GS 8300m refurbishment of the living quarters. The axis of the original diagram of the receiver's living block

At this article, we can repair it with our own hands "tricolor" receiver. This problem is most often blamed for the fact that the warranty term has expired, and the priymach is known to be angry. Buying a new receiver is expensive, carrying it to the service center is the same, indulge yourself for a long time review of satellite TV. Even in rich situations, the breakdown of the outbuilding can be repaired independently, without having to deal with any particular difficulties and great costs. If you can solder together, it’s easier to get yourself into troubles and get rid of them.

As a butt, we will use a receiver for a television broadcaster. Yakіst priymacha zalishaє bazhati kraschoy, oskolki koshtuє vin decently. Prote a lot of subscribers win the receiver itself, and not all of them work correctly.

The main one is the widest problem of the large receivers - the faults in the system of living and the transformation of the voltage. In addition, a short circuit in the LNB coaxial cable often causes damage to the modulator. Only in the rest of the models began to vikoristovuvaty disgraceful zahist, which, when fading, attaches the supply of voltage to the converter, until the faucets stop falling asleep.

Also, there was a problem: the receiver does not turn on and does not give a sign of life, and the indicators of the front panel do not light up. They tried to switch the plug from the socket, turn on / off the toggle switch - it does not help.
Then we choose further. On the back, it is necessary to twist the plug from the socket and remove the top cover for additional twisting. We need to take a look at the electronic filling I will add. Here it is important to remember that we will break the guarantee seal in an hour when the cover is lifted.
Because the warranty term has not yet passed, rather do not lick yourself, otherwise you will not be able to repair your receiver after the warranty.
And if the guarantee has passed and you have no one to rely on, then go ahead - take the seal.

After tidying up the lid, you can make other payments with different components. The stinks are smashed between themselves with tires of darts. The photo shows the deakі pristroї z description. We need to know the fee for eating. There is a transformer installed on it and a pidwid for a lace cord, so it’s not easy to know. First, on which varto turn respect, tse zapobіzhnik, which, as a rule, is installed on the ear of the lanceug. Zapobіzhnik can be of different forms, for example, a glass capsule with a conductor, or a small plastic box, in the yak of the premises of the zapobіzhnik. For another person, it is necessary to remove the lid of the box (you can use tweezers or tweezers) to get to the very zapobіzhnik. Dali it is necessary to check the zapobіzhnik with a tester and a multimeter for opening. If you have burned out, if you are most likely to trap, then go to the radio equipment store, buy the same zapobіzhnik and just remember yoga. As if everything is fine from the foreigner, then we robbed the re-verification given in the Lanziug.

Another element that often breaks down is the transformer without a middle. Such an inconsistency is manifested by the additional mitigation of the voltage on the secondary winding. Replacement of the transformer is not dermal under force. If you are not convinced that you yourself can change yoga, then it’s better to bring your assistant to the repairman, and if you don’t think it’s foldable, then go for it.

There is one more inconvenience - tse vyhіd z fret elektrolitichnogo abo oxide capacitor, scho to stand at the entrance through the hanger. In order to detect this breakdown, it is necessary to know a little about the radio mechanics. A faulty capacitor sings of a yellowish color, so the very base of the bottom on the board can be seen as a small brown flame. In addition, you can change the rated capacity of the capacitor to determine its correctness.
The second place at the receiver transforms the changeable streak at the straight line.

Diodniy mist can also be angry. It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong, the oscillators of the conductor diode have one main function: to pass the strum in one bik, and in the next - not.

In this case, the breakdown was in the transistor of the primary winding of the transformer. Vіn maє a radiator for the introduction of heat, it's easy to know it. The fault was shown as follows: they measured the voltage on the transistor's emitter, there was nothing there, the primary winding was not eating, then, all the details were repaired. The transistor's variance is close to 30 rubles. To replace yoga, we need a soldering iron. Usuvaemo injustice, and - “Hurrah! Zapratsyuvalo!” - The receiver is ok. Significantly, the transistor does not break often, it is more important that the receiver gets out of tune through the zapobіzhnik.

Let's take a look at one more wider inconsistency - the firmware is angry. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya dosit often. I am familiar with the firmware є outside the hang of the receiver. Then we need just a trick.

The reason for the failure of the receiver may be non-yakіsny, non-professional installation. If the insulation of the cable is damaged, then the water from the outside can easily penetrate the inside of the cable and, like a hose, seep into the receiver, flooding the entire inner space. That's why it's necessary to follow the cable, because there's no way to break it or damage the insulation.

Tim, who doesn’t understand anything at the internal annex of the satellite receivers, but whoever cares about it, don’t fall into the house if I break the annex. The service center hasn't swayed anyone. There you can find out about your problem and fahіvtsі help you її virіshiti.

To go out of harmony with various reasons - for the reason and the voltage drop, and the wear of the building itself through the intensive vikoristannya, and the guidance of the singing elements. Here, you can zarahuvat and breakdowns through Vlasnikiv, as if they themselves were solving problems, without looking for those special skills, for example, they incorrectly replaced the firmware on a satellite or cable receiver.

Block of life - maybe, part of the receiver, which is most lame. The block of life can be broken through a non-standard mesh of life, through non-standard radio components (especially on cheap Chinese technology).

Drank and ford can lead to a primary attachment to breakage, creating an incorrect thermal regime.

At the service center, repairs are being carried out and maintenance of the various satellite equipment. Moreover, repairs are carried out by facsimiles and on a professional installation. Practically, whether a faulty part can be replaced with a new one. The term for the repair of stale parts in the presence of parts at the service center. As if it were a detail every day, then її ask the post-employees to take an hour. But in the great serious centers, as a rule, the details are always in evidence.

Let's take a look at one more situation: the receiver is viishov out of tune after the voltage cut. After seeing the cap, it was revealed that the following details had burned out:

  • mesh capacity C5 - 47µFx400V
  • Q1-CS2N60F
  • R8, R11, R13 - skin 3 Om each (tyrosmir 1206)
  • R9 - 47 Ohm (1206)
  • U1 - type of non-values

On the Internet, we found a side with a table about how to recognize and select analogs (for example,, we wonder behind it that we don’t have anything. I will replace the part on the SG6848, in order to minimize the installation of the factory circuit.

We are dismantling faulty parts (the red name is circled in the photo):

  • R8, R11, R13 - 3 ohm (1206)
  • R3, R6 (one of them is possible) - 1 MOm (1206)
  • C3 - 68nF
  • R25 - 3.6kOhm (0805)
  • R26 - 10 kOhm (0805)

We install new parts:

  • Deputy U1 - SG6848
  • zam_st R8, R11, R13 - one resistor 1.8 Om x 0.5W
  • zam_st C3 resistor 100 kOhm (1206)
  • zam_st R26 resistor 33 kOhm
  • zam_st R25 selectable resistor in the range of 10-12 kOm, controlling the voltage 3V3 on the cathode VD8, rated at 11 kOm, U=3.36V (at 10 kOm U=3.28V, at 12 kOm U=3.41V)
  • replacement of burned Q1 - SSS4N60B (case TO-220F).

Video-look: repair of the Tricolor GS8300 receiver (no signal)


On March 28, 2011, it is necessary for all subscribers of "" to receive the GS-8300, GS-8300M and GS-8300N via satellite to version 1.0.157.

Main HK.-T.SP9202P53

Driver for switching OB3350CP
At TV, the sound is turned on, the sound of that image is lost, you can look at the MENU matrix.
When the light is turned on, it will be enough, maybe the light will go out at once, or maybe it will turn off. (After the words of the client)
In the main:
When it was necessary to repair the TV box, it was necessary to repair the air conditioner 5 and it was switched on.
The solution of the problem did not come immediately.
First think about it - light-hearted!
Opening the cap, changing the voltage on the OB3350CP

All the voltage is normal, if it works!
If the voltage is switched on for 2 nodes of 0 volts
Open the panel and look at the light.
Re-verification with an attachment did not show the exact result, as if the light was normal in the stream of great diversity, it is not possible, all the bars shine well.
The only thing that alerted and fell into the eyes, the space in a row of diodes, clearly burned down, on some planks it was lighter, on others it was less.
Vzagali renew all the slats by placing them on the panel and vvіmknuv without a matrix! UPss... The lights blinked and didn't light up.
Aje, before that, as having opened the panel, it worked two or three hvilins and vimikalos.
I've reviewed EVERYTHING again! Everyday problems are normal. Virishiv pereviriti kozhen svetlodiod okremo on spozhivannya strumu, do not know the same critical vіdmіnnosti.
What can you do? TB pratsyuvav, especially taking the repair and together with the client bachiv ideal image.
And now all the lights will go off and immediately go out, the light on the TV panel will turn green, so that the TV is left in working mode, it can be turned off from the maximum concentration limit and turned on again, then the light turns on again and turns off sharply for 2 hours.
After rechecking the voltage on the OB3350CP driver again, everything is normal, but the voltage on 2 nodes is there for a second and immediately appears.
Virishiv, the problem is in the microcircuit itself or in the light diodes. There was no driver like this in reality, having remembered the light on new ones, having bought well not long ago.
Dali zamina svіtlodiodіv did not give a result, all the same, blima blimaє і once rotten.
Having bought two OB3350CPs, remembering all the two, but the result of the same.
Checking that the problem is with the lane, but for cleaning up the code, check again the entire OB3350CP harness. Having cleaned the glue on the roses, the switch is switched on, there are also resistors, washing everything with alcohol and let's do everything with a microscope .... all the rules!

Only one resistor called for summation, for marking vin 01C (10 kΩ) and the axis for re-wiring on Omi miraculously either increases or changes to the norm of 10 kΩ.
Once again, having washed everything and disappeared, the given resistor has been found to be vin pishov at MΩ.

All repairs are completed, the TV is selected and put on the program!
In the photo, the problematic resistor is visible, there was no diagram for the repair, so I called the third leg of the OB3350CP.

Nothing new has been taken, who does not practice that and does not have mercy)) Just a repair ..., I think in this case there will be a black-and-white zavdyak as a resistor with marking 01C.

Repair of the receiver Tricolor GS8300

Hello everyone. Today I will show you the solution, as a broader problem has emerged. One miraculous wound, zbirayuchis marveling at the TV set, embarrassing the black screen. Marveling at the receiver of the tricolor, remembering that the one was dead. 🙂

The GS8300N receiver did not respond to the live feed (the indicators were not saved). So, as a guarantee, I ended a long time ago, having sorted out the device. The picture was unreceivable, burning the receiver's live block. This receiver, like a TV from the day of purchase, was powered through a voltage stabilizer, but it didn’t blow.

The condenser for eating is dry and blown up, due to overheating, the radio elements burned out.

In order not to spread plagiarism from the text of the video, it helped me repair the receiver's live block. The new one describes the repair process in detail. Before that, the scheme of the troch was reworked and pratsyuє vіdmіnno.

I'll show you how to repair it, and then you write it yourself, there's no other way.

  • Microcircuit - 60 rubles
  • Diode - 2 rubles.

If your arms are straight, then that’s out of the way!

After re-verification of the diodes, having revealed one penetration.

The axis is the original diagram of the receiver's living block.

And there's no video! 🙂

Just in case, get radium for thanks. Yakshcho did not understand the obov'yazkovo in the comments. Everything worked out for me the first time and the scheme was reworked to work miraculously.

Obov'yazkovo curl here:

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Hello, today we will try to repair the Tricolor TV receiver with our own hands. Many people are stuck with such a problem, if the guarantee (sound out to become 12 months old) has ended, and the raptom will win out of the way. A new one is expensive, but the most expensive repairs are not in the warehouse of great difficulties and cost a penny, if you want a few comrades with a soldering iron, the main and most widespread faults are easy to fix yourself. We can look at such a repair on the butt of a black receiver from the company "Tricolor TV" GS-8300 N. Needless to say, the device is not the best quality, and pennies, like I take for the new "Tricolor TV", obviously, not costly. But the number of subscribers is large and far from all of them are working properly.

Incorrectness of the lancer of life:

The main and most widespread inadequacy of all receivers is the inadequacy of the lances and the transformation of the voltage. Also, the modulator often goes out of tune through a short circuit in the coaxial cable to the LNB, if you want the remaining models to be garniable in the circuit in the cable, when you use it, the voltage supply to the converter is simply attached until it is shorted to / o.

And so, our receiver does not give any signs of life, the indicators on the front panel display do not light up, and the wire plug from the socket is not plugged in and the toggle switch is switched on does not help us (take it like that with the device, the butt of which is pointed in this article). Nasampered, scho mirobimo, we pull the fork from the string, and take the top cover, we need to get the electronic filling of the device. And here it is important to remember about one river, and about the guarantee seal itself, as we are obviously destructible, as if we were taking a lid. Therefore, once again change your mind, that the warranty term has definitely passed, and for the guarantee nothing will be repaired for you. As if the guarantee is still valid, the rajah should take the priymach to the service center and trust them to the right of the fakhivtsev.

Vіdkrivshi krishku, bachimo drukovanі pay z lіchchyu komponentіv z'ednаnі mіzh themselves bus wires. Below is a photo with a description of some outbuildings on the board. Nasampered, we have to pay a living fee, її it’s not easy to separate for the transformer installed on it, that for the introduction of the lace dart. First, for what animal respect, tse zapobіzhnik. Vіn ring the insertion on the cob of the lanceug. The zapobіzhnik is not obov'yazkovo matima, I will give you the shape (a glassy capsule with a thin conductor of the middle), for example, I have a zapobіzhnik of packing in a small plastic box, and I would like to get right up to the zapobіzhnik, the lid of the box must be removed. It’s even easier to fight, for example, with tweezers. Having left the guard, we check it with a tester or a multimeter for opening. Yakshcho zapobіzhnik zgorіv, sho, before the speech, even more often, let's go to the radio store, buy the same, minyaєmo yoga and that's it. It’s not clear on the right, but we check the details in the distance according to the Lancjug. Often the transformer itself goes out of tune, we can detect such an incompatibility by reducing the voltage on the secondary winding. Needless to say, the transformer can be replaced maybe not leather, if so, then it’s better to put the receiver into the mains, if you’re convinced in your own strength, then go ahead, me, for example, if you don’t have a difficult warehouse.

Receiver middle:

An electrolytic or oxide capacitor, which often hangs at the entrance and goes out of tune, it’s so very wrong, to know such a breakdown can not be skin, it’s necessary for the mother to want to use the radioamator’s ribs. Sound the wrong capacitors may look yellowish, otherwise a small brown sliver on the board was the base of the bottom. So, the correctness of the capacitor can be determined by changing its nominal capacity and decreasing it.

At the receiver, there is a direct strum, which is straightened out of the replacement mesh behind the additional diode bridge. Faults with the third bridge are also trapping. Diodes are easier to reverse, the main function of a conductor diode is to pass a strum in one bik, and not in the other. In my case, the transistor of the primary winding of the transformer was found to be faulty; I determined the failure of the transistor by vibrating the voltage on the yogo emitter, there it was during the day, the primary winding was not eating, but everything else was irritated. The transistor was replaced by me at 28.5 rubles, having replaced it with an additional soldering iron, I put the incompatibility and the receiver back in the working camp. Such a breakdown to finish a rare sight, sound everything will end in favor.

Even more widespread injustice є zlіt firmware. The firmware is often flashed, to the coincidence of which it sounds and hangs outside. In this way, "flashing" will help. I also want to say about one more reason for the failure, as you can blame it through an inaccurate installation. Water at the cable. If the outer insulation of the cable is broken, then the middle can be drained by water from atmospheric fallout and easily drained through a hose into the receiver, sometimes flooding all the fillings. Behind the camp, the cable is followed by a stretch of the usual term for the service of the device.

Electronic attachments will take us everywhere: on the streets, on robots, at home. With the fast growth and accessibility of satellite television for a wide audience, a wide choice of satellite television for the population has appeared. All satellite receivers, smart access modules, antennas, converters, etc. We want to mi chi nі, but sooner or later, breakdowns are traced with them, yakі yelling almost in your favorite speech.

Fall at the vіdchay not varto - for tsgogo є servіsnі tsentr, in yakі you can turn around and you will be helped to turn your technique to life.

Breakdowns of equipment are due to various reasons - voltage drops, voltage fluctuations, wear and tear of the equipment itself due to its important century, so the incompetence of the technicians themselves can be indicated, say, the replacement of software security in satellite and cable receivers is wrong.

Breakdown of the block of life is the most widespread type of malfunction of digital terminals. Vaughn is to blame for various reasons: neakіsna mérezha zhivlennya (divine photo), zastosovani not yakіsnі radio components, especially those de facto in Chinese technology.

So, you can see damage to the exploitation here, saw, ford, the thermal regime is not correct for this (div. photo).

The service center is a structural support at the warehouse of the company. Not only repair and maintenance of products that are sold by our company, but also repair (including warranty) of satellite equipment of other companies has been put on the new one. Our clients are not only private individuals - coristuvachi, and the company-dealers have the opportunity to save their buyers from the problems caused by repairs and maintenance of receivers. The Gnuchka policy of "no corporate borrowers" allows us to provide reliable service and satisfy the interests of all groups of clients. Cost over 1000 pieces of equipment per month. Such great commitments allow, especially, the professionalism of specialists, the equipment of the service center with professional equipment, tools and technical documentation. Therefore, in our service center, high complexity repairs are needed: for example, the replacement of processors in BGA cases. Repair is required in the shortest term.

Vіddіl deliveries krіm іn іїїї її її ї її ї ї її ї її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї obladnannya, so it itself takes care of the needs of the service center, purchasing components necessary for repair. And here it’s important to note that the purchase of components for repair is subject to such criteria: on the first place, the number of parts, on the other, the price, but for the great deal of the supply of parts, the price as a result is low.
All registrations are submitted electronically and are registered at the database. Tse allows you to easily see different stages of the repair process. There is a guarantee for the Vikonan robot.

Of course, there are unforeseen moments - for some reason the repair will be delayed. Sound like a scarce radio component. Hourly repair means a new replacement of the mother's payment, but the repair part does not start in reality. In this way, we are trying to know if it is a better solution in common with the client, looking at his favor, according to our abilities.

The receiver died after a haircut at the edge.

When separated, they showed such that they went out of tune:
- mesh capacity C5 - 47µFx400V
- Q1 - CS2N60F
- R8, R11, R13 - leather 3 Om (tyrosmir 1206)
- R9 - 47 Ohm (1206)
- U1 - for marking on the case, the type is not visible.

Behind the table of recognition and selection of analogues, the remaining part was replaced by SG6848 with minimal factory wiring.
Dismantling: (covered in the photo with a chervonim)
- R8, R11, R13 - 3 ohm (1206)
- R3, R6 (one of them is possible) - 1 MOm (1206)
- C3 - 68nF
- R25 - 3.6 kOhm (0805)
- R26 - 10 kOhm (0805)
- Deputy U1 – SG6848
- substitute R8, R11, R13 - one resistor 1.8 Om x 0.5W
- zam_st C3 resistor 100 kOm (1206)
- zam_st R26 resistor 33 kOhm
- zam_st R25 select a resistor in the range of 10-12 kOm, controlling the voltage 3V3 on the VD8 cathode. I zupinivsya on nominal 11 kOm, U=3.36V (at 10 kOm U=3.28V, for 12 kOm U=3.41V)

Replacement of burnt Q1 was installed SSS4N60B (TO-220F case)

PSU diagram GS-8300

A power supply diagram was hiccupped on the telesatellite.

Є inaccuracies:
1. The lower winding of the primary winding can be connected
to the anode connection point D6 and drain Q1
2. The positional designation of C2 and C3 is incorrect. С3 can be connected up to the 3rd vysnovku
U1, C2 to the 4th U1.
3. Nominal C3=68nF
4. There are two capacitors C1 on the diagram
5. Daily C12
6. The primary land is designated as secondary.
7. Daily C8
8. Q2 - MOSFET NTD14N03R
9. Nominal C11=2200pF
10. Type D8 = SR560
11. The positional designation of U3 and U4 is wrong - you need to remember the missions.
12. Rating C5=47µF

How not to work AV output

Power supply:

The receiver is switched on by LNB 18 volts. There is no video signal, it gets very hot (finger is not trimmed) stv 6419..can you not get video for it? Is there no other point? (In the sense of a larger video signal, take no sound?) The receiver is switching channels.

Receiver GS 8300N does not send video or audio signal through scart to TV, channels are muted on the receiver panel.


the video signal from the STi5119ALC work can be checked with an oscilloscope at the control point opposite the capacitor C117, then it comes to the resistor R87 and is transmitted to the capacitor C129 and then goes to the STV6419 microcircuit, there is no output on R91, the fault is not 2TV on the 3rd leg S416 12 volt D3 rose life

Bula is such a conclusion: if you want to win only a composite video signal, then you can just skip it for everything (replace it with a jumper). And where do you put a jumper? yakscho tse right porada.

Incorrect VD3 (VD3 stabilitron at 12 V) on the mother board by order of the rose of life.

Zener diode brand and parameters:

Power supply +12V for 3 leg STV6419 ...
According to the language: rose XP5 9th leg ---> R81(300 Om) + stabilizer VD3 (12V) = stabilizer +12V ---> L3 ---> 3rd leg STV6419.

Zener diode analogue:

VD3 STV6419 similar zener diode (SMD) is unknown. Putting glass stabilitron 0.5 watt size with diode kd522 . So far, the watering is normal.

How the replacement of the zener diode did not help:

After a thunderstorm, 6419 was blown away. After the replacement of the image did not appear, but at the hour of the re-checking of the strapping, two resistors were cut off in the shave, R91, R95. Having replaced everything, everything was fixed.

One more problem:

And yet, on LNB zamіst 13, 18 Volts went 24V. Need a replacement DA1 (LM317T). I'm all, the policy is normal

The same situation with the GS-8304 receiver:

After 5 years of work, the GS-8304 stopped working, although the indication worked correctly.
The stabilitron struck on the short circuit ... Zener diode brand MMZE5242B.

GS 8300 is the first receiver in line receivers for Tricolor TV, which supports the MPEG-4 compression format and the DVB-S2 standard. The first receiver, which receives over 150 channels. It can be said that a new era of receivers for receiving Tricolor TV has begun. Kumedno, but it started to work out like a bagatioh receivers for Tricolor TB due to problems of a different nature. Either the receiver is active for a long time, then the cards are not bachiv.

Ale. At the result, the stability of the robotic primach was still upgraded with new firmware. This material is not for the hell of the GS 8300 receiver, but about those of which wines are added. Let's take a look.

It can be said that on which receiver the receiver has a hand in the power supply of the MPEG-4 DVB-S2 operator's receivers. And judging by the number of receivers GS 8300 in the hands of the coristuvachs, this experiment goes on. The GS 8300 receiver is equipped with a smart access card, but the axis of the GS 8300M receiver does not have an access card - the receiver itself has a firmware chip.

Acceptance of prompts on the processor STi5119, 4 MB FLASH memory, 16 MB total RAM - a ridiculous volume for the GS 9303 or GS U510. Ale y class in priymach razny, even 8XXX series does not support channels in HD format.

Otzhe. Below is a photo of the motherboard of the GS 8300 receiver. Maybe someone will have such a photo.

GS 8300 - hot looking pay

And now different universities close-up

And in the photo below is the capacitor for the life block. The block of life for the photo is no longer old, but replace it later. І the capacitor in the new one is the same as the lower one, in the original PSU. Wanting the rating of the capacitor itself - a lot.

And the axis is another element. You can write in the comments about yoga confession. I myself did not delve into what nutrition.

The axis is such that I have a snapshot of the filling of the primer for Tricolor TB - GS 8300. That's all for cym.