HTML or CSS-file and convert it to show pardons (Fig. 1.43).

Rice. 1.43. Rechecking the file for the hour of your interest

The service automatically recognizes the type of the file, and if an HTML document is specified, the style for validation is specified.

Retype text

The rest of the tab is designated for direct input of HTML or CSS code, which will change the style (Fig. 1.44).

Rice. 1.44. Rechecking the entered code

This variant is the most convenient for carrying out various experiments on the code or reverification of small fragments.

Select CSS version

CSS3 has been given a lot of new stylistic powers in the previous version, so the code should be rechecked next to the improved version. For promotion, the service says CSS2.1, so if you want to convert the code to CSS3 validation, you should specify it explicitly. For this click on the text "Additional ability" and in the block from the "Profile" list, select CSS3

Rice. 1.45. Specify the CSS version for revision

class identifier

From time to time there is a super message about the dotality of the selection of identifiers at the verst. The main argument lies in the fact that identifiers are recognized for access by the elements of the web page for additional scripts, and for changing the styles of the elements, it is necessary to switch off and on. There really is not much difference, through which styles are set, but there are also traces of memory about the specific features of identifiers and classes, as well as water stones, which can be checks of retailers.

On the back of the head, the characteristic signs of these selectors are pererakhuyemo.


The code of the document has a skin identifier that is unique and is guilty of inclusions only once.

Identifier name is case sensitive.

Through the getElementById method, you can take access to the element by its identifier and change the power of the element.

The style for the identifier may have higher priority, lower for classes.

Classes can win at the code more than once.

Class names are case sensitive.

Classes can be combined with each other, adding more classes to one tag.


For an hour of work on the web site, you need to change the style of certain elements “on the fly” or put some text in the middle, it’s easier to work with identifiers. The return to the element is accessed through the getElementById method, with the parameter of some name of the identifier. In application 1.70, an identifier with the userName name is added to the text field of the form, then for the help of the JavaScript function, we will try to re-check those that are the correct text in the field. If there is no text, and if the Submit button is clicked, a reminder will be displayed in the middle of the tag with the msg identifier. If everything is correct, these forms are superseded at the address indicated by the action attribute.

Stock 1.70. Rechecking data forms XHTML 1.0 IE 7 IE 8 IE 9 Cr 8 Op 11 Sa 5 Fx 3.6

Form review