Sovereign Kremlin Palace: International conference "Russian World: today and tomorrow." International conference “Russian World: today and tomorrow Space speak Russian”

On June 21, 2017, the Sovereign Kremlin Palace (Moscow) hosted the International Conference “Russian World: Today and Future”, timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Russian World Foundation. Its participants included popular and political figures from Russia and abroad, writers and cultural figures, writers of Russian language and literature, diplomats, clergy and journalists of Russia. yskiy spіvvіchniki who represent more than 80 countries of the world.
The participants of the meeting looked at the nutrition of identity and consolidation of the Russian world, the preservation of the classical decline and the development of Russian language and culture.
The conference gave all participants the opportunity not only to give an almost authoritative assessment of leading experts, but also to formulate their thoughts in the format of an open dialogue on the current problems of Russian trade abroad.

The Russkiy Mir Foundation, based on the Decree of the President of Russia dated 21 June 2007, is active in promoting Russian language and culture abroad. Over the past ten years, the foundation, on the basis of partnership, has opened over 250 Russian centers and offices in 76 countries around the world, supported nearly three thousand grants and partnership projects of cultural, educational and direct i. The foundation's current partners include nearly five thousand organizations and are established in more than one hundred countries around the world. With the support and participation of the foundation, special scholarship programs are being implemented for students, postgraduate students and young scientists, and there are daily assistants and multimedia guides from Russian literature and, great international conferences and large-scale public events are held.
Since 10 years ago, the Russkiy Mir Foundation received a lot of greetings and greetings.

“Behind this anniversary, the foundation’s truly dedicated work is aimed at promoting the Russian language and the values ​​of Russian culture beyond the border, expanding humanitarian work,” says the President and Russia of Volodymyr Putin. Greetings to V.V. Putin from the stage were read by the intercessor of the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Magomedsalam Magomedov. He also guessed that the Russian world is, first of all, spiritually rich. The number of all who are united by their commitment to the share of Russia.
The first intercessor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Valentina Pereverzeva, handed over the law to the Head of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev and the head of the Ministry of World Affairs, Olga Vasilyeva. The head of the Russian Federation urged that this conference become an effective platform for the exchange of information and give a start to new projects.

The intercessor of the head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Irina Yarova, gave a heartfelt speech and read out the testimony of the Speaker of the Russian Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin.
Yarova praises that the Russkiy Mir Foundation is celebrating a high humanitarian mission today. “The Russian World brings the truth,” said the deputy. At the same time, the Russian World does not impose anything on anyone, but respects its tradition and values, respecting Yarov.
On behalf of the State Duma, Leonid Slutsky, head of the Committee of the Russian Federation for International Relations, also addressed the participants of the Jubilee Conference.
According to Slutsky, the Russkiy Mir Foundation is the main structure that will ensure the savings of the Russian language as a cement box for the health of the Russian Federation. By putting the effective work of the fund in the butt of other Russian organizations.

The 10-Richs were greeted by the Russkiy Mir Foundation and the head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Lyubov Glebova, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, also read the greetings.
At his own expense, the permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea under the President of the Russian Federation, Georgy Muradov, transferred the position of head of the Crimea to Sergius Aksionov.
A welcome gift for those present was the greeting from the commander of the 52nd expedition to the ISS, Fyodor Yurchikhin, who conveyed greetings from aboard the space station and said that the Russian language “sounds in space” and is part of the training program for all astronauts TV

The following greetings were read:

  • from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
  • from the Head of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev
  • from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S. V. Lavrov
  • from the head of the Russian Federation L. N. Glebova
  • from the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyeva
  • from the Head of the Republic of Crimea S. V. Aksionov

The Russkiy Mir Foundation celebrated the 10th anniversary of the celebration in Derzhavny
Kremlin Palace. Moscow 21 chernya 2017 r

The “Russian World” Foundation counted 21 cherches from the day of its establishment in the State Kremlin Palace and requested citizens from 80 countries to attend the international conference “Russian World: Today and the Future.”

In honor of this significant date, the President of Russia Volodymyr Putin sent a message to the Russian World Foundation to the address of the Russian Federation. By the Decree of the Head of the Russian State on June 21, 2007, a Foundation was created to popularize Russian language and ethnic culture beyond the borders. “I hope that the “Russian World” will play an important, integral role for everyone who cherishes Russia, who maintains a spiritual connection with it, feels honored to continue their comprehensive activity aimed at the implementation of patriotic, “lighting, informational and educational projects, for the appreciation of our contributions from sportsmen, and the enhancement of intercultural contacts,” says the message from the President of Russia to the participants of the celebration. For 10 years, the Foundation has opened over 250 Russian centers and offices of Russian language and literature in 76 countries. In addition, nearly 3 thousand grants and partnership projects of a cultural, educational and social nature have been supported. There are approximately 270 million people in the world today who speak Russian. About this figure, the supers and debates are still not understood, and they continued in a friendly manner during the end of the conference.

Vyacheslav Nikonov and Lyudmila Verbitska were in charge of the tenfold tradition, participants and guests of the Russian World Foundation. President of the Russian Academy of Education, head of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Lyudmila Verbitska, called the creation of the foundation in early 2007 a “historic idea.” Vyacheslav Nikonov - the head of the board of the Russian World Foundation, the head of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science - emphasizes that “for the Russian world nothing has been destroyed until everything has been destroyed.” The message was sent to the address of the forum participants by the Head of the Russian Federation Dmitro Medvedev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergiy Lavrov, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, the Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin, member of the Committee State Duma for Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarova, Head of the State Duma Committee from international rights Leonid Slutsky, Head of the Ministry of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksionov. A special message to the conference delegates was heard from outer space.

Space speak Russian!

Fedir Yurchikhin, the crew commander of the 52nd Expedition of the International Space Station, spoke directly to those present at the State Kremlin Palace. A man of a heroic profession, he succinctly guessed the key stages of space exploration, which began with the Russian word, Russian language. According to the words of Fyodor Yurchikhin, 60 years ago, on the 4th of June 1957, with the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, the cosmic era of mankind began. “The many glorious milestones of the first people in the explored space were created by our explorers - pioneers,” said the cosmonaut. - The first human in space, the first female cosmonaut, the first flight of a spacecraft on the Moon, the first soft landing on Venus, Mars, the first rich spacecraft, the first exit into outer space, the first orbital station - how many more are there? current pages will be entered into the history of Russian cosmonautics"?!

The cosmonaut added: “We rightfully write that the Russian language has greatly advanced into the space life, becoming an invisible part of the middle class of other peoples - “satellite”, “monthly”, “World”, “ d", "Union", - This is far from a complete list. Space people speak different languages, and Russian is one of the main space languages.” According to the words of F. Yurchikhin, all cosmonauts and astronauts on board the ISS are killed in the sum of Russian and English language. “Since 1995, when Norman Thagard became the first American to fly into space on a Russian ship, the Russian language obligated to train astronauts. Space speak Russian. I’m just happy that our efforts, based on the adopted Russian language, are to unite people on Earth and between them,” said Fedir Yurchikhin, Russian cosmonaut, crew commander of the 52nd ISS Expedition, at the end.

“It’s wise to save us”

Deputy of the State Duma, member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarova spoke about the need to save these greatest, “to give us the meaning that we have saved and will save for the century. "The Russian world and our glorious Fatherland." Vaughn guessed that representatives of the Russkiy Mir Foundation from various countries gathered for a conference ahead of the biggest date - the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. “On the very 22nd of 1941, fascism believed that it could invade the Russian world, voice the war of the Russian world, - and the richly national Russian people, united by the Russian, foreign culture, United by the Family, standing up for protection not only for ourselves, but for to the whole world against fascism,” Irina Yarova said. The deputy of the sovereign Dumi, begged for the forum, was sorry for the pity of the drive, the yak is still slyly Pam'yat about those, “Sama Russian Mir, having screamed all the fascism of the fascism of the victim, the husband Ipovyddano”.

“Women and children, elderly people, men and women - all the peoples of great Russia stood up for the protection of not only their own family, but for the protection of, including Europe, which lost its head before fascism, which respected the possible e" get on your knees " It’s melodious, in which lies the greatness of the Russian world - that it “doesn’t get on its knees.” In the words of Irina Yarovaya, “in today’s world, the greatest deficit is the deficit of truth.” “There is a lack of justice, a lack of creative mutualism,” the deputy said. - The Russian world itself is conceiving today’s greatest humanitarian mission - a mission of security for all humanity, preaching the truth about how today’s people can and will be responsible for their lives, no matter what power - relying on our cultural identity and our national sovereignty.”

Irina Yarova stated that the Russian world “does not impose anything, but rather preserves those that Volodya himself holds - his soul and his language, his tradition, his right to speak the world’s truth and his right to protect his own Domivka". from terrorism, from information wars, from the imposition of the evil ones to justify what destroys traditional values, including family values.” Therefore, it can be said without exaggeration that the Russian world today is in line with the provision of national security , in the ranks of fundamentally humanitarian human values,” added Irina Yarova.

Those who are important to the nutritional identity and consolidation of the Russian world, nutritional conservation and the development of Russian language and Russian culture have arrived at the forum - cementing the foundations of the Russian world and promoting the ways of the world . Over these ten years, fresh forces have poured into the Russian world, a growing generation of spivtichniks, which resulted in a rich dialogue during the plenary session and thematic discussions at the round table. They suffered the fate of the sovereign leaders of the various levels, deputies of the State Duma, representatives of the Administration of the President of Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, ceremonies of the largest provinces and foreign universities, all kinds of political figures of the Russian abroad, clergy, ancient times, honored artists of the country, writers, diplomats, clergymen libraries, journalism. In a conversation with the magazine “Mizhnarodne Zhittya” Many of the forum participants shared their thoughts about different approaches to solving this and other problems, their ideas about the role of Russian language in the world.

Olena Koreeda - founder and ceramicist of the Tokyo School of Russian Language, Literature and Mystery "Lingvadar", founder of the "Living Russian Word" festival, vice-president of the Business for the Speech of Russian Languages ​​in Japan and Keriev nickname of the Gotayo Trading House.

Japan, Tokyo. Olena Koreeda is the founder and ceramicist of the Tokyo School of Russian Language, Literature and Mystery “Lingvadar”, as well as the founder of the “Living Russian Word” festival, vice-president of the Business for the Slovak Republic in Japan and Ceremony of the Gotayo Trading House.

“I respect that the main problem of the development and expansion of the Russian language on the territory of Japan is its shortage. Russian language now in Japan demands very clearly. Remnants of the offending countries - both Russia and Japan - are aiming for maximum rapprochement, integration, and increasing the implementation of offending projects. Business stakes, both in Japan and in Russia today, are concentrated in professionals, who are mostly involved in both languages ​​- Russian and Japanese. This spring, our Lighting Center launched a new course, which will be called “Russian language in the business environment of Japan.” Our graduates, including children over 12 years of age, are preparing to enter a great life. They will master the Russian language that will meet the professional requirements in the business stakes of Japan. “I respect that the main problem is the correct presentation of knowledge about the language, which will give our children the opportunity immediately after completing our courses and at the time of learning to begin effectively learning.”

Alexander Trubetskoy is the head of the Presidium of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, the head of the United Memory of the Imperial Guard, created in France in the 20th century. guards officers, and a member of the movement “For the crossover of the Orthodox Russian tradition in Western Europe.”

France Paris. Alexander Trubetskoy is the head of the Presidium of the Russian World Foundation, the head of the United Memory of the Imperial Guard, created in France in the 20th century. guards officers, and a member of the movement “For the crossover of the Orthodox Russian tradition in Western Europe.” “I came to this place at the request of the “Russian World”, which I support from now on, as we know. The Russian World Foundation for me is a continuation of this Russian idea, as Solovyov, Berdyaev, Ilyin and many other Russian thinkers wrote about, who saw Russia not as ordinary people, but as a Russian people this idea, the Russian world. I will also add the words of Ivan Bunin, who himself was an emigrant of the “first wave”, having analyzed the share of Russians who settled without Russia. And I said a very important phrase about those who “we are not to blame for respecting ourselves in the exile, but in the envoy.” So it turned out that we are messengers of the Russian world and the Russian idea everywhere we live.

Since there is a need for the young generation of foreign speakers to become familiar with the Russian language, we can detect a trend towards the adoption of the Russian language, which is important to know, so that it can be easily spilt. I have a lot of ideas if young people decide to return to Russia, make friends in Russia, live and work in Russia in the same way, as one of the friends is Russian or for the minds that offended foreigners, and in one from Podruzhya flow to a quarter of Russian shelter. So it’s not a shame - Russophobia, but a deep love for Russia.”

Oleksandr Chepurny is the president of the Russian House Association in Alicante.

Spain, Alicante. Oleksandr Chepurny is the president of the Russian House Association in Alicante. "Russian Budynok" was founded in 2012. Our movement - Russian spivvitchniks - began in 2004 with the organization of the Association of Emigrants from the Contiguous European Countries “Alicante in Russian”. During this time, we have gained a lot of knowledge, gained knowledge, and now great projects are being carried out. Zokrema, I am the coordinator of the Russian European project, in which several countries (FRN, Finland, Spain) participate, and Spain is the coordinator. I am a member of the Community for Emigration of the city of Alicante and I know that our spivitch researchers are working on serious projects. For example, a month ago we erected a monument to Yuri Gagarin in Alicante - a bronze bust with a pedestal at the entrance to the Polytechnic University of the province of Alicante - until now a pedestrian alley has been established. Assessing this project from a metaphysical point of view, we can say that we have put “the point of Russian power” in our place - this is already symbolic for the province of Alicante, as there are still fates to be feared This is the boom among the citizens of Russia. Now we can create strategic goals for our diaspora, since in order to promote their interests, it is necessary to be careful. And in the meantime, we have the largest growing diaspora, for which many people have come to their permanent place of residence, leading to Western Africa and Latin America.”

Marina Bort is the Vikon's director of the Partnership of Russian Fathers and Teachers of Berlin.

FRN, Berlin. Marina Bort is the Vikon's director of the Partnership of Russian Fathers and Teachers of Berlin. “We are taking part in the activities of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, and we are well aware of the foundation; they have repeatedly issued grants to the foundation. Two fates of this were established in Berlin on the basis of our organization of 11 Russian centers. The efficiency of their robots is even higher. Our center specializes in increasing knowledge and awareness in support of child bilingualism. Our organization became the organizer and creator of a series of German-Russian nurseries. We already have eleven of them and plus two international schools named after M.V. Lomonosov. Within the framework of the Russian Center in Berlin, we assist other large organizations in the diaspora to organize new structures, expand and encourage the possibility of rejuvenating the Russian language. In this case, not on the basis of conducting two-year courses per week, but we are teaching them within the framework of institutes and schools, starting from the kindergarten, to conduct life in a similar way to the Russian language in parallel with what they are doing in their He's edgy. The Russkiy Mir Foundation finances the work of the Russian Center in Berlin, and all our structures are financed by the German state.”

David Gotsiridze - Director of the Institute of Russian Studies of the Tbilisi State University, Member of the Presidium of MAPRYAL, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Georgian Academy of Education, General Secretary of the Association of Russian Studies in Georgia.

Georgia, Tbilisi. David Gotsiridze - Director of the Institute of Russian Studies of the Tbilisi State University, Member of the Presidium of MAPRYAL, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Georgian Academy of Education, General Secretary of the Association of Russian Studies in Georgia, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor and represents Georgian Russianists at the forum in the Kremlin. " Thank God, the period when the problem of the Russian language in Georgia was acute has passed. In fact, the situation was escalated individually under Saakashvili. Russian language in Georgia is taught in schools, it’s not what people speak. But, as in the general world, the Imperialization of the English language is underway. I respect that the Russian language has the maximum chance of winning its positions, some older generation of Georgians are engaged in intensive propaganda of the Russian language, holding various events - competitions, Olympiads, readings. In Georgia, we actually managed to maximize the role and importance of the Russian language.”

Among the conference participants there were a large number of Muscovites - leaders of state and civil institutions and organizations. Among them is Tetyana Blinova, head of the department of promising development of the Russian State Library (RDB). " We are working with the Russkiy Mir Foundation, we have had several projects from the virtual reading rooms of our library in the representatives of the Russkiy Mir Foundation,” Tetyana Blinova told International Life. - I am confident that the project will be renewed, and we will be able to provide access to the collections of the RDB library to our spivitch workers who are behind the border and who represent representatives of the Russian World Foundation in their countries. Our cooperation was formed already a long time ago - we worked with the Interstate Cooperation Fund of the SND and interacted with representatives of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, highlighting our mutual interests. The RDB maintains a significant fund of Russian materials, and, of course, our research scholars will have access to the electronic resources of the library at the station.”

At the end of the international conference “Russian World: Identity and Consolidation” a Resolution was adopted. It is clear from her that all participants in the forum “understand the Russian world as a unique civilizational phenomenon, the spiritual complexity of people regardless of their nationality, religion and Christianity unites love for Russia, interest in its history and culture, and Russian language , respect to the share of Russia, as it was, and will lose the heart of the Russian world." The resolution also contains a number of intentions, such as “increasing support” for the passage of Russian language and literature beyond the cordon, including on the sovereign level. “Expand the information space of the Russian world” by conveying the truth about Russia. “Give special respect to educational programs” for the children of the spivvitch workers behind the cordon. Support the Russian youth movement. In general, this is a program for ten years ahead, and for its implementation there is a need to “earn everything,” as the head of the board of the Russian World Foundation, Vyacheslav Nikonov, reinforced the vital word.

Members of the so-called “Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people”, detained in Russia, who were going to lead the “foot march” to the frontier, would have tied him up, as if the coronavirus pandemic had disappeared, said the deputy of the State Duma Ruslan Balbek, .... Russian parliamentarians in the first reading praised the draft law, which establishes a new day of military glory, writes the Parliamentary Gazette. The authors of the document propose to move the day of the end of the Other World War from the 2nd spring to the coming day - the 3rd spring..... The Volunteer Movement has buried all the regions of Russia. Volunteers will help summer people who are at risk of coronavirus infection, and people who are self-isolating. Behind the words of the head of the Association of Volunteer Centers Artem Metalevi, participants in the All-Russian .... A center for helping those sick with coronavirus is going to be created by the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, RIA Noviny reports. It will be organized on the basis of the hospital of St. Alexis. At the synodal branch of the Moscow Patriarchate from the relationship of the Church with marriage and serpents .... Photos of forty-seven exhibitions of the State Tretyakov Gallery are published in the Yandex.Collection section cii". The leading museum of Russian painting has presented the latest photo archive of its exhibitions for the first time, TASS reports. At the photo archive.... The publication "Enlightenment" has published a new book by the famous historian and politician, head of the State Committee on Education and Science, head of the board of the "Russian World" Foundation, Vyacheslav Nikonov, "Unmemory. Who started a world war for each other,” the press service reported....

21 chernya 2017 roku in the State Kremlin Palace (Moscow) was held International conference “Russian world: today and tomorrow”, Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the event for the Russkiy Mir Foundation. Its participants included popular and political figures from Russia and abroad, writers and cultural figures, writers of Russian language and literature, diplomats, clergy and journalists of Russia. yskiy spіvvіchniki who represent more than 80 countries of the world.

The participants of the meeting looked at the nutrition of identity and consolidation of the Russian world, the preservation of the classical decline and the development of Russian language and culture.

The conference gave all participants the opportunity not only to give an almost authoritative assessment of leading experts, but also to formulate their thoughts in the format of an open dialogue on the current problems of Russian trade abroad.

The Russkiy Mir Foundation, based on the Decree of the President of Russia dated 21 June 2007, is active in promoting Russian language and culture abroad. Over the past ten years, the foundation, on the basis of partnership, has opened over 250 Russian centers and offices in 76 countries around the world, supported nearly three thousand grants and partnership projects of cultural, educational and direct i. The foundation's current partners include nearly five thousand organizations and are established in more than one hundred countries around the world. With the support and participation of the foundation, special scholarship programs are being implemented for students, postgraduate students and young scientists, and there are daily assistants and multimedia guides from Russian literature and, great international conferences and large-scale public events are held.

Since 10 years ago, the Russkiy Mir Foundation received a lot of greetings and greetings.

“Behind this anniversary, the foundation’s truly dedicated work is aimed at promoting the Russian language and the values ​​of Russian culture beyond the border, expanding humanitarian work,” says the President and Russia of Volodymyr Putin. Greetings to V.V. Putin from the stage, read by the intercessor of the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Magomedsalam Magomedov. He also guessed that the Russian world is, first of all, spiritually rich. The number of all who are united by their commitment to the share of Russia.

First patron of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Valentina Pereverzeva handed over the law to the Head of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the Head of the Ministry of World Affairs Olga Vasilyeva. The head of the Russian Federation urged that this conference become an effective platform for the exchange of information and give a start to new projects.

Intercessor of the Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Irina Yarova came out from a bright promo and read out the testimony of the Speaker of the Russian Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin.

Yarova praises that the Russkiy Mir Foundation is celebrating a high humanitarian mission today. “The Russian World brings the truth,” said the deputy. At the same time, the Russian World does not impose anything on anyone, but respects its tradition and values, respecting Yarov.

On behalf of the State Duma, he also addressed the participants of the Jubilee Conference Leonid Slutsky, Head of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation with international references.

According to Slutsky, the Russkiy Mir Foundation is the main structure that will ensure the savings of the Russian language as a cement box for the health of the Russian Federation. By putting the effective work of the fund in the butt of other Russian organizations.

The 10-year greetings were welcomed by the Russian World Foundation and the head of the Russian Federation Lyubov Glebova, Also read by the dear Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov.

U chergu, permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea under the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Muradov having transferred the legacy from the head of Krim to Sergiy Aksionov.

The welcome gift for those present was a gift from the commander of the crew of the 52nd expedition to the ISS Fedora Yurchikhina, Who conveyed greetings from aboard the space station and said that the Russian language “sounds in space” and is included in the training program for all astronauts.

Conference program

08:30-9:55 - registration of participants

09: 55- 11:00 - formal ceremony at the end of the conference

11:00-12:15 - panel discussion “Russian world: identity and consolidation” (moderator - Nikonov V. A.)

12: 15-12:45 - break

12: 45-14:00 - panel discussion “Texts of the Russian World: classics and modernity” (led by L. A. Verbitska)

14: 00- 15:30 - p ERER for lunch

15:30-17:00 - presentations by conference participants in the “Open Tribune” format (moderators Nikonov V. A., Verbitska L. A.)

17:00-18:00 - Christmastide greetings for the 10th anniversary of the Russkiy Mir Foundation. Concert.

18:00-19:00 - departure from Vasylivsky descent to the river pier (Taras Shevchenko embankment, hotel "Ukraine"), boarding the motor ship of the "Redisson Royal" flotilla

19:00-21:30 - walk around Moscow River and evening on ships

21:30-22:30 - departure to the Izmailovo Hotel

On June 21, 2017, the Sovereign Kremlin Palace held an international conference in Moscow « Russian world: today and tomorrow » , Timed to 10-Richya creation of the fund " Russian world" Its participants included popular and political figures from Russia and abroad, writers and cultural figures, writers of Russian language and literature, diplomats, clergy and journalists of Russia. yskiy spіvvіchniki who represent more than 80 countries of the world. The conference was presented by the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia Russian Orthodox Church (Titov).

The President of the Dnieper Moldavian Republic took part in the discussion Vadim Krasnoselsky, I guessed that exactly 25 years ago a peacekeeping mission began in Transnistria. On June 19, 1992, Moldova introduced troops into Bendery, as a result of which hundreds of people died. As soon as Vadim Krasnoselsky was supported, Russia itself decided to start a brotherly war.

We chose the Russian world and this is our right,- supported by Vadim Krasnoselsky.

And today, a number of Russian and Transnistrian military forces, as well as Moldavian and Ukrainian guards, take part in the peacekeeping mission. As a result of their consolidation, decisions were made within a short period of time without losing service to the military service. All the lands on the banks of the Dniester will continue to be in the center of the Western Western World, according to the President of the Dnieper Moldavian Republic.

Volatile Fund with 10-year anniversary, Member of the European Parliament Tetyana Zhdanok She noted how much has been accumulated in this short hour and how important it is that the fund does not share the savings of the Russian language, but rather reports on efforts for the collection of the Russian world. And it appears right at the moment when the Setting World experiences not a split, but a clear transformation:

Europe, as until recently, was left to itself. You can say that they were awakened from their slumber. And the exit of Great Britain from the European Union became such a “wake-up call”, - Zhdanok said.

And now the European Parliament is reluctant to talk about those who are not to blame for the deprivation of rights of EU citizens who live in Great Britain. In Aunt Zhdanok’s opinion, there is a direct analogy with the citizens of the USSR, who after its disintegration appeared “behind the cordon” and had limited rights, as happened in the Baltic countries:

For a long time, foreign rights activists have respected the fact that Russians have no rights. “And now the problem of non-community may affect them themselves,” the deputy told the European Parliament.

The problem of Russophobia also came up. Behind these words, almost every day in the European Parliament there are many other meetings and hearings, where the rhetoric towards Russia sounds completely “crazy”. The parliamentarian respects the need to stand up - for example, by uniting those people who understand Russia and believe in it. For the first time, the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church was present and spoke at the meeting with the Russkiy Mir Foundation Korniliy(Titov).

Vin started his speech with quotes from the great commander Oleksandra Suvorova:

We are Russianslike a hoarding! It is clear that we are preserving for thousands of years the Russian soul, the Russian faith, and the Russian language, regardless of all the shouts. An Old Believer, who has never submitted to another power, cannot help but be a Russian in spirit. Calling the Old Believers the finest part of his tribe Oleksandr Solzhenitsyn. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian supremacy was widely known that the people of Russia, rich in merchant and industrial dynasties, rich in culture, science and art, the Old Believers were important. And the Old Believers themselves are the strength of the Russian land.

With the support of President Putin, a number of steps are being taken to add Russian, and perhaps international, scale to the holy Russian spirit.- Vladik cheered.

At his speech, Metropolitan Cornelius read the memoirs of the poet’s verse Mikoli Nekrasova about the Old Believers:

They sent a bunch of Russians,
The wilderness is terrible, for the split.
They were given their freedom;
Rick has gone a long way.

Commissars go there,
Lo and behold, the village is already standing,
Rigi, Sarai, Komori!
At the forge the hammer is knocking...

We visited the river again,
A new miracle was discovered:
Residents gathered bread
From the first barren land...

This is how it is done in the capital,
Viris Velizny Posad -
The will and work of the people,
Create miracles! ..

The hall warmly received the Metropolitan's speech, which became a brightening testimony of how much the theme of the Old Believers was present.

It’s really great that our Fatherland is working harder and harder to devour us. Let us, at the same time, like the same-blooded Russian people, support each other and create paths for the revival of our Fatherland Russia, - the head of the Old Believer Church finished his speech.

Head of the Board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation V'yacheslav Nikonov Having suggested that the 400-strong Archpriest Avakum could be one of the shares of the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

Russkiy Mir Foundation, creations on Vikonannya Decree of the President of Russia view 21 chernya 2007 roku, There are ongoing activities to popularize the Russian language and culture beyond the border. Over the past decade, the partnership-based fund has revealed more 250 Russian centers and offices in 76 countries around the world, kept in order three thousand grant and partnership projects of cultural, educational and social directness. With the support and participation of the foundation, special scholarship programs are being implemented for students, postgraduate students and young scientists, and there are daily assistants and multimedia guides from Russian literature and, great international conferences and large-scale public events are held. The active partners of the Russkiy Mir Foundation are foreign Old Believers in the places of their compact residence, and the most active of them are the communities under their heads Theodora Silviu. This past anniversary conference of the “Russian World” clearly showed that further rich cooperation between the “Russian World” Foundation and the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church has potential for development.